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A look aboard Disney’s $6,000 per stay, immersive Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel

A galaxy far, far away gets a whole lot closer.

By Chaim Gartenberg

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Galactic Starcruiser invites guests to live in the Star Wars universe for a two-day trip.

I walked into Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser prepared to pretend. I was going to be Ch’aim Garteenbar, a reformed smuggler celebrating going straight with a luxurious cruise trip on the Halcyon, pride of Chandrila Star Line. 

Unfortunately, due to the compressed nature of the media preview, I spent most of my time aboard Disney’s biggest bet in years in my usual guise of “Chaim Gartenberg, reporter.” Part hotel, part LARP, part theme park, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser wants to be nothing less than the ultimate Star Wars experience, one that sucks you into a living, breathing sci-fi story unfolding around you — and for the price that Disney is placing on it, one that has a lot of expectations to live up to. 

The main Atrium of the Halcyon and what you’ll see when you first step on board.

To be extremely clear from the start: this is not a review of the full Galactic Starcruiser experience. The media preview I attended was a four-hour curated “sampler platter” of what guests will get over a two-day stay. I didn’t get to sleep at the hotel, and my time “on board” was focused on seeing the major set pieces and interactive components in group settings instead of the choice-based, smaller storylines that guests will get to build out over the full two-day trip. 

As such, this is not an assessment of whether the whole package is worth the eye-watering $4,809 starting price that Disney is charging for a Galactic Starcruiser stay. ( The exorbitant price tag was never far from my mind when I was touring the “ship,” though.)

While I can’t tell you everything about the minute-to-minute details of the branching, interactive storylines that Galactic Starcruiser is putting so much emphasis on, I did get to travel aboard the Halcyon and see some of the greatest hits and unique elements of the experience. 

star wars ship cruise

Galactic Starcruiser, much like Galaxy’s Edge before it, isn’t just a creation for Disney theme parks. The modern desire to connect every element of media and storytelling together is a part of the Galactic Starcruiser experience, and Disney is already working to seed the luxury liner across decades of Star Wars history. 

The Halcyon plays a role in the ongoing High Republic multimedia storyline of books ; there’s already a comic book series that explains the backstory and shows iconic characters like Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, and Lando Calrissian’s stays aboard the ship. There’s also the recently announced novel The Princess and the Scoundrel , which will reveal the untold story of Han and Leia’s honeymoon on the Halcyon. At the current rate of Galactic Starcruiser tie-ins, I’d put even odds on the ship appearing in an episode of a Disney Plus show before the year is out. 

star wars ship cruise

Establishing the Halcyon as a key part of Star Wars lore isn’t just Disney not-so-subtly building hype and marketing for its pricey hotel, though. It’s a foundation for a key part of the sales pitch to guests. You don’t just get to live in a Star Wars - ish story for a day or two; your time aboard the Halcyon is part of the Star Wars saga — as much a part of canon as any of the movies, video games, or books. 

You’re participating in events but never really shaping them

That idea of living in an interactive hotel experience has seen Galactic Starcruiser draw a lot of comparisons to Westworld , the eponymous theme park from the HBO series. The two have a lot in common: a promise of total immersion in a fictional world (complete with factions and costumes), the idea that guests can forge their own stories within the setting, and the sky-high price tag that limits attendance to guests with exceptionally deep pockets. Galactic Starcruiser even has its own AI companions and roving robots (although they’re far less murderous than those in Westworld’s.)  

But Westworld’s impossible park promises a place where you can do anything or be anyone in the Wild West. Galactic Starcruiser puts more emphasis on “choice” over “agency.” A character can bring you to help sabotage the engine or rescue Chewbacca, but you won’t be the one making those decisions. Guests will have some control over which storylines they participate in and which side they’re on, but you’re still just a side character; you’re participating in events but never really shaping them.

star wars ship cruise

The Galactic Starcruiser experience starts at a spaceport where you’ll ride a transport pod up to the Halcyon proper — the lines between “hotel” and “ride” blurring together from the start. 

Exiting the pod takes you to the Atrium, the Halcyon’s “lobby,” where you’ll run straight into guests and cast members alike milling around, ready to draw you into the plot. In quick succession, I met Gaya (the visiting galactic pop star), her manager Raithe Kole, an aspiring musician named Sandro Alimander (who, like me, was on his first trip off-planet), and the ship’s captain Riyola Keevan. Everyone had a story and, more importantly, wanted to try to involve me in it. Despite the elaborate costumes and setting, it still threw me off balance at first. I had to take a few minutes to figure out how I’d be fitting into the roleplaying. 

star wars ship cruise

In some ways, the “ship” is a little too polished and clean. At a panel, Brad Schoeneberg, Disney’s vice president of brand merchandising, said it was inspired by “taking a look at the finer side of life in Star Wars, ” like the royal halls of Naboo, and (more oddly) the luxury yacht of crime lord Dryden Vos and the problematic halls of Canto Bight. It seemed like the visual language occasionally leaned more toward the gleaming ships of Star Trek than the lived-in style that’s the hallmark of Star Wars. There’s a glossy plastic look that never quite lets you forget you’re in what’s essentially a very large, very long theme park ride. 

The Halcyon is also smaller than you might expect. The main dining cabin is about the size of a medium-sized restaurant, while the atrium’s neon-soaked bar offers seating for a couple dozen people at most. (And only a single sabacc table!) There are “restricted” spaces that open up for story elements, like the cargo hold, brig, and engineering bay, but there are really only two or three main “public” spaces to spend time in outside of those plot moments.

A room at Galactic Starcruiser isn’t big, but you’re probably not going to want to spend much time there anyway.

The rooms I saw were pretty compact, too. There’s space for a bed, a slide-out table, and enclosed bunk beds built into one of the walls. It looks to have leaned too far into emulating the space-sensitive designs of an actual cruise ship. I’ve never stayed in a $2,000-per-night hotel room, but I would expect a lot more than this. 

No one will mistake Galactic Starcruiser for a traditional luxury hotel by Earth standards. There’s not much in the way of normal amenities — no pools, gyms, or spas, and virtually no natural light. (There is a single outdoor space, branded the “Climate Simulator” to avoid breaking character.) Sure, you wouldn’t go to Galactic Starcruiser for a regular hotel experience, but the price still feels like a miss.

Disney is putting plenty of emphasis on the food and drink aboard (both included in the ticket price, although specialty and alcoholic drinks are not). The presentation aims to go above and beyond a standard hotel menu. Much like Pandora or Galaxy’s Edge , food features unique shapes, colors, and textures to evoke a galaxy far, far away from our own, like colorful blue shrimp (allegedly sourced from Felucia) or black lava-rock bread evoking the volcanic world of Mustafar. 

At the Star Wars hotel, even the food has lore. 

The Crown of Corellia Dining Room.

Each trip on Galactic Starcruiser will follow the same broad story arc. Guests are passengers aboard the 275th anniversary trip of the luxury starcruiser, the Halcyon, which is emulating its original voyage from Chandrila to Batuu. Set in between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker , the ship runs afoul of the First Order — Star Wars drama ensues. 

Storylines, we’re told, will develop organically over the two-day trip, based on how players interact and react to cast members and the actions they take along the way. There are multiple branching paths, only some of which I got to take part in: smuggling a Resistance ally on board and sneaking into the engine room to reboot the ship’s systems — but there were other plots that appear at the finale event, like stealing access codes or unlocking a Jedi holocron, that weren’t in my (brief) journey. Someone else playing through a Resistance story might have seen more of those adventures, while a First Order-aligned guest would have had their own interactions to try to foil those plots. 

The whole thing culminates in an action-packed live stage show finale — it wouldn’t be Star Wars without a lightsaber duel (one which includes the spectacular-looking “real” lightsaber prop the company showed off a few months ago ). “You may all be watching the same big events, but you’re not watching the same things,” said Cory Rouse, a creative director for Walt Disney Imagineering, noting that a guest who sided with the Resistance will see payoffs that might not make sense to a scoundrel character, while a First Order ally will experience the finale in yet another light. 

Disney’s movie magic comes to life when Rey wields her “real” retractable lightsaber in the event’s finale.

Immersion is the name of the game here: each sign is written in both English and the fictional Aurebesh alphabet; every cast member, waiter, room service attendant, and bartender is in character the entire time; and elaborately costumed guests chat with you about their own lives to help draw you into the world. As you’d expect from a Disney park experience, there’s incredible attention to detail. All the doors on the ship are sliding, instead of on hinges, to better fit into the Star Wars universe.

But that level of theater is table stakes for Disney World. Galactic Starcruiser aims to take things a step further by actively looking to draw in guests. Visitors are encouraged to dress up in full Star Wars cosplay to inhabit the world, at least for a day or two. (Disney, of course, is happy to sell you Star Wars -themed attire if you don’t already have it.) And the key differentiator is the ability to participate in the adventure. 

Disney will happily sell you any accessories or outfits you’ll need at The Chandrila Collection gift shop.

The average Star Wars movie is about two hours long. Two seasons of The Mandalorian on Disney Plus will take you about half a day. Galactic Starcruiser aims for a far bigger scope: two days’ worth of Star Wars story. That means turning a lot of the ordinary parts of your day — including eating and sleeping — that you wouldn’t find in a movie into something more special and Star Wars -y. 

“[Movies] are a slice of life with all the boring cuts part out,” Rouse told The Verge . “Whenever we’re trying to build a world like this, we actually want you to have all of the extra — what we call the magical mundane,” turning those “boring parts” into something more. That might be a comment from your (in-character) server at the bar about the ongoings aboard the ship or a glimpse of a character like Rey gesturing at you from around a corner to help her with a mission.

“Do you want to play Star Wars?”

 “What they’re really asking you is ‘Do you want to play Star Wars?’” Rouse says. 

The word that Disney uses for most of Galactic Starcruiser’s more unique aspects is an “invitation.” As Ann Morrow Johnson, executive producer and creative director at Walt Disney Imagineering, noted in a press panel, “I think so much of this experience lives in these smaller subtler moments where these characters are existing, they’re living their lives, and they’re inviting you to come and play with them, if you want to.” 

Playing some sabacc at the Sublight Lounge bar.

At one point in our abridged trip, a few members of my group were pulled aside by a crew member to assist in a jailbreak for a captured Resistance member. Together, we hacked a terminal, passed the brig override code across a room in a short game of telephone, and unlocked the door so that they could escape. Presumably, I could have decided not to help if I wanted to aid the First Order instead. 

Galactic Starcruiser asks a lot of its guests. You’re basically diving into a giant improv exercise with dozens of strangers. And what you’ll get out of the experience is largely what you put in. In my short time there, it was hard to shake the feeling that I was just going through the motions for the particular story track my group was assigned. Maybe the smaller groups, added time, additional context, and more gradual pace of storytelling that the full experience has help make the process feel more organic. But that guided nature that slots you into specific roles is at least part of the point. 

Galactic Starcruiser asks a lot of its guests

According to Sara Thacher, a senior R&D Imagineer and the creative director behind all the branching narrative choices on board, Galactic Starcruiser is intended so that “you can show up and not have a character, not have to know any lines, not have to know anything about the story” and still have a good time. She described it almost like a traditional video game: players fall into a role from the game, and they can make choices but still have the framework and guidance they need to have fun. My short time on board didn’t really give me the chance to make those decisions for myself, however. 

Disney also wants to make sure guests are able to understand what choices they’re making: Thacher explained that an important goal is making sure that when you make a decision (to help someone or not), it’ll be clear what the broader outcome is: “We want you to know, ‘Yes, this means if I do this, I’m helping the Resistance,’ and presenting those choices as clearly as we can and really, as often as we can, as you as you encounter different pieces of the story, different pieces of the narrative.” In other words, if you’re looking to fight with the Resistance, you shouldn’t have to worry that talking to the wrong person will get you stuck for your whole trip as a First Order sympathizer. 

“Real choice means I have to understand the stakes,” Thacher adds. 

Learning the ways of the Jedi in the ship’s lightsaber training pod activity.

There are a few ride-like activities on the Halcyon, like the lightsaber training pod or the bridge, and the overall vibe here is more cruise ship than theme park — albeit a cruise ship that’s been ripped out of the Star Wars universe. 

The lightsaber training was (unsurprisingly) the best of them. Guided by a Saja (a Jedi-like follower of the Force), guests are given a lightsaber to spin and slash around to block blaster bolts. The effects and haptics here make the activity — not just light and sound, but you can actually feel the saber blocking each bolt as it flashes in the real world. 

The bridge area, meanwhile, is a more cooperative group activity in the vein of the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run ride at Galaxy’s Edge, with four different roles that guests rotate between. Bouncing across the different stations let me take a turn blocking asteroids, aligning the ship’s sensors by matching buttons and switches, blasting lasers, and more.

star wars ship cruise

Those shipboard activities, in addition to offering entertainment in their own right, help serve as catalysts for drawing guests further into those story arcs. A bridge training exercise, for example, might end with helping the ship’s captain on a clandestine rescue mission in an asteroid belt. 

Guests will also journey down to the Galaxy’s Edge park in Disney World proper, where they’ll be able to ride the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run and Rise of the Resistance rides (Galactic Starcruiser guests will get to use the premium-purchase “ Lightning Lanes ” to avoid waiting in line, of course), along with accomplishing their own missions given to them from characters on the ship through the smartphone-based “Datapad” built into the Play Disney Parks app. Disney says those activities will also tie into guests’ individual, ongoing storylines when they come back aboard the ship. 

A franchise that you can not just love, but live in

The integration of narrative, traditional theme park rides, live entertainment, and a hotel stay make Galactic Starcruiser a blend of virtually every aspect of a Disney World trip all at once. It feels like the next step for the modern, all-encompassing pop culture machines that have come to dominate entertainment: a franchise that you can not just love, but live in. 

It’s also important to remember that Galactic Starcruiser is just the first of the company’s efforts here, one that will, like the parks it’s set in, presumably grow and change over time. And it’s easy to imagine that both Disney (and its competitors) will be thinking about how to bring this kind of first-hand fan experience to more properties in the future. 

“Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops.”

That immersive experience comes at a very literal cost, though. When Disney first announced pricing, a two-night stay was quoted as starting at $4,809 for two adults, while a family of four (three adults, one child) was $5,999. That only includes the “basic” — relatively speaking — Galactic Starcruiser experience. Things like alcoholic or “specialty” drinks, outfits to better fit into the Star Wars universe you’re joining for your stay, and experiences like Savi’s Lightsaber Workshop on Baatu are extras you’ll have to budget in, too, additions to dive even deeper into the world. 

All this comes at a very literal cost

The end of our Galactic Starcruiser trip ended much in the same way that any day at Disney World does: a grand fireworks show celebrating a successful voyage. The explosions are bright and colorful, with shapes and designs far beyond anything terrestrial fireworks could do. But they’re also fake: they’re digital illusions playing on the massive “viewport” screens on the bridge, masked by the soaring John Williams score and the heightened reality you’re in. 

Photography by Chaim Gartenberg / The Verge

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star wars ship cruise

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Complete Guide

by Dan Leonard Dec 29, 2022

Complete Guide to Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

Atrium of the Halcyon, Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

With its first cruise launching in March, 2022, the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser is Walt Disney World Resort’s newest and most advanced example of Disney storytelling brought to life. Guests have the opportunity to go beyond just watching the action unfold- they become characters in an all new Star Wars adventure, where everyone has the chance to be the hero (or villain, if that’s more your speed). This guide will give you all the (spoiler free) information you need to set sail on your own galactic adventure!

What is this Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser thing, anyhow?

Not just a hotel.

Jeff in star wars outfit in the Sublight Lounge on the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser, posed with Gaya, Oouanni, and a crew member

One of the most difficult things to understand for people who haven’t experienced the Starcruiser for themselves is what exactly is this experience all about? It’s unfortunate that most news stories and bloggers have been calling it the “Star Wars hotel” since it opened. The experience is so much deeper than just a themed hotel. A trip on the Galactic Starcruiser is like a 2-night murder mystery dinner party with Hollywood level production values, mixed with a live action choose-your-own-adventure book, wrapped up in a fully immersive atmosphere that allows guests to live in the Star Wars universe.

A Cruise Through The Galaxy

It’s also a legit cruise. Whether the ship actually goes anywhere is up to your imagination. It has all the makings of a cruise in outer space. Guests arrive and are escorted to their staterooms. A muster drill is required during the first day. There is fabulous gourmet food at dinner, and delicious buffets for breakfast and lunch. Galaxy class entertainment and a wide range of shipboard entertainment and activities are arranged by the ship’s cruise director. The ship makes a port call (in this case to Blackspire Outpost on the planet Batuu), where guests can take part in shore excursions.

Captain Keevan, Director Lenka Mok, and First Order Lieutenant Croy on board the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

The experience of cruising on the Halcyon isn’t only for dedicated Star Wars fans. Whether you’re well versed in the lore of our favorite galaxy far, far away, or have a hard time telling a lightsaber from a Wookiee, the Galactic Starcruiser is an amazing opportunity to experience immersive storytelling on a level that’s unavailable anywhere else.

Things to know before you go

A little preparation can go a long way to having the best possible experience onboard the ship. Here are some important things to know about preparing  for your trip.

Booking and add-ons

While the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser experience can be booked directly through Disney, we strongly recommend getting help with the booking from your trusted Key to the World Travel Advisor. There are lots of little details and extra experiences that can be added on to your cruise. Your travel advisor not only knows how and when to make those reservations, but is also happy to spend the time on the phone to get them booked for you.

Extra experiences that must be booked in advance include:

Jeff and heather with bartender at Oga's Cantina, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge

  • Captain’s Table:  Sit at the Captain’s Table to make dinner at the Crown of Corellian Dining Room even more memorable. Guests sit in a prime location in the center of the dining room for the best view of the entertainment. Also includes extra courses during meals that are only offered at the Captain’s Table, and a chance to dine and interact with Captain Keevan. Price: $50/person for one seating.
  • Chandrilla Star Lines Portrait Experience: Half hour private photo shoot with professional posing and lighting, captured by specially trained Cast Members. Photographers work with you to determine the types of photos you’d like taken, and find the best locations around the ship to help you look and feel like true inhabitants of the Star Wars universe. Price: $399/session.
  • Image Design Makeup Session: “Image Designers” come to your cabin onboard the Halcyon and create a custom face paint design to help transform you into your chosen alien species for your cruise. They’re able to ensure that your face paint design is “Batuu Approved” so you look your best during your excursion to Black Spire Outpost. Price:$134.52 (includes gratuities)
  • Activities on Batuu: Your Key to the World Travel advisor can help you make advance reservations for all the activities on your shore excursion to Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, including building a lightsaber at Savi’s Workshop , designing a BB or R2 series droid at the Droid Depot , or reserving a table for drinks and snacks at Oga’s Cantina .

Who are you, and what do you look like?

Jeff and Wyatt in star wars garb in front of the entrance sign to Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

This is where the fun really begins. Guests aren’t just allowed, but encouraged to dress the part! Costumes onboard the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser don’t have to be elaborate or screen quality. With a little thought and some time scrolling through your favorite online shopping site, you can easily put together a convincing “in universe” look for the cruise.

Name and planet of origin

Dan in Star Wars costume in front of the Millennium Falcon at Star Wars Galaxy's Edge

First, spend a little time thinking about your character, and what path you’d like to follow during the cruise. This can help influence your “look”. Made up character names aren’t necessary, but can be fun and help you feel more connected to the story.  Crew members will ask you where you’re from. Feel free to pick a planet from a Star Wars movie, tell them what city you live in, or make up a new home planet for yourself. No matter what you say, the crew members will play along accordingly.

Clothes make the character

Wyatt in Star Wars outfit on Batuu

The type of character you want to portray can influence your outfits.

  • Are you a Force sensitive student of the path of the Jedi? Light colored tunics and brown robes or cloaks fit the look. For a more subtle Force user look, consider emulating the Saja. The Saja are students and teachers of the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat about the ship. They dress in natural fibers, primarily dark blue with red accents. Look for accessories made of wood, stone, and other materials from nature.
  • Resistance sympathizers often dress in a paramilitary style, with lots of flight suits and tactical gear. You can also emulate Han Solo, Poe Dameron, Rey, or your favorite resistance fighter. Vests, scarves and fingerless gloves are popular accessories for this bunch. Please note that blasters and other weapons (with the exception of lightsabers) are not allowed on board the Galactic Starcruiser. However, a very popular and useful accessory is a “drop hip bag”-a belt pouch that straps around the thigh and resembles a blaster holster.
  • Are you more of a rogue or smuggler type? Imagine what a space pirate would look like, and run with it! Flamboyant jackets, scarves, flowing “pirate” tunics, and lots of flair help you fit the role.
  • If you feel like letting your dark side out, or are a First Order sympathizer,  pack plenty of black! Sleek, futuristic clothes in black or grey, with deep red accents are the perfect fit for this character type.
  • It can also be fun to let your imagine run wild. Want to be a member of an alien species? Watch some movies or check out some books, and go for it! Have a favorite character that speaks to you? Put together your best take on their signature look. There are plenty of resources online, including websites and Facebook costuming groups dedicated to the Galactic Starcruiser experience. Star Wars Visual Dictionary books are easy to find at your local library, and are great resources for costume ideas also.

three men in star wars outfits on board Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

Don’t forget, these are just recommendations. Use your imagination, and make your character look the way you want. Or don’t- costumes aren’t required, but definitely help to immerse you in the experience!

How much to pack for the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser experience

One question many guests have is just how much to pack for the cruise. The journey is 2 nights/1.5 days. The waking hours during the experience can get very busy, so a multitude of costume changes aren’t recommended. Of course, if you’re an expert at the quick change and want to go all out, feel free.

  • One to two looks can be perfect for your cruise. It’s a good idea to include visual elements that carry from one outfit to another, to help crew members recognize you if they need your help later in the trip. Don’t forget that Batuu has three suns, and your visit to the planet can be very warm-plan accordingly. You might want a fresh set of clothes after you return from the planet in case you get sweaty.
  • Even though both dinners during the cruise are extravagant affairs, formal dress isn’t required (although certainly welcome if you want to get fancy).
  • Comfortable shoes are a must-you spend a lot of time on your feet. For a relaxing cruise, things can get very busy and hectic, especially if the First Order decides to make an unscheduled appearance during your sailing.
  • What to expect on board the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser, and how to play the game
  • Make sure everyone in your party has a smart phone or device capable of installing apps and connecting to WiFi and Bluetooth. You’ll need this to receive communications from crew members, check your schedule, and complete various tasks around the ship. Old cellphones work great for younglings. If you don’t have a device for kids in your group, ask at the ship services counter in the atrium of the ship. They have loaner devices and can help you get set up.
  • Along with devices, each member of your party needs to have an account for the Play Disney Parks app. This app turns into the “datapad” which is the main tool for “playing” the game.

What to expect onboard the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser, and playing the “game”

The crew of the Star Cruiser do a great job of making sure everyone has the best experience possible. They subtly guide you through the cruise, and are always available to help if you run into technical difficulties.

Getting on and getting acclimated

Boarding the ship starts at 1 P.M., but you can arrive up to 2 hours early to navigate the parking line, check in, and line up to board. If you drive yourself, complimentary valet parking is required. Guests can also arrive by taxi or ride share.

Panoramic photo of stateroom on board Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

Pro Tip! If you’re staying at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel prior to boarding the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser, make sure the front desk is aware of your cruise, and they’ll give you late checkout for embarkation day so you can stay in your room and prepare for boarding without rushing. The front desk can also arrange for complimentary transportation from your hotel to the starport where you board the Halcyon.

Bed and porthole in stateroom Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser

Once you’ve checked in, received your Em-bands (outer space magic bands), and cleared the bag check, you’ll take a transport shuttle up to the Halcyon. Crew members will greet you in the atrium, give you a brief tour of the ship, and take you to your stateroom.

star wars ship cruise

Once settled in, make sure to keep an eye on the schedule in your Datapad. This will alert you to events such as the muster drill and Captain’s welcoming toast, as well as scheduled activities such as your bridge operations training session and lightsaber combat training.

Activities Onboard the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

Holo Sabaac

During free time, feel free to explore all public areas of the ship. Make sure you push buttons, scan your Em-band, and poke around. You might unlock secrets that help draw you into the story of your cruise. Talk to crew members and characters you meet on board.This is one of the key ways you receive tasks and move through story lines during your cruise.

lightsaber training

Pro Tip! On day 2, your scheduled shuttle departure time for Batuu is more of a guideline than a strict rule. It’s a good idea to arrive at the shuttle bay earlier to catch one of the first transports out. This will help you get everything done before the heat of Batuu’s 3 suns reaches its peak, and allow you to spend plenty of time onboard the ship in the afternoon.

Food and drink on board the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser

star wars ship cruise

There are many great options for dining and drinking around the galaxy. The best part is all food and most non-alcoholic drinks are included in your fare, so you can enjoy as much as you like without worrying about picking up the check!

star wars ship cruise

  • For breakfast and lunch, visit the Crown of Corellia for an intergalactic buffet with familiar but reimagined foods that are really from a different world. Note, the menu for these buffets is different each day, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to stop in as often as possible!

star wars ship cruise

  • Dinner each night in the Crown of Corellia dining room is a fantastic experience, with food that you really can’t get anywhere else. Try everything and be open to new things. Dinners are served family style, and if you want more of anything just let your server know. Also, feel free to order items off the younglings menu if you wish in addition to the main meal.

star wars ship cruise

  • Food is available in the late afternoon in the Sublight Lounge, and is included in your fare. Take advantage of the variety of snacks, they’re amazing. The smoked cheese plate is a highlight!

star wars ship cruise

  • The ship services counter has a rotating selection of snacks available throughout the day. The atrium also has a water station for refilling your stateroom’s water flask with still or sparkling water.
  • Guests receive a voucher for a meal and beverage at Docking Bay 7 during your shore excursion to Batuu. This voucher can be saved and used at any theme park quick service location on disembarkation day if you prefer.  Pro Tip! Unless you’ve never visited Batuu and really want to try the food offered at Docking Bay 7, we recommend you skip lunch on planet. The variety of food in the Crown of Corellia dining room for lunch day 2 is phenomenal and not to be missed!

star wars ship cruise

  • If you need a break from the action, head to your stateroom and check in with D3-09, the in room droid. She’ll frequently have messages for you on the comms center in your room, and will occasionally have tasks for you to help with. If she offers to tell you a bedtime story the first night, make sure to accept!

star wars ship cruise

  • If a strange child approaches you in a public area of the ship and asks for help with a task, don’t be alarmed. It’s part of the story, so play along.
  • Talk to lots of people! Make friends with fellow passengers and crew members. Heavy roleplaying isn’t necessary, but it is important to play along. You get out of the experience what you put into it.
  • Push buttons, open doors, try to hack into computers that claim to be for crew access only. Even if nothing happens right away, it may unlock story elements later on.

star wars ship cruise

Ready to book passage on the Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser?


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Disneyland | galactic starcruiser: everything you need to know about disney world’s star wars hotel, the new star wars: galactic starcruiser hotel will debut on march 1 next door to the star wars: galaxy’s edge themed land at disney’s hollywood studios in florida..

star wars ship cruise

For the next three days and two nights, the galactic cruise ship passengers will hatch plots against the First Order, fall in with a band of underworld smugglers and sip space cocktails for as long as they can suspend disbelief and buy into the interstellar cosplay theater of what’s being billed as the “most immersive Star Wars experience ever created.”

There’s only one important rule on the Halcyon: Never use the H word. The Galactic Starcruiser is an intergalactic voyage, not an earthbound hotel.

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The new Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel will debut on March 1 next door to the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge themed land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida.

If the new Star Wars hotel proves popular and lives up to all the hype, a sister ship to the Halcyon could be docking someday soon next to the Galaxy’s Edge themed land at Disneyland.

star wars ship cruise

If you’ve always dreamed of living inside a “Star Wars” movie then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got everything you need to know about the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park.

No discussion of the Galactic Starcruiser can begin without first talking about the elephant in the room: The out-of-this-world cost of a two-night stay on the Halcyon.

Prices for the Star Wars voyage start at $4,800 for a two-person cabin and go up to $6,000 for a four-person room.

If you’re doing the math, that works out to approximately $750 to $1,200 per person per night depending on how many people you cram into your cabin during the 45-hour galactic journey.

Those are starting prices. You can and likely will spend much more. The Halcyon is not for the faint of wallet. Families will be spending at least $100 an hour for the privilege of flying aboard the jewel of the Chandrila Star Line.

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The best way to think of your Galactic Starcruiser experience is as a three-day, two-night trip aboard a luxury cruise ship — albeit one that travels to a galaxy far, far away.

What’s included in a Galactic Starcruiser vacation package?

A cabin or suite, all your meals, a host of ship activities, tickets to Disney’s Hollywood Studios and valet parking on Earth. We’ll get into what’s not included in a bit.

star wars ship cruise

The backstory of the Galactic Starcruiser is that you and your family have left your car with the Disney World valet and embarked on a Star Wars adventure of your own. Say goodbye to your Florida vacation for a few days. You’re departing on a space cruise that promises to be filled with lightsaber training, alien encounters and the occasional TIE fighter attack.

You’re about to become a character in the “Star Wars” movie of your dreams as you are completely immersed in a show that is constantly unfolding all around you — all aboard a “cruise ship on land” that never leaves Florida, nevermind the galaxy.

You can kick back, watch the kids play and drink space cocktails at inflated prices — but that’s not really the point of this vacation. There’s no pool on the Halcyon to dip your feet into and no sunshine to bronze your tan. You’re on a Star Wars cruise ship in outer space. If you’re not planning on buying into the immersive backstory, then the Galactic Starcruiser is probably not worth your time or money.

That said, passengers are under no obligation to engage. This isn’t an acting gig. It’s your vacation. Play hard or stargaze. It’s up to you. If you aren’t interested in the scheduled itinerary, feel free to explore the ship. But don’t be surprised if you unexpectedly bump into a Wookiee or ball droid.

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The Galactic Starcruiser experience is equal parts live-action role-playing game, immersive theater and culinary extravaganza dreamed up by the theme park wizards at Walt Disney Imagineering. You’re encouraged to take part in the intrigue, mystery and adventure at every step of the journey. Disney promises the Galactic Starcruiser will be like nothing else you’ve ever experienced.

At its core, the Galactic Starcruiser is a first-of-its-kind choose your own adventure experience within an epic Star Wars story where you are the hero.

The experience is so all-encompassing that the FAQ section on the Disney website actually answers the question: Does Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser really take passengers into space?

Disney’s begrudging answer: The Galactic Starcruiser voyage is not an actual trip into space.

star wars ship cruise

Your journey aboard the Halcyon starts at the Galactic Starcruiser Terminal at Disney World where you and your fellow travelers will board a launch pod and rendezvous with the starcruiser in outer space.

The launch pod’s viewports allow passengers to watch their jump to hyperspace. Once docked with the Halcyon, the airlock opens with a whoosh and the passengers step into the ship’s grand atrium flanked by holographic columns.

Crew members will deliver your luggage to your cabin. Only registered guests are allowed in the terminal or aboard the starcruiser.

star wars ship cruise

The 100-cabin Halcyon is a Corellian MPO-1400 model starcruiser and the jewel of the Chandrila Star Line, according to the Star Wars backstory created for the experience.

The recently refurbished and reoutfitted ship is known throughout the Star Wars galaxy for its legendary glamor, style and comfort. The Chandrila Star Line pioneered hyperdrive travel with its Purgill-class starcruisers and the Halcyon continues that spirit of adventure and romance of exploration. The interplanetary travel group voyages to exotic destinations throughout the far reaches of the Star Wars galaxy — from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim.

Halcyon passengers are encouraged to wear Star Wars costumes — conveniently available in advance from ShopDisney or on board the starcruiser. Earthly clothes are permitted — but, come on, you’ve already dropped five grand on this trip. What’s another few hundred to don your galactic best?

In addition to Jedi robes and other Star Wars attire, the Chandrila Collection gift shop sells Twi’lek and Togruta lekku headgear and Chandrila Star Line jewelry, glassware, pins, ornaments and ship models.

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Disney has a bunch of rules about costumes, so check the guidelines before building your wardrobe. Headwear can’t cover the face. No obstructive, offensive, objectionable or violent costumes are allowed. Props can’t resemble actual weapons. Sharp or pointed objects are prohibited. And, yes, you can bring your lightsaber.

Passengers can dress as their favorite Star Wars character, but they can’t pose for photos or sign autographs for fellow Halcyon travelers.

The choices you make and actions you take on your Galactic Starcruiser adventure will determine the Star Wars story you experience. The entire ship becomes a stage throughout your journey. Will you plot a secret mission to assist the First Order? Have you ever dreamed of becoming an underworld smuggler? Do you want to explore the ship’s inner workings in the Engineering Room? The Halcyon is your playground.

star wars ship cruise

The multiday experience means your choices may matter later during the cruise. Form alliances. Play both sides. It’s up to you. But remember your decisions could come back to haunt you later. Actions have consequences on the Halcyon.

Many of the interactive experiences will require the Star Wars Datapad smartphone app or an exclusive Galactic Starcruiser MagicBand RFID wristband — both of which are included with your voyage. The earthbound tech allows passengers to receive communications from the Halcyon crew and interact with sensors throughout the ship.

The Halcyon promises up-close interactions with Star Wars characters — from stormtroopers and First Order officers to droids and even Chewbacca. But that’s all pretty old hat for anybody who has visited Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland or Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

SEE ALSO: Which Star Wars characters can — and can’t — appear in Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge

What other Star Wars characters will passengers meet on the Halcyon?

Concept art shows a tattooed Zabrak that looks like Darth Maul dining with passengers, a horned blue alien playing holo-sabacc in the Sublight Lounge and a Mon Calamari amphibious creature greeting guests in the lobby. Disney has overpromised Star Wars character interactions in the past — so we will have to see who actually shows up on the Halcyon.

Several new Star Wars characters have been created just for the Galactic Starcruiser experience — including Halcyon Captain Riyola Keevan and Cruise Director Lenka Mok, First Order Lt. Harman Croy and Sammie the ship’s mechanic. There are also a couple of new droids: The SK-62O astromech who serves as the assistant cruise director and D3-O9 who handles the ship’s logistics.

star wars ship cruise

What will you do for 45 hours on the Halcyon?

There’s no casino on this cruise ship — but there’s no shortage of things to keep you busy and separate you from your money.

Passengers can arrive at the terminal between 1 and 4 p.m. on the day of their departure — and you should plan on arriving as close to 1 p.m. as possible if you don’t want to miss anything.

SEE ALSO: How Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge fits into the Star Wars universe

There are light refreshments and Sabacc lessons before the 4 p.m. muster and captain’s reception. Dinner with live music starts as early as 5:30 p.m. The evening continues with an Outer Rim Regalia fashion gala and special atrium entertainment.

At some point on Day 1 there will be an “unexpected story moment” — which shouldn’t be too unexpected if you’re following the ship’s fixed itinerary. This will be your chance to join an elite smuggling ring or hide a stowaway to help the Resistance.

star wars ship cruise

Day 2 starts early with breakfast at 7 a.m. before taking a transport shuttle from the Halcyon to Batuu, the Star Wars planet at the heart of the Galaxy’s Edge theme land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The real-world box truck exterior of the transport shuttle isn’t too glamorous, but all you’ll see is the elaborate Star Wars interior.

Adults will be reminded to adhere to local etiquette on Batuu — where costumes are only allowed for kids 13 and younger.

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The Batuu excursion features Lightning Lane access to the Rise of the Resistance and Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run attractions and lunch at the Docking Bay 7 restaurant — all included in the price of the Galactic Starcruiser vacation package. Building a $220 lightsaber or $100 droid in Galaxy’s Edge is not included in your Halcyon voyage — and neither are drinks at Oga’s Cantina . The final transport shuttle from Batuu back to the Halcyon departs at 4 p.m.

You won’t want to spend too much time on Batuu — it’s nothing more than a tourist trap anyway. There’s plenty happening on the Halcyon during the rest of Day 2. The afternoon is filled with droid racing competitions, model ship building and sabacc tournaments.

Peppered throughout the itinerary are more planned and unplanned story moments. Want to broker a heist or steal a ship from the First Order? Here’s your chance.

star wars ship cruise

You certainly won’t want to miss the lightsaber lessons and bridge training. Padawans will learn to wield the Jedi weapon while facing off against a remote training device and help navigate the Halcyon from the ship’s bridge. Rest assured the Halcyon is equipped with blast shields and turbo-lasers should the ship stumble into an unforeseen galactic entanglement during an unexpected story moment. Shipwide announcements will notify passengers of notable passing landmarks.

SEE ALSO: Disney teases ‘real’ Star Wars lightsaber

While the kids have their fun, the adults can retire to the Sublight Lounge for a space cocktail or two before the “Taste Around the Galaxy” dinner. As a reminder, alcoholic and specialty drinks are not included in the cost of the Halcyon vacation package. Day 2 ends with a spectacular finale party.

The Crown of Corellia dining room offers a la carte breakfast and lunch throughout the day before transforming into a supper club each evening with live musical entertainment plus a few more chapters in your Star Wars story. Twi’lek singer Gaya will be the headline entertainer aboard the Starship Halcyon.

Like a cruise ship, the Halcyon will offer multiple dinner seatings with passengers seated with other parties. Passengers can request a seat at the Captain’s Table for $30 per person.

star wars ship cruise

Dinner courses will take inspiration and source ingredients from planets throughout the Star Wars galaxy.

Crown of Corellia dishes will have Star Wars names like Felucian blue shrimp and Mustafarian bread while the ship’s chefs will offer unique but familiar interstellar takes on seafood like ceviche, calamari and squid. Among the standout space bites: A ​​bubble waffle grilled cheese sandwich and purple focaccia bread with blue bantha milk butter. For dessert, why not try the lemon cheesecake with a yuzu Chantilly cream. You can wash it all down with a blue-green Hoth Frost drink topped with spun sugar ice and lemon foam.

SEE ALSO: Star Wars dinner theater planned for Disneyland jumps to Galactic Starcruiser hotel

The Instagram-ready culinary sensation that will set social media atwitter: A miso salmon dish with a crunchy seaweed crust topped with bonito flakes that twitch and shrink as they are served.

Breakfast will feature earthly entrees along with fruit juice and coffee as well as Bubo Wamba Family Farms blue milk. Lunch will be similarly earthbound with sandwiches, soups, flatbreads, salads and sweets.

star wars ship cruise

The third and final day aboard the Halcyon is pretty much all about disembarking after breakfast. You should be picking up your valeted car back on earth by 10 a.m. The Halcyon apologizes for the early check out, but the ship needs to get ready for another departure in just a few hours.

It’s pretty clear the Galactic Starcruiser is much more than a hotel since we haven’t even talked about your sleeping quarters yet.

Halcyon cabins and suites spread across three decks feature space windows that offer views of passing ships, planets and the occasional battle. You’ll fall asleep each night and wake every morning among the stars. There’s a button to close the blinds if you can’t sleep with all the activity buzzing in your space window.

The Halcyon also offers a climate simulator that replicates Earth’s atmosphere for any passenger who needs a bit of fresh air or a little blue sky. The Galactic Starcruiser hotel has no exterior windows looking out onto its Florida surroundings — all in order to keep you sealed in a Star Wars bubble.

star wars ship cruise

The futuristic Standard Cabins that sleep up to five are furnished with a pullout table, a TV beaming entertainment from Earth and a queen bed, two bunk beds and a pull-down bed.

Galaxy Class Suites offer two space windows, more living and bathroom space, a seating area and a bar plus extra Star Wars surprises.

The Grand Captain’s Suite — which sleeps eight — adds an extra bedroom and bathroom as well as a third space window.

No word yet if the Halcyon’s honeymoon suite where Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa slept — according to a new Star Wars book — will be available to passengers.

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Unlike on a cruise ship, you won’t be asked to include a gratuity at the end of your Halcyon voyage. Gratuity is included for meals but not for maid service or valet parking. The starcruiser staff prefers American dollars rather than Star Wars galactic credits — if you have any of either currency left after your trip.

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