TSA Screening Cards for Ostomates and those with Health Conditions

Yesterday, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved of a solution to help passengers with medical conditions such as Ostomy discreetly inform staff of their condition to avoid any potential communication issues.

These cards do not discriminate from getting screened or not; they are simply to explain your medical condition before any pat-down or screening takes place so you don’t have to shout it out loud across the room, or, not say anything and risk embarrassment like this bladder cancer survivor with Urostomy .

These cards merely state that you have a medical condition that may affect the screening:

“Notification Card: I have the following health condition, disability, or medical device that may affect my screening: (Write-in). I understand that presenting this card does not exempt me from screening.”

The back of the card further reinforces that, if asked, you’re going to have to submit to a screening before you can fly:

“TSA Respects the privacy concerns of all members of the traveling public. This card allows you to describe your health condition, disability, or medical device to the TSA officer in a discreet manner. Alternate procedures which provide an equivalent level of security screening are available and can be done in private. Presenting this card does not exempt you from screening.”

Here is a PDF link where you can download the TSA medical notification cards. .

Will these cards do much to help the problem? Some argue that TSA was not listening to travelers in the first place, nor are TSA familiar enough with the potential health conditions and appliances of the travlers they are searching, nor are many of our TSA agents all familiar with the use of these cards. (This is 2010, we’ve got e-mail and blogs, does the U.S. government send the memos out to anyone who works for them?)

Others believe this is a positive step towards a solution that balances both our needs for airline security and our civil liberties.

If you or a loved one has a health condition or a medical device and is asked for either a pat-down or a screening, it is in your best interest to keep one of these cards handy in your pocket when going through the airport to (hopefully) alleviate the potential problems.

Read this post for more information on Ostomy and Airport Security and this one about traveling with an Ostomy .

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Would like to have this same card written in the Spanish Language..Is it available…English does not work to well in other countries thanks

The individual pat down after going thru the full body scanner is Rudiculos and unnecessary . Also embarrasing.

Good luck. Last time I showed my TSA ileostomy card to a TSA employee, all I got back was a blank stare and a “what’s this”? The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Mind, we trust the same clueless set with our safety. Remember that next time you feel safe.

The PDF link to download a TSA medical notification card, as of 5/21/18 does not work. I’m using Chrome on my laptop.

Thank you for the note! I’ve updated the link and it is working again.

I handed the TSA this card and was told it was trash. He then tore it up and threw it in the trash. There needs to be something more substantial than a print out card from a home computer. Same goes for the Restroom card. No one ever acknowledges that one. EVER.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ostomy travel communication card & travel tips.

  • Bring a print-out from TSA website “Tips For the Screening Process” ( http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/specialneeds/editorial_1567.shtm )
  • Request a private area for a personal search and now that we know we will insist that whoever is accompanying me will go along with during screening.
  • Ask the Security Officer to please be discreet about my disability.
  • Ask the Security Officer to change her/his gloves before the physical inspection.
  • Ask for a visual inspection of Medication and related supplies before screening if we choose.
  • I will make sure all your carry-on items; equipment, mobility aids, and devices have an identification tag attached
  • I will advise Security Officers upfront that my disability may require some assistance and I move a bit slower

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Travel Tips from UOAA

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From the UOAA Website:

www.ostomy.org   New: See an Extensive List of Travel Tips from TSA – the US Transportation Security. Also download UOAA’s Travel Communication Card as an aid in dealing with airline security. [See bottom of this article.]   In these days where extra precautions for security are being taken worldwide, it would be wise for traveling ostomates to do advance planning in order to avoid possible problems. Some suggestions are:

  • Pre-cut all pouches at home, as you may wish to avoid having scissors in your carry-on luggage (see additional comments below).
  • Pack ostomy supplies in at least 2 places – carry-on and checked luggage.
  • Take extra supplies in case you are stranded where supplies may not be available.
  • A statement from your physician stating your need for ostomy supplies might be helpful. Also a statement advocating a private area be used in case of an extended search.
  • If traveling to a foreign country it is a good idea to have critical ostomy information written in their language. One of the 70 member associations of the International Ostomy Association (IOA) may be of help with this translation as well as with locating supplies while visiting their country.
  • A copy of the book “Yes We Can” (no longer in print but copies may be available) has many helpful hints and advice for traveling and also a dictionary of ostomy terms translated to several different languages. There is important contact information for resources worldwide as well as a wallet-sized statement written in 11 languages that asks for privacy if a search is to be conducted.
  • One ostomate reported a very positive result from carrying photocopies of the catalog pages displaying and explaining his equipment. When a searcher asked about the items found on a hand search, he was able to explain their function without a long conversation that would hold up others in line. Our experience has been that over time the TSA agents are much more knowledgeable and sensitive to these personal care products.

  About carrying scissors on board aircraft: For domestic flights within the United States, you are free to carry scissors in your carry-on, as long as the cutting edge is no longer than 4 inches. Initially, after Sept. 11, 2001, pointed metal scissors were banned from carry-on luggage worldwide. In the U.S., the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) declared in December 2005 that scissors with cutting edges up to 4 inches are allowed. Previously, in August 2005, the TSA had also declared a special allowance for “ostomy scissors” but that ruling was effectively superseded by the Dec 2005 ruling, which states simply that anybody can carry scissors with blades up to 4 inches. Meanwhile, if you travel outside the U.S., you may face more severe restrictions on carrying scissors. For flights departing Canadian airports, you can carry scissors in your carry-on, but the blades must not exceed 6 cm (2.4 inches). Other countries may still prohibit scissors in carry-ons entirely. So, if you’re traveling internationally, unless you’re sure of the rules in the countries you’ll be flying through, it’s best to avoid scissors in your carry-on (you can always pack scissors in your checked luggage).   Restrictions on liquids, gels, aerosols: The well-known 3-1-1 Rule requires that items classified as liquid, gel or aerosol must be carried in containers no larger than 100 mL (3.4 ounces), and you can carry only as many of these as fit comfortable into a single one-quart (one liter) zip-top clear plastic bag. These rules are generally enforced worldwide. The most important ostomy supplies, such as pouches and wafers, are not liquids, gels or aerosols, so they aren’t subject to the 3-1-1 rule, and you can carry as many as you want in your carry-on. Some related ostomy products (liquid deodorants, remover wipes, tubes of paste, etc.) do fall into the liquid-gel-aerosol category. If you need to carry a few of these on the airplane, it’s usually easy to fit them into your zip-top plastic bag to comply with the 3-1-1 rule. If you need more of them, you can pack as many as you want, in your checked baggage. Larger quantities of liquids-gels-aerosols that would exceed the 3-1-1 limit but are medically necessary and must be carried on board the plane are allowable, but must be declared at the security checkpoint and require additional screening.   Full Body Scanning (Advanced Imaging Technology): While early use of these scanners sometimes caused embarrassing incidents for ostomates, as in a well publicized November 2010 case, UOAA and other organizations have helped to educate the TSA on the needs of people with ostomies and other medical conditions. As a result, ostomates have no reason to fear the scanners any more. It’s a good idea to empty your pouch before entering the security line, so there will be little to feel if a pat-down is done. The millimeter wave scanners are sensitive enough that even an empty ostomy pouch will usually be detected. Therefore, you should be prepared to state that you have an ostomy after you get scanned. If you’d rather not say this out loud, you can carry one of our blue Travel Communication Cards while passing through the scanner. TSA officers are trained to know what an ostomy is. The procedure is very quick and business-like: You’ll be asked to wipe your hand over the outside of your clothing in the area of your ostomy, and your hand will be checked for explosive residue. You should not be asked to remove any clothing or expose your ostomy pouch. TSA PreCheck (TSA Pre√®): As explained in TSA’s List of Travel Tips, the TSA Pre√® program can expedite security screening by allowing you to keep you shoes on, avoid pulling out your 3-1-1 baggie, laptop, etc. And while this is never assured, you might also get sent through only a metal detector instead of Advanced Imaging scanner (so you might not need to do the ostomy hand-swiping thing). You may be selected randomly for TSA Pre√® on some flights by a TSA Risk Assessment initiative. To find out if you’ve been selected, always examine your boarding pass (whether hard copy or mobile); if you see any of the notations “TSA PRE” or “TSA PRECHK” or “TSA Pre√®” then head to the TSA Pre√® lane. To help your chance of selection, always make plane reservations using your full legal name, exactly as on your driver’s license or other legal documents. There are several ways to further improve your chance of selection. Frequent flyer plans can help, but make sure each plan has your correct Secure Flight Data including full legal name, date of birth and gender. You can maximize your chance of selection by enrolling in a Trusted Traveler Program, which gives you a “Known Traveler Number.” These programs have application fees and require you to provide certain documents, get fingerprinted and visit a special enrollment center. Even if you enroll in one of these programs, selection for TSA Pre√® is always somewhat random, on a flight-by-flight basis, so you can never by totally sure you’ll get it. All screening at airports must be conducted in a way that treats passengers with courtesy, dignity, and respect. You may request that any personal screening b conducted in a private area. If you have any questions or concerns about the screening process, you may call the TSA Cares Help Line at 855-787-2227. Also, see TSA’s page on Screening for Passengers Requiring Special Assistance.    

Helpful Links/Web Addresses

  The Transportation Security Administration, which is educating the traveling public. http://www.tsa.gov   TSA’s Extensive List of Travel Tips (What to Expect) http://www.ostomy.org/uploaded/files/advocacy/tsa/tsa_cares_what_to_expect.pdf?direct=1   UOAA’s Travel Communications Card http://www.ostomy.org/Ostomy_Travel_Tips.html   Aerospace Medical Association publication list – tips for airline travelers http://www.asma.org/publications/medical-publications-for-airline-travel   International Medicine Center http://www.traveldoc.com/      




Location: SWEDISH CHERRY HILL CAMPUS,  500  17th Ave, Casey Conference Room, Main Level

TIME: 7pm-8:30pm


DIRECTIONS: From I-5 take the James St. exit.  Go east on James Street.  James will become Cherry Street.  Continuing on Cherry Street, turn right on 16th Avenue, then right into the hospital garage (16th Avenue Parking Garage).  There is a parking fee.  Walk over the Skybridge to the hospital and go straight down the long hallway to the Main Lobby.  When you get to the Main Lobby, locate Starbucks, take a left and follow the hallway.  As the hallway ends it enters the Dining Room Cafeteria.  Enter the Cafeteria and then go straight back and Casey will be the first conference room at the back wall (with windows).

Links & Resources

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Traveling with Your Ostomy

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The holidays are about family. Seeing our families sometimes means travel.  Are you nervous about traveling with your ostomy?  Don’t let your ostomy get in your way of your fall travel plans.

Preparing for travel can help put your mind at ease. Create a checklist of supplies.  Ensure you have packed enough supplies for your trip.  The best way to do this is to count the number of pouches you would normally need and double that.  This way you will ensure you have enough supplies for anything you need.  Some other considerations for your packing list may include disposal bags, cleansing wipes and other ostomy accessories such as stoma powder and skin protectant.  Bringing a handheld mirror is a good idea, just in case you need to change your pouching system on the go.

When packing supplies, make sure to pack some supplies in your carry-on bag. The remainder can be put into your checked luggage.  It is a good idea to pack some supplies in your companion’s luggage.  That way, if a bag is lost, you will still have supplies in the other bag.

If traveling abroad, it is a good idea to know where you can buy supplies if needed. The United Ostomy Association of America has information on suppliers abroad.  This list includes ports of call for cruise ships.  It is a good idea to have a travel communications card when going through customs.  This card explains why you need pouches, ostomy supplies and medications as you pass through checkpoints.

Maintain your normal diet while traveling. It is tempting to eat and drink less to lower your output.  This is not recommended.  To ensure confidence and prevent leaks, change your pouching system right before departure.  During travel make sure you are staying hydrated.  Drinking plenty of fluids is important for any type of ostomy you may have.

Some air travel restrictions may not allow scissors or adhesive removers. Plan ahead for this by checking with your airline or pre-cutting your wafers.

Car travel and seat belts should not cause any problems with your ostomy. Ensure you are taking frequent stops to get out the car and stretch.  Try to not place your seat belt across you stoma.  Lower the angle of the seat belt to ensure proper fitting.  You can purchase optional accessories to make seat belts more comfortable.

When you travel this fall, you want to relax and enjoy yourself. Preparation before travel can lead to a very confident and enjoyable time.  What are some of your tips for traveling with an ostomy?

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On the Go Travel Tips

Traveling with a colostomy, an ileostomy, or a urostomy? Here are tips to help you prepare for air, ground, or cruise travel with a stoma.

On the Go Travel Tips

Enjoy a trouble-free transit with these travel tips.

If you’re traveling by airplane, car, bus, train, or cruise ship, you might be stressed about your ostomy needs during the trip. Don’t worry. With a little preparation, everything can go smoothly. 

It’s also a good idea to start with short trips away from home to build up your confidence. Once you’re reassured that your pouching system stays secure during normal day-to-day activities, you can start to venture farther.

Here are a few tips to help you be fully prepared and comfortable, no matter how you travel.

Luggage weight limits : Are you traveling by air with a lot of supplies? Check with your airline and your country’s federal travel agency (e.g., the Transportation Security Administration in the United States) for the luggage weight limit. Weigh the luggage before you go. It may be helpful to use a portable luggage scale. If you’re over the limit, check to see if your airline has a special allowance for medical supplies. 

Forbidden items : The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forbids dangerous items on board airplanes. For example, ether, methylated spirits, or flammable aerosol adhesives and removers are considered fire hazards. Scissors also may not be allowed in carry-on luggage – check with your airline or pre-cut all of your skin barriers before traveling. 

Pre-boarding security checks : At airports, your carry-on luggage will be inspected at the security baggage check before boarding. If you have medications, get a card from your healthcare professional that explains why you need them. Some countries do not allow certain medications, such as codeine, to cross their borders. A travel communications card from an ostomy association in your country may also be available. In the U.S. the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) offers a travel card to help you be ready for searches or checkpoint questions. 

Using airplane toilets : During a long flight, there can be long lines for toilets, especially after meals. Be alert for a chance to use the toilet when most people are in their seats. It’s also a good idea to request a seat near a toilet. 

Car travel : Your car seat belt should sit across your hip bone and pelvis, not your abdomen and stoma. If you want to give your stoma extra protection from the strap, you can buy a seat belt pad. You can also use an extension bracket to lower the angle of the belt across your body.

Cruising with a stoma : Are you worried about taking a river, lake, or ocean cruise? Don’t be. If you’ll be away from land for a few days or more, just pack double the supplies you need. Plus, follow these simple precautions and you’ll have a trouble-free voyage.

View or print the full PDF booklet: Living with an Ostomy: Travel  

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Post-Ostomy Surgery: Taking a Flight

How to make flying a breeze.

Take your shoes off. Take off your belt, your jacket and your watch. Take your laptop out of your luggage and empty your pockets. Airport security is complicated. And now that you have an ostomy, it can be even more challenging. But there are tips and tools to ensure your easy passage through security. These tools and steps can help make your flying experience less stressful:

travel communication card

Travel communication card

This card, provided by the United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (UOAA), can quickly and discreetly explain your situation and aid in dealing with airline security. You can download and print your own card   here.

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If you use cut-to-fit skin barriers, pre-cutting some at home will make things easier if you need to change your pouch on the plane or during your travels. Or, use   Moldable Technology™ skin barriers .

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Check the weather forecast of your destination

Warm weather may affect how your skin barriers adhere to your skin, by making the adhesive between your pouch and skin weaker. Be aware of the weather at your destination and prepare accordingly. 

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Pack extra supplies

Be prepared for anything by packing supplies in your carry-on and in your checked luggage. Pack one of everything you need into a small tote or purse so you can get to it easily in the airport or on the plane without digging through your luggage. Plus, airplane restrooms are tiny, so you don’t want to wrestle a backpack or roll-aboard in with you.

taking flight

Esteem ® One-piece Products

All-in-One for Quick Changes

Our Esteem ®   one-piece products combine a skin barrier and a pouch into a single unit. They are flexible and discreet, allowing for a simple, secure and comfortable experience. The   Esteem™ + One-Piece Moldable Drainable Pouch   is easy to apply and remove, making travel that much easier.

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Our expert team of me+™ ostomy nurses and product specialists is only a phone call away. 

Call:   1-800-422-8811 (M‍onday-F‍riday, 8‍:30am-7:‍00pm ET)

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Ostomy travel tips.

Be prepared if you are traveling with a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy with these tricks and tips.


Traveling with an Ostomy: What to Pack

A helpful list to help make packing for your next adventure with an ostomy a little easier.

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All You Need To Know About Traveling With an Ostomy Bag

11 January, 2023 , Last Modified: 1/11/2023 8:54:28 AM

Posted on 11 January, 2023

Arrangement of DME Ostomy Supplies

That’s right — having an ostomy shouldn't prevent you from traveling — even by air.

Follow this handy checklist before you hit the road, ostomy bag in tow, to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Before You Leave

1. make a list, and check it twice.

Take a page out of Santa’s playbook. He’s a pro when it comes to traveling with a bag and making lists. Create a comprehensive list of ostomy supplies you’ll need BEFORE you start packing so you can be sure to i nclude all the essent

When calculating the amount of ostomy pouches, skin barriers, and other ostomy accessories, factor in the amount of supplies you go through on a normal day and double it. It’s always better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them, especially if you’re going to a remote destination or overseas.

2. Pack a Carry-on Care Package

Remember how we told you to double your ostomy supplies? Here’s a smart way to pack them if you are taking a plane. Pack half of the supplies in your carry-on and the other half in your checked luggage. This way, you’ve covered your bases in case your checked bags get lost in trans

For your carry-on supplies, be sure to pack your lubricating drops, stoma paste, ostomy bag deodorizers, sprays or barrier ointment, and other liquids in a quart-sized clear bag that each weighs 3.4 ounces or less. Also, remember that your ostomy scissors must be shorter than 4 inches so that you can keep them with you for your air travels. All this will help ensure that you comply with the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule and can sail through checkpoints with ease.

3. Invest in Travel Insurance

Your regular equipment insurance should work anywhere in the U.S., but it won’t hurt to check with your provider just in case. Purchasing travel insurance if you’re traveling internationally is a good practice while traveling with an os

4. Obtain a Travel Communication Card

The United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) issues travelers an Ostomy Travel Card. This card explains to security what your supplies are and why they’re essential. It reduces the need for multiple screenings and lengthy explanations so you can maintain your privacy during security s

When Traveling

1. eat right.

Pack some ostomy-bag-friendly snacks that you can enjoy while traveling so you don’t have to rely on fast food or airport restaurants that could spell trouble for you and your ostomy bag.

2. Be the Early Bird

Even with a UOAA Travel Communication Card, it can still take significantly more time for travelers with ostomy bags to proceed through TSA than travelers without the extra supplies. That’s why we suggestion you arrive two hours before domestic flights and three hours before international flights. This gives you ample time to get through security and change your ostomy bag one last time before boarding. Consider getting a TSA precheck to further expedite this process.

3. Keep Your Carry-on Close (And Your Ostomy Travel Card Closer)

Double-check your carry-on before stepping out. Also, keep your Ostomy Card somewhere easily accessible. This will put your mind at ease and make getting through security a breeze.

4. Empty Your Ostomy Bag on Time

Have an aversion to public bathrooms? It is critical that you maintain your regular schedule for emptying your ostomy bag, even if it’s on an airplane or in the airport bathroom. Don’t hesitate to empty your ostomy bag more often than usual if you’re concerned about spillage.

Traveling with an ostomy bag can be challenging, but it is nowhere near impossible. By following these tips, you can have a stress-free and enjoyable trip.

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Find the best credit card for you

The 6 best chase travel credit cards of 2024, chase issues some of the top travel credit cards that earn airline miles, hotel points and flexible travel rewards..


If you're looking for a travel credit card , one of the top card issuers to consider is Chase. The best Chase credit cards offer valuable travel perks and earn flexible Chase Ultimate Rewards® points. For brand loyalists, Chase also issues co-branded credit cards for airlines and hotels such as Marriott and United.

To help you choose the best Chase travel credit card for your situation, CNBC Select analyzed travel cards issued by Chase, weighing each card's perks and costs (see our methodology for more information on how we choose the best Chase travel credit cards).

Best Chase travel credit cards

  • Best for beginners:   Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
  • Best for no annual fee: Chase Freedom Unlimited®
  • Best for business owners: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card
  • Best for premium benefits: Chase Sapphire Reserve®
  • Best for IHG stays: IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card
  • Best for Southwest flyers: Southwest Rapid Rewards® Priority Credit Card

Best for beginners

Chase sapphire preferred® card.

Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, and $50 annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.

Welcome bonus

Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Regular APR

21.49% - 28.49% variable on purchases and balance transfers

Balance transfer fee

Either $5 or 5% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater

Foreign transaction fee

Credit needed.


Terms apply.

Read our Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card review .

  • Points are worth 25% more when redeemed for travel via Chase Travel℠
  • Transfer points to leading frequent travel programs at a 1:1 rate, including: IHG® Rewards Club, Marriott Bonvoy™ and World of Hyatt®
  • Travel protections include: auto rental collision damage waiver, baggage delay insurance and trip delay reimbursement
  • No fee charged on purchases made outside the U.S.
  • $95 annual fee
  • No introductory 0% APR

Who's this for? The Chase Sapphire Preferred has a reasonable annual fee, a versatile rewards program and a generous welcome bonus . This makes it a beginner-friendly option if you're looking for your first travel card.

Standout benefits:  The Chase Sapphire Preferred card earns Ultimate Rewards points. You can redeem them for one cent each for things like cash back or gift cards. If you use Ultimate Rewards points to pay for travel you book through Chase Travel℠ , the value bumps up to 1.25 cents per point. You can also transfer Chase points at a 1:1 ratio to over a dozen partner travel programs, including United MileagePlus, Southwest Rapid Rewards and World of Hyatt.

[ Jump to more details ]

Best for no annual fee

Chase freedom unlimited®.

Enjoy 4.5% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery services, 6.5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more; and 3% cash back on all other purchases (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year). After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

INTRO OFFER: Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

0% for the first 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers

20.49% - 29.24% variable

Intro fee of either $5 or 3% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater, on transfers made within 60 days of account opening. After that, either $5 or 5% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater.

3% of each transaction in U.S. dollars

Member FDIC. Terms apply.

Read our Chase Freedom Unlimited® review.

  • No annual fee
  • Rewards can be transferred to a Chase Ultimate Rewards card
  • Generous welcome bonus
  • 3% fee charged on foreign transactions

Who's this for? The Chase Freedom Unlimited® is ideal if you want a card with no annual fee and a high rewards rate for everyday purchases. It's also excellent to pair with another Ultimate Rewards® card, like the Chase Sapphire Preferred , as you can convert your cashback into fully transferrable Ultimate Rewards® points.

Standout benefits : The Freedom Unlimited is technically a cash-back credit card , but it can be much more if you pair it with a Chase card that enables transfers, such as the Sapphire Preferred . This allows you to transfer the rewards you earn with your Freedom Unlimited to all of Chase's transfer partners, which can greatly boost the value you receive with this no-annual-fee card .

Best for business owners

Ink business preferred® credit card.

Earn 3X points per $1 on the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases in select categories each account anniversary year (travel; shipping purchases; internet, cable and phone services; and advertising purchases with social media sites and search engines), 1X point per $1 on all other purchases

Earn 100,000 bonus points after you spend $8,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

21.24% - 26.24% variable


Read our Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card review.

  • Free employee cards
  • Points are worth 25% more when you redeem for travel through Chase TravelSM
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading frequent travel programs
  • Generous welcome bonus worth up to $1,000
  • No introductory 0% financing offers for purchases or balance transfers

Who's this for? The Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card is great if you're a business owner who wants to earn flexible travel rewards thanks to its generous bonus spending categories.

Standout benefits: The Ink Business Preferred earns 3X points per $1 on the first $150,000 in combined purchases you spend each account anniversary year on shipping, advertising (social media and search engines), travel and internet, cable and phone services. That's a large number of useful bonus categories for businesses that can help you amass a hoard of Chase Ultimate Rewards points quickly.

Best for premium benefits

Chase sapphire reserve®.

Earn 5X total points on flights and 10X total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3X points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases plus, 10X points on Lyft rides through March 2025

Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

22.49% - 29.49% variable

5%, minimum $5

Read our Chase Sapphire Reserve® review.

  • $300 annual travel credit for travel purchases
  • Global Entry or TSA PreCheck application fee credit up to $100 every four years
  • Priority Pass™ Select lounge access at 1,000+ VIP lounges in over 500 cities worldwide
  • Points are worth 50% more when redeemed for travel via Chase Travel℠
  • Special benefits at The Luxury Hotel & Resort Collection
  • Complimentary year of Lyft Pink membership
  • High annual fee, but it can be offset by taking advantage of all the card’s perks
  • No introductory APR
  • Estimated rewards earned after 1 year: $1,469
  • Estimated rewards earned after 5 years: $3,346

Rewards totals incorporate the points earned from the welcome bonus

Who's this for? The Chase Sapphire Reserve is ideal if you have a strong credit score and want premium perks like airport lounge access and built-in travel protections.

Standout benefits:  With the Chase Sapphire Reserve , you'll get an up to $300 annual travel credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card. This credit automatically applies to eligible travel purchases, from airfare and lodging to public transit and parking fees, so it's incredibly easy to use. You can also enroll for unlimited access to 1,300+ Priority Pass™ airport lounges .

Best for IHG stays

Ihg one rewards premier credit card.

Earn up to 26 total points per $1 spent when you stay at IHG Hotels & Resorts, 5 points per $1 spent on purchases on travel, at gas stations, and restaurants, 3 points per $1 spent on all other purchases

Earn 140,000 Bonus Points

21.49% - 28.49% variable

  • Automatic Platinum Elite status as long as you remain a Premier card member
  • One reward night after each account anniversary year at eligible IHG hotels worldwide
  • Fourth reward night when you redeem points for a consecutive four-night IHG® hotel stay.
  • Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS Statement Credit of up to $100 every 4 years
  • No annual travel credits
  • Estimated points earned after 1 year: 173,089
  • Estimated points earned after 5 years: 365,446

Who's this for? The IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card is a perfect fit if you frequent IHG hotels because of its brand-specific perks. However, it also provides enough value that even the occasional guest can benefit from having this hotel credit card .

Standout hotel benefits: For every account anniversary, you'll receive a free night award valid at IHG hotels that cost up to 40,000 points. You can also top off this award if the night costs more than 40,000 points. If you want to book a room that costs 55,000 points, you could still use your award and pay the 15,000-point difference. This benefit alone can be valuable enough to justify paying the card's annual fee.

Best for Southwest flyers

Southwest rapid rewards® priority credit card.

Earn 3X points on Southwest® purchases, 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare; 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services; select streaming. 1X points on all other purchases

Earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

Foreign transaction fees

  • Southwest upgraded boarding on up to 4 tickets per year
  • 7,500 bonus points on each account anniversary
  • $75 Southwest annual travel credit
  • 4 upgraded boardings per year when available
  • $149 annual fee
  • No special financing offers

Who's this for?  If you love Southwest's consumer-friendly policies such as free checked bags and no change or cancellation fees, you'll appreciate the additional perks that come with the Southwest Rapid Rewards® Priority Credit Card .

Standout benefits: Having the Southwest Rapid Rewards Priority Card makes earning the Southwest Companion Pass easier because the points you earn (including the welcome bonus) count toward qualifying and you get a 10,000 qualifying-point boost every year. The Companion Pass is incredibly valuable because it allows you to bring a guest on any Southwest flight for the cost of taxes and fees.

More on our top travel credit cards

It can be easy to justify paying the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card's annual fee if you consider the value of the points you'll earn and its ongoing benefits.

  • 5X points per dollar on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠
  • 5X points per dollar on Lyft rides through Mar. 31, 2025
  • 3X points per dollar on dining
  • 3X points per dollar on online grocery purchases (excluding Target, Walmart and wholesale clubs)
  • 3X points per dollar on select streaming services
  • 2X points per dollar on all other travel purchases
  • 1X points per dollar on all other purchases

Earn 60,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening.

Notable perks

Many of the Sapphire Preferred's benefits offer a fixed value that in total, more than offsets its annual fee. These perks include:

  • Up to $50 in annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit for hotel stays booked through Chase Travel℠
  • 10% points boost every card anniversary
  • Complimentary DoorDash DashPass membership for at least one year when you activate by Dec. 31, 2024 (normally costs $9.99 a month or $96 for an annual plan)

This card also has an extensive list of insurance benefits. Eligible purchases qualify for:

  • Trip delay reimbursement
  • Primary rental car collision coverage
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance
  • Baggage delay insurance
  • Lost luggage reimbursement
  • Roadside dispatch
  • Travel accident insurance
  • Travel and emergency assistance services
  • Purchase protection
  • Extended warranty protection

You'll also have a range of redemption options for the rewards you earn. You can use Chase points to receive cash back at a rate of one cent per point and to pay for travel you book through Chase Travel℠ at a rate of 1.25 cents per point. If you want to unlock further value, the Sapphire Preferred also allows you to transfer Chase points to airline and hotel loyalty programs such as  Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards , Air Canada Aeroplan, IHG One Rewards,  Marriott Bonvoy and more.

[ Return to card summary ]

The Chase Freedom Unlimited is a great card to pair with other Chase cards because it earns a minimum of 1.5% cash back on all purchases and has no annual fee.

  • 5% back on travel purchased through Chase Travel
  • 5% back on Lyft rides (through March 2025)
  • 3% back at drugstores
  • 3% back on dining at restaurants (including takeout and eligible delivery services)
  • 1.5% back on all other purchases

Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on all purchases up to $20,000 spent in the first year.

When you open a new Freedom Unlimited account, you'll receive a 0% intro APR for the first 15 months from account opening on new purchases and balance transfers. After that, a variable 20.49% to 29.24% APR applies. The intro balance transfer fee is 3% of the amount of each transfer with a $5 minimum (applies to transfers you make in the first 60 days of opening the account). Once the intro balance transfer fee expires, the fee increases to 5% of the amount you transfer or $5, whichever is greater.

You can also take advantage of the following built-in coverages:

  • Rental car collision insurance (secondary in the U.S.)

The Freedom Unlimited is a cash-back card, but if you have another Chase card that allows points transfers, you can move your rewards to that card and transfer them. That makes this card a great partner with cards like:

  • Chase Sapphire Preferred Card

Having the option to convert your rewards into airline miles or hotel points, gives you a wider range of options to maximize the value you receive.

The Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card is a versatile business card with an unusually generous intro bonus offer.

  • 5X points on Lyft rides (through March 31, 2025)
  • 3X points on the first $150,000 in combined purchases in these categories each account anniversary year: shipping, advertising (with select social media sites and search engines), travel, internet, cable and phone services
  • 1X points on all other purchases

Earn 100,000 bonus points after spending $8,000 on purchases in the first three months after account opening.

There is no additional fee for adding employee cards and there are no foreign transaction fees . You and the employees you add to your account can take advantage of a range of insurance benefits, including:

  • Rental car insurance (primary when renting for business purposes)
  • Cell phone protection

The Ink Business Preferred earns Ultimate Rewards points, which you can redeem for cash back, travel gift cards and more. These points are worth one cent each for redemptions like cash back or gift cards . The value increases by 25% (1.25 cents per point) if you use your points to book and pay for travel through Chase Travel℠. With this card, you also have the option to transfer points to any Chase travel partner at a 1:1 ratio. These partners include Marriott Bonvoy, Emirates Skywards , Flying Blue (Air France/KLM) and more.

The Chase Sapphire Reserve has everything you should look for in a luxury travel card including generous statement credit benefits, airport lounge access and a robust list of shopping and travel protections.

  • 10X total points per dollar on hotels and car rentals purchased through Chase Travel℠*
  • 10X points per dollar on Lyft purchases through March 2025
  • 10X total points on Peloton equipment and accessory purchases over $150 (earn a maximum of 50,000 total points through March 2025)
  • 5X total points per dollar on flights purchased through Chase Travel℠*
  • 3X points per dollar on other travel*

*After the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually

The Sapphire Reserve has a significant $550 annual fee, but it also has lots of benefits that provide more than enough value to make the annual fee worth it. You can take advantage of:

  • Up to $300 in annual travel credits
  • Unlimited Priority Pass lounge access for you and up to two guests (normally costs $469 for free visits with a $35 guest fee)
  • Up to $100 in Global Entry, TSA PreCheck or Nexus fee credit once every four years
  • Two years of complimentary Lyft Pink All Access membership (worth $199 a year) when activated by Dec. 31, 2024
  • At least one year of complimentary DashPass membership when activated by Dec. 31, 2024
  • $5 in DoorDash credit each month through Dec. 31, 2024

If you're fed up with paying extra to insure a trip or receive additional warranty coverage for big purchases, the Sapphire Reserve provides many of these benefits automatically. Eligible purchases are covered by:

  • Return protection
  • Trip interruption/cancellation insurance
  • Baggage delay protection
  • Emergency medical and dental insurance

The Sapphire Reserve gives you access to the same travel partners as other Chase cards, but it comes with an increased redemption value when you use points to pay for travel booked through Chase Travel℠. With these redemptions, your points are worth 50% more or 1.5 cents per point. Of course, it's always possible you can receive a higher value per point by transferring your rewards to programs such as Air Canada Aeroplan or Flying Blue (Air France/KLM) and booking costly flights.

This card has no foreign transaction fees.

The IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card will make your next IHG stay more rewarding and comfortable because of its bonus points on IHG purchases and IHG Platinum elite status perk.

  • 10X points at IHG hotels and resorts
  • 5X points on travel
  • 5X points at gas stations
  • 5X points at restaurants
  • 3X points on all other purchases

Earn 140,000 points after spending $3,000 on the card in the first three months from account opening.

If you value IHG One status, you'll appreciate the automatic Platinum status you'll receive just for having the card. You also have a path to earning IHG Diamond status after spending $40,000 on the card in a calendar year. On top of that, every year you keep the card you'll receive a free night award valid for rooms that cost up to 40,000 points, and you can top off the award with extra points to book a more expensive room.

By having this card, you can indirectly boost the value of your IHG points because of its fourth-night free benefit. When you use points to book an IHG stay of at least four consecutive nights, the fourth night is free. There is no limit to how often you can use this benefit, so the savings can be massive.

The card also comes with statement credit offers and other perks, including:

  • A 20% discount on IHG points purchases
  • Up to $50 in United TravelBank Cash each year ($25 deposit twice per year)
  • Up to $100 every four years in application fee credit for Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS
  • Earn a $100 statement credit and 10,000 IHG points after spending $20,000 on your card in a calendar year

It also has no foreign transaction fees and insurance benefits such as purchase protection and trip cancellation/interruption coverage.

The Southwest Rapid Rewards® Priority Credit Card can help you fast-track your journey to earning Southwest A-List elite status.

  • 3X points on Southwest purchases
  • 2X points on hotel and rental cars booked through Southwest
  • 2X points on local transit
  • 2X points on internet, cable and phone services

Earn 85,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening.

The Southwest Rapid Rewards Priority card has the highest annual fee of any Southwest consumer credit card but has the most valuable benefits. Every year, you'll receive a $75 Southwest travel credit and 7,500 bonus points (worth roughly $97). If you can fully utilize both offers, you'll more than offset this card's annual fee.

Having a Southwest card is one of the best ways to fast-track your way to earning a Southwest Companion Pass. The points you earn from spending with this card and from its welcome offer both qualify toward earning a Companion Pass. You also receive a 10,000 qualifying-point boost every calendar year.

Earning Southwest status is also easier with this card. You will earn 1,500 tier qualifying points (TQPs) for every $5,000 you spend annually, and there is no limit on the number of TQPs you can earn. You can also take advantage of 25% back on inflight purchases and four upgraded boardings every year (when available).

This card comes with travel and purchase protections such as roadside dispatch, rental car damage waiver, purchase protection, extended warranty protection, lost luggage reimbursement, baggage delay insurance and travel accident insurance.

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Chase travel credit card application rules

Chase has several additional application restrictions, some of which are card-specific. The first rule typically applies to any Chase credit card you apply for and is known as the Chase 5/24 rule . The way it works is that you're unlikely to be approved for a Chase card if you've opened five or more cards from any bank in the past 24 months.

There are also specific restrictions for these cards:

IHG One Rewards credit cards

You aren't eligible for a personal IHG One Rewards card if you currently have any personal IHG One Rewards card. You also aren't eligible for a personal IHG One Rewards card if you've earned an intro bonus offer from any personal IHG One Rewards card in the previous 24 months.

The same limitation applies to the IHG One Rewards Premier Business Credit Card . You aren't eligible for an IHG One Rewards business card if you currently have and IHG One Rewards business card or if you've earned an intro bonus from and IHG One Rewards business card in the previous 24 months.

That said, if you open an IHG business card, you can still qualify for a personal IHG card and vice versa.

Southwest credit card application rules

Chase currently issues three personal Southwest credit cards and two Southwest business credit cards. You can have one personal Southwest card and one business Southwest card at a time. However, you aren't eligible for a new personal Southwest card if you currently have a personal Southwest card or have earned a new card member intro bonus from a Southwest personal card in the previous 24 months. The same rule applies to Southwest business cards, you aren't eligible for a Southwest business card if you currently have one or have earned a Southwest business card intro bonus in the previous 24 months.

Marriott Bonvoy credit card application rules

Both Chase and American Express issue Marriott Bonvoy co-branded credit cards . These hotel credit cards have complicated restrictions and waiting periods based on what cards you have, have had and when you earned previous Marriott Bonvoy card welcome bonuses. This makes it important to carefully review each card's specific terms before applying because even having an Amex Marriott card could impact whether you're eligible for a new cardmember bonus

Chase Sapphire credit card application rules

If you want to apply for the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or Chase Sapphire Reserve® , the rules are more restrictive compared to other Chase cards. If you currently have or have had any Sapphire card in the last 48 months, you aren't eligible for any version of the Sapphire card.

It is possible to call and product change between the cards if you already have an account. So you could upgrade to the Sapphire Reserve to take advantage of its increased perks or downgrade to the Sapphire Preferred if you want to pay a smaller annual fee.

World of Hyatt credit card application rules

You won't qualify for the World of Hyatt Business Credit Card or World of Hyatt Credit Card if you currently have that card or have earned a welcome bonus from that card in the past 24 months. However, having a personal Hyatt card won't restrict you from opening a Hyatt Business card and vice versa.

United credit card application rules

Chase and United Airlines have partnered to issue several personal and business credit cards. The additional application guidelines are the same for all Chase United credit cards. For most United cards (personal or business), you aren't eligible for a specific card product if you currently have that exact card or have earned an intro bonus from that card in the past 24 months.

One exception is the United Club℠ Infinite Card , which you won't qualify for if you currently have any United Club card or if you have earned an intro bonus from any United Club card in the previous 24 months.

Find the best credit card for you by reviewing offers in our  credit card marketplace  or get personalized offers via  CardMatch™ .

Pros and cons of Chase travel credit cards

Chase travel credit cards rank among the top credit cards for all sorts of travel. It issues several co-branded airline and hotel credit cards. Chase Ultimate Rewards points are also some of the most valuable and useful travel points you can earn.

However, you typically need a higher credit score to qualify for the best Chase travel cards. As valuable as the rewards may be, the miles and points you earn can be complicated to redeem to maximum value.

Pros of Chase travel credit cards

  • The miles and points you earn can be used to book high-value travel like business-class tickets or luxury hotels
  • Some premium Chase cards offer luxury perks like airport lounge access or automatic elite status
  • Many of these cards have exceptionally valuable welcome bonuses, with the best offers worth more than $1,000

Cons of Chase travel credit cards$

  • Redeeming travel rewards for the highest value can sometimes be a complicated endeavor
  • Most of these travel cards have annual fees and the cards with the best perks have the highest annual fees
  • To qualify for the best Chase travel card, you'll typically need a higher good to excellent credit score

What does Chase count as a travel purchase?

Whether a transaction falls under the travel category depends on how Visa and Mastercard classify that merchant. However, Chase lists a large range of category classifications as travel, including airlines, hotels, timeshares, car rental agencies, cruise lines, travel agencies, campgrounds, trains, buses, taxis, ferries, tolls, parking and discount travel sites.

Do Chase credit cards have travel protections?

Many Chase credit cards have travel insurance benefits including trip delay reimbursement, rental car coverage, trip cancellation/interruption insurance and more. However, the specific protections vary by card. Check your card's benefits guide to confirm what specific coverages you have and the fine print.

What hotels are partners with Chase?

You can transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards points to the following hotel loyalty programs: Marriott Bonvoy, IHG One Rewards and World of Hyatt. Chase also issues co-branded hotel credit cards for all three brands.

Why trust CNBC Select?

At CNBC Select, our mission is to provide our readers with high-quality service journalism and comprehensive consumer advice so they can make informed decisions with their money. Every credit card review is based on rigorous reporting by our team of expert writers and editors with extensive knowledge of credit card products. While CNBC Select earns a commission from affiliate partners on many offers and links, we create all our content without input from our commercial team or any outside third parties, and we pride ourselves on our journalistic standards and ethics. See our methodology for more information on how we choose the best Chase travel credit cards.

Our methodology

To determine which Chase travel credit cards offer the best value, CNBC Select analyzed Chase's travel card offerings based on a range of features. We considered rewards (e.g., cash back, points and miles), annual fees, welcome bonuses, introductory and standard APR and balance transfer fees and foreign transaction fees. We also considered additional perks (e.g., ongoing travel or merchant statement credits), cardholder protections (e.g., purchase protection, $0 liability protection and travel insurance), the application process when available (e.g., is there a credit pull or required credit score) and how easy it is to redeem points (e.g., are rewards are tied to a specific brand; if transferable, to how many/which partners, can you redeem for straight cash back).    We also considered CNBC Select audience data when available, such as general demographics and engagement with our content and tools.  

When choosing the best Chase travel cards, we focused on relevant features, such as cards that are widely accepted internationally and provide consumers with bonus rewards on travel spending. We prioritized additional perks that may be useful when traveling, such as travel protections and elite status benefits. 

Catch up on CNBC Select's in-depth coverage of  credit cards ,  banking  and  money , and follow us on  TikTok ,  Facebook ,  Instagram  and  Twitter  to stay up to date.


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How to pick the right travel credit card for you

Ryan Wilcox

Editor's Note

So you've decided to get a travel credit card — congratulations. Now comes the hard part: finding the card that makes the most sense for your wallet.

With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to pick out what kind of credit card will offer you the most value based on your lifestyle and spending habits. To help you make the decision that's best for you, follow these four simple steps.

Decide between a cobranded or general travel rewards card

First and foremost, you'll want to consider the type of travel card you want and the type of rewards you wish to earn. There are two main categories to consider here: cobranded travel credit cards and general travel rewards credit cards.

Cobranded travel credit cards are affiliated with a particular airline or hotel and often come with brand-specific travel benefits. For airline cards , that means perks like free checked bags, priority boarding and inflight discounts. Hotel cards may include annual hotel credits or automatic hotel elite status.

Since cobranded cards help you earn rewards within a specific travel program, they're best suited for frequent travelers loyal to a particular brand, like United Airlines or Marriott.

travel communication card

General travel rewards credit cards allow you to earn rewards within a credit card rewards program with various redemption options. With a general travel card, you might be able to transfer your rewards to multiple airline and hotel loyalty programs or use them to book travel through your card issuer's travel portal. You may also be able to redeem your rewards for statement credits, gift cards and select merchandise.

General travel credit cards are typically better for those who want flexibility in their rewards without being tied to a specific airline or hotel brand.

Related: Why all travelers should earn transferable rewards

Find a valuable welcome offer

Next, you'll want to identify a card with a hefty — yet achievable — welcome offer, which can sometimes single-handedly justify your ownership of the card for years on end.

travel communication card

Take stock of your ability to meet the minimum spending requirements on a given offer. For example, the popular Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card 's typical welcome offer is 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening. Spending $4,000 in three months isn't a terribly high bar to clear, but make sure you can meet that spending level if you're considering getting the card.

Rewards cards with higher welcome offers typically come with higher minimum spending requirements. You'll also want to keep an eye on card offer histories and potentially take advantage of any elevated welcome offers on cards you're interested in.

Related: The best welcome offers this month

Maximize bonus categories

If you've found a card with a nice sign-up bonus, be sure that it has bonus categories conducive to your spending habits so that you can take advantage of them as much as possible.

If you spend a lot in a given category, like restaurants, groceries or travel , find a card that earns multiple points or miles per dollar when you spend at those places. Predictably, most travel cards also offer bonus rewards when you spend on travel, with Marriott Bonvoy cards offering bonus rewards at Marriott properties, for example, or more general Chase cards offering bonuses when you book travel through Chase Travel℠ .

travel communication card

Welcome offers and bonus categories will make up a major chunk of how you earn rewards, so choose wisely.

Justify the annual fee

Lastly, we recommend only considering the cards with perks that will make a difference to you, with benefits that will help you justify an annual fee (if the card has one) and that you can derive value from the next time you book a trip.

travel communication card

For example, premium offerings like The Platinum Card® from American Express offer lavish perks that are seemingly never-ending. The Amex Platinum has well over $1,400 worth of benefits and statement credits, mostly to offset its $695 annual fee (see rates and fees ), but if you can't take advantage of those perks and find yourself paying almost $700 for benefits you aren't taking advantage of, the card won't be worth it.

There are plenty of cards with no annual fee , which is a good place to start. That said, most annual fees on cards are justifiable and can be more than offset if you use the card and its perks wisely.

Related: The complete guide to credit card annual fees

Bottom line

With so many cards on the market, we know it can be difficult to find the one that's right for you, especially if you're new to the world of points and miles . Our advice is to go for a general travel rewards card if you are a free agent or a specific airline or hotel card if you are loyal to a particular brand. Follow the simple steps in this guide to help narrow your options, and keep it locked on TPG for more advice on finding the right card to help fund your next big trip.

Related: Best travel cards of 2024

For rates and fees of the Amex Platinum, click here .

I Teach People How to Plan Their Credit Card Strategies. This is What I Tell Them

I know how to help you get the most value from your travel credit card.

Jason Steele

Jason Steele

Credit card expert and founder of CardCon

As a freelance personal finance writer since 2008, Jason has contributed to over 100 outlets including Forbes, USA Today, Newsweek, Time, U.S. News, Money.com and NerdWallet. As an industry leader, Jason has spoken at dozens of conferences and is the founder and producer of CardCon, an annual conference for credit card media. Jason also consults with individuals and small business owners to create customized plans to help them earn and spend travel rewards. He can be reached via his website, JasonSteele.com and on LinkedIn.

Evan Zimmer

Staff Writer

Evan Zimmer has been writing about finance for years. After graduating with a journalism degree from SUNY Oswego, he wrote credit card content for Credit Card Insider (now Money Tips) before moving to ZDNET Finance to cover credit card, banking and blockchain news. He currently works with CNET Money to bring readers the most accurate and up-to-date financial information. Otherwise, you can find him reading, rock climbing, snowboarding and enjoying the outdoors.

The editorial content on this page is based solely on objective, independent assessments by our writers and is not influenced by advertising or partnerships. It has not been provided or commissioned by any third party. However, we may receive compensation when you click on links to products or services offered by our partners.

I’ve been obsessed with credit cards and award flights for nearly 20 years, and I’ve made a career writing about it. 

Not surprisingly, people began reaching out to me to ask how they too can travel for free, and I started offering individual award travel consultations . After spending time talking to dozens of people from all walks of life about their credit cards and travel rewards , here’s the advice that I find myself giving out the most.

1. Be careful how you spend your reward points and miles

My consultations always start with a list of the credit cards my clients have, and a list of their points and miles. 

My clients frequently tell me that they’ve been using one card for their purchases for many years, but don’t currently have many points. 

When I ask how they used them, the response I often hear is that they redeemed them all for an airline ticket by calling up the card issuer and redeeming their points directly through their travel agency. 

It pains me to break it to my clients, but this is a big mistake.

This will usually provide just 1 cent in value per point redeemed. For example, American Express Travel offers 1 cent in value per Membership Rewards point redeemed, so a $2,000 ticket will cost 200,000 points.

But you can receive far greater value by transferring your points to a travel partner. 

For example, 200,000 Membership Rewards points could have been redeemed for two round-trip business class tickets to Europe on any Star Alliance partner such as United, Air Canada, LOT Polish and Turkish, among others. Certainly, two round-trip business class tickets to Europe are worth far more than $2,000.

2. Earn flexible rewards points

Flexible reward points can be extremely valuable when transferred to travel partners. Transfer programs include: 

  • American Express Membership Rewards
  • Chase Ultimate Rewards
  • Citi ThankYou points
  • Capital One Miles
  • Bilt Rewards
  • Wells Fargo Rewards

But if you earn travel rewards points with Bank of America, U.S. Bank or Discover, you won’t have these options. 

You also miss out on these valuable options when you earn cash back . Only flexible travel points allow you to receive several cents in value per point redeemed when you transfer your points to travel partners. 

3. Don’t stand still

Are you still using the same smartphone that you got 10 years ago? Probably not, because you know that there are much better phones available now. 

The same is true of credit cards. When your travel and spending needs change, it may also be time to change the cards you use. 

The credit card industry is so dynamic. New cards are coming out all of the time, and card issuers frequently offer valuable welcome bonuses to encourage people to try them. 

If you haven’t reevaluated the credit cards in your wallet, you should do so regularly. Look for new offers with generous welcome bonuses, but also ones that can provide continued value.

4. Use the right card for the job

You don’t use a sports car to help your friends move or take your minivan to the racetrack. But that’s what you’re doing when you use your travel rewards credit card to buy groceries, where it only earns 1 point per dollar (with some exceptions -- like the Citi Strata Premier℠ Card or American Express® Gold Card ). 

And when you do find a card that gives you a large bonus for groceries, don’t check into a hotel with it, where you’ll get the minimum number of rewards points or miles. Instead, switch to a card that offers higher rewards for hotel stays like the IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card.

You should always use the card that gives you the most points for each purchase. Sure, there are apps that will tell you how to do that, but you can also just put a piece of masking tape on your cards with labels like “gas,” “groceries,” “travel” and “everyday expenses.”

5. Don’t be afraid of annual fees

One of my clients recently asked me if it was worth it to pay a $375 annual fee ( see rates and fees ) to get an American Express®️ Business Gold Card, which, at the time, had a 150,000-point bonus for spending $10,000 in the first three months of card membership. 

I showed him how he could redeem those points for thousands of dollars of travel, making the annual fee worth pennies on the dollar compared to this card’s value. And if he later decides the card doesn’t offer lasting value, he can always cancel it before the annual fee is billed next year. 

Terms apply to American Express benefits and offers. Enrollment may be required for select American Express benefits and offers. Visit americanexpress.com to learn more.

6. Never cancel your card right away

When I recommend my clients apply for a new card to earn a large bonus, many ask if they should immediately cancel the card afterward. 

I always answer with an emphatic “No.” 

First, there’s no point in canceling the card until the next annual fee is billed. But also, many card issuers frown on those who immediately cancel their cards after receiving a bonus. 

In fact, American Express specifically says that it may take back your bonus if you do. And finally, it’s worth giving the card a good-faith try. You may eventually discover that it’s worth keeping for at least another year or two. You could always use it for small purchases or a subscription to avoid closing out the card.

For rates and fees of American Express Business Gold Card,  click here .

CNET editors independently choose every product and service we cover. Though we can’t review every available financial company or offer, we strive to make comprehensive, rigorous comparisons in order to highlight the best of them. For many of these products and services, we earn a commission. The compensation we receive may impact how products and links appear on our site.

travel communication card

Transferring Credit Card Rewards to a Travel Partner? Do This First

E arning rewards when swiping your credit card is an excellent strategy. With a travel credit card, you can redeem your rewards for travel purchases, making an upcoming vacation cheaper.

If you have a travel rewards credit card that allows you to transfer your rewards to travel partners, there are two steps you should take before transferring them. Here's what you should know.

Featured offer: save money while you pay off debt with one of these top-rated balance transfer credit cards

Some cards allow you to transfer your rewards to travel partners

Some travel credit cards give cardholders multiple ways to redeem the rewards they earn. One redemption option may be to transfer your points or miles to select airline or hotel partners.

Transferring your rewards could be an excellent way to get more value. You can transfer your rewards and book flights or hotel stays. This redemption choice may provide better value, allowing you to stretch your rewards further and save more on travel costs.

But before you rush to transfer your rewards to an eligible travel partner, ensure availability for your award flight or hotel stay booking. You should also research all costs to know what to expect before you finalize your redemption. Here are the steps I suggest you take.

Step one: Search for availability

Whether you're hoping to use your rewards for a flight or hotel stay, you'll want to research availability first. Search for your desired flight or hotel with your preferred dates to see if bookings are available. You can log in to the travel partner's website to do this.

Why is this an important step to take? Once you transfer your rewards to a travel partner, you can't transfer them back to your credit card's issuer's rewards program. The last thing you want to do is find out there is no availability and be forced to use your rewards with one partner.

As a heads up, many travelers book award flights six to 12 months before their trip. If you're looking for last-minute availability, you may need to adjust your trip plans.

Step two: Review all prices

The next step is to review all costs associated with your intended booking. Most credit card reward hotel bookings don't charge additional taxes and fees. However, if you're making a redemption with points and cash, you may be charged additional taxes and fees.

If you use your rewards to book an award flight, expect to pay taxes and fees. Costs start at $5.60 per one-way flight for flights flying out of the United States. But these expenses can vary significantly depending on the carrier and the airport you're flying in and out of for your flights.

These fees can easily cost hundreds of dollars in addition to the points or miles required to book your award flight. Researching the total cost before you transfer your rewards is wise. This way, you don't end up with a big surprise when you get to the checkout screen.

Strategize before using your credit card rewards

It pays to strategize the best way to use your credit card rewards. As you earn rewards, review your available redemption choices to see if there's an option that offers more value. You worked hard to earn your rewards, so finding a way to stretch them is beneficial. If you're looking for a credit card that earns travel rewards, check out our list of the best travel credit cards .

Alert: highest cash back card we've seen now has 0% intro APR until 2025

This credit card  is not just good – it's so exceptional that our experts use it personally. It  features a 0% intro APR for 15 months, a cash back rate of up to 5%, and all somehow for no annual fee! 

Click here to read our full review for free and apply in just 2 minutes.

We're firm believers in the Golden Rule, which is why editorial opinions are ours alone and have not been previously reviewed, approved, or endorsed by included advertisers. The Ascent does not cover all offers on the market. Editorial content from The Ascent is separate from The Motley Fool editorial content and is created by a different analyst team. Natasha Gabrielle has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

Transferring Credit Card Rewards to a Travel Partner? Do This First


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  1. PDF UOAA Travel Communication Card

    TRAVEL COMMUNICATION CARD. COMPLIMENTS OF UNITED OSTOMY ASSOCIATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. This is provided to travelers in order to simplify communication with federal Transportation Security personnel and airline flight attendants, at those times when you wish or need to communicate in a non-verbal way, as is your legal right.

  2. Ostomy Air Travel Tips l United Ostomy Associations of America

    Learn how to travel with an ostomy from the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Download printable cards to communicate your condition and request restroom access during flights.

  3. How to Get a UOAA Travel Communication Card

    Learn what a UOAA Travel Communication Card is and how to get one if you have an ostomy. This card helps you communicate with TSA agents and flight attendants during security screenings and restroom access.


    TRAVEL COMMUNICATION CARD COMPLIMENTS OF THE UNITED OSTOMY ASSOCIATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. This is provided to travelers in order to simplify communication with federal Transportation Security personnel and airline flight attendants, at those times when you wish or need to communicate in a non-verbal way, as is your legal right.

  5. PDF UOAA Travel Communication Card

    TRAVEL COMMUNICATION CARD. COMPLIMENTS OF THE UNITED OSTOMY ASSOCIATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. This is provided to travelers in order to simplify communication with federal Transportation Security personnel and airline flight attendants, at those times when you wish or need to communicate in a non-verbal way, as is your legal right.


    TSA rules state that you can be screened without having to empty or expose your ostomy; however, you may need to conduct a self pat-down of the ostomy as a test. NOTE: You may always have a travel companion with you during a private screening. If you are traveling to a foreign country, bring this information written in the appropriate language.

  7. TSA Screening Cards for Ostomates and those with Health Conditions

    This card allows you to describe your health condition, disability, or medical device to the TSA officer in a discreet manner. Alternate procedures which provide an equivalent level of security screening are available and can be done in private. Presenting this card does not exempt you from screening.".

  8. Resources for traveling with an ostomy

    A Travel Communication Card if you want to notify TSA of your medical needs. Scissors (TSA now allows scissors in your hand luggage for domestic flights within then US, but if you're traveling internationally the rules often differ. For travel abroad, try to pre-cut your barriers before you leave and/or pack scissors in your checked luggage ...

  9. Ostomy Travel Communication Card & Travel Tips

    Ostomy Travel Communication Card & Travel Tips Don't be held up at the airport and risk a false alarm with TSA. You can print a Travel Communication Card from the UOAA (United Ostomy Associations of America) website, www.uoaa.org .

  10. Greater Seattle Ostomy Association » Travel Tips from UOAA

    Also download UOAA's Travel Communication Card as an aid in dealing with airline security. [See bottom of this article.] In these days where extra precautions for security are being taken worldwide, it would be wise for traveling ostomates to do advance planning in order to avoid possible problems. Some suggestions are:

  11. Traveling with Your Ostomy

    This list includes ports of call for cruise ships. It is a good idea to have a travel communications card when going through customs. This card explains why you need pouches, ostomy supplies and medications as you pass through checkpoints. Maintain your normal diet while traveling. It is tempting to eat and drink less to lower your output.

  12. On the Go Travel Tips

    Some countries do not allow certain medications, such as codeine, to cross their borders. A travel communications card from an ostomy association in your country may also be available. In the U.S. the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) offers a travel card to help you be ready for searches or checkpoint questions.

  13. PDF Tips for traveling

    of America (UOAA) Travel Communication Card. You can print the card from the UOAA website (www.ostomy.org). The card offers information about the surgery and the supplies you're carrying. Additional thoughts You can find more tips on travel by going to the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) website: www.ostomy.org.

  14. Best Tips for Traveling with an Ostomy

    Obtain a Travel Communication Card. An ostomy travel card from the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) is a card that explains what your supplies are and why they're essential for managing your ostomy. This is helpful when going through security and can reduce the chances of further screenings. Show your ostomy travel card to a ...

  15. Travel communication card

    An agent wanted to pat me down and I said no. I showed my travel communication card and tried to explain that I had medical equipment and would accept a private screening. The agent let me pass without patting me down. My carry-ons went through the x-ray machine, and, as expected, my 3 pairs of scissors were observed. I have 2 pairs that are 5. ...

  16. Travel Communications Card

    I can't see the picture, either. I was given a TSA card in my "ostomy kit" when I first had my surgery that basically says, "This person has an ostomy, get them through security fast so they can empty their bag before the flight." (I'd feel a lot more comfortable going through security if it said, "No, that is NOT a bomb or a bag of drugs stuck on this person's stomach, it is ...

  17. TSA Travel Communication Card

    TRAVELER'S COMMUNICATION CARD Provided by the UOAA, a volunteer-based health organization dedicated to providing education, support and advocacy for people who have or will have intestinal or urinary diversions. United Ostomy Associations of America www.uoaa.org 1-800-826-0826 ConvaTec [email protected] 1-800-422-8811 INSIDE RIGHT

  18. On the Go Travel Tips

    United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) offers a travel card to help you be ready for searches or checkpoint questions. Using airplane toilets: During a long flight, there can be long lines for toilets, especially after meals. Be alert for a chance to use the toilet when most people are in their seats. It's also a good idea to request a ...

  19. TSA card

    I will be flying in July and am looking for a TSA card to show security. Any advice on flying with an ostomy is welcome as this is my first attempt. Thanks in advance !! ... tion-card/ which contains a lot of advice, and where the link at the top labeled "UOAA's Travel Communication Card" includes the TSA card. Bob Baumel, UOAA discussion board ...

  20. Post-Ostomy Surgery: Taking a Flight

    Travel communication card. This card, provided by the United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (UOAA), can quickly and discreetly explain your situation and aid in dealing with airline security. ... The Esteem™ + One-Piece Moldable Drainable Pouch is easy to apply and remove, making travel that much easier. Request Free Samples.

  21. All You Need To Know About Traveling With an Ostomy Bag

    Purchasing travel insurance if you're traveling internationally is a good practice while traveling with an os 4. Obtain a Travel Communication Card The United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) issues travelers an Ostomy Travel Card. This card explains to security what your supplies are and why they're essential.

  22. Making communication cards for travel as an adult, what's ...

    A card saying 'please take me to [your hotel]' with an explanation about being non-verbal could be handed to a taxi driver. A card saying "I would like any meal for $10 or less" to hand to staff at a restaurant. Make several copies of each card. I'm picturing people grabbing the cards off you to read and wandering away.

  23. Visa Brings Travelers Peace of Mind with New Digital Card Replacement

    New value-added service empowers financial institutions to offer their cardholders seamless, stress-free journeys all over the world; SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 26, 2024-- Digital wallets have become an essential part of the travel experience for many, with 74% of U.S. travelers now using them on their trips 1.Kicking off the summer travel season, Visa (NYSE:V), a global leader in ...

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    If you're looking for a travel credit card, one of the top card issuers to consider is Chase. The best Chase credit cards offer valuable travel perks and earn flexible Chase Ultimate Rewards ...

  25. How to pick the right travel credit card for you

    So you've decided to get a travel credit card — congratulations. Now comes the hard part: finding the card that makes the most sense for your wallet. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to pick out what kind of credit card will offer you the most value based on your lifestyle and spending habits. To help you make the decision that's best for you, follow these four simple ...

  26. PDF Speaking Stoma

    you are flying somewhere, a travel communication card might be helpful. Your ostomy. pouch may show up on some of the security measures. If you do not want to tell. people very much, the card can be useful to help you communicate. Suggestion: "Here's a card from my Doctor to explain what an ostomy is." SITUATION #2: MEDIUM DISCLOSURE

  27. I Teach People How to Plan Their Credit Card Strategies. This is ...

    The same is true of credit cards. When your travel and spending needs change, it may also be time to change the cards you use. The credit card industry is so dynamic.

  28. Transferring Credit Card Rewards to a Travel Partner? Do This First

    If you're looking for a credit card that earns travel rewards, check out our list of the best travel credit cards. Alert: highest cash back card we've seen now has 0% intro APR until 2025.

  29. Best Travel Credit Cards for May 2024

    Card benefits. The Chase Sapphire Preferred is a favorite among travel card enthusiasts—and for good reason. At $95 per year, its annual fee is in the same class as the Capital One Venture, but ...