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The Best Meditation Apps

Caira Blackwell

By Caira Blackwell

Life can be unpredictable, overwhelming, and just plain difficult. It’s often hard to find balance and easy to lose focus. That’s when a good meditation app can help.

We talked with three experts, researched 28 apps, and tested 19 of them, and Headspace offers the best experience. Its courses are organized and simple to navigate. And Headspace offers a daily personalized to-do list plus group sessions, which create a sense of community and connection.

Everything we recommend

mind journey app iphone

The best meditation app

This app has the largest variety of meditations, with guided sessions for beginners and less-structured programming for more-advanced practitioners. Its rich library of meditations is well organized and easy to navigate.

Buying Options

mind journey app iphone

Less-structured meditations, ambient soundscapes

This app offers guided and unguided meditations that focus on relaxing in general and keeping steady in tough times. It’s easy to personalize your experience.

Budget pick

mind journey app iphone

Healthy Minds Program

A basic meditation app that’s free.

Unburdened by bells and whistles, this free app offers a clear sequence of well-structured courses. It’s a great option for anyone who wants to see if meditation is right for them.

mind journey app iphone

Smiling Mind

A free app aimed at younger people.

This free option packages well-structured beginners courses in a lighthearted, simple app. It’s a particularly good choice for kids and young adults.

How we picked

We eliminated paid apps that had limited content, were available only on iOS devices, or didn’t offer a free trial period.

It’s important to know where to begin. We tried the beginner’s courses of every app, looking for clear sequencing and direction.

We looked for apps that had extra features, such as the ability to adjust a session length, so you can build good meditation practices.

A good meditation app should have a user-friendly design that’s easy to navigate and pleasant to look at.

Headspace ( iOS , Android ; $70 per year) has a better mix of options than any app we tried, along with a fun interface and a vast, well-organized library of meditations. Courses are clearly labeled and structured, and they advance gradually over multiple sessions, so it’s easier to find the exact type of meditation you desire and to stick with it. Some of Headspace’s courses give you the tools you need to improve your practice in general. Others are solution-driven meditations that focus on anxiety, patience, self-esteem, and grief, to name a few. Short, one-session meditations offer help during specific situations (for instance, pre-interview jitters or writer’s block) or provide a quiet break whenever you have a moment.

If you already meditate and are looking for strategies or features to enhance your practice, Calm ( iOS , Android ; $70 per year) may be a better fit for you. In addition to guided sessions, it offers more free-form exercises and flexible meditation timers compared with Headspace, plus a dedicated music section. Like Headspace, Calm records your stats, such as the number of sessions you’ve completed, but it also allows you to track your mood over time more frequently than Headspace does. Calm also has a robust section for kids. But it’s less organized and more difficult to navigate than Headspace.

Healthy Minds Program ( iOS , Android ) is a free, no-frills app that centers on four key ideas: awareness, connection, insight, and purpose. Its content is more user-friendly and goal-driven than that of other free apps—and many of the paid apps—we tried. Upon first use, this app prompts you to take a survey that gives you a score for each of the four pillars—a baseline from which you can improve over time. You can choose from two teachers, adjust your course length in five-minute increments, and track your progress as you go along.

The Smiling Mind ( iOS , Android ) program aims to support children and teens in their mindfulness journeys. It has a clean interface that engages people with simple animations and clear organization that makes it easy to navigate. It also has structured guidance with a 35-session beginner course, along with many other meditations on the app. Additional features we like include the option to choose between two teachers for most meditations, adjust your course length in five-minute increments, and track your progress as you go along.

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, what is mindfulness meditation, and how might it help, how we picked and tested, our pick: headspace, also great: calm, budget pick: healthy minds program, budget pick: smiling mind, another meditation app we like, the competition.

Since 2018, Wirecutter has consulted meditation experts and tested 19 apps. As a staff writer on Wirecutter’s sleep team, I’ve covered various health and self-care topics. And I’ve written a range of reviews, including guides to weighted blankets , face sunscreens , and silk pillowcases .

With so many meditation apps available, it can be hard to determine which one is right for you, or even if an app is what you need in the first place. After all, the essential tools for meditation—your body, mind, and breath—are already at your disposal. And you have plenty of other options for learning to meditate. For instance, you could subscribe to the podcast from University of California Los Angeles’s Mindful Awareness Research Center , find a free meditation video on YouTube, or try out the guide to meditation from The New York Times . For the cost of a yearlong subscription to a paid meditation app (or less), you could also likely take a few classes at a local meditation center.

What meditation apps do provide, however, is access to tools that will help you meditate whenever and wherever you want to. The best apps also allow for a more-customizable experience (for instance, a short versus long meditation, or one to increase focus versus one to relax), as well as the flexibility to hone your practice and advance at your own pace. They also often have extra tools—such as music for focusing while you work from home, bedtime stories for winding down, or intention-driven workout videos—to help you lead a more mindful day-to-day existence.

Nevertheless, as an informal approach to meditation, apps may not offer enough motivation or personal guidance for those who are trying to build a new habit. They can also be expensive or (because they live on your phone) a source of distraction. If you find this to be the case, consider joining a community such as r/Meditation on Reddit to help find physical spaces near you to practice.

There are many types of meditation (including Transcendental Meditation and mantra meditation ). But the most popular technique promoted by apps is mindfulness, which David Nichtern , a senior Buddhist teacher in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa , calls the “foundation” of all meditation practices. “You’re just learning to pay attention,” explained Nichtern, who consults on meditation for companies like Goldman Sachs, Journey Meditation, and CreativeLive. Mindfulness meditation usually involves deep breathing, physical and mental awareness, and visualization.

Even though meditation and mindfulness practices have been around for thousands of years, studies on meditation are still relatively new. Thus far, scientific findings have been mixed, though some research has suggested that meditation may ease symptoms of anxiety and depression, insomnia, and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as reduce blood pressure. Diana Winston, director of mindfulness education at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, pointed out that meditation can also be beneficial beyond the self: Studies have suggested that mindfulness meditation may boost altruistic behavior . (Her mindfulness teachings have been featured on mindfulness apps, including Ten Percent Happier and Waking Up with Sam Harris.)

According to Dr. Judson Brewer, now a director of research and innovation at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University , even if it appears that we’re not doing anything in particular, the mind may in fact be active. About 47% of our waking life is spent analyzing ourselves, said Brewer, who has tested and developed a range of mindfulness-based apps. Although such analysis can be helpful, overdoing it can be associated with disorders like depression and anxiety . Meditation can aid in keeping unhelpful brain activity in check . But on its own, it isn’t a panacea, particularly if you suffer from a mental health issue. Rather, meditation is simply a helpful tool, especially when used in conjunction with visits to a health professional who can administer other proven forms of treatment, such as behavioral therapy. (Brewer created his own app, Unwinding Anxiety , and has been featured on other mindfulness apps, including Simple Habit and Calm .)

As for meditation-app programs in particular, there isn’t a wealth of research on their effectiveness in terms of improved mental health and well-being compared with in-person guidance or none at all, according to Brewer and Winston. The few studies that do exist—including a 2016 Journal of Happiness Studies paper, using Headspace —point to an app’s potential for disseminating mental health interventions more widely. But they also suggest that more studies are needed to understand which type of meditation works best, and for who.

In evaluating meditation apps we looked for:

A wide range of meditations: A great app should include guided meditations but also have hands-off options like timers for unguided meditations. It should offer meditations of varying lengths and allow you to download meditations for offline use.

Beginner courses: A curriculum with structured, easy-to-follow daily meditations can mean the difference between establishing a habit or falling off after just a few days. We favored meditation sessions that weren’t so long that a beginner would feel overwhelmed.

User-friendly design: The layout should be clear and easy to navigate.

Reasonable trial periods: Most paid apps offer a trial period or a few sample meditations before charging your credit card. The longer the trial period or the more free options available, the better you’ll be able to decide if the app is right for you.

Compatibility with a range of devices: The app should be available for download on both iOS and Android systems, including iPads, tablets, and other devices.

Extra features: We appreciated apps that support other methods of relaxation, such as music and yoga instruction.

We set up accounts for each app and eliminated the ones that had frustrating user interfaces. Then we noted how many courses we could access for free on the paid apps before running into subscription paywalls. Finally, we paid to unlock any paywalls so we could compare the range of offerings. We tried each beginner’s course, explored the workout sections, fell asleep to soundscapes, and joined live group-meditation sessions before making our final picks.

Our pick for the best meditation app, Headspace, opened on a mobile device.

Who it’s for: If you’re new to meditation or you think you’d benefit from a routine guided meditation program, Headspace ( iOS , Android ) is likely the best option for you.

How much it costs: $70 per year (individual), $100 per year (family)

The content is easy to parse. Headspace’s sessions are logically categorized, clearly labeled, and alphabetically organized. Content is divided by four main tabs: Meditation, Sleep, Movement, and Music, plus the handy Today tab (where you’ll find a checklist of activities based on the courses you’ve started and the individual meditations you’ve frequented).

The courses are comprehensive . Its Basics curriculum, under the Meditation tab, includes extensive coursework for beginners (three levels, with 10 sessions each) and pros (eight levels, each with 10 sessions). The app also has meditations for a diverse range of goals and situations, including multi-session courses (such as “Approaching Birth,” “Dealing With Regret,” and “Finding Focus”), one-off sessions (like “Creative Writing” and “Waking Up”), and sessions for emergencies (including “Losing Your Temper” and “In Pain”). For more experienced meditators, the app has a section of “Timed” meditations that can be guided, semi-guided, or completely unguided. The length of these meditations can be toggled to last between 5 and 120 minutes.

It has more than one instructor. The meditations are led by five main teachers, and their tones are generally instructive yet soothing, without feeling too New Age-y. Most of the meditations allow you to choose between at least two, which is helpful if you have preferences for a teacher’s voice or style.

It’s convenient and accessible. The app lets you download full packs of meditation courses for offline use, works across a number of devices, and syncs with Apple Health and Google Fit. And Headspace’s English content is made more accessible with closed captions .

It’s not free, but you may be eligible for a free subscription. While the app costs about $70 a year for an individual or $100 for a family plan that can support up to six accounts, health-care workers can also find free access through partnerships with organizations including the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (video) and Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation . If you work in a school with kids in kindergarten through 12th grade, you may be able to sign up for a free subscription (beyond the free trial) via the Headspace for Educators program .

Flaws but not dealbreakers

The interface may seem a bit juvenile. Headspace’s cutesy animations may be off-putting to some. In that case, try Calm or Healthy Minds Program . Both have more-subdued designs.

You can’t customize the background music. Headspace doesn’t have in-app options to play background music or soundscapes (such as ocean waves or rain) during meditations, which happen in silence. If you prefer to meditate with ambient sounds in the background, consider Calm .

You can get trapped in a subscription after your free trial ends. As we do for any app’s trial period, we suggest that you put a reminder on your phone to cancel it on (or before) the appropriate date. Headspace won’t remind you before the trial ends and your subscription begins, and your card will be charged. If the annual price feels prohibitive, know that it goes on sale; we’ve seen the yearly subscription cost drop by as much as 50% around Black Friday.

The app’s data usage isn’t as clear as we’d like it to be. Headspace told us it does not sell data to third parties. But the company was less clear about how it—like other apps—uses its tracking technologies for marketing purposes and if it shares any specific data (for instance, if you’re using anxiety-focused meditations). Unlike other apps, Headspace lets you see some of the data it collects in the My Data tab; you can find this under the app’s settings, where you can also opt out of personalized ads and email offers (opting in is the default setting). You can read more about Headspace’s privacy policy here .

Calm, another great meditation app, opened on a mobile device.

Who it’s for: If you have some experience with meditation and want less-structured options or if you enjoy discovering new music or natural soundscapes to meditate to on your own, you might prefer Calm ( iOS , Android ).

Its library is robust, but significantly smaller than that of Headspace. Calm offers over 100 meditations, courses, and lectures—fewer than the 500-plus options on Headspace. All are organized across 10 (not always self-explanatory) sections, including (of course) Meditation, as well as Soundscapes, Music, and Sleep.

The app is full of eclectic resources. Calm is paired with Masterclass , in which experts teach lessons that focus around applying mindfulness to everyday life. Calm also has a series of short interviews called The Spark that appear on the app and feature celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, from Matthew McConaughey on “Living With Intention,” to Yvonne Orji on “Trusting Your Gut,” to Suze Orman on “Financial Intentions.”

The sleep stories alone can rope you in. Calm’s Sleep category is full of celebrity narration, including Cillian Murphy settling you in with a story about crossing Ireland on a scenic train ride and LeBron James describing a boy’s imaginative view of the city from a fire escape. One long-term tester said she found a Calm subscription worthwhile “for the sleep stories alone.”

It’s a good option for kids. Calm Kids, a dedicated section within the app, offers a wide range of meditations and sleep wind-downs that are tailored for kids age 3 and up.

It has excellent breathing exercises. Compared with Headspace, Calm also offers more-extensive breathing exercises (choose from six types for different goals under Breathe) and generally allows you to track your progress more frequently and extensively. Headspace features only one breath visualization exercise and implements only a monthly, stress level check-in that’s much less involved.

The app is disorganized and can be hard to navigate. Our biggest problem with this app is that Calm’s user interface is cluttered and confusing overall. The sessions within each of the 10 sections aren’t alphabetized, and it’s not always obvious what some refer to. Even the seemingly straightforward topics are, in fact, a mixed bag. Overall, a lot of the meditations and offerings listed in one section can be found in multiple other sections in the app. For example, under Meditations, you will come across a subcategory called Mindfulness at Work; however, For Work is also its own section in the app. The redundancy can be confusing.

The beginner’s course isn’t easy to access. While the beginner’s course, “How to Meditate,” was instructive and engaging, we didn’t like that it isn’t featured front and center on the main page as you’re introduced to the app. It also isn’t included in the app’s free version. Instead, you get an alternate beginner-focused course—“7 Days of Calm”—which is much less extensive than the 30-session deep dive of “How to Meditate.”

It’s not free, and the sample meditations are limited. Like Headspace, Calm’s free options are heavily truncated. However, we appreciate that when the app’s trial is about to end, Calm sends an email to let you know you can opt out before the trial converts into a full subscription. Calm requires the use of its chat tool to cancel a subscription, as opposed to letting you do it on your own.

Its data usage policy is questionable. When we asked Calm about its privacy practices and data protections, a spokesperson directed us to the Calm privacy policy , which didn’t, in fact, answer all of our questions. The policy introduces new questions, though, such as why the company uses “your first name to make an educated guess about your gender” and “information about your activity to help determine the likelihood of you continuing to use our Services in the future.”

Healthy Minds Program meditation app opened on a mobile device.

Who it’s for: If you’re looking to learn the basics of meditation and track your progress without spending any money, it’s the best option.

How much it costs: Nothing

It’s clear and concise. Compared with the free trials of our paid-app picks from Headspace and Calm, and other free apps we’ve considered, Healthy Minds Program ( iOS , Android ) has a wider breadth of meditations. And they are organized in a clear, progressive fashion.

The app’s creators—mindfulness research scientists at the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison —built the curriculum from their own findings. We most appreciate how clear the course sequencing is from the very beginning. Upon downloading the app, you take an assessment that scores you on Awareness, Connection, Insight, and Purpose. Those four tenets frame the entire course structure: A foundation course teaches you the basics of meditation and mindfulness, and separate courses focus on each of the four key ideas. Ultimately, the goal is to increase each of the four scores from your original assessment.

It’s surprisingly customizable. The app has helpful features typically found only in premium programs. For example, on many meditations, you’re able to customize the length of the session (in five-minute increments) and choose from four teachers. Like Headspace and Calm, Healthy Minds Program also has a tracker that records total time spent meditating on the app and the number of consecutive days you’ve meditated.

The design is straightforward, and the company is transparent about data usage. We like that Healthy Minds Program doesn’t constantly push subscription sign-ups or advertisements in the app, which most other free apps, or the free versions of paid apps, do. Healthy Minds Program is also relatively explicit about the data it collects in its privacy policy , and it told us that it doesn’t share data with third parties.

Its library is much smaller than those of our paid picks. This free app offers 25 situational meditations, four micro-sessions (two minutes or shorter), and one unguided meditation (the duration of which can be toggled between five and 30 minutes) outside of the core course. You won’t find sleep stories, music, or movement meditations in this app. And though Headspace and Calm are constantly adding new content and features, Healthy Minds Program’s core program remains pretty consistent, with the exception of the occasional addition of a single-session meditation, usually tied to news events or the season.

Smiling Mind meditation app opened on mobile device.

Who it’s for: We recommend it for children, teens, or young adults who want to build mindfulness habits with a simple, straightforward app.

It’s simple yet engaging. Smiling Mind ( iOS , Android ) is meant to make mindfulness more accessible to younger audiences. With that in mind, the app layout is simple to navigate, and the courses are straightforward and easy to follow along.

It has an extensive beginner’s program. Their Mindfulness Foundations section is a comprehensive course that focuses on five elements of mindfulness practice: Awareness, attention, engaging the senses, noticing thoughts, and managing emotions. It has 35 sessions in total, and it’s simple to start at the top and work your way down.

The app has a handful of extra meditations for sleep and unguided practice. Unlike paid apps such as Headspace or Calm, Smiling Mind does not have an extensive meditation library. However, it does offer a few meditations outside of the beginner courses that may be useful. The Sleep section has six sessions that are geared towards helping you fall asleep, and it has an extra Sleep 21 Night Program with 33 meditations all focused on helping you build a healthy habit around mindfulness right before bed. You can try the Extended Meditations section, which has minimal guidance for more experienced meditators (ranging from 15 to 45 minutes), or the Unguided Meditation section, which just has a simple bell to mark the beginning and end of the session.

It doesn’t have a large library. Like the other free app we recommend, Healthy Minds Program, Smiling Mind does not have hundreds of meditations to scroll through. Its course list is pointed but basic, and you won’t stumble across extras like movement meditations or sleep stories.

The privacy policy could be better. Smiling Mind’s privacy policy states that the app will collect your data and share it with “providers who assist” in their services (one is Amazon Web Services). If you’d like to opt out, you have to email [email protected] , but it took about 20 days to hear back when we reached out.

If you’re an experienced meditator and want a minimalist free app , The Breathing App ( iOS , Android ) is a solid choice. The Breathing App is no-frills, with a couple of different visual and audio components paired with meditation timers. It is designed to be customizable for duration and breath count.

Aura ($70 per year), has a sweeping library of meditations, coaches, and music, among other things. However, we found it to be confusing and often overwhelming to use—at least three pop-up windows block the screen every time we open the app. We felt that the meditation library prioritized quantity over quality: The sessions seem to be recorded in a DIY setting, and the result is poor audio quality and hard-to-follow meditations. It also doesn’t have a clear path on the app to beginner meditations or a beginner’s course to help guide you through the basics of establishing a habit.

Balance ($70 per year) is free for the first year. We like the simple interface that puts the beginner’s course front and center when you open the app, as well as a daily meditation to check in with your mood. The meditations are well organized and easy to navigate. However, the offerings of this app are too light to pay for after the first year. Balance doesn’t have sleep stories, movement meditations, or free-form meditations that let you toggle the time limit and practice at your own pace.

Medito is a completely free app that has some features we’ve found in paid programs: the option to choose between three coaches and to download meditations to listen to them offline. But the sessions had too much lead up about the mission of the program instead of jumping straight into the meditation itself.

1 Giant Mind (free) offers a subpar user experience. When attempting to initially sign up for the app, we experienced a never-ending loop of pop up windows that prompted us to sign in again. We never made it fully into the app.

Ten Percent Happier ($100 per year), associated with Dan Harris’s book by the same name , offers several courses and one-session meditations. And they’re all taught by well-known meditation teachers—a benefit we didn’t find with the other apps we tried. These guides include Joseph Goldstein, a leading Vipassana teacher in the United States, and Sharon Salzberg, author and renowned Western Buddhist teacher. The app’s design is far less engaging than that of Headspace or Calm —it resembles a portal for self-help coaching, with the expert speaking directly to the camera or interviewing someone else. Ten Percent Happier offers a chat feature that connects you with a meditation coach, who is theoretically available within a day to answer questions. We tried this feature and found that a meditation coach did respond within 24 hours, but the advice seemed too impersonal and general to be useful.

Insight Timer ($0 for free version, $60 per year for premium version) offers a free version that boasts 100,000 meditations, and we like that it emphasizes community and enables you to engage with other users in real time. You can watch teachers’ mediation and yoga sessions live, or you can host your own group meditation within the app. It also has thousands of discussion groups, music options, a very popular timer feature (you can choose from different sounds), and the ability to track your progress—all for free. However, Insight Timer is not as organized as any of our picks, and it can feel frustrating trying to navigate its large collection. The premium version, which is about $60, has the added benefit of enabling you to download its offerings and take courses (on stress, positivity, spiritual enlightenment, and the like).

Simple Habit ($90 to $96 per year) has a clean, functional design that was a joy to interact with. But we found its meditations scattered and had a hard time figuring out where to start. It doesn’t have a beginner’s course to act as a jumping-off point—instead, the app appears more goal-oriented (relieve anxiety, live healthier, build relationships, and so forth). For the annual cost of its subscription, you don’t get as much content from this app as with Headspace or Calm . Simple Habit’s lack of course sequencing, as well as its focus on situational meditations, didn’t feel very helpful or promising for sustained long-term use. Plus, it offers much less free content than other apps we tried.

Waking Up ($150 per year) is a popular meditation app created by author and podcast host Sam Harris . The courses are divided into Theory (in which you learn about the theory of meditation and listen to Harris and other experts speak on related topics), Practice (which includes a series of guided meditations), and Life (which is a series of twelve situational meditations and conversations with personalities and Sam Harris talking about life). While the app is full of options (timers, downloadable content, and the ability to turn background music on and off), it emphasizes its founder more than mindfulness. Many of the more than 300 meditations take on a more-conversational tone than what you’d hear in Headspace or Calm . Using this app can feel like listening to a podcast, which might be a let-down for some.

We did not test Oak due to its accessibility on iOS devices only.

Alex Arpaia, Thorin Klosowski, and Justin Redman contributed reporting.

This article was edited by Tracy Vence and Kalee Thompson.

Diana Winston, director of mindfulness education at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center , phone interviews, May 7, 2018, and September 28, 2021

Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, director of research at the UMass Memorial Health Center for Mindfulness , phone interviews, May 4, 2018, and October 1, 2021

David Nichtern, senior Buddhist teacher in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa , Zoom interview , May 3, 2021

Meet your guide

mind journey app iphone

Caira Blackwell

Caira Blackwell is a senior staff writer at Wirecutter covering sleep and mattresses. Her work has previously been published in Okayplayer, The Knockturnal, and Nylon magazine, and her book A Lullaby for the End of the World is available on Amazon.

Further reading

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Our sleep and travel editors recommend gear for coping with travel-induced insomnia, vetted through hours of testing and years of personal experience.

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Can a Meditation TV Show Help You Sleep Better?

by Dorie Chevlen

We give up. We’re all on screens before bed anyway, at least consider these shows from Calm and Headspace to help turn a bad habit into a slightly better one.

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How to use Midjourney to generate AI images

mind journey app iphone

The era of AI-generated artwork is upon us, and the internet is filled with users trying to create the perfect prompts to lead AIs to create just the right images – or sometimes, just the wrong ones. Sound like fun? One of the more common AI tools is Midjourney, which people use to create dreamlike landscapes and subjects with just a few words.

What You Need

Discord account

If you’d like to experiment with Midjourney, we’ve got good news: It’s free to sign up, and you can start trying out the AI generator in just a few minutes. Here’s everything you need to know about using it for the first time.

How to start using Midjourney

Step 1: Make sure you have a Discord login . Though there is a dedicated site now, it is invite only. For the vast majority of us, Midjourney works entirely on Discord, so you’ll need an account there to use it. Signing up for Discord is also free if you haven’t done it yet.

Step 2: Visit the Midjourney website . Here, choose Join the beta . This will automatically take you to a Discord invite.

Step 3: Accept the Discord invite to Midjourney. Choose to Continue to Discord .

Step 4: Your Discord app will automatically open. When it does, select the ship-like Midjourney icon on the left menu.

Step 5: In the Midjourney channels, locate the Newcomer rooms. There will typically be a number of newcomer rooms open, with names like “newbies-108.” You can select any of these to begin.

Step 6: Now you’re ready to begin creating AI art. Before you get started, note that you only have a certain number of prompt options available as part of your free trial. You can create around 25 free images. After that, you’ll have to purchase a full membership to continue. If you would rather not spend any money, it’s a good idea to take some time and think about just what you want to create on Midjourney. If you want, you can type “/help” to get a list of tips to peruse.

Step 7: When ready, type “/imagine” in the Discord chat for your newbies room. This will create a prompt field where you can type the image description. The more precise that you can be with your description, the better the AI will be able to produce good results. Be descriptive, and if there’s a particular style that you are looking for, include it in your description. There are terms of conduct to follow here, but if you keep things clean, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

When finished, select Enter to send your prompt.

Step 8: Give Midjourney a minute to generate your images. Typically, the AI will create several different versions based on your description. You now have a number of options to continue.

Look below the images, and you’ll see a section of U and V buttons labeled 1 through 4. The numbers correspond to the four images that Midjourney produced. Choosing U will upscale that particular image into a larger, more defined version. Choosing V will create an all-new image based on the present image that you choose. You will also see a refresh button to the side to request a new set of images. Keep in mind that each of these choices will use up some of your available free prompts, so only do it if you are sure you want to proceed.

Step 9: Once you look at a single image, you'll still have some more options about how to alter it: * Vary — Creates four more images that will look somewhat like the selected image. * Zoom Out — Will shrink the image and generate more context-based imagery around it. * Arrows — Will "pan" the image and fill in newly exposed areas with context-based imagery. * Heart Symbol — Will favorite an image, to allow you to find the image easily in your Midjourney Gallery . * Web — Allows you to open the image directly in your Midjourney Gallery.

Step 10: If you plan on using a lot of Midjourney, you can use any bot channel in Midjourney’s Discord and type “/subscribe.” This will create a link that you can follow to pay for a subscription. Those who are really serious about using Midjourney in the long term will also want to take a look at the manual , which will provide you with a greater list of commands and some advice about how to create images.

For more AI image-generating options, check out what Microsoft is doing in the field , too.

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Tyler Lacoma

Deep Mind showed off the latest results from its generative AI video-to-audio research on Tuesday. It's a novel system that combines what it sees on-screen with the user's written prompt to create synced audio soundscapes for a given video clip.

The V2A AI can be paired with vide -generation models like Veo, Deep Mind's generative audio team wrote in a blog post, and can create soundtracks, sound effects, and even dialogue for the on-screen action. What's more, Deep Mind claims that its new system can generate "an unlimited number of soundtracks for any video input" by tuning the model with positive and negative prompts that encourage or discourage the use of a particular sound, respectively.

Character-AI is a chatbot service filled with interesting personalities that emulate notable figures, from celebrities to anime characters to helpful personas such as therapists or coaches. It is easy to open up several conversations to try and get a taste for different characters. However, if having too many chats open gets overwhelming, you may want to clear out your home page. Follow the tips below to learn how to organize your Character.AI characters. How to delete third-party characters in Character.AI Character.AI doesn’t have a straightforward deletion process for characters. Because chats are public and must still be available for others to use, you cannot delete them completely. However, you do have the ability to remove chats from your account, so they are no longer visible on your home page. 

Character.AI has a web interface that makes it easy for you to remove characters from your home page. Once you log in, all of your character chats are listed to the left, with a three-dot icon denoting a settings tab. Click the icon and then click Remove from recents to delete the chat from your home page. You may also want to permanently delete any old messages from your chat before removing the conversation from your chat tab. 

Here's a really lucky deal. It's on this gently curved 34-inch Alienware QD-OLED monitor, the AW3423DWF, which is now down to exactly $777 from its usual price sitting around $900. That saves you about $122. Lucky, huh? Well, not quite, as it is a part of the Best Buy 4th of July sale, set to end on July 7 (7/7). It's one of the highest rated gaming monitors on the site and it can be yours at this special price for a limited time only. Tap the button below to check out its current price or keep reading to see why people love it so much.

Why you should buy this 34-inch Alienware QD-OLED monitor The Alienware AW3423DWF is a curved gaming monitor with an 1800R curve, 165Hz refresh rate, and beautiful QD-OLED display. This designation as a QD-OLED means that it has a Quantum Dot OLED display, a sort of OLED display with improved brightness and better color. In short, you're going to have an absolutely beautiful gaming experience. This monitor has a QHD resolution and a 0.1ms response time.

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The 7 Best Meditation Apps of 2024

These apps can help you start your very own meditation practice

April is the health editor for performance marketing at Verywell. Her work has appeared in Time, Parents Magazine, The Huffington Post, TripSavvy,, First Time Mom and Dad, Mama Mia, All4Women, the New York Times Bestseller, A Letter To My Mom, and more.

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Hannah Owens is the Mental Health/General Health Editor for Dotdash Meredith. She is a licensed social worker with clinical experience in community mental health.

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Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change.

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Dale is an experienced fact-checker and researcher with a Master of Science in Journalism from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. 

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  • Compare Apps
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Meditation is a great way to refocus and center yourself, but when life is hectic and distracting, it can be difficult to master. Enter meditation apps: technology-based applications that contain guided meditation sessions as short as one minute or as long as 30 minutes. These apps can help make meditation easier and more intuitive, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro. 

We have rounded up the best meditation apps based on criteria like evidence-based design, expert involvement, practitioner level, ease of navigation, variety of meditations offered, and cost. Use this list to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Our Top Picks

Most comprehensive: headspace.

  • Platforms: iOS, Android
  • Features : Meditation guides for all levels

Why We Chose It

Headspace has a user-friendly interface with hundreds of guided meditations promoting mindfulness, better sleep, reduced stress, and more for beginners to experts.

Pros & Cons

User-friendly app

Guided meditations for beginners

Cues to cope with external sounds

Hundreds of meditations to choose from

Membership is a bit expensive

Need a subscription to access most features

Can be a little difficult to navigate

Our Experience

Headspace says it's on a mission to improve the health and happiness of the world with science-backed meditation and mindfulness tools that help create life-changing habits to support better mental health. With over 70 million downloads in 190 countries, Headspace is well on its way to achieving its mission.

We tried Headspace for a month and were overwhelmingly impressed with its offerings. We could choose exercises from four different categories—Meditation, Sleep, Stress, and Mindfulness—and with the hundreds available, we never ran out of options. We liked that as soon as we signed up, we could fill out symptom trackers for our stress and anxiety, and the app followed up a few weeks later asking us to rate our stress and anxiety levels again (and they had improved!). We also appreciated that, although Headspace showed us a “featured meditation” each day, the app never forced us to do a certain exercise or follow a certain routine—we were able to choose each and every meditation we did, which made us feel more in control of our meditation practice. 

Some of our favorite exercises had to do with relaxation. We found that even in the middle of a busy day, we were consistently able to take five-minute breaks and listen to guided meditations that helped us focus on our breath and body tension. There were as many great 4-minute options as 30-minute ones, so we felt like Headspace was supporting our meditation no matter how much time we had to practice. Our favorite exercise of all was a visual meditation that showed us beautiful pictures of national parks while soothing music played. We were able to clear our mind and feel calm, even if it was just for a few minutes, and that helped us lower our stress levels throughout the day.

Plans & Pricing

Headspace does offer a free version with limited content, but note that to take advantage of the full benefits offered by the app, you will need a membership. The prices are as follows:

  •  $12.99 a month 
  • $69.99 a year 
  • Family plan (6 users): $99.99 a year
  • Student plan: $9.99 a year

Those new to the app can take advantage of a 7- to 14-day free trial depending on subscription level (monthly or annual).

Best for Beginners: Ten Percent Happier Meditation

 10% Happier

  • Features: Access to meditation courses, expert-led talks, and podcasts

We selected Ten Percent Happier for people beginning their road to meditation enlightenment because this app caters to newbies with easy-to-follow guided meditations. It also has shorter sessions that can be increased over time.

Good for sleep and stress

Hundreds of meditations available 

Live group classes with time to ask questions

Easy to use

Above-average membership cost

Not great for more advanced practitioners

Based on ABC news anchor Dan Harris's book, "10% Happier," the Ten Percent Happier app teaches meditation basics in a fun, easy, and accessible way. It's well suited for anyone, but especially those who think they're "not the meditation type" and can't find the time to start a meditation practice.

When we signed up to test Ten Percent Happier for a month, we were meditation novices—so we were pleased to find over 50 meditations that were labeled “Great for Beginners” right off the bat. (There was also a course called “Meditation for Skeptics” that called out any misconceptions we might have had, including that meditation just means sitting with our eyes closed and thinking about nothing.) Ten Percent Happier has meditation exercises as short as three minutes and as long as 15 minutes or more, so no matter what we were in the mood for or had time for, there was always a meditation we could fit into even our busiest of days. 

We found the app most useful when we scheduled a short window of time every day to devote to our meditation. There is no set curriculum or schedule that the app made us follow, so we could design our own practice easily. We could even search for meditations based on topic, like “parenting” or “money,” which let us tackle our specific worries. Ten Percent Happier definitely made meditation feel more accessible, and we noticed a change in our anxiety for the better almost immediately. 

An annual subscription to Ten Percent Happier costs $99, which comes out to $8.33 a month. It offers a 7-day free trial.

Best for Sleep: Calm

  • Features: Calming background sounds, short meditations, and sleep stories

Calm is well known for promoting relaxation and sleep thanks to its soothing background sounds, to-the-point meditations, and sleep stories.

Highly effective “sleep stories"

Offers many individual exercises

Less structured

Calming sounds in background

App isn’t the most intuitive

Limited free content

What's keeping you up at night? Anxious thoughts? Lack of focus? A stressed-out psyche? Calm’s guided meditations will have you sleeping soundly and feeling more relaxed almost instantly. When we tried Calm, we were immediately impressed with the breadth of content available—everything from soothing soundscapes to narrated meditations to sleep stories. Since we have always been the type of person who needs background noise to sleep, we found the wide variety of soundscapes to be especially useful. Calm had everything from office noises (the clinking of mugs and tapping of keyboards) to thunderstorms (as well as 14 other rain-related themes) to a spaceship engine room (which we could only imagine was accurate).  

But we got the most out of the sleep stories, which are designed to lull you to sleep before you can reach the end. In fact, for the whole month we tested Calm, we never heard the end of our favorite 39-minute sleep story, “Mr. Calm.” We considered that a true success.

After a 7-day free trial, you can sign up for a monthly subscription for $14.99 per month, an annual subscription for $69.99 per year, or a lifetime subscription for $399.99.

Best Budget: Insight Timer

 Insight Timer

  • Features: Over 150,000 free meditations

Insight Timer has a giant library of free meditations, so if your budget is tight, this is the meditation app for you.

Over 150,000 free meditations

Easy to search and filter content

Free 7-day intro course

Free community of meditators

Not the most intuitive app

Too many choices overwhelms some users

Some technical glitches

Insight Timer offers more than 150,000 free meditations—that’s a big deal, since one of the biggest complaints about other meditation apps is their lack of free content. When we tried Insight Timer, the sheer number of free options blew us away. The library allowed us to filter by need (e.g., stress, sleep, self-esteem); time, from five to 30 or more minutes; and specific benefit, such as pain relief, relationship woes, or teaching kids to meditate. It even offered us a mood tracker, where we could indicate via smiley face how we were feeling that day and see our progress right on the app as we checked in each day (for a month)—all for free.

We found the “Explore” section of the app to be incredibly useful, helping us look for meditation exercises under eight categories: beginner, meditation, breathwork, sleep, music, yoga, live events, and courses. We could also choose topics to focus on, such as stress and anxiety, which is where we most often found ourselves when looking for meditation exercises. While Insight Timer offered everything from guided meditations to yoga classes to soothing music, as well as exercises that ranged from a few minutes to over an hour, we made the most use of the shorter meditations, usually sticking around 15 minutes or fewer. 

Another cool feature is the community of fellow mindful folks we were able to interact with on the app. We could connect in group chat rooms like "Be Here Now" and "Loving Kindness and Compassion," or choose a group by topic, like LGBTQIA+, relationships, nutrition and wellness, or weight loss. The sheer extent of resources on Insight Timer already sets it apart from other apps; the fact that most of them are free is a huge bonus.

Insight Timer is free to use, with over 150,000 meditations and exercises available at no charge. If you’d like access to every resource on Insight Timer, a premium subscription costs $59.99 per year.

Best Guided: Buddhify

  • Features: Wheel of guided meditation practices

Why We Chose it

Buddhify’s specialty is guided meditations, which hold your hand as they lead you through exercises that address anxiety, stress, sleep, and more.

Over 200 targeted guided meditations

Wheel of meditation practices helps you choose the one you need

No desktop version

In-app purchases

We tested Buddhify for a month and were impressed with how simple and intuitive the app was. There are over 200 guided meditations available, and as a beginner to meditation, we found it especially helpful that the exercises were guided. We never felt lost or like we didn’t know what we were supposed to do because the narrators of the exercises led us through things like body scans to identify how we were feeling and use that insight to improve our mood, focus, and productivity.

The main feature of the app is a pinwheel featuring different categories of meditations we could choose from—the straightforward design made it easy to dive into any meditation. With options like “Waking Up,” “Stress and Difficult Emotion,” and “Can’t Sleep,” we were able to quickly identify how we were feeling at the moment and choose a meditation to suit our needs at that time. Our favorite category was “Work Break,” which included exercises we could set up when we were feeling a midday slump. The speaker asked us to check in with our body to identify physical changes, like being hunched over at our workdesk, as well as the emotions we were feeling at the time (which was usually a lack of motivation to keep working). Our guide helped us recognize how we were feeling in that moment and be compassionate with ourselves as we worked.

It costs $4.99 to download Buddhify on the Apple App Store and $3.99 on Google Play. There are also in-app purchases available, as well as a $30 membership fee that gives you access to extra features like additional meditations and courses. There is no free trial available.

Best for Breathing Techniques: Breathwrk

  • Features: Learn breathing techniques you can use anytime

While many breathing apps only focus on meditation and relaxation, Breathwrk also offers classes and programs promoting the long list of benefits of focused breathing.

Meditations geared toward relieving pain and improving energy

Wide variety of meditations available

Teaches calming breathing techniques you can do without the app

Premium subscription needed to unlock most options

Requires internet access while using

The Breathwrk app has numerous breathing exercise programs that promote calm, relaxation, and pain management, and offer an energy boost to help carry you through your workday. When we tested Breathwrk for a month, we were pleasantly surprised by the range and depth of content available. For example, not only did Breathwrk offer us breathing exercises, but it also provides classes, which consist of multiple exercises and education in areas like Calm, Sleep, Awake, Energize, Anxiety, Ease Pain Relief, Unwind, Reboot, Recharge, and Stamina. We were also impressed with the fact that Breathwrk lets you do any classes or exercises you want, in any order, at any time. This way, we were able to really personalize our experience with the app.

We found Breathwrk especially helpful with our insomnia. Our favorites were the sleep-based classes (because the shorter exercises that only last a few minutes weren’t ever enough to calm our overactive brain when we woke up in the middle of the night). Guiding us through inhaling and exhaling with a soothing voice, the classes were always helpful lulling us back to sleep. We did enjoy the shorter exercises, though, for creating a bedtime routine. It was easy to squeeze in a minute or two of breathing before bed, and doing some breathing exercises earlier in the evening to prepare for bedtime took away the anxiety of being able to fall asleep later when we wanted to.

A premium subscription to Breathwrk costs $12 per month or $69 per year, with a 7-day free trial.

The free options on Breathwrk are limited—you can access 50 exercises and classes, as well as 7-day challenges. However, if cost is an issue for you, you can contact the company about more affordable options. In addition, it offers discounts for students, teachers, military, veterans, and first responders.

Best for Kids: Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind

  • Features: Meditations for children and the entire family

Smiling Mind has guided meditations and activities designed specifically for children, including easy one-minute meditations and fun guided meditations like The Bubble Journey.

Totally free

Geared toward children 3 and up

Meditations start at one minute long to help children build on the practice

Children will need a phone or tablet to use the app

Email address is required at sign-up

Smiling Mind was developed by psychologists and educators in Australia to help bring mindful balance to children and adults. Smiling Mind is perfect for children 3 and older thanks to programs like The Bubble Journey, a guided meditation exercise that involves children filling in bubbles representing moments in their day when they really noticed what was going on around them. There are also guided meditations for older children that focus on being a better student, being more present, and using mindfulness to excel while playing your favorite sports. And while we did not test Smiling Mind’s children-focused exercises ourselves, we did have a great experience with the app’s more grown-up content.

We found Smiling Mind’s programs, which are collections of exercises meant to help develop different kinds of skills, to be highly customizable—we could pick any programs we wanted without the app telling us what to do or in what order. We especially liked the mindfulness programs that taught us the basics of meditation and how to be more mindful in our everyday lives, such as appreciating food before we ate it or having a conversation with a friend while practicing mindful listening (this was one of our favorite activities that the app suggested). We could jump around to any exercise we wanted in these programs and tailor our experience to what we were in the mood for that day. 

This kind of personalization could be especially beneficial to kids and teens to help them feel like they have more control over their lives and the way they practice meditation and mindfulness. In fact, these skills can help lead to better attention, memory, regulation of emotions, and self-awareness, and improvements in these areas can bring about reduced stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as better academic skills, social skills, and self-esteem.

Compare the Best Meditation Apps

Guide for choosing apps for meditation, how to choose the right meditation app for you.

When choosing the best meditation app to meet your needs, make a mental list of what you're hoping to achieve with the app; for instance, you might want to see what meditation is all about, learn breathing techniques, discover anxiety coping skills, or achieve better sleep . Next, consider how much time and money you can devote to the practice.

What to Look for in a Meditation App

Below are a few factors to weigh before downloading a meditation app to ensure you get the most out of it.

  • Pricing: The listed apps range in price from totally free to $100 for an annual subscription. Balance your financial investment with your time investment so you don't blow your budget on an app you don't have the time to fully explore.
  • Devices: Even though all the apps on this list are available for iOS and Android, that doesn't mean they will work with all of your devices. If you want an app to work with your smartwatch or tablet, make sure it's available on those devices before you download it.
  • Expert guidance: Apps geared toward improving mental health should have research-based information and expert-driven techniques. Better yet, look for apps with meditations guided by experts.
  • Programs offered: As you can see from this list, meditation apps don't just target meditation. Find an app that meets your needs and offers a few additional options you are interested in, like breathing techniques, soothing soundtracks, sleep stories, self-help activities, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Meditation apps help you learn and master various meditation skills like focused deep breathing, mental clarity, and being present. They do so by offering tools such as mood trackers, guided meditations, timers, and access to a community of fellow meditators.

Seema Sarin, MD , medical director of lifestyle medicine at EHE Health, says, "In the case of meditation, these apps can guide a user through a session. It has been shown that meditation can help with stress levels, help you find a new perspective on a stressful situation, help you build self-awareness, reduce negative emotions, and improve your creativity and patience. [They] can even help lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and improve sleep."

While meditating on your own or using more basic online guides can certainly help you meditate, apps have the advantage of providing intuitive tools, like trackers, that can help keep you accountable and improve over time. Many also offer expert support at the touch of a button in case you have questions as you practice.

Yes, almost any amount of daily meditation can offer benefits. If you want to recenter, it may take only 30 seconds. If you want to achieve pain relief or a night of more restful sleep, a guided meditation session could last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. You could aim for 15 minutes a day and adjust as needed.

Yes, Smiling Mind and Insight Timer are both free (though you can purchase a premium subscription for Insight Timer), as is the Healthy Minds Program app that's affiliated with the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (although there is a donation button for those who wish to contribute). The Healthy Minds Program app offers hundreds of hours of free guided meditations, podcast-style teachings, and progress-tracking features. Many other apps have free meditations with the option to pay if you want more.

We diligently researched the best meditation apps on the market before making our final recommendations. We considered more than 20 meditation apps, read over 150 reader reviews (both positive and negative), and used many of the meditation apps ourselves for at least a month. The apps were rated on the evidence-based programs offered, expert involvement in the creation of the meditations, whether the meditations were guided or self-led, the overall variety available, the issues addressed in the meditations (e.g., better sleep, reduced anxiety, or better focus), and price.

Guendelman S, Medeiros S, Rampes H. Mindfulness and emotion regulation: insights from neurobiological, psychological, and clinical studies .  Front Psychol . 2017;8:220. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00220

By April McCormick April is the health editor for performance marketing at Verywell, where she oversees family health, wellness, and lifestyle content. Her work has appeared in Time, Parents Magazine, The Huffington Post, TripSavvy,, First Time Mom and Dad, Mama Mia, All4Women, the New York Times Bestseller, A Letter To My Mom, and more.

Ally is a senior editor for Verywell, who covers topics in the health, wellness, and lifestyle spaces. She has written for The Washington Post, The Guardian, BBC Future, and more.

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Wild Journey: My favorite meditation and sleep app [Awesome Apps]

By Joe White • 6:00 am, May 23, 2022

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Wild Journey mindful app on iPhone

When I reach the end of the day and feel the need to relax and unwind, Wild Journey is the app I turn to. I find it helps me switch off and empty my mind like no other relaxation app. Let me explain why, starting with the basics.

Wild Journey is the best mindfulness app

In Wild Journey, you are introduced to a diverse array of immersive environments, all of which are ready for you to explore. Take a trip to the soothing Great Grove, Ruby Wetlands or relaxing Sunset Point and prepare to be transported to another realm. Connect your headphones, close your eyes and begin to unwind.

Wild Journey is the best mindfulness app. Let your journey begin.

What you’ll hear when visiting one of these locations is – well,  everything . The chirrup of crickets. The babbling of a nearby stream. After a few deep breaths, it’ll feel as if you’re really there.

Whereas other mindfulness apps can be a little directive in their approach (“Do this, do that, feel this, feel that”), as a general rule, Wild Journey leaves everything up to you — and this is something I really appreciate. This is made possible by Wild Journey’s diverse soundscapes, which are some of the best I’ve encountered. Each one feels carefully crafted, rich and dynamic. With a soundscape playing, it’s incredibly easy to forget your worries and let your mind unwind.


While I sometimes launch Wild Journey and catch a few quiet moments in the midst of a busy day, I most enjoy visiting one of the app’s soundscapes right before bed. Wild Journey actually includes a dedicated Sleep tab, where users can program sleepscapes by adjusting both the composition of the soundscape, and how long it runs. And if you have a HomePod in your bedroom, Wild Journey lets you AirPlay the sleepscape so no awkward earphones or headphones are required ( thankfully ).

More Awesome Apps

More Awesome Apps

Taken by the hand.

Personally, I love how Wild Journey’s soundscapes just leave you to it. But if you want to be taken by the hand on a more structured meditative journey, the app delivers. Over in the Experiences tab, users can access “mindful meditations” where they’re guided through meditations, one day at a time. These short meditation courses last anywhere between seven and three days, and cover a range of topics – from “achieve your goals” to “sleep better with rain.”

Best relaxation app is Wild Journey: If you find meditation slightly daunting, Wild Journey can ease you in.

If, like me, you haven’t tried much in the way of structured meditation before, Wild Journey is a great place to start. Each of the daily meditations last around 10 minutes each, which I’ve found to be the perfect length for those new to the (sometimes) challenging art of meditation. Of course, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive selection of meditations, Wild Journey may seem limiting – we’d recommend Headspace or Calm for that. But for those looking to dip their toe, this app is the perfect place to begin.

Start your journey

If you haven’t found the right mindfulness app yet, Wild Journey is definitely one to try. After a few moments with Wild Journey, I’m always left feeling calmer, more refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge. It’s a free download with some free content, although you’ll want to subscribe to access the entire Wild Journey catalog. That will set you back $7 a month – a small price to pay for mindful bliss.

Price: Free

Download from: iOS App Store

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  • Listen to audiobooks
  • Set reading goals
  • Organize books
  • Create and edit events in Calendar
  • Send invitations
  • Reply to invitations
  • Change how you view events
  • Search for events
  • Change calendar and event settings
  • Schedule or display events in a different time zone
  • Keep track of events
  • Use multiple calendars
  • Use the Holidays calendar
  • Share iCloud calendars
  • Camera basics
  • Set up your shot
  • Apply Photographic Styles
  • Take Live Photos
  • Take Burst mode shots
  • Take a selfie
  • Take panoramic photos
  • Take macro photos and videos
  • Take portraits
  • Take Night mode photos
  • Take Apple ProRAW photos
  • Adjust the shutter volume
  • Adjust HDR camera settings
  • Record videos
  • Record spatial videos for Apple Vision Pro
  • Record ProRes videos
  • Record videos in Cinematic mode
  • Change video recording settings
  • Save camera settings
  • Customize the Main camera lens
  • Change advanced camera settings
  • View, share, and print photos
  • Use Live Text
  • Scan a QR code
  • See the world clock
  • Set an alarm
  • Change the next wake up alarm
  • Use the stopwatch
  • Use multiple timers
  • Add and use contact information
  • Edit contacts
  • Add your contact info
  • Use NameDrop on iPhone to share your contact info
  • Use other contact accounts
  • Use Contacts from the Phone app
  • Merge or hide duplicate contacts
  • Export contacts
  • Get started with FaceTime
  • Make FaceTime calls
  • Receive FaceTime calls
  • Create a FaceTime link
  • Take a Live Photo
  • Turn on Live Captions in a FaceTime call
  • Use other apps during a call
  • Make a Group FaceTime call
  • View participants in a grid
  • Use SharePlay to watch, listen, and play together
  • Share your screen in a FaceTime call
  • Collaborate on a document in FaceTime
  • Use video conferencing features
  • Hand off a FaceTime call to another Apple device
  • Change the FaceTime video settings
  • Change the FaceTime audio settings
  • Change your appearance
  • Leave a call or switch to Messages
  • Block unwanted callers
  • Report a call as spam
  • Connect external devices or servers
  • Modify files, folders, and downloads
  • Search for files and folders
  • Organize files and folders
  • Set up iCloud Drive
  • Share files and folders in iCloud Drive
  • Use an external storage device, a file server, or a cloud storage service
  • Share your location
  • Meet up with a friend
  • Send your location via satellite
  • Add or remove a friend
  • Locate a friend
  • Get notified when friends change their location
  • Notify a friend when your location changes
  • Turn off Find My
  • Add your iPhone
  • Add your iPhone Wallet with MagSafe
  • Get notified if you leave a device behind
  • Locate a device
  • Mark a device as lost
  • Erase a device
  • Remove a device
  • Add an AirTag
  • Share an AirTag or other item in Find My on iPhone
  • Add a third-party item
  • Get notified if you leave an item behind
  • Locate an item
  • Mark an item as lost
  • Remove an item
  • Adjust map settings
  • Get started with Fitness
  • Track daily activity and change your move goal
  • See your activity summary
  • Sync a third-party workout app
  • Change fitness notifications
  • Share your activity
  • Subscribe to Apple Fitness+
  • Find Apple Fitness+ workouts and meditations
  • Start an Apple Fitness+ workout or meditation
  • Create a Custom Plan in Apple Fitness+
  • Work out together using SharePlay
  • Change what’s on the screen during an Apple Fitness+ workout or meditation
  • Download an Apple Fitness+ workout or meditation
  • Get started with Freeform
  • Create a Freeform board
  • Draw or handwrite
  • Apply consistent styles
  • Position items on a board
  • Search Freeform boards
  • Share and collaborate
  • Delete and recover boards
  • Get started with Health
  • Fill out your Health Details
  • Intro to Health data
  • View your health data
  • Share your health data
  • View health data shared by others
  • Download health records
  • View health records
  • Monitor your walking steadiness
  • Log menstrual cycle information
  • View menstrual cycle predictions and history
  • Track your medications
  • Learn more about your medications

Log your state of mind

  • Take a mental health assessment
  • Set up a schedule for a Sleep Focus
  • Turn off alarms and delete sleep schedules
  • Add or change sleep schedules
  • Turn Sleep Focus on or off
  • Change your wind down period, sleep goal, and more
  • View your sleep history
  • Check your headphone levels
  • Use audiogram data
  • Register as an organ donor
  • Back up your Health data
  • Intro to Home
  • Upgrade to the new Home architecture
  • Set up accessories
  • Control accessories
  • Control your home using Siri
  • Use Grid Forecast to plan your energy usage
  • Set up HomePod
  • Control your home remotely
  • Create and use scenes
  • Use automations
  • Set up security cameras
  • Use Face Recognition
  • Unlock your door with a home key
  • Configure a router
  • Invite others to control accessories
  • Add more homes
  • Get music, movies, and TV shows
  • Get ringtones
  • Manage purchases and settings
  • Get started with Journal
  • Write in your journal
  • Review your past journal entries
  • Change Journal settings
  • Magnify nearby objects
  • Change settings
  • Detect people around you
  • Detect doors around you
  • Receive image descriptions of your surroundings
  • Read aloud text and labels around you
  • Set up shortcuts for Detection Mode
  • Add and remove email accounts
  • Set up a custom email domain
  • Check your email
  • Unsend email with Undo Send
  • Reply to and forward emails
  • Save an email draft
  • Add email attachments
  • Download email attachments
  • Annotate email attachments
  • Set email notifications
  • Search for email
  • Organize email in mailboxes
  • Flag or block emails
  • Filter emails
  • Use Hide My Email
  • Use Mail Privacy Protection
  • Change email settings
  • Delete and recover emails
  • Add a Mail widget to your Home Screen
  • Print emails
  • Get travel directions
  • Select other route options
  • Find stops along your route
  • View a route overview or a list of turns
  • Change settings for spoken directions
  • Get driving directions
  • Get directions to your parked car
  • Set up electric vehicle routing
  • Report traffic incidents
  • Get cycling directions
  • Get walking directions
  • Get transit directions
  • Delete recent directions
  • Get traffic and weather info
  • Estimate travel time and ETA
  • Download offline maps
  • Search for places
  • Find nearby attractions, restaurants, and services
  • Get information about places
  • Mark places
  • Share places
  • Rate places
  • Save favorite places
  • Explore new places with Guides
  • Organize places in My Guides
  • Clear location history
  • Look around places
  • Take Flyover tours
  • Find your Maps settings
  • Measure dimensions
  • View and save measurements
  • Measure a person’s height
  • Use the level
  • Set up Messages
  • About iMessage
  • Send and reply to messages
  • Unsend and edit messages
  • Keep track of messages
  • Forward and share messages
  • Group conversations
  • Watch, listen, or play together using SharePlay
  • Collaborate on projects
  • Use iMessage apps
  • Take and edit photos or videos
  • Share photos, links, and more
  • Send stickers
  • Request, send, and receive payments
  • Send and receive audio messages
  • Animate messages
  • Send and save GIFs
  • Turn read receipts on or off
  • Change notifications
  • Block, filter, and report messages
  • Delete messages and attachments
  • Recover deleted messages
  • View albums, playlists, and more
  • Show song credits and lyrics
  • Queue up your music
  • Listen to broadcast radio
  • Subscribe to Apple Music
  • Play music together in the car with iPhone
  • Listen to lossless music
  • Listen to Dolby Atmos music
  • Apple Music Sing
  • Find new music
  • Add music and listen offline
  • Get personalized recommendations
  • Listen to radio
  • Search for music
  • Create playlists
  • See what your friends are listening to
  • Use Siri to play music
  • Change the way music sounds
  • Get started with News
  • Use News widgets
  • See news stories chosen just for you
  • Read stories
  • Follow your favorite teams with My Sports
  • Listen to Apple News Today
  • Subscribe to Apple News+
  • Browse and read Apple News+ stories and issues
  • Use Offline Mode to read downloaded News content
  • Manually download Apple News+ issues
  • Listen to audio stories
  • Solve puzzles in Apple News
  • Solve crossword and crossword mini puzzles
  • Solve Quartiles puzzles
  • Search for news stories
  • Save stories in News for later
  • Subscribe to individual news channels
  • Get started with Notes
  • Add or remove accounts
  • Create and format notes
  • Draw or write
  • Add photos, videos, and more
  • Scan text and documents
  • Work with PDFs
  • Create Quick Notes
  • Search notes
  • Organize in folders
  • Organize with tags
  • Use Smart Folders
  • Export or print notes
  • Change Notes settings
  • Make a call
  • View and delete the call history
  • Answer or decline incoming calls
  • While on a call
  • Have a conference or three-way call on iPhone
  • Set up voicemail
  • Check voicemail
  • Change voicemail greeting and settings
  • Select ringtones and vibrations
  • Make calls using Wi-Fi
  • Set up call forwarding
  • Set up call waiting
  • Block or avoid unwanted calls
  • View photos and videos
  • Play videos and slideshows
  • Delete or hide photos and videos
  • Edit photos and videos
  • Trim video length and adjust slow motion
  • Edit Cinematic mode videos
  • Edit Live Photos
  • Edit portraits
  • Use photo albums
  • Edit, share, and organize albums
  • Filter and sort photos and videos in albums
  • Make stickers from your photos
  • Duplicate and copy photos and videos
  • Merge duplicate photos and videos
  • Search for photos
  • Identify people and pets
  • Browse photos by location
  • Share photos and videos
  • Share long videos
  • View photos and videos shared with you
  • Watch memories
  • Personalize your memories
  • Manage memories and featured photos
  • Use iCloud Photos
  • Create shared albums
  • Add and remove people in a shared album
  • Add and delete photos and videos in a shared album
  • Set up or join an iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Add content to an iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Use iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Import and export photos and videos
  • Print photos
  • Find podcasts
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Follow your favorite podcasts
  • Use the Podcasts widget
  • Organize your podcast library
  • Download, save, or share podcasts
  • Subscribe to podcasts
  • Listen to subscriber-only content
  • Change download settings
  • Make a grocery list
  • Add items to a list
  • Edit and manage a list
  • Search and organize lists
  • Work with templates
  • Use Smart Lists
  • Print reminders
  • Use the Reminders widget
  • Change Reminders settings
  • Browse the web
  • Search for websites
  • Customize your Safari settings
  • Change the layout
  • Use Safari profiles
  • Open and close tabs
  • Organize your tabs
  • View your Safari tabs from another Apple device
  • Share Tab Groups
  • Use Siri to listen to a webpage
  • Bookmark favorite webpages
  • Save pages to a Reading List
  • Find links shared with you
  • Annotate and save a webpage as a PDF
  • Automatically fill in forms
  • Get extensions
  • Hide ads and distractions
  • Clear your cache and cookies
  • Browse the web privately
  • Use passkeys in Safari
  • Check stocks
  • Manage multiple watchlists
  • Read business news
  • Add earnings reports to your calendar
  • Use a Stocks widget
  • Translate text, voice, and conversations
  • Translate text in apps
  • Translate with the camera view
  • Subscribe to Apple TV+, MLS Season Pass, or an Apple TV channel
  • Add your TV provider
  • Get shows, movies, and more
  • Watch sports
  • Watch Major League Soccer with MLS Season Pass
  • Control playback
  • Manage your library
  • Change the settings
  • Make a recording
  • Play it back
  • Edit or delete a recording
  • Keep recordings up to date
  • Organize recordings
  • Search for or rename a recording
  • Share a recording
  • Duplicate a recording
  • Keep cards and passes in Wallet
  • Set up Apple Pay
  • Use Apple Pay for contactless payments
  • Use Apple Pay in apps and on the web
  • Track your orders
  • Use Apple Cash
  • Use Apple Card
  • Use Savings
  • Pay for transit
  • Access your home, hotel room, and vehicle
  • Add identity cards
  • Use COVID-19 vaccination cards
  • Check your Apple Account balance
  • Use Express Mode
  • Organize your Wallet
  • Remove cards or passes
  • Check the weather
  • Check the weather in other locations
  • View weather maps
  • Manage weather notifications
  • Use Weather widgets
  • Learn the weather icons
  • Find out what Siri can do
  • Tell Siri about yourself
  • Have Siri announce calls and notifications
  • Add Siri Shortcuts
  • About Siri Suggestions
  • Use Siri in your car
  • Change Siri settings
  • Contact emergency services
  • Use Emergency SOS via satellite
  • Request Roadside Assistance via satellite
  • Set up and view your Medical ID
  • Use Check In
  • Manage Crash Detection
  • Reset privacy and security settings in an emergency
  • Set up Family Sharing
  • Add Family Sharing members
  • Remove Family Sharing members
  • Share subscriptions
  • Share purchases
  • Share locations with family and locate lost devices
  • Set up Apple Cash Family and Apple Card Family
  • Set up parental controls
  • Set up a child’s device
  • Get started with Screen Time
  • Protect your vision health with Screen Distance
  • Set up Screen Time
  • Set communication and safety limits and block inappropriate content
  • Set up Screen Time for a family member
  • Charging cable
  • Power adapters
  • MagSafe chargers and battery packs
  • MagSafe cases and sleeves
  • Qi-certified wireless chargers
  • Use AirPods
  • Use EarPods
  • Apple Watch
  • Wirelessly stream videos and photos to Apple TV or a smart TV
  • Connect to a display with a cable
  • HomePod and other wireless speakers
  • Pair Magic Keyboard
  • Enter characters with diacritical marks
  • Switch between keyboards
  • Use shortcuts
  • Choose an alternative keyboard layout
  • Change typing assistance options
  • External storage devices
  • Bluetooth accessories
  • Share your internet connection
  • Allow phone calls on your iPad and Mac
  • Use iPhone as a webcam
  • Hand off tasks between devices
  • Cut, copy, and paste between iPhone and other devices
  • Stream video or mirror the screen of your iPhone
  • Start SharePlay instantly
  • Use AirDrop to send items
  • Connect iPhone and your computer with a cable
  • Transfer files between devices
  • Transfer files with email, messages, or AirDrop
  • Transfer files or sync content with the Finder or iTunes
  • Automatically keep files up to date with iCloud
  • Intro to CarPlay
  • Connect to CarPlay
  • Use your vehicle’s built-in controls
  • Get turn-by-turn directions
  • Change the map view
  • Make phone calls
  • View your calendar
  • Send and receive text messages
  • Announce incoming text messages
  • Play podcasts
  • Play audiobooks
  • Listen to news stories
  • Control your home
  • Use other apps with CarPlay
  • Rearrange icons on CarPlay Home
  • Change settings in CarPlay
  • Get started with accessibility features
  • Turn on accessibility features for setup
  • Change Siri accessibility settings
  • Open features with Accessibility Shortcut
  • Change color and brightness
  • Make text easier to read
  • Reduce onscreen motion
  • Customize per-app visual settings
  • Hear what’s on the screen or typed
  • Hear audio descriptions
  • Turn on and practice VoiceOver
  • Change your VoiceOver settings
  • Use VoiceOver gestures
  • Operate iPhone when VoiceOver is on
  • Control VoiceOver using the rotor
  • Use the onscreen keyboard
  • Write with your finger
  • Keep the screen off
  • Use VoiceOver with an Apple external keyboard
  • Use a braille display
  • Type braille on the screen
  • Customize gestures and keyboard shortcuts
  • Use VoiceOver with a pointer device
  • Use VoiceOver for images and videos
  • Use VoiceOver in apps
  • Use AssistiveTouch
  • Adjust how iPhone responds to your touch
  • Use Reachability
  • Auto-answer calls
  • Turn off vibration
  • Change Face ID and attention settings
  • Use Voice Control
  • Adjust the side or Home button
  • Use Apple TV Remote buttons
  • Adjust pointer settings
  • Adjust keyboard settings
  • Control iPhone with an external keyboard
  • Adjust AirPods settings
  • Turn on Apple Watch Mirroring
  • Control a nearby Apple device
  • Intro to Switch Control
  • Set up and turn on Switch Control
  • Select items, perform actions, and more
  • Control several devices with one switch
  • Use hearing devices
  • Use Live Listen
  • Use sound recognition
  • Set up and use RTT and TTY
  • Flash the indicator light for notifications
  • Adjust audio settings
  • Play background sounds
  • Display subtitles and captions
  • Show transcriptions for Intercom messages
  • Get live captions of spoken audio
  • Type to speak
  • Record a Personal Voice
  • Lock iPhone to one app with Guided Access
  • Use built-in privacy and security protections
  • Set a passcode
  • Set up Face ID
  • Set up Touch ID
  • Control access to information on the Lock Screen
  • Keep your Apple ID secure
  • Use passkeys to sign in to apps and websites
  • Sign in with Apple
  • Share passwords
  • Automatically fill in strong passwords
  • Change weak or compromised passwords
  • View your passwords and related information
  • Share passkeys and passwords securely with AirDrop
  • Make your passkeys and passwords available on all your devices
  • Automatically fill in verification codes
  • Automatically fill in SMS passcodes
  • Sign in with fewer CAPTCHA challenges
  • Use two-factor authentication
  • Use security keys
  • Manage information sharing with Safety Check
  • Control app tracking permissions
  • Control the location information you share
  • Control access to information in apps
  • Control how Apple delivers advertising to you
  • Control access to hardware features
  • Create and manage Hide My Email addresses
  • Protect your web browsing with iCloud Private Relay
  • Use a private network address
  • Use Advanced Data Protection
  • Use Lockdown Mode
  • Use Stolen Device Protection
  • Receive warnings about sensitive content
  • Use Contact Key Verification
  • Turn iPhone on or off
  • Force restart iPhone
  • Back up iPhone
  • Reset iPhone settings
  • Restore all content from a backup
  • Restore purchased and deleted items
  • Sell, give away, or trade in your iPhone
  • Erase iPhone
  • Install or remove configuration profiles
  • Important safety information
  • Important handling information
  • Find more resources for software and service
  • FCC compliance statement
  • ISED Canada compliance statement
  • Ultra Wideband information
  • Class 1 Laser information
  • Apple and the environment
  • Disposal and recycling information
  • Unauthorized modification of iOS

Log your state of mind in Health on iPhone

mind journey app iphone

Tap Browse, tap Mental Wellbeing, then tap State of Mind.

If this is your first time logging, tap Get Started. Otherwise, tap Log.

the Calendar Button

Choose one of the following:

Log an emotion: Tap “How you feel right now,” then tap Next.

Log a mood: Tap “How you’ve felt overall today,” then tap Next.

Drag the slider to indicate how you’re feeling, then tap Next.

Tap any words that describe how you’re feeling (optional), then tap Next.

Tap any words that describe what’s having the biggest impact on you (optional), then tap Done.

If you’ve described what’s having the biggest impact on you, you can tap Additional Context to enter more information.

View your state of mind history

Tap Show in Charts, then do any of the following:

View your state of mind over time: Tap an option from the time range selections at the top of the chart.

View the types of entries you’ve logged: Tap States, then tap Daily Moods or Momentary Emotions to see those entries on the graph.

View factors associated with your entries: Tap Associations, then scroll through the different factors you logged in your state of mind entries.

View lifestyle factors associated with your entries: Tap Life Factors, then tap a lifestyle factor to see it alongside your state of mind entries.

the More Info button

Set state of mind reminders

You can get reminders to log your state of mind.

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, then tap Options.

Turn During Your Day and End of Day on or off.

You can also tap Add Reminder to create additional reminders.

Best journaling apps for iPhone and iPad in 2024

Remember your most important thoughts with these journaling apps.

Journal apps for iPhone

Day One Journal

5 Minute Journal

The best journaling apps for iPhone and iPad are absolutely necessary if you want to get in the habit of regularly writing down your thoughts and feelings. Being like a digital form of therapy, getting the right app with the choices and options can be a bit of a problem, especially considering there are so many great choices out there. 

The joy of there being so many options is that you get to explore as many as you like until you find the perfect one. Are you looking to write your dreams every morning to remember what plagues you as you sleep? Maybe you are more interested in writing down the great moments you have with your friends. Either way, grab one of the best iPhones or best iPads and get them all written down. 

Here are some of the best journaling apps for iPhone and iPad we can find. 

The best journaling apps for iPhone and iPad

You can always trust iMore. Our team of Apple experts have years of experience testing all kinds of tech and gadgets, so you can be sure our recommendations and criticisms are accurate and helpful. Find out more about how we test.

Journal deserves a mention in this list not just because it's a good journaling app but also because of what it will be one day. Being officially created and supported by Apple itself, its updates will often play into big iOS updates and it has compatibility with all of Apple's major apps. It can take images, videos, and voice notes you've made and start a journal, which you can then add to at will. 

If you're someone who wants to journal more but you don't quite have an idea to get you started, Journal is the perfect choice for you thanks to its smart implementation of other notes and pictures. It is missing some grander features right now and can be a little basic as a result but it's an excellent starting point that will only get better over time. 


Journal is a free journaling app that synergizes with other Apple apps like Photos and Notes to give you a good starting point to get writing. 

If you get to the end of a hard day and just want to write some things down, it can intelligently grab the right photos, music, and locations, and it does it all quickly and efficiently. 

Day One Journal is my absolute favorite way to keep a journal. This beautiful app lets you create multiple journals and color-code them for easy organization. All of your journal entries can be formatted with rich text options, have photos, include activity, location, and even weather data of your site, and more. The latest update added audio recording capabilities, a new intuitive editor, a gorgeous Dark Mode, and other slick features.

Day One Journal is free to download, but you have a few limitations on the number of journals you can keep and how many photos you can upload. If you go for a Premium subscription, which starts at $3.99 a month or $34.99 a year, it unlocks unlimited journals, up to 30 photos per entry, audio recording, Dark Mode, 25 percent off of printed books, and more.

Day One Journal

One of the original App Store apps, Day One is available across multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Mac. And yes, you can sync them. 

Download from : App Store

Momento is similar to Day One, except it's more about automation with your social network feeds.  The real magic lies in linking up your social media accounts, which populate each day's entries as you go. All your updates and posts are fetched and pulled into Momento, so it's like a digital record of your private and online lives.

Momento is free to download and use, but you'll be limited to three social accounts. You can add three more through in-app purchases or subscribe to Premium to get unlimited accounts. Premium starts at $3.99 a month.


With Momento, you can manually create journal entries with rich text formatting, multiple photos, tags, locations, and other bits of data you want to remember.

Download from: App Store

Keeping track of how you feel is just as important as remembering memories. Because some of us don't mind keeping track of our mental health and well-being.  The colorful interface is warm and welcoming, asking you how you're feeling. Pick an attitude that reflects how you are doing, and each one is represented with an emote and color. You can choose to add more details to the entry or just leave it as is.

If you opt for more details, the app asks why you feel the way you do. Doing this makes you think and reflect on why you feel that way. For negative moods, Moodnotes helps you identify traps you've fallen into and even gives tips on avoiding doing the same thing in the future.

Over time, Moodnotes keeps track of patterns in your moods and helps you get into the mindset of developing healthier perspectives. This app is most effective when used daily.


Moodnotes is a sleek app that helps you track your moods and the reasons behind how you feel.

If you want something like Day One, but is available on pretty much every platform, then Journey is for you. Journey lets you create journal entries with text, photos and videos, location, activity, and more. Like the other journaling apps, Journey is free to download and use, but you'll get the most out of the app by becoming a Premium subscriber. This starts at $3.99 a month or $29.99 per year.


The Journey app is cross-platform and accessible on all platforms because it syncs seamlessly with Google Drive, and you can import Day One entries into Journey if you want to switch.

Like the idea of journaling but just don't have time? Then Daylio's micro-journaling method may be best for your needs. Daylio simply asks you to pick your mood for the day, and then add an activity to go along with it, presumably the one that makes you feel the way you do. This counts as an entry, and optionally, you can add some notes to it if needed, just like a traditional diary. But the core focus with Daylio is fast and simple micro journaling. As you use it more, it keeps track of your mood by showing the data in simple charts and graphs, and you'll see what your average mood is.

If you tend to be someone who has trouble getting started with writing a journal entry from scratch, then Grid Diary is a good option. It uses journaling templates of inspiring questions to answer and has them all lined up in a grid. Pick the one you want to answer for the day, and then write your answer as a journal entry. 

For many, it's just hard to write, so having journaling templates is more effective in getting the juices flowing. You can also add photos to your entries, search for specific keywords, and sync your data. Grid Diary is free to download and use, but you can upgrade to Pro ($4.99 one-time purchase or $1.99 monthly) for passcode lock, multiple export formats, multiple reminders, custom font styles, and more.

Grid Diary

Here's an excellent way to get some inspiration for your writing, and you can always use your answer as a lead-in to writing about your entire day.

Do you have five minutes to spare each day? If so, then grab Five Minute Journal, because that's all you need. Five Minute Journal has writing prompts and questions that you answer quickly and easily. You can even add photos if you'd like, and there are also daily quotes to help inspire you, as well as weekly challenges. All of your entries get displayed in a beautiful timeline, where you can go back and reflect on memories with ease. There are also reminders, passcode lock, and backup/export to PDF options available.


Don't say you don't have time to journal. In 300 seconds, you can keep track of each of your days with this app.

Penzu is a journaling app that focuses on your privacy. With Penzu, you can create rich text entries with photos and sync your journal to access the web for free. All you have to do is create a free Penzu account. However, to get the most out of Penzu, you'll need Penzu Pro, which you can get for $4.99 a month, and $19.99 a year.

Penzu Pro unlocks all available features, such as a passcode lock for your journals, unlimited journals,, and photos, customized journal covers, and more.


With a focus on privacy the Penzu app makes it possible to keep track of your day in beautiful terms and ease. 

What are your favorites?

These are some of the best journaling apps we've come across in the App Store. Journal is where we recommend starting as it is free, will be automatically installed on any iPhone that has iOS 17 , and is pretty great. 

From here, start exploring the other options until you find the app that provides the right options for your specific style of journal. 

Master your iPhone in minutes

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Bryan M. Wolfe has written about technology for over a decade on various websites, including TechRadar, AppAdvice, and many more. Before this, he worked in the technology field across different industries, including healthcare and education. He’s currently iMore’s lead on all things Mac and macOS, although he also loves covering iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Bryan enjoys watching his favorite sports teams, traveling, and driving around his teenage daughter to her latest stage show, audition, or school event in his spare time. He also keeps busy walking his black and white cocker spaniel, Izzy, and trying new coffees and liquid grapes.

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Best meditation apps for iPhone and iPad in 2024


In our busy lives, it’s vital to take some time to pause and relax. Meditation provides an excellent way to do this. It’s a beneficial habit to cultivate for better mental health. And just like you can use health apps for physical exercise, there are many great meditation apps. There are a wide variety of features available from trackers and timers to guided meditations and soothing sounds. So let’s check them all out in the best iPhone and iPad Meditation apps.

6 Best mediation apps for iOS and iPadOS

From the comfort of your home, you can use one of these meditation apps for your iPhone and make the first move toward a healthy body, mind, and soul!

Calm meditation iPhone, iPad app screenshot

Calm is a popular meditation app for iPhone and iPad. It consists of several helpful breathing exercises and meditation sessions. There are also over 100 sleep stories to help you fall asleep with complete peace of mind.

Calm offers meditation programs for not just beginners but also intermediate and advanced users. The app offers a new 10-minute program each day to soothe your mind and charge your energy.

Personally, I’ve found its collection of relaxing music very appreciable. Times when you want to reduce stress, the expertly crafted music can work magic in cooling your mind.

Price: Free (In-app purchases start at $14.99) 


2. Headspace

Headspace meditation app for iPhone and iPad

Headspace can be your perfect guide. It provides hundreds of sessions based on several things like sleep, focus, exercise, and more.

It also offers daily meditations on a new topic to keep you refreshed. Find it a bit hard to get some time out of your extremely busy schedules? Don’t worry as the app also has some mini sessions to relax your mind.

Moreover, Headspace has a special session called “SOS” to help you deal with panic in a better way.

Price: Free (In-app purchases start at $12.99) 

3. The Mindfulness App

The Mindfulness meditation app for iPhone and iPad

The Mindfulness App is easily one of the top-notch meditation apps for iPhone. Starting off, it provides you a five day guided practice so that you can stay on course to achieve the desired peace.

The app offers both guided and silent sessions ranging from 3 to 30 minutes. It has an ever-growing catalog of over 250 meditation courses.

Depending on your goal, you can personalize your mindfulness with bells and guided introduction. To ensure you don’t forget anything, reminders keep you alerted about your task throughout.

Price: Free (In-app purchases start at $9.99) 

4. Insight Timer

Insight Timer meditation app for iPhone and iPad

I’ve been a big fan of Insight Timer. It’s the most complete meditation app and a must-have for the people who want to keep stress and anxiety at bay.

The app has the largest collection of guided meditations. You can select them as per your time to fit into your short sessions.

There are plenty of music tracks and ambient sounds to help you calm down, sleep better, or become more focused. Moreover, you can follow experts and also take part in the discussions to share your thoughts.

Price: Free (In-app purchases start at $1.99) 

5. Buddhify

buddhify meditation app for iPhone and iPad

Unable to spare time for relaxation? Buddhify can be an ideal meditation app for your hectic life.

The best thing about this app is that it provides programs that can fit into several parts of your day. For instance, you can get a suitable meditation session for the time when you are walking, traveling, or even using your iPhone.

buddhify has a large collection of over 200 meditation programs. The length of the sessions ranges from 3-40 minutes. So, you can choose a suitable exercise as per your time. Better still, it also works seamlessly with Apple Watch to let you track your progress with ease.

Price: $4.99 

6. Simple Habit

Simple Habit Sleep meditation app for iPhone and iPad

What stands out in Simple Habit is the huge library of meditations–well over 1000. The app provides helpful guides from well-known teachers and experts.

Another notable feature of this app is the guided session for specific symptoms such as sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, and more. So, if you ever find yourself a bit strained out, just spare five minutes to get the needed peace.

Moreover, you will choose from several thoughtfully prepared guides for different life situations such as wake up, tough day at work, and more.

Price: Free (In-app purchases start at $3.99) 

Wrapping up  

It’s really hard to spare time in this fast-paced life. However, you should never take your health for granted. Your body and mind must be tuned in to stay refreshed. And the above apps can go a long way in helping you fight out stress and remain relaxed.

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Jignesh Padhiyar is the co-founder of, who has a keen eye for news, rumors, and all the unusual stuff around Apple products. During his tight schedule, Jignesh finds some moments of respite to share side-splitting content on social media.

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Apple Journal is nice, but it's no Journey or Day One alternative yet

Published on October 29, 2023

Apple Journal app showing suggestions

Apple’s announcement earlier this year that it was foraying into the journaling app ecosystem was not entirely surprising; mental health and wellness are increasingly central to the company’s software decisions. The introduction of Mindfulness capture in Watch OS 10 and iOS 17 is just one way Apple hopes you’ll begin logging your mental wellbeing. Coupled with all the health data, it is possible to draw a correlation between, say, an elevated heart rate and mental stress levels. However, as someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life, I can confirm that capturing your current state of mind is only one part of the equation.

Journaling is an immensely personal act that lets you pour out your exact mental state — positive or negative, onto paper. It’s no replacement for a therapist, but daily journaling is a highly effective way to relieve mental burden. While I’ve maintained a physical journal most of my teenage life, I switched to digital journaling a decade back when I picked up the Journey app for my Android phone . I’m also well aware of the extremely popular Day One journaling app.

But as someone who prefers first-party, deeply integrated solutions, I’ve been curious about Apple’s take on journaling. The feature still hasn’t had a widespread rollout yet, but I’ve been testing out Apple’s new Journal app on the iOS 17.2 beta, and I believe it’s a good gateway to maintaining a digital trail of your life’s moments, feelings, and emotions, while balancing feature overload. However, it could do with a few improvements to compete with Journey or Day One.

Do you use an app for journaling?

The perfect gateway to journaling.

Apple Journal app showing entries

The Journal App on the iPhone takes an interesting two-pronged approach towards maintaining a digital diary — even though it doesn’t make it immediately apparent. Opening the app takes you through a set of prompts to get you started with the act of journaling. Apple calls them “reflections,” and to me, they came as a bit obtuse and not necessarily helpful. But more on that later. The entire user journey is straightforward in typical Apple fashion. Tapping the plus button along the bottom of the app pops open a fresh section with more of those suggestions and the option to start a new entry.

A new entry is a blank page to start writing on. You can add images, videos, an audio recording, a location, and even take a photo directly through the app. This can be handy when marking a specific location or incident that impacted you. For particularly noteworthy entries, it is possible to add a bookmark and return to the entry through a dedicated bookmarks toggle on the main page.

Apple talked about using on-device AI to come up with prompts that help users get started with journaling when it introduced the app. In my experience, this has been less than helpful so far. The “reflections” have varied from questions about music that helps me calm down to what nice thing someone has done for me recently. Don’t get me wrong, these can be interesting, reflective moments to look back on. But there was nothing personal about the suggestions. Perhaps the on-device machine learning models need more time to pick up on my habits, but it doesn’t make an excellent first impression.

The app is supposed to pick up recent music listening habits or workouts for suggestions, but I haven’t been presented with such prompts yet. Regardless, I went in expecting more of a template or even ChatGPT -style suggestions on filing my journal entry for the day. Apple’s current implementation comes across more as a gratitude journal than a tool to help me journal better.

A little too barebones

And that brings me to my other gripe with the journal app — it’s remarkably barebones. Outside of the aforementioned functions, there’s precious little to look at here. Moreover, the feature set pales compared to my go-to journaling app — Journey. In fact, the app won’t even let you log your current mood while writing up your daily entry. I haven’t had much experience with Day One, one of the best apps for iPhones , but looking at the feature set, it’s clear to me that it also vastly supersedes what Apple offers.

I didn’t expect Apple to go after dedicated journaling apps, but missing basics like the ability to scroll through your timeline by date is egregious. I’ve often used Journey to log my thoughts about a place I’m visiting and stamp the entry with a GPS location market. The app lets me look at a map view and dive straight into a country or city to look up entries from that place. Apple’s Journal app has no such option.

apple journal journal entry page

I also expected to find the ability to look at throwback posts. That feature is commonly available in almost all journaling apps and lets you look back at random entries from the past. I find it’s an effective tool to reflect and relive a specific moment in time. Once again, this isn’t available in Apple’s Journal app.

Add to that the lack of basics like, say, templates or even a widget for quick entries, and it’s pretty evident that Apple isn’t positioning Journal as a comprehensive replacement for apps like Day One or Journey. Apple could also show its strength in on-device machine learning and its broader ecosystem by correlating health metrics and journal entries. Deeply embedding links between, say, a music track that I’m listening to and a journal entry would also be excellent additions. However, none of that is available at launch.

I was also left scratching my head over the lack of iPad or Mac support for the Journal app. You heard that right: Apple’s only product that could let you pencil in entries does not have access to the app. It’s very typical of Apple to not follow through on the obvious. I’m still waiting for that calculator app on my iPad, but I’m hoping that sooner or later, the Journal app will make its way to the tablet — it’s an obvious fit for longer writing sessions. While my iPhone 15 Pro Max is large enough, I still wouldn’t want to use it for marathon writing sessions.

Overall, the Journal app might be one of those instances where Apple hyped up the feature a bit more than it delivered. It’s a functional, handy solution to get started with journaling. However, unless it adds basics like a throwback feature or the ability to go back to diary entries using a calendar interface or maps, it’s just too barebones to be an effective alternative for journaling fiends. It might be an excellent gateway to get people used to journaling, but it needs much more polish before it can be a compelling alternative to long-standing favorites.

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Mark Travers Ph.D.

Apple's New iPhone Can Track Your Mood

Is apple's foray into mood tracking the next big thing in health technology.

Updated October 12, 2023 | Reviewed by Tyler Woods

  • Apple’s new “State of Mind” feature aims to help us understand our emotions.
  • The iPhone's Journaling app records life events for you, becoming a sort of automatic emotion journal.
  • The Health app is now equipped with mental health assessments, including the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 questionnaires.

Yurii Maslak/Shutterstock

Apple’s new “State of Mind” feature in the Health app is more than a tech update; it’s Apple's foray into helping us understand our emotions. Beyond tracking physical activity with the Apple Watch, the company is now capturing our moods. This, combined with insights from a new Journal app (which Apple says will be woven into our life’s events and multimedia tapestry), aims to give a full picture of our daily experiences, both in body and mind.

Here’s how Apple envisions this feature will play out in real life.

Imagine a vacation in an unfamiliar city. At the start of your day, the Health app prompts you to record your mood. You describe it as “Very Pleasant” and indicate to the app that you’re on vacation. You then delve deeper, picking from a palette of emotions—maybe you feel grateful , serene, or exhilarated. As you meander through the city, guided by GPS and capturing moments, the Journal app curates a narrative of your day. Upon stumbling into a hectic tourist hotspot, a spike in your anxiety nudges your heart rate up. Sensing the shift, the Health app checks in on your mood once more. This dance of interactions continues, making your vacation a tapestry of emotional hues. So, when you’re back, and a friend (or a psychologist) inquires about your trip, you can share a rich emotional canvas, offering more than just, “It was great.”

Don Kaveen / Unsplash

Here are two of the most promising benefits of such a future, based on the landscape of mental health today.

1. It Can Help in Early Intervention and Continuous Monitoring of Mental Health

Mental health is an increasingly important issue that permeates society. According to a 2021 report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, with anxiety and depression being the most prevalent. The democratization of mental health through features like State of Mind could be a game-changer.

By providing universal access to industry-standard screening tools such as the PHQ-9 and GAD-7, and presenting the results in an easily digestible format, individuals are empowered to reach out to mental health professionals for tailored guidance on their concerns.

Being mindful of our emotions can help us process difficult life situations better. According to a 2021 study published in the Journal of Depression and Anxiety , feeling grateful for positive experiences is a potent deterrent to depressive symptoms. A smart journaling app that automatically records life events for you, in rich detail, can help you store beautiful memories—and features like State of Mind can help you remember how you felt about these experiences. In essence, they can become your automatic emotion journal. As journaling is an often-recommended method to work through your anxieties and depressive symptoms, this seems like a step in the right direction.

It’s important to remember, however, that while this tool can be helpful, it doesn’t replace mental health professionals. The self-interpretation of these results should be done with caution, and any concerns should be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider.

2. It Can Help Enhance Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

As users regularly document their emotional states and associated triggers, they cultivate a deeper understanding of their own emotional patterns and responses. Recognizing recurring stressors or moments of joy enables users to either avoid situations that negatively impact their well-being or lean into experiences that bring positivity.

Moreover, this heightened self-awareness can act as a catalyst for personal growth. By confronting and understanding their emotions, users can take actionable steps toward better mental resilience , emotional intelligence , and overall well-being. Using tools that foster self-awareness supports a growth mindset , empowering individuals to proactively address and evolve their emotional health and response to stress , as a 2022 study published in Frontiers in Psychology showed.

As technology intertwines further with our lives, Apple’s new mental health focus heralds a new human-tech interaction era. Yet, to some, notifications about mental check-ins might feel intrusive. Public reaction remains uncertain in this uncharted domain. Still, with tech’s undeniable presence in our lives, embracing such innovations may pave the way for a more harmonious man-machine relationship.

Mark Travers Ph.D.

Mark Travers, Ph.D., is an American psychologist with degrees from Cornell University and the University of Colorado Boulder.

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Yoga, meditation, life, 5 best guided meditation apps for ios & iphone.

Best Guided Meditation Apps for iOS & iPhone

If you struggle to stay focused while meditating or are new to your meditation practice, you may find guided meditations helpful. Guided meditations help you relax, focus your mind, and focus an intention for your practice. There are many sources for guided meditations , including CDs, podcasts, and videos. One of the best resources I’ve found is guided meditation apps. These apps let you meditate anywhere, at any time with their guided meditation audio. They also let you set reminders, track your progress, and help build a daily meditation habit .

If you’re new to meditation or find yourself struggling to maintain a daily habit, give these apps a try.

Guided Meditation Apps for iOS

Headspace: guided meditation.

Headspace: Guided Meditation App for Relaxation

Headspace is one of the most recommended guided meditation apps right now. I decided to give it a try when I saw reviews mentioning how helpful it is for people who struggle with meditating consistently. I do want to mention from the beginning that you can download and try to app for free, but to really get the longterm benefit and access to the full library of guided meditations you need to buy a subscription.

Many experienced meditators won’t be interested in Headspace, but it’s perfectly designed for beginners who are learning how to meditate and build a daily habit. The guided meditations are divided into three types: Courses that focus on certain goals, Singles which are one-off meditations for specific scenarios, and Minis for quick 1-3 minute meditations. Each meditation begins with a little “education” in the form of a mini movie or audio guidance that explains the concept or intention each meditation is focusing on.

The app recommends you start with a 10 session “Basics” pack that teaches you how to meditate and understand the concepts of mindfulness. You can then continue with two more “Basics” packs to deepen your practice or try out a different pack.

Most of the guided meditations give you an option of session length between 3 – 20 minutes, so you can easily increase meditation time as you gain experience or pick a shorter time for quick sessions.

Each guided meditation is narrated by Andy Puddicombe, one of the co-founders of Headspace. He has a very calming voice and makes an excellent guide. I’ve found the variety of packs and singles provides enough options that I haven’t gotten bored yet, but I have talked to other people who feel the techniques used like body scans, noting, and visualizations are too repetitive. Whether you’ll feel the same is up to your preferences.

One thing the app really gets right for me is how well it encourages building a daily meditation habit. It tracks your meditation, including setting goals for daily streaks and adding up the total time spent in meditation. It also syncs with Apple’s Health app as Mindfulness minutes.

For the Apple Watch, the Headspace app provides two exercises to help calm your mind when anxiety and stress have it spinning out of control. One is an SOS guided meditation that helps you focus on your breath and calm a frantic mind. Touch has you touch the screen for 30 seconds, which is an easy way to focus your mind anywhere.

Available for: iPhone, iPad, & Apple Watch

Grokker: Yoga, Fitness, Mind

Grokker: Yoga, Fitness, Mind App

The Grokker app is a little different that other guided meditation apps. Think of it as more of a Netflix for body and mind health with some extra motivation built in. It’s kind of a one stop shop for guided meditation, yoga, fitness videos, and even recipes. Grokker features videos in each of those categories to focus on a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Grokker has an entire section of guided meditation videos to help you achieve mindfulness, eliminate stress, or just take a break and check in. Some of my favorite videos are by Stacy Conlon . She has a series of videos all under 10 minutes that are perfect for taking a quick meditation break during the day at work. Her Ease Your Anxiety and Stress video has been a lifesaver for me when I’m having a hectic day at work. I just put on my headphones and take a break for 8 minutes and immediately feel calmer.

You can access the videos on your computer via a web browser or on iPhones and iPad with their iOS app. If you’re using Apple’s Health app to track your fitness and meditation, Grokker can sync Mindful Minutes and Workouts to give you accurate tracking. Another bonus of the iOS app is it allows you to set personal goals and tracks your “Wellness Minutes” each week. Those minutes lead you to “level up,” a great motivation to keep working toward your goals.

I recommend Grokker over Headspace if you want one subscription to give you unlimited meditation, yoga, pilates, and cardio workouts. It also gives you a ton of variety in guided meditations and yoga workouts.

You can signup for free to access some video content. Their premium membership does have a monthly fee–$9.99 a month on the annual plan and $14.99 month-to-month–but it gives access to all of their amazing videos. You can use their 14 day free trial to check it out and decide if it’s worth it to you. For me, the fact that I can get yoga videos and meditation videos for the fraction of the cost of going to a yoga class makes it a fantastic deal. I like to use it for daily yoga practice and when I need a guided meditation to help me relax.

Available for: iPhone, iPad, Web

Buddhify Mindful Meditation App

Buddhify Mindful Meditation App

Sick of guided meditation apps that charge a subscription fee? With Buddhify you buy the app once and have unlimited access to it forever. Built for busy lifestyles, the app is designed to provide you guided meditations any time you need them, anywhere. The meditations are categorized by what you’re doing or how you’re feeling. This way you can open up the app and select “Waking up,” “Travelling,” or even “Work Break” and select from meditations written for that scenario. They also provide a great range of guided meditations from 4 minutes to 30 minutes so you can pick one that fits your available time.

The app itself is customizable so you can edit your wheel to feature the types of meditations you do most. While a lot of the design of the app is meant to help beginners build their meditation practice, they’ve also built in a meditation timer. Once you’ve moved beyond guided meditations, you can use that timer to track meditation time. There are also statistics and achievements to keep you motivated and help you advance your practice.

More awesome features include guided meditations for kids, meditations designed to be done with other people, and the ability to send meditations to friends as gifts that they can access without buying the app.

Available for: iPhone, iPad

Stop, Breathe & Think App

Stop, Breathe & Think Relaxation App

Stop, Breathe, & Think as a little bit of a different approach to meditation. The app is very personable, checking it with you and even conversing with you each day to set goals and reminders to build a meditation habit. That makes this app a lot more approachable if you’ve struggled with other meditation apps before. The app also focuses on emotional feeling and well-being, which makes it good for people who are meditating to help with depression and anxiety.

The app provides tons of guided meditations, as well as traditional meditation timers and a breathing timer. When you open the app, it has you check in with your mind and body, then tell it how you feel physically and mentally, and log your emotions. Based on that information, it recommends meditations for you. I find this great for those days when I’m feeling “meh” or not particularly motivated to meditate.

If you’re looking to build a meditation habit, this relaxation app tracks your check-ins and meditations, as well as your answers from your “check in.” This helps you see your personal progress and improvements and helps you form a meditation habit. It also syncs with Apple’s Health app, so you can keep track of all of your fitness and health data in one place. This is a great option if you want to relax and build a meditation practice as a beginner. This app is also good if you have meditation experience but struggle to make a habit out of it.

Stop, Breathe & Think will sync mindfulness minutes with the Health app. It also tracks meditation streaks, check-ins, and your emotions over time. For some extra fun, you can earn stickers for hitting meditation goals.

The app is free to download and you get access to a ton of content which you can use without even signing up. There is an unlocked “Premium” version for $9.99 monthly or 4.92 per month on the annual plan.

Available for: iPhone & iPad

Calm Meditation & Sleep App

Calm Meditation Apps for Relaxation

Calm is a big competitor of Headspace, but their focus is more on relieving sress and promoting sleep. They have four main sections of the app. Meditate features a collection of guided meditations under specific categories like Managing Stress, Relaxing for Sleep, and Mindfulness at Work. The Music section features similar categories of music like Nature, Relax, and Sleep. The music is great to play in the background while meditating, studying, or just relaxing at home.

The one thing that really sets Calm apart from the other apps is their Sleep section. It features Sleep Stories, calming audio stories to help you drift off to sleep. Just like when your parents read you stories before bed, these stories lull you to sleep with relaxing narration, calming images, and soothing sound effects. You can choose from a variety of categories including fiction, non-fiction, kids, and even ASMR stories.

The fourth section is a new addition of Masterclasses. These are classes on a variety of topics like “Social Media and Screen Addiction” or “Breaking Bad Habits” where experts dive deep on the topic and give you tangible steps to follow.

Apple Watch app gives you access to the Daily Calm, a daily guided meditation that will help you build a meditation habit.

The app is free to download but does require a subscription to access the full library of features and guided meditations.

Looking for more apps to help with mindfulness? To blow off some steam, check out these relaxation apps . Consider trying a mindfullness bell app for meditation which can help you stay focused during your practice. Looking for more technology to help with your meditation practice? Check out these meditation and stress trackers .

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5 Best Guided Meditation Apps for iOS & iPhone

Charting Your Journey with Apple's Journal App: A Comprehensive Guide to Upgrading Your Journaling Experience on iOS

Both the Apple Journal and Journey offer unique features and functionalities that can create a great journaling experience for anyone. But if have ever wondered what exactly the differences between the two are, read on to find out more.

Shruthi Nair

Shruthi Nair

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Shruthi Nair , Ashley

During this year's Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple introduced Journal, a new journaling application for iOS that is designed to enable iPhone users to regularly record their daily activities. Apple Journal joins other iOS apps like Fitness, Sleep, and Breathe, which assist users in monitoring and managing various aspects of their daily lives. This announcement signifies the company's latest venture into the realm of health and wellness.

Apple Journal is set to be launched alongside iOS 17.2, scheduled for release in late December 2023. Apple states that this new iPhone app will employ on-device machine learning to offer personalized recommendations to users for inclusion in their digital journal. It will gather information from contacts, photos, music, workouts, location data, and other sources to curate these suggestions.

How does Apple's Journal work?

Apple mentioned that the new journaling app for iOS will use “on-device machine learning” to create customized journaling prompts based on your contacts, photos, music, workouts, location data, and even podcasts, essentially working off deep iPhone integration. It is said to be able to tap into Apple's services to paint a complete picture of one's day. With machine learning, Journal makes suggestions to inspire journal entries by analyzing all the recent activity from one's iPhone.

First look at Apple's Journal app: a simple, yet limited, journal app.

For example, Apple Journal might prompt users to document or write about their recent coastal holiday by highlighting a newly created photo album showcasing pictures that the user might have snapped at the beach. It would provide details about the location and the music users were listening to during that time. By tapping on this suggestion, the information would be automatically included in a draft post within the user's journal. Notably significant entries in the journal can be marked, making them more accessible and convenient to find and look back at at a later time.

Comparing Apple's Journal and Journey

There’s an existing and growing body of research that suggests and proves that gratitude journaling may help boost your mental, emotional, and even physical health. Apple's intention with the new journaling app is to help you cultivate gratitude by commemorating positive moments.

However, the tech giant’s latest effort in the mental and physical health technology market comes with some drawbacks. While Apple is claiming that's it's newest app would function as a digital diary for iPhone users to log their thoughts and activities, there are some essential journaling tools and features that Apple Journal does not provide.

1. Cross-Platform Sync

Unlike Apple's Journal that is designed for specifically iPhone users ( Yucks, not even on iPad! 🤦🏻‍♂️), Journey is a multi-platform digital diary app that can be accessed almost anywhere and at anytime.

Journey seamlessly works across multiple devices and platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

As a journal and diary app that is available on multiple platforms; iOS, Mac OS, Web, Chrome OS, and Android, you can sync your app across any device you choose to use. With Journey's cross-platform capacity, if you were to switch to another operating system, they do not have to worry about their data and journals being lost. They will be kept intact and accessible.

2. Fully-equipped Journal Editor

Apple's Journal provides journal prompts to inspire your writing and a platform to record your thoughts. However, the platform does not offer text formatting options. Journey's editor offers you multiple writing tools to customize their journal entries. Within the editor, you can change the paragraph style, emphasize text with bold, italics, and strikethrough, organize your writing with bullets, tables, blockquote or checklists, and experiment with text color as you please.

A screenshot of Apple's Journal app illustrating the limitations of text formatting options.

You can also link your journal entries to external links or interlinks if you wish to reference external sources or other journal entries you may have created on Journey; making navigation a lot more seamless within the app.

3. Shared Journal

When comparing Journey and Apple Journal, one notable distinction is the shared journal feature present in Journey. This allows you to collaborate and share their journal entries with others, fostering a sense of connection and shared experiences. On the other hand, Apple Journal does not offer a similar shared journal feature. This aspect sets Journey apart, enabling you to engage in collaborative journaling, whether it's for personal projects, collective memories, or creative collaborations.

Share a journal with your family or friends and write in it at the same time.

With Journey's shared journal feature, you can enhance their journaling experience by engaging with others and creating a sense of community within their journaling practice.

4. End-to-end Encryption

Both Journey and Apple Journal prioritize the security of user data by offering end-to-end encryption. This means that your journal entries and personal information remain private and protected from unauthorized access. Whether you choose Journey or Apple Journal, you can have confidence that your thoughts and memories are encrypted and secure. This emphasis on privacy allows users of both apps to journal with peace of mind, knowing that their valuable content is safeguarded.

Add your own passphrase to your encrypted Journey Cloud Sync drive.

5. Connect to Third Party Apps Using Zapier

In the realm of digital journaling, the flexibility to integrate with third-party apps is becoming increasingly important for a seamless experience. Journey offers a distinct advantage in this area with its connectivity to third-party applications using Zapier such as Instagram, Gmail, Google Docs and more. This feature greatly expands the capabilities of the journaling experience by enabling users to connect with a myriad of other services and tools. In contrast, Apple Journal lacks such integration capabilities, potentially limiting users who are seeking a more interconnected digital ecosystem for their journaling and productivity needs.

6. Add Entries into Journey by Using Email

Journey sets itself apart from Apple Journal with its versatility in entry methods, including the option to add journal entries via email. This feature is particularly beneficial for users who are on-the-go and prefer to update their journal without opening the app. Users can simply compose an email and send it directly to their Journey account to create a new entry. This convenience is not mirrored in Apple Journal, which does not support adding entries by email, potentially making Journey a more attractive choice for those seeking varied and flexible journaling methods.

7. Custom Journaling Templates

Apple's Journal creates journaling prompts with the help of deep iPhone integration. It uses information gathered from your contacts, photos, music, workouts, location data, and others to generate journaling prompts for you. You then can choose to write with the prompts created for you.

Journey adopts a different approach to this. Instead of creating journaling prompts for you, tools such as custom templates allows you to tailor your journaling experience to suit your specific needs and preferences. You can design templates that resonate with your unique goals, challenges, and areas of focus.

Create and edit journal entries using your custom templates, even in offline mode.

You can incorporate elements that are meaningful to you to already existing templates on Journey; like adding more prompts, including additional questions, or sections dedicated to specific topics, or make templates entirely from scratch about a topic that you wish to work on. With this feature, you have the chance to create a journaling experience that feels personalized and relevant.

Journey's Custom Templates feature allows you to create, access, delete, or duplicate custom templates. You have the ability to write and reflect about anything you wish, work on journal prompts that speak to you at given time, and customize your journal entries as you please.

8. Curated Journaling Templates

One limitation of Apple's Journal is the absence of curated journaling templates. Journey understands that journaling can sometimes be challenging to initiate. If you're uncertain about how to start or hesitant to use stream-of-consciousness writing, you might find a journal template particularly helpful.

Journey offers a wide range of thoughtfully curated journal templates to choose from. These templates are designed to inspire and guide your journaling experience, providing various layouts and prompts tailored to different themes and topics.

Journey's curated templates can help you get the ball rolling. From templates on self-improvement, to healthy living, practicing gratitude, and planning and organization, Journey's wealth of journaling templates provides you with relevant prompts, sections to reflective, questions you can answer to gain clarity, tables to organize your feelings, and various metrics to track your progress and development.

While journal prompts can help you get started, other writing tools like the ones stated above allow you to delve deeper into your reflective process, and the benefits you reap can prove to be a lot more helpful.

9. Coach Programs

If you're new to journaling, Apple's Journal can be appealing; considering that it collates information for you and presents you with prompts that you can immediately write with. Journal also comes with a helpful feature called "Purpose" that provides users with daily quotes that could positively influence their journaling.

Journey provides an impressive collection of curated journal prompts that cater to a variety of themes and topics. These prompts are carefully designed to spark inspiration and encourage introspection.

However, "Purpose" currently does not extend past these daily quotes to provide curated or specialized journaling guidance. To provide users with a tools that could aid their journaling, Journey's Coach Programs offer step-by-step journaling guides to journaling. For people who are looking to start journaling regularly, these programs are apt starting points for anyone who is journaling for the first time. Journey's Coach programs have daily and weekly journaling prompts about a specific topic to help you get started.

The coach programs span across a wealth of journaling topics that users can choose from; depending on their needs for the day. These curated journaling programs from topics such as self-confidence, boundary making, and practicing mindfulness.

10. Archive Your Memories

If you wish to work outside of Apple's Journal app, or you're looking for ways to share or print your journal entries, Journey allows for users to exporting your writing to PDF or DOCX. On mobile and desktop, you can access, view, share, or print your journal easily with these accessibilities.

While you do write on a digital diary app, information such as the date created, time created, and all your formatting will be included in your exported documents. These files will even retain information like your photos and the thumbnails of video attachments. The entirety of your text format would also be preserved in your final document.

11. Publish to Ghost, WordPress, or Tumblr

While most journals or diary entries are meant to be private, there are times when people decide to share their writing and work with their family and friends, or a larger audience. Instead of having to copy and paste your writing, or worry about the compatibility of your digital writing app with other writing platforms, you can choose to directly publish your work to external platforms.

Once you have successfully added Ghost, WordPress, or Tumblr as blog services on Journey, they will be added to the list as a Linked Publishing Service.

12. Personalize your Journal

Customization is a cornerstone of a meaningful journaling experience, providing a platform that mirrors a user's personality and intensifies their attachment to their journal. Apple Journal tends to provide a static user interface with minimal customization, while Journey encourages a deeper personal touch.

In Journey, you can choose from a selection of 13 captivating color themes.

In addition to choosing from the 13 theme colors, Journey allows users to customize font family, line height, and other aesthetic details. This extensive level of customization, coupled with functional flexibility, ensures that every aspect of the Journey app resonates with you. By doing so, Journey transforms your journaling experience into a personalized and enjoyable expression of self, intimately connecting you with your canvas of thoughts.

13. Table for comparison: other things that make a difference

Moving forward: journey's approach.

Apple's Journal makes use of Apple journaling suggestion API to draw information from photos, videos, audio notes, and other media that you would have captured on your phone and suggests journal prompts for you to start writing with. It then automatically adds all of this information to a draft post in the user’s journal for them to start writing in. This powerful journaling suggestion API will be made available to developers.

Introducing Journey's Moments: an intelligent tool for creating entries based on life's moments, powered by Apple's journaling suggestion API.

Journey will be integrating Apple's journaling suggestion API in its upcoming update, enabling you to enjoy the new "Moments" feature. Through this integration, Journey will have the ability to intelligently extract data from various sources, such as photos, videos, music, places, people, and other information stored on your phones. Subsequently, the app will provide relevant journal prompts and generate draft posts for you to explore and utilize within the app.

Select a life moment from Apple's journaling suggestion picker, and it will be seamlessly added to Journey automatically.

This remarkable addition enables Journey to effortlessly extract information from your photos, videos, music, locations, and more, streamlining the process of recording and journaling life experiences. By providing relevant prompts and generating draft posts, Journey's Moments feature saves your valuable time, ensuring that their journaling journey is both effortless and meaningful. Embrace this new way to capture and preserve memories without the need for excessive time, making each moment count within Journey's immersive platform.

If we were to compare Apple's Journal and Journey, there is no denying that both offer unique features and functionalities to enhance your journaling experience. Apple Journal is a great addition to the iOS ecosystem and Apple users can benefit from the integrative approach that this app takes. However, Journey's intuitive and customizable user interface, cross-platform access, journaling programs and templates that people can benefit from, and journal editor that allows for creative exploration also promises users from multiple platforms the opportunity to capture memories and moments as they please.

If you're new to journaling, Apple's Journal provides a great space for you to collate information and memories and write on the spot. But if you're ready to unlock the full potential of journaling and wish to do so through a digital diary app, Journey could be the tool that you need.

mind journey app iphone

9 offline iPad and iPhone games to play without Wi-Fi

  • If you're going on a trip and want to queue up some offline entertainment, you can't go wrong with iPad and iPhone games.
  • Not all games can work offline, however. So I hand-picked some recommendations that can all be played without Wi-Fi or internet.
  • You need to download them with an internet connection, of course.

The greatest strength of mobile games is their portability. Games downloaded to your iPhone and iPad are designed to be taken and played anywhere and everywhere. However, you might discover that your favorite game doesn't work unless you are connected to the internet. Given that you might rely on these games the most when Wi-Fi isn't readily available, discovering this at the worst possible time can be a major bummer.

Some games simply cannot be played offline, most notably online-only games, but there are many that offer amazing experiences without a connection. Mobile games come in as many shapes and sizes as console titles and even share a good number of games with consoles. That's why I made sure to include a good variety of genres and styles, so you can find at least one that appeals to your tastes. These are the best iPhone and iPad games you can play without an internet connection.

Make sure you download these games before you are out of internet range. Accessing the app store and downloading them will still require an internet connection before you can play them offline.

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Monument valley, m.c. escher eat your heart out.

Puzzle games are a dime a dozen on the app store, so it takes something special to stand out from the crowd. Monument Valley and its sequel do so first with their simple but pleasing art style but really hook you with their mind-bending mazes. All the areas are made up of impossible spaces and optical illusions that make finding your way through them tricky but satisfying to work out.

The premise of the game is that you, Ro, are placed on a seemingly impossible stage. By manipulating the perspective to create new pathways, you need to navigate through them to the end. Between the pleasant colors and chill tunes, this is a great way to relax while out of internet range.

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Star wars: knights of the old republic, use the force, not the internet.

What was once a cutting-edge game on the original Xbox and PC now fits in the palm of your hand. Set thousands of years before the events of the films, there's no need to know all the ins and outs of the Star Wars universe to enjoy this amazing RPG made by the masters at Bioware.

You create your own new character in the Star Wars universe, whom you will guide on a classic tale of good versus evil. However, this RPG lets you decide which side you fight for: the Jedi or the Sith. Will you be an honorable warrior of the Light side, or a selfish and powerful Dark side user? The choice is yours.

5 ways a Fire tablet is better for your kids than an iPad

Plague inc., morbid curiosity.

Made well before a real plague terrorized the entire planet, Plague Inc. has become a strangely intriguing game in the years following. It's all about creating and adapting a disease of your own design to try and infect the entire globe before scientists can contain and cure it. It isn't meant to be a true simulation of how diseases work, but it does highlight some interesting things about how quickly sickness can spread.

You have a few different disease types to choose from and modify over time, but actually winning is quite challenging. If you have the stomach for a game that may hit a little too close to home, Plague Inc. can give you a new perspective on how global health issues evolve.

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Offline poker - texas holdem.

You can play many games with a simple deck of cards, but remembering to pack a full deck, having the space, and other people to play with isn't always an option. When you are a poker fan, you also have to consider whether people know the rules and are of somewhat equal skill. Or, you can just play Texas Holdem Offline Poker.

This is a no-frills poker app that does exactly what it says on the tin. It sets you up at a table, gives you a stack of chips, and starts dealing. You can even play tournaments with the AI if you think you're ready to go pro.

Turn off your iPad or iPad Pro: Here's the button combo you need to know

Tetris meets sudoku.

Why pick one amazing puzzle game when you can play both at once? I admit this combination doesn't sound as obvious as chocolate and peanut butter, but trust me when I say it works. Best of all, it's as addicting and replayable as both games it is inspired by.

The idea is that you have a Tetris-like grid with blocks you need to drop, only instead of making a row to delete them, you need to line up numbers that are in those blocks. It sounds more complicated than it is when you play it, but you'll be hooked from your first game.

8 reasons to get a Samsung Galaxy Tab instead of an iPad

Old man's journey, a leisurely adventure.

Fans of classic point-and-click adventure games will adore Old Man's Journey. You need to help the titular old man navigate various landscapes using simple touch controls to manipulate the environment, somewhat similar to how Monument Valley works.

Most of the game involves moving hills and animals to let the man get from one side of the screen to the other, but it also slows down for moments where you search for something in the background to trigger a memory. This will fill in some of the old man's life, helping you understand who he is and what his journey is all about, all without a single line of text or spoken dialogue.

Best iPad wallpapers: 50 background ideas for your Apple tablet

Go with the flow.

I couldn't help myself but add just one more puzzle game to the list. There are so many good ones that I don't think you could blame me, and Flow Free is quite different from the rest. As with the best ones, the idea is simple: you just need to connect all the same colored points together with unbroken paths. The tricky part, of course, is doing it with every color at once.

You can get the feel for the puzzles with the early levels, but then move on to the harder stages that are much bigger and have way more colors to connect in mind-breakingly hard patterns. These might stump you for a while but will give you a massive rush of accomplishment when you finally crack the code.

Best iPad: Expert reviewed and ranked

Brothers in arms 3, answer the call of duty.

You can't get your Call of Duty fix while offline, but you can still get your adrenaline rush with Brothers in Arms 3. This is the third entry in a long-running shooter franchise, but you don't need to have played any of the previous games. You're dropped into WWII to participate in some of the most iconic battles of the war.

This is a third-person shooter as opposed to a first-person shooter but has as much spectacle and tight gunplay as any other game. The campaign is a decent length, with a good amount of variety between each stage to keep the game feeling fresh. You'll grow attached to the various "brothers" you meet and fight with in this epic adventure.

Best iPad Pro keyboards: Turn your Apple tablet into a laptop alternative

Gta san andreas.

Who hasn't heard of the GTA franchise at this point? If you're newer to the series, you might have missed out on San Andreas, which is a shame because it still holds up as one of the franchise's best. While it might not be as robust and detailed as the newest game, it still has some unique features and a story worth seeing through.

Set in the titular city of San Andreas, you follow CJ in his struggles with various street gangs, cops, and basically everything else in his life trying to pull him into the world of crime. You're free to follow the story or go off and create your own fun in the open world that acts as your personal playground for mayhem and destruction.

This game requires you to have an iPhone 4s or newer to run.

9 offline iPad and iPhone games to play without Wi-Fi

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Singer jewel enters the art world with the portal at crystal bridges.

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Jewel at Crystal Bridges

Jewel is best known for her meteoric rise to fame in the 1990s with her album, Pieces of Me. But the immortally youthful muse has never stopped creating over the last four decades, leaving pieces of her artistry all along the way. Now in her fifties, Jewel proves it's never too late to innovate. From music to paintings, curation, and artificial intelligence, Jewel has reinvented herself over and over. Each phase of her career proves a snippet of creative revelation, and this latest exhibition at Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville, Arkansas is far from the exception to the rule.

Interviewing Jewel was a verbal treat, ever as eloquent as her timeless Grammy award-winning lyrics.

"I’ve always used art to heal, creating a medicine a tool to grapple with concepts and metabolize them myself," she explained. "...Art is so powerful because it doesn’t need permission to enter the soul."

The raven often enters Jewel's creative practice, as an emblem of the unseen realm. Jewel ... [+] understands the raven as known as a messenger in the Native communities. Legend has it the raven used to be white, but turned black with grief.

Jewel approached Executive Director Rod Bigelow with a cold call in 2023.

"We didn't know what to expect," Bigelow admitted, "But Jewel painted a compelling vision that blended art, technology and wellness."

Jewel knew what she wanted. After all, Crystal Bridges specifically resonated with her: "Elevated, but not elitist."

"They would be an amazing first fit," she said. "Alice Walton, the museum's founder, was an outsider, and the art world was cruel to her. But she still provided world class art to hillbillies. Art is for all; art changes lives. Everyone needs access to world class art."

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The drone show in The Portal

Jewel is a native of Homer, Alaska, who personally straddled the line between poverty and high culture, attending the prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy with the support of her Alaskan hometown while also facing bouts of homelessness as a teen. Fame is merely an inflection point on a life of leading with empathetic narratives and authenticity. As such, democratizing access is essential to her, as is the museum's mission to use cutting-edge technology to build community.

Crystal Bridges has previously exhibited groundbreaking blockchain art, including works by Beeple, the viral digital artist who broke records at Christie’s with the $69 million NFT (and Ethereum) sale of his work, "The First 5000 Days" .

With these kinds of shows in mind, Jewel developed The Portal, which includes holographic art about journeys alongside traditional paintings. The doors of the museum collection opened to her for curation, and Jewel made thoughtful choices about contemporary artists, passing over household names like Mark Rothko in favor of Ruth Asawa and Julie Mehrutu for a total collection of 10. Jewel also included four of her own works in the show, weaving modestly throughout.

Ultimately, however, The Portal is an experience that transcends the two dimensions of paint and canvas. It is a surrealist realm reinvigorating the sheer concept of a journey, using digital aspects to enhance its meditative and mystical qualities.

Julie Mehretu, “Retopistics: A Renegade Excavation,” 2001. Ink and acrylic on canvas.

Jewel shared that she was a founding investor in Innerworld, the behavioral wellness app. She harnesses her personal experiences and those in the space of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and mental health to connect in her art, inviting visitors to navigate the realms of reality just as she had done with song. She wanted the feeling to be, "as intimate as writing a song in your room."

The program offers, "a meditative art walk" and silent disco each night featuring 200 lit drones in motion to conceptual song by Jewel. The drones flights are managed by Nova Sky Stories, whose recent clients include Central Park.

The Portal is defined by three realms: the seen realm, the inner, and the drone show...the unseen, unknown world of the future. Jewel leveraged science to "get people's nervous systems in sync," with the song set to regulate to the human heartbeat.

And yet, she remains humble.

CINCINNATI, OHIO - AUGUST 20: Singer-songwriter, mental health expert Jewel speaks during Educating ... [+] Mindfully on the Inspire Lounge stage during the first day of The Wellness Experience by Kroger at The Banks on August 20, 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Photo by Duane Prokop/Getty Images for The Wellness Experience by Kroger)

"In this tiny funnel of a museum, my job is to help people forget their day and learn something and focus so they can move into the art walk," she continued.

She drew heavily on the meditative properties of earth, and the power of "emotional impermanence" growing up in a wild place, where she felt "parented by the land."

"I learned how to be a human by watching nature," she said, without missing a beat. "Everything changes. It must. It’s the laws of physics."

The three-month ticketed experience has been a great success, and continues through July.

"When I truly experienced The Portal for the first time, I was in awe," Bigelow said as a participant. "To see Jewel’s vision come to life was, in a way, ethereal and inspiring."

But Jewel has had enough success not to worry about that. She prefers to focus on the creative process. After all, she "let go of perfection" after the birth of her only son.

"I hope that my life is my best work of art," she concluded majestically. "It’s not a popular viewpoint. Our world rewards us for a hit, but that has nothing to do with the artfulness of your life."

Alexandra Bregman

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  • 9to5Toys Lunch Break

Deals: M3 MacBook Pro from $1,399, M2 iPad Air all-time low, Apple Watch Series 7 $170, smart monitors, more

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Tuesday’s deals are now up for the taking with a solid $200 price drop on what was already the least expensive M3 MacBook Pro in the current lineup. Apple’s latest iPad Air is also getting in on the action today with a new all-time low on the 13-inch 1TB model alongside additional configs from $749 . From there we have a super low price on Apple Watch Series 7 joined by smart home gear, MagSafe accessories, early July 4th offers, and much more. Head below for today’s 9to5toys Lunch Break deals.

Apple’s least pricey M3 MacBook Pro just dropped $200

Amazon is serving up an  on-page coupon  that knocks Apple’s most affordable  current-generation M3 MacBook Pro down to  $1,399 shipped . This is a regularly $1,599 machine that lands as the least expensive point of entry into the current MacBook Pro lineup. Now a straight up $200 off, this is matching our previous mention with discounted pricing available on both the Space Gray and Silver models. This configuration is selling for $1,449  at Best Buy  unless you’re a paid member, for comparison’s sake. 

You can certainly land a less pricey current-generation Apple laptop by going with the  Air lineup  – it currently  starts at  $999  – but we are expecting prices to drop lower there soon. You can could also opt for the  M2 MacBook Air  that is currently selling for  $849  new  or  $800  open-box , but if it’s the pro-grade M3 machine you’re after, today’s deal is the lowest price you’ll find. 

See even more M3 MacBook Pro configuration deals right here .

Download the new M2 iPad Air and M4 iPad Pro wallpapers right here

Apple’s 13-inch 1TB M2 iPad Air hits all-time low today at $1,209 ($90 off), more from $749

Amazon is starting to get more aggressive with the price drops on Apple’s latest tablets ahead of July 4th here. With new lows on the entry-level  M4 iPad Pro  at the ready alongside as much as  $200 off  the higher-end configurations, deals on the M2 iPad Air are landing this morning. While the entry-level  128GB 13-inch M2 Air is now back down at its  $749  low, Amazon is now offering the  1TB model starting from  $1,209 shipped . Regularly $1,299, that’s $90 off and the lowest we have tracked since the new M2 Air debuted in May. This Amazon all-time low is now live on the blue, Space Gray, and Purple colorways. 

Apple iPad Air M2 11-inch deals:

  • Cell model from  $719  (Reg. $749)  | New low
  • Cell model from  $849
  • Apple iPad Air 11-inch M2 512GB from  $844  (Reg. $899)   | New low
  • Cell model from  $1,224 (Reg. $1,249)

Apple iPad Air M2 13-inch deals:

  • Cell model from  $904  (Reg. $949)  | New low
  • Cell model from  $1,015.50  (Reg. $1,049)  | New low
  • Cell model from  $1,184  (Reg. $1,249)
  • Cell model from  $1,409  (Reg. $1,449)

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Don’t care about the latest and greatest? This Apple Watch Series 7 is now $170

We have seen some great deals on Apple’s latest Series 9 and Ultra 2 wearables as of late, but if you’re just looking to slap an Apple Watch on your wrist at the lowest possible price there are options. The latest  entry-level SE 2  comes to mind of course – those currently start at  $189 shipped  on Amazon, or $60 off. But for something that drops the price down even more and lands you a Series 7 model,  Best Buy’s Geek Squad Certified Refurbished Apple Watch Series 7 listing has dropped to  $169.99 shipped . This is a regularly $399 Apple Watch selling at roughly $229 off. There have been some open-box options for less, but this is well below the GPS + Cell Series 7 we featured recently at just under $238, and one of the lowest current prices on a Series 7 from a reputable source. 

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Apple 13-inch M4 iPad Pro up to $200 off

Okay, so it was an eventful weekend on the M4 iPad Pro front – we saw the  11-inch 1TB  and  2TB models with solid  $150  discounts  for a couple days only. But we are still tracking what might very well be one of the more enticing offers for folks looking to land the  13-inch model  at the lowest possible price here.

M4 iPad Pro 11-inch

  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 11-inch 256GB  $944 (Reg. $999)
  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 11-inch 512GB  $1,150  (Reg. $1,199)
  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 11-inch 1TB  $1,499  (Reg. $1,599)
  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 11-inch 2TB  $1,949  (Reg. $1,999)  

M4 iPad Pro 13-inch

  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 13-inch 256GB  $1,198  (Reg. $1,299)   | New all-time low
  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 13-inch 512GB  $1,404  (Reg. $1,499)
  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 13-inch 1TB  $1,847  (Reg. $1,899)
  • Apple M4 iPad Pro 13-inch 2TB  $2,099  (Reg. $2,299)    | New all-time low

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Headless Mac-ready Samsung 27-inch M5 FHD Smart Monitor sees first post-launch deal at $230

While we did track some early promotional offers on the latest Samsung Smart Monitors that just debuted last month, the straight up cash deals have arrived on  the latest M5 . Both  Amazon  and  Samsung  are now offering the new  27-inch M50D Series FHD Smart Monitor for  $229.99 shipped . Regularly $280, this is the very first cash deal on Amazon we have tracked and a subsequent all-time low there. Again, there were $50 discounts available to those who signed up and pre-ordered alongside some 15% price drops shortly thereafter, but today’s discount is the best otherwise and a great chance to scoop up a new intelligent Samsung monitor. 

As we have detailed in the past, these  Samsung Smart Monitors  are, well…smart. They are far more than just a monitor in so many ways. Yes, you get the HDR10, dual HDMI input, and all of the usuals you would expect from a desktop monitor, but it’s more than that. It can also act has a gaming hub with nothing more than a Bluetooth controller (yes it has Bluetooth as well) and it can stream OTT content and other video services. You can even work directly on the monitor with embedded productivity apps like Microsoft 365. 

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Elevation Lab’s Anchor under-desk headphone hanger is a must-have for AirPods Max at $12

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Latest eero Max Wi-Fi 7 mesh system hit new low at up to $300 off

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ecobee July the 4th deals: Siri-equipped Smart Thermostat Premium down at $220, sensors from $60

We spotted some solid price drops on the popular  ecobee HomeKit and Siri-equipped thermostats  yesterday, but it’s time for some deals on its sensors for folks who might be looking to expand their Apple smart home setup. Amazon is now offering the  2-pack of the ecobee Smart Sensors for  $79.99 shipped . Regularly $100, this is a straight up 20% price drop and matching the lowest price we have tracked this year – this is also within $1 of last year’s Black Friday price tag.

Today’s savings also carry over to the  ecobee Smart Sensor for Doors and Windows . Amazon has the  2-pack on sale for  $59.99 shipped , down from the regular $780 price tag. This is 25% off and, much like the sensors above, match the lowest we have tracked this year – they also fell to $60 for Black Friday last year. 

We spotted some notable deals on the popular ecobee HomeKit smart home gear for Memorial Day last month, and some of them are making a return ahead of July the 4th. First up, you’ll find the  ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium package down at  $219.99 shipped  via Amazon and  Best Buy . The regularly $250 setup has now returned to the best price of the year, matching our previous mention and the offer before that. This one combines the brand’s smart sensor and air quality monitoring action with the expected thermostat setup at $30 off the going rate. This deal lands on par with all of the discounts we have tracked over the last several months, going right back to the Black Friday discounts from last year – it has only been beat out once on Amazon with a one-day sale last summer for just a few bucks less.

  • ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced  $170  (Reg. $190)

mind journey app iphone

Official Apple iPhone 15 MagSafe Clear Case now down at $32 (New all-time low)

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*** Best 4th of July deals now live: Apple, smart TVs, e-bikes, chargers, apparel, more

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*** Review: Logitech’s solid metal MX Keys S for Mac makes Apple’s Magic Keyboard feel like a toy, and it’s $90 less

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Load up on Apple AirTags from under $20 a pop

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Score a current-generation Apple iPad 10 down at $321

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Journey 20% off sitewide for July 4th: 15W chargers, MagSafe desk mats, Find My gear, more from $20

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Mark your calendars, Amazon just officially announced the July 16 start date for this year’s Prime Day event!

***early prime day deals now live at up to 63% off – everything is waiting right here, watch 9to5toys on youtube:.

Subscribe to the  9to5Toys  YouTube Channel for all of the latest videos, reviews, and more!

Review: Beyerdynamic MMX 300 Pro goes back to the basics and I love it [Video]

NZXT H7 Flow review: New PSU placement gives cool GPU temps [Video]

Are Wireless earbuds any good for gaming? ASUS Cetra Speednova review [Video]

The $400 Moza R3 for Xbox is finally available! But should you buy it? [Video]

Is the Turtle Beach Burst II Air a 47g bargain gaming mouse at just $99?

The white 2024 SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro wireless should be perfect now, right? [Video]

FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.

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Justin is a senior editor covering all things music for 9to5Mac, including our weekly Logic Pros series exploring music production on Mac and iOS devices. Justin is an audio engineer/producer with over 10 years experience in the music industry.

Justin Kahn's favorite gear

Bose QuietComfort Ultra Wireless Earbuds

Bose QuietComfort Ultra Wireless Earbuds

Apple Watch Ultra 2

Apple Watch Ultra 2

Find my Family, Friends, Phone 4+

Location tracker - gps locator, designed for iphone.

  • Offers In-App Purchases

iPhone Screenshots


App for anyone who values the importance of knowing the whereabouts and ensuring the safety of your loved ones and friends in real-time. Whether they're at school, work, or on a journey, you can track their route and have peace of mind about their safety. Key features: • Real-Time Tracking: Stay connected with your loved ones anytime by effortlessly viewing their location on the map. • Safe Zones: Set up customized safety zones and receive instant notifications when a contact enters or exits a designated area. • Movement History: Easily review the detailed movement history of your loved ones to identify their usual routes and ensure their safety. • SOS Notifications: In times of emergency, users can send SOS signals to designated contacts for immediate assistance. • Group Tracking: Create individual groups for your family members • Lost or Stolen Phone Tracking: Track down a lost or stolen phone with ease using the app's powerful tracking capabilities. • Battery Level Tracking Keep track of the battery level of your friends and relatives, and get notified when they're low on battery Additional information about the subscription: - Payment will be charged to your iTunes account after the purchase is confirmed. - Payment for the next period is due 24 hours before the end of the current one. - You can cancel subscription auto-renewal in your account settings. - Unused trial periods will be cancelled after you purchase a new subscription. Download the app today and start protecting and monitoring those you love the most. Privacy Policy: Terms of Use:

App Privacy

The developer, WOOIKO LTD , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Contact Info

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More


  • Yearly Premium £39.99
  • Monthly Premium £5.95
  • App Support
  • Privacy Policy

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Family Sharing

Some in‑app purchases, including subscriptions, may be shareable with your family group when family sharing is enabled., more by this developer.

Phone Call Recorder: Rec Calls

MusON - Offline Music Player

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  20. Journey: Diary, Journal

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