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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from novelizations
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  • Scimitar class starships
  • Romulan starship classes
  • Reman starship classes
  • Battleship classes
  • Warbird classes
  • Dreadnought classes
  • 24th century Romulan starship classes
  • 25th century Romulan starship classes
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from magazines

Scimitar class

The Scimitar -class was a type of Romulan warbird developed in the late 24th century . The prototype vessel of the class was destroyed in 2379 .

  • 3 Known vessels
  • 4.1 Connections
  • 4.2 External links
  • 4.3 References

History [ ]

The Scimitar class was the culmination of a Romulan development program to create a powerful new class to utilise against the Dominion . ( TOS novel : Captain's Blood )

800px-Scimitar Warbird

A Scimitar -class warbird.

The design included a revolutionary thalaron radiation core, developed by the Tal Shiar , making it a deadly adversary. ( DS9 - Tales of the Dominion War short story : " Twilight's Wrath ")

Only one vessel of the class was completed as the necessity for such a super-weapon disappeared following the end of the Dominion War . That vessel, the Scimitar , was under the control of Shinzon of Remus , and he used it to destroy the remaining unfinished Scimitar -class vessels to make sure no one could oppose him. ( TOS novel : Captain's Blood )

The Scimitar herself was later destroyed when Lieutenant Commander Data of the USS Enterprise -E fired a phaser into the vessel's thalaron core to prevent the weapon from being used to kill his shipmates. ( TNG movie & novelization : Nemesis )

Tulwar Warbird

A Tulwar -class variant.

By the 2400s Scimitar -class vessels were in use as a dreadnought by both the Romulan Star Empire and some groups of Reman rebels , the latter including the Reman Resistance under Obisek . In 2409 the Romulan Republic also developed two variant classes, designated the Falchion and Tulwar -subclasses . ( ST video games : Star Trek Online , Legacy of Romulus )

A year later, the Romulan Republic launched a new line of Scimitar -derived ships, with a distinctly Romulan appearance. ( Star Trek Online news )

Features [ ]

Scimitar -class warbirds are huge, but even for their size, they have an unusually high amount of weaponry: 52 disruptor banks and 27 photon torpedo tubes. In addition, the class features at least one huge shuttle bay which can hold in excess of 40 Scorpion -class fighters . The class is also fitted with an advanced cloaking device which is undetectable by any previously known means and can also be operated whilst maintaining full shields and firing weapons.

The most notable feature of the Scimitar class are the thalaron cores. Scimitar -class vessels are able to create a thalaron discharge which could wipe out all organic tissue on a target ranging from a starship to a planet . To fire the weapon, the ship must splay its wings into a firing position; this takes several minutes, during which time the thalaron radiation is built up from the core. ( TNG movie & novelization : Nemesis )

By 2387 , this design had set the standard for other classes of Reman vessels, though it is very likely that they lacked the thalaron generator the Scimitar possessed. ( ST comic : " Countdown ")

Known vessels [ ]

  • Scimitar (prototype) ( TNG movie & novelization : Nemesis )
  • RRW Lleiset ( Tulwar -subclass ) ( STO video game : Legacy of Romulus )
  • IRW Hook Saber
  • IRW Jambiya
  • IRW Khopesh
  • IRW Leahval (Flagship of Empress of the Romulan Star Empire Sela) ( ST Video game : Star Trek Online )
  • IRW Shamshir
  • IRW Valdore (later assimilated by Borg Collective ) ( ST video game : Star Trek Online )

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], external links [ ].

  • Scimitar class article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Scimitar Dreadnought article at Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird article at Star Trek Online Wiki .

References [ ]

  • ↑ The Official Starships Collection Issue Special 18: "{{{3}}}"
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Achilles class
  • 3 Odyssey class

scimitar ship star trek

Scimitar Class

Memory Alpha

The Remans were humanoid inhabitants of the planet Remus with the potential for telepathy .

  • 1 Physiology
  • 2 Society and Culture
  • 4 Technology
  • 5 Individuals
  • 6.1 Appearances
  • 6.2 Background information
  • 6.3 Apocrypha
  • 6.4 External link

Physiology [ ]

The Remans are a humanoid species characterized by their distinct facial features, pale skin and pointed ears. Remans are adapted to living in low-light environments, as their native planet, Remus, is tidally locked with its star, resulting in one side of the planet being constantly exposed to sunlight while the other side is in perpetual darkness. As a result, Remans have large, photosensitive eyes capable of seeing in dim lighting conditions.

Remans possess great physical strength and agility, and are capable of enduring intense physical exertion for long periods of time.

They are also notable for their telepathic abilities. Reman telepathy allows them to communicate with each other over long distances, and also to read the thoughts and emotions of other species. However, their telepathic abilities are not well understood by other races, and as a result, they are often feared and mistrusted. ( Star Trek Nemesis )

Reman blood was dark purple in color. ( LD : " I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee ")

Society and Culture [ ]

As a slave caste, Remans were not allowed to participate in Romulan society and were often subjected to harsh and dangerous working conditions in the dilithium mines of their homeworld, Remus. Their society was largely underground due to their extreme photosensitivity.

Reman pictographs

Reman pictographs

According to Data , the Reman language was "a most complex language" that utilized pictographs representing certain verb roots.

Despite their status, Remans were known for their exceptional fighting abilities, and some were employed as bodyguards or soldiers by the Romulan Empire . However, they were often treated as expendable, "cannon fodder" soldiers, and were deployed in the fiercest engagements during the Dominion War . ( Star Trek Nemesis )

History [ ]

The Remans were the slave labor caste of the Romulan people since at least the 22nd century and forced to work in the extremely hazardous dilithium mines of their world. ( ENT : " United ", " The Aenar ")

Among the Romulan people, Remans have historically been known as great warriors. As such, Romulan Senator Vrax employed two Reman bodyguards to intimidate possible opponents. ( ENT : " United ", " The Aenar ")

The Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 214 indicated that Senator Vrax was "beholden to Reman interests."

Remans were used by the Romulan Empire as " cannon fodder" during the Dominion War , and were often deployed in the fiercest engagements.

In 2379 , the Remans usurped the power of their Romulan overlords in a military coup , installing their leader, Shinzon (in actuality, a clone of Jean-Luc Picard ), as the new Praetor of the Romulan Senate and thus the empire. As an act of war against the Federation , Praetor Shinzon – with his warbird , the Scimitar – then attempted to destroy all life on Earth .

However, with the destruction of the Scimitar at the Battle in the Bassen Rift , after Shinzon's supporters on Romulus turned against him, the bid for Reman superiority was prematurely ended. ( Star Trek Nemesis )

Distrust between Remans and Romulans was still prevalent in 2380 , when a Romulan guard on Romulus commented to a colleague that he hated Remans, with his colleague commenting Remans were " the worst ". ( LD : " Veritas ")

In 2381 , two Reman assassins intercepted the USS Enterprise -E in the Donatra sector and threatened Picard. ( PIC : " Seventeen Seconds ")

Technology [ ]

Reman technology was highly advanced, despite their status as a slave labor caste . One notable example was the Scimitar , a massive warbird constructed during Shinzon's reign. The Scimitar was equipped with an arsenal of weapons, including Thalaron radiation weapons capable of destroying all organic matter on a planet. Reman technology also included Cloaking devices , which allowed ships to become invisible to sensors and the naked eye. The Scimitar had an advanced version of this technology that allowed it to remain cloaked while firing weapons, a feat previously thought impossible. Remans also developed unique mining technology to extract dilithium from their world's hazardous mines. This technology allowed them to extract the valuable mineral while minimizing the risk of radiation exposure. Despite their technological advancements, Reman society was still heavily oppressed by the Romulan Empire until Shinzon's takeover. ( Star Trek Nemesis )

Individuals [ ]

  • Unnamed Remans

No Reman characters have been named in any canon production.

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • Star Trek Nemesis
  • " The Aenar "
  • LD : " I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee " ( remains only)

Background information [ ]

John Logan with Reman

John Logan with a Reman-playing actor

It has not been confirmed onscreen whether the Remans are an offshoot of the Romulans/Vulcans or if they are completely separate species. While certain Reman features, e.g., their telepathic abilities, pointed ears and their forehead patterns, are in agreement with a genetic relation to the Romulans/Vulcans, production sources have typically referred to them as a "species".

The Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 214 does suggest the Remans were Romulans, whose "appearance has diverged significantly over the centuries from that of their Romulan brethren...," owing their telepathic abilities to their "Vulcan heritage."

When writer John Logan came up with the idea of featuring Remans as the villains of Star Trek Nemesis , he first had to explain to a perplexed Rick Berman and Brent Spiner exactly who the Remans were, an alien race that had never been established in canon Star Trek before. Berman and Spiner eventually approved of Logan's idea, giving him the go-ahead to write the species into the film. Logan later explained, " Brent and Rick agreed it would be fun to explore the Remans and their relation to the Romulans. " ( Star Trek Nemesis , pp. xviii & xix)

The Remans were created as a response to the challenge of devising a new, terrifying alien race for Nemesis . " The idea of the Remans being vampirelike slaves, laboring away in the dilithium mines, never seeing the sun, grew out of our desire to create a truly monstrous race, " recalled John Logan. " It seemed obvious to me that the Romulans would subjugate some other race to dig dilithium for them. Much too messy for our pristine and elegant Romulans. " ( Star Trek Nemesis , pp. xviii & xix)

The concept of the Remans looking akin to vampires was also inspired by their lack of exposure to sunlight. " [Director] Stuart Baird and Rick Berman had the idea that they wanted the Remans to have an almost Nosferatulike feeling, but without making them into vampires, " remembered makeup supervisor Michael Westmore , referencing the vampire Count Orlok from the 1922 horror movie Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens . ( Star Trek Nemesis , p. 216) Indeed, the script for Star Trek Nemesis described the Remans as having "a disturbing resemblance to the original Nosferatu." [1] Count Orlok actually served as inspiration for the Reman makeup design. Westmore related, " Stuart [Baird] handed me a picture of Nosferatu and said that was exactly what he wanted. He said, 'I need an alien [species] that looks like this.' And that's exactly what we did. I did some sketches for him and then we went to town on it. We designed the head and ears . " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 109 , p. 32)

The Reman makeup, consisting of foam rubber prosthetics, was ultimately highly elaborate. " It was a full appliance makeup, " explained Michael Westmore, " with a complete face piece that blended in with a headpiece. The actors' lower lips and chins were their own; but everything else was covered with the appliances, which were airbrushed with a marbleized pattern […] We had eight Reman performers, and we didn't know which one Stuart [Baird] was going to pull up front [in closeup], so they all had to have the full makeup, which included teeth and contact lenses and hands painted to match the face. " ( Cinefex , No. 93, p. 103) The Reman head was sculpted by Earl Ellis . ( Cinefex , No. 93, p. 103)

The Remans' ears were made of a semi-translucent latex and included veins. " The ears were neat, " commented Michael Westmore. " Stuart [Baird] said, 'I want to be able to see through the ears.' I made the ears out of clear gelatin, so if there's any backlight behind them you can see through them. Then we painted veins on the back of the ears, so if the light was showing through you could even see veining through them. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 109 , p. 32)

Executive Producer Rick Berman once wondered how the Remans operated the push button controls of their ship with such long, curving fingernails. ( audio commentary , Star Trek Nemesis (Special Edition) DVD ) The length of the Reman nails actually caused problems during shooting. " No matter how well we glued them on, someone was always popping a nail, " recalled Michael Westmore, " so the makeup artists were chasing the performers around with little packs of nails all day. " ( Cinefex , No. 93, p. 103)

The Reman uniforms were specially painted to appear iridescent, a delicate process that involved several coats. The uniforms were later modified and reused as Xindi-Reptilian uniforms on Star Trek: Enterprise

Ron Perlman , who played the Reman Viceroy in Star Trek Nemesis , enjoyed the fact that the Remans had never previously been viewed by audiences. " We've never seen the Remans, so it's kind of cool to present something that's fresh and uncharted, " he said. " A mysterious race. " ( Star Trek Nemesis , p. 216)

In the final draft script of ENT : " United ", Remans were described as having "pallid, bat-like faces." The Remans who appear in that episode (and presumably also " The Aenar ") reused masks originally created for Star Trek Nemesis . ( Star Trek Magazine  issue 120 , p. 56) A pair of Reman guards were also included in a deleted scene from "The Aenar". ( ENT Season 4 DVD )

A Reman rifle was among the items which were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2] (X)

In 2015 , Remans were included in a list of "Top 50 Alien Species!" which was published by IDW . Commenting on the selection, comics writer Mike Johnson referred to the Remans as "a cool species." ("Top 50 Alien Species!", Star Trek: Ongoing issue #50, " Live Evil, Part 1 ")

Apocrypha [ ]

According to the novel trilogy Vulcan's Soul , the Remans were descended from the telepathic Vulcans who refused to give up their abilities during the exodus to Romulus, and were enslaved by the majority non-telepaths who became the Romulans. The Remans were mutated into their current form by exposure to extremophile organisms that lived on the surface of Remus.

The novel Articles of the Federation describes the Remans as being voluntarily transported to an uninhabited Klingon world as a new homeworld a year after Shinzon's death.

Shinzon and his regiment of Reman shock troops are the protagonists of the short story "Twilight's Wrath" in Tales of the Dominion War .

In the Star Trek: Titan novel Taking Wing , the newly-appointed Captain Riker is ordered by Admiral Akaar to proceed to Romulus to assist negotiations between the Remans and the Romulans following Shinzon's failed attempt to wage war on the Federation after his assassination of the Romulan Senate. Riker successfully convinced a faction of Remans who had been part of Ambassador Spock's Unificationist group to cease attacks on Romulus in return for the land that they had been attempting to demand from the new Praetor Tal'aura.

The Remans made a brief appearance in the comic book series Star Trek: Countdown , a tie-in to the 2009 Star Trek film. A fleet of Reman ships captured and boarded Nero 's mining ship the Narada while it was mining decalithium in the Kimben System at the farthest edge of the Romulan Empire in 2387 . The Remans were planning on executing Nero's crew as well as Ambassador Spock , who was on board, before the ship was rescued by the USS Enterprise -E and Captain Data .

In Star Trek Online , which incorporates the story of Countdown , the Remans have colonized Crateris, a failed Romulan colony, with Donatra 's blessing. Star Trek Online also shows the Remans as the direct cause of the destruction of Romulus, having intentionally made the Hobus system go supernova under orders from then-Praetor Taris . In the "Cloaked Intentions" feature episode series, a resistance force under the Reman leader Obisek arose to challenge the Tal Shiar 's efforts of supremacy over the unstable Romulan Empire, by claiming the secret Romulan factory station known as "the Vault". The Reman resistance would later join with dissident leader D'Tan to settle on "New Romulus", and defend the Vault from Tholian attackers. In the first expansion pack, Legacy of Romulus , the Remans became a playable race under the new Romulan Republic, which also introduced female Remans.

External link [ ]

  • Reman at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Klingon augment virus

Scimitar class

  • Edit source

The Scimitar -class warbird was a type of dreadnought that saw service in various Romulan factions during the late 24th and early 25th centuries . ( Star Trek Nemesis ; Star Trek Online )

  • 2 Technical data
  • 3.1 Star Trek Online: Valkyries/Star Trek: Justice continuity
  • 3.2 Bait and Switch
  • 4 External links

History [ ]

During the late 24th century , the prototype of the class, the IRW Scimitar was built in secret to counteract the Dominion threat. With the end of hostilities between the Romulan Star Empire and the Dominion in 2375 , demand for the new class of dreadnought slowed. Only the prototype was completed. In 2379 , Shinzon and his Reman forces seized the Scimitar and used it to destroy the other uncompleted Scimitar -class ships, so no one could use them against him. ( TOS novel: Captain's Blood )

Later that year, the original Scimitar was lost in the Battle of the Bassen Rift . ( Star Trek Nemesis )

The design of the warship, however, was recovered and new vessels based on the Scimitar 's design were built by both the Tal Shiar and the Romulan Republic . By 2409 , the Reman Resistance had acquired Scimitar -class ships as well. Additionally, at least one Scimitar -class ship had been assimilated by the Borg . ( Star Trek Online )

Technical data [ ]

Like the original prototype, all Scimitar -class warbirds were massive ships that were very heavily armed, even for ships of their size. Scimitar -class vessels retained elements of the prototype Scimitar 's advanced cloak and could fire and use their primary and secondary shields while cloaked. Many even retained the thalaron weapon, capable of wiping out all life in a broad area in front of the ship.

At least three variants of the Scimitar class were fielded by the Romulan Republic, each with a slightly different hull design and capabilities. These variants were the Scimitar -type (which looked exactly like the original prototype), the Falchion -type (which appeared very similar, but with a green deflector on the nose and bussard collectors on the nacelles ), and the Tulwar -type (which had a more open hull structure and more compact wings).

However, unlike the original prototype, many of the Scimitar -class ships suffered from various limitations. Firing while cloaked severely drained their weapons systems and could only be maintained for brief periods of time. The thalaron weapon, if equipped, could only be fired while decloaked and severely limited the ship's mobility while deployed. Additionally the cloaks used on these vessels, while still very advanced, were no longer impenetrable. ( Star Trek Online )

Fanon continuities [ ]

Star trek online: valkyries/star trek: justice continuity [ ].

In 2412 , the Romulan Republic sent a Scimitar -class warbird, the RRW T'Rul , to serve as their flagship during the Borg invasion of the quadrant. Under the command of Admiral Sellis , the T'Rul fought alongside the Federation fleet in the Second Battle of Wolf 359 . The dreadnought was disabled during the course of the battle, but was later repaired.

The T'Rul was noted as being marginally less heavily armed than the original Scimitar , having only 42 disruptor banks and 23 torpedo launchers . Previous to its appearance in command of the Romulan Republic fleet over Earth , Starfleet was unaware that the Republic possessed Scimitar -class ships. ( Star Trek: Justice : " Vengeance ")

Bait and Switch [ ]

In 2410 , Velal tr'Hrienteh , the current Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, took his Scimitar -class flagship IRW Lost Road to a peace summit with the Romulan Republic on Khitomer . When the summit was attacked by Tal'Shiar ships under the command of Merik tr’Kiell , Velal commanded the Lost Road and his fleet alongside the Republic delegation. The Lost Road rescued High Admiral D'trel 's RRW Vengeance when the T'varo class was lured into a trap by tr'Kiell, inflicting severe damage on the enemy flagship IRW Sienov . ( Saith Daepahr hrrafv Llaiirevha )

External links [ ]

  • Scimitar article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Scimitar class article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Scimitar Dreadnought article at The Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird article at The Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 2 Daniels (Agent)
  • 3 Levex Ixen

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Many of the images in this section are taken from official sources such as the Star Trek Encyclopedia II , the Star Trek Encyclopedia (2016) the DS9 Technical Manual , the Star Trek Fact Files , Star Trek: The Magazine or the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection . Note that some of these were cleaned up and obvious errors were corrected. A number of schematics (namely Academy trainer craft, Antares NCC-501, Archer's model, Birdseye, Bonaventure from the Chronology , Centaur, Cheyenne, Constitution original, Excelsior variant 1, "Star Trek (2009)" shuttle, Mars defense perimeter, New Orleans, Ptolemy, Saladin, Springfield, Sydney, Raven, Talarian ships and variants, Tamarian ship and variants, Tosk ship and several TAS ships) are copyright of Ex Astris Scientia.

Special thanks go to Mike Swantak for the Ambassador, to Tim Davies for the Excelsiors, to Gus for the "Star Trek (2009)" Enterprise, to Sean Thornton for the Enterprise-A (alt.), to Pundus for the Odyssey, to MadMan and The-Didact for two versions of the Vengeance, to Chris G. for the "Star Trek (2009)" Spacedock, Klingon "Warbird" (models by MadMan), Whale Probe, "Nemesis" drydock (mesh by S-Stephen), TMP drydock (mesh by Prologic9), McKinley drydock (mesh by Eric Peterson), Warp Five Complex (mesh by Beda of Borg) and several images from Lower Decks, to Dávid Metlesits for the Klingon DIS ships (rendered based on models from Star Trek Adversaries), to Dave Combe for the DIS BoP and Sarcophagus ship, to C.HellenBrandt for the D'Arsay archive, Farpoint lifeform, interface probe, Melkotian buoy, ultraviolet satellite, standard D5, the "Star Trek (2009)" escape pod, forklift and more, to Ryan Church for Kirk's motorbike concept art, the Breen ship and the Klingon Augment ship, to Tobias Richter who created the USS Kelvin mesh, to James Chung for Picard concept art, to Daniel Petri for the reconstructed Aurora and the Class J from TOS-R, to Kristian Trigwell for Nomad, DY-100, DY-500, Valiant, Utopia Planitia, TAS personal spacecraft and some emblems, to Chris Spinnler for the Challenger, to Masaki Taniko who modified the Constitution refit, Miranda, Nebula variants, Curry and "Raging Queen", to Robert Bonchune for posting the official Intrepid-type, Delta ship and Kumari renders and who created many renders for recent official publications, to Doug Drexler for posting renders by several CGI artists such as Robert Bonchune, including the "Emmette", NX-Alpha, Arctic One, Arctic One Borgified, three-fingered drydock, multispatial probe, all Vulcan CGI ships, Cardassian workbee, 22nd century Ferengi ship, Nausicaan raider, all Suliban ships, Arkonian warship, Kreetassan ship, Kago Darr's shuttle, Malurian ship, Takret ship, Tandaran patrol ship, Valakian ship, Xantoran patrol ship, "Crossing" alien ship, Reptohumanoid ship and variants, Ledosian ships, Markonian outpost, Venatic, "Alice", "Silent Enemy" ship & shuttle and "Dead Stop" station, to John Eaves for the "Communicator" fighter, the Triannon vessel, the "Extinction" vessel, Xindi-Insectoid vessel 2 and the Axanar combat ship, to Irishman for drawings of Earth Starfleet ships, to Sven Lindemann for intermediate images, to Harry for parts of the early spaceship I, to Thorsten Junk for the Reman shuttle, to Raul Quiles who provided the Shuttlepod 1 and inspection pod schematics, to Kris Olinger who modified the Challenger, to Graham Kennedy for cleaning up and coloring the Starfleet probes, to Masao Okazaki for drawing the Daedalus, Bonaventure, Huron and TAS cargo drone, to Simon Golding for intermediate images, to E. Jakobsson for the Yeager and Elkins, to Jeff Russell for V'ger, to David Matteson for the NX-02 emblem, to viperaviator for the Franklin emblem, to Tobias Weimann for a couple of emblems, to Animaniac for the 22nd century Tholian ship and finally to Alice Orbán for subspace amplifier, Cardassian escape pod, Enolian vessels, Kobali shuttle, Malcorian ship, Malon freighter 2, Malurian shuttle, Mazarite shuttle & variants, Sikarian ship, Tarkalean freighter, Tellarite shuttle, Tsunkatse ship, Vissian ships, some of the Xindi ships, and several more.

Jörg Hillebrand has provided innumerable screen caps and invaluable observations. Most other screen caps are from TrekCore , Ariane's Star Trek Gallery , , Neutral Zone Starship Database or The Guardian of Forever. The photo of the Miranda-class USS Trial is courtesy of Larry Nemecek. Some images are based on Jim Stevenson's Starship Schematics . A reliable list of all canon starship appearances can be found in D. Joseph Creighton's The STArchive from where I extracted some useful data. Several facts about TAS ships came from Curt Danhauser's Guide to Animated Star Trek . I would also like to acknowledge The Unofficial Star Trek Fact Files Index, , Sector 0-0-1, Pedro's Shiporama, Frank Gerratana's Starfleet Ship Designs, Steve Pugh's Vessels of Starfleet, Adam Brooks , Adam Buckner, AJ, Alex Köhnen , Alexander Hartmann , Ambassador, Andrew Halliday, Andros, Andy Kinnear, B. J. Olejnik, Bounty, Brendan Stone , Brian Hunter, cardinal biggles, Colin , Dan Carlson , Daniel Anderson, DAS, doubleofive , Ed Bailey, Erich Mohr , Erik Filean, Florian Ollivier , Frank Bitterhof , George Nicolaides, Greg , Gvsualan , Harry , J , Jeff W, Jake Stotsky, Jason Schmus , Jim Morrissey , Jimmie R. Giboney, Jochen Gnida, John Mesiavech, Kevin , Kratisto, Lee McDonald , Lennier , Lester , Maik Leon Ehnert, Mariner Class, Mark Gill, Micah Haber, Michael Lanzinger, Mike , moreorlesser, Muchu, Paragon, Paul Doize, psycopunkn , Ralph Spitzner, Raymond J Impastato Jr, Rick , Rob Minnes, Robert, Scott Fletcher , Sol System, Stacy Smith, Stefan Posner, Stefan Rypalla , Stephen L. , Tadeo D'Oria, Thomas Owens , Thorsten , Trolleybus and Tuskin38 for ship pictures and information. Several more people helped me through their comments in the Flare Sci-Fi Forums . My special thanks to Colin and Boris S. who have provided lots of little-known information. Last but not least, special thanks to Michael Chabon and Dave Blass for sharing some information from behind the screen with us.

scimitar ship star trek

Last modified: 27 Aug 2024

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Scimitar class

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  • R.R.W. Lleiset
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  • Scimitar Dreadnought (Mob)
  • Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird (Mob)
  • Advanced Scimitar Systems
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The fierce Reman Scimitar is a family of Reman and Romulan starships in use since the late- 24th Century , the most notable of which are Shinzon 's I.R.W. Scimitar and the R.R.W. Lleiset , which is the flagship of the Romulan Republic . It is composed of the playable starships listed to the right, and may appear in the Scimitar Dreadnought NPC mob.

  • 3.1 Scimitar -class variants
  • 4 External links
  • I.R.W. Falcata
  • I.R.W. Jambiya
  • I.R.W. Khopesh
  • I.R.W. Scimitar (mentioned)

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The intimidating Scimitar — the Reman warbird commanded by Captain Picard’s clone Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis — has decloaked to join your Eaglemoss starship collection ready menace your Federation ships with its deadly thalaron weapon.

Designed by John Eaves for the final Next Generation film, the Scimitar was built in response to the need for a new imposing Romulan ship design that would dwarf the Enterprise -E. A ship described as “awesome in its power” by the movie’s shooting script, the Scimitar is an imposing shape.

The primary hull of the Scimitar resembles a large beetle, and the sweeping wings and appendages all over the ship give it a dangerous insectile quality. Visually, the Scimitar is a striking vessel; you wouldn’t necessarily say that it was good looking, but it definitely evokes the right emotions on the screen of power and scale.

One of the “special”-sized ships, the Scimitar model measures approximately eight-and-a-half inches across its wingspan, though feels a little small given the ship it is modeled from is so massive. Despite not being as big as it maybe should be, however, the decision to make the Scimitar at the special rather than the smaller regular size is a welcome one.

The general trend of Eaglemoss towards making the movie ships in the “special size” has been a welcome one. In many cases, these models are more detailed and impressive than their TV counterparts because they needed to be in order to impress upon the big screen. The larger size allows for the detail of these models to shine.

And so it is for the hull of the Scimitar . The whole hull has intricately molded details that add significant visual interest to the model, and draw the eye in wherever you are looking. Without them, the Scimitar is all blocky shapes and could be boring.

The Scimitar is largely plastic, with only the ventral section of the primary hull being metal. The rest of the ship, including the dorsal section of the primary hull, as well as the wings, are all plastic. As a result, and given how thin the wings are – they bend quite easily in your hand without much force – the model is quite fragile.

You will not want to accidentally let this one fall; it’s not liable to survive the landing.

If Eaglemoss produces enough specials, it might be nice for them to get back to the Scimitar and produce a version with the wings fanned out, when the main tharalon weapon is ready to fire.

Eaglemoss’ ships have not had any articulation built into them, so that was never going to be an option here and would likely be quite fragile, but the wings-out mode for the ship is a striking one. If it can be produced, here’s hoping that it will be.

The stand fits over either side of the primary hull; the fit is merely okay. Given the fragility of the model, it is a shame that the stand does not hold it a little tighter. If jostled, the model does move about quite a bit when on the stand, worrying me that one jostle in the wrong direction will cause it to fall and break.

Overall, the Scimitar is a nice addition to the collection. A visually engaging model whose larger size works for the detail necessary to make it so engaging, the Scimitar will look good facing off against the standard size Enterprise -E or nestled among your Romulan fleet.

scimitar ship star trek

If you’re interested in adding this Reman predator to your own starship fleet, the  Scimitar is available at the US webshop for $49.99 and when available, for £24.99 from Eaglemoss’ UK online store.

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Published Jul 19, 2016

Attack Wing Wave 25 -- Scimitar (Repaint)

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WizKids/NECA will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 25 later this month, and has the exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, continuing with the Scimitar (Repaint).

The Scimitar is a Reman Warbird equipped with an arsenal of disruptors and torpedoes, primary and secondary shields, and a highly advanced cloaking technology, which allows it to remain practically impossible to detect. It also carries an extremely lethal thalaron weapon, which has the capability to destroy all life on a planet’s surface. Under the command of Praetor Shinzon, the Scimitar battled against the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E in the Battle of the Bassen Rift.

The Scimitar is the most powerful ship in the Romulan Fleet so far. With a Primary Weapon Value of 6, 2 Agility, 7 Hull, and 4 Shields this ship is both ready to attack and durable enough to survive a prolonged battle. The ship’s named ability allows you to stay cloaked after attacking, as long as you place an Auxiliary Power Token beside your ship. The generic version of this ship, the Reman Warbird, loses one Shield and a Tech Upgrade Slot compared to the named version.

scimitar ship star trek

The Scimitar Expansion Pack contains three unique Captains for the Romulan Faction. The first is Shinzon, who is a Skill Level 9 Captain.  During the Gather Forces step of Setup, instead of purchasing an Elite Talent Upgrade as normal for Shinzon, you may spend 4 SP to place up to 4 Romulan Elite Talent Upgrades face down beside this card. These cards remain face down until you decide to use one of them. When you do so, select the one you want to use and turn it face up for the rest of the game. Then discard the other 3.

scimitar ship star trek

Viceroy is a Skill Level 5 Captain. At the start of the game, place 2 Mission Tokens on this card. During the Planning Phase, after all other ships have chosen their Maneuvers, you may discard 1 of the Mission Tokens from this card to target a ship at Range 1, look at that ship’s Maneuver dial, and then select your Maneuver. The target ship cannot change its chosen Maneuver after you look.

scimitar ship star trek

Hiren is a Skill Level 2 Captain but he can also be played as an Admiral. As an Action, you may disable 1 of your Crew Upgrades to gain +1 attack die this round. No matter which Captain you choose, each one brings a special ability that will give you a competitive edge over your opponent.

scimitar ship star trek

The Scimitar Expansion Pack includes three Elite Talents to add to your roster. Attack Pattern Shinzon Theta is a powerful card that adds 1 additional damage to the target ship’s Shields for every uncancelled [critical hit] result. You must discard this card afterwards. Target Weapon Systems allows you to search the damage deck for a “Munitions Failure” or a “Weapons Malfunction” card, instead of drawing a random Damage Card, whenever you damage an opponent’s hull with a [critical hit] result. Re-shuffle the Damage Deck when you are done. Finally, Full Stop allows you to discard this card and ignore your chosen maneuver, electing to not moving. You still take an Action during the Perform Actions Step.

scimitar ship star trek

Reman Boarding Party is the only Crew Upgrade in this Expansion Pack. If your ship is not Cloaked, you may, as an Action, disable all your remaining Shields and target a ship at Range 1-2 that is not Cloaked and has no Active Shields. Discard this card and disable all Upgrades on the target ship.

scimitar ship star trek

When it comes to weapons, you will find the Scimitar is fully loaded. Photon Torpedoes allow you to attack a target ship at Range 2-3 with 5 attack dice. If fired from a Reman Warbird, gain +2 attack dice for truly frightening 7 attack dice. If that doesn’t get the job done, then perhaps it is time to deploy the Thalaron Weapon. Discard this card to perform a 10 dice attack at Range 2-3. Instead of inflicting normal damage, for each uncancelled [hit] or [critical hit] result, discard the Captain Card or 1 Crew Upgrade (opponent’s choice) on the target ship. If the Captain and all of the Crew Upgrades on the target ship are destroyed, any additional uncancelled [hit] or [critical hit] results damage the ship as normal (max 5 damage).

scimitar ship star trek

As if the Scimitar wasn’t intimidating enough, it has a number of defensive Tech Upgrades as well. Improved Cloaking Device allows you to perform a [cloak] Action even if you have no Active Shields and/or if there is an Auxiliary Power Token beside your ship. This Upgrade works exceptionally well with the Scimitar’s named ability, allowing it to stay cloaked almost indefinitely. Meanwhile, Secondary Shields allows you to place 3 Shield Tokens on this card at the start of the game. During each End Phase, if you have fewer total Shields (Active and/or Disabled) than your starting Shield value, remove 1 Shield from this card and add it to your ship. If your ship is Cloaked, you may choose to add the extra Shield as a Disabled Shield.

scimitar ship star trek

You will be hard pressed to find a more powerful ship than the Scimitar. Boasting strong attacks, cloaking technology, and healthy hull and shield values make it no surprise that the Scimitar is a popular favorite amongst Attack Wing Players. Now you have another chance to get this ship with a brand new metallic paint job.

Visit WizKids/NECA at for additional information about Star Trek: Attack Wing , and keep an eye on for more First Looks and previews, coming soon.

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Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

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Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

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STAR TREK STARSHIPS SPECIAL #34 SCIMITAR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS LTD The latest special from the STAR TREK: THE OFFICIAL STARSHIPS COLLECTION is the Scimitar from the movie STAR TREK: NEMESIS. This is a stunning, detailed model of the Reman warbird that was commanded by Shinzon as part of his plan to overthrow the Romulan senate and destroy the Federation. The model has a wing span of approximately 8.5 inches and is produced in a combination of die-cast and high quality ABS materials.

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  1. Scimitar

    Personnel []. See: Scimitar personnel; Appendices [] Background information []. After an initial description of the Scimitar as "magnificent," the shooting script for Star Trek Nemesis introduced the craft with the following description; "Our first sight of this incredible ship is absolutely breathtaking. Shinzon's vessel combines the clean lines of the traditional Romulan Warbird with unique ...

  2. Scimitar class

    The Scimitar-class was a type of Romulan warbird developed in the late 24th century. The prototype vessel of the class was destroyed in 2379. The Scimitar class was the culmination of a Romulan development program to create a powerful new class to utilise against the Dominion. (TOS novel: Captain's Blood) The design included a revolutionary thalaron radiation core, developed by the Tal Shiar ...

  3. Scimitar Class

    Notes Produced by the Remans but technically operating under the flag of the Romulan Empire, the Scimitar was first encountered by the USS Enterprise-E, which travelled to Romulus in 2378 at the invite of the new Praetor, Shinzon. The ship is a large vessel, roughly the size of the D'Deridex in terms of volume.

  4. Star Trek: Scimitar Class Reman Warbird


  5. The Scimitar's original purpose. : r/startrek

    In the film, Shinzon uses it in typical movie madman style to kill Earth, which leads me to consider that the original, and sole purpose of the Scimitar was to locate and eliminate the Founder's new homeworld - to succeed where the Tal Shiar failed in its alliance with the Cardassians. The Remans built the ship on Remus in secret, but the plans ...

  6. How did Shinzon get the Scimitar? (Nemesis) : r/startrek

    They took their eye of domestic troubles and allowed the Remans to siphon off technology and materials to build the Scimitar. There's also the possibility it started off as a Romulan design that was abandoned for whatever reason and the Remans simply altered it. 5. Temp89.

  7. Vadic's Shrike vs Shinzon's Scimitar vs Nero's Narada

    Shrike is just an overpowered mid sized ship. The Narada is basically a borg ship (Romulan mining ship covered in borg tech) and probably the most powerful. Shinzons Scimitar was the most powerful ship of its time, but its old now. I would say the Shrike probably outmatches it.

  8. Reman

    The Scimitar was equipped with an arsenal of weapons, ... Countdown, a tie-in to the 2009 Star Trek film. A fleet of Reman ships captured and boarded Nero's mining ship the Narada while it was mining decalithium in the Kimben System at the farthest edge of the Romulan Empire in 2387.

  9. Romulan Ship Classes

    Known ships Scimitar : Annotations. The Scimitar appears as Shinzon's ship in "Star Trek: Nemesis" and is called a "Reman Warbird". It was designed by John Eaves. The irregular shapes are borrowed from the Breen ship and the Son'a vessels and the overall structure resembles the Jem'Hadar battleship. Together with its countless aggressive spikes ...

  10. Star Trek: Nemesis

    Star Trek: Nemesis is a 2002 American science fiction film directed by Stuart Baird. ... Picard rams his ship into Scimitar, crippling both vessels. Shinzon activates the thalaron weapon in an act of mutually assured destruction. Picard boards Scimitar alone to face Shinzon, ...

  11. Scimitar class

    The Scimitar-class warbird was a type of dreadnought that saw service in various Romulan factions during the late 24th and early 25th centuries. (Star Trek Nemesis; Star Trek Online) During the late 24th century, the prototype of the class, the IRW Scimitar was built in secret to counteract the Dominion threat. With the end of hostilities between the Romulan Star Empire and the Dominion in ...

  12. Starship Database

    Starship Database. The database lists all canon starships and other spaceborne constructions of the Star Trek Universe by affiliations and classes. Schematic side views and technical specs are included where available. The data is based on the very episodes and on official sources. In some cases, however, obvious errors had to be corrected.

  13. star trek

    In Star Trek: Nemesis, the Scimitar catches up with the Enterprise-E, despite being at maximum warp.. Considering how the Federation was well known for its warp speed capabilities, how was it possible that an unstable government was able to develop a ship that was much faster than than Starfleet's fastest flag ship (which warp cores were designed by the Federation's leading scientists in that ...

  14. star trek

    The Remus Warbird Scimitar had what is commonly referred to as a "perfect" cloaking device which is one that allows the vessel to fire weapons while cloaked. It also had an additional unique armament in the thalaron radiation weapon, which required a not-insignificant amount of time and ship reconfiguration in order to fire.

  15. Scimitar class

    The fierce RemanScimitar is a family of Reman and Romulan starships in use since the late- 24th Century, the most notable of which are Shinzon 's I.R.W. Scimitar and the R.R.W. Lleiset, which is the flagship of the Romulan Republic. It is composed of the playable starships listed to the right, and may appear in the Scimitar Dreadnought NPC mob.

  16. Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird—Star Trek ...

    0:00 - Cinematic1:42 - Introduction4:35 - Ship Discussion5:50 - Tier 5 Consoles7:10 - Thalaron Pulse8:45 - Tier 6 Consoles10:25 - Legacy Traits11:55 - New Tr...

  17. REVIEW: Eaglemoss STAR TREK: NEMESIS Scimitar Model

    The intimidating Scimitar — the Reman warbird commanded by Captain Picard's clone Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis — has decloaked to join your Eaglemoss starship collection ready menace your Federation ships with its deadly thalaron weapon.. Designed by John Eaves for the final Next Generation film, the Scimitar was built in response to the need for a new imposing Romulan ship design that ...

  18. Attack Wing Wave 25 -- Scimitar (Repaint)

    The Scimitar is the most powerful ship in the Romulan Fleet so far. With a Primary Weapon Value of 6, 2 Agility, 7 Hull, and 4 Shields this ship is both ready to attack and durable enough to survive a prolonged battle. The ship's named ability allows you to stay cloaked after attacking, as long as you place an Auxiliary Power Token beside ...

  19. Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

    Product Description. STAR TREK STARSHIPS SPECIAL #34 SCIMITAR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS LTD The latest special from the STAR TREK: THE OFFICIAL STARSHIPS COLLECTION is the Scimitar from the movie STAR TREK: NEMESIS. This is a stunning, detailed model of the Reman warbird that was commanded by Shinzon as part of his plan to overthrow the Romulan ...

  20. Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird

    You can Command the Legendary Scimitar as part of the new Romulan Legendary Bundle! Just as the previous ships of the lineage did when launched, the Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird represents the cutting edge of Romulan starship design. Extreme power, violence, and strength all scream out of the harsh lines of the ship, when it ...

  21. Star Trek Starships Collection Special Edition #18 Scimitar

    From Star Trek Nemesis; Each ship is hand painted; Features an incredible level of detail; Box Contents. Scimitar ship; Magazine; Additional Details. Star Trek. Star Trek is a popular sci-fi space exploration franchise created by Gene Roddenberry with the iconic 1960s TV series. The franchise had expanded beyond television and film, to other ...

  22. Legendary Scimitar Surgical Strikes Builds : r/stobuilds

    Ship Class: Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird Ship Tier: T6-X Player Career: Tactical Elite Captain: Yes Primary Specialization ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories ...

  23. The Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle!

    And two of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of both factions are two of the most classic and powerful Romulan Starships: The D'Deridex, and the Scimitar. Now, these two ships are gaining Legendary editions, a celebration of each ship that includes every look, console, and trait these ships have had in Star Trek Online, and one new look ...