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250 Fun & Engaging Road Trip Questions to Keep Everyone Entertained For Hours

road curving in the mountains- courtesy of canva

Planning an epic road trip? Keep everyone entertained for hours with over 250 road trip questions & conversation starters! Plus Free PDF printable!

Road Trip Questions & Conversation Starters

I don’t care who you are…if you’ve been on a road trip, you’ve said it. Or at least thought it.

The dreaded, “ Are we there yet? “

Whether you’re sick of your phone, have no cell service, have finished your books, or are tired of everyone saying, “Are we there yet?” one of the best ways to enjoy a long car ride is through good old fashioned conversation!

But…sometimes when you’re put on the spot, you freeze. It’s the worst when you can’t think of anything to talk about!

Enter: These 250 awesome done for you road trip questions and conversation starters.

Turning conversation into a road trip game is the perfect boredom buster for a long car ride. No matter if you’re traveling with kids, teens, your partner, or strangers, everyone can have fun by getting to know each other a little better.

250 road trip conversation starters

What are the best car ride questions?

What are some questions to ask on a road trip? We love road trip questions because undoubtably you’ll learn something about your travel mates that you didn’t already know. What are the best card ride questions? Well…I guess you’ll have to decide!

In this post you’ll find:

  • 100 random, fun, and funny road trip conversation starters
  • 100 “Would You Rather” questions
  • 50 “Favorite Things” questions
  • “This or That” printable
  • Road Trip scavenger hunt

Pick and choose which road trip questions work for you. Skip any that feel weird or uncomfortable or isn’t age appropriate.

Feel free to screenshot these road trip conversation starters or simply subscribe to get all of these fun road trip printables!


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Before you hit the road, be sure to grab our road trip essentials checklist so you don’t forget a thing!

100 Best Questions to Ask on a Road Trip

What do you talk about on a road trip? If you’re looking for the best boredom busters for a long car ride…try answering some of these road trip questions. From simple to thought provoking to really random, here are 100 interesting road trip conversation starters:

  • If you could move anywhere right now, where would you want to live?
  • What did you want to be when you were little?
  • What’s under your bed right now?
  • If you could choose a new name, what would it be?
  • If you could meet any president, who would you choose?
  • If you could only see one color for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • Would you go to outer space if given the opportunity?
  • Something you’re thankful for?
  • Three things your dream house must have.
  • If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?
  • If you could be exceptional at one sport, what sport would you choose?
  • Who is someone you admire?
  • Three songs on your current playlist.
  • Most embarrassing moment?
  • If you could cure any disease, what would it be?
  • Are you afraid of snakes?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Describe your perfect day.
  • What’s your dream car?
  • What’s something most people don’t know about you?
  • Three things that always make you happy.
  • What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
  • If you could speak another language, what would you like to speak?
  • Where do you want to retire?
  • What’s one thing you’d like people to remember you for when you die?
  • What’s your most valuable possession?
  • What’s the last book you read?
  • What’s your signature dance move?
  • Are you superstitious?
  • What was your childhood nickname?
  • Would you ever go on a reality show?
  • What’s your biggest passion?
  • Are you a thrill seeker?
  • What’s the longest time you’ve been away from home?
  • Describe your perfect date.
  • Three things you like about yourself.
  • What’s your love language?
  • If you opened a store tomorrow, what would you sell?
  • What calms you down when you’re angry?
  • Biggest regret?
  • Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  • Three things that drive you crazy.
  • Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  • What personality traits do you look for in a partner?
  • Biggest guilty pleasure?
  • What is the last thing you googled?
  • Do you believe in aliens?
  • What are your top 3 most used emojis?
  • What is your biggest pet peeve?
  • How do you like your eggs cooked?
  • Do you like roller coasters?
  • One movie you could watch over and over again?
  • What is the worst gift you’ve ever received?
  • What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
  • If you discovered a new planet, what would you name it?
  • What is the last lie you told?
  • Who is the kindest person you know?
  • Three things on your bucket list.
  • What is your spirit animal?
  • Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
  • What is one thing that always makes you laugh?
  • What would be the worst way to die?
  • What is one rule or law that you think is absolutely ridiculous?
  • If you could have a wild animal as a pet, what would you have?
  • Three things you’d take to a deserted island.
  • A household chore you don’t mind doing and one you hate?
  • A talent you wish you had?
  • Three things you’d do if you won the lottery
  • If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
  • What is the best thing you’ve bought this year?
  • If you had to eat a crayon, what color would you choose?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  • What is one of your worst habits?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza?
  • Tell us a joke.
  • What is the worst smell you can think of?
  • What is your go-to meal when you’re home alone?
  • What movie traumatized you as a child?
  • If you could hire a coach right now, what would it be for?
  • What is the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • Who would play you in a movie?
  • Have you ever blamed a fart on someone else?
  • What is one thing you’d like to tell a younger you?
  • How long do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse?
  • What would be a red flag on a dating app?
  • If you were on death row, what would be your last meal?
  • Mermaids, unicorns, or dragons?
  • A fear you have that you know is unreasonable.
  • What app on your phone do you use the most?
  • Have you ever peed in a pool?
  • Who is your hero or someone you admire?
  • If your house was on fire, what three things would you grab on the way out the door?
  • When is the last time you cried?
  • You’re at the grocery store- what three items are always in your cart?
  • Who are you secretly jealous of?
  • You just got arrested- who gets your one phone call?
  • What is a song you know all the lyrics to?

This or That questions- vacation edition

100 Fun & Random Would You Rather Questions for a Car Ride

“Would You Rather” or “This or That” questions are some of the most simple questions to ask on a road trip. Guaranteed to make you laugh, spark conversations, or at least pass the time.

  • Be a famous singer or an actor?
  • Pancakes or waffles?
  • East coast or west coast?
  • Skittles or m&ms?
  • Big city or small town?
  • Sunrise or sunset?
  • Be a famous songwriter or famous author?
  • Rock or Country music?
  • Hot or cold?
  • Dogs or cats?
  • Have a pet lizard or a pet skunk?
  • You have to eat one: roaches or slugs?
  • Piano or guitar?
  • Mexican food or Thai food?
  • Live under the sea or on another planet?
  • A successful artist or athlete?
  • Be stranded on an island or lost in the wilderness?
  • The slow scenic route or the fastest most direct route?
  • Be stuck in an elevator or a cave?
  • Camping or glamping?
  • Visit Machu Picchu or Antartica?
  • Cards or board games?
  • Ice cream or doughnuts?
  • Be a magician or a superhero?
  • YouTube or Netflix?
  • Introvert or Extrovert?
  • Drink a gallon of pickle juice or eat a cup of mayonnaise?
  • Sweet tea or soda?
  • Be smart or beautiful?
  • Ketchup or mustard?
  • Always have to shower with cold water or in public?
  • Playlist or podcast?
  • Be blind or mute?
  • Parties or movie night?
  • Have no eyelashes or no eyebrows?
  • Go hiking or go swimming?
  • Christmas or Halloween?
  • Bagels or biscuits?
  • Have a plan or be spontaneous?
  • Have your farts always be super loud or super smelly?
  • Restaurant or food truck?
  • Spring or fall?
  • Die poor and happy or rich and miserable?
  • White or wheat bread?
  • Be stuck in a cage with snakes or lions?
  • Solo trip or group getaway?
  • Nachos or wings?
  • Bike ride or a swim?
  • New York or Paris?
  • Coke or Pepsi
  • Sweatpants or leggings?
  • Disneyland or Disney World?
  • Hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
  • Find a dead body in your backyard or in your freezer?
  • Snicker or Reese’s?
  • No company or bad company?
  • Shave your head or pierce your tongue?
  • Babysitting or pet sitting?
  • Gardening or reading?
  • Kayaking or stand up paddle boarding?
  • Apple picking or the pumpkin patch?
  • Rain or snow?
  • Hardwood floors or carpet?
  • Sweet or salty?
  • Modern or traditional?
  • Helicopter ride over a volcano or a glacier?
  • Have a live-in chef or full time housekeeper?
  • Have an extra finger or an extra toe?
  • Shop online or in person?
  • Bungee jump or swim with sharks?
  • Time machine or magic wand?
  • Only be able to text or only be able to facetime?
  • Own a private plane or a superyacht?
  • Never be able to brush your teeth again or never use deodorant again?
  • Winter or summer olympics?
  • Disneyworld or Universal Studios?
  • Instagram or Tik Tok
  • Talk to animals or aliens?
  • Tattoo or piercing?
  • Hot air balloon ride or white water rafting?
  • Puppies or babies?
  • Right or left?
  • Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber
  • Call or text?
  • Saturdays or Sundays?
  • Lose your smell or lose your hearing?
  • Not own a dishwasher or not own a washer & dryer?
  • Cook at home or go out to eat?
  • Swim in a pool full of jello or pudding?
  • Pen or pencil?
  • Toilet paper over or under?
  • Wear dirty clothes every day of the week or not be able to shower?
  • Lose your wallet or your cell phone?
  • Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
  • Hotel or Airbnb
  • Tulips or sunflowers?
  • Motivational quotes or Ted talk?
  • Birthdays or Holidays?
  • Theme park or water park?
  • Cruise or all inclusive resort?

I can’t resist sharing a good road trip on Instagram! Use these inspiring road trip captions for your next post!

50 Road Trip Conversation Starters

Favorite Things

Favorite things are the perfect road trip conversation starters because literally anyone, any age can do them. They are the perfect road trip questions for couples to get to know each other better. They are great for strangers who don’t know anything about their road trip buddies and even younger kids have favorite things they love to talk about!

  • Favorite food
  • Favorite season
  • Favorite flower
  • Favorite movie
  • Favorite fruit
  • Favorite vacation
  • Favorite book
  • Favorite color
  • Favorite dessert
  • Favorite place
  • Favorite smell
  • Favorite sport to play
  • Favorite sport to watch on tv
  • Favorite thing to do on a rainy day
  • Favorite band
  • Favorite hobby
  • Favorite comfort food
  • Favorite holiday
  • Favorite subject in school
  • Favorite thing to watch on TV
  • Favorite thing to do with friends
  • Favorite way to relax
  • Favorite way to cook a steak
  • Favorite olympic sport
  • Favorite US state
  • Favorite family tradition
  • Favorite quote
  • Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours
  • Favorite person
  • Favorite day of the week
  • Favorite pizza topping
  • Favorite animal
  • Favorite brand of toilet paper
  • Favorite color m&m
  • Favorite boy band
  • Favorite type of cookie
  • Favorite carnival ride
  • Favorite thing about traveling
  • Favorite animal at the zoo
  • Favorite childhood memory
  • Favorite Halloween costume
  • Favorite Disney character
  • Favorite breakfast food
  • Favorite baby boy name
  • Favorite baby girl name
  • Favorite adventure activity
  • Favorite thing about where you live
  • Favorite thing to cook on the grill
  • Favorite college or pro sports team
  • Favorite question you’ve answered so far

Distracted driving is the #1 road safety issue today! Please practice safe driving and do not drive distracted! Always have a passenger read these road trip conversations starters and questions!

Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

If you happen to be traveling with kids who can’t get into some of the road trip questions, then try a road trip scavenger hunt. Use the scavenger hunt to spark conversations with younger kids.

Here are some ideas on how to use this road trip printable depending on age:

  • Laminate and simply use a dry erase marker to cross off each item you see.
  • Keep a tally of each item as you see it. First person to ten tally marks wins.
  • Play BINGO- first person to get three across or four vertically wins.
  • Divide the rows amongst players. First person to see all their items wins.

road trip scavenger hunt

Screenshot or Subscribe for this Free Road Trip Printable

Road Trip Questions for Kids

You can easily make a scavenger hunt into a fun and engaging activity with kids. When your child sees an item, here are some example questions you can ask to go along with this printable:

  • How many tires does the RV have? How many people do you think are in that RV?
  • What does a yield sign mean?
  • Have you ever ridden in the back of a pickup truck? What do you think the name of that truck driver is?
  • What do you do at a green light? Yellow light? Red light?
  • What would you buy if we stopped at that gas station? How much do you think it would cost to fill up our tank right now?
  • Have you ever ridden on a train? Where would you like to go on a train ride?
  • How many windows does that church have? If you could rename that church, what would you call it?
  • How many cows do you think live on that farm? What do you think they raise on that farm? What would you grow if you owned a farm?
  • What does that sign mean? Where is the curviest road in the world? Do you like curvy roads?
  • What is ___ state known for? How many states have you been to? What state would you like to visit most?
  • Do you think motorcycles are exciting or scary? Safe or dangerous? Are helmets a law in the state you live in?
  • What is the speed limit in this construction zone? What are they doing in this construction zone? How many cones can you count?

Road tripping with older kids? Check out our suggestions of the best things to do in the car with tweens and teens !

Road Tripping

Planning an epic road trip?

If you’ve been here before, you already know we love a good road trip! We truly believe that road trips are the perfect way to laugh, connect, inspire, and possibly learn something new about each other along the way.

After all, it’s about the journey, not the destination!

Here are some of our favorite destinations and itineraries to help you plan your next USA road trip :

20 Short Southeastern USA Road Trips

20 Epic Adventurous USA Road Trips

NC Road Trips

Boston to Niagara Falls Road Trip

Utah and Arizona Road Trip

10 Must Do Southern Road Trips

10 Epic Pennsylvania Road Trips


Planning an epic road trip? Keep everyone entertained for hours with over 250 road trip questions & conversation starters! Plus Free PDF!

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the road trip game questions

200 Fun and Engaging Trivia Questions for Road Trips

Looking for trivia questions for road trips i got a ton here.

If you are stuck in the car on a long drive, I’ve curated 200 trivia questions to pass the time.

Questions are sorted out by topic. See how much you know and learn new factoids along the way! You’re sure to come across interesting conversation points to prevent awkward silences.

Each answer is hidden until you click to reveal it, so you can play along with teammates or even play solo in the backseat.


pinterest pin picture for trivia questions for road trips

Car & Highway Trivia Questions

1. How many states does Route 66 run through?

2. On which island can you find the Road to Hana?

3. What is the longest highway in the world?

4. The Trans-Canada Highway is the world’s second-longest highway. How long is it?

5. What is the name of the famous scenic highway that runs along California’s coastline?

6. What road connects the East Coast and West Coast of the United States, spanning approximately 3,073 miles?

7. The Amalfi Coast, a scenic coastal drive, is located in which country?

8. Which African country is known for the Garden Route, a popular road trip destination with stunning coastal views?

9. What was the first mass-produced car model?

10. How many bridges connect the Overseas Highway from mainland Florida to Key West?

11. Which city was the first to have a public bus service?

12. The Great Ocean Road is a scenic drive in which country?

13. Who founded Tesla?

14. What is the shortest interstate highway in the U.S?

15. What is the world’s busiest airport by passenger traffic?

16. Which city has the oldest subway system in the world?

17. What does SUV stand for in the automotive world?

18. The Orient Express train route traditionally ran between which two cities?

19. Which country has the highest number of bicycles per capita?

20. What is the longest bridge in the world?

21. Which is the largest car manufacturing company in the world?

22. What is the largest airline in the world by fleet size?

23. The Channel Tunnel connects which two countries?

24. The first successful electric car was built in what year?

25. In what year was the U.S Interstate Highway System established?

26. Which is the most visited national park in the United States?

27. What is the highest drivable road in North America?

Geography Trivia Questions

28. What is the capital city of Japan?

29. Which European city is famous for its canals and gondolas?

30. What is the official nickname of the state of Nevada, a popular road trip destination?

31. In which country would you find the ancient city of Machu Picchu?

32. What is the currency used in France?

33. Which African country is known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills”?

34. What is the official language of Brazil?

35. What is the smallest country in the world?

36. What is the name of the famous geyser found in Yellowstone National Park?

37. What is the name of the iconic waterfall located on the border of Argentina and Brazil?

38. What is the largest desert in the world?

39. Which country has the most islands in the world?

40. What is the only country that lies in all four hemispheres?

41. Which Asian city is known for its impressive skyline, including landmarks like the Petronas Twin Towers?

42. How many official languages does Switzerland have?

43. Which South American country is famous for the Galápagos Islands?

44. Which state has the longest coastline in the U.S?

45. What is the longest river in the world?

46. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from which country?

47. What is the world’s highest waterfall?

48. What is the currency of India?

49. What is the tallest mountain in Africa?

50. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?

51. The Acropolis is a famous landmark in which city?

52. The Amazon Rainforest is primarily located in which country?

53. Which country has more lakes than the rest of the world combined?

54. The Great Wall of China spans how many provinces?

55. Which Egyptian pharaoh is known for building the Great Pyramid at Giza?

56. What was the famous global trade route that connected Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Middle Ages?

57. Which brand tagline is “Just Do It”?

Brand Slogan Trivia Questions

58. Which brand tagline is “I’m Lovin’ It”?

59. What is “The Happiest Place on Earth”?

60. What is KFC’s tagline?

61. What candy “Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands”?

62. Which chain restaurant says “Have It Your Way”?

63. “Think Different.”

64. Which cellphone company uses the phrase “Can You Hear Me Now?”?

65. “Snap, Crackle, Pop” is the sound which cereal makes?

66. What is “The Breakfast of Champions”?

67. “Taste the Rainbow” is the tagline for what candy?

68. Where can you “Eat Fresh”?

69. Who dares you “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One”?

70. “Don’t Leave Home Without It” refers to what?

71. What is Home Depot’s slogan?

72. “Every Kiss Begins with K” is from what company?

73. What is “The Quicker Picker Upper”?

74. What drink “Gives You Wings”?

75. Which chain wants you to “Eat Mor Chikin”?

76. Where can you shop to “Save Money. Live Better”?

77. What is Taco Bell’s slogan?

78. Whose slogan is, “Because You’re Worth It”?

79. What brand encourages its customers to “Open Happiness”?

Food & Drink Trivia Questions

80. What type of pasta translates to “little worms” in Italian?

81. Which fruit is known as “the king of fruits”?

82. Which country is famous for inventing the sandwich?

83. Which spice is made from the stigma of the crocus flower and is one of the most expensive spices in the world?

84. What are neeps and tatties?

85. From which country does the dessert Tiramisu originate?

86. What is the largest pizza ever made by area, according to the Guinness World Records?

87. What fruit takes the title of the world’s most popular, based on consumption?

88. Which country is the largest producer of wine?

89. What is the name of the traditional Japanese soup made with soybean paste?

90. Which country is the largest coffee producer in the world?

91. Where was the Caesar salad invented?

92. Which is the only edible food that never spoils?

93. What is the official state fruit of Georgia?

Almost halfway through this car ride trivia. How are you doing? Keep up the good work!

Animal Trivia Questions

94. Which animal is known as the “king of the jungle” but is not actually found in jungles?

95. What is the national bird of the United States of America?

96. Which mammal is the only flying species?

97. Which animal is often called the “ship of the desert”?

98. What is the national animal of Australia?

99. What is the largest species of living reptile?

100. What animal has five hearts?

101. Which marine creature is often referred to as the “sea cow” due to its gentle nature and herbivorous diet?

102. What is the average lifespan of a queen bee?

103. What is the heaviest dog breed in the world?

104. What is the only bird that can fly forward, backward, and upside down?

105. What is the fastest aquatic animal?

106. What’s the name of the groundhog in Pennsylvania used for determining his shadow Groundhog Day?

107. What is the national animal of Scotland?

108. What is the world’s largest fish?

Car Movie Trivia Questions

109. What is Herbie the Volkswagen Beetle’s racing number?

110. Which two actors starred in the comedy “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”?

111. Who wrote the book “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”?

112. In the movie “Cars,” what is the name of the town where Lightning McQueen ends up?

113. What song by Willie Nelson is often associated with road trips?

114. In “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” what is the name of the amusement park the Griswold family is trying to reach?

115. What is the name of the hitchhiker in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”?

116. In the original Knight Rider series, the iconic car’s name was KITT. What did K-I-T-T stand for?

117. What type of car is “Bumblebee” in the “Transformers” movie series?

118. How many Mini Coopers were used in the filming of the 2003 “The Italian Job”?

119. What is the name of the iconic car from “The Dukes of Hazzard” series?

120. How many of the ‘Fast and the Furious’ movies did Justin Lin direct?

121. What time is the Hill Valley clock tower frozen at in “Back to the Future”?

122. What year was “American Graffiti” released?

123. Who sings the classic road trip anthem, “Born to be Wild”?

Theme Park Trivia Questions

124. What year did Disneyland open?

125. What does EPCOT stand for?

126. What is the oldest theme park in the world?

127. Which is the largest SeaWorld park?

128. What did the 6 flags at Six Flags Theme Park originally represent?

129. Where is the tallest rollercoaster in the world?

130. What is the largest indoor theme park in the world?

131. What is the name of the ferris wheel landmark in London?

132. What zoo does the Irwin family live in?

133. Universal Studios first opened to the public in 1915. How much was admission?

134. How many Legoland theme parks are there?

World History Trivia Questions

135. How many lifeboats were on the Titanic?

136. Who was the first Roman emperor?

137. Which mountain erupted in 79 AD, burying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under volcanic ash?

138. Which medieval heroine led the French army to several victories during the Hundred Years’ War and was later canonized as a saint?

139. Which empire, founded by Genghis Khan, became the largest contiguous land empire in history?

140. Which event, often considered the starting point of World War II, occurred on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded its neighbor?

141. What was the name of the period of renewed interest in art, culture, and learning that emerged in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries?

142. How tall was Robert Wadlow, the tallest man in recorded history?

143. Which famous document, signed in 1215, limited the powers of the English monarch and laid the foundation for constitutional law?

144. Which city was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and is now known as Istanbul?

145. Which country was the first to use paper for money?

TV Show Trivia Questions

146. What is the hometown of “The Simpsons”?

147. What is the name of the diner in the show “Seinfeld”?

148. Which comedy series features the Bluth family?

149. Who is the chemistry teacher turned meth producer in “Breaking Bad”?

150. What is the name of the fictional town where “Stranger Things” is set?

151. In “The Office,” what is the name of the paper company?

152. In Doctor Who, what does TARDIS stand for?

153. What field of work is Chandler Bing’s job in “Friends”?

154. Who is the eldest Stark child in “Game of Thrones”?

155. Who is the voice of Bart Simpson?

156. What is the name of the holiday Leslie Knope created to celebrate female friendships?

157. What horror movie does Moira Rose star in in Schitt’s Creek?

158. What is the name of Jamie Fraser’s Scottish family home in Outlander?

159. Who holds the record for most Grammys won in their lifetime?

Game & Toy Trivia Questions

160. What is the name of the victim in the classic game of Clue?

161. Which country was LEGO invented?

162. “Pluto Platter” is the original name for which toy?

163. What classic board game is known as Draughts in England?

164. In the game Jenga, how many wooden blocks are initially stacked?

165. What was the first recorded kite made out of?

166. The very first Hot Wheels car released in 1968 was what kind of car?

167. In the game Monopoly, how much money do you collect when you pass ‘Go’?

168. What are the 6 colors on the Rubik’s Cube?

169. In the game of Scrabble, how many points is the letter Z worth?

170. What are Tonk Toys named after?

171. If you stretched a standard Slinky out flat, how long would it be?

172. Who goes first in chess?

173. What game uses meeples?

174. In the game of Battleship, how many ships does each player start with?

175. What board game requires players to collect resources such as ore, wheat, and brick?

Science Trivia Questions

176. What is the hardest substance in the human body?

177. What is the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit?

178. What is the largest organ in the human body?

179. What is the name of the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere?

180. Who invented the telephone?

181. What is the strongest magnitude earthquake ever recorded?

182. What element has the symbol Au on the periodic table?

183. What is the name of the largest ocean on the planet Earth?

184. What is the central core of an atom called?

185. What is the most abundant element in the universe?

186. What is the process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize food from carbon dioxide and water?

187. What blood type is known as the universal donor?

188. What term refers to animals that are active during the night?

189. DNA stands for what?

190. What is the hardest mineral known to humans?

Famous Quote Trivia Questions

191. Who said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

192. Who said “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”

193. Who said “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”

194. Who said “My dog stepped on a bee.”?

195. Who says “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”?

196. Which author wrote the line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”?

197. Who said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”?

198. What movie is the quote “Here’s looking at you, kid” from?

199. In which movie does Clint Eastwood say, “Go ahead, make my day”?

200. Who uses the phrase “Here’s your sign”?

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😂 Looking for more travel entertainment? Check out these Hawaiian Memes Test Your Knowledge with Hawaii Trivia Questions What Do You Know About Airplane Trivia?

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Aloha! I'm Tabitha, an ex-travel agent turned travel blogger. I've lived from fire (Big Island Hawaii) to ice (Alaska) to the lukewarm (Washington State). I've traveled Europe, Scotland and England being my favorite, Costa Rica, Cancun, Canada, various US states, and more. No matter if it's a staycation or international vacation, every trip I take there are things to explore and discover! I'm here to take what I learn and help others think outside the box when composing their own travel itineraries.

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100 Fun Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides

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100 Fun Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides

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There are plenty of options for road trip entertainment. Why not spend some time in the car getting to know your passengers by taking turns answering road trip questions. Whether you're traveling with your partner, family, or friends, these car ride questions are the perfect ice breakers and conversation starters. Some are deep, others are just plain fun. These 100 pre-written questions to ask on a road trip are sure to get everyone in the car talking. #RoadTrip

There are plenty of options for road trip entertainment , things to keep you occupied on a long car ride. You can play games like license plate bingo or a scavenger hunt , blast some music (and sing along with car karaoke), or listen to a must-read book on tape. With so much free time on the way to your destination, why not spend some time in the car getting to know your passengers by taking turns answering fun road trip questions to ask in the car.

Whether you’re traveling with your partner, family, or friends , these car ride questions are the perfect ice breakers and car conversation starters. Some of these topics to talk about in the car are deep, others are just plain fun. These 100 pre-written prompts of the best questions to ask on a road trip are sure to get everyone in the car talking. Ready to get to know your travel companions? Start asking away!

  • 100 Fun Road Trip Questions & Questions for Car Rides

Travel / Road Trip Questions For Car Rides

Fun car questions, road food questions, road trip conversation starters, family road trip questions, fun road trip questions for couples.

These questions for road trips are all about travel itself.

  • What do you like most about road trips?
  • What do you like least about road trips?
  • What is your favorite part of travel?
  • What is your least favorite part of travel?
  • What’s one thing you’re looking forward to most on this trip?
  • What was the best road trip you’ve ever taken?
  • What was the worst road trip you’ve ever taken?
  • If you could road trip for one month where would you go?
  • Where is the farthest place you ever traveled in a car?
  • Which country do you most dream of visiting someday?
  • What is the best vacation you’ve ever had?
  • Do you prefer to fly or drive?
  • Would you rather travel to the beach or the mountains?
  • Would you rather take a road trip via the interstate or back roads?
  • What is your favorite type of place to stop on a road trip?
  • What’s the worst travel advice you’ve ever received?
  • Would you rather return to somewhere you’ve already been or visit a new place?
  • What vacation would you most like to recreate?
  • What is your favorite place you’ve visited?
  • What is your least favorite place you’ve visited?
  • Do you prefer having a set itinerary or to playing it by ear?
  • What is your favorite travel accommodation? (Hotels, AirBNB, camping, etc.)
  • How many states have you been to?
  • What is the best national park?
  • What is your favorite roadside attraction?
  • Would you rather have to answer questions for an entire road trip or have complete silence the whole ride?
  • What are you happy that you’re not doing right now?
  • Would you rather constantly be on your phone or not have access to your phone at all?
  • What would your perfect day on vacation look like?

These interesting car questions let you know a little more about how your friends or family like to roll.

  • What was your first car?
  • What is your dream car?
  • Would you rather have a minivan or a moped?
  • Would you rather have a convertible or a motorcycle?
  • Would you rather own a stick shift car or a self driving car?
  • Would you rather live in an RV or always have to rent a car ?

One of the best parts of roadtrips is stopping to eat! These questions to ask on a car ride are all about road food!

  • What are your favorite pizza toppings?
  • What is on your ultimate burger?
  • What is your favorite kind of doughnut?
  • What are your three favorite ice cream toppings?
  • What is your favorite kind of candy?
  • What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
  • What would you want to eat in an eating contest?
  • What is your favorite gas station snack?
  • Who makes the best fast food fries?
  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  • What is your favorite diner dessert?

Not all questions for long car rides have to be about road trips or travel! Here are some questions to spark a deeper conversation.

  • What is your greatest fear?
  • What is your worst habit?
  • What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
  • What is your life motto?
  • What did you want to be when you were growing up?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What is your most unrealistic dream?
  • What advice would you give a teenage self?
  • How would you describe yourself in three words?
  • If you could speak another language, what would it be? Why?
  • Where is one of the weirdest places you’ve ever slept?
  • If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
  • What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
  • If you could change something you did in the past, what would you change?
  • If you could be a character on any TV show, which one would you pick?
  • If you could be best friends with anyone from a movie, who would it be? Why?
  • What are the top three items on your bucket list?
  • Where do you want to be in 10 years?
  • What actor would you want to play you in a movie?
  • If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?
  • Who was your first celebrity crush?
  • Who is your current celebrity crush?
  • What is your biggest life goal?
  • Who is the most famous person you have met in person?
  • What is the most courageous thing you have done in your life?
  • If you could win a lifetime supply of any one thing, what would it be?
  • If you could be an expert on any subject, what would it be?
  • If you were allowed to have any animal as a pet, which animal would you get?
  • What is your greatest hidden talent?
  • What talent do you wish you had?
  • If you could see the future, what one thing would you want to see?
  • What do you wish you could spend more of your time doing?
  • Is a hot dog a sandwich?

If you’re traveling with your kids, brothers or sisters, or parents, ask these questions to ask your family on a road trip.

  • Who is your best friend? Why are they your best friend?
  • If you were the parent, what would you say to your kids?
  • Do you have a favorite family tradition?
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • Where is the best place to take a family vacation?
  • What is your favorite theme park ride?
  • What is your favorite family vacation memory?
  • What do you want to be when you grown up?
  • What is your favorite toy or game? Why?
  • If you could be any animal, which animal would you be? Why?

Traveling with your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend? Ask these couples road trip questions.

  • What’s the one thing you look forward to the most about growing old together?
  • What are your best pick-up lines?
  • Why did you first ask me out (or why did you accept the first date)?
  • What would be your ideal romantic getaway?
  • What was the worst date you ever had?
  • What was the best date you ever had?
  • What part of our relationship are you most thankful for?
  • What is your favorite memory of our relationship?
  • Where do you see us in 10 years?
  • What do you love most about your partner?

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There are plenty of options for road trip entertainment. Why not spend some time in the car getting to know your passengers by taking turns answering road trip questions. Whether you're traveling with your partner, family, or friends, these car ride questions are the perfect ice breakers and conversation starters. Some are deep, others are just plain fun. These 100 pre-written questions to ask on a road trip are sure to get everyone in the car talking. #RoadTrip

Photo by Erik Odiin on Unsplash

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Valerie Bromann

Founder & road trip expert.

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book , she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

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Last modified: July 19, 2022 Category: Road Trip Games

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The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Everything you need to have and record an epic road trip, by valerie bromann.

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

The road trip you’ve been dreaming of starts here! Journal about your stops and get to know your fellow passengers with activities and exercises designed to pass the time and bring you closer together. Instead of “Are we there yet?” you’ll find yourself asking, “We’re there already?”. Complete with prompts you can turn to while driving between locations, this journal will one day be a memento of your life-changing trip.

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Post Summary: A collection of road trip trivia questions and answers to help keep you entertained on the open road.

The key to a fun road trip with family or friends is to have a collection of fun games ready to whip out when you’re feeling bored and need to change things up.

After the success with our prior post on 160 Fun, Deep, and Sometimes Silly Road Trip Questions , I knew I wanted to come up with some more fun road trip games, and more specifically… ROAD TRIP TRIVIA!

As a total trivia nut, I may have had a little too much fun rummaging through the internet to come up with this list of road trip trivia for long car rides.

These car ride trivia questions are all built around the theme of US travel, road trips, and landmarks. There also might be a sprinkle of something totally random.

CHECK OUT OUR OTHER ROAD TRIP POSTS: The Ultimate Road Trip Food List 7 Amazing Cross Country Road Trips The Only Road Trip Packing List You’ll Ever Need 160 Road Trip Questions To Keep The Conversation Flowing 15 Tips For Surviving A Road Trip With A Toddler 17 Boredom Busting Things To Do On A Road Trip The 40 Essential Items You’ll Need In Your Camper


the road trip game questions

1. Route 66 also goes by the names The Main Street of America, The Will Rogers Highway, and the Mother Road. What novelist, in their depression-era saga, coined the term “The Mother Road?” . . . John Steinbeck in his novel The Grapes Of Wrath

2. In 2003, fed up with the bad press, the stealing of signs, and the mysterious traffic accidents, transportation departments from Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico decided to rename what is now Highway 491. What was Highway 491’s former name? . . . Route 666

Beautiful cliffs and blue water of the Pacific Ocean with purple wildflowers in the forefront

3. What coastal spot along the Pacific Coast Highway has been prominently featured by Henry Miller, John Steinbeck, and John Kerouac ? . . . Big Sur

4. What animal is the ultimate “road tripper” and travels every year for up to 2000 miles to make it to the coast of California before winter? . . . The Monarch Butterfly

5. What is the least visited state in the US? . . . Alaska is the least visited state averaging 2.5 million visitors a year.

6. What is the most visited state in the US? . . . California. In 2018, the state generated 140 billion dollars in tourism.

7. What was the first official National Park of the United States? . . . Yellowstone National Park became the nation’s first “official” National Park on March 1, 1872.

8. What was the first unofficial National Park of the United States? . . . Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas became federally protected land in 1832. Because there wasn’t a national park system in place yet, it’s “unofficially” the first National Park. It didn’t become a National Park until 1921.

9. What city has the worst traffic in the US? . . . Boston, MA. A Boston driver spends, on average, 149 hours per year in traffic.

10. What car do you need to spot in order to play the classic road trip game of screaming “punch buggy” or “Slug Bug” while punching your fellow passengers in the arm? . . . A Volkswagen Beetle or VW “Bug”

11. What highway has the grim distinction of having the most fatalities in the US? . . . Interstate 4 in Florida

12. Which state in the US has the highest legal speed limit at 85mph? . . . Texas State Highway 130.

13.  Which state is known as the gem state? . . . With its abundance of natural minerals and its history as a mining state, Idaho is nicknamed the Gem State.

14. The popular theme park, Six Flags is a reference to the six nations that have governed Texas. What are the six nations? . .

. France, Spain, Mexico, The Republic of Texas, The United States, Confederate States of America

the road trip game questions

15. Huckleberries are a sought-after summer berry that can not be cultivated. What are the five states where you can find huckleberries growing in the wild?  . . . Idaho, Washington, Montana, Oregon, Alaska

16. What is the longest river in the United States? . . . At 2,536 miles, the Missouri River is the longest river in the US.

17. What part of the US is famous for having reached a temperature of 134 degrees, the hottest temp ever recorded in the world? . . . Death Valley, California

18. The Mighty Five is a nickname for what five popular national parks in America? . . . The Mighty 5 is a reference to the five national parks located in Southern Utah: Capitol Reef, Arches , Canyonlands , Zion, and Bryce Canyon.

READ MORE: Learn how to see Utah’s most gorgeous landscapes on an extraordinary Mighty 5 Road Trip .

19. Why is Chicago called the windy city? . . . Though the origins aren’t 100% known, it has nothing to do with its harsh weather. It’s believed that the term was coined in the late 1800s to describe the political landscape in Chicago at the time and its “long-winded” politicians.

20. What is the windiest major city in the US? . . . This windiest city in the US seems to change every year, but Boston, MA, remains the windiest major city in the US.

21. What National Park in Kentucky boasts the glory of having the world’s longest cave? . . . Mammoth Cave National Park has the longest cave system in the world. 400 miles have been explored, and it’s estimated that the cave continues on for an extra 600 miles.

22. Which city in the US was named the #1 adventure city by National Geographic, the top mountain biking town by Bike Magazine, and the #1 town in the West by Outside Magazine? . . . Boise, Idaho

the road trip game questions

23. Which mountains (pictured above) are famous for their smoky blue-tinged hue? . . . The Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina

24.  What state is famous for having the most usable natural hot springs in the country? . . . Idaho

READ MORE: Learn how to see Idaho’s natural hot springs with our guide to the best hot springs near Boise .

25.  What year were American Indians given US citizenship by  Congress? . . . 1924

26. What is the deepest lake in the US? . . . Crater Lake in Oregon is the deepest lake in the US, reaching a depth of 1943 feet.

27. Who owns and operates the GPS (Global Positioning System) you are probably using right this second? . . . The Global Positioning System is a space-based navigational system owned by the US Government and operated by the United States Air Force.

28. What is California’s state animal that can be seen on its state flag? . . . The grizzly bear. Oddly enough, the grizzly bear is extinct in CA and was last seen in 1922.

28. Which city in the US has the most microbreweries per capita? . . . Portland, Maine, comes in first, with Asheville, NC, at a close second.

29. What is the #1 road trip song according to Time Out Magazine? . . . Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen

30. In the 90’s era movie Thelma and Louise, the two lead women famously end the movie by (SPOILER ALERT) driving off a cliff in the Grand Canyon. Where was the final scene actually filmed? . . . Dead Horse State Park in Utah. You can see pictures of this glorious state park on our Instagram here .

31. In what state is it illegal to hang fuzzy dice or air fresheners from your rearview mirror? . . . Chicago

the road trip game questions

32. This pictured street is known as the “crookedest street in the world.” Where does this street reside? . . . Lombard Street, located in San Francisco, CA, with its eight hairpin turns, is known as the “crookedest street in the world.” Technically, it’s the second “crookedest” street in the world, but the name has stuck.

33. The Bald Eagle is America’s official animal, but since they aren’t actually hairless, what does the “Bald” part of the name come from? . . . Bald is an old English word meaning white. The bird got its name from its signature white feathers.

34.  McDonalds arches are always displayed in their signature golden french fry color, except in Sedona, Arizona. What color are the arches in Sedona? . . . Turquoise. Sedona has a rule that prevents buildings and signage from clashing with the natural surroundings. They opted for the more aesthetically pleasing color of Turquoise.  

35. What animal that has become synonymous with American ideals of freedom and the pioneering West isn’t actually indigenous to the US and was brought over from Spain? . . . The mustang. The wild horses you can still see today are descendants of Spanish and Iberian Horses.

Sand Dunes Near Boise Idaho

36. Which state boasts the tallest freesta nding sand dune in the US? . . . At 420 feet, Bruneau Dunes State Park located a one-hour drive from Boise, Idaho, is home to the tallest freestanding dune.

READ MORE: Learn more about Bruneau Dunes and ten other amazing day trips from Boise .

37.  What is the most widely grown product in the US? . . . Corn

38.  What is the least visited National Park in the US? . . . Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska. It’s thought of as “one of the last truly wild places on earth.”

39. What is the most fatal job in the US? . . . The use of heavy machinery and working with heavy logs makes logging work the most dangerous job in the US.

40. Which state issues the most traffic tickets per year? . . . Ohio, with Pennsylvania and New York in second and third place.

41. What attraction in the US gets the most visitors every year? . . . Times Square in New York City is visited by 40 million people every year.

42. What country gifted The Statue of Liberty to the United States? . . . France

43. Which state in the US has a city famous for having a population of 1? . . . Monowi, Nebraska

44. Which city in the US houses the biggest amount of billionaires? . . . New York City

45. Which US City has the largest amount of hotel rooms? . . . Las Vegas, Nevada

46. Which state has the shortest road in the US, measuring roughly 15 feet long? . . . McKinley Street in Bellefontaine, Ohio

47. Which state had no speed limit until 1974, when Richard Nixon mandated a federal speed limit? . . . Montana

48. What is the most popular car in the USA? . . . Ford F-150

49. Which state has the most expensive speeding tickets? . .

. Virginia. On average, a ticket with fees and taxes will come out to $250-$300.

50. What skill did Jack Kerouac, the writer of “On the Road,” never acquire? . . . He never learned to drive.

51. In Lancaster, California, a road is grooved to play which popular theme song if driven at 50 mph? . . . William Tell’s Overture made famous by the TV show The Lone Ranger. Originally a TV ad stunt for Honda, the “musical road” is now preserved as an attraction by the city of Lancaster.

52. Every year, you can watch over a hundred of what kinds of animals swim to Chincoteague Island in Virginia? . . . Horses

53. In which state was the first parking meter installed? . . . Oklahoma in 1935.

54. What is the nickname for Las Vegas? . . . Sin City.

55. In what state is the oldest and longest boardwalk? . . . At more than 5 miles in length, New Jersey’s Atlantic City boardwalk is the longest in the country.


***For our final 25 road trip trivia questions, we thought we’d throw in 25 totally random trivia questions just for the fun of it. Enjoy!

56. How many bones are in the human body? . . . 206

57. How many hearts does an octopus have? . . . 3

58. What company owns Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Porsche, and Ducati? . . . Volkswagen

59. What kind of flower bulbs were once exchanged as a form of currency? . . . Tulips

60. What is the fastest fish in the ocean? . . . Sailfish

61. What symbol, commonly used in pop culture, is technically called an octothorpe? . . . A hashtag

62. What “American” dessert comes from a recipe created in England and fruit indigenous to Asia? . . . Apple pie

63. What is the largest known living organism? . . . An aspen grove in Utah has an interconnected root system that is estimated to be 80,000 years old and takes up more than 100 acres.

64. What is the national animal of Scotland? . . . The Unicorn

65. What name is given to a cluster of flamingos? . . . A Flamboyance

66. If one could drive straight up into space, how long would the journey take? . . . Approximately one hour.

67. Cynophobia is the fear of what kind of animal? . . . Dogs

68. What popular soda drink used the slogan “Ya-hoo…It’ll Tickle Yore Innards!”? . . .

Mountain Dew

69. What is the most expensive spice in the world by weight? . . . Saffron

70. Nephelococcygia is the practice of doing what?

. . . Finding shapes in clouds.

71. In what state is it illegal to eat fried chicken with a fork?

. . .  Gainesville, Georgia, passed a measure in 1961 making it illegal to eat fried chicken with anything other than your hands. Largely a joke meant to promote Gainesville as a poultry center.

72. A small town in Iceland diverted a road so as not to disturb what creature?

. . . Elves.

73. What do you call a group of unicorns? . . . A blessing.

74. What does an American do on average 22 times a day?

. . . Open the fridge.

75. Christian Bale studied which actor’s mannerisms to prepare for his role as a psychotic killer in American Psycho? . . . Tom Cruise

76. The Ancient Romans used to drop what food item into their wine for good health? . . . Toast, which is why we “raise a toast.”

77. What spice, if taken in large quantities, produces a mind-altering effect? . . . Nutmeg

78. Google Images was created because of which actress and her iconic dress at the Grammys? . . . So many people were searching for pictures of Jennifer Lopez at the 2000 Grammys that the search engine added an image function.

79. If you hold your nose, what are you not able to do? . . . Hum

80. What year was the first iPhone released? . . . 2007

81. Where in the human body would you find the medulla oblongata? . . . The Brain

Did you ace the road trip trivia? If you’re looking for more entertainment, be sure to check out our fun road trip questions post and our list of 17+ things to do on a road trip .

Happy road-tripping!

READ MORE OF OUR TRAVEL GUIDE POSTS: 11 Glorious National Parks In The East A Bucket List For Families: 50 Adventurous Ideas 12 National Parks That Are Perfect For Families

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Hi, we’re Christina and Brad, Idaho based writers and photographers who live to explore. We did a short stint of traveling full time with our two year old and discovered we're much happier as part time nomads. What does that mean? We travel a lot! And then we go home. We love helping fellow parents and everyday adventurers discover new places and experiences.

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30 Road Trip Trivia Games for Long Car Rides

the road trip game questions

Whether you’re heading to an amusement park with the family, spending the weekend at the lake with your friends, or traveling with coworkers on a much-dreaded work trip, you’re going to have a few lengthy car rides in front of you. Long car rides can either be a serious drag, or an opportunity for lots of fun.

How can you turn a long car ride into a fun and exciting time for everyone? By playing games! While it’s fun to come up with your own games on the fly, it’s always helpful to have a list of games you can pull from to always switch it up and keep things exciting.

Today, we’re going to cover 30 of the most fun road trip trivia games for long car rides and show you how you and your friends or family can play them on your next trip. From classics like 21 Questions and I Spy to new games that are sure to become instant favorites, you’ll find something for everyone on this road trip trivia list.

Best Road Trip Trivia Apps

It’s safe to assume there’s at least one smartphone among the people in the car, and that phone is a huge asset when it comes to road trip trivia. Here are some of the best trivia apps to check out on your next getaway.

Jeopardy! World Tour

World Tour is the latest mobile app from one of the greatest trivia games of all time. This is our favorite road trip trivia app because there’s an offline mode that you can enjoy even if your phone loses service along the way.

This app features a multiple-choice question format and various difficulty levels, making it a great road trip trivia for families option and easy to adapt to play with the other people in the car.

Plus, you can also play by yourself if the rest of the car isn’t up for another trivia round. If you’re armed with an encyclopedia of fun facts for car rides, you’ll want to try your luck at this fun and addicting trivia game.

This app is perfect for the car because it has an uncluttered interface with text that’s large enough for everyone to read. There are tons of categories and questions in the app, which can provide you with hours of road trip trivia fun.

Psych is a play on classic party games like Balderdash! Where you must come up with the craziest answers to your friend’s questions to score points. If everyone in the car has a smartphone, you can all connect and play this hilarious game that will keep you entertained for hours.

Unfortunately, since everyone needs to use a smartphone to play the game, the driver can’t get in on the fun. That may be a good thing, since they’ll be able to focus on the road instead.

Guess The Song

This app is similar to SongPop 2, which is one of the most popular “name that tune” apps for Android and iOS, but where SongPop2 is more about online multiplayer competition, Guess The Song has a single-player mode which is easy to adapt so everyone in the car can play.

You can play together, or take turns to see who can name songs the fastest. There are plenty of playlists to choose from, with music ranging from the 60s to today.

Popcorn Trivia

If you’re in a car full of movie buffs, Popcorn Trivia is the perfect road trip trivia questions game for you. The game is free to play, and it features a vast library of different movie trivia questions from several different genres. You can compete against each other or together, and you can unlock new trivia packs from popular movies and TV shows with the points you earn in the game.

Road Trip Trivia Games

The trivia apps above are lots of fun, but you may not always have access to a smartphone with a strong signal during your road trip. Thankfully, road trip trivia has been around a lot longer than smartphones, so there are some great games you can play without the help of your phone.

We’ve assembled a list of some of the best and most fun classic road trip games for you and your squad to play as you’re making your way across the country.

Two Truths and a Lie

This fun-for-everyone game is always entertaining, and it’s a great way to get to know your fellow road trippers better. Two Truths and a Lie is perfect for playing with co-workers, friends, and family. All you need to do to win is separate fact from fiction.

Here’s How to Play

  • Pick which passenger will start the game
  • That passenger tells the car three statements. Two are true, and one is a lie
  • The rest of the car tries to determine which statement is false
  • Once the round is over, it’s the next passengers turn to tell Two Truths and a Lie

Would You Rather

Hands down one of the most fun games for the entire group is Would You Rather. This game is fun for the whole family, but it can be a real blast when the adults are playing. This game is one of our favorite road trip quizzes for couples since it’s a great way to get to know your partner while also passing the time while driving.

  • Each question much follow the Would You Rather format
  • Make sure that each question you ask presents a serious dilemma

Here are some Would You Rather road trip questions to get started with:

  • Would you rather eat chicken every day for a year, or not be able to eat chicken at all?
  • Would you rather be 10 minutes late everywhere you go, or 20 minutes early?
  • Would you rather absolute freedom or absolute safety?
  • When you die, if you could be reborn, would you rather exist in the future or the past?
  • Would you rather spend a year in prison or a year in a hospital?
  • Would you rather be the most gullible person in the world or lose the ability to tell a lie?
  • Would you rather go to the past to meet your ancestors, or to the future to meet your future relatives?

Would You Rather can also be a silly and fun game if you’re traveling with children. If there are kids in the car, here’s some Would You Rather questions that are perfect for them:

21 Questions

From young kids to grandparents, 21 Questions is a classic game everyone can enjoy. This game of deduction requires passengers to guess the person, place, or thing that the player is thinking of, using a maximum of 21 questions to figure it out.

Here’s how to Play

  • The first player thinks of a person, place, or thing
  • The rest of the players can ask up to 21 questions to figure out what the first player is thinking of
  • The first player responds with yes or no answers to each question they’re asked
  • If the rest of the car can’t figure out the answer in 21 questions, player one wins
  • If someone correctly guesses the answer within 21 questions, that person becomes the next to choose a person, place, or thing

Name That Tune

If you’re traveling with a bunch of music enthusiasts, Name That Tune can be one of the most fun games to play. All you’ll need is an app like Spotify or Apple Music (or someone in the car with an extensive music library.)

Here’s How To Play

  • Appoint one person in the car as the host for that round
  • That person finds a popular playlist and plays a song
  • The other passengers try and guess the song as quickly as possible
  • If a passenger says “pass,” the host moves on to the next song
  • Whoever guesses correctly first gets the point

The Bad Movie Plot Game

This hilarious game is perfect for a car full of movie buffs, and it’s a great way to pass the time during long car rides. The premise is simple: you must guess the name of the movie based on an incredibly poor plot description from the host.

  • The host of the game thinks of a movie
  • The host describes the plot of the movie correctly, but in the worst way possible
  • The rest of the car tries to guess the correct movie
  • Whoever guesses correctly becomes the host of the next round

Here are a few examples:

  • Talking gremlin convinces a son to murder his father (Star Wars Episode V)
  • Family abandons their troublemaker son on Christmas vacation in hopes robbers will abduct him (Home Alone)

The Movie Game

This game is another one that’s tons of fun for movie buffs. In The Movie Game, participants take turns naming movies and actors until one of the participants is stumped.

  • The first player starts the game by naming a popular movie, such as Titanic
  • The next player names an actor from the movie, like Leonardo DiCaprio
  • The next player must name another movie that the actor was in, for example, Wolf of Wall Street
  • The game continues until someone is stumped. If you can’t think of a movie or actor, you’re eliminated!
  • The last remaining player is the winner of the round

Questions, Questions, Questions

Is there a lull in conversation? This game is a great way to get the juices flowing and get some more energy in the car. Playing Questions, Questions, Questions is as simple as asking fun and intriguing questions to the other people in the car. This game is a great way to get to know your crew even better than you do now.

Here are a few great examples to get the conversation going again:

  • What is the most interesting thing you saw online this week?
  • If you were a gifted scientist with unlimited resources, what would you study and why?
  • What person, alive or dead, would you like to have dinner with and why?

Smurfing is a great way to get everybody laughing while passing the time on a long car ride. In this game, the player will need to guess the action that the rest of the car has come up with as quickly as possible by asking a series of questions.

  • The player must cover their ears while the rest of the car comes up with an action
  • Once the car has come up with an action, the player must try to guess that action by asking questions. In the questions, “smurf” is the stand-in for the action.
  • Ex. When is the best time to smurf? Does smurfing make you sweat? Do you smurf inside or outside?
  • The player must guess the action in as few questions as possible

Fortunately, Unfortunately

This fun game requires a bit of imagination, so it’s perfect for playing with the kids. It’s an easy game to keep going for hours, and the more crazy and imaginative you are, the more fun it is to play.

  • The first player begins with a statement that starts with “Fortunately…”
  • The next player follows up that statement with a statement beginning with “Unfortunately…”
  • Each additional player adds a statement following the fortunately/unfortunately format

Here’s an example:

  • ortunately, I brought delicious cookies for everybody
  • Unfortunately, every fifth cookie in the box will give you gas
  • Fortunately, you won’t be able to hear it
  • Unfortunately, everyone else within a five-mile radius will

This game is a fun variation on 21 Questions, and it’s fun to play with friends, family, or the kids. With a little bit of logic and some deductive questioning, contestants must identify the famous person the rest of the car is thinking of.

  • The contestant must cover their ears or listen to music while the rest of the car decides on a famous person
  • The contestant then asks yes or no questions to figure out who the famous person is

Truth or Dare

One of the most classic games to cure boredom on long car rides, Truth or Dare, is especially fun to play with your friends. This classic game is about as simple as it gets.

  • The first contestant is asked to choose either truth or dare
  • If the contestant selects truth, they’ll be forced to answer any question truthfully
  • If the contestant selects dare, they must complete a dare posed by one of the other contestants
  • The game continues on to the next contestant

The Counting Game

This silly game is perfect for families, and it’s a great way to pass the time during long road trips. The purpose of the game is to get to the highest number possible without any two players saying the same number at once.

  • The game begins when a player says the number one
  • The remaining players have five seconds to say number two
  • If more than one person says the next number at the same time, the game ends, and you restart from one

The Song Lyric Game

This fun game is a great way for music buffs to stay entertained on a road trip. Face off with your fellow road trippers in a lyric battle for the right to control the stereo.

  • Players must sing the lyrics to the current song on the stereo for one minute
  • The first player to successfully nail every lyric in the song for a minute straight can control the stereo
  • Once another player is able to sing a minute’s worth of lyrics to whatever song is on, they gain control of the stereo

Do you have the best taste in music in the car? Put your style to the test against your friends or family in this fun battle game. In order to play, you’ll need at least three people, so this game is perfect for families and groups of friends.

  • First, appoint someone in the car as the judge
  • The judge picks a music category i.e., pop, hip hop, rock, etc.
  • The remaining people in the car take turns playing the “best” song from that category
  • The judge awards a point to whichever person plays the best song

Did You Know?

A favorite road trip trivia game for couples and friends, this one is a great way to get to know the people you’re with even better than you do now.

To play the game, each person in the car takes turns sharing an interesting (and unknown) fact about themselves. Each player must begin by saying, “Did you know that I…” and then adding a fun factoid the others in the car don’t know about them

The Rhyming Game

Are you a wordsmith? The Rhyming Game is your time to shine! All you’ll need to do is start with a word, and then everyone must come up with a rhyming word before time expires.

  • The first player begins by choosing any word they like
  • The next player must say a word that rhymes with the first word
  • Each additional player must do the same
  • Players have fifteen seconds to come up with a rhyming word, or they’re eliminated

The Spelling Bee

Are you the best speller in the car? Test your knowledge against your friends and family with a spelling bee game. Use Google to find a list of difficult to spell words, and host a spelling bee in the car!

  • One person in the car must be appointed The Word Master
  • The Word Master selects a word for the first player to spell
  • If the player spells their word correctly, the Word Master selects a word for the next player
  • The game continues until there is only one super speller left

Backward Sentences Game

It may seem easy, but this game is harder than you may think! Can you say a sentence backward?

  • The first player says a sentence
  • The next player must repeat the sentence backward
  • Each player gets the point for every correct backward sentence
  • The player with the most points after five minutes wins the game

If you’re surrounded by people with great imaginations, this game is bound to be loads of fun. Each person in the car adds a new sentence to the story, and before you know it, you and your crew will have weaved a crazy tale that’s sure to get everyone laughing and having fun.

  • The first player begins by telling the first sentence of a story
  • Each subsequent player adds a sentence to the story
  • See how long you can keep the story going

Truth or a Lie?

Are you a good liar? If so, you’ll love playing this game, which will put your detective skills to the test as you root out which of your friends is telling the truth and who is spinning an elaborate lie.

  • The first player tells an elaborate story about their past
  • The story can be true or false
  • The remaining players must decide if the story is real or fake
  • The first player to guess correctly receives a point
  • The next player tells a story and the game repeats

Sorry I’m Late

This fun game adds a spin to the bad movie plot game we mentioned earlier. Can you guess which movie they’re thinking of from a single sentence?

  • The first player explains why they were late by describing the plot of a movie in a single sentence
  • Ex. “Sorry I’m late, I was saving the world from an alien invasion on the Fourth of July” (Independence Day)
  • The remaining players take turns guessing which movie the first player was talking about
  • Whoever answers correctly becomes the next contestant in the game

The Going on Vacation Game

How good is your memory? This game is a great way to see which member of your party is the best at remembering fine details, and it’s lots of fun to play. Each player adds a new item to the list when it’s their turn, and it’s up to the next player to remember everything on the list, in order.

  • The first player starts by saying “I’m going on vacation and I’m bringing…” and adds an item
  • I.E., I’m going on vacation, and I’m bringing a T-shirt
  • The next player must repeat the sentence, the first item, and then add an additional item
  • The game continues until a player can’t remember all of the other items on the list

This classic game is fun for the whole family, and it’s one that practically everyone already knows how to play.

  • The first player selects an object from the car or countryside
  • The player then says “I spy with my eye something beginning with the letter [first letter of object]
  • The other players take turns guessing what the item is
  • Each correct guess earns a point
  • The player with the most points at the end of the game wins

Silence is golden, and that’s especially true for parents who are trying to find some peace from their kids during a road trip. This game couldn’t be any easier to play. The object is to remain quiet for as long as possible. Whoever goes the longest without making a sound wins!

What Are You Waiting For?

We just provided you with 30 of the most fun road trip trivia and other games around, which should give you and your fellow passengers hours of entertainment on your trip. Keep this list of games handy, so you and your crew will always have something to keep you occupied during your road trip.

What are some of your favorite road trip trivia games? How do you like to pass the time on a long ride? Let us know in the comments!

About The Author

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Ayesha Holloman

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Road Trip Inspiration

91 fun road trip trivia questions to impress your friends with.

road trip trivia questions

I love going on long road trips, but when the initial excitement has worn off, and there’s not much to look at, I get a bit bored. When you’ve talked about your future travel plans and listened to all your playlists, it may be time to break out the road trip trivia questions.

Whether you’re traveling with your kid and trying to impress or distract them (and it does work, at least in my experience!) or with your friends trying to prove who has the most knowledge about a topic, you’ll love these car ride trivia questions. You may even want to print this list out for the times you don’t have any service when you’re in the middle of nowhere and  really  bored. These questions will make the time go much quicker.

I compiled a master list of trivia for car rides, whether you’re a car lover wondering what the top-selling car model of all time is or parents traveling with kids who want to test their name on Disney princesses. That way, you’ll all stay entertained whether you’re on a Seattle to Crater Lake road trip or driving from Vancouver to Banff .

With that, let’s get into all these trivia games to play in the car so you can impress your carmates!

Table of Contents

Road Trip Trivia Questions for Movie Lovers


We’ve all seen dozens, if not hundreds, of movies over our lifetimes. But have you ever wondered how much you really know about your favorite movies? This road trip trivia game will test your movie trivia knowledge to see just that.

  • What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? Answer: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
  • Who directed the movie  Jaws ? Answer: Steven Spielberg
  • What was the character’s name played by Johnny Depp in the  Pirates of the Caribbean  movies? Answer: Captain Jack Sparrow
  • Which movie features the characters Andy Dufresne and Red and is based on a Stephen King novella? Answer: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
  • Who played the character of Forrest Gump in the movie of the same name? Answer: Tom Hanks
  • In the movie Star Wars, what is the name of Han Solo’s ship? Answer: Millennium Falcon
  • Which actress won an Academy Award for her role in the movie  Black Swan ? Answer: Natalie Portman
  • What is the highest-grossing movie of all time (as of 2021)? Answer: Avatar (2009)
  • Which movie features the song “Let It Go?” Answer: Frozen (2013)
  • Who played the character of the Joker in the movie  The Dark Knight ? Answer: Heath Ledger
  • In the movie  The Matrix , what is the name of the main character played by Keanu Reeves? Answer: Neo
  • Which movie features the song “My Heart Will Go On?” Answer: Titanic (1997)
  • Who directed the movie  Titanic ? Answer: James Cameron
  • Which actor played the character of James Bond in the movie  Die Another Day ? Answer: Pierce Brosnan
  • In the movie  The Lion King , what type of animal is Timon? Answer: Meerkat

Make sure to reserve your rental car ahead of time! I love using Discover Cars for my trips.

Road Trip Trivia for Travel Enthusiasts

road trip quotes for instagram

Traveling is one of my favorite ways to explore new cultures and educate myself about the world. That’s why travel is always my favorite category, and you’ll love these car ride trivia questions to ask your passengers. From famous landmarks to unique customs, this travel road trip quiz covers a wide range of topics to help inspire your wanderlust. 

Make sure to have your Instagram road trip captions ready to go while on the road so you can post your next picture!

  • What is the tallest mountain in the world? Answer: Mount Everest
  • Which city is home to the famous landmark, the Colosseum? Answer: Rome, Italy
  • What is the largest island in the world by area? Answer: Greenland
  • Which country is known for its tulips, windmills, and wooden shoes? Answer: The Netherlands
  • Which U.S. state is home to the Grand Canyon? Answer: Arizona
  • What is the capital city of Japan? Answer: Tokyo
  • What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru with stone terraces and llamas? Answer: Machu Picchu
  • What is the name of the largest hot desert in the world? Answer: Sahara Desert
  • Which African country is known for its wildlife and safaris? Answer: Kenya
  • What is the name of the river that runs through Paris? Answer: Seine River
  • What is the name of the largest coral reef system in the world? Answer: Great Barrier Reef
  • Which country is known for its beautiful beaches, samba dancing, and Christ the Redeemer statue? Answer: Brazil
  • What is the capital city of South Africa? Answer: Cape Town (or Pretoria)
  • Which country is home to the famous Angkor Wat temple complex? Answer: Cambodia
  • Which U.S. state is known for its beautiful beaches, theme parks, and oranges? Answer: Florida

Get your free road trip packing list here!

U.S. Travel Trivia for Car Rides

united states road trip trivia

The United States is a country full of different terrain and people, which is a big reason I’m obsessed with road trips. Even if you’ve lived here your whole life, how much do you really know about the United States? Test your knowledge with these car trip trivia questions on the United States, whether you’re doing a road trip from Los Angeles or a smaller one around your hometown.

  • Which river forms much of the border between Mexico and the United States? Answer: Rio Grand e
  • Which state is known as the “Sunflower State?” Answer: Kansas
  • What is the capital city of California? Answer: Sacramento
  • Which national park is home to the Old Faithful geyser? Answer: Yellowstone National Park
  • In what year did the United States declare its independence from Great Britain? Answer: 1776
  • What is the largest state by land area in the United States? Answer: Alaska
  • Who is the current Vice President of the United States? Answer: Kamala Harris
  • Which state is known as the “Hoosier State?” Answer: Indiana
  • What is the name of the U.S. national anthem? Answer: The Star-Spangled Banner
  • Which state is known as the “Tar Heel State?” Answer: North Carolina
  • Who was the first President of the United States? Answer: George Washington
  • What is the name of the bridge that connects San Francisco to Marin County, California? Answer: Golden Gate Bridge
  • Which state is known as the “Lone Star State?” Answer: Texas
  • Which U.S. city is known as the “Windy City?” Answer: Chicago, Illinois
  • What is the name of the famous canyon located in northern Arizona? Answer: Grand Canyon

I’ve been using Roadtrippers for years to help me plan out my trips and find fun stops along the way. Use my code “BTR5QTP” for $5 off when you sign up!

Road Trip Trivia for Kids

kids trivia for car ride

Having two kids myself, I know how difficult it is to keep them entertained on long drives. In addition to packing the right road trip snacks for kids , they need games as well. That’s why these road trip trivia questions for kids are the perfect way to pass the time and make the trip more fun and educational (which means fewer  “are we there yet?”s).

I consider this part of a family road trip packing list , as entertainment is key with kids!

  • What is the largest animal on Earth? Answer: Blue whale
  • What is the capital of the United States? Answer: Washington, D.C.
  • Which planet in our solar system is known as the “Red Planet?” Answer: Mars
  • What is the name of the fairy in  Peter Pan ? Answer: Tinker Bell
  • Which bird is known for its distinctive call that sounds like it is laughing? Answer: Kookaburra
  • What is the smallest planet in our solar system? Answer: Mercury
  • What is the name of the lion in  The Lion King ? Answer: Simba
  • How many continents are there in the world? Answer: Seven
  • What is the name of the princess in Disney’s movie,  Frozen ? Answer: Elsa
  • What is the name of the boy who never grows up in  Peter Pan ? Answer: Peter Pan
  • Which famous scientist is known for developing the theory of relativity? Answer: Albert Einstein
  • Which mammal is capable of true flight? Answer: Bat
  • What is the name of the famous wizard in the Harry Potter series? Answer: Harry Potter
  • Which instrument is known as the “king of instruments?” Answer: Pipe organ
  • What is the name of the force that pulls all objects toward the center of the Earth? Answer: Gravit y

Car Ride Trivia Questions for Car Enthusiasts


Since you’re taking an automobile to go on your trip, you might as well learn some facts about them. These car trip trivia questions cover everything from the history of cars to the latest innovations in automotive technology. 

  • What is the top-selling car model of all time? Answer: Toyota Corolla
  • Which car manufacturer is credited with inventing the first automobile? Answer: Karl Benz of Mercedes-Benz
  • What was the first car mass-produced in the United States? Answer: Oldsmobile Curved Dash (1901)
  • Which car brand has the famous slogan “The Ultimate Driving Machine?” Answer: BMW
  • What is the name of the car famous for its gull-wing doors and featured in the movie Back to the Future? Answer: DeLorean DMC-12
  • What was the first car to reach a speed of 100 mph? Answer: Mercedes 35 H.P. (1901)
  • Which car brand is famous for its Mustang model? Answer: Ford
  • What was the first car to have seat belts as a standard feature? Answer: Volvo PV544 (1959)
  • Which car brand has the famous slogan “Zoom Zoom?” Answer: Mazda
  • What was the first car produced on an assembly line? Answer: Ford Model T (1908)
  • Which car brand is known for producing the Model S, X, Y, and 3 electric cars? Answer: Tesla
  • What was the first car to have a V8 engine? Answer: Cadillac Type 51 (1915)
  • Which car brand is famous for its 911 model? Answer: Porsche
  • What was the first car to have air conditioning as a standard feature? Answer: Packard (1940)
  • Which car brand is famous for its Wrangler and Cherokee models? Answer: Jeep

Road Trip Trivia for Music Lovers


We all listen to music on car rides, whether it’s pop, country, or a mix of everything. These road trip trivia questions and answers will help you know just a little more about the artist the next time you hear their song.

  • Who wrote the song “Bohemian Rhapsody?” Answer: Freddie Mercury of the band Queen
  • What was Elvis Presley’s middle name? Answer: Aaron
  • Who is the lead singer of the band Coldplay? Answer: Chris Martin
  • What instrument did Louis Armstrong play? Answer: Trumpet
  • Who is the best-selling female artist of all time? Answer: Madonna
  • Which British band had a hit in the 1980s with the song “Every Breath You Take?” Answer: The Police
  • Who wrote the song “Purple Haze?” Answer: Jimi Hendrix
  • Which country is known for the flamenco style of music? Answer: Spain
  • Who is the lead singer of the band U2? Answer: Bono
  • Which famous composer wrote the “Moonlight Sonata?” Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Who is the “King of Pop?” Answer: Michael Jackson
  • What is the name of the Beatles’ drummer? Answer: Ringo Starr
  • What is the highest-selling album of all time? Answer: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson
  • Who was the first rapper to win a Grammy Award? Answer: D.J. Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (Will Smith)
  • What was the name of Whitney Houston’s debut album? Answer: “Whitney Houston”
  • Who composed the opera “The Barber of Seville?” Answer: Gioachino Rossini

Road trip trivia questions are a fun way to pass the time on your next car ride and make it go a little quicker, so hopefully, by now, you’re more educated and ready to impress your friends with your knowledge!

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Marissa Pedersen

Marissa is a passionate road trip enthusiast who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada via car and continues to go on new trips every year to explore more of the country. Her love of road tripping has given her a unique perspective on the best routes, hidden gems, and must-see attractions along the way.

4 thoughts on “ 91 Fun Road Trip Trivia Questions to Impress Your Friends With ”

' src=

These are really great thanks for sharing going on a road trip soon.

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I’m glad to hear it, enjoy!

' src=

Great questions, helped pass some driving through the desert

Good, that’s the goal!

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55 Entertaining Road Trip Trivia Questions & Answers

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Looking for something entertaining to do on your long road trip to help pass the time? Have some fun with your road trip companions with these  road trip trivia questions !

Road trip games are required for long car rides, am I right?

This road trip trivia game includes a wide variety of topics. There are some U.S travel questions here plus fun facts, world travel trivia, pop culture, and general travel trivia questions as well. A few of them use a multiple-choice question format.

Tapping on the question will reveal the correct answer.  This way the trivia question reader can join in the fun trivia game too, not just your fellow passengers!

Test your knowledge of top travel destinations around the world with these fun road trip trivia questions.

Rear View Of Couple On Road Trip Driving Classic Convertible Car Towards Sunset

U.S. National Park road trip trivia questions

Yellowstone National Park was the first official U.S. National Park. It was established in 1872 when President Ulysses S. Grant signed the Yellowstone National Park Protection Act into law.

There are 63 U.S. National Parks.

The National Park Service, the U.S. government agency responsible for managing and overseeing the parks, manages a total of 423 units in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and territories. They include national historical parks, national seashores, national military parks, national monuments and more.

The law that created the National Park Service was signed by President Woodrow Wilson on Aug. 25, 1916.

New River Gorge National Park & Preserve is the newest U.S. National Park. It was established in 2021, and is located in West Virginia.

California has the most National Parks with nine. They are: Channel Islands, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Kings Canyon, Lassen Volcanic, Pinnacles, Redwoods (and State Parks), Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks.

Great Smoky Mountain National Park gets the most visitors each year. According to the National Park Service , 14.1 million people visited this National Park in 2021. The Blue Ridge Parkway was the only NPS unit that received more visitors than GSMNP in 2021.

General U.S. travel road trip trivia

Although the United States’ interstate highway system was authorized by law in the 1950s, the final piece wasn’t completed until 1992, when a 12-mile stretch of I-70 was opened to traffic in Colorado.

California receives the most tourists of any state in the U.S.

Walt Disney World in Florida receives the most visitors each year, specifically the Magic Kingdom.

New York City gets the most tourists of any city in the U.S. Approximately 67 million people traveled to the Big Apple in 2019.

California is the largest U.S. by population with nearly 40 million people.

Alaska is the largest U.S. state by land area. At 663,300 square miles, it’s more than twice the size of the second-largest U.S. state, Texas. In fact, Alaska is larger than Texas, California, and Montana (the second, third, and fourth largest states) combined.

The Missouri River.

At 2,341 miles, the Missouri River is also the longest in all of North America. But it’s only the 15th longest river in the world.

The Mississippi River runs a close second to the Missouri and is only about one mile shorter.

Crater Lake  in Oregon is the deepest lake in the United States.

At 1,943 feet, Crater Lake is also one of the deepest lakes in the world.

Two girls traveling by car near the water.

World travel road trip trivia questions

The Forbidden City in Beijing, China, is the most visited historical monument in the world.

They received more than 19 million visitors in 2019.

According to the World Tourism Organization, France receives the most international tourists.

Russia is the country with the largest land area.

At over 6 million square miles, Russia makes up 11% of the land mass in the entire world.

Antarctica is the driest continent, being almost entirely desert.

Colombia is the country with the highest average annual precipitation. Colombia sees an average of over 3 1/4 meters of rain per year. That’s over 10.6 feet of rain!

According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (yes, this is a real thing), Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world at over 2,722 to its tip.

Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge in China is the longest bridge (of any type) in the world. It’s part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway and is 102.4 miles long.

The Nile is the longest river in the world. It’s 4,130 miles long and flows from south to north, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea.

The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world, covering over 143,000 square miles.

It is bordered by Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.

Venezuela’s Angel Falls is the tallest (uninterrupted) waterfall in the world with a height of over 3200 feet.

At approximately 110 acres (and only 1,000 or so residents), Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.

Fun fact: the town of Longyearbyen is so cold that it is illegal to bury anyone there.

It’s approximately a 3-hour flight from Oslo to Longyearbyen.

China is the largest country in the world by population. As of 2020, the population of China is 1,439,323,776.

The remote Russian town of Oymyakon is considered the coldest habited place on the planet. There are about 21 hours of darkness every day and its average temperature is -58.

Faroe Islands . With a population of only 19,165 (as of 2019), Tórshavn is the smallest capital city in the world. Tórshavn means “Thor’s harbor.”

6,338 different people have summited Everest for more than 11,000 summits.

Kami Rita (Topke) Sherpa (Thami) has summited a record 26 times. Kenton Cool (British) has the most non-Sherpa summits with 17.

The longest road is  Pan-American Highway  stretches from Alaska to Argentina, connecting 14 countries. It’s the longest continuous road and longest motorable road in the world at about 19,000 miles total.

Bolivia’s North Yungas Road, often called  “Death Road,”  is widely considered the most dangerous road in the world because of its height, lack of guardrails, and how narrow it is.

Parts of the road are only 3 meters wide, making it a bit tricky to handle oncoming traffic.

Lake Baikal  in Russia. It’s also the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume.

General travel trivia

Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam , or A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land , was published in 1483 and written by  Bernhard von Breydenbach of Germany. It is considered the earliest example of a travel guide.

It was published in six languages and went through 11 editions.

The first scheduled commercial flight departed on Jan. 1, 1914. The St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line flight from St. Petersburg, Florida, to Tampa took approximately 23 minutes and covered 21 miles.

The Prinzessin Victoria Louise was built by the Hamburg-America Line solely for the purpose of leisure cruise travel. It includes a gymnasium, art gallery, social hall, ballroom and more in addition to dining rooms and passenger cabins.

Her first cruise departed from Hamburg in 1900. The cruise lasted 35 days and visited ports in Venezuela and the West Indies.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan has been running continually since 705 AD. It’s located in Yamanashi Prefecture.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

It was founded in 1919 and its first flight took place in 1920. The airline was founded by a group of eight Dutch businessmen.

Marriott International  with more than 8,000 hotel properties around the world (totaling more than half a million rooms).

They operate in 138 countries.

Fun trivia questions about pop culture

Wings.  At the first annual Academy Awards in 1929,  Wings  won the first award for Best Picture.

Movie buffs will know that the movie included a very young Gary Cooper.

Agatha Christie

To date, her books (66 novels and 14 short story collections) have sold over 1 billion copies worldwide.

U2 has won 22 Grammy Awards.

They are the only band to have won Album of the Year twice. Once for  The Joshua Tree  and the second for  How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb .

Michael Jackson’s Thriller was released in 1984 and has sold approximately 70 million copies.

Law and Order

As of the summer of 2023, both  Law & Order and Law & Order: SVU  are currently still airing.  SVU  has been running for 24 seasons.  Law & Order  has been on TV for 20 seasons, though not consecutively.

Phantom of the Opera  is the longest-running Broadway show. It opened in 1988 and ran for 13,981 performances.

General trivia

The  Ford Model T  was created in 1908 and was the first automobile to be mass-produced on an assembly line (starting in 1913).

George Washington was 57 years old when he first became president of the United States.  He was sworn in on April 30, 1789, at Federal Hall in New York City. He was born on Feb. 22, 1732.

The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way. It’s about 2.5 million light-years away.

An embarrassment

Cooperstown, New York

Seattle, Washington …specifically in the SoDo neighborhood (south of downtown).

The Great Barrier Reef.

It’s one of the seven natural wonders of the world and is made up of nearly 3,000 individual reefs. You’ll find the Great Barrier Reef north of Australia’s Queensland.

More articles about road trips

  • Fun things to do on your road trip to pass the time
  • Road trip pros and cons
  • Road trip questions to spark great conversation on the road
  • The perfect Southeastern U.S. road trip itinerary
  • Beautiful scenic drives in New York State  

Need more help planning your road trip? Check out our list of the essential travel planning resources .   

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Have some fun on the road with these road trip trivia questions

Darcy Vierow is a busy professional and travel planning expert with years of experience maximizing travel with limited time and on a less-than-average salary. Her tips have been published by Forbes,, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Finance, Aol, Newsbreak and GOBankingRates. Read more about Darcy Vierow .

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61 Fun Road Trip Trivia Questions and Answers

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If you have a road trip planned, trivia questions are one of the best things for keeping people entertained in our humble opinion! So wile away the hours in the car with these 61 fun road trip trivia questions and answers.

As the days get longer, and the nights get warmer, you’ll get that feeling in your bones, and you’ll start to feel the call of the open road.

You’ll want to load up the car or the RV with snacks and supplies, get the map out, and set off. Or maybe you need to make the red-eye cross country if you’re moving house, or visiting relatives. 

Whatever the reason for your road trip, you can be certain of keeping everyone entertained, young and old, with these road trip trivia questions and answers.

General Road Trip Trivia Questions and Answers

Usa road trip trivia questions and answers, world trivia questions and answers, road trip riddles, other road trip games.

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Let’s kick off our bumper list with some general questions. These are perfect for a warm-up, as we’ve got some real brain teasers later on!

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How much do you and your passengers know about where you’re driving? Test your traveling companions with these crafty questions to see how much they know about the USA as you’re driving through!

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Think you know a lot about the USA? Well, let’s see how you get on with some questions about the rest of the world! This section is for all you would-be globe trotters out there. Pack your passports and get ready for a gallop around the globe.

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If you have done well with these road trip trivia questions and answers, you might be feeling cocky and in need of something extra. As a little bonus, see if you can work out the answers to these head-scratching riddles.

If you’ve loved these road trip trivia questions and answers, then check out these trivia topics:

  • 79 United States Geography Trivia Questions and Answers
  • Best 1980s Trivia Questions and Answers

Looking for more games to play on your next road trip? Check out this video for some inspiration:

Road trips can be the most fun things to get involved with. The excitement of getting everything and everyone together, the anticipation of arriving, seeing parts of the country you may never have seen before – we love it all, and we’re sure you do too!

However, it happens with every epic road trip – sometimes you get bored. And it’s moments like those when you need our bumper batch of fun road trip trivia questions and answers to keep everyone entertained!

From young and old, from driver to passenger, everyone can get involved in our fun road trip trivia questions and answers, and you’re guaranteed to be entertained for hours.

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The Winding Road Tripper

20+ Entertaining Road Trip Games to Play in the Car

This post may include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I (The Winding Road Tripper) earn from qualifying purchases.  Read more . 

Road trips are not just about getting to your destination. It’s also about all the fun you can have on your journey to your next stop.

These road trip games will bring laughter and excitement to your next road trip.

Let’s dive into some of our favorites.

Alright, we know this is one of those classic games to play on a road trip that everyone has heard of, but have you ever really dug into it? 

I Spy has a lot of versatility. It’s not just that one-dimensional game you remember from your childhood. This is a game that you can mix up and cut loose with. Try adding time limits, creating I Spy themes, or just killing some time with a class road game. 

You probably know the rules, but all you need to do to play this game is pick something you and your friends can see and have them guess until they get it right. You’ll say, “I spy something that…” and add a clever clue that gives a subtle hint about what you’re looking at. 

The key to playing this game as an adult is to focus on those clever hints. That’s where the fun is!

20 Questions 

 20 Questions is one of those games that has plenty of versatility. Let’s look at a few ways to enjoy this game while on a road trip.

You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be “it.” That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

You can spice up 20 Questions by making it themed, personal, or romantic. It all depends on who you’re traveling with. 

Like many road games, this game is best played in short bursts. You want to mix up these classic road trip games, so you don’t burn out on any one game. 

Would You Rather

Would You Rather is another excellent game to play while on a road trip. 

The goal of this game is to give someone a ridiculous and near-impossible choice between two options. You can ask them to pick between their favorite hobbies, a million dollars or perfect health, or anything else you can think of!

This is also a great game for getting to know someone new. It’s the perfect icebreaker for couples and helps you explore topics that matter to the people you travel with. 

Mini Board Games 

Mini magnetic board games are fun games to play in the car, but they are also adorable. 

You and your travel companions can enjoy Scrabble, chess, checkers, or mini Monopoly.

There are travel-sized versions of just about every board game out there. Throw one of these in your bag, and you’ll hardly notice the extra space it takes up. Besides, it will generate way more fun than you might expect. 

Travel Scavenger Hunt 

One of the most fun things you can do when heading out on your road trip is to set up a scavenger hunt .

You need to do some planning ahead of time for this game. Think about some interesting or challenging items you and your travel companions can hunt down or see on the road together. 

These can be wrappers from regional snacks, landmarks, road signs, or anything you can find along your road trip route. 

Here’s a tip for setting up a scavenger hunt. Come up with a low-stakes prize for the winner, which could be anything from a Starbucks gift card to a coupon for a free back massage. 

Trivia Apps! 

Playing trivia games on the road used to mean taking several decks of cards with questions and answers on them. However, your phone is full of game apps to keep you entertained on your road trip.

There are trivia apps like Popcorn Trivia, SongPop, and countless others. These let you play trivia games based on movies, music, and even history with your travel buddies. 

Don’t get caught thinking these games are trivial; they are some of the most fun games to play on a road trip!

Related Post: Best Road Trip Game Apps

Travel Bingo

Here’s another exciting game that takes a little preparation before you hit the road.

You can set up a travel bingo gam e for everyone you will be on the road with. This bingo game can be full of fun inside jokes, sites along the way, and all the ups and downs of a long car ride.

Travel bingo is a great way to add a little lightheartedness to some of the challenges of taking a road trip. Why not lean into these awkward moments and add a square on your travel bingo card for awkward smells or getting stuck in traffic?

The winner of travel bingo can get a little prize, but there’s no prize more fabulous than the satisfaction of being the travel bingo champion.  Related Post: Free Downloadable Road Trip Bingo Cards

Gas Station Stop Gourmet 

There are plenty of travel games about embracing the unique and sometimes weird cuisine you can find while on the road.

The goal of this game is to make the most of the limited culinary options you have at your average gas station. Players should be given a budget and are challenged to come up with the most exciting meal they can think of.

Imagine you’re on a Food Network competition show, but all you can do is create a fine dining experience using a convenience store and a few fast food diners.

This is a great game to help people think outside the box and not get stuck snacking on the same pre-packaged chips for the entire ride. 


Fictionary started hundreds of years ago with the Victorians in England. 

This word game is all about obscure words and the definitions that they “should” have. Play works like this. 

One player picks an obscure word that few people know, like “mycorrhizal” or “sozzled.” Everyone else writes down their made-up definitions. Whoever gets the most laughs wins!

More Road Trip Entertainment: Best Attention-Grabbing Audio Books for a Road Trip Boredom-Busting Podcasts for a Road Trip Road Trip Questions for Couples

Six Degrees of Separation

Here’s another road trip classic, especially for movie buffs. 

Six Degrees of Separation got a second wind when it became an iconic meme in the early days of the internet known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. 

The point of the game is straightforward. One player names two actors, and the other must connect them in six degrees of separation or less.

Here’s a classic example using Kevin Bacon.

“Kevin Bacon and William Shatner.”

William Shatner was in Festival in Cannes with Maximilian Schell, who starred in Telling Lies in America with Kevin Bacon.

There’s even a website called The Oracle of Bacon that can generate these degrees of separation if you two get stuck!

Fictional Road Trip Families

One of the most fun things about a road trip is the people you will meet on the way. 

However, some people you “meet” drive past you on the road at 60 miles an hour. While you need more time to meet them adequately, you can still tell a fun story about their lives.

The next time an interesting-looking car drives past you, collaborate on a fictional story about the family inside that vehicle. Take turns adding story elements and see where it will lead you.

The Movie Game

Here is another one for film buffs.

This game starts with one person naming a movie and another person naming an actor who starred in that film. The next person then picks another actor from that movie and a different movie that the actor starred in. The second player then repeats the process, and play continues until no one can name a new movie.

For a twist on this game, players can go back and forth naming actors, writers and directors, and production staff on movies until they cannot name anyone else involved with a given film.

Human Jukebox

Here’s a game for the musically inclined pair on a road trip.

Human Jukebox starts with one player singing a line from a song. Then the other player uses the last word of that line to connect it to a brand-new song.

Here’s an example:

Player 1 starts with a line from Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody: “So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye. So you think you can love me and leave me to die. Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby .”

Player 2 connects it with Britney Spears’s classic “… Baby One More Time.” When I’m not with you, I lose my mind. Give me a sign. Hit me, baby, one more time.”

And the song goes on!

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is more than a fun game. It’s a great way to get to know your travel companions.

Here’s how the game works:

Name two truths about yourself and one lie. For example, you could say, “I used to have blue hair, I once designed a video game, and my aunt is a world record holder for women’s rodeo.” 

Your traveling companions will then have to guess which is the lie and which is the truth. And the fun part is that you can make your truth and lies as straightforward or as challenging to guess as you’d like. 

This game is a fun way to explore your traveling companion’s personal history and discover unique and fun details about their life.

Fortunately Unfortunately

Fortunately Unfortunately is a game that can get weird pretty quickly. Therefore, it’s a great game if someone in the car has their crabby pants on. 

It starts with one player saying something that starts with “fortunately: that’s positive, and then the next saying something negative about that same event starting with “unfortunately.”

“Fortunately, we got time off of work for this road trip.”

“Unfortunately, your boss got replaced by a zombie.”

“Fortunately, all those George Romero movies I watch have prepared me for this day.”

Continue this back and forth until you are ready to move on to the next game. 

The Road Trip Memory Game

Here’s a fun game to test your memory skills.

The game starts with the first player saying, “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing…” 

They can name any person, place, or thing they want to bring on this road trip. Let’s say they said, “my guitar.”

The next player continues the game by saying, “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing my guitar and…” and adding their own item.

The game continues until someone forgets items on the list. Consider this game as a safe way to forget what you need to bring on your next road trip!

Radio Roulette

Radio Roulette can be an exciting way to find new music you love or a challenging endurance test.

All you need to do is turn on the local radio stations and pick one randomly. You have to keep this station on for an unbroken 10 minutes to complete a round of the game. After 10 minutes, you switch to the next radio station and keep playing.

You might find yourself in love with some local Polka you would have never thought to listen to. Or you might be battling through 10 minutes of local talk radio.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

In the mood to win $1,000,000? Well, there might not be a stack of hundreds on the table, but you can have fun playing along.

The Who Wants To Be A Millionaire app is a great way to play a game with just two players on your next ride. One player gets to be the host of this iconic game show, while the other gets to be in the hot seat with a shot at a cool million dollars.

Bad Film Plots

Usually, when you play a game, you want to do everything right. However, Bad Film Plots has you intentionally doing everything wrong.

This game aims to explain a movie’s plot as badly but as accurately as possible. The other players must guess the film you’re talking about correctly.

Let’s say you wanted to badly explain the plot of Terminator II: Judgement Day. You could say: “A down-on-her-luck working single mother makes an unlikely friendship as her son discovers a father figure.” 

That may be tricky, but that’s the whole point of the game. 

Local Trivia Night

One of the most significant advantages you have when taking road trips today is that you’ve got the whole internet by your side while you’re on the road.

Use that to your advantage and do a local trivia game while traveling. 

One player gets to be the trivia master asking questions about the state you’re driving through.

Try Out Some Nintendo Switch Games! 

Some of the best games to play on a road trip take advantage of today’s technology. 

The Nintendo Switch offers plenty of variety, including two-player puzzle games, action, and RPGs with compelling stories. You can even download classic Super Nintendo video games and enjoy nostalgia while on the road. The Switch has games for kids and adults, so you don’t have to worry about not finding the right game for you. 

Name That Tune

No list of road trip games would be complete without a game designed for music lovers, as singing and enjoying new tunes is one of the best parts of a good road trip. 

And SongPop 3 is one of the best game apps for long car rides for music lovers. This app plays a song clip and has you guess what you’re hearing.

These are real clips from actual songs. And you’ll hear everything from Cardi B to Queen. You can even play in dedicated music genres to focus on your favorites.

You can spice things up a little by trying to sing the next lyrics in the song. 

Words With Friends

Words With Friends is one of, if not the, most popular word game app. The secret to this app’s success is that it is Scrabble but for the smartphone age. Being a digital Scrabble allows Words With Friends to give you more options to play while traveling.

You and your traveling partners can play together using your own devices or challenge friends and family back home. Since it’s basically Scrabble, you know what you’re getting into with this app.

License Plate Game

The L icense Plate Game aims to find as many license plates from the 50 States + the District of Columbia as you can during your road trip. 

The best thing about the License Plate Game is you can make the rules to fit your road trip needs. Plus, you can make it enjoyable by finding prizes for the winners or an award for the first passenger to spot a license plate from Mexico or Canada.

You can make a list of all 50+ states, or there are phone apps to help you keep track. Our favorite is PlateSpot . 

Related Post: License Plate Game: 3-Ways to Play on Your Next Road Trip

Family Travel Fever

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95 Fun Road Trip Trivia Questions and Answers (Family Car Ride Questions)

NOTE*** The content on this page may contain affiliate links, we may make a commission. And, as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.   More information: disclosure page .

Are you going on a road trip and want to make sure that there will be no dull moments on the road? You can always choose a route where you’ll see amazing places and see scenic views as you drive. But what do to kill time and keep everyone entertained on a long drive? You can enjoy an exciting road trip by having fun trivia questions and answers activities.

You can engage everyone you’re traveling with trivia! Whether with your friends or with your families and kids, here are fun and educational road trip trivia questions that I’ve collected for everyone to enjoy. 

Preparing for your trip: Before you hit the road, you can start preparing these questions and write them on a small note or piece of paper. Then, let everyone pick one question and whoever gets the correct answer will merit a score. You can check from the questions below which can be added to the easy, medium, and hard category and you can set home many points they will get from answering in each category. 

These trivia questions contain topics about school, movies, and your kid’s favorite movies and TV Shows. Plus what you’ll see at the end of this trivia is the best part where everyone in the family can enjoy. It is a no-brainer trivia and this will help you see who knows your family more. 

Traveling with kids? Don’t miss these articles on the FTF Blog:

  • Tips for a Road Trip with Kids (By a mom of 6)
  • Yummy Road Trip Lunch Ideas
  • How to Rent an RV for an Epic Road Trip

This will surely be a fun and exciting road trip. So keep on reading and see what I’ve got for you. 

10 Letter Trivia Questions and Answers for the Car

Colorful magnet letters

Have you ever wondered where the letters from the alphabet came from? Well, I got surprised to know these answers from the letter trivia questions we have. Let’s take a look. 

  • Question : Where was the alphabet developed?

Answer : It was developed by Semitic people living in or near Egypt.

  • Question : Is it true that the alphabet was made up of 22 letters, all of the consonants?

Answer : Yes, it’s true

  • Question : When were the vowels added in the alphabet?

Answer : It was added n 750 B.C

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet was originally introduced upside down?

Answer : Letter ‘A’. It was introduced in the 1800s as upside down and it looks like the head of an animal with horns or antlers.

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet was shaped like a boomerang or hunter’s stick and called it ‘gamma’ by the Greeks?

Answer : Letter C

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet came from the Egyptians and used as a symbol for the fence?

Answer : Letter H

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet is also used to stand for the ‘J’ sound in ancient times?

answer : Letter I

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet was used to be the wavy vertical lines with five peaks to symbolize water according to the Egyptians?

Answer : Letter M

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet was called ‘eye’ in Egyptian and ‘ayin’ in Semites?

Answer : Letter O

  • Question : What letter in the alphabet was pronounced ‘resh’ that also means ‘head.’

Answer : Letter R

10 Number Trivia Questions and Answers

Colorful magnetic numbers

Just like with the letters from the alphabet, you’re probably curious too about the origin of the number from 0 to 9? Well, these trivia questions and answers are perfect for everyone from the family. 

  • Question : What number symbolized unity and the origin of all things and all other numbers can be created from it?

Answer : Number 1

  • Question : What number was written as two horizontal lines back in the Indic Brahmic script?

Answer : Number 2

  • Question : This number was considered as the perfect number by the Greek Philosopher, Pythagoras as for them, it represents harmony, wisdom, and understanding. What number is it?

Answer : Number 3

  • Question : What number symbolizes justice and stability that you need to keep in your life?

Answer : Number 4

  • Question : What number is considered to be a symbol of goodness and grace of God?

Answer : Number 5

  • Question : What number are a symbol of domestic happiness, harmony, and stability?

Answer : Number 6

  • Question : What number is a symbol of completeness and perfection for both physical and spiritual?

Answer : Number 7

  • Question : What number is considered the luckiest of numbers in China?

Answer : Number 8

  • Question : Where do numbers originate

Answer : Numbers 0 to 9 originated in India in the 6th or 7th century. After that, it was introduced to Europe through the writings of Middle Eastern mathematicians in the 12th century.

  • Question : Who are the mathematicians that introduced the numbers to Europe using Middle Easter writing?

Answer :  They are al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi.

10 Animal Trivia Questions and Answers

A portrait shot of a giraffe

This one is perfect for the kids and of course for adults too. Especially if you love talking about animals and you find anything about them interesting. So, here are 10 Animal trivia for you.

  • Question : What animal can sleep for three years straight? 

Answer : A Snail

  • Question : What insect has 12 heart chambers? 

Answer : Cockroaches 

  • Question : What animal has the highest blood pressure. 

Answer : A Giraffe

  • Question : What is the only animal that never sleeps. 

Answer : A Bullfrog

  • Question : What animal does not drink water? 

Answer : Kangaroo rats 

  • Question : Where is the shrimp’s heart situated?

Answer : Its head. 

  • Question : What is the animal that extremely resembles human fingertips?

Answer : A Koala

  • Question : What animal is also known as cavy?

Answer : A Guinea Pig

  • Question : How many glasses of milk a cow produces in its lifetime? Answer :  Nearly 200,000 glasses of milk. 
  • Question : Is it true that the Ice in the Antarctic Ocean is 3% Penguin urine? 

10 Human Body Trivia Questions and Answers 

Human body anatomy statue

Now, these trivia questions and answers are very educational and would also be perfect to use if you’re on a road trip with kids. 

  • Question : What human body part is considered as a part of the skeletal system but are not counted bones?

Answer : Teeth

  • Question : What is the largest guest human bone that is also called the femur? 

Answer : Thigh bone. 

  • Question : Is it true that Infants are born with a total of 300 bones but they grow old with 206 bones as some of that fuse together?

Answer : Yes, it is.

  • Question : How many new cells a human body can produce?

Answer : 25 million new cells every second. 

  • Question : What is the smallest human bone? 

Answer : It is called a Stirrup and can be found inside the eardrum. 

  • Question : How many times a Heart Beats a day?

Answer :  Approximately 100,000 times a day. 

  • Question : Is it true that humans can produce enough saliva to fill up two bathtubs in a year?

Answer : Yes, it’s true.

  • Question: How many smells can a human nose detect? 

Answer : Up to a trillion smells. 

  • Question : How many hours can a human brain work? 

Answer : Non-stop for 24 hours. 

  • Question : How many cells die in human bodies?

Answer : About 50 billion cells die in human bodies.

10 Science Trivia Questions and Answers

A junior scientist

Science is always an exciting topic. Every time I learn new things about it leaves me amazed. So, here are the surprising and amazing Science trivia and questions that will put excitement on your road trip.

  • Question : Does the Eiffel Tower in Paris height change due to the summer heat? 

Answer : Yes, it can be 15 cm taller during summer. 

  • Question : How much weight a teaspoonful of neutron stars? 

Answer : Six billion tons. 

  • Question : Is it true that every year, Hawaii becomes 7.5cm closer to Alaska?
  • Question : Is it true that stainless steel could be dissolved by human stomach acid?
  • Question : What is the only planet that revolves clockwise?

Answer : Venus

  • Question : How much a cloud can weigh?

Answer : It can weigh up to a million pounds.

  • Question : Is it true that trees on Earth outnumber stars in the galaxy?

Answer : Yes it’s true

  • Question : Which water freezes faster?  

Answer : Hot water

  • Question : Which water heats up faster?

Answer : Coldwater

  • Question : What is the only reason why it is impossible to burn in space?

Answer : Due to the loss of gravity

10 Math Trivia Questions and Answers

A boy with magnifying glass with black board formulas at the back

Well, I’d say not everyone loves Mathematics, (or maybe it’s just me)  but these 10 trivias that you’ll see will surely blow your mind and wake you up.

  • Did you know that from numbers 0 to 1,000, the only number that has “a” is 1,000?
  • Did you know that four is the only number that has the same number of letters when spelled in English as the number itself?
  • Did you know that every odd number has “e” in me?
  • Did you know that zero has no Roman Numeral representation? 
  • Did you know that “Forty” is the only number that is spelled with letters arranged alphabetically?
  • Did you know that the word “hundred” comes from the old Norse term, “hundredth”, which means 120 and not 100?
  • Did you know that there are 13 letters in both “eleven plus one” and “twelve plus one”?
  • Did you know that Rubix Cube has 43 quintillion combinations?
  • Did you know that 40 degrees are the temperature that is the same for both Celsius and Fahrenheit?
  • Did you know that Two is the only even prime number?

10 United States Trivia Questions and Answers

United states map colored in green, yellow, blue, and orange

The United States is one of the most famous countries in the world. This country always gives you something interesting to learn. Just like these trivia questions and answers you can see below.

  • Question : What city in the US was previously known as New Amsterdam?

Answer : New York City

  • Question : Where did the Statue of Liberty come from? 

Answer : It is a gift from the people in France in 1886.

  • Question : True or False. Alaska was originally part of Russia before it was sold to the USA.
  • Question : What bridge in San Francisco, California is being painted continuously now and then?

Answer : The Gold Gate Bridge

  • Question : Where do the Giant Presidential heads of the USA’s presidents are located?

Answer : In Houston, Texas. 

  • Question : True or False. Hawaii is the only Archipelago state. 
  • Question : What is the USA’s national flower?

Answer : The Rose

  • Question : True or False: The USA is the third-largest country. 
  • Question : When was the first-ever US Dollar printed?

Answer : It was printed in 1862. 

  • Question : True or False: President  Barack Obama installed a basketball court in the White House. 

10 Disney/Pixar Trivia Questions and Answers

Disney logo in white with golden lining

  • Question : What was the first Pixar movie?

Answer : The very first Pixar movie is Toy Story in 1995. Then after 3 years, they released the second one which is A Bug’s Life in 1998. 

  • Question : In the film, Monster Inc., what is the name of the city Mike and Sully work in?

answer : It’s in Monstropolis

  • Question : In the movie Finding Nemo, what is Nemo’s dad’s name?

Answer : Nemo’s dad’s name is Marlin an Ocellaris clownfish.

  • Question : What does Dory call Nemo’s dad, Marlin?

Answer : She calls him Squishy. When Dory thought at first that Marlin was a Jellyfish, she started calling him Squishy.

  • Question : Where was the In movie Ratatouille set?

Answer : It was set in the city of Paris, France

  • Question : In the movie, Monster Inc., what was the little girl’s name?

Answer : Her name was Marry Gibbs and this cute little girl is mostly known as Boo. 

  • Question : In Hercules, what are the names of Hades minions?

Answer : They are Pain and Panic

  • Question : What is the Disney song that you can hear in two Disney movies?

Answer : The song was Hakuna Matata. It was a song from the 1994 movie, Lion King and it was also played in Toy Story

  • Question : What does Hakuna Matata mean?

Answer : The phrase Hakuna Matata is a Swahili language or from East Africa and it means “No Worries” or “No Trouble”

  • Question : In the film, Peter Pan. What was the name of Wendy’s dog?

Answer : She is Nana, a St. Bernard and the Darling family’s nursemaid.

10 Marvel/DC Trivia Questions and Answers

Different marvel comics in a collage

  • Question : Who’s Marvel superhero has Bruce Wayne as his real name?

Answer : Batman

  • Question : Who’s Marvel Superhero has this famous tagline that says “Don’t make me angry; you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry”?

Answer : He is the Incredible Hulk

  • Question : Who’s Marvel superhero can’t transform back into the human form anymore?

Answer : The Thing

  • Question : How did Joker get his looks?

Answer : He falls in a tank full of chemical waste and it beaches his skin so it turned white and it made his hair green and his lips red. 

  • Question : In the 1984 movie, Wonder Woman, what is Wonder Woman’s civil job?

Answer : She’s an archaeologist

  • Question : What is Wonder Woman’s real name?

Answer : Diana Prince

  • Question : Where did the Fantastic Four get their superpowers

answer : In cosmic rays

  • Question : True or false. The claws of Wolverine are made of titanium.

answer : False. Wolverine claws are made of Adamantium.

  • Question : Which Marvel Comic does Elektra make her debut in?

answer : In Daredevil

  • Question : What is the name of the newspaper company that Spiderman, Peter Parker works for?

answer : The Daily Bugle.

5 Family Trivia Questions and Answers

Family silhouette with a tree background

Well, this is where the most fun part will happen. You will be able to use these trivia questions and answers to know how well you know your family. 

  • Do you know how many generations are there in our family? Just count those who are alive and well.
  • Who is the longest living family member with us today? 
  • Give a little flag (if you have one) to each member of the military in our family.
  • Where and when was our first family reunion held and who are our relatives with us. 
  • How many states did our family travel to for the past 1 year? Name each state.

a family of three in a car talking and smiling having fun

Final Thoughts On The Family Car Ride Questions

the road trip game questions

Once you’re done with this fun trivia questions and answers activity, make sure to prepare a reward for the winner. For sure, your kids or anyone from your family will always look forward to doing it every time you’re going on a road trip. 

Don’t miss these articles to help you Plan Your Road Trip:

  • 17 Tips for a Road Trip with Kids (By a mom of 6)
  • 35+ Yummy Road Trip Lunch Ideas

A long drive trip doesn’t have to be boring, exhausting, and tiring. There are many ways to make each hour sitting in your car worthwhile. You can always make your road trips a happy and memorable one by thinking of doing something new.

You can even ask everyone from your family about the things they want to do. This will make them engage more in your activities.

Remember, these 95 trivia’s I’ve prepared for you are just an example and you can always add more. Especially on the Family trivia part. This is the part where I can say that everyone can participate and enjoy. 

Get this 19-page Travel Planner that I personally use for our family trips

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Shauna Kocman founder Family Travel Fever

Hi, I’m Shauna – Welcome to Family Travel Fever.  We are a large family, that was bitten by the travel bug!  I take the kids by myself because I don’t mind flying or driving solo with my crew to discover the coolest places.

Sign up for our email list for my best travel tips plus get the family travel planner free. 

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The BIG Road Trip Trivia Quiz: 50 Questions & Answers

I wanted to put together a 50-question road trip quiz. If, like me, and many of my readers, you love a road trip, then let’s test your road trip trivia today!

Road trip trivia lovers unite!

quiz for road trips

Whether you go on several road trips a year, or you’re just like plotting and planning them for the future, you’re welcome to have a go at this road trip quiz. Road trips are some of the most popular articles on my blog, and I love them. Hope to get some more in next year!

Let’s keep our love for road trips alive though, with these questions for road trips, and a road trip picture quiz round too.

There are five rounds to this road trip quiz:

Share your scores for the road trip trivia at the end of the post!

The BIG Road Trip Trivia Quiz

The quiz for road trip lovers around the world!

quiz for road trips

Road trip trivia round 1: Road trip movies

Let’s start with some fun questions for road trips…

1. Jake and Elwood head out on a road trip to Illinois to get their band back together in order to raise money for the Catholic home that raised them in which musical movie? 

2. Which vehicle was the mode of transport for the Hoover family who took a road trip to a beauty pageant in Little Miss Sunshine? 

3. In 1983 which dysfunctional family road tripped across country to Wally World? 

4. Which actors became unwilling traveling companions in not only automobiles, but also planes and trains in this cross-country road trip movie from John Hughes? 

5. Burt Reynolds bootlegger Bo Darville, Cledus Snowman Snow and runaway bride Carrie (Sally Field) attempt to get from Texarkana to Atlanta with a load of Coors beer in this road trip movie?

6. Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis started on a road trip that turned in a manhunt in this famous film by Ridley Scott, what is it? 

7. Two drag queens and their transgender friend set out on an Australian road trip in a bus in this road trip classic?

8. What object did the Monty Python boys set out to find on a road trip around dark age Britain using coconuts for horses and encountering knights, fierce rabbits and subjects who don’t know their king along the way? 

9. This 1969 comedy, crime caper saw Michael Caine driving through many locations in Europe in various cars, but most famously the Mini Cooper, what is the film?

10. In 2015 Alvin, Simon and Theodore took to the road in this sequel, what is it called? 

road trip questions

READ MORE: The Best Road Trip Games for Couples

Road trip trivia round 2: Road trip fun

Here’s some trivia for car rides to keep you busy!

11. Who is considered to have undertaken the first road trip in 1888 in Germany? 

12. In 1903 H Nelson Jackson and Sewall K Crocker famously drove across which continent with their dog named Bud in an automobile?

13. The book, ‘Travels with Charley: In Search of America’ documents the road trip of which famous American author and his dog Charley? 

14. Which road is considered the longest in the world running from Prudhoe Bay Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina?

15. All roads lead to Rome, but which Roman road leading to the capital is still partly in use today, though only in certain sections? 

16. What is the highest paved road in Europe? 

17. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Ebenezer Place is the shortest road in the world, but where is it? 

18. In 2013 which country added a roundabout to an existing underground road known as the Vallavik Tunnel? 

19. Which two places bookend the longest, traversal, road trip in the UK? 

20. On which famous road can you can ‘get your kicks’ on a road trip? 

road trip quizzes

Road trip trivia round 3: Road trip music

Let’s get some musical road trip trivia questions in the mix…

21. Who sang “On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again”?

22. Which Scottish band would roll a thousand miles to fall down at your door? 

23. Which group went Road Trippin’ on their album Californication?

24. Who performed the song ‘Real Gone’ for the 2006 Disney movie Cars ? 

25. This song by the Grateful Dead from the 1970 album American Beauty, was recognised by the US Library of Congress as a national treasure in 1997, but what is it called?

26. This song by Steppenwolf features in the 1969 road movie Easy Rider, what is its title?

27. Tom Cochrane compared life to a road in this song from 1991, what is it called?

28. Which famous British band sang ‘Baby, you can drive my car, Yes, I’m gonna be a star’?

29. Which singer Drove all night on their 1989 album A Night to Remember? 

30. In the song Fun Fun Fun, the Beach Boys told us about a girl having fun in her car until Daddy takes it away.  What is the car? 

road trip trivia

Road trip trivia round 4: Rules of the road

Want some more car trip trivia?

31. In which country is it illegal for you to drive in flip-flops? 

32. In order to reduce congestion in this country it is illegal to drive vehicles with a license place ending in 1 or 2 on Mondays, 3 and 4 on Tuesdays, 5 and 6 Wednesdays, 7 and 8 Thursday and 9 and 0 on Friday, where is it?

33. In Germany what is it illegal to do on the Autobahn? 

34. In which American state is it illegal to drive blindfolded? 

35. In which European country must you safely buckle up your pet if you take them with you in the car? 

36. In land locked Tennessee what is the only game you can legally shoot from a moving vehicle? 

37. In which country is it a legal requirement to carry your own breathalyser? 

38. In which country is it illegal to stop for pedestrians? 

39. In western Australia it is illegal to carry over 50kg of which vegetable in your car, unless you are a member of a certain corporation? 

40. In the UK it is illegal to drive with which part of your car dirty? 

Road trip trivia round 5: Road trip picture round

Can you name the road, the region and the country? Up to you to decide how to distribute the points!

Quizz for road trip

50. Name this road!

road trip quiz

Trivia for road trips

So, as far as road trip quizzes go, what did you think? Bit of a toughy hey? Let’s see how many you managed to get right…

Fancy another fun quiz?

How about  this airport quiz ? See how many funny airport codes you can name, and do you know the busiest airport in the world? Test your airport knowledge here!

trivia for road trips

READ MORE: Cotswolds Road Trip / Devon Road Trip / Mendip Hills Road Trip / Cornwall Road Trip

Road trip quiz questions and answers

These are the answers to the road trip trivia questions – don’t scroll any further if you’re not ready!

Reasons to visit the Emerald Coast

The Blues Brothers

VW Microbus

The Griswolds

John Candy and Steve Martin

Smokie and the Bandit

Thelma and Louise

Priscilla Queen of the Desert

The Italian Job

Alvin and The Chipmunks, the Road Chip

concentration Medsailors

Bertha Benz, wife of Karl Benz who invented the first patented car

North America

13. The book, ‘ Travels with Charley: In Search of America ‘ documents the road trip of which famous American author and his dog Charley? 

John Steinbeck

The Pan-American Highway

Pico del Veleta Spain

Wick, Caithness, Scotland


19. Which two places bookend the longest, traversal, road trip in the UK ? 

Lands End and John O’Groats

Things to do Skopelos

Willie Nelson

The Proclaimers

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Sheryl Crow

Born to Be Wild

Life is a Highway

The Beatles

Cyndi Lauper

road trip trivia

READ MORE: The Best Road Trip Quotes


S top, even if you run out of fuel!

Number plate

41. Big Sur, California, America

42. Dempster Highway, Yukon, Canada

43. Garden Route, South Africa

44. Amalfi Coast, Italy

45. Sea Cliff Bridge, Australia

46. Giants Causeway, Ireland

47. North Coast 500, Scotland

48. Tianmen Mountain Road, Hunan

49. Champs-Élysées, Paris

50. Lombard Street, San Francisco

End of the road trip trivia quiz!

Hope you’ve enjoyed this trivia for road trips – c heck out my other quizzes  to satisfy that quizzy fix.

Related Posts:

  • 10 Fun Road Trip Games for Couples
  • Road Trip Around the USA: How Much Does the Dream Cost?
  • 7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Road Trip Budget
  • 44 Absolute Road Trip Essentials: What to Pack for a…
  • 60+ Driving Affirmations for Road Trip Confidence This Year
  • 50 Great World Food Quiz Questions & Answers

Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.

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the road trip game questions

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Download this guide to get your kids outside and off screens.

167 Fun, Silly & Deep Road Trip Questions for the Family

If you’re looking for a fun way to keep your family entertained on a road trip, look no further!

Rather than just spin off a lengthy list of plain ol’ road trip questions that you could ask, we have compiled those AND fun-fueling activities that will make the time fly and create a more enjoyable time in the car for everybody.

Whether you’re heading to visit loved ones, taking your next vacation, or car camping in the great outdoors , questions like the ones below will make sure everyone has a great time.

You can even use these ideas when you are stuck inside during bad weather or if you just want to do something different with your family. The best part is that these ideas are low-cost-to-no-cost; so, your wallet can enjoy the trip too.

Would-You-Rather Road Trip Questions

  • #4 Let's Mingle: Kids Edition

#10 Carpool Chaos

road trip questions

Road Trip Questions and Road Trip Conversation Starters

After you’ve put some miles behind you, it can become difficult to keep the conversation going. Before you know it, everyone (except the driver, of course) has become phone zombies, interacting with their screens more than each other.

Maybe you’ve been stuck in the car for hours with your family and the kids are bored out of their minds. Maybe you’re just trying to get everyone off the screens and engaging each other. Whatever the case, it can be a challenge to get the conversational ball rolling!

Turn to OFHQ’s favorite family tradition for the road: conversation starters! These car ride questions will help get that stubborn ball rolling and keep everyone entertained during your journey.

Random Road Trip Questions

  • What is the most hilarious sound you can make?
  • What is the most hilarious face you can make?
  • Isn’t cereal really a soup? What do you think?
  • What secret society would you like to form?
  • What do you wish others could see that is invisible?
  • What’s the funkiest odor you’ve ever experienced?
  • Why aren’t hotdogs and hamburgers just called sandwiches?
  • What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • What is something that everyone looks funny doing?
  • What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
  • What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • Imagine animals could talk: which one would be the rudest?
  • Which legendary creature would improve the world most if it existed?
  • What inanimate object would you most like to delete from the world?
  • What is the most unusual thing you’ve seen in someone else’s house?
  • What would you consider the most terrible name for your kid?
  • What would some of the cheat codes be in life if it were a video game?
  • Instead of war, what ridiculous activity could countries participate in to settle differences?
  • What would the world look like if it were populated with male and female versions of yourself?
  • What is something that’s really popular now, yet in 5 years everyone will be embarrassed by?

the road trip game questions

Deep Road Trip Questions

  • What one thing would you change if you could alter anything from your history?
  • If money and time were not issues, what would you do for a living?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory? And why is it significant to you?
  • What do you need right now to make yourself happy for the rest of your life?
  • What is more mind-boggling: the notion that we are alone in the cosmos, or the hypothesis that we aren’t?
  • If your phone could get internet reception from 10 years in the future, what would you search for first?
  • What would you say to your younger self if you had the ability to go back in time?
  • What was a tiny act of kindness you were once shown that will stay with you forever?
  • Is money capable of bringing us joy?
  • What one thing would make the world a significantly better place?
  • What do you think you will be doing in 20 years?
  • If you had been born in the late 1800’s, what do you think you would have spent your time doing?
  • There’s a restaurant called Karma. It doesn’t have a formal menu. You only receive what you deserve. What are they going to serve you?
  • If Home is more of a feeling than a place, then what is Home to you?
  • The world will end in 2 hours and you’ve been invited to board the only shuttle to colonize Mars. You can only bring three things with you. What are they?
  • What would you do if you had $100,000 to help others?
  • When was the last time you felt absolutely fulfilled?
  • You come upon a time machine. What period of history do you travel to and observe firsthand?
  • When have you experienced the most gratitude in your life?
  • What do you consider to be the most important invention ever?
  • When do you feel most alive?
  • Would you rather be the most famous person but helplessly poor or richest person and nobody know you exist?
  • Would you rather own a national park or a theme park?
  • Would you rather be completely paralyzed but have the most brilliant mind in the world or have a perfectly functioning body and be the least intelligent in the world?
  • Would you prefer to eat a little can of cat food or two rotten tomatoes?
  • Would you rather be completely bald or completely coated with hair?
  • Would you rather have to skip all the time or run all the time?
  • What do you think about having hooves instead of feet?
  • Would you rather have your grandmother’s hairstyle or middle name?
  • If you had to choose, would you rather drink all of your meals from a baby bottle or wear obvious diapers for the rest of your life?
  • Do you want to speak in rhymes all the time or sing all the time instead?
  • If you had to choose, would you rather hug a snake or kiss a jellyfish?
  • Would you rather have to smell rotten flesh or skunk all of the time?
  • What sort of face do you want? Would you choose a pig nose or a monkey face?
  • Would you prefer to swim in shark-infested seas or free fall with a parachute into the Grand Canyon ?
  • Do you prefer to eat a peanut-butter and tuna sandwich or three live earthworms?
  • Do you wish to own a ferocious dragon that breathes fire, or do you want to be the most terrifying fire-breathing dragon?
  • Would you choose to be a clumsy ninja or a wizard with amnesia?
  • Would you choose long yellow beaver teeth or no teeth at all?
  • Would you rather have to forget your favorite memory or your best friend?
  • Do you prefer having a nightmare every night or never be able to dream again?
  • Would you prefer to be able to softly murmur all the time or only be able to loudly shout all the time?

the road trip game questions

Road Trip Questions Conveniently Packaged

These packaged games will have the family laughing and learning all about each other in no time.

#1 501 Questions: A Travel Game: Second Edition

501 Questions: A Travel Game: Second Edition

  • A great game to unplug and connect with the ones you’re with on road trips or around the campfire
  • Spark fun, new conversations that will have you learning more about one another, yourself, and the world.
  • Get ready for fun, laughter, and good conversation! In this second edition, you get  over 750 fun and entertaining questions and trivia  to choose from in four different categories: Would You Rather, If You Could, Tell Me About, and Travel Trivia
  • Recommended for all ages, family-friendly, and for 1+ players.
  • Types of Questions include: Would You Rather ... , If You Could ... , Tell Me About ... , and Travel Trivia.
  • Recommended for all ages
  • 750 questions in 4 different categories
  • Compiled in book form rather than a card deck
  • A mix of sincere and humorous topics

This game is about talking as a family and having a blast doing it. Aside from just passing time on a road trip , you can make the time count with enjoyable, enlightening, and often hilarious discussions with your family.

More than 750 questions (249 were added for the 2nd edition) are organized into four categories:

  • Would You Rather . . . ?
  • If You Could . . . ?
  • Tell Me About . . . ?
  • Travel Trivia

This innovative travel companion was created by Lindsey Nubern in response to her own necessity to engage her family while on the road and has helped many families make the travel experience much more than just a boring car ride.

#2 Talking Point: Conversations with Purpose

200 Unique Question Cards in 5 Categories, Wholesome Conversation Cards for Kids & Family

  • 200 random family-related questions in 4 categories
  • Card deck form in a 4″ x 3″ x 3″ box
  • Questions are more sincere than humorous

Looking for an interesting, unique, and engaging way to get to know your family better? Look no further than Talking Point: Conversations with Purpose.

This card game is designed to help you build trust and confidence with your loved ones while having fun conversations that are tailored for all ages. With 200 questions in 4 categories to choose from, you’ll never run out of things to talk about.

Categories include:

  • Get to Know You
  • Family Time
  • What Makes You You
  • Fun and Random

So, load up the car or gather the family around the dinner table and break out Talking Point for hours of entertaining dialogue.

#3 Let’s Mingle: Family Edition

Road Trip Essentials Conversation Starter Cards for Families

  • Recommended for ages 6 and up
  • 110 questions and prompts covering a wide variety of topics
  • Card deck in 4″ x 3″ x 2″ box
  • A mix of humourous and sincere topics

Let’s Mingle: Family Edition is a card game that helps promote a growth mindset, problem-solving skills, and mindfulness. At the same time, it draws the family together in a conversation that is comfortable and enjoyable.

If coaxing more than one-word answers out of your kids is like pulling teeth, you’ll want to give Let’s Mingle” a try. With 110 questions about family and life, it’s a great way to spark interesting conversations with even the most hesitant members of your family.

Each round, one person draws a card and asks the question on it to another player. The goal is to ask follow-up questions to get more detail.

The deck of cards has a nice mix of funny and serious questions that are family-friendly and sure to liven up a drab time on the road.

#4 Let’s Mingle: Kids Edition

Let's Mingle Kids Card Game

  • Recommended for ages 6 and up (some reviews say as little as 4 years)
  • 110 questions and prompts
  • Card deck in 3″ x 2″ x 3″ box
  • Mix of humorous and sincere topics

Let’s Mingle: Kids Edition is a game that helps establish mindfulness values in younger children. The game is designed to help kids learn how to interact with others, while also promoting a growth mindset and problem-solving skills.

Let’s Mingle: Kids Edition is a great way for families with younger children to spend quality time together. It can also be played by a parent and child or two kids on their own.

the road trip game questions

Conversation Starters in Game Form

You’re on a road trip with your family and you’ve been driving for hours. The kids are getting antsy and you’re all needing something more than just a conversation.

Here are some of our favorite ideas for things to do in the car while on a road trip.

#5 MadLibs on The Road: World’s Greatest Word Game

Mad Libs on the Road: World's Greatest Word Game

  • Recommended for 8-12 years of age
  • 21 “fill-in-the-blank” stories covering topics specific to road tripping
  • Can be played together or solo
  • Builds reading comprehension and grammar skills
  • Gets as hilarious as you can make it

What makes MadLibs so great is that they are a fun way to build reading comprehension and grammar skills and encourage everyone to collaborate toward a common (crazy) goal.

Each story is a chance for the family to work together to create unique stories. Write in the missing words on each page to create your own hilariously funny stories all about road trips, travel, and other activities.

For more outrageous plots, pass the book around and take turns filling in the blanks.

Once your family has completed all the stories, the finished work makes for great memories to read through on future road trips.

#6 Briarpatch Travel Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Briarpatch Travel Scavenger Hunt Card Game for Kids

  • 54 road trip-related items to scavenge for in 3 categories
  • Card deck in a 8″ x 5″ x 2″ box

The Scavenger Hunt for Kids is the ideal boredom buster and ideal passenger for your next family adventure. You’ll be asking where all of the time on the road went thanks to cards that keep your eyes, ears, and even nose occupied!

Scavenger Hunt for Kids has 54 See It, Hear It, and Smell It cards, making it a multi-sensory game that can be played repeatedly with family and friends no matter where the journey takes you.

#7 Shotgun!: The Road Trip Game

Shotgun! The Hilarious Family Card Game for Road Trips

  • Perfect for your next long drive!
  • Designed for ages 12+ and with 2+ players
  • How to Play: Nominate someone to be the card reader. If the car setup allows, you can rotate the reader. Read the card and play based on the crazy, zanny, or funny prompt!
  • Contains 200 cards, 1 drawstring pouch, and instructions.
  • Brought to you by What Do You Meme?
  • Recommended for ages 12 and up
  • 200 prompts and challenges
  • Card deck in a drawstring pouch
  • Designed to be hilarious and wacky

If you’re looking for some friendly competition in the car, look no further than Shotgun!

Players earn points by completing unique and innovative travel-conducive tasks on each card such as being the first to get people in a passing car to wave back. Other cards deduct points for things like being the next one to ask, “Are we there yet?”

The drawstring storage pouch makes this ideal for keeping it in your glove box so it’s always at the ready.

#8 Do You Really Know Your Family?: A Fun Trivia Game About Your Family

Do You Really Know Your Family? Conversation Starters and Challenges

  • Recommended for ages 8 and up
  • 200 fun questions and silly challenges
  • Card deck in 5″x 2″x 7 ” box

Do You Really Know Your Family? is a game that lets you learn more about your family and have tons of fun in the process!.

With this game, families will be able to laugh and learn new things about each other through trivia questions while sparking interesting conversations.

You might think you know everything there is when it comes down to your family; but, this card game proves otherwise!

#9 Lifetime Inc. Road Trip Kit

Road Trip Travel Games Activities

  • Recommended for ages 4 and up
  • Assorted games and activities include The Alphabet Game, Battleship, Categories, Tic-Tac-Toe, Create Your Own Face, Connect the Dots, Road Trip Countdown, Create Own Emotion, Challenge Quest, Connect 5, Hangman, License Plate Scavenger Hunt, Visual Scavenger Hunt.
  • Materials included are 24 countdown cards, 2 car clips, 12 regular clips, and 5 ft. of string.

VARIETY is the Road Trip Kit’s flagship feature.

Chocked full of different games and reusable activities the whole family can play or the kids can use to entertain themselves, it is a great way to keep kids busy and happy while traveling.

The kit includes probably close to $50 worth of materials and activities if they were purchased separately. If one activity gets old, there are plenty of options to keep things from getting monotonous and enjoyable.

A unique feature of this kit is that it provides a kid-friendly way for them to keep track of the trip’s progress so they know how much longer you’ll be on the road.

Carpool Chaos - Play While You Ride

  • 160 hilarious games, conversation prompts, and hypothetical situations
  • Card deck in 9″ x9″ x 1″ steering-wheel-shaped box

Carpool Chaos is a card game that takes the boredom out of car rides. Designed for families with older children (10 years +), with 160 large cards, Carpool Chaos is sure to keep you entertained for trips on end.

This game specializes in the random, wacky, and absurd when it comes to getting everyone to think outside the box, sparking conversations that are sure to generate some laughs.

friends on a road trip

What are some good road trip ideas?

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend some quality time with your family, a road trip is the perfect option. Not only does it allow you to explore new places, but it also provides the opportunity for some great bonding experiences.

To make sure your road trip is as enjoyable as possible, be sure to bring along some fun games and activities. Whether you’re looking for something to keep the kids busy or something that will get everyone laughing, we’ve got you covered.

So, grab some of the ideas we mentioned in the article above and hit the road! You’re in for a memorable adventure.

What is the most important thing you should consider before taking a road trip?

Arguably, the most important thing a person should consider before taking a road trip is if they have enough money. Make sure you have enough cash for gas, food, lodging, and any other emergencies that may come up.

That being said, a detailed budget for your trip is critical:

  • What is the average price of gas on your route?
  • How much are you budgeting for food each day?
  • How much will lodging cost each night?
  • What about “fun money” to spend on entertainment and extras?
  • How much are you setting aside in case of an emergency?

Spend time forming an in-depth budget for your trip so that you have a dependable estimation of what the total cost will be.

Nothing ruins a good road trip like running out of money!

Wrapping Up Road Trip Questions

Road trips are the perfect opportunity for family bonding and getting to know each other better. It would be a shame to let all that valuable time pass with everyone in their own little “screen worlds.”

The journey itself can bring families closer together, especially when you have some conversation starters on hand. Whether you’re looking for something fun and funny, thought-provoking or would-you-rather, we’ve got you covered.

And when the typical list of conversation starters won’t do the trick, liven it up with the fun road trip questions in convenient travel game form! Who knows, you may have heard, “Are we there yet?” for the last time!!

Now, get out there!

the road trip game questions

Joshua Davis

Scenic States

150 Fun Road Trip Questions for Kids and Adults

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If you’re up for a long drive soon, passing Highway 12 Utah , or Great River Road , planning a Florida Keys road trip or New England joy ride , you have to arm yourself with these road trip questions.

These fun car ride questions are guaranteed conversation-starters during your road trip even if they’re addressed to kids under 10 years old, your grandparents, a girl/boy you just started dating, your high school friends, or any of your family members

35 Silly Road trip Questions for Kids

You can turn this into a trivia game with prizes for every correct answer, or just a question-and-answer type of activity. Of course, this will depend on the ages of the kids you’ve got in your car.

  • If you can choose which superhero or superhero you can be, who would it be? Why?
  • Would you rather have an eye at the back of your head or a nose on your palm?
  • If you can choose any pet to take care of, what would it be?
  • What would be your dream job?
  • If you could be a character in a video game, who would you be?
  • Describe yourself in one word.
  • If you can visit any place in the world, where would you go?
  • What’s your favorite joke?
  • If you can be the world’s best in anything, what profession/specialization would it be?
  • Would you rather be able to control water or fire?
  • If you become a teacher, what subject would you teach?
  • What mythical creature do you wish was real?
  • If you could invent a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be called and what would it taste like?
  • What 3 foods are you OK to never eat again?
  • Do you want vacations at the beach or in snowy mountains?
  • If you have all the resources in the world, what invention would you create?
  • If stuffed animals could talk, what do you think they’d tell you?
  • What do you think would win between a robot and an alien?
  • If you could talk to one kind of animal, what animal would it be?
  • If you can, what holiday would you create and what would you celebrate?
  • Would you rather go to a theme park, or a water park?
  • If you could learn a new language, what would it be?
  • What does your dream home look like?
  • If your eyes suddenly began seeing just one color, what color would you prefer to see 24/7?
  • Which family tradition is your favorite? If you can invent one, what would it be?
  • If cats and dogs fought to rule the world, which side would you ally with?
  • What would your ideal magical adventure look like?
  • Where would you go if you were invisible for a day?
  • If you could change your name, what would you call yourself?
  • What would you do with your time if you didn’t need to sleep?
  • If you had a time machine, would you rather check out the future, or go back in time?
  • What is the funniest word you know?
  • If you can visit any animal from around the world, what animal would you visit?
  • What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned in school lately?
  • If you can visit an imaginary land, what would the place look like?

35 Getting-to-Know-You Road trip Questions for Couples

Whether you’ve just started dating, or you’ve been a couple for years, these getting-to-know-you road trip questions are always a good way to showcase each other’s humor, story-telling, or characteristics you never knew (or have forgotten).

  • What’s the coolest souvenir you’ve collected from a trip?
  • What is one skill or talent you wished you had?
  • Do you have any phobias?
  • What’s your Wi-Fi name?
  • If you could time-travel, which era would you pick to visit first?
  • What is the most memorable pick-up line you’ve given/heard?
  • Which emoji do you use the most?
  • What is your ideal weekend getaway?
  • If you could revive any dead person for a week, who would it be?
  • What two things do you think relationships need to thrive?
  • How do you spend a lazy day?
  • What’s the scariest movie you ever watched?
  • If you’re given a chance to change careers, would you? (What profession would you pick?)
  • Do you want to be a business owner, or happy to be employed?
  • Would you rather be super strong or super-fast?
  • What trait are you most proud of yourself?
  • Name 5 things you’ll bring in a deserted island if you know you’d be trapped there for a month.
  • What’s your favorite way to de-stress when life gets tough?
  • Which movie or book has made a profound impact in your life?
  • If you could spend one day with another gender, what would you do?
  • What items are on your bucket list (that you’d be okay to share)?
  • How would you spend the last 24 hours of your life?
  • What is your most favorite dish?
  • If you can shape-shift into any animal, what would you be?
  • What’s your love language?
  • If you had to spend a month with no internet, what would you do?
  • What’s your biggest deal-breaker?
  • Do you love watching trailers at the theater?
  • What piece of advice would you give to your teenager self?
  • How long can you go without sleep?
  • What is your comfort food?
  • What do you love most about yourself?
  • If someone carved your face into a massive sculpture like Mount Rushmore , would you feel honored or embarrassed?
  • How far would you be willing to relocate for your career?
  • What daily routine makes your day complete?

35 Epic Road trip Questions for Friends

This set of road trip questions is perfect for friends from teens to adults.

  • If you inherited 10 million dollars, what would you do with it?
  • Who was the most famous person you’ve ever met?
  • What’s you go-to karaoke song?
  • In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what 5 things do you wish you had an unlimited supply of?
  • What superpower would you choose: the ability to teleport or time travel?
  • Would you ever try skinny dipping?
  • If you can only choose one band, singer or artist to include in your road trip playlist, who would you pick?
  • Who is the first person you’d call if you were in trouble?
  • What’s the most unusual thing you own?
  • Do you have a go-to “fun fact” you always tell at parties?
  • Would you rather sleep as much as you want, or eat as much as you want without gaining weight?
  • What food have you tried and would never eat ever again?
  • What’s your funniest drunken memory?
  • If you can cure 1 type of disease, what would you choose?
  • What’s your favorite conspiracy theory?
  • Do you believe in alien and UFO sightings?
  • If you can describe yourself as an emoji, which would you be?
  • Would you rather be forever healthy (even without exercise or dieting) forever, or have an unlimited amount of cash in the bank?
  • Is there any job you would never do?
  • What is the best gift you have ever given?
  • Do you have a scar with an interesting story behind it?
  • What do you secretly loved doing at home during the pandemic that you’re too embarrassed to admit?
  • If time and money were not an issue, what hobby would you start?
  • What Taylor Swift song has occupied your head longer than you’d hope?
  • If you can invite any 5 people to your dream party, who would they be?
  • What is the most googled question on your PC?
  • Do you want to be buried or created?
  • What’s the longest you’ve gone without taking a bath?
  • If you need to skydive or bungee-jump to save your life, which would you choose?
  • Would you want to know when you’re going to die?
  • If someone decides to give you any vehicle you’ve seen in the movies, what would it be?
  • What YouTube channel do you secretly love watching?
  • Which roadside attraction have you been dying to check out?
  • What famous mascot best describes your personality?
  • If you can choose to NOT do one chore for the rest of your life, what would it be?

40 Fun Road trip Questions for Families (with kids to grandparents)

Everyone can relate to this next set of road trip questions. No common age, gender beliefs, or interests needed – just a willingness to answer the questions and share parts of their lives.

  • Do you prefer to be a zombie or a ghost in the afterlife?
  • What was the best meal of your life?
  • If you can pick up any instrument to play as a profession, what would it be?
  • Have you ever had trouble with the law?
  • What movie would you recommend to anyone in a heartbeat?
  • Where is your favorite place to visit?
  • How long do you think you’d last a zombie apocalypse?
  • If you wrote an autobiography, what would be the title?
  • What is the funniest sound you can make?
  • Have you broken any bones? If yes, how did it happen?
  • What is your best childhood memory?
  • Would you donate your organs?
  • Have you ever built something successfully with the help of a YouTube tutorial? What was it?
  • Which New Year’s resolution have you actually achieved?
  • If you could change one mistake you’ve made in your life, what would it be?
  • Which 3 countries would you want to explore extensively, if money was no problem?
  • What book has the biggest impact on your life?
  • If you had to give up 1 sense (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch), which would you give up? Why?
  • What would you prefer to find: true love, or a suitcase filled with $10 million?
  • Which actor/actress would you choose to play yourself in a movie?
  • If you had a robot that would take care of only 1 thing, what would you make it do every day?
  • What is the strangest place you’ve ever been to?
  • Who is your favorite person in history?
  • Do you prefer hanging out at the beach or skiing on the slopes?
  • If you could design a family crest, what would it look like?
  • What’s the most expensive purchase you’ve ever made (aside from a car and house)?
  • If you could choose a family tradition you’d like us to start, what would it be?
  • Where is your ideal family picnic location?
  • What reality TV show would you recommend to friends?
  • If you could meet and prove the existence of either aliens or ghosts, what would you choose?
  • Which song best describes your life?
  • What 3 things would you buy if you won the lottery?
  • What is your go-to board game?
  • Which would you choose to never eat again? Your favorite pizza or favorite burger?
  • If you’re in-charge of a five-day travel itinerary, which places would you include?
  • What movie genre will you pick if you can only watch those types of movies your whole life?
  • If our family had a theme song, what would it be?
  • What event are you most excited about in the near future?
  • Would you rather have a surprise birthday, or a quiet but planned birthday?
  • If you could exchange your life to someone famous, who would it be?

Who says you have to reach your destination before you start making memories?

Make the drive going to your destination something you, your kids, your partners, your friends, and your family will cherish for years to come. If everyone still has the energy to participate, you can even extend this bonding experience on the way back home from your destination.

Of course, not all road trips are bound to be boring. Some are actually filled with sights and attractions by the side of the road. Check the following itineraries if you’re looking for interesting road trips:

  • Most Scenic Drives in America
  • Route 66 Attractions
  • Enchanted Highway Road trip
  • Cross country road trip
  • Driving the Pacific Coast Highway

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Photo Presets

The Mandagies

the road trip game questions

101 Fun and Random Road Trip Questions To Uncover Your Friend’s Secrets

Post Summary: 101+ Fun Road Trip Questions (With Free Download!)

Ahh, west coast road trips . The great American tradition that has withstood the test of time.

Berty and I like to believe that some of our favorite conversations happen in the car , both with each other and with our friends.

We have always been a fan of road trip questions because they allow us to inquire about things we wouldn’t normally ask each other.

Whether you’re going across the country, or just to the hiking trail nearby, it’s the people you go with that make the journey worthwhile.

However, we’ve always been on the search for the perfect road trip questions list!  We needed one with a good mix of funny and serious questions, as well as simple and thought-provoking ones …

the road trip game questions

So we thought we’d make our own road trip questions list!

We scoured the internet for some of our favorite road trip questions and compiled them together in this list.

We’ve included our favorite and fun travel questions and made up our own along the way. You surely won’t be bored on your next trip! Enjoy!

101 Fun And Random Road Trip Questions To Ask Your Friends

1. What is your favorite kind of doughnut?

2. On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents?

3. If you could take a month-long road trip, what would be your route? (Need suggestions? Try  the PNW  or Utah )

4. Who are the 3 greatest living musicians?

5. What was your worst date? Tell a play by play.

6. How do you like your coffee in the morning?

7. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

8. What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed?

9. Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why?

10. Have you ever been skinny dipping?

11. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?

12. What are your 3 favorite movies?

13. Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.

14. If you could live in any TV home, what would it be?

15. What was the first CD you ever owned?

16. If you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be?

17. If you had to live in a different state, what would it be?

18. Using one word, how would you describe your family?

19. What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

20. How often do you go to the gym?

21. What is the wildest thing you would consider doing to your hair?

22. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? (Discover our clickable destination maps here )

23. What is your favorite family tradition?

24. What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?

25. Would you rather spend five days exploring Disney or New York City ?

26. If we had to live in one of the places you’ve visited on vacation which one would be your first choice?

27. What do you like the least about travel? (Read about how we fight when traveling )

28. What is your favorite part of travel?

29. What is the one thing that would be a relationship breaker for you?

30. What is your goal for the next 12 months? How do you plan to reach it?

31. Have you ever achieved a New Year’s resolution?

32. What is your favorite kind of cereal?

33. Are you usually early or late?

34. What one thing annoys you most at a restaurant?

35. What household chore have you never done?

36. What language would you like to master?

37. Who would you love to punch in the face?

38. What is your favorite event in the Winter Olympics?

39. What was the best book or series that you’ve ever read? (OR, your current favorite podcasts for a road trip ?)

40. Where is the farthest place you’ve ever traveled in a car?

41. Share your top 5 favorite bands/artists.

42. Who is your most admired athlete of all-time?

43. What do you think will the be “throwback” style of the 00s?

44. What do you like most about your family?

45. What is your least favorite holiday and why? Most favorite?

46. What are some small things that make your day better?

47. If you owned a professional sports team, what team would you own?

48. What is the MUST SEE movie out right now?

49. What shampoo and conditioner do you use?

50. What are three key elements in every successful relationship ?

51. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

52. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

53. Describe your dream home – where would it be and what would it look like? (Would it look like this PNW Cabin ?)

54. Do you prefer early mornings or late nights?

55. How do you like to cook your eggs?

56. What shows are you currently into?

57. Which exotic animal would you want as your pet?

58. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?

59. Would you rather go bungee jumping or skydiving?

60. How different was your life one year ago?

61. What kind of art do you enjoy most?

62. What’s the best way a person can spend their time?

63. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?

64. Who is your favorite influencer ?

65. If you had to give up every social media platform but one, which one would you keep? (By the way, we’re on Instagram here )

66. What is one skill you really want to master?

67. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in high school?

68. What is something you will NEVER do again?

69. Where is the creepiest place you have ever been?

70. How long have you gone without taking a bath/shower?

71. What band would you consider your guilty pleasure?

72. Would you rather explore space or the deepest part of the ocean?

73. What has been the best museum you’ve visited? ( Our favorite is in this post, psst, it’s hosts the Mona Lisa! )

74. Would you rather climb a mountain or deep sea dive?

75. What’s the most illegal thing you’ve done?

76. What’s the best and worst piece of TRAVEL advice you’ve ever received?

77. When do you feel truly “alive”? ( Hiking this trail in Zion was pretty exhilarating…)

78. What is your biggest kitchen fail?

79. What are you really good at, but kind of embarrassed that you are good at it?

80. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?

81. What do you regret not doing or starting when you were younger?

82. What was the best toy of the 90s?

83. What is your spirit animal?

84. If you had to wear one brand of clothing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

85. What does the last text message on your phone say?

86. Which movie made you cry? Why?

87. Who is your celebrity crush?

88. What is your favorite TV series?

89. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

90. What has been your most expensive Uber ride?

91. What is your favorite location to go camping? ( Ours is here, on this awesome Washington beach !)

92. Have you ever had to go to the hospital?

93. Would you ever consider applying for The Bachelor/Bachelorette?

94. How many pillows do you sleep with?

95. Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather?

96. What is your favorite breakfast diner order?

97. Do you have an irrational fear?

98. What is your go-to dance move?

99. Where do you do most of your online shopping?

100. Do you read the newspaper?

101. What has been your favorite photo you’ve taken?


These car ride questions are only on the blog! Let’s say this is your reward for making it all the way to the bottom of the post. It takes a lot of dedication to read that long, and we love you for that! Keep reading for more questions to ask on a road trip…

102: What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever slept?

103: What was the first national park you ever visited? If not, which one is on the top of your list to explore?

104: Did you go camping in your childhood? Where?

105: What school project were you most proud of?

106: How would you describe your decor style?

107: Do you have a favorite flower?

108: Have you ever tried essential oils? Why or why not?

109: If you could paint your house any color, which one would you choose?

110: Did you get through every single one of these road trip questions? If so, we seriously admire your dedication!!

Do you like these road trip questions? Let us know if you want to see a new list with even more ways to entertain you on a road trip!

More road trip resources.

Car Camping 101: The Complete Guide To Sleeping In Your Car

The Olympic Peninsula Road Trip You Need To Take This Year

30 Road Trip Essentials You Need To Be Packing

10 Insanely Useful Road Trip Planner Tools and Apps 

The Ultimate Pacific Coast Road Trip

20 Brilliant Car Camping Hacks For Your Best Trip Yet

Exactly How To Find Free Camping Spots (USA)

Umpqua National Park, Toketee Falls, Oregon

Make sure to follow our Road Trip board on Pinterest for more road trip question inspiration!

Do You Have Any Road Trip Questions You’d Like To Ask Someone? What Are Some Other Games You Like To Play While On A Road Trip? Tell Us In The Comments Below!

Bored in the car and you're in the car bored? Spice up any road trip adventure with these 101+ road trip questions! From funny to seriously, you'll be besties by the end of your journey. Download the list offline for free too! #roadtrip #friends #adventure #vacation #USA #travel #questions #couplesquestions

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  • Husky Football

Huskies, Jedd Fisch prep for first road trip: ‘How many times do these guys go to bed at 8?’

Andy Yamashita

Jedd Fisch’s curfew for his team is 11 p.m. It’s certainly a reasonable time to expect student-athletes to get to bed and be fully rested before playing a game. 

But on Thursday, Washington will travel around 2,400 miles across the country to face Rutgers. Their flight will traverse three time zones, converting Fisch’s curfew to 8 p.m. local time.

“How many times do these guys go to bed at 8?” Fisch said.

Washington hits the road for the first time this season when it heads to Piscataway, N.J., to play Rutgers at 5 p.m. on Friday. It’ll be the team’s first experience boarding a plane and facing a truly hostile atmosphere. Fisch said 46 of the 74 players on UW’s travel roster have never been on a road trip with the Huskies. 

“It’s quite a new experience for our football team,” he said. 

The Huskies haven’t traveled far from home through the first four weeks of the season. UW welcomed Weber State, Eastern Michigan and Northwestern to Husky Stadium. Washington’s farthest endeavor was its 20-minute — depending on traffic — drive to Lumen Field for a neutral site game against Washington State. 

Washington hasn’t played a true away game since its 22-20 win against ranked Oregon State at Reser Stadium in Corvallis, Ore., on Nov. 18, 2023, though the Huskies also played neutral site games in Las Vegas, New Orleans and Houston. 

Fisch said this is a chance to educate this team on what to expect during a road trip. They’ll have to deal with airport security, sleep in a different team hotel than the one the Huskies have become accustomed to after the past four weeks and prepare themselves for the Scarlet Knights’ “Blackout” experience. 

The UW coach said there are countless small logistical details that go into road trips. Fisch, who’s repeatedly emphasized nutrition since arriving at Washington, said feeding the team on the flight and in the team hotel is difficult. They’ll provide at least five meals while in New Jersey, since the Huskies land on Thursday night and don’t depart until Saturday. 

Fisch said the nutrition staff, led by Tanner Graves, has focused on hydrating players before they board the flight and keeping players in optimal shape during a five-hour flight. 

“We’ve got to do a great job of keeping their weights up,” Fisch said. “We’ve got to do a great job of fueling them. I’ve always said for these guys, their bodies are their moneymaker, so we have to invest in their bodies.”

Fisch compared the coast-to-coast travel and playing on a Friday night to some of his past NFL experiences with the Los Angeles Rams and the Seahawks. However, unlike the NFL where east-coast games are often strung together on a two-week trip allowing west coast teams to stay on the road for multiple weeks, the Huskies will only be in New Jersey for less than 72 hours. 

In preparation for this cross-country road trip, Fisch said the Huskies’ operations staff consulted the Seahawks, who spent Week 2 of the NFL season away at the New England Patriots. The Washington coach said he also has most of his notes and itineraries from past NFL trips to help things run as smoothly as possible against Rutgers. 

Fisch also praised head athletic trainer Tom Reed’s insights. He spent the past 15 seasons flying across the country as the Arizona Cardinals’ head trainer, and Fisch said he’s added invaluable experience preparing players for this trip. 

“He’s been kind of our lead in communicating the times, what to do and how to handle the airplane,” Fisch said. “Stuff like that.”

Extra points:

  • Jedd Fisch said junior defensive tackle Bryce Butler will be out against Rutgers. Butler hasn’t played since UW’s 30-9 win against Eastern Michigan on Sept. 7.

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Cub Tracks’ end of the road

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WELCOME to today’s episode of Cub Tracks news and notes™ , a greatest-hits collection of Chicago-style beat writers and bloggers, ground from # Cubs , # MiLB , and # MLB baseball, overheated, steeped in writers’ tears , and then cold-brewed overnight for maximum flavor. No artificial intelligences were deployed, employed, entranced, or embalmed in the commission of this missive ( apparently I might be training some though ). Cub Tracks eagerly awaits the advent of robotic umpires and has already amended the three laws . The going is weird. Cub Tracks turned pro a long time ago.

Cub Tracks . Where the great ones run away .

The Jaguar is here. — Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) September 25, 2024

El Jaguar is in the lineup, in right, wearing #13. I hope he gets plenty of playing time in these final four games. Javier Assad (7-5, 3.49) started for the Cubs versus LHP Christopher Sánchez (11-9, 3.22), in this final road contest of the 2024 season. Assad was hit hard early as the Phillies took a 3-0 lead and Sánchez kept that goose egg while Philly added a run, but Nico Hoerner brought the Cubs close in the top of the fourth.

Big knock from Nico and we're within one! — Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) September 25, 2024

The Phillies weren’t done, though. Neither were the Cubs.

Belli's RBI single brings us back within one! — Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) September 25, 2024
Nico knocks out his second home run of the night. — Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) September 25, 2024

Sadly, that was it for Cubs scoring. Kevin Alcantara did get his first major-league hit, though. The Phillies won 2 out of 3 on this short Cubs road trip. Today’s an off-day, and then the final series of the year at home against the Cincinnati Reds . THEN the speculation station will be open for business while other teams play in October.

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Food for Thought:

Each ball moves in a straight line. : Ahmed Abdelmonem — Wonder of Science (@wonderofscience) September 25, 2024
Five Thousand Years Ago, Africa Had A Major Civilization We Forgot — IFLScience (@IFLScience) September 25, 2024
Teamwork makes the dream work, even across species divides. — Popular Science (@PopSci) September 25, 2024

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I’m in another book . This one is a charity tribute to Black Sabbath.

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  • Cub Tracks falls down in Philly
  • Cub Tracks’ needs more seasoning
  • Cub Tracks’ working on it
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Brent Venables: Michael Hawkins Will Start This Week at QB for Oklahoma

John e. hoover , dekota gregory | sep 23, 2024.

Oklahoma Sooners quarterback Michael Hawkins Jr.

  • Oklahoma Sooners

As expected, Michael Hawkins is the new starting quarterback at Oklahoma.

OU coach Brent Venables said Monday night on his weekly coach’s show that Hawkins will get the nod when the Sooners hit the road this week for the first time at Auburn.

“Mike will have his opportunity to run out there and be our guy and see where we're at and try to give us a kickstart,” Venables said.

No. 21-ranked OU (3-1, 0-1 SEC) visits Auburn (2-2, 0-1) at 2:30 p.m. CT on Saturday. The game will be carried by ABC.

Hawkins, a true freshman from Frisco, TX, came in during the second quarter and replaced starter Jackson Arnold , a sophomore from Denton, TX.

After Dillon Gabriel entered the transfer portal last December, Arnold started the Alamo Bowl loss to Arizona and has had the starting job since, including throughout spring practice and training camp and in the Sooners’ first four games.

But Arnold committed his ninth career turnover in the Sooners’ 25-15 loss to No. 6-ranked Tennessee in the program’s SEC opener, and the turnovers became untenable.

Hawkins came in trailing 19-3 and sparked two touchdown drives in the fourth quarter. He completed 11-of-18 passes for 132 yards with a touchdown pass and no turnovers. He had two touchdown runs that were both overturned by replay reviews. and led the Sooners with 22 rushing yards. Arnold was 7-of-16 for 54 yards with two lost fumbles and an interception.

Venables said Arnold’s story was not written yet.

“As I told Jackson, man, you had a bad moment. All right, you don't have a bad career, you know? You're just getting started. You got this amazing career sitting in front of you. And so despite what anybody else (says), every other  proclamations, you know, you're going to have some amazing moments in your future. And, you know, can't let one bad moment, a couple bad series define you. 

“And so he'll be fine. He's handled things really well. And part of my job is to make — help all these young people, you know, they're in this environment where they fail in front of the world. And they're young men, and they — look, they're big boys too, and so everybody has their own perspective.”

Venables said he tried to call Arnold on Saturday night after the game, but “his phone was off, and I was like, that's good.”

Venables said Arnold “practiced well tonight,” as did Hawkins.

“We haven't had the consistency, or the chemistry that you would like, and the cohesion,” Venables said. “… Maybe that can be a catalyst. And so we'll see about that. So Michael will start, unless there's some kind of disaster this week.” 

Hawkins has deep roots at OU. His father Mike Sr. played cornerback for the Sooners under Bob Stoops and Venables, who was defensive coordinator then. That connection is not the only reason he caught Venables and Co.’s attention, though. 

Out of Frisco, TX, Hawkins was a 4-star prospect in the 2024 class by every major recruiting service except for 247Sports, which listed Hawkins as a 3-star recruit. Rivals ranked him as the third-best dual threat quarterback in the class. He also held offers from the likes of Alabama, Arkansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska and plenty more. 

Auburn is also experiencing a quarterback conundrum right now going into Saturday’s game. The Tigers started redshirt freshman Hank Brown last week against Arkansas but then Brown was benched at halftime. He was replaced by Payton Thorne , who was also benched earlier this season after a Week 2 loss to California. Auburn coach Hugh Freeze said during his weekly press conference Monday that Brown and Thorne will compete for the starting job this week.

John E. Hoover


John is an award-winning journalist whose work spans five decades in Oklahoma, with multiple state, regional and national awards as a sportswriter at various newspapers. During his newspaper career, John covered the Dallas Cowboys, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Oklahoma Sooners, the Oklahoma State Cowboys, the Arkansas Razorbacks and much more. In 2016, John changed careers, migrating into radio and launching a YouTube channel, and has built a successful independent media company, DanCam Media. From there, John has written under the banners of Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, Fan Nation and a handful of local and national magazines while hosting daily sports talk radio shows in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and statewide. John has also spoken on Capitol Hill in Oklahoma City in a successful effort to put more certified athletic trainers in Oklahoma public high schools. Among the dozens of awards he has won, John most cherishes his national "Beat Writer of the Year" from the Associated Press Sports Editors, Oklahoma's "Best Sports Column" from the Society of Professional Journalists, and Two "Excellence in Sports Medicine Reporting" Awards from the National Athletic Trainers Association. John holds a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications from East Central University in Ada, OK. Born and raised in North Pole, Alaska, John played football and wrote for the school paper at Ada High School in Ada, OK. He enjoys books, movies and travel, and lives in Broken Arrow, OK, with his wife and two kids.

Follow johnehoover

Dekota Gregory



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