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[Top 5] Star Trek Online Best Armors and How to Get Them

Star Trek Online Best Armor

Ranking the Top 5 Star Trek Online Best Armors and How to Get Them

If you are a ground enthusiast, like me, in Star Trek Online, there are many things that you can do to ensure superior survival on the ground.

Grinding for the best weapons as well as locating and slotting the best armor will go a long way to maintain your health and survival on the ground.

In addition, depending on your career, you will often be providing ground support to other members of your team, whether from your fleet or pugging a Task Force Operation.

From the start, there are armors that are surprisingly good and will level with you, all the way to endgame perfection to tackle the most difficult situations.

While upgrading these sets to maximum leveling will eventually cost you tech upgrades, catalysts and possibly dilithium, most of them are free to obtain by playing missions in the game except for the Omega Set, my hands down number one choice in the game. 

5. Na'kuhl Temporal Operative

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Na'Kuhl Temporal Operative Set

When you play “The Temporal Front” mission in the Future Proof series, you will find out how valuable this armor can be. Designed to be worn as early as Level 10, this armor is scalable and becomes more devastating with each upgrade. 

Armor Details

  • The armor, personal shield, and minigun combine to deliver a solid ground set capable of impressive performance.   
  • The armor delivers a wide range of protection against several types of damage including physical, kinetic, energy, plasma, toxic, root, and knockback at MK XII.
  • The personal shield automatically provides Timeslip for when shields drop below 10%. Timeslip creates a Level 60 Distortion for 10 seconds, making you immune to all damage and invisible to your enemies.
  • Provides rapid regeneration after no damage is taken for 3 seconds and 2 seconds, if you are crouching while it’s active. 
  • The bolt burst from the minigun provides a substantial plasma burst and a +2% critical hit chance while also delivering a biotoxin in the process.

How to get the Seta

  • Play through The Temporal Front and repeat until you have all three pieces of the set.
  • While this is available at Level 10, this set is worth the time to upgrade. It can be an end game armor set.
  • This set is not available through the exchange.

4. Romulan Imperial Navy

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Romulan Imperial Navy Set

The Tal Shiar provided the Romulan Imperial Navy with integrated Borg technology in the form of a personal ground combat set. Obtained as a mission reward, this scalable set is truly powerful and anyone looking to improve their ground game should consider it.

  • The Profession Specific Romulan Imperial Navy Kit provides several bonuses to include: A +20% plasma damage boost, Critical Chance, and Critical Severity Boosts. It also provides a striking 52.5% increase in your Personal Shield Expert setting. 
  • The Personal Shield is also packed with power. It will give you a 414.3 shield capacity, full regeneration after 3 seconds of taking no damage, a chance to receive a 15% energy damage buff for 4 seconds, and a full 20% reduction of damage to shields to help keep you in the game.
  • The Personal Armor is packed full of damage resistance from root, knockback, physical, kinetic, plasma, and all energy. 
  • All secondary energy attacks will deliver 50% more damage while also providing +1.1 regeneration of health.

How to Get the Set

  • Look for “Uneasy Allies” while engaged in the missions tied to the Iconian War to find this set.
  • This set, once obtained, is scalable and usable as an end game armor option, if desired.

3. Furtive Perseverance

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Furtive Perseverance Set

If you are looking for a ground set that provides good resistance as well as the ability to dodge and stealth, this might be the set for you. An excellent choice for the ground player looking to be able to strike quickly and make a clean getaway. 

  • The combat armor provides a good range of resistance from physical, kinetic, and energy damage while increasing stealth, dodge and critical chances.
  • The personal shield gives you a 308.7 shield capacity and triggers Reactive Escape, which provides a 10-second cloak, providing plenty of time to get out of Dodge. 
  • The compression pistol provides decent damage as well as knockback.
  • Playing the featured episode “Survivor” will award you with the choice of pieces from this armor set.
  • Use tech upgrades to maximize the armor as you level.
  • This set is not available through the exchange due to its free availability in the mission

2. Excessive Development

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Excessive Development Set

This set is the result of the many attempts by the Kentari army to produce a successful set for their military. The armor is designed to take heavy damage, and is effective at repelling several types of it. This is yet another good choice to consider when arming for ground warfare. 

  • The combat armor provides significant resistance to many types of damage including physical, kinetic, energy, plasma and toxic damages while adding +120.2 hit points. It even grants a chance for additional hit points. 
  • The personal shield provides 392.9 total capacity and provides rapid regeneration while reducing environmental damage to the shields by 25%. 
  • The Kentari Partisan Residuum Thrower deals both Cylindrical Plasma Damage DoT and AoE plasma damage with a +20% severity.
  • You can obtain the set by playing the featured mission “Mirrors and Smoke”.
  • Keep upgrading this set to maximum by using tech upgrades.
  • Since this is also a free set received by repeating the featured episode, this is not available on the exchange. 

1. Omega Force

star trek online gear sets

Omega Force Set

Leveling up in the game is something most will attempt, and a great deal of that time will be devoted to the Reputation System. By collecting marks and other items through space and ground combat, the Reputation System will level you up until you reach the maximum tiers, unlocking the potential to earn amazing sets for both space and ground.

For the Omega Force Reputation, the pinnacle of ground armors can be found when this reputation is completed. Well worth the investment, this is one of the go-to ground sets for elite players throughout the galaxy.

  • The Omega Force armor increases energy damage and provides excellent damage resistance and a +20% critical severity.
  • At a 308.7 capacity, the Personal Shield offers knockback, root resistance and a dodge chance. IT also has an energy redirection chance, which will allow you and your teammates to encounter an exposed enemy when it activates.
  • The Antiproton Auto carbine is a superior weapon that deals not only additional damage to the Borg, it contains an integral frequency remodulator that automatically resets the frequency for you during battle.  It also contains a powerful +40% critical severity, greatly improving your odds. 
  • This set is unique to the Omega Force Reputation System.  
  • The shield is available at Tier 1, the armor at Tier 5, and the auto carbine at Tiers 3 and 6.
  • This set is not available through the exchange as it is bound to character upon purchase. 

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Ground Combat in the Current Century

December 12, 2020 Guides | 18

Hello everyone,

in today’s post we would like to discuss and go through some builds and general advice for Ground Builds. This guide is by no means a set of definitive “only use this and do that” instructions, but should give you some pointers on what is good and what isn’t.

There aren’t many options here – just go for maximum damage! This goes for every profession: Science, Engineering, Tactical.

star trek online gear sets

The choices for spending points are as follows:

  • 2 points: Device Expertise
  • 4 points: Improved Aim
  • 6 points: take the one you prefer, you don’t melee often at all so it won’t matter that much
  • 8 points: Improved Flank Damage
  • 10 points: Offensive Mastery

Personal Traits, Reputation Trait Choices and Specializations

There are some choices here, so here’s a list of good Personal Traits.

Personal Traits:

  • Hive Mind (Exchange/Lockbox)
  • Vicious (Exchange/Lockbox)
  • Terran Vision (Exchange/Lockbox)
  • Berserker (Exchange/Lockbox)
  • Dulce Et Decorum Est (Exchange/Lockbox)
  • Brutal Impetus (Exchange/Lockbox)
  • Technophile (Kit R&D Level 15)
  • Creative (Free, only some species)
  • Lucky (Free, only some species)
  • Soldier (Free, only some species)
  • Sniper (Exchange/Lockbox)

Situational / Profession Specific Traits

  • Strike Team Specialist (Free, Tactical only)
  • Field Researcher (Free, Science only)
  • Adrenal Release (Exchange/Lockbox, Good for DPS Runs)
  • Bombardier (Exchange/Lockbox, mainly for Engineers – Boosts Kinetic Damage)

Reputation Traits

  • Deadly Aim (Dyson T1)
  • Lethality (Romulan T1)
  • Mental Acuity (8472 T1)
  • Magnified Armaments (Gamma T3)
  • Personal Energy Amplifier (Iconian T1)
  • Emergency Personal Cloaking Device (Terran T3, Best for NTTE DPS Runs)

Active Ground Reputation

  • Defiance (Dyson T5)
  • One Little Ship (Gamma T5)
  • Piezo-Electric Perimeter Snare (Lukari T5)
  • Choice of 1 or 2 other Active Traits


  • Primary: Temporal Operative (for the +50 KPerf Passive Bonus)
  • Secondary: Commando
  • You can also run Intel Primary for the Precision Offensive (Active Ability)

Equipment and Gear for all Professions

In this category there is some flexibility, depending on what you want to do.

A General Ground STF setup you can use anywhere:

  • Kit Frame: Risian Kit Frame [KPerf]x3 [Proc] (Summer Store) – how you get this is described below!
  • Body Armor: Burnham’s CQC (Environmental) Armor (Discovery Reputation)
  • Personal Shield: Na’kuhl Temporal Operative  Personal Shield (“Temporal Front” Mission Reward)
  • Secondary Weapon: Na’kuhl Temporal Operative Assault (“Temporal Front” Mission Reward)

And a more DPS-oriented setup:

  • Kit Frame: Delta Kit Frame [CrtH] [KPerf]x2 (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Personal Shield: Elite Fleet Colony Personal Shield [Cap]x2 [Ene] [ShldCrit] (Fleet Colony)
  • Secondary Weapon: Any (Good) Weapon of you Choice
  • Phaser Full Auto Rifle (Dsc) (Lobi Store)
  • Advanced Herald Antiproton Beam Projector (Lobi Store)
  • Plasma Wide Beam Rifle (Vendor (Dyson Joint Command / New Romulus), Exchange)
  • Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon (Lobi Store)
  • Replica Thompson Submachine Gun (Event Reward/Store) – against Borg
  • Gambling Device (Exchange, Lobi Store)
  • Kit Overbooster (Exchange, Kit R&D) – use these like there’s no tomorrow
  • Ketracel White (if you are a Jem’Hadar)

Usable Combat  Pets:

Personally, I am not really a fan of pets but go ahead if you have free device slots

  • C-Store Targ

Duty Officers:

  • Assault Squad Officer: Change for stacking Crit Chance on firing Ranged weapons (Rare ones are enough)
  • Assault Squad Officer: Change for stacking Crit Severity on firing Ranged weapons (Rare ones are enough)
  • Biochemist: Recharge time reduced on all Stims, Shield Charges and Power Cells (works for Kit Overboosters too)
  • Warfare Specialist – Space: Elder Malik’itan (from Gamma Recruitment, gives Buff for ground too)

Universal Kit Modules:

  • Agony Field Generator (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Crystal Prism (Event Reward)
  • Echo Papa Drone (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Ambush Turret Fabrication (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Chain Conduit Capacitor (Exchange / Lockbox)

Profession-specific Equipment


Kit Modules:

  • Chroniton Mine Barrier (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Cloaked Mine Barrier (Gamma Rep T2)
  • Gravitational Juncture (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Transphasic Bomb (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Explosive Drone (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Photon Grenade Launcher (23c.)  (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Fabrication Engineer: Change to beam in an additional Support Drone
  • Security Officer: Your Chroniton Mine Barrier has a chance to Hold targets
  • Cold Fusion Flash (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Exothermic Induction Field (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Endothermic Induction (Winter Event Store)
  • Seismic Agitation Field (Summer Event Store)
  • Harmonic Resonance Device  (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Chronometric Diffusion (Dilithium Store, Temporal Operative)
  • Explosive Expert: Chance for Exothermic Induction Field to fire projectiles
  • Ambush (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Motivation (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Rally Cry (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Motion Accelerator (Exchange / Crafted)
  • Trajectory Bending (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Mudd’s Time Device (Discovery T4)
  • Protomatter Muntion Deployment (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Graviton Spike (Summer Event Store)
  • Names: Fed: Fova Gedel / KDF: Gern Kul
  • Assault Squad Officer: Ambush has a chance to re-apply when consumed by outgoing damage
  • Security Officer: Chance to beam down an additional Security Escort when using Security Team

Example Builds

Feli’s lazy-mode tactical build.

  • Crystal Prisms (Event) / Ambush Turret Fabrication (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Echo Papa 607 Drone System (Exchange / Lockbox)

Tiberius’ “No Weapon Required” Tactical Build

  • Mudd’s Time Device (Discovery Rep T4)
  • Motion Accelerator (Exchange / Crafted) or Ambush (Exchange / Crafted) or  Crystal Prisms (Event)
  • Agony Field Genererator (Exchange / Lockbox)

Make sure to always activate the modules in this order! Important: Be sure to let one Agony Gen do it’s job before you deploy another.

Tirius’ Max-NTTE-DPS Tactical

  • Protomatter Munition Deployment (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Bio-Essence Transfer (Exchange / Lockbox)
  • Recursive Affliction IV (Dil Store, Temporal Op)
  • Kit Frame: Risian Kit [KPerf]x3 [Proc]
  • Personal Shield: Romulan Operative Combat Armor (Episode Reward: Survivor)
  • Primary Weapon: Phaser Full Auto Rifle (Dsc) (Lobi Store)
  • Secondary Weapon: Polaron Covert-Ops Compression Pistol (Episode Reward: Survivor)

Important: This build is not designed to run ground tours etc, it is specifically tuned to get maximum DPS in NTTE

Soludor’s Max-BHE-DPS Engineer

  • Body Armor: Burnham’s CQC Armor (Discovery Reputation)
  • Secondary Weapon: Advanced Herald Antiproton Beam Projector (Lobi Store)

Important:   You can run this build in general ground content, but keep in mind that it was specifically crafted to get maximum DPS in BHE

Here is a video of it in action: Bug Hunt Elite – 16k DPS Engineer Run – YouTube

Miscellaneous Notes

How to get a risian kit frame with perfect mods.

Here’s a list of steps to take to get a Risian Kit [KPerf]x3 [Proc]

  • Buy the Kit Frame in the Summer Store
  • Put it in the upgrade window once (do not upgrade it) – this makes it re-engineerable
  • you should now have Risian Kit [KPerf]x2 [Proc] (Very Rare)
  • the UR Mod will always be [KPerf]
  • Congrats, you now have a Risian Kit [KPerf]x3 [Proc]

Tips for High-DPS Runs

  • Get a team together, your team should focus on buffing you and debuffing the enemies
  • Nog’s Nog / Deka Tea Loaf: +10% Bonus All Damage
  • Bajoran Mojito: +10 Kit Performance
  • Tribble Kebab / Baked Tribble: +2.5%/+3% Bonus All Damage
  • Ferasan Chag Grass: +2% Crit Chance
  • Dosi Rotgut: +20 Crit Severity
  • Prototype Ketracel Stimulant: +7.5% All Damage
  • Elite Power Cell – Antiproton Carrier Wave: +20 Crit Severity, Antiproton damage to attacks
  • Fleet Ground Skill Boost – Elite Training: +10 to all Ground Skills

How to get more than 3 Trays on ground

  • (In-Game) Save your current UI-Layout to a file with /ui_save_file <name>
  • Open the just save file in a text editor of your choice (it should be saved under your STO Install’s Live Directory)

{ Region Ground


  • Change the number after Traymode to the number of trays you would like and save the file
  • (In-Game) Load the UI-File with /ui_load_file <name>

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18 comments to Ground Combat in the Current Century

' src=

Great guide, but there’s one thing I didn’t get – why Disco EV suit? Aren’t standard armor better with higher energy resistance?

' src=

they are with the resistance. usualy you dont need that resistance tho and by using the ev suit in general you’re suited for whatever will come. if you have trouble surviving with the ev suit you could use the normal armor for most stuff and the ev suit for stuff like nukara

feel free to join our discord to ask us such questions directly 🙂

' src=

What are the recommended ground BOFF skills for the various classes?

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My personal favourite: Temporal Operative (easy esp. when you have Jem’Hadar since pre-trained). Why: most of the abilities do physical dmg so your enemies shields are irrelevant. There is only one Mission “Broken Circle” (to my knowledge) where you actually need to drain shields on an enemy (M’Tara if I recall). On Na’kul for example you DON’T want to drain shields but kill them with physical damage.

The default temporal operative skills on a boff are “good enough” for most situations: Degeneration: physical damage Uncertainity Burst: AOE confuse – NPC attack each other instead of you and your crew Chronometic Diffusion: phys dmg, – all dmg for enemies, -run speed (useful for next ability)… Paradox bomb: pull enemies together (= gravity well on ground) and phys dmg

Above are “good enough” for most situations.

' src=

I’d use Engs or Scis with AoE skills, Temp or Command Spec. Pick a low level heal and 3 offensive skills i.e. Eng: Shield Heal, Photon or Quantum Mortar, Hammer and Anvil, Take Cover or Strat Analysis Sci: Medical Tricorder, Cold Fusion Flash, Seismic Agitation, Paradox Bomb Tac: Photon Grenade, Graviton Spike, Hammer and Anvil, Take Cover or Strat Analysis

' src=

Just as a note. Exothermic and endothermic induction field can’t be used together. A disclaimer there might be good for new players.

' src=

Photon Grenade Launcher (23c.) comes from the K-13 vendor and not Exchange/Lockbox – correct me if I’m wrong?

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What about the Privateer’s Combat Armor from the Lobi store? It gives +40.4 Kit Performance and +40.4 Kit Readiness. I use it on all my characters for their ground builds!

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Any idea on if the new event ground set will replace anything?

' src=

Currently, a lot of things are still broken in the Kuumarke set: the 2p bonus sometimes doesn’t work, a lot of things are broken in the 3p, and everything doesn’t work in the 4p (except the +50 KPerf). Even with the individual set pieces, there are still things that don’t work as they should.

Potentially the new set could be a very good one, especially because the kit module also does quite reasonable damage. In addition, you get completely new ways to obtain the individual set bonuses (especially the 2p). However, this can only be finally rated if it is fixed at some point. Then there would be various possibilities of the combination of Kuumarke 2p (or 3p or 4p), Na’kuhl 2p, Burnham Armor and Colony Shield..

Just curious if this has been fixed and reevaluated yet

We tested the set again yesterday. It’s not bad, however 3p and 4p still don’t work properly. The 2p is nice, but bad to control. In general, it’s definitely not a bad set, even if we decided (as of now) not to use it in team-based DPS runs.

' src=

Does Kperf improves the crits that come from the tac kit modules? I’m thinking other kit frames may be better for tac like the Delta. Also, Ball Lighting universal kit modules from summer store is very nice.

Kperf improves your damage output. This applies to both crits and non-crits.

' src=

Seems with the more recent updates th additional ground hotbars tricks no longer work… 12 years and they finally deleted it >.<

Has anyone found a new work around to get 4+ ground hotbars?

The function was deactivated by Cryptic because there were players who entered an insanely high number and thus made the corresponding character unplayable. Currently there is no possibility to increase the number of trays. Since this change was communicated by Cryptic as “temporary”, there is still a little bit of hope that this will come back at some point.

' src=

With so many bugs that have not been fixed in over a decade, they chose to fix one that was actually useful. The insanity!!!

' src=

So rather than use an IF statement to limit the traymade value upon file loading (IF traymode 10, THEN 10, ELSE x) they decded to nuke the entire UI save/load functionality!? Sounds like Cryptic.

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Star Trek Online launches 2024 Summer event with a free playable starship up for grabs

Once again, it's time for a vacation on Risa. Developer Cryptic Studios has kicked off the yearly summer seasonal event period for Star Trek: Online , its Trek -themed MMORPG. As with previous summer events, players who participate will earn themselves a free playable starship, along with other goodies. The event will run until August 1, 2024.

This year's prize is the Vovin Obelisk Carrier , a spacecraft carrier starship that is a heavily updated version of the original Obelisk Carrier, which was first introduced in 2013 as part of the game's Season 8 update. Designed by an unnamed ancient alien civilization, the Obelisk carriers are capable of using subspace itself as a weapon and fielding swarms of automated drone fighters. The Vovin takes the original Obelisk design and updates its appearance and statistics to the current endgame level of Tier 6.

To earn the Vovin, players simply need to log into the game for a set number of days in the event, performing a quick daily task on the vacation planet of Risa. The tasks include minigames like dance contests and jetpack or hoverboard racing, as well as treasure hunts and quests to find Horga'hn, a Risian fertility symbol.

For their trouble, they'll also earn a currency called Lohlunat favors, which can be traded for prizes, including ground combat gear, as well as cosmetic costumes like baseball uniforms (referencing certain episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ) and swimsuits. New additions to the wardrobe include wetsuits matching the diving gear worn by cast members in the opening portions of Star Trek Into Darkness , as well as a Rainbow Mellanoid Worm based on the character Murph from Star Trek: Prodigy .

Star Trek Online is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The Summer event lasts from July 2, 2024 through August 1, 2024.

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Every Starfleet Uniform From 'Star Trek,' Ranked


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When a Starfleet officer is preparing to "boldly go where no one has gone before," they need every bit of confidence they can muster. Not knowing what awaits them on undiscovered worlds, the clothing they wear is vital. A Star Trek officer's uniform serves a very important role. It not only protects its wearer from alien climates and environmental elements, but it instantly impresses an idea of status.

Star Trek officers are ambassadors, representing Starfleet to galaxies far beyond the stars. Besides the differences used to signify varying roles, the overall unity in design sends a visual message to other cultures that they are all part of the same organization, and work together as a team. Over the decades, Star Trek uniforms have undergone several redesigns. But which one stands out as the best? Here is every Star Trek uniform, ranked.

13 'Star Trek: Prodigy'

Tv series (2021).

A visually stunning animated series, Star Trek: Prodigy follows the exploits of a group of young misfits who happen upon an abandoned Starfleet ship. As they discover their strengths, both individually and collectively, they get to have some pretty entertaining adventures. Luckily for the young would-be cadets, a hologram of Captain Kathryn Janeway ( Kate Mulgrew ) is programmed into the vessel and provides them with some much-needed guidance.

Since the young confiscators are not official Starfleet ensigns , it is understandable that they don't start the series in uniform. However, the choice not to have them wear uniforms makes the show feel a bit more like a saga befitting Guardians of the Galaxy rather than Star Trek . When the ensemble finally does don fatigues, they are all the same, with no distinctions or special notice given.

Star Trek: Prodigy

A group of enslaved teenagers steal a derelict Starfleet vessel to escape and explore the galaxy.

12 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds'

Tv series (2022).

Captain Christopher Pike ( Anson Mount ) is famously Captain James T. Kirk's ( William Shatner ) predecessor and mentor. The series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds finally gives his character a chance to have a storyline in his own right and get the spotlight he deserves.

Despite the exciting concept, the uniforms used in the series are lackluster. They are fashioned similarly to the 2009 movie with an aesthetic that resembles sports clothing rather than military dress. They use colors from the classic series, black top borders from Star Trek: The Next Generation , and don't give the audience anything new to emulate.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds follows Captain Christopher Pike (played by Anson Mount) and the crew of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) in the 23rd century as they explore new worlds throughout the galaxy in the decade before Star Trek: The Original Series.

11 'Star Trek: Nemesis'

Movie (2002).

Finding a way to differentiate the uniforms used in the television series and those used in the films is tricky. In the movie Star Trek: Nemesis some fantastic performances are given by the actors, including a younger Tom Hardy as the principal villain, Praetor Shinzon. But not much can be said about the costumes.

In a nod to other Star Trek television shows taking place around the same time, the uniforms feature predominantly black bodies with colored top portions and shoulders. However, in Star Trek: Nemesis , instead of using the bright colors on top of the uniforms, they chose to use gray on every uniform and the undershirts being the predominant form of color designation. This decision leads to a washout of originality and an underwhelming visual picture.

Star Trek: Nemesis

*Availability in US

Not available

10 'Star Trek: Picard'

Tv series (2020).

A flash-forward saga, Star Trek: Picar d follows Captain Jean Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) several years after his first missions aboard the Enterprise. He faces new foes with the help of some familiar faces. Fans of the character's debut series, Star Trek: The Next Generation will enjoy multiple cameos from fellow costars.

Comfortable and casual seem to be the motif for the clothing in this iteration of the Star Trek universe. If human history serves as any indicator, this is indeed where fashion is headed. Out are the tight corsets and laced bodices of the Victorian era, and in are the stretchy yoga pants of the 21st century. It is no wonder that the fabricators for Star Trek: Picard took their cues from realistic trends to envision a future where uniforms are understated and informal. Albeit sleek and stylish, the ensembles used in Star Trek: Picard lack the pizzazz that is synonymous with other uniforms in the genre .

Star Trek: Picard

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, long retired from Starfleet, is thrust back into the heart of galactic intrigue when a desperate young woman seeks his aid. Determined to uncover a vast conspiracy and protect her, Picard recruits a diverse team of allies. As they navigate a galaxy fraught with new dangers and old enemies, Picard faces personal demons and ethical dilemmas, all while trying to uphold the ideals he has always stood for.

9 'Star Trek: Voyager'

Tv series (1995).

Star Trek continued to be a show that promoted gender ideals that were not yet the norm in everyday life, including women as high-ranking officers. One of the highest and most prestigious ranks within the Federation was that of a starship captain, and the series Star Trek: Voyager gave audiences the confident and tenacious Captain Kathryn Janeway ( Kate Mulgrew ).

While imagination and innovation inspired the character choices and writing for the series, the costume department didn't reinvent the wheel. Borrowing identically from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine lookbook, the uniforms that the crew members onboard the Voyager wore were nothing special.

Star Trek: Voyager

8 'star trek', movie (2009).

Going for a sinuous appeal, the wardrobe designers for the 2009 film Star Trek must have taken inspiration from athletic wear companies. While the sleek and figure-hugging fabric used in the cinema reboot is contemporary, it leaves something to be desired when it comes to being scientific or military garb.

With the t-shirt style cuts and microfiber cloth, the actors in the film look like they are about to embark on a cross-fit workout session, rather than a historic and significant quest across the galaxy . In terms of modernization and trying to reach a younger audience, the clothing choices may have worked, but for the overall tone of the characters, they fall short.

Star Trek (2009)

J.J. Abrams' 2009 movie Star Trek rebooted the iconic sci-fi franchise in a totally new timeline. When a Romulan ship travels back in time and alters the past, the lives of James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), and the future crew of the USS Enterprise are drastically changed. In this new timeline, the Romulan Nero (Eric Bana) sets out for revenge on Spock, setting off a chain of events that reshape the entire universe.

7 'Star Trek: Enterprise'

Tv series (2001).

Even though Star Trek: Enterprise was filmed more recently, it is a prequel, set nearly a century before the original series with Captain Kirk (William Shatner). Due to the antiquated setting of the series, the crew's solid-colored jumpsuits are a visual nod to NASA and early space exploration. The uniforms are also emblazoned with an insignia on the arm, similar to NASA astronauts wearing mission patches.

Even though the classifications have some differentiation by using colored stripes around the shoulders, they are still largely monochromatic and not the most visually appealing . The large, bulky zippers add to the nuance of the timeline, but do little to earn fashion points.

Star Trek: Enterprise

A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.

6 'Star Trek'

Tv series (1966).

The uniform that started it all. The original series boldly went where no show had gone before in many of its themes, plot lines, and on-screen firsts. The show also used color very vividly to distinguish between different duties within Starfleet command. Most military fatigues use small details to denote status, like pins, embellishments, or insignia. But Star Trek was unique in that it so clearly denoted the different roles onboard the ship. This could be a necessary way to communicate quickly to other cultures of alien species which officer(s) they need to interact with.

All marks given for originality, the 1966 uniforms are not the most elegant or stylish of the show. The Starfleet crest is present on the uniforms, but it is only embroidery . The uniforms were also heavily gendered, with women's dresses being very short. The female officers looked like they were dressed for a party at a disco, rather than a diplomatic voyage to new worlds.

Star Trek: The Original Series

In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.

5 'Star Trek: Lower Decks'

Part Star Trek , part Rick and Morty , Star Trek: Lower Decks ' creator Mike McMahan brings satire and absurd adult humor to the galaxy. Fans of the live-action shows will get a kick out of the many inside jokes and meta references that only a true Trekkie/Trekker will appreciate. The animated series follows the daily routines of lower-ranking crew members onboard a starship, instead of largely focusing on officers of command rank, like most of the other series.

The uniforms in Star Trek: Lower Decks have the distinctive colors, small collar pins, and black pants that make a Star Trek uniform great. They also feature the recognizable top black border that is reminiscent of Star Trek: The Next Generation with a new, sleek off-center cut that makes them stylish and futuristic looking.

Star Trek: Lower Decks

Behind every great captain, is a crew keeping the ship from falling to pieces. These are the hilarious stories of the U.S.S. Cerritos.

4 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'

Movie (1982).

The most imperialistic looking uniforms the good crew aboard the Enterprise ever wore were the red uniforms in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . The uniformity and regal quality of the costumes evoke feelings of militia. Perhaps this feeling was too much felt by audiences, and that's why the wardrobes were short-lived. Future designers chose to go back to more sci-fi stylized designs.

With the crisp lines and contrasting thick black belts, the regimentals worn in the movie look more like those worn by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police than those in other Star Treks . Even if the costuming was a little off the mark, the movie itself is considered to be one of the best in the canon .

Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

With the assistance of the Enterprise crew, Admiral Kirk must stop an old nemesis, Khan Noonien Singh, from using the life-generating Genesis Device as the ultimate weapon.

3 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'

Tv series (1993).

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine not only flipped the script by focusing on the activities taking place on a starport rather than a starship, but it also flipped the colors of the traditional uniforms. Instead of having the top portion be black and the body of the uniform be colored, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine used a black body as the base for the outfits, with only the top portion of the shoulders being colored .

Another stylistic decision was to use v-necks instead of the standard crew necks. Gray undershirts were worn beneath the uniform as well, giving the audience more of a visual separation between the character and the role they performed. They weren't merely a uniform with a person in it, but rather a person wearing a uniform .

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

In the vicinity of the liberated planet of Bajor, the Federation space station Deep Space Nine guards the opening of a stable wormhole to the far side of the galaxy.

2 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'

Tv series (1987).

Adapting a classic TV show for a current audience is no small task. From the writing to the costumes, everything has to be refreshed to give the drama an appeal to modern viewers. The wardrobe designers for Star Trek: The Next Generation did a fantastic job of taking inspiration from the old while envisioning the new. The first revamp of the original series, this adaptation has remained a favorite for many years.

The standard colors of yellow (gold), blue, and red were given a reprieve, but the designations changed. Red now represented command, gold for operations, and blue for science. The show started with crew members in one-piece jumpsuits, but later changed to two pieces with black trousers and high-collared shirts. The designers of the show also upgraded the Federation's crest. Now it was not merely an embroidery on the uniform, but a shiny, metallic, and functioning communicator that was worn like a pin on the left side lapel. Another important upgrade was that these uniforms were not gender-isolating. The female and male officers wore the same uniform.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's 5-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers sets off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on its own mission to go where no one has gone before.

1 'Star Trek: Discovery'

Tv series (2017).

If Star Trek is about exploring all worlds, can the costume department give the best of both worlds when it comes to the crew's uniforms? The designers for Star Trek: Discovery have done exactly that. The series is a prequel to the original TV show, but falls in the timeline after Star Trek: Enterprise . It is uniquely positioned to have a visual bridge between the old and new uniforms, and it accomplishes this with great style.

In the first few seasons, the uniforms are solid blue with large, obnoxious zippers running up the front, (a nod to Star Trek: Enterprise ) with gold, silver, and bronze stripes and panels down the shoulders and sides to denote rank. But, as the story goes forward , the uniforms begin to change color, more closely resembling those worn by the cast in the 1966 series. By season four, the prominent colors of yellow, red, and blue are used to denote command, operations, and science, respectively. Even though the earlier uniforms are less immediately identifiable as Star Trek uniforms, they are still stylish and a favorite for audiences to cosplay. This series not only manages to give fans something new to enjoy, but something old to reminisce about as well. And simply using color to evoke the ethos of the beloved show, serves as a testament to the series' iconic wardrobe legacy.

Star Trek: Discovery

Taking place almost a decade before Captain Kirk's Enterprise, the USS Discovery charts a course to uncover new worlds and life forms.

NEXT 'Starfleet Academy' Just Beamed Up Another Oscar Nominee

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

  • Rear Admiral, Upper Half items
  • Items that Bind on Pickup
  • Impulse Engines
  • Ship Deflector Dishes
  • Warp Engines
  • Singularity Engines
  • The Winding Gyre
  • House Shattered
  • Valve References

Imperial Rift

  • VisualEditor

The Imperial Rift is a four piece space set . It was rewarded to players who completed the " The Widening Gyre " Special Event which ran from October 6 to November 8, 2020 on PC.

  • [ Revolutionary Covariant Shield Array Mk XII ]
  • [ Revolutionary Combat Impulse Engine Mk XII ]
  • [ Revolutionary Deflector Array Mk XII ]
  • [ Revolutionary Warp Core Mk XII ]
  • [ Revolutionary Singularity Core Mk XII ]

Zen small icon

  • 1.1 In-game Description
  • 2.1 In-game Description
  • 3.1 In-game Description
  • 4.1 In-game Description
  • 5.1 In-game Description
  • 6 Set powers

Revolutionary Covariant Shield Array [ | ]

Revolutionary Covariant Shield Array icon

In-game Description [ | ]

Shield technology that can work in tandem with mycelial energy has been a difficult field of study, but the creators of this shield array have taken the novel approach of linking it with the starship's energy emission systems, including weaponry. By harmonizing with outgoing energy emissions, these shields can allow extra-dimensional energies to pass through largely unimpeded, while simultaneously causing a feedback loop that is automatically harnessed to further boost throughput.

Revolutionary Combat Impulse Engine [ | ]

Revolutionary Combat Impulse Engine icon

  • +__ Starship Weapon Specialization

These impulse engines are built to be specially integrated with deflector and EPS subsystems throughout the starship, to serve as a conduit for bleeding off excess energy buildup generated by the creation of extra-dimensional emissions. They are capable of harnessing such energy and diverting it to other subsystems with incredible efficiency.

Revolutionary Deflector Array [ | ]

Revolutionary Deflector Array icon

  • +19 Starship Control Expertise
  • +19 Starship Exotic Particle Generator

This specialized deflector technology was primarily designed as the focusing array device powered by mycelium spores, but also serves quite well as a highly-tuned deflector with incredible exotic particle capabilities. The field emitters and analysis subsequences needed to probably align the multi-dimensional emissions they were built to facilitate also handle most other forms of particle manipulation with incredible efficiency.

Revolutionary Warp Core [ | ]

Revolutionary Warp Core icon

This power core is partially powered by the exotic energies released by a volatile containment of mycelial spores. Even though it was originally conceptualized as the power source of a devastating inter-dimensional weapon, this component may also be used fully autonomously to provide power for starships that utilize standard Matter-Antimatter reactions.

Revolutionary Singularity Core [ | ]

Revolutionary Singularity Core icon

This power core is partially powered by the exotic energies released by a volatile containment of mycelial spores. Even though it was originally conceptualized as the power source of a devastating inter-dimensional weapon, this component may also be used fully autonomously to provide power for starships that utilize singularity reactions.

Set powers [ | ]

For each item added after the first, an additional power is available.

Set 2: House Mo'Kai Science

  • Increased Damage Resistance Rating vs. All Foes in Forward Arc
  • Increased Turn Rate
  • Increased Critical Severity with Exotic Damage Abilities

Set 3: We Do What We Must

  • Massive Radiation Damage in Forward Arc
  • Creates a Mycelial Rift which collapses after short duration to deal Kinetic Damage

Set 4: Because We Can

  • Increased Damage
  • Increased Duration of Rift
  • rift may spawn allied Elachi Starships

Notes [ | ]

  • The 3- and 4-part set bonus names are lyrics from the song "Still Alive" from the videogame Portal by Valve Software.
  • The Elachi Grunts are equipped with an Elachi EV suit and a random crescent disruptor pistol. They will properly activate their EV suit when needed. On Nukara however, the local friendly Elachis will burn to death upon leaving the transporter platform.
  • For some reasons, the local friendly Elachi can walk around but can neither run nor sprint and have very little jumping capabilities. If the player runs, the Elachi will wait until the player stops or resumes walking, then walk towards the player. This leads to a lot of occurrences of a pair of local friendly Elachi dancing alone near the various social maps access points, as the player to whom they're attached is either running nonstop or has ran to an unreachable area. After a while, they simply relocate behind their player.
  • In the event the player is attacked in a social map while escorted by local friendly Elachi (such as during Academy Events or when encountering a temporally displaced foe), those Elachi taunt foes and if defeated are replaced by Grunts.
  • Additionally, using the Weaponized Mycelium Emitter has a chance of spawning a Klingon ship. As a Federation-aligned character, they'll accuse you of treachery and attack you. For Klingon-aligned characters, a Klingon officer will accuse you of betrayal, states that he would inform J'mpok about it, and has a chance of spawning a Klingon enforcer ship which will attack you. Romulan captains are shunned by the enforcer, stating J'mpok should've never "trusted a Romulan". Similarly, the Rift Jumper Elachi vessels will sometimes address the player, either saying they hope this event will further diplomatic relations or fighting alongside the player is an honor.

Gallery [ | ]

Weaponized Mycelial Emitter being fired.png

  • 2 Temporal Agent Recruitment
  • 3 Playable starship


  1. ArtStation

    star trek online gear sets

  2. Welcome to the Future! Star Trek Online Launches the Far From Home

    star trek online gear sets

  3. Uniform

    star trek online gear sets

  4. Omega Force (Ground)

    star trek online gear sets

  5. Star Trek Online

    star trek online gear sets


    star trek online gear sets


  1. How to Play STO: How To Fill Fleet DOFFs #startrek #startrekonline #tutorial

  2. STO Knowledge is Power Playthrough

  3. How to Play STO: How Fleets Work


  5. Star Trek Online Sets Phasers to Fun With "Both Worlds" Update

  6. Adapted M.A.C.O. Ground Set


  1. Set

    A Set (or Item Set) is a collection of specific items that grant additional benefits when equipped in combination. Individual items grant no special bonuses but each additional equipped item from the same Set will grant extra bonuses. ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

  2. Set/Space Items

    To view the list of sets/items that provide visuals, see Visual Slots page. Space Item sets are those combinations of Shields/Impulse Engines/Deflectors/Cores obtainable in-game through various methods. The following sets are broken out into 3 categories for ease of organization. These sets can be obtained through R&D These sets can be obtained by replaying certain missions. These sets can be ...

  3. Set/Space Equipment (Universal)

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. Space Equipment sets are those combinations of Weapons/Consoles obtainable in-game through various methods. The following Universal sets are broken out into 3 categories for ease of organization. These sets can be obtained by replaying certain missions. These sets can be obtained through the...

  4. [Top 5] Star Trek Online Best Armors and How to Get Them

    5. Na'kuhl Temporal Operative. Na'Kuhl Temporal Operative Set. When you play "The Temporal Front" mission in the Future Proof series, you will find out how valuable this armor can be. Designed to be worn as early as Level 10, this armor is scalable and becomes more devastating with each upgrade. Armor Details.

  5. What's a good ship set from Reps or missions? : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. ... For an all-reputation gear DECS set, try ...

  6. Beginners Guide Best Way to Upgrade Your Gear

    This video goes over the best way to go about upgrading your gear in Star Trek Online, using Phoenix upgrades.If you are looking for some build ideas check o...

  7. How can I have better gear? : r/sto

    You can repeat missions to get set pieces. Synergy is key here so try and run all the same type weapons. All phaser or Polaron for example. Try the Future Proof arc and run Sunrise 3 times to get a decent beam, torpedo, and console. Then run Stormbound for engine, deflector, and shield.

  8. Ground Combat in the Current Century

    This goes for every profession: Science, Engineering, Tactical. The choices for spending points are as follows: 2 points: Device Expertise. 4 points: Improved Aim. 6 points: take the one you prefer, you don't melee often at all so it won't matter that much. 8 points: Improved Flank Damage. 10 points: Offensive Mastery.

  9. Gear Upgrade System

    The Upgrade system will let you take those Breen shields, caustic plasma beams, and old Mark 10 MACO armor and improve them to Mark 12 - and beyond! Fleet gear upgrades work the same way! The gear will keep its current mods, go up in mark, and can potentially become epic (gold) quality gear. Technology is the Key.

  10. Can you Survive the Borg Tesseract?

    After playing the participating missions or TFOs for 20 days, you'll earn the Adaptation set, designed to rework Borg technology for your own uses. This includes three items: Infinity Modulator Rifle. Straight out of the classic FPS Elite Force series, the Infinity Modulator, or I-MOD, rifle comes to Star Trek Online! This Polaron rifle is ...

  11. Equipment

    Players are able to utilize various types of Equipment on their ship, captain and bridge officers. The equipment chosen will have an effect on the mission as they face many foes from many different races. The correct choice of equipment could be the difference between success and failure. These can be bought or found in combat as loot. Unwanted equipment can be sold to vendors or on the ...

  12. The Competitive Wargames Reputation

    The Competitive Wargames Reputation will allow Captains to unlock customizable armor, interchangable space sets, and powerful new ground gear. Find out all the details. By Ambassador Kael April 12, 2017, 09:30 AM. Competitive Wargames were created as a measure of skill - a friendly way for members of the Alliance to prove their strength to one ...

  13. New Players Start Here! 101 Basic Beginner Guide Star Trek Online 2024

    This new player beginners guide goes over the very basics of how to play Star Trek Online. Things like; how to pick up quest and missions, how to equip gear ...

  14. What ship item sets are worth collecting? : r/sto

    Most likely you will use primarily reputation gear, but there are some mission reward sets that are very worthwhile. In my opinion, the Bajor Defense Set is pretty good for the two piece bonus, also the quantum phase set, once again for the two piece bonus. If you find a set that works for whatever your goal is, yes they are worth upgrading and ...

  15. Products

    1624 products. Star Trek 3-Pair Sock Gift Set. $55.00. Fast Ship Item. Star Trek 55th Anniversary Adult Short Sleeve T-Shirt. from $22.95. Fast Ship Item. Star Trek 55th Anniversary Black Mug. $14.95.

  16. Star Trek Official Shop

    Star Trek:The Next Generation Type-2 Dust Buster Phaser Limited Edition Prop Replica. $699.95. Welcome To The Official Star Trek Store! Find Apparel, Drinkware, & Accessories For Your Favorite Star Trek Series. Featuring Exclusive Merchandise from Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: The Original Series, & More.

  17. Set/Space Equipment (Faction-Specific)

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. Space Equipment sets are those combinations of Weapons/Consoles/Cores obtainable in-game through various methods. The following Faction and Ship-Specific sets are broken out into factions for ease of organization. These sets can be obtained by purchasing certain Federation ships.

  18. Armor sets in STO. How do I visually Apply? : r/sto

    Like a lot of things in STO. They are just completely indifferent when it comes to clarity for whatever reason, and it's been like this for 13 years. Armor visuals are done via the tailor, and they are not always straight forward. The T'kumva armor set, for example, is applied from a drop-down in the upper right corner of the tailor screen, and ...

  19. Shop By Collection

    Welcome To The Official Star Trek Store! Find Apparel, Drinkware, & Accessories For Your Favorite Star Trek Series. Featuring Exclusive Merchandise from Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: The Original Series, & More. Shop Now!

  20. Set/Space Equipment (Ship-Specific)

    Space Equipment sets are those combinations of Weapons/Consoles/Cores obtainable in-game through various methods. While some individual components may be Universal, the following sets are Ship-Specific (though Faction-Agnostic) and can only be equipped on particular collections of ships: Ship-Specific Sets. Abilities. Item 1.

  21. Star Trek Online launches 2024 Summer event with a free playable

    New additions to the wardrobe include wetsuits matching the diving gear worn by cast members in the opening portions of Star Trek Into Darkness, as well as a Rainbow Mellanoid Worm based on the ...

  22. What's the best space reputation set for tanking and dps?

    The bajoran set boots phaser dmg. Iconian gives raises your defense rating. Lukari basically supercharges your shields system so you can run with fewer damage reduction consoles. Iconian with two damage reduction consoles and one fleet shield hardening console plus upgraded to xv iconian set will tank you out.

  23. Every 'Star Trek' Uniform, Ranked

    Even though Star Trek: Enterprise was filmed more recently, it is a prequel, set nearly a century before the original series with Captain Kirk (William Shatner). Due to the antiquated setting of ...

  24. Imperial Rift

    The Imperial Rift is a four piece space set. It was rewarded to players who completed the " The Widening Gyre " Special Event which ran from October 6 to November 8, 2020 on PC. Additionally, completion of "The Widening Gyre" Special Event unlocks the ability for any character on the player's account to freely reclaim a copy of this set from ...

  25. Best ground sets for BOFFs : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.