Virgin Voyages’ newest ship arrives for first UK season

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Virgin Voyages’ Resilient Lady has arrived in Portsmouth for its inaugural UK season after being briefly delayed by Storm Lilian.

Resilient Lady will sail no-fly itineraries to European destinations until October, including three- to six-night trips, plus a 12-night trip to Spain & Morocco.

The first cruise will be a four-night trip to Amsterdam, departing August 27, with prices leading in from £1,162 per cabin.

More:  Virgin Voyages confirms Resilient Lady ship visits

Virgin Voyages unveils 2026 solar eclipse sailings

The second will start in Portsmouth and over three nights will make a round trip to Zeebrugge, with prices starting at £946 per cabin. The first departure will be August 30 and the next September 19.

The English Sights & European Delights six-night cruise will take passengers to La Coruña, Bilbao, and Bordeaux, and will dock in Le Verdon. Resilient Lady will leave Portsmouth on this tour on September 8 and September 23, with prices beginning at £1,542 per cabin.

Virgin Voyages will also host its first comedy festival on board Resilient Lady on a five-night cruise from Amsterdam to Bruges with a line-up including comedians Russell Howard, Ria Lina and Simon Brodkin. This departs on September 14 and is priced from £2,630 per cabin.

The UK to Spain & Morocco voyage will depart Portsmouth on September 29 and over 12 nights stop at La Coruña, Lisbon, Ibiza, Casablanca, and Málaga. The voyage will cost upwards from £3,144.16 per cabin.

Virgin Voyages will also bring back its Virgin Celebration Voyage after its first three sailings in 2024 sold out. This five-night tour in the UK in 2025 will have exclusive events and activities including Sir Richard Branson coming aboard, and Boy George performing.

Dates are to be confirmed and prices start at £946 per cabin.

Shane Riley, Virgin Voyages’ vice-president of UK and international sales, said: “We’re back in British waters once again, this time with a variety of short cultural stints and sunny adventure sailings to help sailors escape the British weather.

“We first set sail from Portsmouth on our maiden voyage back in 2021, so we’re delighted to return this September and October.”  

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30+ Things Virgin Voyages Doesn’t Tell You About Their Cruises

But there were a few things we encountered that will probably never make it into one of our blog posts about Virgin Voyages or, for that matter, even the most well-researched Virgin Voyages (VV) website – including their own!

I mean, everyone will tell you that kids aren’t allowed on this cruise; it’s strictly 18+. And all will mention that basic Wi-Fi, as well as non-pressed juices, sodas, teas and drip coffee are free on the ship. But there are plenty of things that, I think, are important to know when planning a cruise on VV that might be a little bit more difficult to find out.

This list is made up of things Joe and I experienced, as well as what several people who were on the same sailing as us – the July 17-22 Richard’s Birthday Bash cruise – said they noticed.

Wristbands and luggage tags

Many cruise lines send you luggage tags ahead of time, so you can attach them to your bags and the porters know where to bring your stuff when you arrive. At VV, you drop your luggage off upon arrival, the porters ask you for your cabin number, and they put it on a VV baggage tag, similar to the ones they use at the airport.

WIth Virgin Voyages, you’ll receive a wristband (used for checking in and out of the ship, charging for drinks and souvenirs, and opening your cabin door) when you check in at the kiosks on the 2nd floor of the terminal. If you have a regular cabin, it’ll be red. If you’ve splurged on a Rock Star or Mega Rock Star cabin, your wristband will be black. And if you have some other status, whether purchased or earned, that will be in the form of a ribbon you wear around your wrist.

The app is buggy

Everything you do on VV – reservations for meals, activities and excursions, etc., are all done on the VV app. Heads up that the app is VERY buggy and it will crash as often as it works. Generally speaking, if you shut the app down and restart it, it will work again. Well, for a while, anyway. And when it crashes again, rinse and repeat. 😉

They only email 1 person

Maybe it’s because we were working with a travel agent who only put down Joe’s email. But any time there was something we needed to know – like a new form we had to fill out ahead of time – the email only went to him. The thing is, I’m the one who checks email on a regular basis, whereas Joe may only check his email every few days. So make sure that emails go to everyone involved – or at least to the person who actually, you know, reads their emails ;-).

Parking at the port?

If you’re driving to Terminal V, you can drop your luggage off first and then park at their parking garage across the street. I know you want to park as close to the ship as possible. Don’t. Park by the elevators, which are in the center of the garage. When you’ve disembarked and have to bring your luggage to your car on the 3rd floor, you’ll thank me if you’ve parked near the elevator, rather than 4 or 5 rows over.

Ride sharing to the port?

The Port of Miami is pretty big. Choose “Terminal V” as your destination when prompted.

Meal, activity and excursion reservations

So let’s say you’re all ready for your cruise, you’ve downloaded the app, and filled out all the info it asks of you. You go to make some reservations and you notice that they only have a limited number of reservations available before your cruise. Maybe only 3 available times for The Wake, or only 9:15pm or later for The Test Kitchen. Don’t panic! They’ll open up more opportunities as your cruise gets closer; just keep checking the app. And they’ll open many more opportunities on the day you set sail. In fact, brunches at the Wake and Razzle Dazzle are only available when reservations are made on the ship’s Wi-Fi.

In fact, when you get to VV’s “Terminal V” in Miami, you can join their free Wi-Fi either before you get on the ship, or the very moment you go aboard. Either way, just join the MERMAID4U Wi-Fi network and you’ll be able to start making reservations then and there. Make your reservations as soon as you’re able, especially for shows.

By the way, even if you try to make a reservation (for dinner or a show) and there’s no availability, go anyway. There’s no guarantee they’ll be able to get you in, but restaurants will do what they can to make room for you. And each show has a “wait line” that starts about 30 minutes before showtime, in case there are “no shows.”

Have friends on board?

With the exception of solo cabins and the occasional triple, most cabins only hold 2 sailors each. So if you’re with more than 1 other person, your party is going to have more than 1 cabin. Use the app to link with them before you get on the ship, so you can add to each other’s agendas for meals, shows, etc.

The pineapple people

Virgin Voyages is the most open, all-inclusive and accepting cruise I’ve ever been on. That being said, we saw a lot of pineapple people on our cruise. If you’re into that, no judgement here, and more power to you. But if you’re not, you may not want to wear anything with pineapples on it. Especially upside down ones. Just sayin’ 😉

Intimacy kits

If you’re with a special someone and want to go, (ahem) “below deck,” they sell intimacy kits in the gift shop near Extra Virgin (the Italian restaurant) so you can have fun and stay safe (Note to those who may be interested: the jelly included in the kit is 100% vegan, and glycerin, glycol and paraben-free).

Food & beverage

You can buy growlers of beer and drink them all over the ship.

Heads up that the Italian and Mexican restaurants are “authentic” versions of each nationality, not Americanized versions. So don’t go to those restaurants expecting to see chicken parmesan or a Chimichanga on their respective menus, because you’ll be deeply disappointed.

None of the restaurants give really huge portions (although we practically rolled out the door of the Italian restaurant), but Test Kitchen in particular has 6 “tastings” on their menu, rather than full plates. Joe and I generally try to eat “right,” without overstuffing ourselves, and left Test Kitchen comfortably full. But we saw many people complain they didn’t get enough food there and that they left hungry. If you’re used to big servings, plan accordingly.

They don’t have “doggy bags” at any of the restaurants so if you don’t think you’ll be able to finish, BYOB (bring your own bag). And yes, each cabin has a small fridge so you can store food & beverages there.

Charging your devices

It goes without saying that you should bring chargers for your devices. But sometimes people forget. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you’re in luck – they sell Apple chargers on the ship. However they (Inexplicably? Stupidly?) don’t sell chargers for Android devices. You can ask your cabin attendant if they have any Android chargers others have left behind that you can borrow, but there’s no guarantee that they will.

That being said, there’s a Samsung tablet in each cabin – you can charge your Android devices on the tablet’s charger. It’ll also work for late model iPhones that are charging pad compatible.

Also, although the cabins have plenty of wall plugs and USB ports, if you sleep on the side of the bed closer to the window/terrace, the closest plug may be a good 6+ feet away (hello, design flaw!). Bring an extension cord or long charger cord (but not a long surge protector – they’re not allowed on ships; they’re considered a fire hazard).

VV has lots and LOTS of photo ops that are perfect for Insta, FB, etc. One thing they DON’T have on board is photographers. So there won’t be someone taking photos at the restaurants, pool, dance parties, etc., with the hopes that you’ll buy copies at the end of the cruise. If you want photos, take photos. Or ask the people working on the ship to take your photo – they’ll always be willing to oblige.

Those hammocks!

There is a hammock on the terrace of most cabins that have a terrace. There are also hammocks all over the Virgin Resort on Bimini. Y’all, these hammocks are AMAZING and, for me, were one of the best parts of our cruise.

The company that makes them, Yellow Leaf Hammocks, were featured on Shark Tank a couple of years ago. Anyway, VV sells the hammocks on the cruise ship, but it was my experience that they only had one style available, in only one color choice.

Yellow Leaf Hammocks has several color choices on their website , as well as 3 different styles of hammocks – the “Chair” style that’s on VV, their “Signature” hammock (that one is available in classic size and family size – those were the ones at the resort on Bimini), and a cotton rope one that looks like the signature hammock but is made with 100% natural cotton instead of acrylic.

Heads up that all 3 styles are also available, still from Yellow Leaf Hammocks, on And as of this writing, they’re about $5 less than on Yellow Leaf’s main webpage. I ordered one on Amazon and was also offered a coupon (the fine print on the coupon says it’s only good for a limited time, but I don’t know how long that “limited time” is. In 2022, the coupon was $20, now it’s $25.).

Cabin bathrooms

VV supplies you with towels for wherever you go – they’re by the pools, at the spa, and they even offer you towels as you disembark on some port days. However inside the cabins, they give you bath towels, hand towels and makeup remover towels. But no washcloths. The makeup towels are the size, shape and texture of washcloths. But if you’re using one to remove makeup, you may not want to use it to wash yourself in the shower. So either bring your own washcloth(s), or ask your cabin attendant for extra makeup remover towels.

Heads up that there is no electric outlet in the bathroom. If you want to use an electric razor, charge your electric toothbrush or blow dry or curl your hair, you’ll have to do it outside the bathroom. And if you want to have a night light in your bathroom, you’re going to be out of luck ( just like at this bizarre hotel ). Fortunately, the cabin lights can be adjusted to 5%, which is enough light for most people to find their way to the toilet.

Also – if you’re in an XL Terrace cabin, both the shower and toilet rooms have doors that are made to stay closed unless you manually open them. If you have to use the toilet in the middle of the night, I discovered you can hang a towel over both the towel bar on the door and on the wall to prop the toilet door open. That way you don’t have to worry about finding the door handle in the dark.

a towel on a rack

Room service

VV offers room service for a $7 Ship Eats fee (the fee is waived if you purchase a premium drink). It’s available 24 hours a day (breakfast from 5am to 11am and other foods from 11am to 5am), but heads up that the service ends at 11pm on the day before you disembark the ship.

The Ship Eats service fee is waived for Rock Stars and Mega Rock Stars.

When in port

When you’re in port, you may or may not be in the same time zone as where you set sail. Miami, for example, is on Eastern Time, but Playa del Carmen/Cozumel is on Central Time. SOME (but not all) ship captains keep “ship time” the way it was when they left their original port – so it may be 3pm in Cozumel, but 4pm on the ship. Other captains switch to local time. They’ll announce this, but make sure you keep track, especially for excursions and whatever time you’re required to be back on board.

Also, depending on where you’re in port, bring bug spray. We had no problems at Bimini, but others on our ship got eaten up by bugs.

The 3-hour spa pass

The spa on VV has all sorts of treatments available for purchase. They also have a 3-hour spa package that allows you to experience their sauna, salt room, mud room, hot tub, cold tub, pool, etc. The package is available from 11am to 2pm or 2pm to 5pm and you can come and go as you please.

The 3-hour spa package has 2 different prices – it’s $39 per person for port days and $59 for at sea days. The price is mentioned on the app, but ONLY ON THE DAY OF. So you may be at Bimini, see that it’s $39, sign up for tomorrow (which is a sea day), and suddenly get a bill for $59. If you sign up in person, like we did, they don’t even mention the price.

As I said earlier, VV is a non-tipping cruise. Their crew is said to be paid well, at least in comparison to the rest of the cruise industry, and tips are not required or requested. That being said, if someone on the cruise was particularly helpful, you CAN tip them; you just don’t HAVE to. Writing a letter to VV about a particular crew member or members can also help them to get bonuses, etc.

Also keep in mind that people who you encounter for your VV cruise – particularly the porters at the terminal – are not VV employees. Kindly tip them. Here’s an international tipping guide for who, what, why, where, when and how to tip .


Like many cruise lines, you can leave your luggage outside your cabin by a certain time on the evening before disembarkation. The cabin attendants will pick up your bags and you’ll find them as you leave the ship. You get to choose what time you’ll need to disembark and pick up your luggage, although you’re also welcome to bring your luggage yourself and disembark whenever you feel good and ready, as long as it’s by “last call.”

Heads up that the earlier disembarkation time you choose, the less crowded it is, although everyone needs to be off the ship by 10:45am. If you wait until around that later time, the queues are minimal.


As I said, some of these were things that Joe and I noticed while we were on our VV cruise. However other people noticed other things, as well. So a HUGE THANK-YOU to Marney B., Kay C., Suzanne E., Barbara H., Lin H., Nancee H., Paul H., Sue H., Richard P., Alexis R., Mark S., Shannanaghans S. and Amanda W. for their input for this post!

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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Home » News » Virgin Voyages axes 2024/25 Australia sailings

Virgin Voyages axes 2024/25 Australia sailings

Virgin Voyages axes 2024/25 Australia sailings

Virgin Voyages has announced it will not return to Australia and New Zealand for the 2024/25 summer season.

The Richard Branson-led cruise line made its debut Down Under in early December, with Branson himself joining many travellers onboard Resillient Lady .

Virgin Voyages said its decision to cancel the second ANZ season came amid a change of course for its early 2024 repositioning voyage from Australia to the Mediterranean.

“On the heels of these recent changes and based on the regional and government advice we have received, we remain very concerned about potential escalations in the Red Sea over the next 12 months,” the company said in a statement.

“This significant and ongoing conflict puts unacceptable risks for safe passage through the region for our Sailors, crew and vessel (Resilient Lady). As a result, we have been left with no choice but to cancel our 2024-25 voyage season plans for Resilient Lady, impacting the late 2024 and early 2025 repositioning voyages between Europe and Australia and a second sailing season in Australian waters.”

Resilient Lady will now complete her Mediterranean sailing season on 20 October 2024 and divert course sailing to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a new Caribbean season offering 7, 8, 10 and 11-night voyages visiting St. Maarten, St. Vincent, Colombia, and Dominica.

Virgin Voyages said the decision was not an easy one to make following the reception it received Down Under.

“Virgin Voyages was embraced by the Australia and New Zealand markets with a warm welcome and celebrated an extremely successful inaugural season – the love was mutual. To say that we are disappointed to have come to this tough conclusion is an understatement,” the cruise line wrote.

Virgin Voyages is working through options to return to Australia and the Asia Pacific region once regional repositioning opportunities become more tenable.

“We will share updates on future itineraries across the fleet as soon as possible, and in the event that we return for the 25’ season, existing booked Sailors will have priority to move onto these sailings,” it wrote.

Impacted sailors will have the option to rebook another voyage or opt for a full refund given the change in plans.

Featured Image: Resillient Lady in Sydney – Virgin Voyages

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  9. Virgin Voyages' newest ship arrives for first UK season

    Virgin Voyages will also bring back its Virgin Celebration Voyage after its first three sailings in 2024 sold out. This five-night tour in the UK in 2025 will have exclusive events and activities including Sir Richard Branson coming aboard, and Boy George performing. Dates are to be confirmed and prices start at £946 per cabin.

  10. Nirmal Saverimuttu, Virgin Voyages' new CEO, on the ...

    Travel Weekly editor in chief Arnie Weissmann spoke with Saverimuttu about plans for the money, the line's delayed fourth ship and some marketing missteps. ... Virgin Voyages had been scheduled to ...

  11. Virgin Voyages dives into highly anticipated 2024 wave season

    As Virgin 's newest travel company - one that has already smashed industry records and regularly sees Sailor rebooking rates of more than 50% - Virgin Voyages is bringing back its most ...

  12. Ahoy Cairns: Virgin Voyages' Resilient Lady enters the home straight of

    Resilient Lady, the third ship in Virgin Voyages, has today sailed into Cairns, Queensland. The ship is entering the final days of her repositioning voyage before settling into Australia for her ...

  13. Nominated for USA Today Best Awards 2024 and Travel ...

    Best Ocean Cruise Line - Virgin Voyages. Travel & Leisure's 2024 World's Best Award. ... Virgin Voyages nominated for 11 awards in Travel Weekly's 2023 Readers' Choice Awards. We're proud of our many nominations, but we still need your help to win. News. Jul 14, 2023.

  14. Virgin Voyages Cruises

    Virgin Voyages is a new, adults by design cruise line launched in 2021 by Richard Branson. Their ships have been designed like boutique hotels, and offer many dining, wellness and entertainment options to the "sailors" experiencing their cruises. Use the Virgin Voyages cruise schedule calendar below to find a Virgin Voyages cruise sailing by ...

  15. Virgin Voyages opens its new cruise terminal in Miami

    Virgin Voyages opened its new terminal at PortMiami Sunday, a three-story, LEED Gold-certified building named Terminal V. Located at 718 N. Cruise Blvd. -- the address nods to the July 18 birthday ...

  16. 30+ Things Virgin Voyages Doesn't Tell You About Their Cruises

    Travel; Weekly Recap; Search. 30+ Things Virgin Voyages Doesn't Tell You About Their Cruises. by SharonKurheg October 7, 2023. October 7, 2023. ... WIth Virgin Voyages, you'll receive a wristband (used for checking in and out of the ship, charging for drinks and souvenirs, and opening your cabin door) when you check in at the kiosks on the ...

  17. Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady Ship Information

    Overview. Virgin Voyages second ship, the Valiant Lady, a sister to the Scarlet Lady, launched in spring 2022.

  18. Virgin Voyages axes 2024/25 Australia sailings

    Edited by Travel Weekly. Virgin Voyages has announced it will not return to Australia and New Zealand for the 2024/25 summer season. The Richard Branson-led cruise line made its debut Down Under ...

  19. 2023 Readers' Choice Awards

    Thanks to our Sailors, we've been nominated in 11 categories for Travel Weekly's 2023 Readers' Choice Awards. These categories include: Cruise Ship Overall - Valiant Lady, Virgin Voyages. Cruise Line Caribbean - Virgin Voyages. Cruise Line Premium - Virgin Voyages. Cruise Ship Premium - Valiant Lady, Virgin Voyages.

  20. Virgin Voyages Resilient Lady Ship Information

    Plan your Virgin Voyages Resilient Lady cruise with our cruise schedules, prices, and sail dates Resilient Lady Ship Stats & Information- Virgin Voyages Resilient Lady Cruises: Travel Weekly ...

  21. What's Included on a Cruise?

    On every voyage here, you get over $1,000 of value which includes access to all the premium dining at our 20+ eateries with menus curated by Michelin star chefs, group fitness classes, WiFi, gratuities, award-winning entertainment, and a soda and drinks package. And if you need to change your sail dates or the name (s) on your booked voyage, we ...

  22. Getaway Cruises from Florida to the Caribbean

    Embark from Miami, sail to our private Beach Club at Bimini, and explore the heavenly beaches of Grand Turk all on one incredible five-night journey. It's the Caribbean Weekender to end all Caribbean Weekenders. This five-night itinerary out of Miami will take you first to the Bahamian paradise of Bimini, where you'll enjoy undisturbed ...

  23. WiFi

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