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How to write the tour description with real example

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A tour description is a way to inform your potential customers about the details of your tours. It is also a way to persuade them to book with you. Overall, it is your opportunity to showcase your unique selling points, highlight the benefits of your tours, and create a memorable impression on your readers.

This article will show you how to write effective tour descriptions that will boost your conversions and sales. We will guide you through the steps for writing a tour description, from choosing the right tone and language to structuring your content and adding a call to action. We will also provide you with an example tour description to use as a reference or inspiration.

If you want to learn how to write tour descriptions that sell, keep reading!

Steps for Writing a Tour Description

Now that you know why tour descriptions are important let’s see how you can write them. Writing a tour description is not as hard as it may seem if you follow some simple steps. Here are the main steps for writing a tour description to attract and convert your readers.

Determine the Purpose of the Tour

How to write the tour description Image 1

The first step for writing a tour description is to determine the tour’s purpose.

What are the tour’s key features? What makes it unique? What are the main benefits and value propositions of the tour? Why should someone choose your tour over other options? These are some of the questions you must answer before writing.

By defining the tour’s purpose, you can focus on the most relevant and appealing aspects of your tour and avoid unnecessary or boring details.

You will also be able to decide on the target audience for your tour. Who are you writing for? What are their needs, preferences, and expectations? What are their pain points and desires? Knowing your target audience, you can tailor your tour description to their interests and needs and use the right tone and language to connect with them.

Highlight the Tour Itinerary

tour package description example

The next step for writing a tour description is highlighting the tour itinerary. This is where you provide an overview of your tour and what your customers can expect. You should list the major stops and attractions included in the tour and provide some brief information about each one.

You should also provide a timeline or schedule for the tour so that your customers can know how long each activity or destination will take. You don’t have to go into too much detail here, as you don’t want to overwhelm or bore your readers with too much information. You just want to give them a glimpse of what they will experience on your tour and spark their curiosity and excitement.

You can also use descriptive words and phrases to make your tour itinerary more vivid and engaging. For example, instead of saying, “Visit the Eiffel Tower”, you can say, “Marvel at the iconic Eiffel Tower and enjoy panoramic views of Paris”. This way, you will create a more emotional connection with your readers and make them imagine themselves on your tour.

Describe the Experience

How to write the tour description Image 3

Another step for writing a tour description is to describe the experience of the tour. This is where you use sensory language to describe the tour’s sights, sounds and smells. It will make your readers feel like they are there with you.

You should also include any special activities or experiences unique to your tour . They will show how they will enhance your customers’ enjoyment and satisfaction. For example, suppose your tour includes a wine-tasting session. In that case, you can describe how your customers will savor the flavors and aromas of different wines. And mention learning about the history and culture of wine-making.

By describing the experience of the tour, you will create a more immersive and memorable impression on your readers, and make them want to join your tour.

Share Background and Historical Information

How to write the tour description Image 4

The next step is to share some background and historical information about the destinations visited on the tour. This is where you provide interesting facts or historical background about the places and landmarks you will see on your tour and show how they relate to the theme or purpose of your tour.

You should also use storytelling techniques to engage the reader and make the tour come alive. For example, if your tour is about the French Revolution, you can tell stories about the events and people that shaped the history of France, and how they influenced the architecture and culture of Paris.

By sharing background and historical information, you will add more depth and context to your tour description, making it more informative and educational for your readers.

Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines and Bullet Points

tour package description example

One of the most important steps for writing a tour description is to use attention-grabbing headlines and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to read. Use headlines and subheadings that capture the main idea or benefit of each section, and make the reader curious and interested to read more.

You should also use bullet points to highlight your tour’s important features or selling points, and make them stand out from the rest of the text. Bullet points are a great way to summarize your tour’s key information and benefits. They will make them more visible and memorable for your readers. For example, you can use bullet points to list your tour’s main attractions, activities, or inclusions and show why they are worth booking.

Add Photos and Videos

How to write the tour description Image 6

The final crucial step for writing a tour description is to add high-quality photos and videos of the tour destinations and activities . Photos and videos help complement your written descriptions. They will give the reader a better sense of what to expect. They can also help you showcase the beauty and diversity of your tour locations and create a more emotional appeal for your readers.

You should use photos and videos that are relevant, clear, and attractive and that match the tone and style of your tour description. You should also use captions or descriptions to explain what the photos and videos show and how they relate to your tour. Adding photos and videos will make your tour description more visual and engaging and increase your chances of converting your readers into customers.

Are you ready to take your travel website to the next level? Harness the power of SEO and captivate your audience with compelling tour descriptions. Unlock the secrets of effective copywriting and drive more traffic to your website. With the “how to write the tour description” guide, tailored specifically for the TravelerWP WordPress travel theme , you’ll discover expert techniques to optimize your tour descriptions for search engines and entice potential customers.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your online presence and maximize your bookings. Get your copy now and start crafting irresistible tour descriptions that will make your travel business soar!

Example Tour Description

To help you understand how to write a tour description better, here is an example tour description from Paris City Vision, a leading tour operator in France. The tour description is for a 1-day Big Bus Paris hop-on hop-off tour , allowing you to explore Paris at your own pace and see the city’s main attractions. (For more detail, please open the link to read the full description.)

How to write the tour description Image 7

The tour description for the Big Bus Paris 1-day tour is a good example of how to write a tour description that is clear, concise, and informative. It does a great job of using attention-grabbing headlines and bullet points to break up the text. It also highlights the main features and benefits of the tour.

Plus, it has photos and videos of the tour destinations and activities, which make the tour description more visual and engaging. This will give the reader a better sense of what to expect.

However, there are some areas where the tour description could be improved:

1. For example, it could determine the tour’s purpose and decide on the target audience. This would help the tour description to focus on the most relevant and appealing aspects of the tour and use the right tone and language to connect with the reader. 

For instance, if the target audience is young travelers who are looking for a fun and flexible way to explore Paris, the tour description could use a more casual and enthusiastic tone. In this case, it should emphasize how the hop-on hop-off tour allows them to customize their itinerary and see the sights they want to see.

2. It could also describe the tour experience and share some background and historical information about the destinations visited on the tour. This would make the tour description more vivid and engaging and create a more emotional appeal for the reader. 

For example, it could use sensory language to describe Paris’s sights, sounds, and smells and include interesting facts or stories about the places and landmarks they will see on tour.

3. It could also add a call to action at the end of the tour description, encouraging the reader to book the tour.

For example, it could say, “Don’t miss this opportunity to discover Paris at your own pace and according to your schedule. Book your Big Bus Paris 1-day tour now and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!”

Tour descriptions are powerful instruments to persuade potential tour customers. In this article, we hope you learned how to write effective tour descriptions that attract and convert your readers.

We instructed you on determining your tour’s purpose and target audience, highlighting the tour itinerary, describing the experience, sharing the background and historical information, using attention-grabbing headlines and bullet points, and adding photos and videos. You also saw an example tour description that applied these steps, and an analysis of how it could be improved.

By following these steps, you can write tour descriptions that sell, and boost your conversions and sales. Thank you for reading this article, and happy writing!

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How to write a tour description properly for your travel agency website (with examples)

How to Write a Tour Description For Your Website

A successful tour description takes a lot of effort to write. But it will reward you by attracting potential visitors and turning them into paid customers.

A well-written tour description provides essential information and sparks the imagination, making people eager to experience what you offer.

A visitor chooses to stay on your tour booking website or look into alternative possibilities based only on the tour description. Therefore, making the tour descriptions informative, attractive and precise is crucial.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to craft an engaging tour description and provide examples to illustrate each point. 

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What exactly is a tour description?

As the name implies, a tour description provides all the necessary information about the trip. Crafting a tour description the right way aids in converting site visitors into paying customers.

A tour description is like a detailed travel story. It’s the written piece that spills the beans about a specific tour or adventure you might want. You’ll usually find them available on websites, brochures, and flyers.

They can provide you with an inside taste of the tour. In short, a tour description is a piece of writing that summarizes the entire tour, focusing on the advantages and enticing readers to book the trip.

Think of it as offering a sneak peek into the tour and itinerary packages. A good tour description will spill the tea on the must-see places, the daily plan, what’s included (and what’s not), what makes this tour unique, and all the other nitty-gritty.

It’s like a teaser trailer for your travel dreams, aiming to make you say, “Yes, sign me up for this amazing experience”. To make your travel business website successful, creating a compelling tour description for your travel booking website can be a crucial initiative.

An example of a tour description of the African Wildlife Safari  

tour package description example

African Adventure Safari: Explore the Untamed Wilderness

Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as we take you deep into the heart of Africa’s untamed wilderness. 

Wildlife Encounters Like No Other

Imagine waking up to the symphony of the African bush, surrounded by the calls of lions, elephants, and a colorful array of birds. This safari will bring you up close and personal with the Big Five and countless other incredible creatures. Watch in amazement as giraffes gracefully wander by the place where zebras playfully graze.

Spectacular Scenery

The landscapes you’ll witness are straight out of a National Geographic documentary. From the vast Savannahs of the Serengeti to the breathtaking beauty of the Okavango Delta , every moment will leave you breathless. 

Sunset Safaris & Campfires

As the sun dips below the horizon, we’ll gather around crackling campfires, sharing stories under the star-studded African sky. It’s a magical way to end each day of exploration.

Camping with comfort

You don’t need to worry if you are far from home because our comfortable camps will give you the best experience of both sides of the world: the wild charm and comforts of home.

Expert Guides

Our local guides are passionate about the African wilderness and will share their knowledge, ensuring you leave not only with incredible memories but also a deeper understanding of this remarkable ecosystem.

A Journey of a Lifetime

This African Adventure Safari isn’t just a trip; it’s a life-changing experience. When you return home, your heart will appreciate the beauty and memories you made while adventuring the amazing landscapes. 

So, are you ready to dive on this unforgettable journey? Join us and become a part of the African story.

Book your spot now and let the wild adventure begin!

Pretty good, right? So, how to write an excellent tour description like this for your website? Let’s dive into the details.

How to properly write a tour description for your website

You can use the following guide to write a tour description that converts properly:

Know your audience

know your audience - how to write tour description

Before you start writing, it’s essential to know your target audience. It might sound a bit cliche, but knowing the people you want to attract to your tour packages is imperative. Knowing their interests, desires, and expectations will help you tailor your description to speak directly to them.

A thing to keep in mind is that you should always write for your readers by identifying their needs. You can identify the target market and tailor the packages to meet their needs.

For example , If your target audience is families looking for outdoor adventures, your tour description should highlight the fun and educational aspects that parents and kids will love.

Furthermore, use pronouns like “you” and “your” to sound more audience centric. Try not to use “we” and “our” type of pronouns. This is because when you sound audience centric, they feel more respected and may feel more inclined to your content.

It also helps you establish a more personal connection with your potential customers by making your tour description sound more conversational.

Start with a captivating hook

Start with a captivating hook

First impressions matter. Begin Your tour description with something that immediately grabs the reader’s attention- a catchy headline or an intriguing opening sentence.

Example: “Get Ready for the Adventure of a Lifetime: Explore the Mysteries of the Amazon Rainforest!” 

Set a tone and stick to it

Set a tone and stick to it

Maintain a particular voice tone throughout your tour explanation. The voice tone may change depending on the brand personality and the kind of tour package you are promoting.

For instance, comparatively larger tour operators frequently adopt a formal tone. While a smaller, locally focused business might adopt a more informal tone to establish a more personal connection with its clients,

Always shape the tone of your writing according to your target audience, as was mentioned in a previous example. 

Highlight what makes your tour package unique

Highlight what makes your tour package unique

Your tour description should answer the question: “Why should someone choose your tour package over others?” What makes your offering stand out? Showcase these unique features prominently.

For example , “Our Amazon Rainforest tour is an extraordinary journey through pristine, untouched areas, guided by local experts who’ll give you an authentic and immersive experience.”

Paint a vivid picture

Paint a vivid picture

Use descriptive language to transport your readers into the heart of the tour. Help them visualize the destination and imagine themselves participating in the activities.

For instance, “As you venture deep into the rainforest, you’ll find yourself surrounded by towering trees draped in vibrant orchids, with sunlight filtering through the dense foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.”

Providing necessary tour details

In the world of tour descriptions, it’s not about painting dreamy landscapes with words. Practical information is the backbone of your description – it’s what helps your readers plan, prepare, and make informed travel decisions. 

You can consider the following tour details as an example:

Tour Destination: Kenya

Our 5-day wildlife safari in Kenya runs from October 10th to October 15th, 2023. 

The tour package costs $2,500 per person. All the visitors should meet at Nairobi Airport.

Tour Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrive in Nairobi and check in to your hotel.

Day 2: Explore Nairobi National Park.

Day 3: Begin the safari in Maasai Mara.

Day 4: Visit the National Museum of Kenya.

Day 5: Follow the Oloolua Nature Trail.

What to Pack:

Hiking boots, lightweight clothing, a warm jacket and a pair of binoculars.

Fitness Requirements:

  • This tour involves moderate hiking and requires a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Participants have to walk in uneven terrain for nearly 2 hours.


You’ll stay in comfortable lodges and eco-friendly campsites, all carefully selected to dip you in the natural beauty of Kenya.


Air-conditioned vans and scenic boat rides in waterways.

Emergency Contact 

Phone Number and email Address.

Showcase the benefits of your tour packages

Make sure to highlight the advantages and unique experiences your participants will gain, driving their decision to choose your tour package.

For example : “Our photography tour will ignite your passion for capturing the world’s beauty and take your photography skills to the next level.”

Build trust through testimonials and reviews

rating and review of hotel booking plugin

Frankly, there’s no marketing tool more powerful than the honest voices of your past participants. The reviews and testimonials will glimpse the real experiences of travelers participating in your tour business. 

For example , “Here’s what some of our recent travelers had to say about their adventures with us.”

Create urgency in your tour descriptions

Motivate your readers to take action by creating a sense of urgency. Mention limited availability or special offers to encourage them to book now.

For instance you can consider this copy, “Act fast – spots for our June tours are limited! Secure your place now and receive a complimentary rainforest survival guide.”

Call to Action

End your description with a clear and compelling call to action. Encourage readers to book the tours, get in touch for more details, or subscribe to your newsletter.

It can be like, “Ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Book your Amazon Rainforest adventure today and let the wilderness captivate your soul.

Related article: How to create a hotel booking website with WordPress (The ultimate guide)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on writing tour descriptions

Question 1: What is the purpose of a tour description on a website?

Answer: A website’s tour description informs potential clients about a trip’s specifics, high points, and logistics, luring them to book or request more information.

Question 2: How long should a tour description be?

Answer: While there’s no definitive answer, we suggest keeping it brief, ideally between 200 and 500 words, and include just enough details to give the reader a flavor of the tour without boring them.

Question 3: What are the essential elements of a tour description?

Answer: Some of the essential elements of a tour description are the tour’s name, duration, highlights, schedule, cost, meeting location, inclusions, exclusions, and booking instructions are important details.

Question 4: How can I make my tour description engaging?

Answer: To convey a sense of adventure and excitement, use intriguing language, storytelling, and detailed descriptions. Highlight special benefits and experiences.

Question 5: Should I include images in my tour description?

Answer: Yes, adding great photographs or a gallery can improve the website’s aesthetic appeal and aid visitors in picturing the experience.

Question 6: Is mentioning the tour’s difficulty level or physical requirements important?

Answer: Yes, informing participants of the tour’s physical requirements is essential to ensuring their readiness.

Question 7: How can I convey the value of the tour to potential customers?

Answer: Outline the advantages and distinctive selling factors of the tour. Describe how it differs from competitors and why it is pricey.

Question 8: What should I do if my tour has multiple options or variations?

Answer: List all of the available choices, including ordinary and premium packages, and explain their distinctions.

Question 9: Should I include customer reviews or testimonials in the tour description?

Including gratifying client feedback or testimonials can increase credibility and foster confidence.

Question 10: What should I avoid in tour descriptions to make them more understandable?

Answer: Don’t use words or phrases that clients might not comprehend, such as jargon or technical terms. Avoid making inflated promises or claims as well.

Question 11: Is mentioning cancellation and refund policies in the tour description necessary ?

Answer: Yes, it is necessary. Meeting client expectations is important by being open and honest about cancellations and refund policies.

Question 12: Can I use humor in tour descriptions?

Answer: Humor can be useful, but use caution and ensure it fits your brand and the tastes of your target audience.

Question 13: How can I optimize tour descriptions for SEO?

Answer: Use pertinent keywords linked to your tour’s destination and activities to increase your website’s visibility in search engines.

Question 14: What should I do if I’m not a skilled writer?

Answer: To create captivating tour descriptions that effectively convey the essence of your offerings, think about working with a professional copywriter or editor.

Final thoughts

Crafting a captivating tour description for your travel agency website is an art form that can make all the difference in attracting potential travelers. Because it’s more than just relaying information; it’s a call of nature or a thrilling journey with your travel agency.

Remember, your tour description isn’t just words on a screen; it’s an invitation to explore the world and create lasting memories with unforgettable or surreal experiences. 

So, invest time and care to craft your words on properly writing a tour description for your website. Happy writing, and here’s to many incredible adventures ahead. 

There you have it! Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter to get more exciting news, offers, and articles right in your inbox. 

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7 Tips To Create The Best Tour Descriptions For Your Travel Business

Writing a tour description is like writing a letter to your future clients. You need to make sure it's exciting and compelling if it's going to generate new bookings.

Tour descriptions are one of the most important elements of selling more tours. Your tour description represents the end stage of the buying journey. If the description is persuasive, it may result in a booking. If not, you may lose the customer to a competitor.

In this guide, we’ll cover the importance of composing innovative tour descriptions, and outline.

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Why Tour Descriptions Are Important 

Your tour descriptions play an essential role in attracting customers, engaging them, and getting them to convert .

First of all, your tour descriptions help to make your tours more visible. With the right description, your tour landing pages could achieve better SEO results and become easier for your customers to find.

This is because the tour pages will offer more relevant information, which will ultimately help those who are searching for those queries.

Then, when people land on your tour pages, your tour description is what will entice them to make a booking. This is where the magic comes in - your description needs to sell the tour, and reveal why it's the right experience for the customer.

Your tour description also helps to develop trust by showing the customer that they should have full confidence in your brand.

By providing extensive detail in your tour description, you prepare customers with exactly what to expect from their adventure. This can help them have a more fulfilling tour experience, as they will know what they were getting into when they arrive.

If your tour description is too vague, customers might expect certain things that your tour doesn't actually offer. This could result in negative reviews and a lack of repeat business.

A well-articulated tour description will help your business in the following ways.

  • Attract more customers
  • Engage with your website visitors
  • Increase conversions
  • Boost customer satisfaction

writing tour descriptions

Top 7 Tips For Creating Tour Descriptions 

Taking the time to concisely write and optimize tour descriptions is essential. Here are some of the best tips and tactics you can use for creating powerful tour descriptions.

1. Ensure Your Tour Descriptions Provide Sufficient Detail 

First and foremost, it's paramount that your tour descriptions clearly display all of the details that your tour includes. This should include all logistical details, how long the tour will be, what the tour package includes, what the tour timeline will look like, and so on.

Try to be as specific as possible here. Be clear on who the tour is suitable for. Also, ensure that you outline exactly what is expected from the tour participants (in terms of their behavior and what essentials to bring along).

This will help to answer any questions people may have about your tour and let them know exactly what to expect - which is important for a positive tour experience.

2. Look At The OTAs 

Whether or not your business uses OTAs to sell tours, it's a good idea to look at existing OTAs and see how they structure/word their tour descriptions.

This is because OTAs are very specific about the information and details included in their tour descriptions. Making sure your business also covers this information will help you tap into an already proven tour description formula.

Also, look at how OTAs categorize and organize their tours . Taking a similar approach can help your tour booking website offer a better user experience.

Conduct a gap analysis to see what information and details might be missing from these pages This could help ensure that all pertinent information is included and make your descriptions more informative and appealing.

tour description

Another nifty tip is to keep your descriptions uniform. If a potential customer browses different tour booking pages and compares your tour options, having a uniform tour description format will make their journey a lot easier. This also ensures that all of your tour descriptions offer the same, relevant information.

3. Include Keywords 

A tour description is a prominent place for keyword placement . When executed properly, this can boost your SEO efforts, and help your tour pages gain more visibility for relevant online searches.

When writing tour descriptions, conduct thorough research into potential target keywords - this is the main search query your tour will be targeting. For example, if you offer fishing tours in Florida, the relevant keyword that prospective customers might be something for will be along the lines of “Florida fishing trips”.

Once you have found your target keyword, incorporate it naturally into your tour description. Inserting the keyword a few times in your text will help search engines understand what your tour is about. This should improve its visibility for the correct search terms.

Adding variations to your keyword, and being specific about the keyword, is also important. For example, your fishing tours page could include keywords like “boat fishing Trip in Florida” or “full-day fishing tours Florida”. This could help your page to gain relevancy for a wider range of online searches.

There’s a lot more that goes into successful SEO than just this, but being conscious about inserting keywords into your tour description can make a big difference to your tour page’s discoverability.

writing tour descriptions

4. Showcase Your USP 

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets your tour apart from the competition. It's essential that you make your USP perfectly clear in your tour description.

Tourism can be a highly competitive market, and there may be many similar tour operators in your area. Customers will want to know what makes your tour unique in order for them to book through your platform.

In order to understand your USP, it's important that you research your competitors. Check out their tour descriptions, and see what they don't offer that you can highlight about your tour. This will give you a competitive edge and make your tour description more appealing.

Your USP could be that your tours are more affordable, more sustainable , support local communities , or even cater to specific groups . Maybe you’re offering a luxury tour with hotel transfers, or perhaps your tours run at unique hours.

Whatever the case, highlight the USP clearly in your tour description.

This is also important for persuading people to book your tour instead of doing it themselves. For example, you might offer tours to a popular site, like the Colosseum. If this is the case, you need to convince tourists that booking your tour is more worthwhile than their visiting the Colosseum independently.

In this instance, your USP could be that your fee comes with a “skip the queue” benefit, that you offer expert guides who share unique historic details, or that your guides offer a local perspective of the area.

Make the value of your tour clear, and your tour description will help you generate more bookings.

tour description

5. Understand Your Buyer Personas 

It's important that you keep the customer journey in mind and speak directly to your target audience when writing your tour description.

Having clear buyer personas will help you write tour descriptions that speak to your target customer’s interests, answer their questions, and solve their pain points. Understand what kind of person would be searching for your tours and why they would book one.

Are they looking for an adventure? Do they want to learn through educational tours ? Are they hoping to relax while on vacation? Maybe they want to escape their comfort zone and try something new. Whatever the case, you should address these areas in your tour description.

6. Utilize Reviews And Testimonials 

It is no secret that reviews and testimonials have become a significant part of the buying decision . This is because they provide one of the best ways to establish trust.

This is necessary for pushing your website visitors into making a purchase decision.

Incorporate positive reviews or testimonials into your tour description. Potential customers might not trust what your brand has to say, but they will trust reviews and testimonials from previous, satisfied customers.

Simply adding a quick blurb like “9 out of 10 customers rated their experience as outstanding” can make your tour description a lot more compelling.

7. Use Video And Images 

Writing tour descriptions is important, but optimizing your tour booking pages with videos and images can be a game changer.

writing tour descriptions

Try to include videos and images of your tours in your description. This will give potential customers more realistic insights into your tours, how they work, and what to expect from the experience.

Using quality imagery can help to tell your story better, which is important for inspiring customers to book your tours.

If you rely solely on a written tour description, people might struggle to imagine what to expect from your tour. This could prevent people from making bookings.


Writing a good tour description can benefit your business in a number of ways. Most importantly, it will attract more people to your tour pages and help you generate more bookings.

Understanding your target audience is key, and highlighting the important facts about what unique selling proposition your travel company offers and why people should book through your platform can make or break whether prospective customers equate to conversions.

By following the seven tactics above, your tour description could help you tremendously to generate a lot more bookings .

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Isabel Espinoza (she/her)

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Tour Package

Package holidays, popularly known as a tour package or simply the word ‘tour’ in the travel and tourism industry refers either to a package tour escorted or not escorted by the tourist guide.

When we say tour package, it means a pre-arrangement, prepaid trip that combines two or more travel components like airfare, airport transfer, accommodation, and other services . Practically, to define the tour package concept is complex one rather understand.

Holloway defines a tour package as “a total tourism product consisting of transportation from the market area to the destination, accommodation at the destination and recreational activities promoted by the tourists.”

According to Gregorg “a tour package is advertised journey including specific features, arranged and promoted with tour literature by a tour operator and paid for in full by the tourists  before starting the tour.”

Technically, a package tour/tour package is a total tourism product as it generally includes transport from the origin place to the destination, accommodation at an en route place or at the destination and other recreational or travel services. These components are purchased by an individual, firm or company called the ‘ tour operator ‘. He combines all the travel components in a package and sells them at all-inclusive prices to the clients.

History of Tour Package

The term ‘tour’ was in vogue as early as 1670. The Britishers traveled to widen their knowledge of the continent, especially to study the culture and social life. This practice was gradually adopted by other lovers of cultural centers.

The result of the process was that many European historic and cultural centers were opened to the British tourist. By the early 1730’s the small fishing resorts around the British coast begin to attract tourists seeking to their diseases by drinking the sea-water or by immersing themselves in it.

The introduction of a rail link between the major centers in 1830, had a profound impact on the pleasure travelers for the first time. Many entrepreneurs began to inspire rail travel by organizing excursions for the public at discounted offers.

However, to ‘the origin of package tour’ the credit goes to Mr. Thomas Cook in 1855 , Cook, extended his business operation to different countries by introducing the first ‘ inclusive tour ‘ to Paris.

Mr. Cook put together all the components of tourism products and sold them as ‘inclusive tour’ to the tourists. His pre-packaged tour inspired other tour organizations in the travel industry to organize similar tours to all parts of the globe.

Most of Cook’s tours were a linear tour i.e., the person went from place to place on a single destination. Basically, Mr. Cook developed the concept of ‘grand tour and escorted tour’, the concept which is still used.

Incidentally, World War II has tremendously developed the package tour concept because of the following reasons:

  • Social and Economic Conditions
  • Increase in Aircrafts
  • Marketing Conditions
  • Legal Requirements
  • Integration took place.

Today, package tours are a vital segment of the world’s travel and tourism industry. According to WTTC, the package tour sales generate $25 billion annually in the United States, $18 billion in Europe, $19 billion in Britain, and $21 billion in Asia. Today tour sales represented 50 percent of all leisure travel sales and 35 percent of all travel agency revenues.

Types of Tour Packages

A travel agency/tour operator deals with variety of ‘tour packages,’ catering to the diverse needs of tourists such as adventure, beach, architecture, cultural, business, conference, incentive tours, ayurvedic packages, Buddhist, religious, incentive tour, special interest tours, cruise tour group tour, educational tour, heritage, monuments, wildlife lovers, etc. These are broadly classified into five categories :

  • Independent Tours
  • Escorted Tours

Hosted Tours

  • Incentives Travel/Tours

Freedom Tours

Independent tour.

Independent tours are prepared/formulated for those tourists who want to travel independently. The components of such tours are air travel, air transfer, accommodation, travel documents, sightseeing, boat riding, entertainment, and other travel services.

However, in some cases, the tourists are free to purchase every single component separately. Thus, this type of tour provides the tourists considerable freedom to plan the activities according to their own choice.

An independent tour may or may not be an all-inclusive tour. Therefore, tour price varies depending on the type of air travel, air transfer, accommodation and is inclusive of other tour components. The foreign independent travel (FITs) and domestic independent travel (DITs) are examples of an independent tour.

Escorted Tour

When a travel agency includes the services of a well educated and trained tour manager in its package, the tour is called an escorted tour. Basically, escorted tours are meant for those travelers who are planning to visit a foreign country first time.

The escort’s responsibilities and duties are to provide comprehensive information and assistance to the group or individual traveler, at the origin, en route and the destination place. The excursion tours are the example of escorted tours.

A hosted tour means when an agency utilizes the services of another agency at a particular destination. Suppose a group of French tourists is coming to India. When the group arrives in India, they are greeted at the airports by TCI, which assists them in clearing their baggage and transfer them to the hotel.

Their tour-host (TCI) is available to offer device and information about the local attractions and entertainment. Further, when the group arrives at another designation in India, a different travel agency greets them at each tourist spot. Thus, a hosted tour provides the tourists maximum level of pre-arranged and personalized services.

Incentives Travel/Tour

It is a motivational programme or a fully paid holiday which is given to the employees by the enterprises as a reward. Mostly in medium and large-scale companies and usually too distant destinations to spur them in maintaining their track record, to increase output, improve the image and moreover to earn the long period loyalty of the employees.

There are a number of the other packages offered by a tour company such as a custom tour an excursion tour, an adventure, and special interest package tours.

Freedom tours are becoming very popular these days among the working class. These tours are designed as per the choice of tourists. The tourist is free to choose and plan how they want to travel and enjoy their holidays. These types of tours are meant for that kind of people who like to decide how, when, and where to travel.

This tourist may an individual, family, group holidays for families and group travel for business. These tours are promoted and developed by the ORBIT.

Components Of Tour Package

What is to be included in a package tour largely depends and varies from one tour organization to another, or from the one country to another, or from one destination to another and from one market to another market. But there are certain well-defined travel services which always turn a part of a package tour irrespective of the tour operator/travel agency, destination and even the market condition.

If we study and see the package tours offered by Thomas Cook and Sons Ltd., Cox and King Ltd., and other international travel companies, we find that a package tour has two major components. Therefore, a standard package tour has two basic components namely:

  • Ground Arrangements

Travel industry experience has shown that the first component, i.e. ‘Travel’ is directly bought by the agency from the principal providers like airlines and transport operators and for ground arrangement, the travel agency management asks the ground operators.

The reason behind buying ground arrangement from a handling agency is that it represents as a ground operator at a particular destination for the numerous tour organizations. Secondly, the price offered by it are much lower than an individual agency obtain. Thirdly, it is very difficult to get credit from the supplier and finally, it ensures professional travel services.

Factor Affecting the Tour Package Formulation

Generally, the business of package tours involves great risk, high breakeven, high-quality product, and competitive prices. Therefore, the tour management requires in-depth tour planning and market survey. However, before a tour is designed the tour manager should take into consideration certain factors which are crucial in the formulation process.

These factors have a profound impact on the tourist’s satisfaction. The main factors are:

  • Purpose of Tour
  • Choice of Destinations
  • Tourist Budget
  • Legal Requirement
  • Types of Tourist Accommodation
  • Tour Period
  • Departure and stay information
  • Tour price; inflationary condition
  • Tour Reference Tools
  • Tour Features – political stability
  • The relationship between the host and tourist generating nation

Tour Package Design and Selection Process

The quality of a package tour is entirely based on the above factors. Essentially, to design/formulate a travel product, the tour manager has to take the biggest responsibility, intuitiveness, imagination, and innovation coupled with a lot of business activities which range from finding new exotic destinations and planning, organizing or promoting such tour.

The following are the main stages in the tour design and selection process:

1. Initial Research

(i) the destination research.

The decision to develop and formulate a new package is a multi-stage process that involves various positive and negative points/steps. Normally, the idea for a new product comes either from the tour executive within the company due to a review of the questionnaire completed by the previous tour members because of the political, economic and social development in a particular area.

When a tour manager see that a large number of old clients are interested in taking a trip to particular destinations, naturally, those destinations become the nucleus of a new ‘tour concept’.

(ii) Market Research

Since tour package is a complete tourism product, obviously, before formulating/designing this product, market research needs to be analyzed and assessed in a systematic manner. Market  research provides us the answer to the following questions:

  • What is the size of the tourism market?
  • Who are the existing clients?
  • Where do they live?
  • Who will be their potential buyers?
  • Who are their competitors – their strategy and area of business leisure?
  • How many tourist ones want to cater?
  • What price will the clients accept?
  • What facilities are available and required?
  • What are the constraints viz., license, permission, finance, restrictions, taxes, and others?

Once we know the basic components of the package tour, distribution channels, market conditions, constraints in the tourism market, we can develop the marketing strategy. It enables the smooth functioning of the agency and also offers a clear picture of the tour programme. Practically, market research is conducted by the private tour companies/ private tourism enterprises in order to penetrate the market.

2. Itinerary Preparation

By itinerary one means the designing of a programme which one wants to sell and it includes destinations, stopping points, number of days and the travel services that are to be included in the programme. Whether it is a lean season or an offseason, escorted or not escorted, consumer-oriented or readymade tour programme, the itinerary is prepared to identify the origin, destinations, stopping points, accommodations, sightseeing and other travel services on travelers’ trip.

3. Handling Agency or Destination Company

The appointment of handling agency not only ensure excellent travel services to the tourist but also make the operation smooth and profitable. It is a matter of great significance as the success of travel business largely depends upon the clients are actually taken care of during the tour.

It is a positive match between the promised services and tourist’s actual experiences or feelings. Thus, the tour operator should consider the experience of the handling travel agency in the business, the area of operation, reputation, credibility, professional staff, credit facilities and the competitive price in appointing a handling agency.

4. Negotiation

It is another important management decision area in tour designing and planning. Once the decision has been made regarding the destination’s concerning their date, duration and number of clients to be carried during the trip, the tour management starts negotiations with the principals’ suppliers for a normal contract.

Negotiation means talk between the travel companies and the principal suppliers for the terms, conditions, and prices of the components of a tour package. When both parties are satisfied, it leads to a formal or informal contract between them. The tour company negotiates with the following tour vendors/suppliers:

  • Accommodation
  • Transport Operations- Rail and Road
  • Ground Operators
  • Cruise Companies
  • Car Rental Companies
  • The overseas representatives
  • Ancillary Service Organizations

5. Coasting and Pricing a Package Tour

The cost of a package tour encompasses the air ticket, the hotel room, car rental, entertainment charges, administrative costs, promotional costs, and other travel services. The confidential tariff helps the travel company in preparing the cost sheet which will enable the concern to determine its price strategy.

Tour pricing is a big factor in the success of the company’s tour programme. The price of a package tour is, whether it is an escorted, independent or hosted the tour, often lower than the combined costs of the same components purchased separately from the principals. However, the purchase price of a travel product is based on three factors: Cost, competition, and demand.

Every tour package sold by a vendor has a quantifiable cost. To produce profit the price paid by the tourists must be greater than the agency’s cost.

6. Tour Brochure

The tour package is an intangible product which has to be purchased by the tourists/clients without inspection and sometimes even without adequate knowledge. In these circumstances, the brochure becomes the principal instrument to perform the major tasks to inform the clients about the products and to pursue them to purchase it.

Designing, printing, and distributions of tour brochures require necessary skills and knowledge about the components of the tour package. Basically, in the era of specialization and intense competition, tour brochure creates awareness and provides the description of the holiday programme.

Thus, tour management should consider various pros and cons while preparing a tour brochure. A brochure should contain the following information:

  • Name of the Travel Company
  • Means of transport
  • Details about destinations
  • Accommodation, types, location, meals
  • Name of the overseas representative
  • Duration of each tour
  • Booking, reservation and cancellation conditions
  • Details of other services – insurance, currency, entertainmentTravel documents required
  • Details of price

7. Development of Reservation System

The next step in tour formulation process is reservation system. The agency management in order to put a package into operation must develop and implement a scientific reservation system. The system depends on whether the reservation is to be handled manually or with a computer working on the distribution method.

Whatever method the agency may adopt, the agency management should always keep in mind the sole objective of the reservation system.

8. Marketing of Tour Package

Once a tour package is ready, travel agency management has to make a careful decision regarding promotion and marketing of the particular package tour. The basic objective of management is to make a tour package widely known to make it more and more attractive.

To achieve these objectives, the management must consider the budget available, promotion mix, potential market, easiest and most effective media, campaigning through the international, regional or the public/private sector etc.

The promotion of a package tour means increasing its sales potential and creating an awareness of the existing and potential markets. The following methods are commonly used to promote package tours:

  • Middlemen – Retail Travel Agents, GSA, consolidators
  • Familiarization tours
  • Building Brand Loyalty
  • Encouraging Potential Buyers
  • Competitive Market

9. Tour Handling/Actual Tour Operation

After the successful marketing and achieving target sales, the next and final step in the process of tour designing is tour handling. It means an actual operation of tours, which generally includes administrative work and passenger handling like maintaining reservations, handling deposits, sending advice to ground operators, arranging travel representation, analyzing the feedback received from clients/escorts/ground operator and so on.

All this is not an easy task. At every stage, one has to face different types of queries and problems due to lack of coordination and communication.

Significances of Tour Package

Tour package is beneficial to travel companies, travelers, destinations and other organizations which are directly or indirectly involved in the tourism business. The main benefits are:

  • Increase the seasonality of a destination cost/price
  • Earn foreign currency
  • Better quality of products professional services
  • Wide-variety of the tour package
  • Provide bulk business to organizers


How to Create and Promote Amazing Tour Packages


Table of Contents

As a tour operator, finding new ways to improve your customers’ experience while also increasing profitability for your business should always be top of mind. A great way to attract more customers and increase your tour bookings is to offer tour packages. By creating and selling travel packages, you’re addressing the needs of a specific type of traveler, one who is looking for a fuller travel experience with the added benefits of convenience and savings.

Today we’ll be discussing the benefits of tour packages, how to effectively create and sell your own travel package, and how Rezgo’s tour packaging system can help.

What Are Tour Packages?

Tour packages are a combination of separate (but typically related) tourism products and services that are presented and sold as one. Customers pay for all the components of a tour package and receive details of their itinerary prior to travel. A typical tour package example is one that includes travel to and from the destination, accommodation, meal arrangements, and activities or excursions. 

Tour Package Example

As with this example, when people think of tour packages, they often think of packages that include services from multiple vendors. Tour packages can, however, consist of offerings from a single tour provider. Rezgo’s tour packaging system is designed to help you create and promote travel packages of your own tour products, but also offer resellers the option to package services from multiple tour businesses as well.

What Are The Benefits Of Tour Packages?

creating a tour package on laptop

Opinions regarding the benefits of tour packages versus purchasing various travel components on your own vary with each traveller. To create and market the best tour package possible, it’s important to understand what customers are looking for in a travel package.

Benefits of Tour Packages

  • Convenience – Purchasing a tour package that includes multiple services or experiences in one saves customers the time and energy needed to locate and research them individually. Travelers who prefer tour packages tend to like to avoid the work involved with booking each travel component separately.
  • Cost Savings – It’s expected that customers enjoy cost savings when booking a tour package. Tour operators will often provide discounts or special rates for purchasing multiple tour products or services. 
  • Security / Reassurance – Booking a tour package put together by a tour operator and that has been vetted by other travelers provides customers with a sense of security and reassurance.

Equally important is to be aware of why some customers would prefer to plan their vacation on their own. Understanding the concerns and wants of these travelers can potentially help create a tour package that addresses their concerns and converts them into bookings.

Benefits of Planning Your Own Trip


  • Flexibility – Planning a tour experience on your own provides some additional flexibility. Customers are not bound to any constraints that may be present when booking a tour package. 
  • Options – Sometimes not all travel or tour options are presented when browsing tour packages. Customers may feel like their options are being artificially limited by the tour operator’s preferences or reach.
  • Individualized Experience – Customers who want to customize their trip and have an authentic experience tend to avoid booking tour packages over concerns of receiving a limited, tourist-centric experience.

What Kind Of Customers Enjoy Tour Packages?

Now that we’ve gone through the benefits of tour packages versus the benefits of planning a trip on your own, we can begin to understand the kinds of customers who enjoy tour packages. Above all, travellers drawn to trip packages are looking for the convenience and cost savings associated with them. They aren’t concerned about customizing every detail of their trip and are happy to entrust their experience to the tour operator or company. Tour package customers are attracted to the ease and hassle-free booking process and want the best deal possible.

Creating A Great Tour Package

Creating A Great Tour Package

Taking what we know about our audience and what they look for when purchasing a tour package, we can implement strategies that will help us create fantastic trip packages of our own. With Rezgo’s tour packaging system, you’re able to group or combine various tour products together and offer them at a discount that is both attractive to the customer and profitable for your business. What you choose to group and how you decide to package them is up to you. You have the freedom to package travel arrangements to and from your destination, pair up your activities with equipment rentals, or even group multiple experiences together for a multi-day excursion. Need some inspiration for your tour packages? Check out these innovative tourism business ideas !

Remember, customers browsing travel packages for their trip are looking for convenience and freedom from having to handle all the little details. Whatever you choose to include in your tour package, make sure that you’re making it as streamlined and stress-free an experience as possible. Include as many relevant details in your tour package descriptions and preemptively answer questions that your customers might have regarding what is or isn’t included. Highlight the benefits of your tour package when compared to an individual tour and include details about discounts or deals. Customers should feel like once they book your trip package, all that’s left for them to do is enjoy their amazing vacation.

How to Market and Promote Your Tour Package

How to Market and Promote Your Tour Package

While there are definitely a few different factors to consider when marketing and promoting tour packages versus an individual tour, the fundamentals remain the same. To successfully market your tour package you need to first understand your target market or audience. That is, who are you selling your tour package to? You can then begin to build a marketing strategy aligned with the needs and wants of your target audience. As mentioned earlier, travellers expect discounts when booking travel packages so be sure to carefully consider your tour package costing so as to provide a great deal for your customer while keeping your business profitable and sustainable.

For an in-depth look at effectively selling your tour package, we suggest checking out our post on how to promote tour packages online and familiarising yourself with the 7 Ps of travel and tourism marketing .

Closing Thoughts

Tour packages are a great way to combine and sell your tour products and services in a way that is attractive to your customers and profitable to your business. By understanding the benefits of a tour package over individually booking tours and addressing the needs of your target audience, you’re able to effectively create, market, and promote your own travel packages. 

We’re excited for you to try out our new tour packaging system and look forward to seeing all the amazing tour packages you build for your business!

What should be included in tour packages?

Include transportation , accommodations, meals, guided tours, and activities. Detail what’s covered and any extra costs.

What is the difference between a tour package and an itinerary?

A tour package bundles services for one price. An itinerary outlines trip details but doesn’t include bookings.

Should my tour package have add-ons?

Yes, offer add-ons for customization. It enhances the experience and meets diverse traveller preferences.

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Written By | Edward Nieh

Edward Nieh is a freelance writer and copy editor working across multiple mediums for clients from various industries. He has a degree in creative writing with a focus on screenwriting for feature films.

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How to write compelling tour descriptions that convert

Carla Vianna

Most tour descriptions include an itinerary, price, and a quick paragraph about the tour. Sound familiar? If you’re not locking in enough bookings, though, there might be something missing.

Writing a tour description that sells is all about effective copywriting and positioning.  A compelling tour description should hook your reader right off the bat: It should make potential guests excited about your experience and ultimately persuade them to book.

Ready to create compelling tour descriptions that convert? In this post, you’ll learn about 12 elements to include in every tour description so that guests are instantly convinced to book.

What is a tour description?

what to include in your tour description

A tour description is the content that explains what your tour is and what guests should expect from the experience. The purpose of a tour description is to give your potential customers the details, itinerary, pricing, and unique highlights of your tour so that they’re convinced to book.

Your tour description should start with a catchy title to instantly attract visitors. Think about what’s unique about your tours and include that in the title.

Take this Vatican City tour by City Wonders, for example. The company throws in words like “exclusive breakfast” and “early access” to appeal to guests looking for a differentiated experience in one of the busiest tourist attractions in Europe.

Vatican tour description

Once you’ve hooked a potential customer in with your title, you’ll introduce the overall experience in a couple of short but well-written paragraphs.

Take a look at the Airbnb Experiences example below and notice how the host vividly describes a vineyards road trip in Capetown, South Africa:

Airbnb Experiences

Or this Galapagos Islands tour from Intrepid Travel, which describes the wildlife guests can expect to see on their trip. The introductory paragraph includes descriptive phrases — “unfamiliar beauty” and “far-flung islands” — meant to appeal to curious, nature-loving travelers.

Intrepid Travel further breaks down the tour logistics underneath in an easy-to-read format.

Intrepid Travel tour description

Your tour description should also point out specific tour highlights. These are the different stops or attractions that your guests would be most excited about. Take a look at how REI Adventures displays the highlights of a backpacking trip in the Great Smoky Mountains in skimmable bullet points.

Here you can compare REI’s broad tour introduction to the list of highlights they pull from the tour.


REI tour description


rei highlights in a tour description

Now that you’ve seen some great examples from tour operators around the world, let’s go over the 12 elements that’ll make your tour descriptions stand out.

How to write a tour description that sells

Looking to improve your tour descriptions? Here are 12 tips to help you do just that.

1. Know your target customer

Before writing your tour descriptions, you should know who your target customer is. When you know who you’re selling to, you can tailor your content directly to that group of people.

2. Use a catchy title

The title is the first thing potential customers will see before clicking on your tour. This is your chance to make an outstanding first impression. Make sure to reel guests in with a catchy title that highlights what’s unique about your tour, such as the Vatican City example above.

3. Include beautiful photos

Photos can be very persuasive, especially when it comes to booking travel experiences. Make sure to include high-quality photos in your tour descriptions. If you’re an outdoor adventure tour operator, include photos of the scenic locations you’ll visit. If you offer an interactive cooking class, show the ingredients you’ll be working with as well as the finished product. You can also include photos of guests having a great time on your tours (just be sure to get their permission first).

4. Showcase testimonials

Testimonials can be another very persuasive tool in selling your tours. Positive reviews will give potential customers the confidence to book.

5. Use storytelling techniques

Use storytelling techniques to make the reader feel like they’re experiencing the tour while reading the description. You should use vivid imagery to trigger an emotional response from potential guests and ultimately persuade them to book.

6. Anticipate your guests’ questions

Think about any doubts or questions your guests might have before booking your tours. Make sure to answer these in your descriptions. Guests joining a cooking class, for example, may want to know if all the ingredients are included in the price.

7. Know what makes your tours unique

You know what makes your tours unique, so make sure to communicate that to potential customers! Let’s refer back to the Vatican City tour. Do you have exclusive access to an attraction? Do you offer additional services, like transportation or a tour photographer? Make sure to highlight the unique aspects of your tours in your title and descriptions.

8. Use SEO to expand your reach

Your tour descriptions should focus on specific keywords in your niche so that when someone searches for them on Google, your website comes up.

9. Make it easy to read  

Guests are often looking through several tour descriptions when planning their trip, and a big body of text can be overwhelming. Don’t let a messy tour description turn them away. Use subheadlines and bullet points to keep your text easy to skim through. 

10. Bullet-point your highlights

Use bullet points to lay out the most memorable features or attractions included in your tour. When you list them in bullet points, guests who skim through your tours can easily pinpoint why your experience is worth booking.

11. Be honest about the experience

Don’t overpromise something you can’t deliver. Make sure you’re portraying your experience in an authentic and transparent way. It’s better to overdeliver than for guests to leave your tour underwhelmed.

12. Keep it clear and concise

Make sure to clearly state what is and isn’t included in the tour, such as food, beverages, transportation, etc. While you want to keep your tour descriptions lively with vivid imagery and storytelling, you also want to keep them concise. Guests should have a pretty good idea of what your tour will be like after reading your description.

In summary, a compelling tour description is key to converting customers. Use these tips to improve your existing tour descriptions and let your tours stand out from the rest.

Writer Carla Vianna

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Brack Tours - Ireland & Scotland Vacations & Tour Packages

Sample Tour Packages

"We tailor-make our sample tour packages to suit Group Leaders, groups of friends & small families"

View our selection of sample tour packages of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, and perhaps create your own package today.

*Please note sample tour package prices are only a guideline and are subject to change*

Ireland & Northern Ireland Sample Tours

Explore the Island of Ireland with Brack Tours, from the Wild Atlantic Way to Ireland’s Ancient East, the Hidden Heartlands to Dublin’s Fair City, Ireland has something for everybody.

With years of experience in designing tour packages, Brack Tours is your one-stop Ireland vacation specialist. 

We pride ourselves on delivering a genuine, personal service. With our extensive knowledge, we can ensure your trip will be unique, memorable, and most importantly fun. Above all we want to ensure that each client has an authentic Irish experience. 

tour package description example

Monastic Tour of Ireland

tour package description example

Memorable Ireland Tour

tour package description example

Majestic Tour of Ireland

tour package description example

Hidden Gems of Ireland Tour

tour package description example

Charming Irish Castles Tour

tour package description example

Classic Tour of Ireland

tour package description example

Sample Ancestry Group Tour

tour package description example

Captivating Coastal Tour of Ireland

tour package description example

Ireland's Ancient East Tour

tour package description example

Highlights of Ireland Tour

tour package description example

The Irish Whiskey Distillery and Pub Tour

tour package description example

Sci-fi Screen Tour of Ireland

Scotland sample tour packages.

Our team will design an itinerary to suit your budget and ambition to ensure you get the most from your vacation. No matter where you would like your tour to visit, or what special interest you may have, we will package a tour that will deliver an exceptional and memorable experience.

We believe that a Scotland Group Tour is one of the best ways to explore Scotland. Relax, sit back and enjoy the beauty of Scotland. 

Above all, we hope to see you on one of Scotland  Group Tour, be inspired by our sample tours below.

tour package description example

Lochs and Leprechauns Tour

tour package description example

Heather and Shamrock's Tour

tour package description example

Scotland & Northern Ireland Discovery Tour

tour package description example

Scottish Highlands & Celtic Coasts

What sets us apart.

Group Tours with seasoned, local experts:

  • Irish-based , owned & locally operated. A more insightful knowledge of Ireland is a consequence of our geographic location.
  • A friendly, knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated team of Irish Travel Specialists.
  • Brack Tours’ staff have accumulated over 80 years of travel industry experience . Beginning with tour planning and coordination. Extending to guiding and transportation.
  • Our dedicated team is committed to our environmental values through our Green Tourism advocacy.
  • Our tour prices are inclusive with no hidden extras or fees .
  • We instill a very flexible approach to individual requests
  • Our packages are crafted with your satisfaction in mind
  • We offer exceptional value for money .

With us, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting and what you’re paying for, so you can focus on creating lifelong memories.

Request a Quote

Contact us now.

The Complete Guide to Building a Tour Package

The Complete Guide to Building a Tour Package

Modern travelers expect a great travel experience while saving money. As a travel agent, you can exceed these expectations by offering personalized tour packages. 

Why Create a Tour Package?

Tour packages allow you to combine more products and services into a single offering. Creating a customized tour package will increase your revenue, and your clients will get better value for money and a personalized travel experience. Unique tour packages can also make your travel business stand out from competitors. Find out more useful Tips for Increasing Sales in a Travel Agency.

5 Steps to Building a Tour Package

Unique and professional-looking tour packages are massively in demand. Every client will have their own needs and preferences, and travel agents need to be able to nimbly adjust their offerings accordingly. With the rise of personalized travel, a high-quality tour package builder is a must for every agent. Creating an individual tour package for each client can take substantial time and effort. A trip builder module simplifies the process, giving you more time to invest in growing your travel business. Learn how to build a high-value tour package with TripMatrix Software in 5 easy steps.

1. Identify the Customer’s Needs  

The first and most crucial step is to identify the customer’s needs. If you get this right at the beginning, your tour package will need fewer adjustments later. Knowing your clients also gives you good pointers on what to focus on while researching.  The key information to know about your clients: 

  • Number of travelers
  • Budget range
  • Duration of the trip
  • Accommodation preferences
  • Transportation and transfer needs
  • Type of trip (family vacation, team building, romantic getaway, etc.)

Use the given information to establish a better relationship with your clients. Taking an individual approach and showing interest in their needs will signal that you care about them. You will also have to spend less time researching trip options with a more targeted approach. Understand the client’s needs and concentrate on building a customized tour package that will exceed their expectations.

2. Research Trip Options 

After identifying the customer’s needs, the next step is researching the best trip options. Research is the most time-consuming activity for every travel agent, especially if you don’t have an established network of key partnerships within the travel industry. Even if you are already collaborating, you should always look for unique experiences to diversify your offer. Small travel agents can find it hard to connect with other businesses, but TripMatrix Marketplace allows you to easily collaborate with big and small service providers. Whether you are on a hunt for a themed guided tour, luxury hotel, or safe transportation option, you can find trusted new potential partners within TripMatrix Marketplace, which will provide a unique local experience.

3. Build a Trip and Create an Offer

Once you have picked out the best trip options, you are ready to build a trip and create an offer. Beforehand, make sure to upload your products and services. You can create and edit products and services effortlessly with TripMatrix Inventory Management; you only need to select the correct category (accommodation, transportation, experience, etc.), add images, and create descriptions. You can even pull images and descriptions directly from Google to save time.   After you have selected transportation, accommodation, and activities for a tour package, start designing an in-depth trip plan. TripMatrix’s trip builder module enables tour agents to include a route planner and a full itinerary. Finally, add the price and profit margins for each service and product (visible only to you). Read more about using a TripMatrix Trip Builder in our blog Trip Planner Software for Travel Agencies.

4. Offer Modifications

Forget about downloading your offer in PDF documents, you can simply send all tour packages created in TripMatrix via a custom link. Clients can click on the route planner connected to Google Maps and scroll through the hotel photos, and an interactive itinerary will give them a better idea of their trip.  In most cases, personalized tour packages demand more effort. The good news is that with TripMatrix trip builder, you can always modify your tour packages following clients’ feedback. Each product, service, and tour package is stored in the Cloud, so you won’t have to worry about losing any data.  Communicate with the client in a direct chat and find out if there is room for improvement. Offer modifications can be done directly inside the itinerary, allowing prospects to see changes immediately. You can always update an existing offer if you have a client interested in a similar tour package. Each previous offer can be a starting point for a new client with similar needs.

5. Payment Processing and Commission Distribution

Once your client is satisfied with their personalized tour package, they can complete payment directly within the TripMatrix platform. TripMatrix’s high-quality online booking experience provides secure payment and also allows the travel agent to have access to each client’s payment processing. You can see the confirmation directly within the software when the client finalizes payment. If your client hasn’t completed their online booking, you can follow up to get more information. Since TripMatrix includes automated payment processing, commission distribution, and refunds, you can manage the whole payment process inside the platform.

Individualized tour packages are beneficial for both travel agents and travelers. While travel agents can increase revenue and establish strong partnerships, travelers can get a better value for money and get the most out of their travel experience. Before researching and building a tour package, it is crucial to identify your customer’s needs. Get to know your client; understanding them will make your part of the work easier. Also, showing interest in their needs will help you create better trips and improve customer experience.  Research trip options and extend your offerings with TripMatrix Marketplace. Find partners to complete and upgrade your tour packages. After you create a tour package in the trip builder, you can easily make modifications. When your tour package is done, track payment within the platform.  Want to start building professional-looking tour packages that will increase your revenue? Send us an inquiry and become a part of the TripMatrix community.

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Tour description: What convinces travelers the most?

Two travelers looking at their mobile phones.

It’s so crucial to have the best tour description possible: it will  bring you more bookings  and will also  draw a better picture of the reality of your tour , so that it matches travelers’ expectations. In this post, you will learn, step by step, how to write the best description of your guruwalk: let’s go!

Two travelers looking at their mobile phones.

If you don’t know how to get to the tour edition section, we made a post about it here .

Structure and content

Try to write the description of your guruwalk with the following structure.

1. Introduce your tour

This part is  the most important one . You must hook travelers to keep reading. You have to sell your tour , in just a paragraph.

Answer the following: Why is my tour the best in the city? What am I going to show to travelers or what am I going to tell them, and in which way?

Here you have  to open the travelers’ curiosity .

Moreover,  think about what travelers want from a tour  and put it in your description.

Ex: we will go on a slow pace, without stress, we will have fun, with a small group, there will be time to take pictures, it will be a fun experience, this tour is designed for everyone (families and retired people included), they will have the best recommendations to know what do after the tour and where to go to eat …, etc.

Good introduction examples

Arthur  in Kampala, Uganda.

Tour description of the guru Arthur in Kampala, Uganda, on GuruWalk.

Christine  in Florence, Italy.

Tour description of the guru Christine in Florence, Italy,, on GuruWalk.

Donkey Tours  in Barcelona, Spain.

Tour description of Donkey Tours in Barcelona, Spain, on GuruWalk.

2. List of places

After a good introduction, you should put the  main stops of your guruwalk , so that travelers can get an idea of what they are going to see.

This list can indeed  convince travelers to book as they could have these sites on their list of things to see in your city .

It’s not necessary to put all the stops  (especially those that are less known). Otherwise, it can make the tour description very long.

To continue opening curiosity,  do not hesitate to end with words like ‘and many more things / curiosities / surprises / hidden gems / places that only locals know’.

However, if you think you need to put more details, put them. This way travelers will have better expectations.

You can write everything in a text, although it’s  easier to read with bullet points.

Karla  in Rome, Italy.

List of visited places in the tour description of Karla, guru of GuruWalk in Rome, Italy,.

3. Invite travelers to join

After the list, you should  continue selling your guruwalk . To close the tour description, we advise you to invite travelers to join the tour using one of the following formulas:

  • “See you soon in X!”
  • “Looking forward to meeting for you here in X”
  • “Can’t wait to show you…”
  • “Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to know… ”
  • “If you want to learn and have fun in X, this guruwalk is for you!”
  • “Join my tour and discover what…”

4. Additional details

In most cases, you don’t need to put anything after the third point. Don’t forget that the goal of the description is to sell! We recommend to put all additional details, that don’t help that goal (Recommended shoes / clothes,…) in the automatic welcome message that is sent once the booking is done. However sometimes, depending on your tour or your city, you have to specify some more details.

  • If you have to pay something extra:  a transport, a museum ticket, a meal, … You must mention it and put the price of everything.
  • Put YouTube videos.  People like it very much! It has a great impact on travelers to see images and videos of the tour. In addition, Google likes to provide value to the user, and it will help your tour to rank better.

Example of  Agora , in Palermo

Style and form

You already did the most important thing, but some details are missing in order to get the most convincing tour’s description.

  • The description  should be easy to read.  Forget large blocks of texts and think about  small paragraphs  of 4 lines maximum. It should be short, otherwise travelers are not going to read it. However, make sure to  add all relevant information .
  • Do not hesitate to  vary the words you use . Instead of always writing ‘tour’, use also ‘guided tour’, ‘walk’, ‘free tour’, ‘free walking tour’, …
  • The tour description must be  grammatically correct.  Your experience can lose all its credibility with just a little misspelling. We invite you to read it several times to make sure that everything is correct.
  • To give more life to your description, you can  use symbols . In  this web , you only have to copy and then paste the symbol in your text. However, be careful with the use of symbols! Your tour description should always look professional.
  • Verify the automatic  translation of your text into Spanish . It’s always better to check it as the translator is not always perfect. It will give you more visibility.

You already know it. The description should be  attractive , make travelers want to book your guruwalk. Travelers should  feel your enthusiasm  and  your passion  reading your tour description and be curious to know more.

Selfie of a group of travelers taken during a free walking tour in Tehran, Iran.

What you  can’t  write in the tour description

  • Do not explain what a free tour is,  we already explain it. If you look at the page of your guruwalk, you will see a grey box with the explanation ‘What’s the price?’.
  • Do not write that the tour is free.  Do not downgrade your work. The tours of GuruWalk are ‘free to give what travelers want’, but not ‘free of charge’. If you advertise that your guruwalk is free of charge, it goes against the grey box mentioned earlier. You will also attract the kind of people who will pay you the least.
  • Do not put a time in advance to book.  Example: “you can’t book 6h before the tour starts”  is not allowed. In the case that you can’t do the tour, you just have to block the date in the calendar.
  • Do not copy/paste.  Be original. If you copy and paste you are not adapting the content to the user of GuruWalk, and it will lower your conversion. In addition, your tour will not be positioned on Google because the duplicate content is ignored by the search engines.
  • Do not put links  (TripAdvisor, etc), although you can recommend another of your tours at the end of the description.

Example of a good tour description

A good example is the tour’s description of  Krakow Explorers , in Krakow, Poland. In this case, they didn’t write the list of monuments but they include what travelers are going to discover, which is good too. However, they could have write more names of famous places/monuments.

This description opens curiosity, and is very attractive. It could maybe be a bit longer and have a finish line to invite the traveler to join the guruwalk.

Tour description of the guruwalk of Krakow Explores, in Poland.

Another good example, shorter and more personal, is the description of Arturo ‘s tour in Stockholm, Sweden. It makes you want to book his tour directly, and discover this surprise that he prepared us!

Description of the tour of Arturo, guru in Stockholm, Sweden, on the platform GuruWalk.

What’s next?

So you now have the best description for your tour? Maybe it would be time to think about your profile description, right? If you improve it, travelers will know better who you are and that will increase your bookings 😉 Have a look at the detailed post we have !

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Tour Itinerary Essentials: Crafting Your Perfect Travel Plan

David Ciccarelli

David Ciccarelli

January 20, 2024

In this article

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Imagine the thrill of piecing together a puzzle; selecting each piece, testing its fit, and the eventual satisfaction of seeing the complete picture. It’s a process both challenging and gratifying. Now, think of planning a tour itinerary with the same analogy. Each destination , activity, and time slot fits together to create an engaging and memorable experience for travelers. Without a well-crafted tour itinerary, potential guests may feel adrift, unsure if the journey will fulfill their expectations.

Having a reliable itinerary is like having a roadmap for an adventure, detailing the what, when, and where of the trip. A comprehensive tour itinerary doesn’t just list destinations; it paints a picture of the experience, ensuring travelers they’re in for a journey packed with value. It’s about crafting a diverse array of paths that promise excitement and discovery at each turn. With an eye for detail, one can create an itinerary that’s both thorough and thrilling for tourists looking to explore with confidence.

Defining Your Travel Blueprint

A tour itinerary serves as a detailed guide for travelers, providing a glimpse into their scheduled adventures. It’s more than just a list; it functions as a complete agenda that displays not only what you will explore and experience but also when and for how long. Imagine it as your personal travel concierge, laying out the moments that will shape your journey from start to finish.

  • Arrival and Departure Times : Know exactly when your adventure begins and ends.
  • Tour Highlights : Get a preview of the signature experiences that await you.
  • Frequency : Understand how often the tours run, making it easier to fit into your schedule.
  • Duration : Allocate your vacation time efficiently by knowing the length of each tour upfront.

Creating a tour plan not only equips guests with vital information but also allows for a stress-free vacation. As tours are pre-arranged, travelers can focus solely on the joy of exploration. Creating a compelling itinerary is key , so consider expressing the details in a way that makes someone feel as if you’re sharing the excitement of the tour firsthand.

Remember, a well-crafted itinerary is not just a planning tool—it’s a promise of an enriching travel story waiting to unfold before you.

Elements of Itinerary Construction in Tourism

tour itinerary2

Researching Your Tour Ideas

Starting off, dive into what sparks curiosity in potential guests. It’s about balancing the schedule so your tour doesn’t feel rushed while ensuring your guests experience the heart of the locale. From local cuisine to hidden gems, think of fostering genuine connections with the environment. Here are a few things you might want to consider:

  • Types of experiences suitable for families
  • Expected weather conditions
  • Activity levels and accessibility
  • Opportunities for memorable photos
  • Frequency and timings of the tours

Scoping Out the Competition

Sift through what others offer to see where your plan stands. A sustainable tour business must resonate with travelers and stand out among other offerings. Understand your market and carve a niche that speaks to your strengths and your guests’ desires.

Forming Partnerships

Is working with others part of your strategy? Partnerships with local vendors or attractions can enrich the tour experience. This collaborative approach often leads to a more comprehensive package, providing guests with a fuller, richer experience. Ponder on alliances that complement your tour objectives.

Choosing Transportation

Select a mode of transportation that suits the tour and the terrains you’ll be exploring. If you’ve planned a hike through rugged landscapes, you’ll want something more robust than the standard tour bus. Tailor your transport to the number of people and the experiences on offer.

Simplifying Guest Accommodation

Wrangle the complexities of multi-day tour logistics. Consider group sizes when looking into accommodation and look for opportunities to book in bulk, which can unlock better rates. Matching the accommodation style with the tour package, whether premium or rustic, is crucial for managing expectations.

Mapping Out the Journey

Try out the planned tour route to ensure the real experience aligns with the itinerary. This trial will help you catch any hiccups before guests do. Plus, it’s a great way to iterate and enhance the journey.

Conducting a Dry Run

Invite friends for a practice tour and gather different perspectives to polish the details. Besides fine-tuning the pacing and order of attractions, this test run is valuable for uncovering new insights and improving the overall flow of the tour. Remember, some locations might require permits or reservations , so verify these details depending on your region.

By weaving these components into your itinerary, your offerings will not only meet but exceed the expectations of those embarking on the journey with you. And who knows, your tours might just turn casual travelers into lifelong fans of the destinations you cherish.

A Sample Description of Tour Itinerary

tour itinerary3

Questions to Consider for Your Travel Plans

  • Departure and Return: When are you setting off for your adventure and when will you be back?
  • Tour Schedule: How often can you participate in these experiences?
  • Meeting Point: Where is the gathering spot for the start of your journey?
  • Accommodation : Will you have a place to stay included in your package?
  • Transport: Is there transportation provided to get you to and from your excursions?
  • On-site Extras: Can you buy additional services or products during your trip?

For an ideal trip planning experience, it’s advisable to utilize a trip planner or itinerary planner. Many are available as PDF documents or via a travel app, which can serve as your digital vacation planner. Using Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet tools can be very helpful in trip planning—keeping your travel itineraries and to-do lists organized. Websites like TripIt are often recommended by travel experts for their ability to streamline travel planning.

Varied Timeframes for Tourist Excursions

Quick glimpses: tours by the hour.

When time is limited, consider a brief exploration that spans 1 to 4 hours. These compact tours are designed not to overwhelm, providing just enough time for:

  • A focused activity, signaling the start with essential gear fittings or safety instructions.
  • Crossing paths with notable landmarks, squeezing in a history tidbit here and there.
  • Gifting guests pockets of leisure to capture memories with their cameras or immerse briefly in the local ambiance.

A Day’s Journey: One-Day Tours

For those with a day to spare, a daylong journey might be the perfect middle-ground, ranging from 4 to 8 hours, giving a taste of the locale with:

  • A timeline with breathing room for unexpected delights or delays.
  • Opportunities for photo sessions set against scenic backdrops.
  • Details on included nourishment, if any, avoiding the guesswork.
  • An itinerary flowing against the tide of crowds for a serene experience.
  • Clearly marked rendezvous points and tour departure times.

Concluding Insights for Regular Updates

tour itinerary4

Keen on Regular Advice?

For a seamless tour experience that prompts rave reviews , consider these points:

  • Emergency Preparedness : Always have an emergency contact strategy in place. It’s key for dealing with unexpected hitches and ensuring guest safety .
  • Logistics Mastery : Keep your logistical game top-notch. Regular updates in itinerary planning methods can streamline the process.
  • Engagement : Get more insights directly to your inbox by subscribing to industry newsletters; stay updated with the latest tricks of the trade.

Remember, it’s about matching travelers’ expectations with memorable experiences. Keep honing your craft, and they’ll keep coming back for more!

Key Questions for Crafting Your Travel Itinerary

Crafting your own custom travel plan.

Wondering how to piece together a travel plan tailor made just for you? Start by pinpointing what you hope to see and do, then chalk out a feasible route and timeline. Scour blogs and travel sites for insights. Don’t overlook local festivals or events which can offer a unique splash of culture to your journey.

Must-Haves in a European Travel Plan

Whether you’re exploring the historic streets of Rome or the chic boulevards of Paris, a few things are non-negotiable in your European adventure checklist:

  • Accommodation details
  • Transport links between cities
  • Must-visit landmarks
  • Local emergency numbers
  • Currency exchange rates and spots

Tools for Seamless Travel Planning

The digital age comes to your rescue with apps and tools like TripAdvisor or Roadtrippers, perfect for informed itinerary planning. Google Trips app is also a hit for organizing your travel agenda effortlessly.

Package Tours vs. Independent Itineraries

The difference is in the detail. A travel package is a pre-designed deal, often with a guide and a set plan—a no-hassle ticket to discovery. Planning on your own, however? That’s a blank canvas—your interests, pace, and adventure.

Planning Templates for Your Tour Details

Absolutely! Platforms like TripIt offer itinerary templates, or channels like Pinterest for visually-driven planners. A quick online search will lead to a plethora of options.

Efficient Itinerary Strategies for Savvy Travelers

Here’s a quickfire list to optimize your travel time:

  • Prioritize attractions by proximity
  • Factor in some downtime
  • Keep weather and travel advisories in check
  • Book tickets to popular spots in advance to skip lines

Remember, detailed planning now means smoother sailing later!

David Ciccarelli


David Ciccarelli, is the Founder and CEO of Lake. He is based in Toronto, Canada, and is an expert in management, business administration, strategy, product development, and customer experience. His educational achievements include the Owner President Management Program at Harvard Business School (2019-2022) and the QuantumShift Program at Ivey Business School in 2017, aimed at CEOs of growing businesses.

  • Tour Itinerary

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Viva Tours

What Does a Tour Package Include? Essential Components Explained

When planning a trip, it can be challenging to organize all the necessary details, including accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities. This is where a tour package comes in handy, as it includes all these elements in one convenient package. This blog post will explain what a tour package entails, the available types, and how to choose the right one.

Table of Contents

What does a tour package include?

  • Accommodation: A tour package typically includes accommodation in a hotel, resort, or other lodging facilities. The type of accommodation provided will depend on the tour package you select.
  • Transportation: Transportation is another essential component of a tour package. It can include flights, trains, buses, and even private cars or vans. The mode of transportation provided will depend on the tour package you select.
  • Meals: Most tour packages include breakfast only to all-inclusive dining. The number and type of meals provided will depend on the tour package you select.
  • Activities: A tour package may include various activities such as sightseeing, cultural experiences, adventure sports, or shopping. The type and number of activities included will depend on your selected tour package.
  • Itinerary: A tour package will provide you with a detailed itinerary of your trip, including the date, time, and location of each activity, as well as any free time you may have.

Types of tour packages

  • Inclusive tour package: This type of tour package includes accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities, all for a fixed price.
  • All-inclusive travel package: This tour package is similar to the inclusive package, but it also includes drinks, tips, and other extras.
  • Budget tour package: This package is designed for those who want to travel on a tight budget. It usually includes basic accommodation and transportation but limited activities and meals.
  • Customized tour package: This package allows you to choose the specific activities and accommodations you want, giving you more control over your travel experience.
  • Luxury tour package: This tour package provides premium accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities for a higher price.

How to choose the right tour package?

Choosing the right tour package can be a daunting task, but here are some tips to help you make the best decision:

  • Budget: Determine your budget and look for tour packages that fit within it. Remember that a higher price may mean better quality, but finding a balance between affordability and quality is essential.
  • Destination: Consider the destination you want to visit and choose a tour package that offers the best experience in that location. Look for packages that include the attractions you want to see and the activities you want to do.
  • Travel Style: Think about your travel style and the type of experience you want. Do you prefer a leisurely vacation or an adventure-packed trip? Make sure to choose a tour package that aligns with your travel style.
  • Reviews and recommendations: Read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family who have traveled with a tour package before. This can give you insight into the tour package’s quality and other travelers’ experiences.

In conclusion, choosing a tour package can make travel planning more manageable and less stressful. With various tour packages available, selecting the one that aligns with your budget, destination, travel style, and preferences is crucial. When selecting a tour package, read reviews and consider recommendations from other travelers. By following these tips, you can have a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.

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tour package description example

How to Make Tour Packages That Sell Themselves

By Erick Tomaliwan

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tour package description example

As experience providers, learning how to make tour packages is key for running a thriving tour business. 

As more customers move towards online bookings, creating a variety of desirable tour packages gives future guests a way to compare a variety of options with ease.

For many travelers, being able to save time and money with different tour packages is high on their list of priorities. With an emphasis on adding value, tour packages can lead to increased revenue and a remarkable experience for guests. 

By packaging tours and doing the bulk of the work for your guests, you can provide a high-value experience. As a tour operator, it can be tough to figure out what to include in your different tour offerings, so we’ve created a step-by-step process to building and creating irresistible tour packages.

tour package description example

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Online bookings. Flexible pricing. Outstanding support.

Determine who you’re creating a tour package for 

As travelers explore options online, they’ll find themselves drawn to certain experiences based on details, images and previous guest reviews of each tour. 

In looking at travel trends, this tourism article mentions how some guests might be seeking quality time with friends and family, while others might be highly motivated for adventure travel or the serenity of a solo escape. 

When brainstorming options for a tour package, ask yourself who you’re looking to connect with. Is your tour package geared towards:

  • Adventure-seekers?
  • Culturally-motivated travelers?
  • Honeymooning couples
  • Luxurious travelers? 
  • Mature travelers? 
  • Solo travelers
  • Young families 

What guests expect to see in a tour package 

Your tour package pitch should speak to the customers’ travel desires. If you can create an emotional connection to your offer, you’re off to the races. 

Make it easy for a website visitor to identify if an experience is for them based on your tour description. To further outline your tour package offer, consider these points: 

  • Cost / Budget Estimate per guest/booking 
  • Is accommodation covered? If so, what type?
  • How long will an experience last? 
  • Are there multiple activities in this package or multiple companies? 
  • Tour type (kid-friendly, adventurous, overnight, multi-day)?

The importance of a package tour

The importance of a package tour is how it gives guests peace of mind knowing that the majority, if not all — of their trip is being looked after by a professional. This is why guests will pay more for a tour package because the added benefit of booking a tour package is how much time a guest can save.

Take multi-day tours for example — where transportation, lodging and meals are provided, meaning all the guest has to do is show up! Most travelers appreciate having all of the information and activities laid out for them because it means they can shift into vacation mode that much faster. 

Packages extending over multiple days offer more value when guests start to consider the logistics of transportation, food and value-added activities. Most travelers will pay extra for the convenience of someone else looking after the less glamorous and logistical parts of travel. 

Another perk is that when guests secure a tour package, there is a sense of commitment and therefore, they may be less likely to cancel their plans. Packaging your tours with fellow activity and tour providers creates a greater sense of community while making it easier for you to increase revenue and profits.

Couple looking at maps to plan a trip

Components of a standard packaged tour

Define what it is you’re going to provide for guests, including: 

  • Activities offered
  • A base number of guests for the tour to go ahead
  • Whether additional equipment or rentals are included  
  • Whether transportation is included 
  • Duration of the booking 
  • Whether it’s self-guided or lead by a tour guide

Here’s a step-by-step process for building a tour package

What are guests going to be looking for? A tour package that provides them with the most value and minimizes how much work they have to do. Be the solution for their travel desires with a thoughtfully curated tour package offer. Here are 5 steps to creating a desirable tour package: 

1. Research similar tours

When it comes to starting a tour business from scratch, you’ll want to see what else is in your industry and geographic area. Base your tour package ideas on the interests of your target market and what you think will sell well given your area of expertise, competition and location.

Most tour operators will do some preliminary research and have an understanding of competitors in their immediate market. So as guests evaluate their options, assume they will also be considering fellow tour operators in your area. Consider what you can offer that will allow you to stand out from the competition, including different timing, customizable value-adds and even an option to include a meal as part of the tour. 

2. Figure out timing 

When creating your tours, you’ll want to take duration, departure times and tour frequency into account to make sure it’s going to be sustainable and profitable for your tour business. 

Will your tour business operate from one location or can guests receive a delivery as part of their tour package for the activity they choose? 

3. Customize the tour 

List activities or attractions you’d like to include in the tour package. Give guests a map to go along with their tour so they can feel independent. 

Offering add-ons gives guests the option to customize tour packages. You might include way-finding, routes or rental equipment or source from another local activity provider. 

4. Decide on pricing 

To incentivize people to book in groups, you can try offering group discounts based on a certain number of guests. This works especially well for guests to book with people they know and lets customers take advantage of group pricing. 

You can land on pricing per guest or per booking, depending on what works best for your tour business. Some companies operate with a minimum guest amount to cover their bottom line, with every additional guest leading to more profits.  

Woman basking in the sun in a hammock at the beach

5. Use images 

Be sure to include photos and videos to help sell your tour packages. If you can structure your package details to include all of the relevant information a potential guest would need to know about prior to booking, you make it easy for them to book.

Publish your tours with exciting photos of guests enjoying the experience and the scenery a future visitor might expect to experience. Photos allow guests to visualize themselves doing the activity, making photos essential in your travel marketing efforts. 

In addition, encourage website visitors to read reviews and explore user-generated content so future guests can see how other travelers’ experiences might reflect their own. 

6. Explore local partnership opportunities

You may find yourself evaluating whether to partner with fellow tour operators offering a complimentary activity. 

Book their tour to see if it’s in line with what you think your guests would enjoy. For example, if you operate a bicycle rental, perhaps you can connect with a local vineyard to see if you can offer guided tours and joint tastings. 

For guests, having multiple activities and tours available at their fingertips is worth paying more for since they won’t have to spend hours putting it all together themselves. 

Local tour operators can offer so much more than online travel agents (OTA’s) as far as insight and in delivering a personalized experience. An added benefit of building tour packages with partners is how these relationships can drive more repeat bookings . 

7. Promote your tours 

When creating tour packages, lead with your unique selling point(s). Remember researching how to make your tour package different? Place this front and center in your marketing to set yourself apart from the competition. 

You’ll want to build out packages and partnerships that clearly display the higher value experience you offer. The distinct advantage of having a tour package is the time-saving benefit for travelers. Use language that reflects the perks a guest can expect when they choose to book packages over individual activities.

For guests, having a vacation package designed for them is worth paying more for, so speak to the convenience and ease of booking a tour in your promotional efforts. 

As a tour operator, you can improve a guest’s experience by implementing multiple touchpoints throughout the booking journey and encourage feedback to continually make your package offers better. 

Here are a few examples of how to pique travelers’ interest: 

  • Providing the best viewpoint from [location]
  • Looking for a perfect sunset paddle? 
  • Seeking a spectacular trail ride?
  • We offer the most breathtaking helicopter tour in the [geographic location] 
  • Spot Black bears and bald eagles on this Wildlife viewing tour 
  • Explore the magic of scuba diving in the [region] 

Where to find partners to sell more tour packages 

If you’re looking to partner with fellow experience providers, the best approach is to explore accommodation, experience providers and restaurant establishments in your area. 

Explore whether they share a similar philosophy when it comes to running their business and connect with them in person, if possible.  

Take Adventure Hub , for example, they have a few different tour operators in the Kananaskis Valley offering paddles, hiking, trail rides and distillery tastings. For a guest visiting the area, this gives them access to a variety of activities all in one place, heightening the chance they’ll book more.  

Couple in a car laughing while navigating their trip

How to create a tour package using Checkfront

As a tour operator, your job is to paint a picture of possibility for your guests. Travelers will look to you for suggestions and ideas of how to maximize their experience, and this is where creating tour packages make it easy for guests to want to book. 

If you’re looking for more insight on creating tour packages in Checkfront, follow these steps outlined in our Knowledge Base. The Package feature encourages guests to create a bespoke tour package. In doing so, it further incentivizes them to book more and save with attractive price points.

Invoice example of trip package add-ons

Final thoughts 

Inspire travel dreams and appeal to your target audience in a way with the types of tour packages they might be looking for. Thoughtfully curated tour packages can help you to stand out from your competitors and can lead a successful tour business. 

Be a resource for your tour guests. Offer a few different tour packages and reflect back after a season to see which ones were booked most often.  

Highlight your values and what guests can expect if they choose to book with you — and be sure to fulfill that promise. 

Looking to create desirable tour packages with a versatile booking system?

tour package description example

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How to Create a Tour Package in 6 Simple Steps

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By Rezdy — 26 Nov 2018

distribution   marketing   operations   tour operator

Updated April 2022 – As a tour company, you may be seeking effective ways on how to create a tour package that’s enticing for your customers. A packaged tour combines elements that would be a hassle to coordinate separately, such as transport, attractions, meals, and entertainment. With the ease of a tour package, these elements can be easily bought as one and provides convenience for your customers.

Travelers looking for a hassle-free trip usually seek an all-inclusive tour package. It’s an enticing product to promote and include within your marketing strategy and can help you boost your bookings. Most travelers would usually seek a travel agency to provide them with the best packages. However, if you could set up tour packages yourself, you may be able to attract customers to book packages through you directly.

What do customers look for in a tour package?

When understanding the first steps on how to create a tour package, you need to understand your target audience. What is it that they prioritize? Is it affordable airfare? Easy car rental? Flexible cancellation policies? or a particular destination that can cater for their entire trip? Understanding your target audience is key to building enticing tour packages.

Once you’ve nailed your tourism market research, make it easy for your website visitor to identify the different types of tours you offer.

Points to outline in your descriptions should include:

  • Types of tours (day tours, adventure tours, family-friendly getaways, group tours, sightseeing, etc.)
  • The estimated total cost and budget per guest or booking
  • The total duration of the vacation package
  • The different travel products included (transportation, tours, activities, etc)
  • Age range. Are there any age limitations?

The price of your products should be set 12 months in advance, and it should include all your costs – product development, entry and guide fees, meals, maintenance, and marketing.

If you want to partner with other travel companies (which you totally should), make sure that

  • Everyone has a good profit margin but is still able to provide competitive prices
  • You have allowed for unexpected costs
  • You have determined product break-even points

It would also be smart to ask everyone involved to promote and sell the package.

If you want to reduce your package price, remember not to compromise quality. It should be your last option. Consider other strategies that will make your tours more competitive.

2. Commission

how to create a tour package and handle commissions

Depending on the market you’re targeting, you will need to consider the commission you pay your agents. It differs from 10-30% depending on the type of agent involved.

If your market is overseas, you’ll likely be dealing with inbound tour providers, and they will expect a commission of 25-30%.

Want to learn more about agent commission rates and how to calculate commission breakdowns? Click here .

3. Legal Implications

When creating a tour package, you need to provide explicit conditions of the sale of the tour package in order to avoid any confusion. Tour wholesalers and retail travel agents must:

  • Provide explicit conditions of sale
  • Be selective with product endorsements

You don’t want to be involved in a customer complaint about your failure to deliver or misleading advertising.

It’s recommended that you work closely with a lawyer in order to develop the right language for your tour package. Since travel agents will need these legal conditions in place before they can resell your product, it’s best you have your terms and conditions prepared before promoting your tour packages.

4. Travel packages & promotion

How you distribute your package will determine your success. You should conduct product and package familiarisations for retail agents, wholesalers, and sample target markets.

Packaging for overseas:

Contact distributors who understand international packages and markets. You may not even need to create a package, because the international tour operator may bundle a range of products, including yours, for a wholesaler. Remember to screen your overseas resellers, too.

Packaging for domestic markets:

Trialing domestic markets before going international is probably the safer option when first starting out. It’s a more cost-effective and less complicated option.

You can start by targeting the following groups:

  • Clubs and associations members (particularly those that cater to retirees)
  • Schools and educational institutions (if your product has educational content, create an excursion package)
  • Families (they will want the value for money)

Testing the waters within your local travel industry will also generally produce faster results.

Remember to include special interest groups and individuals in your marketing – for example, sports, festivals, and arts.

5. Complementary Product Packaging

Partnering with other tour operators who offer complementary products is a smart way to reduce your promotion costs while making your package more appealing.

For example, you can offer:

  • A range of products from an area to specific niches with related interests
  • A selection of products in a destination where a customer can create personalized experiences

timing when it comes to tour packages

Last, but certainly not least, is timing. When you set your availability, remember to consider your high season and the popular time of year that your target markets come by. Sometimes, however, tour packages can be the perfect answer to your off-peak season too.

The return on your investment will be gradual, so don’t expect an immediate return. Profits can take up to 2-3 years but can be achieved earlier if you get your distribution strategy right.

You can do things to speed up the process, like choose online booking software that allows agents to check your availability and book immediately. Make sure it isn’t commission-based so it doesn’t eat into your profits.

Curious to see how you can organize your tour packages with Rezdy? Start your FREE 21-day trial or request a demo today.

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  • Cruise leisurely along the Nile from Aswan to Luxor
  • View the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo and the Mosaic Map of the Holy Land
  • Trace the footsteps of Jesus and explore the old and new cities of Jerusalem

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  • Discover contrasting landscapes and cities in this lesser visited region

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  • Visit Cape Town, the most exciting city in Africa
  • Discover the mountainous dunes of Sossusvlei
  • See the fantastic wildlife of Etosha National Park
  • Visit the Okavango Panhandle and Chobe National Park
  • Marvel at the mighty Victoria Falls

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  • Discover rural Serbia, from local wine producers to narrow gauge railway routes
  • Take a boat trip on Europe's largest wetlands in Croatia and explore the waterways of Venice

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Imperial Escape

  • Budapest: Welcome dinner; guided sightseeing, panoramic view from Fishermen’s Bastion, visit Heroe’s Square
  • Vienna: Guided sightseeing, visit Heldenplatz and St. Stephen’s Cathedral
  • Prague: Guided sightseeing, Astronomical Clock, visit the Hradčany Castle grounds; farewell dinner at a local restaurant
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  • Barrio La Boca
  • Buenos Aires
  • Iguazu Falls, Argentinian side

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  • Rio de janeiro : Cable-car ride up Sugar Loaf Mountain and Sugar Loaf cocktail party; sightseeing with a Local Guide; visit Corcovado Mountain and the cathedral; Churrascaria dinner
  • Iguassu falls : Sightseeing with a Local Guide on both the Brazilian and Argentinean sides of Iguassu National Park; Ecological Jungle Train
  • Buenos aires : Walking tour; visit the Metropolitan Cathedral and Recoleta Cemetery; empanada cooking class; Tango lesson & show; visit a local estancia
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World tours usually span from shorter escapes to extended journeys lasting a few months. Explore our tailored selection of around the world tours by duration, ensuring an efficient and fulfilling use of your precious time away.

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  • Meeting locals from several different countries and discovering wonderful similarities and differences
  • Seeing whales breach from the balcony of your cruise stateroom and diving and snorkeling in vibrant coral reefs like the Great Barrier reef
  • Enjoying local cuisines, exploring street food markets, and taking cooking classes to learn how to make traditional national dishes
  • Wandering around many archaeological ruins and historical sites like Machu Picchu , pyramids of Giza , and the historical city of Petra
  • Discovering unique cultures and taking part in traditional festivals or ceremonies like Holi or Día de Muertos 
  • Hiking among different landscapes, encountering majestic wildlife on African Safaris , and taking memorable pictures
  • Making lifelong friends from around the world
  • Indulging in luxury around the world trips featuring traditional Japanese ryokan, floating hotels in the Maldives, or ice hotels in Sweden for a unique experience.
  • Visiting all the most famous locations during a single trip with custom-planned tours around the world — No need to pick and choose!

Around the World Tours & Travel

Around the World Attractions & Landmarks Guide

  • Winter vs Summer Weather:   Since your tour around the world is likely to cross hemisphere lines more than once, you may experience warm highs and icy lows during your trip — bring clothing that can layer easily. 
  • Shoes:   Footwear can easily become a packing challenge since it can take up a lot of space in suitcases. Choose shoes according to the planned activities and terrains. Pack a versatile selection: a pair for relaxation, one for hiking, another for city strolls, and one for a more refined option. 
  • Dress Like a Local:   The beauty of a trip around the world is the opportunity to visit many far-flung places with diverse cultures and ways of life. You may encounter many different cultures, some with specific dress expectations. For example, in most Middle Eastern countries, expect to dress modestly—cover shoulders and legs and keep a scarf handy for covering your head. A similar dressing is also a good rule for touring many religious establishments.

Trip Reviews

Travels in the baltics.

A bit of a whirlwind tour although the three Baltic States relatively small, green and flat. I knew virtually nothing about them before I went but learned a lot ...

Great holiday

Really interesting trip made extra special by our guide Melia, whose knowledge was incredible. We were really lucky with the weather and had a really good group o...

Brilliant Trip

This is a well designed trip giving an excellent overview of all three Baltic states. This not only included the capital cities but other towns and much countrysid...

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I enjoyed discovering an area of Europe I knew little about. Visiting many areas of all 3 countries. Guide well organized and itinerary good. Only problems were T...

Three small countries with a lot of character

The Baltic countries are interesting and the old towns are charming. They have suffered a lot under various foreign rulers and are proud of their independence. The...

See all Around the World reviews

Around the World Tours FAQ

1. How much does it cost to tour the world?

2. What is the best world tour?

3. What is the best way to travel around the world?

4. How do I plan a world tour?

5. What are the pros and cons of taking a tour around the world?

Understanding Package Tours in the Travel Industry

In the vibrant world of travel and tourism, a package tour is a pre-arranged holiday that combines a variety of travel services into one comprehensive package. These services typically include transportation, accommodation, meals, guided tours, and other amenities. Package tours are popular among travelers seeking convenience, affordability, and a stress-free vacation experience. Let's delve deeper into the concept of package tours and explore the key components that make them a preferred choice for many globetrotters.

Components of a Package Tour

A typical package tour includes several key components that are carefully curated to provide travelers with a seamless and enjoyable vacation experience. These components may vary depending on the destination, duration, and theme of the tour, but the following are some common elements found in most package tours:

  • Transportation: Package tours often include round-trip transportation from the traveler's home to the destination. This may involve flights, train tickets, bus transfers, or other modes of transportation.
  • Accommodation: Accommodation is a crucial part of any package tour. Travelers are typically provided with pre-booked hotel rooms, resorts, or other types of lodging that meet the tour's standards and budget.
  • Meals: Many package tours include meal plans that cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These meals may be served at the hotel, local restaurants, or as part of guided tours.
  • Guided Tours: To enhance the travel experience, package tours often include guided tours of popular attractions, historical sites, cultural landmarks, and other points of interest. Knowledgeable guides provide valuable insights and ensure that travelers make the most of their visit.
  • Activities and Excursions: Depending on the tour package, travelers may have the opportunity to participate in various activities and excursions such as adventure sports, sightseeing tours, shopping trips, and cultural experiences.
  • Transportation Within Destination: Package tours may also include transportation within the destination, such as airport transfers, shuttle services, or private vehicles for sightseeing.
  • Travel Insurance: Some package tours offer optional or mandatory travel insurance to protect travelers against unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.

Types of Package Tours

Package tours come in a variety of forms to cater to different preferences, budgets, and travel styles. Here are some common types of package tours that travelers can choose from:

  • All-Inclusive Tours: These tours cover all major expenses, including transportation, accommodation, meals, activities, and sometimes even gratuities. Travelers can enjoy a hassle-free vacation without worrying about additional costs.
  • Adventure Tours: Adventure tours are designed for thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy activities such as hiking, trekking, rafting, and wildlife safaris. These tours often include adrenaline-pumping experiences in exotic locations.
  • Cultural Tours: Cultural tours focus on exploring the history, art, cuisine, and traditions of a destination. Travelers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture through visits to museums, historical sites, festivals, and interactions with residents.
  • Luxury Tours: Luxury tours offer a premium travel experience with upscale accommodation, fine dining, exclusive amenities, and personalized services. These tours cater to travelers seeking a high level of comfort and sophistication.
  • Group Tours: Group tours bring together a group of like-minded travelers who share a common interest in exploring a particular destination. These tours offer camaraderie, shared experiences, and the opportunity to make new friends along the way.
  • Customized Tours: Some travel companies offer customized package tours that allow travelers to tailor the itinerary, activities, and accommodations to suit their preferences. This option is ideal for travelers looking for a personalized and flexible travel experience.

Benefits of Package Tours

Package tours offer several benefits that make them an attractive choice for travelers looking for a hassle-free and enjoyable vacation experience. Some of the key benefits of opting for a package tour include:

  • Convenience: Package tours take the stress out of travel planning by bundling all essential services into one comprehensive package. Travelers can relax and enjoy their vacation without worrying about making individual arrangements for transportation, accommodation, and activities.
  • Affordability: Package tours often provide cost savings compared to booking each component separately. Travel companies can negotiate discounted rates with airlines, hotels, and attractions, enabling travelers to enjoy a budget-friendly vacation without compromising on quality.
  • Expertise: Package tours are curated by travel experts who have in-depth knowledge of the destination, local attractions, and cultural nuances. Travelers benefit from the expertise of guides and tour operators who ensure a well-rounded and enriching travel experience.
  • Safety and Security: Traveling with a reputable tour company offers an added layer of safety and security. Tour operators have emergency protocols in place, experienced guides to assist travelers, and 24/7 support to address any unforeseen issues that may arise during the trip.
  • Time-Saving: Package tours are designed to maximize the traveler's time by providing a well-structured itinerary with carefully planned activities and sightseeing opportunities. Travelers can make the most of their vacation without wasting time on logistics or decision-making.
  • Local Insights: Guided tours included in package tours offer valuable insights into the destination's history, culture, and traditions. Travelers have the opportunity to learn from local experts and gain a deeper understanding of the places they visit.

Package tours are a popular choice for travelers seeking a convenient, affordable, and enriching vacation experience. By bundling transportation, accommodation, meals, guided tours, and other services into one comprehensive package, travelers can enjoy a stress-free journey with expert guidance and local insights. Whether you prefer adventure tours, cultural experiences, luxury getaways, or customized itineraries, there is a package tour to suit every taste and budget. So, the next time you plan your dream vacation, consider the benefits of a package tour and embark on a memorable journey filled with unforgettable experiences.

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What Does A Package Holiday Include? 2 Examples Included

  • Here’s what a package holiday includes

A package holiday, in its most basic form, contains both transportation and lodging. Car rental, board (e.g., breakfast only, half-board, or all-inclusive), transfers, checked luggage, and tourist activities are all possible inclusions.

Many people utilize travel agencies, while others prefer to plan their vacations themselves. When it comes to vacation planning, you might want to choose what fits your shoe between traveling agencies and planning the holiday yourself.

Buying a package holiday is one of the most convenient and interesting vacations available. To begin with, purchasing a ready vacation is a straightforward and quick process that eliminates the need to plan flights or a hotel room.

In this article, we’ll break down all about package holidays and what’s included.

What Counts as a Package Holiday?

What’s in, what’s not, package travel – your right to clear and accurate information, what to look for in your package holiday, final thought.


What is a Package Holiday?

A package holiday can come in many different forms and be sold in a variety of ways.

Ranging from a “ready-made” package (where the travel firm puts together the various travel services for you and charges a single price) to numerous tailor-made trips (for example where you select different services from a variety offered before paying for them together).

A package holiday must be at least 24 hours long or contain overnight accommodations, and it must include at least two types of travel services, such as:

  • Coaches, trains, and planes are examples of modes of transportation.
  • A hotel or an apartment to stay.
  • Car rental.
  • A tourist service (such as a tour guide or a visit to a historical place)  is a key aspect of the vacation, either because of its worth or a required part of the trip.

It’s a package vacation if your travel company:

  • Is requesting that you pay a single price in a single payment.
  • Is allowing you to choose a package of services – such as a flight and lodging – before agreeing to pay for them.
  • You are being charged an all-inclusive or total price for all of the services you are purchasing.
  • The travel services are advertising or selling to you as a package or under a similar name.
  • You were sold one trip service, and then your information, including your payment information, was transferred to another firm, through which you bought another travel service within 24 hours.

The details of a package holiday can mean the difference between a superb holiday and a flop one. Vacationing is one way of improving our mental health. It does so by reducing anxiety and depression.

A good holiday will boost your moods while reducing stress. A holiday will remove you away from the environment you associate with stress. For example, the pressures of a daily job can accumulate stress over time. However, a short holiday can be magical and turn things around for the better.

Even though many people fancy holidays, planning one is not easy, especially if it’s an international vacation. As such, many people opt for buying holiday packages since it offers convenience.

See related: Why Does Vacation Go By So Fast

Let’s take an example of a holiday package by Kuoni Travel in the UK, a tourism company that operates various services, including charter and scheduled passenger airlines, package holidays, and so on.

A 7-night holiday package to Kandolhu Maldives will cost you from £3599 per person. Some of the activities include;

  • Charter a boat, Indulge at the spa with treatments from Voya, made from hand-harvested organic seaweed.

Approx. Twenty minutes by seaplane from Malé airport plus a 10-minute speedboat ride.

I recommend opting for the Ultimate All-Inclusive package – you’ll be spoilt for choice with all à la carte dining and Five Star service.

Lunchtime is flexible between breakfast and dinner; the latter is served until 11 pm, so there’s no rush to do anything here. You’ll need to make the only reservation at Banzai, the Japanese restaurant, which seats just six guests.

For wine lovers, you can’t beat the in-villa wine chiller stocked with an impressive range of quality international wines – all included and refilled as often as you like!

There’s one notable feature of this trip; you’ll have use of a GoPro camera throughout your stay. Make the most of it – at the end of your time on the island, staff will even transfer all your footage onto a USB for you to take home.

Another example is Thomas Cook’s “European Rendezvous Fusion,” a ten-night and 11 days trip.

For Thomas Cook’s Europe tour package, the itinerary includes guided tours in Paris and Rome and orientation tours in Lucerne, Switzerland. You will be taken on a short tour, and you can explore on your own the rest of the day.

The Thomas Cook package excludes lunches and dinners, drinks, or the city tax in Rome and Venice.

On the other hand, Kuoni’s package includes an impressive range of quality international wines; all refilled as often as you’d want.

Before booking your package holiday, (whether on a booking website or an app, for example), your travel agent must provide you with complete information about the package, such as:

  • The travel destination with a list of services included, for example, itinerary, dates, and duration of the stay, details of any transfers, visits, or excursions. the total cost of the package, inclusive of the taxes where applicable.
  • All information regarding passports and visa requirements.
  • information on complaint-handling procedures, alternative dispute resolution
  • Information on how to terminate the package. For example, what will be the cost of terminating the package before the start of the package?

Being aware of such information on your rights is important. Always all necessary information regarding the package is provided.

Also read: Can Travel agents book Airbnb?

Package holidays are widespread in Europe. These holidays can include flights, hotels, transfers, baggage fees, meals, and drinks.

A package holiday typically includes all the main elements of a holiday.

For example, it may consist of flights, hotel or resort accommodation, transportation to and from the airport, and meals and drinks, usually included in the price. Sometimes this is an all-inclusive price which means that all meals, drinks, etc., are included.

Typically the package holidays will include breakfast, lunch, and dinner or just breakfast and dinner. The package is set out in the itinerary, which should be provided to you by the travel agent. The package also often includes snacks during the day.

The prices can vary depending on what is offered, but all-inclusive deals are prevalent with package holidays.

It means that anything included on top of the base price will be covered by this, so for example, if it appears that drinks are not all-inclusive, you should check that this is the case before deciding whether to take a package holiday or not.

If you are going in low season, it may be worth your while checking if drinks would cost extra during this time to make sure you won’t end up paying more in total for your holiday even though it will be cheaper when paying by itself.

If you’re staying in a resort, make sure it’s close to the major tourist sites. Check to see what snacks and drinks are included in the package.

Several resorts provide specialty multi-cuisine restaurants in addition to the buffet. This will prevent you from being bored with the same menu for the next week or two.

Most of the time, international packages come at a premium price. Learn about the activities that are offered. If you want to see historic sites and tourist attractions, go for a package that includes group activities, because this will save you money.

When it comes to planning trips, holiday packages are inflexible. It’s difficult to break from the routine or squeeze in a fun activity.

Customers who purchase customized packages, on the other hand, have the option of personalizing their bundle. Travellers look for flights depending on their desired destination, departure time, and budget.

You can only include the activities that interest you and leave the others out. Decide where you want to go and what activities you want to perform on your bucket list.

Pros and cons buying package holidays

Planning a package holiday can be challenging. It might also be a chance to do and see exactly what you want when you want.

The vacation alternatives and variety available are as diverse as the people who choose to take them. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your vacation, check out our list of perks and drawbacks of buying a package holiday.

  • Professionals will schedule and organize your vacation for you. Professionals in the travel industry can handle everything for you, saving you time and stress before your big trip You’ll also get access to experts who can answer any questions you have before, during, and after your holiday.
  • A major benefit of package vacations is that the transfer is frequently included. This is for transportation from the airport to the hotel. It’s quite convenient to have this planned because you’ll simply exit the plane at your location, look for a sign for your hotel or tour operator, and then board the transfer.
  • A package vacation is ideal for families since it relieves the stress of planning everything. There are frequently many kid-friendly hotels accessible, with dedicated programs or even play spaces for children.
  • There are options for family-friendly, themed, or luxurious excursions. Group vacations are usually organized around specific interests, activities, or types of travellers. So, if you satisfy the requirements, it may be a fantastic vacation!
  • Tour guides who are enthusiastic and well-informed. A knowledgeable and entertaining tour guide can make the difference between a good vacation and a wonderful one.

Because travel brokers aren’t affiliated with anyone’s activity or location, they can add value and insight to roaming the streets of new cities.

  • Accommodations and food options are set in stone. Depending on the size of your tour group, the number of eateries you can visit (and their authenticity) may be limited. Many tourists are using home-sharing services to improve their vacation experience by living with locals. You’ll almost probably be staying in a chain hotel if you’re on a package holiday.
  • There isn’t much room for flexibility or spontaneity. Even if you’re looking forward to the entire itinerary, you may not have enough or any spare time once you’re on vacation to participate in activities that pique your interest.
  • The travelling agent will have complete control over when, where, and what you do on your trip, which in some instances could cause problems that may not happen if you book everything yourself.
  • It is sometimes not possible to get a refund if you change your mind about going on holiday and this can cause problems for people who need to cancel their trip. It is important to check this information before booking with a traveling agent.
  • You will not choose your flight times or hotel locations because the travel agent will decide these things for you.

It can sometimes be a good thing as you might not have to worry about it, but on the other hand, there may be reasons why you do not want to know this yet, which means that if these things are set, they will be more likely to cause some problems.

Read more: Do travel agents get discounts on flights?

Finally, I would strongly advise using a professional service because it is more secure. A package vacation is one of the most convenient and enjoyable vacations available. Making a package vacation plan can be a lot of fun, and you should all give it a shot.




tour package description example

Concept Tours

  • Mission Statement
  • Our Services
  • Our Affiliations
  • Group Performance Tours
  • Group Cultural Tours & Group Tours for Individuals
  • Trips for Group Leaders
  • Heritage Tours for Groups
  • Sample Tour Inclusions
  • South Africa
  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
  • Terms & Booking Conditions
  • Travel Tips: Europe & UK
  • Travel Tips: China
  • Travel Tips: Costa Rica
  • All arrangements and publicity for concerts and performances, including exchanges with local groups; singing during services/mass; informal/impromptu performances; participation in Festivals
  • Group airfares to and from destination; deviation arrangements pending airline policy
  • Group accommodations in any hotels categories decided in consultation with the group leader. Limited number of single rooms available for a surcharge. If requested possible accommodation in youth hostel or students housing. All rooms with private facility.
  • Standard contract include breakfasts plus one other meal including a welcome and Farewell Dinner. Any adjustments can be made in consultation with the group leader
  • Private, deluxe air-conditioned coach transportation for all scheduled group activities and transfers.
  • A local English-speaking tour escort throughout the tour
  • Concept Tours representative, if requested
  • Guided city tours and selected sightseeing
  • Group entrances per itinerary
  • All hotel, coach, and group meal taxes. Airline taxes, fuel surcharges and fees are included and per airline industry practices are subject to change by the airlines until ticketing. Any increases will be passed on to the group.


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    An example of a tour description of the African Wildlife Safari . African Adventure Safari: Explore the Untamed Wilderness ... The voice tone may change depending on the brand personality and the kind of tour package you are promoting. For instance, comparatively larger tour operators frequently adopt a formal tone. While a smaller, locally ...

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  5. How to Write a Tour Description For Your Website (With Examples)

    2. Set a Tone and Stick to it. Choose a particular tone of voice and maintain it throughout your tour description. The voice tone may vary according to your brand personality and the kind of tour package you're trying to sell. For example, relatively larger tour companies tend to adopt a professional tone.

  6. Tour Package

    Wide-variety of the tour package. Provide bulk business to organizers. Tourism. Tour Package is a pre-arrangement, prepaid trip that combines two or more travel components like airfare, airport transfer, accommodation, and other services. Practically, to define the tour package concept is complex one rather understand.

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    Identifying the ideal persona can greatly enhance your ability to craft compelling tour descriptions and effectively showcase your business. 3. Make your descriptions easy-to-read. When writing the description of your travel experiences, you'll need to ensure that it's descriptive, yet easy to read. Try and avoid long, wordy sentences.

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    1. Know your target customer. Before writing your tour descriptions, you should know who your target customer is. When you know who you're selling to, you can tailor your content directly to that group of people. 2. Use a catchy title. The title is the first thing potential customers will see before clicking on your tour.

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    Our tour prices are inclusive with no hidden extras or fees. We instill a very flexible approach to individual requests. Our packages are crafted with your satisfaction in mind. We offer exceptional value for money. With us, you'll know exactly what you're getting and what you're paying for, so you can focus on creating lifelong memories.

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    Learn how to build a high-value tour package with TripMatrix Software in 5 easy steps. 1. Identify the Customer's Needs. The first and most crucial step is to identify the customer's needs. If you get this right at the beginning, your tour package will need fewer adjustments later. Knowing your clients also gives you good pointers on what ...

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    A Sample Description of Tour Itinerary. Questions to Consider for Your Travel Plans. Departure and Return: When are you setting off for your adventure and when will you be back? Tour Schedule: ... Package Tours vs. Independent Itineraries. The difference is in the detail. A travel package is a pre-designed deal, often with a guide and a set ...

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    Accommodation: A tour package typically includes accommodation in a hotel, resort, or other lodging facilities. The type of accommodation provided will depend on the tour package you select. Transportation: Transportation is another essential component of a tour package. It can include flights, trains, buses, and even private cars or vans.

  16. How to Make Tour Packages That Sell Themselves

    1. Research similar tours. When it comes to starting a tour business from scratch, you'll want to see what else is in your industry and geographic area. Base your tour package ideas on the interests of your target market and what you think will sell well given your area of expertise, competition and location.

  17. 6 ways on how to create a tour package

    Remember to include special interest groups and individuals in your marketing - for example, sports, festivals, and arts. 5. Complementary Product Packaging. Partnering with other tour operators who offer complementary products is a smart way to reduce your promotion costs while making your package more appealing.

  18. Tour Types

    Escorted Tour. AffordableTours.com offers escorted tours to all of your favorite countries around the world. Escorted tours normally include hotel stays, transportation, most meals, sightseeing and cultural activities. They are led by a tour director who will be with your group from the beginning to end of the tour and they handle all of the ...

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    Transportation: Package tours often include round-trip transportation from the traveler's home to the destination. This may involve flights, train tickets, bus transfers, or other modes of transportation. Accommodation: Accommodation is a crucial part of any package tour. Travelers are typically provided with pre-booked hotel rooms, resorts, or ...

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    A package holiday must be at least 24 hours long or contain overnight accommodations, and it must include at least two types of travel services, such as: Coaches, trains, and planes are examples of modes of transportation. A hotel or an apartment to stay. Car rental. A tourist service (such as a tour guide or a visit to a historical place) is a ...


    ECO-TOUR PACKAGE Accommodation + Tours + All Meals Package Tour Net Rate Per Guest Number of Guests 1 2 3 to 6 7 to 9 10 3 Days 2 Nights 12,550 8,100 6,900 6,350 5,900 4 Days 3 Nights 20,350 12,550 10,150 8,850 8,200 5 Days 4 Nights 25,750 15,500 12,250 10,400 9,650 Batanes Seaside Lodge ECO-TOUR PACKAGE Accommodation + Tours + All Meals

  23. Sample Tour Inclusions

    Tours. Sample Tour Inclusions. All arrangements and publicity for concerts and performances, including exchanges with local groups; singing during services/mass; informal/impromptu performances; participation in Festivals. Group airfares to and from destination; deviation arrangements pending airline policy. Group accommodations in any hotels ...