Experience Tours from Lisbon to Morocco

tours from lisbon to morocco

Table of Contents

Embark on an unforgettable adventure and take tours from Lisbon to Morocco . You could book a 5 days tour from marrakech to fes . Indulge in unique experiences as you discover vibrant cities, rich ancient culture, and scenic beauty. With a range of vacation packages available, travelers can easily select the one that best suits their preferences and budget. Read about Hiking Atlas Mountains Marrakech .

The journey from Lisbon to Morocco is an opportunity to explore a country that is rich in history, culture, and beauty. Morocco offers a unique blend of the modern and traditional, from bustling cities to serene desert landscapes. With its diverse cuisine, cultural attractions, and friendly locals, a trip to Morocco will be a fulfilling and memorable experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover vibrant cities and cultural attractions on a tour from Lisbon to Morocco.
  • Select from a range of vacation packages to suit your preferences and budget.
  • Experience scenic beauty and diverse cuisine in Morocco.
  • Learn about cultural etiquette and travel tips to ensure a smooth and respectful journey.
  • Consider safety and health precautions while planning your trip.

Explore Vibrant Cities in Morocco

Embarking on guided tours from Lisbon to Morocco allows you to discover the vibrant cities that Morocco boasts, each with its own unique charm and culture. You will be able to explore the top attractions in Morocco from Lisbon, including:

The cities are filled with souks, bazaars, and markets where you can purchase exotic items such as spices, jewelry, and clothing. Your guided tours from Lisbon to Morocco will provide you with a local’s insight into the city life, architecture, and cultural elements that make each city unique. Your stay there is guaranteed to leave you with an unforgettable experience.

Immerse Yourself in Ancient Culture

When you embark on one of the guided tours from Lisbon to Morocco, you will have the opportunity of immersing yourself in the rich ancient culture of Morocco. From the historic cities to the legendary sites, Morocco offers an unforgettable journey through time.

During your visit, you can explore the Fes medina, a UNESCO World Heritage site that dates back to the 9th century. You will witness the grandeur of the royal palaces and mosques, including the Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest in the world.

Morocco is also home to stunning Roman ruins, including the Volubilis archaeological site, where you can marvel at well-preserved mosaics, columns, and statues.

As you explore these historic sites and monuments, you will also have the chance to experience Morocco’s lively culture and traditions. From the music and dance to the food and hospitality, Morocco offers a unique sensory experience that will leave you wanting more.

Explore the best Morocco tours from Lisbon to immerse yourself in the magic of this ancient culture.

Discover Scenic Beauty

Embarking on day trips from Lisbon to Morocco will satisfy your inner wanderlust with a feast of scenic beauty. The journey yields stunning landscapes with vibrant colors that offer magnificent photo opportunities. The breathtaking coastline fringed by white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters is an unforgettable sight. You can also explore the Atlas Mountains with expert guides on guided tours Lisbon to Morocco .

When you visit Morocco, ensure that you pack accordingly with comfortable, lightweight clothes to cope with the warm temperatures. Don’t forget to bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun during your outdoor adventures.

Pro Tip: Planning beforehand with appropriate clothing and packing essentials will make your journey much more comfortable and enjoyable.

A few other items that you may need on a day trip from Lisbon to Morocco include snacks, water, and a camera. A camera can capture the stunning and diverse landscapes that you will come across.

Scenic beauty highlights of Morocco

The table showcases some of the locations and features that you can explore to experience the beauty of Morocco on tours from Lisbon to Morocco.

Be sure to soak up the scenic beauty and capture the most magical moments during your adventure.

Understanding Morocco Vacation Packages

Embarking on tours from Lisbon to Morocco can be an exhilarating adventure. To make your journey even more comfortable and memorable, various vacation packages are available to choose from. Packages offer inclusions that cater to various preferences and budget ranges. Here’s what you can expect from the different types of Lisbon Morocco vacation packages:

Make sure to read the descriptions carefully and select a package that aligns with your preferences and budget. Tour operators also offer customizable packages depending on your requirements. If you want to create a package specific to your interests, feel free to discuss with your tour operator.

Best Time to Visit Morocco from Lisbon

Planning a trip to Morocco from Lisbon? You’re in for a treat! And in this section, we’re going to help you determine the best time to visit and find affordable tours Lisbon to Morocco.

Climate in Morocco

Firstly, let’s talk about the weather. Morocco generally has a warm, dry climate, with hot summers and cool winters. The coast offers a more moderate climate, whereas inland areas can get quite hot.

The best time to visit Morocco is during the spring (March to May) and the fall (September to November) when temperatures are pleasant and tourist crowds are lower. However, keep in mind that popular destinations like Marrakesh can still be quite busy during these months.

Peak Seasons

Summer (June to August) and winter (December to February) are the peak tourist seasons in Morocco, with many travelers taking advantage of the school holidays. Prices are generally higher during these months, and popular destinations can be crowded.

Finding Affordable Tours Lisbon to Morocco

If you’re looking to save money, consider visiting Morocco during the off-season or shoulder season (April to May or September to November). You can also find affordable tours Lisbon to Morocco by booking in advance or looking for last-minute deals. However, keep in mind that some tours may be more expensive during peak tourist season.

Overall, the best time to visit Morocco from Lisbon is during the spring and fall when temperatures are pleasant and tourist crowds are lower. If you’re looking to save money, book your tour in advance or consider traveling during the off-season.

Getting to Morocco from Lisbon

Embarking on guided tours from Lisbon to Morocco is an unforgettable adventure. The first step is to plan your journey and make travel arrangements.

The easiest and quickest way to get to Morocco from Lisbon is by plane. You can fly directly from Lisbon to Marrakech, Casablanca, or other major cities in Morocco. The flight takes around 2-3 hours, depending on your destination.

There are several airlines that offer flights from Lisbon to Morocco, including Royal Air Maroc, TAP Air Portugal, and Ryanair. Make sure to book your tickets in advance to get the best deals and avoid last-minute price hikes.

Other Modes of Travel

If you prefer to travel by land or sea, there are other options available.

You can take a ferry from Algeciras in Spain to Tangier in Morocco. The ferry journey takes around 2 hours, and there are several ferry companies to choose from. From Tangier, you can take a train or a bus to explore other parts of Morocco.

Another option is to drive from Lisbon to Morocco. The journey takes around 20 hours, and you will need to cross the border between Spain and Morocco. However, driving can give you the flexibility to make stops and explore different places along the way.

Booking Your Tour

Once you have decided on your mode of travel, it’s time to book your guided tour from Lisbon to Morocco. There are several tour operators that offer customized tours to fit your interests and preferences.

Make sure to do your research and choose a reputable tour operator that caters to your needs and provides quality service. Look for reviews and testimonials to get an idea of what to expect.

Whether you choose to fly, take a ferry, or drive, embarking on a guided tour from Lisbon to Morocco is an adventure of a lifetime. Start planning your journey today and get ready to experience the vibrant culture, ancient history, and scenic beauty of Morocco.

Moroccan Cuisine and Culinary Delights

One of the highlights of taking day trips from Lisbon to Morocco is the opportunity to sample the vibrant Moroccan cuisine and culinary delights. The unique blend of flavors and spices will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

Popular Moroccan Dishes

Food Markets and Dining Recommendations

Some of the best places to experience Moroccan food culture are the bustling food markets or souks. You’ll find a variety of spices, pastries, meats, and fruits, and witness skilled artisans making fresh dishes right before your eyes.

For an unforgettable dining experience, try some of the finest Moroccan restaurants in Marrakesh, such as Nomad, Café des Épices, and Le Jardin. These restaurants offer a blend of traditional and modern flavors, with enchanting atmospheres and stunning views.

Indulge in the Culinary Wonders of Morocco!

On your tour from Lisbon to Morocco, don’t forget to treat yourself to the delectable Moroccan cuisine and culinary delights. Whether you’re a foodie or not, the flavors and textures will leave you in awe and wanting more, making it an unforgettable part of your journey.

Morocco Shopping and Souvenirs

When it comes to shopping in Morocco, you’ll be spoiled for choice. There are traditional markets, known as souks, where you can find beautiful handmade goods and souvenirs that reflect the country’s rich culture and history. From textiles and carpets to leather goods and pottery, there’s something for everyone.

If you’re looking for a more modern shopping experience, Morocco has you covered too. In cities like Marrakech and Casablanca, you’ll find high-end boutiques and shopping malls featuring top fashion brands and designer labels.

When it comes to souvenirs, you won’t have a hard time finding something special to take home. Popular options include traditional handicrafts like Berber carpets, embroidered textiles, and woven baskets. You can also find beautiful pottery, handmade ceramics, and intricate leather goods like bags and shoes.

Where to Shop

Whether you’re looking for a beautiful souvenir or just love to shop, Morocco has something for everyone. Make sure to leave some space in your suitcase for all the treasures you’ll find.

Cultural Etiquette and Tips for Morocco

When you visit Morocco from Lisbon, it’s important to understand and respect Moroccan culture and traditions. With these travel tips, you can ensure a smooth and respectful journey.

Cultural Etiquette

  • Public displays of affection are not acceptable, it’s best to avoid them.
  • It is customary to remove shoes before entering someone’s home or a mosque.
  • Interactions with locals should be polite, avoid confrontational tones.
  • It’s best to dress conservatively, especially when visiting religious sites.
  • Do not drink alcohol in public or during Ramadan.
  • Do not take photos of people without their permission.

Practical Tips

  • Carry small change, as most street vendors and small shops may not have change for larger bills.
  • It’s common to haggle prices when shopping in markets, but be respectful and not overly aggressive.
  • Be aware of pickpockets and keep your belongings safe.
  • Tap water is not safe to drink, so stick to bottled water.
  • Learn some basic Arabic expressions, it will be appreciated by locals and helpful in your travels.
“When in doubt, observe and follow the lead of locals to ensure you are following cultural norms and rules of etiquette.”

By respecting Moroccan customs, you’ll have a more immersive and enriching journey in this beautiful country.

Safety and Health in Morocco

Before embarking on your guided tour from Lisbon to Morocco, it’s important to be aware of the safety and health considerations for traveling in Morocco.

Firstly, it’s recommended to avoid traveling alone, especially at night and in remote areas. Stick to well-populated and tourist-friendly areas, and always keep an eye on your belongings.

In terms of health, it’s advised to carry any necessary prescription medication with you, along with a basic first-aid kit. Be cautious of what you eat and drink, and opt for bottled water whenever possible.

By following these safety and health tips, you can ensure a secure and enjoyable tour from Lisbon to Morocco.

Congratulations on reaching the end of our article on tours from Lisbon to Morocco. We hope that you have found this guide informative and useful in planning your next adventure. By taking a guided tour from Lisbon to Morocco, you will have the opportunity to explore vibrant cities, immerse yourself in ancient culture, and discover scenic beauty.

Whether you are interested in trying Moroccan cuisine, shopping for unique souvenirs, or learning more about local customs and traditions, this journey has something for everyone. In addition, we have provided helpful tips and information on vacation packages, transportation options, and safety considerations to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience.

So why wait? Start planning your tour from Lisbon to Morocco today and embark on a journey that you will never forget. With so much to see and do, you are sure to make memories that will last a lifetime.

What are the benefits of taking tours from Lisbon to Morocco?

Taking tours from Lisbon to Morocco offers the opportunity to explore a vibrant and culturally rich destination. It allows travelers to experience the unique blend of European and African influences, immerse themselves in ancient history and traditions, and discover scenic beauty beyond compare.

Which vibrant cities can be explored during tours from Lisbon to Morocco?

Some of the vibrant cities that can be explored during tours from Lisbon to Morocco include Marrakech, Casablanca, Fez, and Chefchaouen. These cities are known for their stunning architecture, bustling markets, and vibrant nightlife.

What ancient culture can travelers immerse themselves in during their tour from Lisbon to Morocco?

Travelers can immerse themselves in the rich ancient culture of Morocco during their tour. They can explore historical sites such as the iconic Jardin Majorelle in Marrakech, delve into the traditions of the Berber people, and experience the mystical allure of the Sahara Desert.

What scenic beauty awaits travelers on tours from Lisbon to Morocco?

Tours from Lisbon to Morocco offer the opportunity to discover the scenic beauty of the country. Travelers can witness the breathtaking landscapes of the Atlas Mountains, explore the picturesque coastal towns like Essaouira, and experience the mesmerizing dunes of the Sahara Desert.

What vacation packages are available for tours from Lisbon to Morocco?

There are a variety of vacation packages available for tours from Lisbon to Morocco. These packages can include accommodations, transportation, guided tours, and curated experiences. Travelers can choose from options such as cultural tours, adventure tours, or luxury escapes to suit their preferences.

When is the best time to visit Morocco from Lisbon?

The best time to visit Morocco from Lisbon largely depends on personal preferences and the desired experiences. However, the spring (April to May) and fall (September to October) months are generally considered ideal as the weather is pleasant, and tourist crowds are relatively lower.

How can travelers reach Morocco from Lisbon?

Travelers can reach Morocco from Lisbon through various transportation options. The most convenient way is by taking a direct flight from Lisbon to cities like Marrakech or Casablanca. Alternatively, they can also consider taking a ferry from southern Spain to cities like Tangier or Nador.

What are some popular dishes and culinary delights to try in Morocco?

Morocco is renowned for its vibrant cuisine and culinary delights. Some popular dishes to try include tagine (a slow-cooked stew), couscous, pastilla (a savory pastry), and mint tea. Travelers can also explore street food markets and indulge in the flavors of local spices and ingredients.

Where can travelers shop for souvenirs and unique items in Morocco?

Morocco offers a variety of shopping experiences where travelers can find unique souvenirs and items. From the bustling markets (souks) of Marrakech and Fez to modern boutiques and galleries, there are endless opportunities to purchase traditional crafts, carpets, textiles, ceramics, and Moroccan spices.

What cultural etiquette and tips should travelers be aware of when visiting Morocco?

When visiting Morocco, it is important to respect the local culture and customs. It is customary to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. Additionally, it is polite to greet people with a handshake and follow local customs in terms of etiquette and social interactions.

What safety and health considerations should travelers be aware of when visiting Morocco?

Travelers visiting Morocco should ensure they have appropriate travel insurance and consult their healthcare provider for any necessary vaccinations or medications. It is advisable to take precautions against petty theft and be aware of potential scams. Additionally, it is important to follow local safety guidelines and stay informed about the current political and social situation.

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14-Day Best of Portugal, Spain and Morocco Tour

From lisbon to casablanca: 14 days through iberian & moroccan gems.

Embark on an unforgettable 14-day adventure through vibrant cities, historic wonders, and stunning landscapes. Experience diverse cultures, from Lisbon's charming streets to Fez's captivating souks.

Expert guides bring these destinations to life, ensuring seamless travel with private transfers. Craft unforgettable memories by exploring vibrant cities, historic wonders, and stunning landscapes across Portugal, Spain, and Morocco.

First-timers, time-smart travellers

Mar.- May, Sep.- Oct.

International on request

Cancellation Policy:

100% Refund 22 Days before Arrival

* The price is based on a private tour for 2 people during the low tourist season : Nov. - Feb.

Best of Portugal, Spain and Morocco Tour

14 days in portugal, spain and morocco tour map (suggested route).

  • 8 years of travel advisor experience
  • Has helped 5,000+ clients

Discover real reviews of Highlights Travel Family 's best-rated service across trusted platforms.

Tour Highlights

Suggested itinerary for inspiration.

Craft your dream Iberian & Moroccan escape – this 14-day customizable itinerary is your key!

  • Relax after your flight with a private transfer to your centrally located hotel.
  • Enjoy free time to explore the charming streets of Lisbon at your own pace.
  • Immerse yourself in Lisbon's history and culture with visits to the iconic Belem Tower and the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerónimos Monastery .
  • Savor the world-famous Pasteis de Belém (custard tarts) for a sweet treat.
  • Wander through the charming Alfama district and capture breathtaking city views from São Jorge Castle .
  • Take a ride on the iconic Tram 28 , a funicular tram known for its historical charm.
  • Embark on a day trip to the enchanting town of Sintra , a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Explore the extravagant Pena National Palace and the mysterious Castle of the Moors .
  • Get lost in the whimsical Quinta da Regaleira estate and admire the breathtaking views from Pena Park.
  • Travel by private transfer from Lisbon to the historic city of Coimbra.
  • Visit the magnificent Coimbra University , including the Joanine Library with its stunning Baroque architecture.
  • Continue your journey to Porto, Portugal's second-largest city, and settle into your hotel.
  • Explore the vibrant Ribeira district along the Douro River and admire the impressive Ponte Luis I bridge .
  • Discover the city's religious heritage with visits to the Church of Saint Francis and the Chapel of Souls .
  • Climb the Clérigos Tower for panoramic city views and explore the historic Porto Cathedral .
  • Browse the iconic Lello Bookshop , known for its beautiful staircase and literary history.
  • Fly from Porto to Madrid, the vibrant capital of Spain.
  • Relax in your comfortable hotel, located in the heart of the city.
  • Immerse yourself in the world of Spanish art at the renowned Museo del Prado .
  • Witness the grandeur of the Royal Palace of Madrid , the official residence of the Spanish royal family.
  • Join a walking tour through the charming Old Town, including Parque de las Vistillas , San Francisco el Grande Basilica , and the Puerta de Toledo gate .
  • Travel by plane from Madrid to Barcelona, Spain's most cosmopolitan city.
  • Check into your centrally located hotel, and have a good rest.
  • Marvel at the Sagrada Familia , Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece, and explore its unique architectural details.
  • Admire the whimsical Casa Batlló , another Gaudí masterpiece known for its vibrant facade.
  • Wander through the charming Park Güell , a public park designed by Gaudí with breathtaking city views.
  • Immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere of the Gothic Quarter with its narrow streets and hidden squares.
  • Fly from Barcelona to Casablanca, Morocco, marking the beginning of your Moroccan adventure.
  • Settle into your hotel, for a comfortable stay.
  • Embark on a private transfer journey from Casablanca to Rabat , the administrative capital of Morocco.
  • Explore the Royal Palace , Ouadayas Kasbah , and the iconic Hassan Tower Mosque .
  • Continue your journey to Meknes , known for its historic ramparts, Bab Mansour Gate , and the Jewish quarter .
  • Reach the holy city of Moulay Idriss and witness the ruins of the Roman city of Volubilis .
  • Finally, arrive in Fez, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and check into your luxurious riad.
  • Follow the itinerary and explore the medieval Medina of Fez , a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Immerse yourself in the labyrinthine alleyways, bustling shops, and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Visit the Al-Attarine Madrasa or Bou Inania Madrasa (former Islamic schools) or admire the Nejjarine Fountain (Moorish design masterpiece).
  • Pay your respects at the Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss .
  • Dive into the vibrant souks of Fez and experience the art of bargaining.
  • Discover Fez Jdid, featuring the Mellah (Jewish quarter) and the Royal Palace gates .
  • Check out of your hotel and depart for Casablanca via private transfer.
  • Enjoy the scenic 5-hour drive (320 km) through the Moroccan countryside.
  • Explore Casablanca, Morocco's economic capital:
  • Visit the Central Market , the charming harbor district, and admire the Royal Palace.
  • Capture memorable moments at Mohammed V Square and the residential area of Anfa.
  • Marvel at the impressive Hassan II Mosque , the largest mosque in Africa.

With a heart full of memories from your unforgettable adventure through Portugal, Spain, and Morocco, relax and enjoy your private transfer to the airport for your departure flight.

We hope this journey has sparked a lifelong love for these captivating countries, and we eagerly await your return!

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Price includes.

*Price from: on request

*The price is based on two adults in 3 or 4-star hotels during the low tourist season(Nov.-Feb.). We can offer an even more competitive price for groups of 4 or more people. (tour code: gh-eu-21).

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Spain, Portugal & Morocco

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Fully Guided
  • Coach / Bus

Traveled in October 2023

Places You’ll See


  • Introduction
  • Day 2 LISBON
  • Day 4 SEVILLE
  • Day 11 FEZ–TANGIER
  • Day 13 COSTA DEL SOL
  • Day 16 MADRID
  • Day 17 MADRID

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  • A Jewel · 5th May 2023 Great excursions and fantastic tour director! Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Patrick · 5th May 2023 Good tour excellent locations with excellent guides Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Howard · 5th May 2023 I would have preferred more included dinners. Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Atul · 4th May 2023 The trips are well organized. Everything worked out as per the schedule. I have only one major issue. In almost every city we visited there was a local tour guide. We were not aware of that arrangement and tipping the local guides was a problem; we... Show more Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Laura · 2nd May 2023 Well organized, great tour director Ben, enjoyed all of our new fellow travelers. Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Phyllis · 2nd May 2023 Trip excellent but Morraco trip bit long. Benjamin is and excellent tour guide and has a wonderful sense of humor. Kept us laughing Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Sandra · 29th April 2023 My 6th trip with Globus and very pleased will be taking more trips with Globus. This trip was exceptional due to a wonderful guide named Benjamin. Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Aimee · 28th April 2023 Great trip our guide Benjamin was terrific and Mo in Morocco was also a great help. They really looked after us and made the trip easy and stress free. Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Sue · 27th April 2023 Tour director Benjamin is excellent, buses have been good, as we are a small group we have had a seat to ourselves, which we like. The drivers have been excellent. The accommodation has mostly been good,Rabat was not up to standard Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Clare · 27th April 2023 Great tour director good group Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus

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8 Day Road Trip from Portugal to Morocco

Road trip from Portugal to Morocco

Got the travel bug, but pushed for time? Most of us would love to travel the world if it wasn’t for our busy schedules restricting our free time. Wouldn’t it be easier if we could somehow fit multiple destinations into one trip? Well, thankfully there is! The road trip is making a comeback , and it’s the perfect way to see the post-pandemic world. You can maintain strict hygiene standards and remain in a bubble of family or friends. We’ve put together an itinerary so that you can see two continents in one journey. With our road trip in Portugal, Spain & Morocco, you can tick all the boxes on your travel wish list and feel like you know our wide world a little better.

The first necessity of any road trip is hiring a car and we can help you do this with ease! Whether you prefer to drive yourself or travel by organised transfer, we can customise the trip to suit your needs. Contact us and we can get started planning all of the tedious details and you can look forward to whole heartedly enjoying the experience.

lisbon to morocco tours

First stop: Lisbon

Start off in Portugal’s capital, as the diversity of things to do in Lisbon is sure to prepare you for the variety of sights you’ll see across three countries. In the city, you can uncover Lisbon’s vibrant food scene from excellent seafood, to underground Chinese restaurants and its famous Pastel del Natas at pretty much every bakery you come across. Jump on Lisbon’s iconic tram to discover the best sights in style, including Sao Jorge’s castle or Lisbon’s eclectic art scene at the Museum of Art. There’s no time for you to get bored in this lively city!

However, if you want to take things easy before your journey then Portugal’s Riviera is only thirty minutes away! What better way to relax before you hit the road, than sunning yourself on one of Portugal’s renowned beaches . Lisbon will have you spoilt for a choice of exciting things to do, so thankfully it’s only just the beginning of your road trip in Portugal, Spain & Morocco.

lisbon to morocco tours

Second Stop: Sintra and Cascais

Sintra and Cascais are must-see destinations, located just a thirty-minute drive outside of Lisbon. Sintra will easily stand out on this tour for its sheer fantastical beauty, with the Palacio de Pena situated on the village’s highest hill. Looking like it’s straight out of a fairy tale, you’ll fall under its magic spell. Especially when you take in the impressive view of the Castelo dos Mouro from the mountaintop!

Sintra is one of the most picturesque settings in Portugal so don’t miss your chance to take in its enchanting charm! Just a fifteen minute drive from Sintra is Cascais, a fishing town located on Lisbon’s coastline. Although the views are very different from Sintra, they are equally as stunning. Cascais is now a popular resort town for tourists, with excellent beaches and a historic centre. The buzz of holiday makers might just make you want to stay, but we promise the next stop on your journey won’t disappoint!

Worried about how to fit your sight seeing into the schedule? Get in touch and we’ll customise private tours just for you.

lisbon to morocco tours

Third Stop: Visit the Alentejo region before heading to Seville

Seville is the capital of Andalusia and one of Spain’s most popular holiday destinations. By car, it will take just under five hours to get to. We promise it’s worth it! But if you wanted to break up the journey you can stop off in Portugal’s Alentejo region , known for its historical landscape and secluded beaches. Visit Evora , one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Portugal or enjoy the peaceful tranquillity of Serpa. 

lisbon to morocco tours

Fourth Stop: Seville

When you get to Seville, there’ll be no shortage of things to do. It may be famous for its oranges, but there’s so much more to this city then its marmalade exports. Get stuck into the main attractions by visiting Seville’s magnificent Cathedral and the exotic beauty of The Real Alcazar, the recent filming location for Game of Thrones. After this, you can wander through the narrow streets of the old Jewish quarter (Santa Cruz) or take a stroll in one of Seville’s many luscious parks. Over the river, you can explore Triana, famous for flamenco and tapas. Enjoy the sunset as it stretches over the city, especially from one of the city’s many rooftop bars. If you really want to stretch those legs,   take a bike tour of the city! It’s the essential mode of transport in Seville, so you’ll get the full local experience. 

lisbon to morocco tours

Fifth Stop: Ronda and Zahara

After wandering through the bright and tropical plazas of Seville, the landscape of Andalusia’s white villages will be a different change of scene. Just an hour and forty five minute drive from Seville, you can discover the geological wonder of Ronda . The city is uniquely divided into two halves by the Guadalevin river. The El Tajo canyon is 100 meters deep and provides one of the most extraordinary views in Spain. Make sure you pack your selfie stick, because you’re going to want to get this backdrop for your Instagram! If you’re not afraid of heights, then wander over the New Bridge that spans the cannon and take in the breath taking beauty of the Sierre de las Nieves Natural Park. A forty-five drive from Ronda is Zahara de la Sierra, here you’ll see a true ‘pueblos blancos’. The white villages nestled into the mountains are a truly spectacular view! Make sure to catch a glimpse of them on your road trip.

lisbon to morocco tours

Sixth Stop: Malaga

A two hour drive from Zahara will take you to the popular city of Malaga. Why not get a guided transfer and receive tips from a local guide?

It may be known for its nightlife, but there’s lots more than meets the eye to Spain’s party capital. With around fifteen beaches to choose from, there’s plenty of space for you to relax and take in the sun. There’s also some significant historical sites, such as the Renaissance style Cathedral, Picasso Museum and Roman theatre. For something different, you can walk through the Botanic Garden which houses species from over four continents! Make the most of this eclectic city by staying overnight and experience the famous side of the city by night.

lisbon to morocco tours

Seventh Stop: Tarifa and Tangier

It’s time to head to the third country on this tour, Morocco! Perhaps the easiest way to get there from Malaga is to head to Tarifa. Known as the windy city of Spain, this destination is hugely popular with wind surfers. So, if you like water sports this is the perfect place for you! The relaxed ambience of the beachside town is the perfect stop to pause and take in the best view of Africa from Europe. It’s from Tarifa’s port that you can take a ferry to Morocco and experience one of the highlights of this road trip in Portugal, Spain & Morocco!

The journey only takes one hour, and soon enough you can explore Tangier’s bustling port and explore the vibrant bazar to pick up the perfect souvenir of your trip. Tangier is the perfect day trip so after you’ve browsed you can take the gentle ferry back to Tarifa, and maybe catch the last few rays of the sun at the beach!

lisbon to morocco tours

Eighth Stop: The Algarve and Return to Lisbon

It’s time to head back to Lisbon, we hope you enjoyed your trip! Before you get there though, make sure to rest and relax in the Algarve. The Algarve is the second least expensive holiday destination in Europe, which is no surprise since the cost of satisfaction with sun, sea and sand is pretty low. What better way to finish your road trip in Portugal, Spain & Morocco than on Portugal’s world-renowned southern coastline?

From Faro, the Algarve’s culturally rich city with a number of beaches in close proximity you can recharge and refuel for your return to Lisbon. Your drive back will take just under three hours along the A2, with plenty of stops along the way if you’re not quite ready to go home! 

We hope we’ve made it a little easier to begin planning your adventure. For car hire and tour assistance, contact us and we’ll handle all the little details. We will ensure you get the best rates available, as well as top quality. All you’ll need to bring is an open mind and the willingness to explore!  

Post written by: Rhiannon Morris

3 thoughts on “ 8 Day Road Trip from Portugal to Morocco ”

'  data-srcset=

I want visit Portugal

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All very good, but there are no passenger or car ferry’s from Spain and have not been for about 14 months. Ferry from Sete in France opened last week as did from Genoa In Italy. Rumours of ferry from Portmao in Portugal to Tangier possibly starting 1st week July (the notification doesn’t state which year and knowing Morocco everything is rather sketchy) I’ve been stuck in Fez with my car for 15 months waiting for ports to open The problem has not only been COVID related bet also Morocco and Spain are in disagreement politically so there is no end of dispute in sight and no Ceuta border crossing or ferry’s to and from Spain.

Good luck in reorganising travel arrangements and suggest you look at Trip Advisor forum for Morocco, Regards

'  data-srcset=

You are very right and things don’t look good for now.:( We hope they can solve their political issues and this route can continue. I wish you all the best!

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    13 Night Cruise to Europe. View 10 deals and more information. 159. Sailing Date: 11/22/2024. Norwegian Star. Departs: Lisbon. Ports (11): Madeira (Funch….

  23. Lisbon to Morocco-possible day trip?

    It's possible but only by plane, only 2 days i think it's short, you should stay in Marrocos more time, it's beautiful there. Royal Air Maroc and TAP have direct flights to Casablanca and Marrakech. You don't have any other options, only in Spain. Report inappropriate content. anatbcb.

  24. Classic Morocco

    Affordable travel packages and the experience of a lifetime. Book an Intrepid tour today. My Wishlist My Booking 1 800 970 7299 Destinations Ways to travel Deals About ... Although we approached the Classic Morocco 8 day Comfort Tour with a certain amount of intrepidation being 70 + yrs, we were pleasantly surprised. Activities were of interest ...

  25. Top 100 Cities Globally for Unforgettable Free Walking Tours

    Free walking tours focus on a guided tour of a city's must-see sights, covering the most iconic buildings, monuments, parks and streets. ... in Morocco. This city has a ... Lisbon, Portugal ...