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Pierakstīties jaunumiem

Pierakstieties jaunumiem un nepalaidiet garām izdevīgākus piedāvājumus.

Esam Licencēts Latvijas Tūroperators Nr: T-2019-91.

Strādājām tūrismā pāri par 30 gadiem.


Esam ALTA asociācijas biedrs.


Esam sava autobusu parka īpašnieki.


Spējam apvienot kvalitāti ar pievilcīgu cenu.

Informējam, ka šī tīmekļa vietne lieto sīkdatnes (angļu val. "cookies"), kas uzkrāj anonīmus datus par vietnes apmeklējumu. Šos datus mēs neapkopojam, tie tiek izmantoti tikai vietnes efektīvākas darbības nodrošināšanai. Turpinot lietot šo vietni, Jūs piekrītat, ka mēs izmantojam šādas sīkdatnes. Savu piekrišanu Jūs jebkurā laikā varat atsaukt, nodzēšot saglabātās sīkdatnes savā ierīcē. Sīkāk .

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Karstie piedāvājumi



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Albānija. Atpūta pie jūras un ekskursijas

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Ceļojums ar lidmašīnu ir ātrākais un ērtākais veids, kā nokļūt izvēlētajā galamērķī, lai apskatītu un izbaudītu interesantākās vietas. Izvēlies sev piemērotāko piedāvājumu!


Ceļojums ar autobusu dod iespēju viena brauciena laikā apskatīt vairākas valstis. Apceļojiet ar autobusu visu Eiropu – no Igaunijas līdz pat Spānijai!

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Atklājiet jūras ceļojumu burvību! Dodieties ceļojumā ar kruīza kuģi un izbaudiet aizraujošu atpūtas un izklaides programmu.

INTERLUX Travel – starptautiskais tūrisma operators! Mūsu kompānijas galvenais mērķis – izveidot augstas klases ceļojumus, par pieejamām cenām un individuālu pieeju katram klientam. Pa ilgiem gadiem – mums ir noslēgti ekskluzīvi līgumi ar viesnīcām, transporta, prāmju un avio kompānijām, tas viss dod mums iespēju veidot augstas klases ceļojumus par zemām cenām. Mēs piedāvājam pārvērst neiespējamos galamērķus – iespējamos!

Vīzas, ceļojuma dokumenti, Covid-19 ierobežojumi

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Lounge Fenikss

A place for uninterrupted conversations

We are open until 24:00, discover the good atmosphere of lounge fenikss..

In the very heart of Riga, in the middle of the day, in the evening or at night, on weekdays or on holidays, a modern bar awaits you with a tasteful and original interior and original signature cocktails and other bar offers, as well as a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. A place to meet for business and friendly conversations during the day and to start or end the party in the evenings.

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Modern sophistication

Offers a combination of contemporary elegance, style and design.

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Relaxing atmosphere

Gives an opportunity to leave everyday stress and haste outside.

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A Warm Welcome

Makes every visitor feel especially welcome.

Lounge Fenikss offers the highest quality drinks and exclusive appetizers.

Lord of Ocean

Bonuss daiquiri​.

Whiskey | Green Tea | Apple juice

Rum | Citrus | Red berry puree

Lemongrass Tiki

Platin margarita​.

Rum | Lemongrass | Pineapple juice

Mezcal | Triple Sec | Agave

Jackpot Mule

Grapefruit sour.

Vodka| Ginger beer

Elderflower liqueur | Grapefruit | Green tea


Live Music with Caloé (France)

Live Music with Caloé (France)

Live Music wit Matiss Zilinskis Trio

Live Music wit Matiss Zilinskis Trio

Live Music with edite Štrausa

Live Music with edite Štrausa

St. Valentines day with Love Melodies

St. Valentines day with Love Melodies

Live Music with Viktors Ritovs and Elizabeta Lāce

Live Music with Viktors Ritovs and Elizabeta Lāce

Live music with elizabeta lāce and Klāvs Ābols

Live music with elizabeta lāce and Klāvs Ābols

Live Music with Ieva Sutina and Klāvs Ābols

Live Music with Ieva Sutina and Klāvs Ābols

Live Music with Paula Saija

Live Music with Paula Saija

Live Music with Diāna Pīrāga

Live Music with Diāna Pīrāga

Photo gallery.

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Hermes Travel ceļojumi

Vjetnamas ziemeļi, fukuokas sala un mekongas delta, šrilanka – zelta tūre un atpūta pie okeāna, ceļojums uz gruziju, vjetnamas dienvidi un centrāla daļa ar atpūtu muine, puketa – krabi, pataija – kvai upe – kočanga – bangkoka, pataija – kambodža – kočanga – bangkoka, ceļojums apkārt taizemei: pataija -bangkoka – krabi – puketa, puketa – khao sok – krabi, pataija – kočanga – bangkoka, taizemes ziemeļi (čiangmaja un čiangraja) ar atpūtu kočangas salā, kambodža ar atpūtu fukuokas salā un mekongas deltu, meklēt ceļojumu.

Pētiet šo sarakstu, lai iepazīties ar ceļojumu klāstu, ko mēs Jums varam piedāvāt. Jūs varat pieprasīt vairāk informācijas par jebkuru ceļojumu, kas ir mūsu vietnē, un mēs sadarbosimies ar Jums, lai palīdzētu jums atrast perfektu tūri. Mēs cenšamies palīdzēt Jums atrast to piedāvājumu, kas atbilst jūsu atvaļinājuma vajadzībām un budžetam. Īpaši augstas kvalitātes un personalizētu pakalpojumu nodrošināšana ir mūsu galvenais mērķis, un mēs varam palīdzēt koordinēt katru Jūsu ceļojuma plāna detaļu. Hermes Travel ceļojumi būs neaizmirstami un patīkami!

Ceļojumu pieredze ar Hermes Travel ir virkne unikālu ceļojumu. Katra ceļojuma cenā Jūs saņemat visu nepieciešamo, kā arī neaizmirstamu pieredzi un grupu, ar kuru ceļosiet. Vienkārši izvēlieties savu sapņu galamērķi un sāciet. Mūsu iekļautie reālie, vietējie un unikālie ceļojumu piedzīvojumi liek atcerēties katru Jūsu ceļojuma dienu. Turklāt brīvajā laikā vienmēr ir pieejamas daudz papildinājumu, ko izpētīt.

Mūsu apbrīnojamā šoferu un vietējo gidu komanda ir plaši apmācīta, lai sniegtu Jums nepieciešamo atbalstu, kamēr viņi rāda Jums pasauli. Jautri un gudri, šie speciālisti būs gan Jūsu draugi, gan Jūsu gidi. Jūs varat pievienoties ceļojumiem patstāvīgi, grupā vai kopā ar partneri. Neatkarīgi no Jūsu vēlmēm, mūsu ceļojumi ļauj dalīties neaizmirstamā pieredzē ar citiem ceļotājiem. Mēs to esam redzējuši atkal un atkal: ceļojot kopā ar mums, rodas unikālas sociālās saites, kas saglabājas ilgi pēc ceļojuma beigām.

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Lai pabeigtu reģistrāciju, ejiet uz apstiprinājuma vēstuli Jūsu e-pastā.

Lai saņemtu jaunāko informāciju par ceļojumiem un izpārdošanām, pieraksties jaunumiem.

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A short guide to travelling to Russia in 2024

A short guide to travelling to Russia in 2024

A trip to Russia required solid preparation in the best of times, so please read the following lines carefully before booking. Interestingly, some recent developments have made travel actually easier. The recent emergence of e-visa is one of these developments.

E-Visa and Paper Visa

Electronic visas are valid for up to 16 days and for one entry only. You can apply for an e-visa without additional documentation either at the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or use our own Russian visa application form (service fee applies). Only nationals from these countries can apply for an e-visa.

For travel beyond 16 days and for nationals not eligible for an e-visa, you need to check your options with your nearest Russian consulate. Liden & Denz provides a comprehensive visa service in cooperation with the Russian consulate in Bern, Switzerland. We are authorised to provide visa handling services including medical insurance and supporting documentation for all EU nationals and residents of Switzerland of any nationality.

Travel to Russia

Most Western countries have stopped flying to Russia (and have banned Russian airlines from entering Western airspace), but there are workarounds, especially if you travel to St.Petersburg. Frequent bus services from nearby Helsinki, Tallinn and Riga connect the imperial capital with the outside world. Gdansk, which is near Kaliningrad, offers an alternative bus route. Kaliningrad airport connects to all major airports inside Russia. It is very easy to book online bus tickets with specialised operators like Luxexpress , Ecolines and others. Both St.Petersburg and Moscow are accessible by air with direct flights from Istanbul, Belgrad, Dubai and further hubs in Asia and Africa.

International credit cards do not work in Russia. Please try to book and pay for as many services as possible (such as hotels) before travelling to Russia. Take enough cash of a major currency with you. Amounts over the equivalent of USD 10000 need to be declared at the border. Once in the country, you can either exchange your currency into cash Rub or open very easily a bank account for non-residence that includes a local debit/bank card. That will take no longer than 48 hours and can be done online, sometimes even before leaving for Russia. Ask us for a short-list of banks we recommend.


The Internet works as everywhere else. As roaming charges will be high, we highly recommend a local prepaid SIM card in case you stay longer than just a few days. You will need your Russian mobile number to set up apps for taxi, food delivery, local banking and many other online services. 

Border control

All Russian borders are controlled by the FSB and while foreign visitors usually pass the border without a single question asked, you are likely to become a “person of interest” if you have recently visited Ukraine or are a well-known blogger with a digital footprint that may or may not contradict with some of the more draconian laws issued since 24.2.2022. If you turn out to be a person of interest, the authorities can check your social media profile and your postings on your mobile phone or on your notebook. In that case you might be in for additional questions or you might even be refused entry. We have not heard of any arrests of foreign nationals at the border unless you carry drugs (which is a very bad idea anyway).

Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin are blocked in Russia. WhatsApp, Telegram, VK are fully accessible. You can still check your social media on Insta but only by using a VPN, which you will probably need anyway as quite a few online services are not available any longer in Russia (like airbnb, booking.com etc). Which services are blocked seems arbitrary and is hard to predict. The use of a VPN service inside Russia will not get you into any legal trouble.

Public places

In the unlikely event you come across an anti-government demonstration, don’t take any pictures, turn around and walk away. Keep your passport and visa with you at all times. Apart from that, the streets are very safe and despite the geopolitical tensions, you don’t need to fear negative comments, even if your home country participates in Russian sanctions. Just do not enter in any public debates with people you do not know.

Travel warnings

Check the often scary worded travel warnings from your government before embarking on a trip. If you are not scared, welcome to Russia!

There is no shortage of food, restaurants and bars are full and busy till late. Domestic travel by metro, train and air transport works smoothly, as usual.

We are here to help

Contact us at [email protected] for updated information and use our normal emergency numbers if you are stuck at the border.

6 responses to “A short guide to travelling to Russia in 2024”

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Travel to Russia as a German citizen

I am a German citizen, born in Kazachstan and wanted to visit Russia for quite some time and would now be able to afford it. But since the situation between Russia and the western countries is quite tense and there are a lot of travel warnings I have serious concerns. I wanted to ask if you have any experience with western (especially European/ German) travelers in 2024. I´m looking foreward to your honest advice and estimation.

Thank you very much,

fenikss travel lv

Thank you for your comment! We answered your questions by email.

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Hi, this is Eduard from Slovenia. I am planing to do summer road trip of Scandinavian countries with camper van. As I will be visiting and traveling through Tallinn, my next stop I would like to do is visit Saint Petersburg by crossing at Narva. I would like to ask you for 2 information: – is border crossing at Narva with camper van possible, – as I would like to continue with travel up north, is it possible to leave the country on Finland border? Otherwies I will need to travel back to Tallinn and use ferry to Helsinki.

Thank you very much for you reply,

Thank you for reaching out with your questions. It sounds like you have an exciting summer road trip planned!

Regarding your question about the Narva border crossing, it is currently impossible to cross into Russia at Narva with your vehicle. However, you have a couple of alternatives for entering Russia with your vehicle. You can cross the border in Otepää (Estonia) or Kirkenes (Norway). So, you can enter Russia through Otepää and exit through Kirkenes or vice versa.

If you need any assistance getting a visa to Russia, booking a hotel in St. Petersburg, or issuing medical insurance, visit our sister website visarussland.ch .

I hope this information helps you plan your journey more smoothly. Have a fantastic road trip through the Scandinavian countries and enjoy your visit to Saint Petersburg!

Safe travels, Sasha Shevjakova

Hi and thank you a lot. I will definitely contact visarussland.ch.

Just to clarify, you are saying that border crossing with own car is possible in Otepaa. I can only see city of Otepaa in Estonia and no border with such name. Am I missing something?

Sorry, my mistake! Luhamaa, this place is called Luhamaa.

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