TAAI – Travel Agent Association of India

Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) is the largest tourism organization in India which helps in the promotion and development of tourism. TAAI is the representative body of the travel industry of India, representing not only the interest of travel agencies but also of other segments of the tourism industry such as tour operators , hotels, airlines (international and domestic), transport companies, cruise companies, excursion agents and tourists guides who are its member.

In 1949 ASTA organized a conference to discuss various issues and problems relating to the travel industry in the USA. It was attended by all the members over the world.

Mr. N.J Katgara (died in 1997) was the first person from India who is participated in this conference. He was of the opinion that a similar association should be established in India to protect the interests of Indian travel agencies.

In 1951 , his dream turned into a reality when the ‘Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI)’ was established . The TAAI was incorporated on a modest scale and had only 10 travel agencies as to its members at that time.

The organization now has a membership of about 2400 in more than 76 cities in India and 20 foreign countries. The TAAI logo represents the integrity, ethics, professionalism, service, and financial soundness of the travel outfit.

TAAI is a limited organization. TAAI headquarter is established in Mumbai .

Objectives of TAAI

TAAI has been in existence for over 66 years now. Its name as well as its credibility both the travelers and the government of India is well established. The major aims and objectives of TAAI are:

  • To protect the interest of Indian Travel Companies.
  • To organize training and development programs for the members.
  • To provide the means for collaboration.
  • To develop and promote tourism .
  • To provide timely, up to date and reliable information to the members.
  • To promote ethical practices.

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, and State Tourism departments recognize the representative character of TAAI, and the company is consulted in each issue that has a direct or indirect impact on tourism. In fact, the department of tourism, ITDC, and State Tourism Corporations are its members.

The company has consultative status with the ministries of External Affairs, Civil Aviation, Finance, Transport, Railways, and Home Affairs.

TAAI Membership

The Travel Agent Association of India plays an important role in the field of travel and tourism in India. TAAI promotes and develops tourism, helps in collaboration, and protects the interest of Indian Travel companies in India. TAAI is a tourism organization and any organization/firm and agency can apply for its membership.

TAAI provides two types of membership:-

Active Members

Associate members.

Travel companies actively involved in the travel business can become its active members provided that

  • They have an IATA license.
  • Have approval from the Department of Tourism, Government of India.
  • Recognized by RBI.
  • Recognized by the Ministry of External Affairs.
  • Functions successfully for at least one or two years.
  • Have a good professional reputation
  • Have sound financial health.

The associate members of the company are airlines, railways, and branches of travel agencies. Associate members are those who support the travel and tourism industry in the backend. These are vendors or suppliers of tourism products.

The application for the membership is routed through the Regional Travel Agents Association which makes recommendations to the central management committee after the due scrutiny. The process is essential to protect the name and logo of TAAI and its membership. The recommendations of the regional committee are necessary for the membership.

Organization Structure of TAAI

The activities and functions of TAAI are managed/operated by the central and regional management committees. Presently, TAAI has three regional association offices in Calcutta, Chennai, and Delhi and has three more branches in Kerala, Gujarat, and Karnataka.

TAAI’s constitution allows the formation of regional associations where there are more than 10 active members, to enable them to handle their local problems, issues, and other things. The system is more effective because each regional association has its regional management committee. They meet every month to discuss various issues and problems.

The other activities and affairs are managed by the Central Management Committee. The president is the main authority of TAAI , who is appointed/elected by the active members in the annual general meeting.

Many regions have sub-committees to ensure more effective implementation of policies and plans such as the fellowship committee and P.R Committee of the northern region etc.

Role and Functions of TAAI

The travel agency business these days has gone much beyond mere ticketing and reservation. It covers a wide spectrum of activities including tour planning, tour designing, tour marketing, coasting and pricing, travel insurance, foreign currency, travel guidance, etc.

Therefore, TAAI is in the process of surveying and identifying genuine professionals to ensure the quality of services and also to meet the cut-throat competition within the trade. The role of TAAI thus, can not be underestimated to ensure fair trade practices, standardized services, and tourism promotion etc.

Today, TAAI considers itself a strong marketing arm of airlines, travel companies, government, and other organizations. The role and functions of TAAI are:

  • Help in the promotion of inbound, outbound, and domestic tourism.
  • TAAI offers a common forum.
  • TAAI provides professional help to its members.
  • It conducts market research.
  • TAAI develop Human Resource.
  • TAAI helps the government to formulate tourism policy.
  • It provides up to date information about the industry.
  • TAAI from time to time undertakes advertising campaigns.
  • It helps in maintaining a continuous dialogue with other tourism organizations.
  • TAAI keep the tourist away from unethical trade practices.


Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was incorporated during 1951. Our association was initiated 4 years after Indian Independence and continues most effectively with quality growth and ability to support industry growth. TAAI is India’s premier, nodal, largest and oldest Travel & Tourism Association. We work closely with the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, to promote India. We offered to our partner’s opportunities reflecting growth; progress and success.  TAAI’s has a membership of about 2,500+ industry’s leading companies involved actively with Tourism, spread all across India.

Our members are under constant guidance of our 20 Regional Units, which is unique to TAAI.  This is an important way to develop our Leadership. In each of these 20 Regions, we have a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, elected and who administer the Regions & Chapters, that must meet once in two months.  That way most of our member agencies meet regularly and such meetings support us to do road-shows; presentations; interact on industry updates.

TAAI is recognized by the Government of India. We actively participate in the Tourism Meetings of the Government. We are very actively associated with the State Tourism Boards of India and we have regular communication and interaction with the state tourism boards of India. Through our active interaction with the Tourism Boards, we are able to better support Inbound into India.

In addition, we also partner with National Tourism Organizations and we have over 25  countries with whom we have MOUs. TAAI endears itself to promote outbound into these countries.

TAAI is recognized by the Government of India in the areas of Hotel Classification, and whenever any hotel applies for a FOUR or FIVE STAR Status in India, a TAAI representative joins the Government in our selection procedure.

Airport Authority of India manage the Airports of India. TAAI is recognized on the Airport Advisory Boards as well and several of our chairpersons are members on the Airport Advisory.

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Role in programme(s):


  • Encourage partners in the supply chain and at destination level to join the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative. More specifically, as an Association of Travel agents of India, the organization represents a broad network of companies operating in India. Within this framework, by joining GTPI, TAAI is committing to the promotion of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative and solutions developed within its framework in the network of their tour operators. The organization commits to bringing at least 1500 tour operators as signatories of GTPI by 2025.
  • Promote solutions, tools, methodologies and recommendations on circular economy of plastics and on reduction of plastic pollution (including tools developed by the GTPI) within their network of tour agencies through trainings, newsletters, knowledge forums & TAAI social media platforms.
  • Communicate successes to partners, suppliers, travellers, and key local stakeholders. More specifically, TAAI will develop a communication strategy on social networks to ensure that GTPI and its solutions are promoted in organization’s network of tour agencies and will incentivize its partners to implement impactful solutions.
  • Publicly report on implementation of commitments above.


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67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big boost to Sri Lanka tourism

The 67th convention and exhibition of the travel agent association of india (taai) which began on july 6, 2023, in sri lanka’s capital, colombo was a landmark event championing the future of tourism..

67th Convention and Exhibition of the Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI)

The highly anticipated convention assembled an array of prominent industry leaders, forward-thinking visionaries, and esteemed delegates to discuss, debate, and shape the future of tourism.

This landmark event, aimed at transcending borders in travel and personal growth, underscores the transformative potential of tourism in bringing prosperity, peace, and economic development to nations. The TAAI Convention is more than an industry event; it’s a platform for change, a call for evolution, and a celebration of the power of travel to transform lives.

20230706 190031 67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big boost to Sri Lanka tourism

The prestigious 3-day TAAI Convention 2023 was hosted in Colombo at the invitation of the Sri Lankan Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB), the primary sponsor, in partnership with the Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO). The convention has traditionally proven to be a significant boost for host destinations, with tourist numbers often quadrupling in the wake of the event, as TAAI members effectively acted as tourism ambassadors.

Operating under the theme ‘Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives’, the convention aimed to strengthen bilateral tourism and position Sri Lanka as a favourite destination among Indian outbound travellers. It promised to be a platform for promoting regional tourism while also bolstering Sri Lanka’s reputation on the international stage.

The convention drew over 500 delegates, including experts from the tourism and hospitality industries, tour operators, and key stakeholders from both countries. Jyoti Mayal, the President of TAAI, expressed her gratitude to the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) and the Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO) for their valuable support in organizing the event.

Sri Lankan President H. E. Ranil Wickremesinghe: Pledges to Revive Sri Lankan Tourism

The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, H. E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, inaugurated the eagerly anticipated 67th Travel Congress of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) – the largest and oldest travel-trade Association of India.

H. E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka graced the TAAI Convention as the Chief Guest

The convention’s opening ceremony took place at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH). H. E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, and Hon. Harin Fernando, Minister of Tourism and Lands, honoured the event as a guest.

Addressing the delegates, the President underscored the need for the country to plan for receiving at least 5 million tourists in the near future. He further highlighted Sri Lanka’s significant potential for tourism, with the ability to attract a considerable number of tourists from India and other neighbouring countries.

H. E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka said, “Of the three regions in Asia, of our size, East Asia, Southeast Asia has far more tourists than us. South Asia together may not have as many tourists as one or two of the East Asian or Southeast Asian countries or Western Europe. Why is it? India is good with domestic tourism. Are you going to rely solely on domestic tourism? When you can earn so much money and foreign exchange, more than what you target for if you attract international travellers. In the next 10 years, per capita income will increase, and people will travel around, and look for eco-friendly tourism. Why don’t we have it?”

The President went on to say, “So why don’t we make our whole BIMSTEC area one borderless tourist area? Is that what you want? Transcending borders? Not just Sri Lankans travelling to India or Indians travelling to Bangladesh. No. It’s one tourist area for anyone who wants to come from outside. We have so much to offer. I have seen some of your assets. I have driven from Srinagar to Ladakh, to Leh. Staying in Kargil was not the best of accommodations, but the potential you have for development. I have been to many other areas of India as well.”

President Wickremesinghe then proposed the idea to boost tourism cooperation among the seven member nations of BIMSTEC. Comprising India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan, the BIMSTEC region was emphasized by President Wickremesinghe for its immense potential. He also highlighted the theme of the TAAI convention, “Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives,” aligning it seamlessly with his proposal for a borderless tourism area.

President Wickremesinghe’s proposal to establish a “borderless” tourism area within the BIMSTEC region reflected Sri Lanka’s commitment to intensify regional cooperation and stimulate tourism growth.

In the face of Sri Lanka’s economic challenges, President Wickremesinghe addressed the ongoing recovery efforts and debt restructuring process. He underscored the importance of tourism as a non-debt-creating source of revenue, encouraging its maximum potential to be leveraged for achieving a positive balance of trade.

The President also mentioned various initiatives planned by the Sri Lankan government to expedite the country’s recovery from the economic crisis. These initiatives included the development of seven golf courses and additional resorts. He indicated that certain laws would be revised to foster growth in the tourism sector and attract more visitors.

Gopal Bagley, the High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka, attended the inaugural ceremony and addressed the delegates. In his speech, he said, “The theme “Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives,” is precisely the spirit of the India-Sri Lanka relationship that has brought these two countries together as civilizational twins. We are all aware of the geographical proximity of India and Sri Lanka, but over the course of millennia, this proximity has been layered with history, culture, civilization, religions, languages, music, films, cricket, democracy, diversity, plurality, respect, peace, and harmony.”

Gopal Bagley, the High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka

Gopal Bagley went on to say, “When you visit Sri Lanka, it also reflects the values that we cherish and share, as demonstrated by Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi. I express my gratitude to the Minister of Tourism and the invaluable guidance and leadership of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Over the past few months, we have not only resumed the Chennai-Jaffna flights, which used to operate four times a week, but these flights will now operate every day starting from July 16th. We are also working on resuming the ferry services, which have been inactive for decades, and the idea of an international cruise from India to Sri Lanka is no longer just a concept. “

He shared that both governments were trying to establish ferry services between Karaikal in the Union Territory of Puducherry and Kankesanthurai (KKS) in Jaffna, which would enhance connectivity and promote people-to-people exchanges.

TAAI Convention - Strong Support for Aviation Industry

Gopal Bagley added, “The use of Indian currency in Sri Lanka is a boost to tourism, as Indian tourists can now conveniently use their currency for payments. Additionally, efforts are underway to enable digital payments between the two countries. This will not only facilitate transcending borders and transforming lives but also build upon the legacies that form our common heritage.”

Gopal Baglay highlighted the significant role of tourism as a vehicle promoting people-to-people ties. The High Commissioner focussed on the influence of religion in bolstering tourism, providing examples of the Buddhist and Ramayana Circuits spanning India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.

Nishad Wijetunga, President of SLAITO, expressed enthusiasm about the event, highlighting the association’s long-standing relationship with TAAI. He noted that hosting the convention reflected Sri Lanka’s resilience and recovery following the challenges faced in the past.

Chalaka Gajabahu, Chairman of SLTPB, shared that the island nation, for the first time in 15 years, was planning to implement a comprehensive 360-degree marketing strategy targeting key international source markets, with a particular emphasis on India and China. As part of these efforts, approximately 1,000 social media influencers from around the world would be hosted to showcase the diverse tourism offerings in Sri Lanka.

“The forthcoming Asia Cup cricket tournament is an excellent opportunity to attract Indian tourists, especially during the highly anticipated India-Pakistan matches,” Gajabahu had said. He praised the contributions of Sri Lankan cricket legend Sanath Jayasuriya, who serves as a tourism ambassador, for promoting Sri Lanka’s tourism initiatives in India.

On the convention’s second day, the Sri Lanka Parliament Speaker, Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, attended a dinner reception in Colombo as the chief guest. Abeywardena expressed his gratitude towards India for its support during Sri Lanka’s economic crisis the previous year.

As discussions and collaborations unfolded at the TAAI convention, the potential for enhanced tourism cooperation and economic development in the region remained a key focus.

At Press Conference: President Jyoti Mayal optimistic about future Indo-Sri Lankan Tourism

The event, from July 6 to July 9, was initiated with a press conference that saw the participation of both Indian and international media. With approximately 50 members of the Indian media attending, the event was expected to significantly amplify Sri Lanka’s presence in the Indian market via extensive media coverage and networking with visiting travel agents.

TAAI Convention 67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big boost to Sri Lanka tourism

At the press conference during the official opening of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) Convention, TAAI President Jyoti Mayal voiced her confidence about the future of tourism between India and Sri Lanka. She stated, “I am confident that Sri Lanka would welcome many more tourists in the days to follow,” underlining the potential for strengthened tourism ties between the two nations.

Mayal underscored the importance of cooperation among stakeholders at various levels to adopt a holistic approach, integrating policies, regulations, incentives, standards, technologies, and best practices. This approach, she pointed out, had the potential to contribute to the sustainable growth of the tourism industry in the region.

WhatsApp Image 2023 07 06 at 19.33.08 67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big boost to Sri Lanka tourism

“With Sri Lanka playing host to this grand event after the turmoil it went through last year following the economic crisis, shows the island nation is ready to welcome visitors again,” Mayal told PTI. “And, we are delighted to hold the convention in Sri Lanka with which India shares a deep historical and cultural connect,” she said. 

“The focus of the convention this year is completely futuristic. The pandemic was tragic and truly devastating. But, after the recovery made in the sector on the growing confidence of travellers, who seek to put the pandemic memories behind, the time is now right for us to move forward,” Mayal said to PTI.

Jyoti Mayal, the President of TAAI, emphasized the similarities between India and Sri Lanka, noting their shared food, language, culture, and dresses. “Tourism builds bridges between communities and countries. We at TAAI support Sri Lanka in its efforts to revive tourism, above and beyond this convention,” Mayal declared.

SLTPB Chairman, Chalaka Gajabahu, thanked TAAI for selecting Sri Lanka as the host country for the convention. He emphasized the growing partnership between both sides, which he said is vital to reviving their tourism sector.

1530519852807 67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big boost to Sri Lanka tourism

He informed that Sri Lanka Tourism has announced a transformative strategy that will see an investment of Rs. 1.4 billion over the next 12 months, beginning at the end of July. This initiative marks a fresh approach to destination marketing that includes two robust domestic campaigns.

“We are setting our sights high, aiming to attract between 1.55 to 2 million tourists this year. Given our strategic planning and commitment, we are confident in reaching this ambitious target,” Gajabahu affirmed.

Gajabahu also announced that the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) is poised to roll out its rejuvenation campaign by the end of July. The two-month-long initiative will be followed by a thematic campaign set to launch in late September or early October. Both campaigns aim to shed light on Sri Lanka’s unique charm and captivating experiences to a global audience.

“As we gear up to launch our rejuvenation campaign and more promotional activities, the key role of India and strategic partnerships between the two countries cannot be overstated. Such collaboration will be vital in spearheading a successful recovery for Sri Lanka’s tourism industry,” said Gajabahu.

Key markets for these campaigns include India, China, the UK, France, Germany, Russia, Australia, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, the US, the Middle East, Japan and Korea. However, continuous promotions will also be conducted simultaneously in other markets.

Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO) President, Nishad Wijetunga, expressed his pleasure in partnering with the upcoming event. He stated, “This serves as an ideal opportunity for our industry to interact with the Indian travel trade. It is also a great platform for Sri Lanka to showcase our offerings and provide a firsthand experience of our current situation, demonstrating our strong recovery and resilience.”

“Our convention will serve as a conduit for fostering stronger bilateral relationship between India and Sri Lanka. Such interaction is vital in harnessing the growth of inbound and outbound travel from India and channelling it towards destinations that offer new, exciting experiences,” said TAAI Vice-President Jay Bhatia to PTI.

Sri Lanka experienced a significant surge in international tourist arrivals in 2022, with a 270.2% increase compared to 2021, according to the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA). As the nation seeks to revitalize its economy, comprehensive efforts are being undertaken in the tourism sector.

Regarded as a significant event in the Indian Travel and Tourism industry, the TAAI Conventions (Indian Travel Congress) presented delegates with unparalleled opportunities for networking, learning, promoting, and trading. TAAI, renowned for its extensive reach in aviation, MICE, adventure tourism, sports tourism, education, and more, offered unparalleled leadership to the burgeoning industry.

Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives

The theme for this year’s convention was ‘Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives.’ A TAAI official highlighted that hosting the event in Sri Lanka provided a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of the travel industry and to explore the beautiful country.

Top executives from leading luxury hotel groups, airlines, and travel firms were among those scheduled to participate in the convention, TAAI officials stated. Notably, Arvind Singh, India’s former Tourism Secretary, was a featured speaker at the event.

TAAI Convention - Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives

Convention business sessions covered a range of compelling topics, including ‘India Tourism Vision 2047: A Transformed Landscape of Experiences and Connections’, ‘The Boundless Potential of the Skies’, ‘Differentiating Travel – Perspectives from Industry Experts’, and ‘Transcending Borders – Strengthening International Relations for a Transformed World’, among others.

Jyoti Mayal underscored the critical role of transcending borders in travel and personal growth. She drew attention to tourism’s transformative potential in driving prosperity, peace, and economic development across nations. “As the industry evolves, our minds must evolve too. We need to focus on growth and embrace the future to transform lives,” Mayal declared.

Spanning two days, the convention explored various topics related to transcending borders. Industry experts such as Arvind Singh, Madhavan Menon, Nipun Agarwal, and K.B. Kachru, among others, delivered speeches on diverse subjects. The convention also saw the participation of significant industry experts including Ashish Gupta, Pieter Elbers, Amitabh Khosla, Praveen Iyer, and many more.

TAAI Convention - The Boundless Potential of the Skies

Mayal brought attention to the immense potential of the Indian market as a globally sought-after destination for outbound travel. The Convention in Colombo offered a unique opportunity to discover emerging trends, exchange insights, and collaborate towards a future where travel truly transforms lives. “As delegates gather in Colombo, let us seize this occasion to embrace these trends and work together toward a more interconnected and transformative travel industry,” Mayal urged.

Aligning with Sri Lankan Airlines’ regional strategy, the primary theme of the 2023 TAAI conference aimed to strengthen the regional tourism industry. Dimuthu Thennakone, Head of International Sales and Distribution at Sri Lankan Airlines, expressed the airline’s ambition to bolster relations with India, specifically focusing on leisure and MICE tourists. He emphasized the airlines’ future plan to expand flight operations to several other Indian cities and their enthusiasm to partner with the TAAI Association to further boost tourism activities between the two nations.

On the convention’s concluding day, a special address was delivered by Harin Fernando, the Minister of Tourism and Lands, Sri Lanka, as confirmed by the TAAI.

Mayal, pointed out that the Indian market is undoubtedly poised to become one of the most sought-after markets globally due to its enormous potential for outbound travel.

“As we all prepared to gather in Colombo, we saw this as an opportunity to explore these trends, share our insights, and work collectively to shape a future where travel transcends borders and truly transforms lives,” Mayal stated.

A spectacular three-day Indian Travel Congress

The historic BMICH venue witnessed the Opening Ceremony with vibrant cultural performances by a troupe of artists, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. Additionally, a video presentation by the SLTPB outlined the Sri Lankan government’s vision to revitalize the tourism sector and restore it to full operation.

A cultural feast of music and dance performances

Officials confirmed that the 67th Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) convention was one of the major large-scale events in the tourism sector in the island nation, following the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and political crisis of 2022.

As the convention progressed, industry professionals and experts engaged in fruitful discussions, fostering stronger partnerships and paving the way for a prosperous tourism industry in both nations.

Additionally, the two-day business session and Buyer-Seller Meet unfolded across the Cinnamon Grand Colombo and Shangri-La Colombo hotels. Jay Bhatia, Vice President of TAAI, echoed the importance of the convention in cementing stronger bilateral ties between India and Sri Lanka. With about 200 Sri Lankan tourism stakeholders participating in the B2B sessions, the convention provided a perfect platform for networking and establishing rewarding business relations.

20230708 131020 67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big boost to Sri Lanka tourism

The spectacular three-day Indian Travel Congress culminated with a Gala dinner held at the Heritance Negombo with a breathtaking display of fireworks, and a cultural feast of music and dance performances featuring renowned Bollywood numbers performed in the Sinhala language.

In her closing address, Mayal asked the TAAI delegates to commit to encouraging tourism in Sri Lanka, both individually and institutionally. She praised the convention, themed ‘Transcending Borders, Transforming Lives,’ as a “resounding success.”

Overall, the 67th TAAI Convention demonstrated a commitment to fostering tourism and strengthening the bond between India and Sri Lanka.

Post-convention tours, organized by SLAITO member companies, offered delegates an immersive experience of Sri Lanka’s picturesque destinations, including Bentota, Galle, and Kandy. TAAI teamed up with four airlines for the event: SriLankan Airlines, Air India, IndiGo, and Vistara.

Sri Lanka: A Beacon for North and South Indian Tourists With Its Spiritual Trails

Sri Lanka, a country revered for its rich spiritual heritage, has been attracting North Indian tourists with its well-known Ramayana Trail. Last year, Sri Lanka Tourism introduced the “Murugan Trail,” tailored for South Indians. This trail includes approximately ten sites of worship, spanning from the northern reaches of the island to its southern tip. Highlighting locations like the Jaffna Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil and the Kataragama or Kadirgamam Murugan Temple, it caters to the reverence for Lord Shiva, a primary deity among the South Indian community.

India and Sri Lanka have been bound together by a legacy exceeding 2,500 years, encompassing shared aspects of history, culture, religion, spirituality, and language.

A cultural feast of music and dance performances

67th TAAI Conference in Colombo: Key Highlights

The 67th Convention of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) wrapped up successfully on July 9 in Colombo, marking an impressive gathering of industry professionals, government officials, and various stakeholders from both India and Sri Lanka.

Key Highlights :

  • Leading Regional Travel Event: With over 500 participants and the presence of 50 media personnel from India, the Convention reinforced its status as a leading travel event in the region, attracting industry professionals in pursuit of networking, knowledge-sharing, and partnership-building opportunities.
  • India as Sri Lanka’s Primary Tourism Market: Last year saw India emerge as the leading source market for tourism to Sri Lanka, thereby underlining the critical nature of cooperation and collaboration between the two nations in the travel industry. The TAAI Convention played an instrumental role in promoting this relationship.
  • A platform for Mutual Business Opportunities: The Convention served as an avenue for stakeholders of the Indian and Sri Lankan travel industries to explore promising business prospects, fostering robust partnerships and cooperation to bolster bilateral ties.
  • Insightful Sessions: A variety of thought-provoking sessions on relevant topics, such as India’s 2047 tourism vision, the rise of experiential travel, the importance of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions), and evolving digital opportunities in the travel sector, graced the convention’s agenda.
  • Knowledge-Sharing and Collaboration: Industry leaders and travel professionals from both countries had the chance to exchange expertise and insights, further solidifying networking opportunities and fostering mutual growth.
  • Strengthening Bilateral Tourism Relations: The TAAI Convention aimed to deepen cooperation between India and Sri Lanka in the realm of tourism. By enhancing bilateral relations and promoting mutual growth, it endeavoured to strengthen the ties between the two nations.

The 67th TAAI Conference in Colombo effectively forged lasting connections, opened avenues for future collaborations, and presented comprehensive insights into the tourism industry’s current trends and challenges.

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  • The Travel Agents Federation of India – TAFI

The Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) was established in 1986. It is a dynamic organisation that guides the travel industry in India. It is a professional body of travel agents coordinating different segments of the travel trade and is a non-political, non-commercial and not-for-profit body.

TAFI’s membership today comprises of 1400 active, associate, allied and affiliate (travel service intermediaries – non-IATA) members from all over India. Over 70% of the ticketing business is handled by TAFI members. TAFI is a proud member of World Travel Agents Associations Alliance (WTAAA) and an affiliate member of the Southern African Tourism Services Association (SATSA). TAFI has signed an agreement with the Federation of Hoteliers and Restaurant Association of India (FHRAI) for the benefit of its members. TAFI is committed to creating a more evolved and stable environment in the travel trade and becoming the cornerstone of the industry.

TAFI represents the travel trade before official bodies of government, airlines and other appropriate forums. It ensures healthy growth of the travel industry by promoting mutual cooperation among TAFI members and by introducing schemes that would benefit TAFI members as well as provide mutually beneficial alternatives to the airline industry.

TAFI augments the development of the travel industry in India by encouraging improvement in the standard of service, inculcating professionalism and spreading awareness and updated information on travel and regulations. It protects the interests of those engaged in the industry by highlighting the need to maintain high ethical standards and ensuring compliance of rules, regulations and guidelines set by the consulates, government authorities and airlines.

TAFI safeguards the interests of the travel agents/travel advisors vis-a-vis service providers such as airlines, consulates, government authorities and the travelling public from exploitation by unreliable travel agents/travel advisors.

TAFI also takes forward its agenda in educating and equipping the members to meet the challenges of tomorrow through regular meetings, seminars and conventions. To augment the development of the travel trade through consistent improvement in quality and technology and education and inculcate professionalism to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Website: tafionline.com

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IAAI celebratory event post-COVID

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the travel agents association of india

Mr K G UDAYAKUMAR COO (Chief Operating Officer

Ref: IAAI/003/GEN/2212. January 2022 Dear Members, Season’s greetings. It gives us immense pleasure to announce that Mr K G UDAYAKUMAR has joined our organization in the position of COO (Chief Operating Officer) effective from 10th January 2022. Udayakumar brings over 33 years of work experience as a Senior Accounts Officer with M/s. Jet Air (P)

the travel agents association of india

IAAI Circular – Indigo Airline Unfair Refunding Process

  Ref: IAAI/084-20/BE/CIRCULAR                                                                     22st May 2020 Sub: Indigo airline – unfair ticket refunding process Dear Colleagues and PartnersGreetings from IAAI. It has been brought to our attention that indigo airline is processing flight reservation cancellations and theproceedings are being protected in the form of a credit shell against the passengers PNR instead of the Agent

the travel agents association of india

Circular- IAAI NMC Meet on 25th May 2021 at 3.30 PM

  To: All IAAI NMC Members              22nd May 2021 Dear Team, Greetings from IAAI. After a long break only, we are writing this mail to you. Covid-19 pandemic has almost shut down our businessfrom March 2020 till continuing.In the beginning, when airlines refused to refund airline tickets, IAAI was in the forefront and even impleadedas

the travel agents association of india


The Travel Agents Federation Of India (TAFI) is a dynamic organisation that guides the travel industry in India. A professional body of Travel Agents to coordinating different segments of travel trade. TAFI is a non-political, non-commercial and not for profit body.

TAFI aero

  • TAFI's membership - 1400 Active,Associate,Allied and Affiliate (Travel Service Intermediaries - Non (ATA) members from all over India.
  • A proud member of World Travel Agents Association Alliance (WTAAA).
  • An Affiliate member of the Southern African Tourism Services Association (SATSA) .
  • Signed an Agreement with the Federation of Hoteliers and Restaurant Association of India (FHRAI) for the benefits of its members.

Celebrating its silver jubilee,TAFI is committed to creating a more evolved and stable environment in the Travel Trade and becoming the cornerstone of the industry.

the travel agents association of india

We represent the travel agents trade before official bodies of Government, Airline bodies and other approriate forums

the travel agents association of india

We ensure the healthy growth of the Travel industry by promoting

  • mutual cooperation among TAFI members
  • schemes that would benefit the TAFI members as well as provide mutually beneficial alternatives to the airline industry.

the travel agents association of india

We augment the development of the travel industry in India by

  • encouraging improvement in the standard of service
  • inculcating professionalism
  • spreading awareness and updated information on travel and regulations

the travel agents association of india

We protect the interests of those engaged in the industry by

  • highlighting the need to maintain high ethical standards
  • ensuring compliance of Rules, Regulations and Guidelines set by the Consulates, Government Authorities and Airlines

We safeguard the interests of the Travel Agents vis-a-vis service providers such as airlines, several consulates, several Government Authorities and the travelling public from exploitation by unreliable travel agents.

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Copyrights © 2021 TAFI All Rights Reserved


Travel Agent Association of Pan India

Travel Agent Assocoation of Pan India (TAAPI) was formed in April 2022. TAAPI is committed to creating a more evolved and stable environment in the Travel Trade and becoming the cornerstone of the industry.


Travel Agent Assocoation of Pan India (TAAPI)

the travel agents association of india

1. Regional Tourist Corporation 2. Travel Portals 3. Hotels & Resorts 4. Railways & Airlines 5. Tourism Institutes 6. Tourism Expo Companies Domestic tourism strengthens national integration and provides socio-economic development in the country. Our members are actively involved in the promotion of tourism by promoting various tourist destinations in the country.

the travel agents association of india

Travel Agent Association of Pan India -22-4-2022

the travel agents association of india

Nargol Fam Trip -21 May 2022

the travel agents association of india

Networking Dinner -27 Aug 2022

the travel agents association of india

746, Belgium Tower, Near Delhi Gate, Surat-395001


  • Photo Gallery


Copyright © 2022 Travel Agent Assocoation of Pan India (TAAPI). All rights reserved.

OTOAI hosts ‘Extraordinary General Meeting’- Protraction of the elections for a year

7th AGM of OTOAI and Destination Canada Mou Signed on 28th August 2019

Welcome To OTOAI

Mission & vision.

  • Code of Ethics !
  • What we stand for

Code Of Ethics !

OTOAI, since inception has followed a stringent set of ethics and standards in its conduct, which is something it has proudly maintained in all these years. Here’s a detailed look at its Standards of Professional Conduct

What We Stand For

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

OTOAI announces its 5th Convention in Nairobi, Kenya

Outbound Tour Operators Association of India...

New Team takes over of OTOAI for the term 2019-21 as EC members get elected Unopposed

New Team takes over of OTOAI for the term 2019-...

World Tourism Alliance (WTA) Xianghu Dialogue 2019

OTOAI was the only association to be invited fr...

Up Coming Events

Upcoming events coming soon......, otoai gallery, benefits of becoming an otoai member, member login, our sponsors, connect with otoai, forgot password.

the travel agents association of india

  • Explore ATAA
  • All Tour Packages
  • Golden Triangle 2 Nights - 3 Days
  • Golden Triangle 3 Nights - 4 Days
  • Golden Triangle 4 Nights - 5 Days
  • Golden Triangle With Golden Temple
  • Golden Triangle With Tiger Safari
  • Golden Triangle Varanasi
  • Golden Triangle With Haridwar & Rishikesh
  • Sameday Tajmahal By Car From Delhi
  • Sameday Tajmahal By Car From Jaipur
  • Sameday Tajmahal By Superfast Train
  • Sameday Tajmahal Sunrise
  • Agra Heritage Walk
  • Delhi Heritage Walk
  • Jaipur Heritage Walk
  • Varanasi Heritage Walk
  • Jaipur Ranthambore Tour
  • Jimm Corbett Safari
  • Khajurao Bandhavgarh
  • Kerela Back Water
  • Dharamshala Yoga Tour
  • Phone No: +91 95571 10811
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tour Packages
  • General Information About Agra
  • Agra-A Historical City
  • Tourist Attractions
  • Night Viewing Of Taj Mahal
  • Places To Stay

Golden Triangle Tours

Same day tours, heritage tours, kerala tours.

  • Dharamshal Yoga Tour

Safari Tours

the travel agents association of india

Rise with the symbol of love

Taj mahal same day tours.

Spend the day touring superb Agra on this tour from Delhi. visit the stunning Taj Mahal, and tour the grounds with your particularly-qualified neighbourhood tour guide.

the travel agents association of india

Enjoy Golden Triangle Tours.

Golden triangle tour gives you a lifetime opportunity to explore colours of India. This tour is perfect for those who wants to take a dip into rich Indian history, culture and traditions.

the travel agents association of india

Heritage walking tour.

Heritage walking tour, which brings something special for you in this tour, here we make you experience with the old heritage of the city

the travel agents association of india

Enjoy Elephant Ride and tiger safari

The tourist can enjoy the elephant ride and tiger safari in different national national parks.

Welcome To ATAA

Agra Travel Agents Association (Transforming Tourism)

the travel agents association of india

Agra Travel Agents Association (ATAA), Body of Domestic Tour Operators in Agra, constituted on 1st Sept 2022

the travel agents association of india

ATAA Members

Here is a directory of all our valued ATAA Members.

the travel agents association of india

Agra-Taj Mahal & More

Agra is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India.

the travel agents association of india

News & Activities

Some updates & Glimpse & ATAA activities

Photo Gallery

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Latest News


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Agra tour packages.

By Members Of Agra Travel Agents Association

the travel agents association of india


the travel agents association of india


the travel agents association of india


the travel agents association of india


the travel agents association of india


Phone: +91 95571 10811.

copyrights © 2022 Agra Travel Agents Association.  All Rights Reserved. Webiste Designing company in agra


  • Region/Chapters

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Rajesh Poddar Chairman

Mobile : +91 - 9819803022 Email : [email protected] Rightchoice Tours N Travels LLP Director 101 IVY Center, Patel Estate Road, Near New Amboli Police Station, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai - 400102 Tel : 022-49195300 / 333

Mr. Rajesh Poddar

the travel agents association of india

Ms. Aletta Dias Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 99875 71502 Email : [email protected] BCD Travel India Private Limited Senior Director - Corporate Affairs , Level 2, Unit # 202 / B, Natraj by Rustomjee, 194, Andheri Kurla Road,Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400069 Tel : +91-22-40855347

Ms. Aletta Dias

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Suneet Rawat Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98200 72928 Email : [email protected] AK Tours Pvt. Ltd. Director 3, Marine Chambers, 3, New Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400020 Tel : 022-23891414

Mr. Suneet Rawat

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Neeraj Malhotra Chairman

Mobile : +91-9810161884 Email : [email protected] Ganpati Travels Co-Founder & CEO 1207, 12th Floor Devika Towers, 6 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019 Tel : (011) 26484004, (011) 26289136-37 / 41622826

Mr. Neeraj Malhotra

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Anurag Agarwal Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98110 59677 Email : [email protected] Director S A SOUTHEND TRAVELS PVT LTD Unit No. 14, Tribhuvan Complex, Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110065 Tel : 011-66624545

Mr. Anurag Agarwal

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sarna Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98102 03496 Email : [email protected] Teleporters Travel Solution LLP Plot No. 4, Unit 610, DDA Complex, District Center, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi - 110092 Tel : +91-11-40040128

Mr. Neeraj Kumar Sarna

the travel agents association of india

Mrs. Devaki Thiyagarajan Chairperson

Mobile : +91 94441 26234 Email: [email protected] Avocet Tours & Travel Private Limited Managing Director No. 16/165, Alsa Regency, Eldams Road,Chennai - 600018 Tel : +91 44 24362324/25

Mrs. Devaki Thiyagarajan

the travel agents association of india

Mrs. Padmini Narayanan Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98400 86793 Email: [email protected] Akshayaa India Tours & Travels P.Ltd Managing Director A-1/3, Kushkumar Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600034 Tel : +91-44-28224617/18, 28218393 / 44117575

Mrs. Padmini Narayanan

the travel agents association of india

Mr. M. K. Regil Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98410 29857 Email: [email protected] J.R.A. Travel Services Private Ltd. Manager No. 336, IInd Floor, Thambu Chetty Street, Parry's, Chennai - 600001 Tel : +91-44-42161199

Mr. M. K. Regil

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Manav Soni Chairman

Mobile : +91- 9830068437 Email: [email protected] Exclusive Travels Private Limited CEO 19/1, Camac Street, KOLKATA 700017 Tel : (033) 22806590/0967

Mr. Manav Soni

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Anjani Kumar Dhanuka Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 - 9831014156 Email: [email protected] Aircom Travels Private Limited Director 409, Kamalalaya Centre,156 - A, Lenin Sarani, KOLKATA - 700013 Tel : (033) 22158081 / 82 / 86 / 40410000

Mr. Anjani Kumar Dhanuka

the travel agents association of india

Mrs. Punam Arora Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 - 99831107595 Email: [email protected] South Wind Travel Agents (P) Ltd. Director 35,Chittaranjan Avenue,, Kolkata 700012 Tel : (033) 40147878

Mrs. Punam Arora

the travel agents association of india

Mr.Nagesh Pampati Chairman

Mobile : +91 9866108933 Email : [email protected] Pampati Aeroworld Travels Pvt. Ltd. Managing Director 3-6-430/1, Liberty Road, Opp: Chutney's Restaurant, Himayatnagar,Hyderabad 500029 Tel : (040) 66847492

Mr. Nagesh Pampati

the travel agents association of india

Mrs. Sujatha Cecilia Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 99122 33951 Email : [email protected] Across The Monde Travel and Tours Private Limited Director 202, Revathi Apartments, Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038 Tel : +91 40 23744757

Mrs. Sujatha Cecilia

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Hemant T. Pandya Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 81793 20397 Email : [email protected] R.K. Tours & Travels Proprietor #203, Mittal Chambers, 2-2-51 / 99, M.G. Road, Secunderabad - 500003 Tel : +91 40 2771 7279

Mr. Hemant T. Pandya

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Harraj Singh Sidhu Chairman

Mobile : +91 98155 42307� Email : [email protected] Sidhu Travels Managing Director SCO 123-124, Sector 17 C, Chandigarh Godrej Building, Chandigarh - 160017 Tel : +91-172-5073377, 5074499

Mr. Harraj Singh Sidhu

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Puneet Arora Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98140 67177 Email : [email protected] Business Bytes Travel Services Sole Proprietor S.C.O. 217, First Floor, Sector 14, Panchkula - 134109 Tel : +91-172-4012777 / 4024777

Mr. Puneet Arora

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Naveen Kumar Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 - 9815346118 Email : [email protected] G.K. Enterprises Director S.C.O. 148-149, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh - 160022 Tel : +91-172-4636760, 2602848

Mr. Naveen Kumar

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Sainath Krishna Prabhu Dharwatkar Chairman

Mobile : +91 - 9823147695, Email : [email protected] Sarathi Travels Partner G-2, Sindhur - B, S.V. Road, Panaji, GOA 403001 Tel : (0832) 2436943

Sainath Krishna Prabhu Dharwatkar

the travel agents association of india

Timoteo Luis Colaco Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 70383 86181 Email : [email protected] Par Avion Travels & Tours Proprietor Souza Enclave, Shop No. 3, First Floor, Opp. SPDA Market, Madel, Salcette Salcete, Goa - 403601 Tel : +91-832-2701870 / 2702477 / 2712429 / +91-9822156729

Timoteo Luis Colaco

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Vineet G. Dhavalikar Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 78880 44943 Email : [email protected] Vishwakamal Travels Partner 4, Kazi Building, Opp. Union Bank, Ponda, Goa - 403401 Tel : +91 91588 58554

Mr. Vineet G. Dhavalikar

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Virendra Shah Chairman

Mobile : +91- 9925019297 Email : [email protected] Mamata Airwings Managing Partner 207/208/209, Shilp Building, C G Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009 Tel : 079 - 30071385

Mr. Virendra Shah

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Prashant Madlani Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98252 22210 Email : [email protected] The Junction Proprietor 131 Satyam Mall , Beside Vishweshwar Mahadev , Behind Hdfc Bank , Near Mansi Tower , Ahmedabad - 380 015 , Gujarat Tel : +91-79-26760013 / 40030440

Mr. Prashant Madlani

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Viral Shah Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98252 60935 Email : [email protected] Travel World CEO 104, Aakanksha, Shrimali Society, Nr. Mt. Carmel Railway Crossing, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 Tel : +91-79-26440400 / 26420088

Mr. Viral Shah

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Ather Yameen Narwari Chairman

Mobile : ++91-9797322000 / +91 -7006539435 Email : [email protected] Earth Explorers Travel and Tours Managing Director "Narwari Manzil", Court Road, Amira Kadlal Lal Chowk, Srinagar - 190001 Tel : +91-194-7967298

Mr. Ather Yameen Narwari

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Sameer Ahmad Baktoo Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91-9906710008 / +91-9419074182 Email : [email protected] India Travel Connection Proprietor) Level 3, Katrubreng Complex, Khanyar, Srinagar - 190003 Tel : +91-194-2475861

Mr. Sameer Ahmad Baktoo

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Irshad Ahmad Hazari Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 99068 08017 / +91 94198 08017 Email : [email protected] Euphoria Travel Services Pvt. Ltd. Director 3rd Cross Road Boulevard, Old Gagribal, Near Hotel Pine Grove, Srinagar - 190001 Tel : +91-194-2501111 / 3511711

Mr. Irshad Ahmad Hazari

the travel agents association of india

Mobile : +91 98450 08596 Email : [email protected] Pranam Travels Pvt. Ltd. Director F-2, 1st Floor Gem Plaza, No. 66, Infantry Road, BANGALORE - 560001 Tel : 080 - 25559949, 080 - 25328168 / 69

Mr. S.V. Chidambaresh

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Amarnath N Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 99002 68232 Email : [email protected] Bangalore Classic Tours and Travels Pvt Ltd. Director 41, A J Chambers, R. V. Road, Basavnagudi , BANGALORE-560004

Mr. Amarnath N

the travel agents association of india

Mr. K.S. Balaji Hon. Treasurer

Mobile :++91 98450 64452 Email : [email protected] Hoysala Tours & Travels (P) Limited Managing Director No. 30, 7 B Main, 4 Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011 Tel : +91 80 4121 1668

Mr. K.S. Balaji

the travel agents association of india

Mrs. Mariyamma Jose Chairperson

Mobile : +91 98470 31003 Email : [email protected] Athena Travels (India) P. Ltd Managing Director 39/3548 Rukiya Bagh, M.G. Road, Ravipuram, Kochi - 682016 Tel : +91-484-2359082 / +91-9961090003

Mrs. Mariyamma Jose

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Asharaf N. Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98460 87297 , +91 90202 07700 Email : [email protected] Lavanya Travel Service Proprietor 39/4020, 1st Floor, Peringat Building, Sreekandath Road, Ravipuram, Kochi - 682016 Tel : +91-484-2350800/900/2355700/4054400

Mr. Asharaf N.

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Anson Paul Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 93871 05540 Email : [email protected] Trichur Travel House Private Limited Managing Director IX/585, D Adattukaran Building, Sakthan Thampuran Nagar, Thrissur - 680001 Tel :+91-487-2442876 / 2442987 / 2429793 / 4

Mr. Anson Paul

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Hemendra Singh Jadon Chairman

Mobile : +91 98270 36666 Email : [email protected] Overseas Travels, Proprietor "Kishorepura House" EF 2, Scheme No. 54 (Vijay Nagar) Indore (M.P.) 452010 Tel : +91-731-4004786 / 4247777

Mr. Hemendra Singh Jadon

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Amit Navlani Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98260 94438 Email : [email protected] Travel Solutions Co-Founder UG-16, Apollo Square, Race Course Road, Indore - 452001 Tel : +91-731-4077534 / 3596961

Mr. Amit Navlani

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Pankaj Raj Sood Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 88787 55000 Email : [email protected] Satguru Travels Director Shop No. 5, C.G. Eye Hospital Complex, Telibandha Chowk, Raipur - 492007 Tel : +91 94252 05065

Mr. Pankaj Raj Sood

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Irshad Abde Musa Mehdi Chairman

Mobile : +91-98230 53931 Email : [email protected] Ideal Tours & Travels Partner SS - 8, Golden Palace,Near Sudama Theatre, WHC Road,Dharampeth, NAGPUR-440010 Tel : +91-712-6649585 / 6 / 7

Mr. Irshad Abde Musa Mehdi

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Ravi Rampal Agrawal Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 99607 55777 Email : [email protected] Director Voyage Global Journeys Pvt. Ltd. Ground Floor, Jeevan Chhaya Society, Next to Hotel Center Point, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur - 440010 Tel : +91 78339 78337 Mobile +91-9960755777 Email - [email protected]

Mr. Ravi Rampal Agrawal

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Kawaljeet Singh Vij Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98231 89898 Email : [email protected] Nova Tours & Travels 16, Central Avenue Road, Above Punjab & Sind Bank, Nagpur - 440018 Tel : +91-712-2727312 / 6631361 to 70

Mr. Kawaljeet Singh Vij

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Mehboob Shaikh Chairman

Mobile : +91 98500 80120 Email : [email protected] Travel Elect India Private Limited, Director Office No-307, B-1, Gera Gardens, 7A-Koregaon Rd, Koregaon Park, Near St. Mira's Girls College, Pune - 411001 Tel : +91-20-41500786

Mr. Mehboob Shaikh

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Yazdi Marker Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 95958 64646 Email : [email protected] Upcurve Consumer Technologies Private Limited (T/A UdChalo) General Manager VR & BD Udchalo House, Arena, Plot No. 10, CTS No. 98, S. No. 206/3 (P), Viman Nagar, Pune - 411014 Tel :+91 92722 03030

Mr. Yazdi Marker

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Syed Zakir Hussaini Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98226 51515 Email : [email protected] Wonder Travels Partner Shop No. 17, Nupur Cinema, Near Seven Hills Flyover, Aurangabad - 431001 Tel : +91-240-2481114

Mr. Syed Zakir Hussaini

the travel agents association of india

Rtn. Gurjeet Singh Sekhon Chairman

Mobile : +91 98144 50786 Email : [email protected] Ace Vacations and Travels Managing Partner 2nd Floor, 38, Mall Road, Amritsar - 143001 Tel : +91 183 2560687

Mr. Gurjeet Singh Sekhon

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Paramjit Singh Bhatia Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98140 27575 Email : [email protected] Bhatia Travels Managing Partner 925,G.T. Road, Near General Bus Stand, Jalandhar - 144001 Tel : +91 181 2223545 / 4605000

Mr. Paramjit Singh Bhatia

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Pankul Sharma Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98144 50786 Email : [email protected] Sharma Travels Regd. Managing Director 916, 1st Floor, G T Road, Near Narinder Cinema, Jalandhar - 144 001 Tel : +91 181 5005529

Mr. Pankul Sharma

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Manoj Kumar Sogani Chairman

Mobile : +91 98290 54737 Email : [email protected] BCS Tours & Travels (P) Ltd. Director 214, Second Floor, Vardhman Complex, Johari Bazar, Jaipur - 302003 Tel : +91-141-4000111 (30Lines)

Mr. Manoj Kumar Sogani

Mr. Dashrath Singh Rathore Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 93149 64058 Email : [email protected] Mayur Travels (Rajasthan) Pvt. Ltd., T/A Mayur Travels Manager S-6, Second Floor, Sangam Tower Complex, Church Road, Jaipur - 302001 Tel : +91-141-2364058 / 4012001 / 2

Mr. Dashrath Singh Rathore

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Arvind Kumar Pareek Hon. Treasurer

Mobile :+91 98290 17587 Email : [email protected] Satyam Travels & Tours Proprietor C-63A , Sarojini Marg , C-Scheme, Jaipur - 302001 Tel : +91-141-4008800

Mr. Arvind Kumar Pareek

the travel agents association of india

Mrs. Hina Zaidi Chairperson

Mobile : +91 93898 11436 Email : [email protected] Sheeraz Tours Private Limited Director Marketing 3, Tilak Marg, Near Hotel Arif Castle, Lucknow - 226001 Tel : +91-522-4555666

Mrs. Hina Zaidi

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Roy Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98390 49566 Email : [email protected] Skyline India Travels Private Limited Managing Director 3, Tilak Marg, Near Hotel Arif Castle, Lucknow - 226001 Tel : +91-542-2508554-55-56-57

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Roy

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Mohammed Khalid Shah Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 93358 43687 / +91 70804 31786 Email : [email protected] Ashraf Travels Services Proprietor Flat No. 7, 2nd Floor, Lucknow Plaza Building, Near Vishal Shopping Mall, Nazirabad, Lucknow - 226018 Tel : +91-522-2200678 / 2200578 / 4013347

Mr. Mohammed Khalid Shah

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Devan Shah Chairman

Mobile : +91 98242 11283 [email protected] Royal Travels Shreeji Imperia � F1 A & B, Above City Union Bank, Next to HDFC Bank, Park Colony, Jamnagar - 361008 Tel : +91-288-2553133 / 2558035 / 2663781

Mr. Devan Shah

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Gopal Anantrai Unadkat Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98251 20172 [email protected] Aadesh Travels Private Limited Managing Director "Destination Plus" 3rd Floor, Amin Marg, Rajkot - 360005 Tel :+91-281- 2440457 / 2476382

Mr. Gopal Anantrai Unadkat

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Amit Gandhi Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98250 74326 [email protected] Nikki Travels & Tradelink Partner Shop No.1, Gautam Apartments, Near Moti Tanki, Rajkot - 360001 Tel : +91-281-2478492 / 2476159

Mr. Amit Gandhi

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Malcom T. Pandol Chairman

Mobile : +91 98259 12000 [email protected] Panair Tours and Travels CEO "Pandol Chambers", B/H Gandhi Smruti Bhavan, Timaliyawad, Nanpura, Surat - 395001 Tel : +91-261-2463167

Mr. Malcom T. Pandol

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Kantilal M. Sohagia Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98258 32423 Email : [email protected] Sohagia Tours & Travels Private Limited Managing Director 1st Floor, 101-102, 2nd Floor, 201-202, Tulsi Arcade, Opp. Gabani Hospital, Station Road, Surat - 395003 Tel : +91-261-2209625

Mr. Kantilal M. Sohagia

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Vishal Mahendrakumar Shah Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 98258 32423 Email : [email protected] Shree Vishal Travels Partner 5-6-7, Brahmin Panch Wadi, Dudhia Talav Road, Navsari - 396445 Tel : +91-2637-244748 / 654354

Mr. Vishal Mahendrakumar Shah

the travel agents association of india

Ln. Mr. H.S. Ashraf Ali Chairman

Mobile : +91 98424 49966 / +91 94431 24681 Email : [email protected] Sangam Travels Managing Partner 5, Second Floor, Bharath Shopping Mall, No. 2 & 50, Heber Road, Puthur, Tiruchirapalli - 620017 Tel : +91-431-2792115 / 6

Ln. Mr. H.S. Ashraf Ali

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Ln. S.P. Rajendran Hon. Secretary

Mobile : +91 98424 62231 Email : [email protected] Sri Kalaivani Air Travels Private Limited Managing Director 104-106, Kanchana Towers, 13-F, Williams Road, Cantonment, Trichy - 620001 Tel : +91-431-4000111

Mr. Ln. S.P. Rajendran

the travel agents association of india

Mr. Kalidasan Ganesan Hon. Treasurer

Mobile : +91 94434 44148 Email : [email protected] Bharath Air Travels Proprietor 70/9, Railway Station Road, Near New Bus Stand, Ramanathapuram - 623501 Tel : +91-4567-222622

Mr. Kalidasan Ganesan

  • History of TAAI
  • Mission Statement
  • Past Presidents Gallery
  • Career @ TAAI

Incredible India


the travel agents association of india

TAAI's 67th Convention in Colombo, SriLanka -May 27, 2023

the travel agents association of india

The 66th Convention & Exhibition of TAAI, 2022 -Mar 10, 2022

the travel agents association of india

TAAI's Pandemic Activities Updates -Oct 22, 2020

the travel agents association of india

ATM Virtual 24 � 26 May 2021..

the travel agents association of india

TAAI innovates on online learn..

Jyoti mayal will lead taai for.., las vegas comes to mumbai...

the travel agents association of india

India international Travel & T..

the travel agents association of india

IATA 34 PAPGJC Meeting At Madr..

the travel agents association of india

TAAI Support to SATTE; IITT; G..

the travel agents association of india

TAAI getting ready to launch i..

the travel agents association of india

TAAI CONNECT continues to be i..

the travel agents association of india

Building Bridges - TAAI & Roma..

the travel agents association of india

TAAI successfully organizes TA..

the travel agents association of india

TAAI 65th Convention successfu..

the travel agents association of india

65th TAAI Annual Convention to..

the travel agents association of india

UFTAA Meets at Madrid for thei..

the travel agents association of india



Kashmir set to host its biggest tourism gathering in 30 years.


TAAI Golf Tournament (Proposed)


TAAI Convention to be held in Srinagar from March 27-29


TAAI signs MoU with Faizabad university.


TAAI national elections on Nov 28, 2017 in Mumbai.


Sameer Karnani elected as Chairman, TAAI Western Region


TAAI Northern Region election on July 21


TAAI to sign MoU with Malaysia

Taai signs agreement with south africa tourism to educate agents across india, taai hosts gst session for its members in mumbai.



  • 1 About TAAI
  • 2 Regions/Chapters
  • 3 Membership
  • 4 Namastaai
  • 5 Taai Events
  • 6 Career @ TAAI
  • 7 Photo Gallery
  • 8 News & Updates
  • 9 Disclaimer
  • 10 Contact Us


"" i saw an angel in the marble and carved until i set him free" ...", -michelangelo, travel agents association of india.

TAAI Secretariat, Mumbai 2-D Lawrence and Mayo House, 276, DR. D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Copyright © 2022 TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (TAAI). All rights reserved. Website by 3ACES .


  1. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) is set to host its 67th Convention in the capital city of Sri Lanka, Colombo from July 6-9, 2023, on the invitation from the Sri Lankan Tourism Promotion Board (SLTPB). The 67th Convention and Exhibition in Colombo is being held in association with Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators ...

  2. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was incorporated during 1951, 4 years after Indian Independence. It continues most effectively with quality growth and ability to support industry growth. TAAI is India's premier, nodal, largest and oldest Travel & Tourism Association. TAAI'smembership of about 2,500+ leading Indian companies ...

  3. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    TAAI is actively involved with United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA). UFTAA is represented on PAPGJC (Passenger Agency Program Global Joint Council) where association matters pertaining to governing resolutions by IATA are taken forward. ... TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA. TAAI Secretariat, Mumbai 2-D Lawrence and Mayo ...

  4. TAAI

    The Travel Agent Association of India plays an important role in the field of travel and tourism in India. TAAI promotes and develops tourism, helps in collaboration, and protects the interest of Indian Travel companies in India. TAAI is a tourism organization and any organization/firm and agency can apply for its membership.

  5. Travel Agents Association of India

    Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was incorporated during 1951. Our association was initiated 4 years after Indian Independence and continues most effectively with quality growth and ability to support industry growth. TAAI is India's premier, nodal, largest and oldest Travel & Tourism Association. We work closely with the Ministry of ...

  6. Travel Agents Association of India

    Travel Agents Association of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra. 17,266 likes · 42 talking about this · 12 were here. TAAI - India's Premier & Largest Travel & Tourism Association recognised by Ministry of...

  7. Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)

    D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. India. New Delhi. 212, New Delhi House, 27, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001. Learn more about Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)'s jobs, projects ...


    More specifically, as an Association of Travel agents of India, the organization represents a broad network of companies operating in India. Within this framework, by joining GTPI, TAAI is committing to the promotion of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative and solutions developed within its framework in the network of their tour operators ...

  9. 67th Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI) Convention to give big

    The 67th Convention of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) wrapped up successfully on July 9 in Colombo, marking an impressive gathering of industry professionals, government officials, and various stakeholders from both India and Sri Lanka. Key Highlights :

  10. TAFI

    Our Chapter Committees are empowered and educated on the ever changing scenario and take decisions for the betterment of Industry, our member feels a sense of ownership and pride and to believe that TAFI is there for them. We are also working closely with all the other Associations towards creating a credible lobby whose voice is heard.

  11. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    The TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (TAAI) was formed towards the end of the year 1951 by a group of twelve leading travel agents, who felt the time had come to create an Association to regulate the travel industry in India along organized lines and in accordance with sound business principles. The primary purpose was to protect the ...

  12. The Travel Agents Federation of India

    TAFI. The Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) was established in 1986. It is a dynamic organisation that guides the travel industry in India. It is a professional body of travel agents coordinating different segments of the travel trade and is a non-political, non-commercial and not-for-profit body. TAFI's membership today comprises of ...

  13. Travel Agents Association Of India

    The Travel Agents Association Of India is a membership-based organization focused on regulating and promoting the travel industry. It offers services such as industry advocacy, protection for travelers, and professional development for its members. The association also organizes events and provides information to support the growth and ...

  14. IAAI

    Circular- IAAI NMC Meet on 25th May 2021 at 3.30 PM. To: All IAAI NMC Members 22nd May 2021 Dear Team, Greetings from IAAI. After a long break only, we are writing this mail to you. Covid-19 pandemic has almost shut down our businessfrom March 2020 till continuing.In the beginning, when airlines refused to refund airline tickets, IAAI was in ...

  15. TAFI today

    The Travel Agents Frederation of India (TAFI) Established in 1986. The Travel Agents Federation Of India (TAFI) is a dynamic organisation that guides the travel industry in India. A professional body of Travel Agents to coordinating different segments of travel trade. TAFI is a non-political, non-commercial and not for profit body.

  16. Travel Agent Association of Pan India

    Travel Agent Assocoation of Pan India (TAAPI) Travel Agent Assocoation of Pan India (TAAPI) was formed in April 2022. TAAPI is committed to creating a more evolved and stable environment in the Travel Trade and becoming the cornerstone of the industry. 1. Regional Tourist Corporation 2. Travel Portals 3. Hotels & Resorts 4. Railways & Airlines 5.

  17. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    TAAI as a Nodal Association receives such queries as to who are its members. We assure them with our slogan: Deal with someone you can trust "A TAAI MEMBER". ... TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA. TAAI Secretariat, Mumbai 2-D Lawrence and Mayo House, 276, DR. D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Phone: +91-22-4083 6786 /91 Fax: +91-22-4083 6767


    The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was formed in 1951 by 12 travel agents to regulate and organize the travel industry in India. TAAI aims to protect industry members, promote orderly growth, and safeguard travelers. It is now India's largest travel association with over 2500 members including travel agencies, airlines, hotels, and ...

  19. OTOAI

    Welcome To OTOAI. Outbound Tour Operators Association of India (OTOAI) is one of the Travel Associations in India that has been formed for the benefit of the members in the outbound travel trade. It is a national, non-profit organisation comprising India's Outbound Tour Operators and Travel Agents, who are into serious business of selling ...

  20. Agra Travel Agents Association

    Agra Travel Agents Association (ATAA), Body of Domestic Tour Operators in Agra, constituted on 1st Sept 2022. ... Agra is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Agra Travel Agents Association. News & Activities. Some updates & Glimpse & ATAA activities . Photo Gallery. Latest News. testing 25 Jul 24

  21. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    BCD Travel India Private Limited Senior Director - Corporate Affairs , Level 2, Unit # 202 / B, Natraj by Rustomjee, 194, Andheri Kurla Road,Andheri (East), ... TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA. TAAI Secretariat, Mumbai 2-D Lawrence and Mayo House, 276, DR. D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Phone: +91-22-4083 6786 /91 Fax: +91-22-4083 6767

  22. Antigua and Barbuda Tapped to Host 43rd Caribbean Travel Marketplace

    The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) has selected Antigua and Barbuda as the host destination for the 43rd Caribbean Travel Marketplace (CTM). Scheduled for May 18-22, 2025, the ...

  23. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    Napolitan Travel Agency Co. Pvt. Limited Phone: +91-20-29996939 / 26053265 Mr. Bahram P. Zadeh MC Member. Mr. Kulvinder Singh Kohli MC Member. ... TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA. TAAI Secretariat, Mumbai 2-D Lawrence and Mayo House, 276, DR. D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Phone: +91-22-4083 6786 /91 Fax: +91-22-4083 6767