visits from angels

  • Angel Messages

23 Undeniable Angel Signs – How to Know If Angels Are Really With You

Top angel signs you might be experiencing.

Angel signs are the signals and omens that signify the presence of angels in your life. Angels are very real, but they are spiritual beings who exist within a different frequency band when compared to humans and so despite their sending us clear messages, and even warning signs… We don’t always get the message.

This is why the angels use signs!

It’s to get your attention!

visits from angels

Increasing your present moment awareness of the angels is one of the best ways to start tuning their guidance, especially in the moment when you’ve received a sign of their presence. The more you build up receptivity and awareness of angelic energy, the more you’re then able to receive their frequency transmissions, angel warning signs, and message when you most need.

In addition to receiving signs from the angels, angelic guidance of course can and does come in directly the form of channeled messages, through dreams, spiritual downloads, epiphanies and by directly receiving insight… You may receive flashes of inspiration, learn from your angels during meditation, or see and perceive the angels profoundly through your subtle psychic senses.

Guidance from the angels also comes in more subtly , and in many cases when we “ miss ” receiving the messages angels are attempting to convey, they will use signs and leave clues and hints which serve to nudge us in the right direction and remind us of their support and presence.

When you receive a sign, there’s almost always something deeper behind it and signs often come in hand in hand with receiving a flash of inspiration, a message, or getting an aha of understanding and recognition about what will now serve and support you in your life to manifest positive changes and blessings in your life.

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What Are The Signs Of A Guardian Angel?

Signs are all around and can come in a variety of ways depending on your current challenges, next steps, or on the questions you’ve asked.

Your guardian angels know you, and so they know which signs will capture your awareness, and what items contain personal meaning and significance for you. They can then use these things to help guide your next steps…

Although you’ve probably already heard and been told some of the common angel signs, its important to know that your guardian angels may use any number of signs and synchronicity to get your attention . I am going to share some of the most frequently encountered signs for you here… But just because I don’t mention something below, doesn’t mean your angels won’t use it as a sign for you. Again, they know you and know what signs and symbols for you will hold significance.

While some of these signs of angels that you will receive may seem small or even seemingly insignificant at first, when focused on, acknowledged and appreciated, the impact and frequency of the signs will likely increase.

Additionally, becoming increasingly aware in the moment that you notice signs of angels, often allows you to more deeply understand the significance and to also then open to the deeper messages and wisdom your guardian angels want to communicate with you.

Learn more about the specific signs from your guardian angel here >> 

Common Angel Signs and Symbols

I’ve compiled this list of the most common signs from the angels . These signs may be from archangels, guardian angels, or from other angelic beings. All of these signs can come in as a validation or answer to a question you may have asked. Alternately signs may also appear to remind you that you have angels guiding and supporting you in your life, and that they’re ready and willing to help you in your life and on your path.

Curious about the most undeniable signs ? Click Here!

When you notice a sign that may be from an angel… Breathe, be aware, and thank your angels for reaching out with their love and guidance. As you relax, and tune into the signs from angels, practicing present moment awareness and allowing, you can then become more in sync with your angels, and more open and receptive to the peace, guidance and assistance they have for you.

23 Undeniable Signs of Angels!

Finding feathers on your path is one of the more commonly known signs of the angels. Feathers of any color are a beautiful reminder that your angels are near, loving and supporting you from behind the scenes. When you find feathers in a place which is somewhat abnormal, it is an especially powerful angelic sign. When you find white feathers they’re almost always a sign from your angel…

  • Even when you’re in a place where white birds are present, a white feather can still be a beautiful reminder of angelic presence in your life.

A sensation of warmth and a flush or rush of warm light energy is a clear sign of angels! When a nonphysical spiritual being begins to move their energy down into material reality, they move through layers of the etheric life force energy in order to manifest. And the first layer of energy that they move through is the warmth ether. And so this is why when an incredibly light and high and advanced spiritual being like an angel is reaching out to you, their presence can be felt as warmth. This may feel to you like the temperature of the room around you is being turned up, or you may simply out of nowhere in your meditation, when you’re sitting there journaling feel this warmth, and rise of warmth within you, this is a clear sign of the presence of angels.

Tingling Sensation on Your Skin

In addition to feeling warmth, angelic energy often feels like gentle tingles on the surface of your skin. This is a positive feeling, although it may feel a bit strange. It happens when your vibration begins to raise due to being in the presence of an angel!

  • This tingling sensation is a clear angel sign and may accompany other signs to bring further validation of the presence of angels!

Flickering Lights

Angelic energy is powerful! And so when you’re in the presence of angels, the actual lighting around you may show signs of this increase of energy. This angel sign could take the form of the lights around you (like a lamp in your room) flickering. It may also take the form of a light turning itself on with no clear reason for why that should have happened (other than a paranormal reason of course). When an angel directs their awareness towards you, that awareness carries an almost electrical energy, which is why electrical devices like lighting acting a little weird is a clear sign!

  • Flickering Lights can be a clear validation of the presence of angels, as it is one of the top signs of an angel watching over you.

A Gentle Breeze

Feeling a gentle breeze or the movement of air around you without it having a physical causation is another undeniable angel sign. The cause of this movement of the air is the angelic being creating it! This will sometimes happen to me when I’m sitting in a room meditating and it’s perfectly calm and still, and I’m connecting with the angels and seeing them moving around me through my inner vision, and then there’s also a tangible sensation of movement in the air. This angel sign happens through the sensation of feeling and it is a paranormal movement where you’re in a room, it’s not drafty, and yet there is a warm draft of energy moving through as angelic energy moves towards you.

One of the most obvious of angel signs that happens through the clouds, is when you see a cloud that looks just like an angel. Your guardian angel may also drawn your awareness towards certain clouds that look like hearts, as well as many other shapes and symbols to offer guidance and validation for you, and to draw your awareness to their presence.

  • Angel clouds may look like an angel, or be in the form of another symbol that has meaning and significance for you.

Lovely Scents

Have you ever noticed a lovely sweet scent and been unable to identify the source? This very well may be a sign from your angels! Angels often love to make their presence known through the power of scent. You may notice the presence of your Guardian Angel through a lovely rich and minty chocolatey smell, or the nearness of the Archangels through the sweet subtle scent of flowers.

Scent is a commonly used sign from your ancestors or loved ones who have crossed over as well… Do you smell your grandmothers perfume and sense her near? Odds are very high that her spirit is right there with you.

  • Do you smell something awful? This is NOT a sign from your angels!
  • The scents that appear as signs from the angels are lovely.

Babies and Pets

Babies and animals have not yet taken on many of the filters which can block people’s ability to clearly see the angels. Have you ever noticed babies looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, or at a blank spot on the wall? They may be looking at an angel!

Or perhaps you’ve noticed times where your pets’ focus is entirely captured by something you seem unable to see…

  • This is especially common with cats!

When this happens, its a sign of angelic presence, and chances are that your pet or baby is angel watching! In the presence of angels babies, small children, and animals will be at ease, comforted… and excited.

I have met several people whose first sign of the angels was when they started to hear angelic music and singing originating from outside the material world. Angels may also communicate with you through recurring songs you hear on the radio. Or by causing you to hear a series of songs, all with a very similar theme. Angels often send messages through music, whether it is through a song which just starts playing in your mind, hearing peaceful tranquil music when meditating, or continuing to hear a certain song on the radio… Be mindful of the guidance which comes to you through music, especially when you wake up with a song in your head which answers a question you’ve had as this is often an angel sign and a signal that you’ve had angel visits at night.

Finding coins , on your path or finding currency in general, is a common sign of guidance and support from the realms of spirit. If you find a coin on your path, or perhaps someone gives you a coin, pay attention! Does the date on the coin hold any meaning for you? Have you asked for financial help from your angels? What were you thinking about right before you noticed the coin? When you understand that coins are commonly used signs from your angels, and also from deceased loved one… You’ll know to pay attention, and observe what is happening within and around you in the moment you find the coin on your path, so you can then understand the deeper meaning and significance which is often a symbol from Spirit illustrating you’re loved, supported and guided.

  • Coins may be signs of angelic beings, or from your deceased loved ones in Spirit.

Sparkles of Light

Angels are beings of love and light and so seeing unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of light and color around you, or around another person is a clear angel sign! This may take the form of a bright star which catches your eye, shafts of light streaming down from above, a flash of light appearing without an actual light source, light shimmering off of an object in an unusual way, or the quality of air around you just seeming to shimmer and sparkle. Try closing your eyes, and if you still see the light, it’s very likely an angel with you. Breathe, relax, and if you’re ready your angel may expand the light before you, or envelop you within the angelic glow to bring you healing, upliftment, and rejuvenation.

Seeing Lights While Meditating

Have you even been meditating with your eyes closed, focusing within, and suddenly your inner vision is filled with light and with sparkling glowing energy? While meditating in the presence of angels you could actually perceive an angelic light being appearing before you in your mind’s eye, or you may simply see spiraling light energy and sacred geometric shapes of light and color.

  • Seeing lights in meditation is a clear angel sign and in many cases what you’re seeing is actually angelic energy.

Seeing Orbs

Seeing orbs of light is another angel sign. Angelic energy may manifest as orbs of light you see through your inner vision and minds eye during meditation. You may see them in the air around you, or even capture photographs of orbs. It is important to know that dust on your camera lens or taking a picture into the sun can cause orbs… So when it comes to orbs in photographs, its good to question the cause of the orb rather than automatically assuming something paranormal has taken place.

Crown Chakra Tingles

Feeling a tingling sensation and warmth at the top of your head, in the area of your crown chakra is a clear angel sign. The reason that crown chakra tingles happens when you are in proximity of angels is because angelic beings exist in an octave above the physical realm. And so the tingles and warmth in your crown center, happens when angels are helping you to open to receive their frequency transmission, downloads, and wisdom. And so not only does angelic energy naturally create an opening in your crown center, but the angels may specifically work with your crown center in order to open up your link with the higher realms so you can communicate with them.

  • Your open crown chakra allows you to perceive in the angelic realm so angels will often work with you to unblock and open it!
  • Not only does angelic energy naturally create an opening in your crown center, but the angels may specifically work with your crown center in order to open up your link with the higher realms.

Rainbows are a common symbol of Divine love. When you ask for angelic assistance and shortly after see a rainbow, know your prayers have been heard and are being answered. If you’ve been thinking about your angels, or asked for a sign, and you notice a rainbow, it’s likely your angels confirming they are with you. A rainbow orb around the moon, a double rainbow, or a rainbow appearing when it hasn’t even been raining, are extra spectacular signs from your angels bringing encouragement, and validation from the heavens.

Temperature Change

When you’re in the presence of angels, you may experience a change in temperature, which can be a wonderful validation that your angels are with you. You may suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you. Or you may get the chills , or start feeling cold, with some light tingling or pressure in your head or on the back of your neck. This shouldn’t be uncomfortable… For me it is an exciting manifestation from these angelic spiritual beings.

  • Note: A cold sensation is typically from ancestral spirits, or the spirits of deceased humans, while angels appear to be warm.
  • Alternately, cold feelings may come about if your angels are helping you to release stuck or stagnant energy, while warmth coincides with receiving the blessings of angelic light.

Feeling Like An Angel Is Near

If you feel like you are in the presence of an angel … You probably are! You may feel like someone just walked past you, when no one is there, or you may get the impression someone is present in a room with you when it is empty. Your angels may reach out to you, very subtly and wrap you in their wings of love, brush your arm or neck, or gently place their hand on your back or shoulder. Sometimes angels will make their presence very obvious giving you an overwhelming sense of unconditional love. Or when you’re in a book store, you get the chills, and then a book suddenly jumps off the shelf. Pay attention, your angel is with you!

Another undeniable sign of angels is when you physically feel as though your hair is being lightly brushed or you feel a light and gentle brush of something along your arm and yet when you look, there’s nothing there. With this sign, you may have the distinct sensation that a loving being takes your hand and yet of course you understand that no one is physically there. This often happens in situations where your angels really want to alert you to their presence, or when they actually want to send blessing of angel energy and peace to you through touch.

Feeling Joy, Peace and Love

Angels are incredible beings of higher cognition, peace, and wisdom. They are literally the messengers of God, and so an angelic being who is near you or who is watching over you with their awareness focused in your direction has a way of evoking a profound sense of emotional warmth, love, peace, and harmony. When you encounter this angel sign, you feel loved unconditionally, comforted and you feel in that moment at ease, and like all is well. You’re able to see and remember good and beauty in the world.

Signs or Advertisements

Another sign of angels often come in the form of noticing a message on a billboard, or a sign for a business. When you ask for guidance from your angels stay open and alert, and you may start noticing a certain word or phrase on a number of billboards, street names, or shop signs. Recently I was in New Mexico and planning to take a trip to either Sedona AZ, or Southern New Mexico… I wasn’t sure which option to choose, and so I asked for help from my angels in making the decision (while riding as a passenger in a car). Almost immediately after asking, a huge sign for “Sedona Health and Nutrition” appeared on the street right before me. This was an advertisement for a local business… But I took the hint and ended up having an incredibly magical, and rewarding trip to Sedona AZ.

When you hear a message in your mind, or you hear a whispered voice which seems to appear out of thin air, you may be experiencing the messages of your angels. Don’t assume you’re making it up! If you can’t really hear what is being said, ask your angel to speak a bit louder so you can understand. Hearing the guidance of your angels is a beautiful sign of their presence, and is common when you are in need of comfort, reassurance, or angelic guidance.

Angel Symbols

Seeing images of the stereotypical appearance of angels is one of the common signs of angels when they simply want to remind you of their presence and existence. This stereotypical image portrays an angel as a human type being with a halo, glowing energy, and wings. The angels know that they are commonly associated with this style of imagery, and so they may use it as one of their signs to get your attention. In reality, the appearance of an angel is actually quite adaptable, but they may show you images of angels that match their stereotype in order to help you remember that they’re watching out for you, and to remind you of the angelic energy, and support of your guardian angel that is available when you remember to ask for assistance. This angel imagery may also include additional symbols of angels like a trumpet, sword, dove, chalice, or you may just see angel wings.

Angel Numbers

One of the most common ways angels will attempt to capture your attention and guide you is through Angel Numbers. Whether you are sitting in traffic behind a car with 333 on the license plate, you keep seeing 999 , or you seem to look over at the clock at just the right time, say 11:11 exactly, or maybe you keep seeing your birthday numbers . These synchronistic times, and angel numbers have specific meanings for you.

Because angel numbers are such a common sign from your angels, I have created a complete guide to angel numbers  you can read by clicking here . Trust your inner knowing however as well, because what an angel number means for you, may be a bit different than the commonly interpreted meaning. Awareness is key!

Contained within these signs of angels is the infinite possibility for growth and positive transformation that is made available when you go beyond seeing a sign and thinking: “that’s weird” or “that’s interesting” and you remember that you have a guardian angel, and a whole host of angelic beings who are ready and willing to further guide and assist you in your life when you remember to ask for their assistance.

Understand that while angels are always supporting you, there is a limited extent of what they can do without interfering with your free will .

When you however remember to ask for their help… They can step forward in a much greater way which then not only leads to receiving more profound signs of angels, but also the manifestations of support from angels also begins to appear in your life.

The key to going from seeing one of these signs of angels, to then receiving deeper wisdom, frequency and truth is to become fully present in the moment and increase your awareness.

When you’re in a relaxed and yet alert state, your Guardian Angel and other angels have a way of making their presence known. Know that you may experience signs of angels that aren’t listed above , and if you’re ready, your guardian angel may even contact you more directly.

Presence and awareness really are so key because with presence and awareness, you can notice the signs of angels, and then directly tune into the angels who are behind the signs.

How do You Ask An Angel For A Sign?

If you’re not getting many of these signs… Don’t worry! In reality, your angels probably are sending you signs, but its just that you’re missing them.

I do want you to know however, that regardless of what you’ve been told in the past about working with angels… Right here and now, you can ask for their support, including asking for a sign of their presence.

Clear your mind, allow your heart to open, and then say aloud (or clearly in your mind):

  • “Angels, thank you for the many blessings you’ve helped me to align with in my life.
  • Thank you for guiding and supporting me .
  • I now desire to connect more deeply with your presence and wisdom, so I may be of service at a higher level in my life.
  • Please step forward to support me now…
  • Bring me clear signs so I may know that you are indeed guiding and supporting me on my path…
  • Thank you… And so it is.”

With love, light, and gratitude,

Melanie Beckler

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Signs Your Angels Are With You – Infographic!

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Learn the top Signs Your Angels Are With You so you will know to pay attention when you receive angel messages and guidance in the form of white feathers, coins, butterflies, lights and so much more! #guidance #

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about our creator: Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind . Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation. Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership . Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie!

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When Angels Visit: Understanding the Significance of a Celestial Encounter

Angels, celestial beings of light and love, have been revered for centuries as messengers of the divine. They are believed to bring messages from a higher power, provide protection and guidance, and offer comfort in times of need.

But what does it really mean to be visited by an angel? And more importantly, what is the significance of such a visitation?

Table of Contents

Defining an Angel

Before delving into the concept of being visited by an angel, it’s important to understand what an angel is. In many religious traditions, angels are considered messengers or servants of God who act as intermediaries between humans and the divine. They are often depicted as winged creatures with halos and radiant auras.

Angels are also associated with qualities such as compassion, wisdom, and purity. They are believed to have powerful abilities such as healing and protection.

The Concept of Being Visited by an Angel

The idea of being visited by an angel can evoke feelings of wonder, curiosity, or even fear. Some people may dismiss such experiences as mere coincidence or imagination while others may embrace them wholeheartedly.

In some cases, people report seeing angels in their dreams or during moments of meditation or prayer. Others claim to have seen physical manifestations such as feathers or orbs that they believe were sent by angels .

The Significance of Such a Visitation

A visit from an angel can hold great significance for individuals who experience it. It can provide comfort in times of distress or clarity when faced with difficult decisions.

For those who view such encounters through a religious lens, it can serve as affirmation that there is a higher power working in their lives. Furthermore, the symbolism and message behind the visit can hold deep meaning.

It may be a sign of a needed change or a reminder that one is on the right path. Above all, being visited by an angel can offer a sense of hope and reassurance that there is something greater at work in the world.

Being visited by an angel can be a powerful and life-changing experience. Whether one views it through a religious or spiritual lens or simply as a profound moment of connection with the universe, it is important to recognize its significance and embrace it with open arms.

The Experience of Being Visited by an Angel

How angels appear to humans.

The appearance of angels varies greatly from person to person and culture to culture. Some people describe angels as beautiful beings with wings, while others describe them as more ethereal and intangible. Some people see angels only in their dreams , while others claim to have seen them in waking life.

The experience of seeing an angel can be both overwhelming and awe-inspiring. One thing that is consistent across all accounts of angelic visitations is the feeling of presence that accompanies them.

Angels have a way of making themselves known, even if they do not appear physically. This can manifest as a warm feeling in the body, a sense of peace or calmness, or even a feeling of being watched over or protected.

The feeling associated with being visited by an angel

The feeling associated with being visited by an angel is difficult to put into words. It is a deep sense of connection and understanding that transcends ordinary human experience. People often report feeling a renewed sense of purpose or direction in their lives after encountering an angel.

They may also feel comforted and reassured during times of stress or uncertainty. For some people, the experience can be overwhelming and emotional, leading to tears or other physical reactions.

Others may feel a sense of joy or elation that lasts for days after the encounter. Regardless, the feeling associated with being visited by an angel is one that stays with you long after the encounter itself has passed.

Examples of people who have claimed to have been visited by angels

There are countless stories throughout history about people who have claimed to have been visited by angels. From biblical accounts like Mary’s visitation from Gabriel to contemporary stories like Doreen Virtue’s encounters with Archangel Michael, these experiences span cultures and religions.

Some people have even reported being visited by deceased loved ones who have taken on the form of angels. These encounters can bring a sense of healing and closure to those who are grieving.

Regardless of the specific details of each encounter, what is clear is that the experience of being visited by an angel can be life-changing and transformative. It is a reminder that there is more to this world than what we can see or touch, and that we are never truly alone in our journeys through life.

Interpreting the Visit from an Angel

Different interpretations and beliefs about the purpose behind such a visitation.

The visitation of an angel is a phenomenon that has been reported across many cultures and religions. While there may be some similarities in these experiences, the purpose behind each visitation can vary greatly. Some believe that angels appear to offer guidance or instruction, while others see their presence as a sign of comfort in times of distress.

Still, others interpret these visitations as a warning or message of impending danger. Regardless of the interpretation, it is clear that those who have been visited by angels have experienced something beyond our physical reality.

The question remains – what is the true purpose behind these encounters? Is it simply to offer comfort and guidance, or is there something deeper at play?

Religious and spiritual perspectives on the meaning behind being visited by an angel

In many belief systems, angels are seen as messengers from God or other divine beings. They are often associated with protection, guidance, and comfort.

In Christianity, for example, angels are believed to be intermediaries between humans and God. From a spiritual perspective, some believe that angels represent higher consciousness or pure energy.

They may appear to individuals who are seeking enlightenment or guidance on their path towards spiritual growth. Regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs, it is clear that those who experience visitations from angels often feel a sense of awe and wonderment at their presence.

Personal interpretation and reflection on the experience

As someone who has experienced being visited by an angel firsthand, I can attest to the profound impact this encounter had on my life. For me personally, it was a moment of great clarity – a reminder that I was not alone on my journey through life.

While I cannot say with certainty what the true purpose behind this encounter was for me, I do believe that it was a sign of comfort and reassurance during a difficult time. I also believe that it was a message to trust in the unknown and have faith that everything will work out as it should.

Ultimately, the interpretation of an angelic visitation is deeply personal and subjective. While some may see it as a simple coincidence or hallucination, others may view it as a life-changing event that offers insight into the mysteries of our universe.

The Role of Angels in Our Lives

Understanding the role that angels play in our lives.

Angels are not just mythical creatures from a storybook. They are real, and they play an essential role in people’s lives. They provide guidance, protection, and comfort to those who seek it.

Their purpose is to help us navigate this tumultuous world with grace and ease. Some people believe that angels are messengers from God who intervene on our behalf when we need it most.

Others see them as guides who offer insights and wisdom that we may not have access to otherwise. Regardless of your beliefs, it is undeniable that angels have a profound impact on our lives.

How they can provide guidance, protection, and comfort

Angels can offer guidance in many forms. Sometimes they appear as visions or dreams that give us insight into our lives’ direction or decision-making processes.

Other times they whisper subtle hints or gut feelings that lead us down a path we might not have otherwise considered. Protection is another essential role of angels in our lives.

Many people believe that angels watch over us, shielding us from harm’s way when danger presents itself. Whether it be physical threats or emotional turmoil, angels can offer comfort by providing a feeling of safety and security during times of distress.

Comfort is perhaps the most crucial role of all for many people seeking angelic guidance. When life feels overwhelming or unbearable, knowing that an angel is there to offer support can make all the difference between despair and hope.

Recognizing their presence in everyday life

Many people fail to recognize the presence of angels in their everyday lives because they mistake them for coincidences or random events when they are anything but ordinary occurrences. It’s important to be open-minded about how these celestial beings manifest themselves – sometimes subtle signs like rainbows after rainfall remind us of their presence.

By recognizing the role of angels in our lives, we can tap into their wisdom and guidance to live a more fulfilling and purposeful existence. Whether we seek comfort, protection, or guidance, angels are always there for us.

They remind us that we are never alone and that help is always available when we need it most. So the next time you see a butterfly flying by or a white feather on the ground, take it as a sign from your guardian angel watching over you.

Conclusion: Embracing the Visit from an Angel

Accepting and embracing the experience as a gift.

For those who have been visited by an angel, it can be a life-changing experience. It is important to acknowledge and accept this gift, even if it may seem surreal or difficult to comprehend. Angels are celestial beings that bring messages of love, hope, and guidance.

They come to us in times of need, providing comfort and reassurance when we need it most. Instead of dismissing a visitation from an angel as merely coincidence or imagination, we should embrace it as a sacred experience.

When we accept such a visitation as a gift from the heavens above, it can bring us closer to our spiritual selves. We can begin to see the world through different eyes and find comfort in knowing that there is something greater than ourselves at work.

Embracing this experience means opening our hearts to the possibility of transformation and growth. By doing so, we create space for more magical experiences in our lives.

Acknowledging the Impact It Can Have on One’s Life

Being visited by an angel can have a profound impact on one’s life . It can be a wake-up call that propels us towards positive change or helps us gain clarity on what really matters in life. The message delivered by an angel may not always be what we want to hear, but it is often what we need to hear for our own growth and development.

We should acknowledge the impact that such a visitation has had on our lives – the newfound sense of purpose or direction it has given us, or perhaps simply the peace it has brought into our hearts during troubled times. Acknowledging these impacts allows us to continue moving forward with conviction and confidence.

Moving Forward with Newfound Understanding and Appreciation for These Celestial Beings

After being visited by an angel, we must move forward with newfound understanding and appreciation for these celestial beings. We can continue to seek their guidance and support in our daily lives.

We should also take the time to learn more about angels and their significance in different cultures and religions. Moving forward, it is important to maintain an open mind and heart towards the possibility of future interactions with angels .

We should remain receptive to their messages, even if they may seem insignificant at first glance. With this newfound appreciation for these celestial beings, we can continue to grow spiritually and live a more fulfilling life.

Visited By An Angel? Here’s What It Means

what does it mean when an angel visits you

Have you ever felt a mystical presence or received a divine message out of the blue? Many believe experiences like these signal the visit of an angel. But what does it really mean when an angel visits you? Let’s explore the deeper spiritual significance behind angel encounters.

Angel visits bring divinely inspired guidance into our lives. These spiritual beings act as messengers from God, imparting wisdom, comfort, inspiration, and help whenever we need it most. Their presence is a reminder that we are never alone on our path.

Understanding What an Angel Visit Means Spiritually

Angels are beings of light who dwell in the spiritual realm. Their visits into our earthly dimension carry deep spiritual meaning.

An angel visit signals that Heaven is reaching out to connect with you directly. It means God and the angelic realm want to lift you up, impart blessings, share truth, and help you align more fully with your soul purpose.

Specifically, angel visits can signify:

  • You are on the right path, and your prayers have been heard
  • There is divine guidance, strength and protection with you
  • You are deeply loved and watched over by the Creator
  • You have a vital mission to fulfill in your life

In essence, angel visits convey that you are never alone on your spiritual journey. Heavenly forces are supporting and uplifting you each step of the way.

Connecting with the Divine

Angels act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. When they visit you, it signifies a direct connection with the Divine realms. Through their visits, angels help open the channels of communication between God and humanity.

Some additional spiritual meanings of an angel visit include:

  • Heightened awareness of the sacred in your life
  • Awakening to live your soul purpose
  • Infusion of holy light into your energy field
  • Strengthening of your spiritual gifts and psychic abilities

Angel visits help dissolve barriers between the mundane and spiritual worlds. You gain greater access to divine guidance, inspiration and healing.

Why Do Angels Visit?

God often dispatches angels to Earth for very specific reasons. Common divine purposes for sending an angel to visit someone include:

  • Protect them from harm or danger
  • Guide them toward advantageous opportunities
  • Comfort them during difficult times
  • Answer a prayer or request for help
  • Deliver an urgent message or warning
  • Reveal information that will help fulfill their destiny

Angels also make contact simply to shower blessings upon people, uplift them emotionally, and remind them of their infinite worth. Divine love flowing through an angel visit renews hope and faith.

Common Signs and Ways Angels Reveal Themselves

Angels have diverse ways of making their presence known when they visit you. Some of the most common signs of angel visits include:

  • Seeing flashes of light or sparkles of brilliance
  • Hearing comforting messages or divine guidance in your mind
  • Feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth, love and peace
  • Smelling wonderful, heavenly fragrances like flowers or cinnamon
  • Hearing the soft sound of wings fluttering or tinkling chimes
  • Noticing angelic signs like feathers, rainbows, clouds or sequences of numbers

Angels may also visit in dreams or meditations, revealing visions, words of wisdom, or even their glowingly radiant forms. Be open to messages you receive during prayer or quiet reflection as well, when your awareness is most receptive to angelic contact.

Physical Sensations and Changes

Visits from angels can produce interesting physical sensations and changes too. You may feel:

  • A warm tingling on your skin, head or shoulders
  • Goosebumps or shivers down your spine
  • Uplifting energy circulating through your body
  • Greater intuition, inspiration and awareness

These kinds of experiences result from an angelic light activation that stimulates your energetic field and spiritual centers. They confirm that divine beings are present!

Interpreting the Clues

Pay close attention to any sensations, sights, sounds, smells or inner knowings that accompany an angel visit. These hold meaning as clues to interpret the angel’s message. For example:

  • Tingling crown chakra – Message about spiritual enlightenment
  • Warmth in heart chakra – Message of divine love
  • Lavender scent – Encouragement to seek peace
  • Ringing in ears – Call to heighten your discernment

Listen within and you will gain an intuitive sense of what each clue from your angel signifies. This helps unlock their guidance.

Angel Visits in Dreams

Dream visits from angels often carry powerful spiritual messages. Pay attention to any dreams where:

  • You see angels directly
  • Someone else mentions angels
  • You have spiritual experiences like flying
  • You feel surrounded by light, love and comfort

These types of angel-themed dreams reveal answers and insight about your life path. Record them in a journal upon waking to better understand their meaning over time.

Interpreting the Deeper Message Behind Angel Visits

Angels tailor their messages to meet our specific needs in any given moment. Here are some examples of the deeper meaning behind different angel visits:

  • Guidance when you’re at a crossroads – You have angels guiding and protecting your next steps
  • Comfort during grief – Your angels envelop you in compassion and reassurance
  • Inspiration for creative projects – Angelic muses fill you with creative ideas
  • Confidence before a challenge – Angels instill courage and power within
  • Joy and laughter – Angels prompt you to lighten up and see the blessings

Tune into your intuition and pay attention to inner guidance that arises during or after an angel visit. This will help clarify their message for you.

Ask for Help Understanding the Message

If you need help interpreting the meaning behind an angel visit, don’t hesitate to ask the angels directly! They are happy to provide clarity and confirmation to ensure you understand their message accurately.

You can call upon the angels out loud or in your mind. Be sure to thank them for visiting you and explain what you need help comprehending. Listen within for intuitive insights in response.

Angel Numbers

Another way angels deliver guidance is through sequences of numbers that catch your attention, called Angel Numbers. Common examples include:

  • 111 – Stay positive, you are on the right path
  • 333 – Ascended masters are helping you
  • 444 – Angels are close by, listening to your prayers
  • 717 – Congratulations, you are following your spiritual purpose

Angel Numbers serve to reassure, encourage and validate you on your life journey when you notice them. Pay attention to any numbers that seem to repeat, as they carry specific messages from your angels.

Embracing an Angel Visit’s Guidance for Your Life

When angels visit, they have an empowering, divine message tailored just for you. Here are some tips for embracing their guidance:

  • Stay open and present – Set the intention to notice signs of angelic visits
  • Express gratitude – Thanking your angels welcomes more contact
  • Ask for help understanding – Request clarity to interpret messages
  • Trust your intuition – Inner wisdom reveals what your angel conveys
  • Act on the message – Taking inspired action amplifies blessings

Angel visits are amazing gifts, and their guidance can profoundly impact your life. May each of us feel the loving presence of angels and receive their divine light.

Ways to Invite More Angel Visits

If you would like to receive more frequent angelic contact, here are some simple ways to invite the angels into your life:

  • Pray and ask for angel visits
  • Use angel imagery and statues in your home
  • Wear angel jewelry like a pendant or charm bracelet
  • Listen to angelic music, such as harp music
  • Talk to your angels out loud every day
  • Meditate on connecting with angels
  • Express sincere gratitude whenever angels visit you

Setting the intention in these ways opens the door for deeper angelic connection. When you show your receptiveness, angels will absolutely respond!

Archangel Michael is the angel who most often makes contact with people on Earth. He oversees protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. If you specifically want to invite Michael’s presence, simply call upon him.

Let Archangel Michael know you wish for his divine guidance, support and clarity. He will surround you in his wings of safety and wisdom, guiding your steps forward. Work with Michael when you need more empowerment and direction in your life.


Dreams, spirit, growth – I explore them all. Laugh, learn, grow with me. Unlock your inner guru.

Collection of Angel Encounters and Sightings

Collection of Reader Stories

  • Holistic Healing
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Crystal Therapy

visits from angels

Has an angel appeared before your eyes or made its presence known to you in some other way? Here is a collection of stories shared by people who have had angel sightings, angel experiences, dreams, and memories. Some of these amazing stories may make a skeptical person think twice.

Archangel Michael Visitation

I was giving a new client a reiki treatment. My hands were focused on her body as were my eyes. I felt a presence in the room.

When I lifted up my head I saw an angel step through the wall into the room. He was so very tall that he had to stoop so as not to bump his head on the ceiling. My first thought was this must be the Archangel Michael because I had been told once that the archangels are tall. I don't know why I thought it was Michael, I was just sure it was.

I wasn't sure that I should tell my client about the angel visitation, so I kept quiet. Before the session was over the woman asked if I ever sensed angels. I quietly answered, "Yes," as I continued to look over at the beautiful being of light that was sending enormous amounts of love and caring into the room. She then told me that she had always felt a strong connection to the Archangel Michael. So, I told her he was in the room. It was an amazing experience! —Paula

A Blanket From an Angel

My baby was in the hospital having a 4-hour surgery. My estranged husband was not present. At this time, our marriage was crumbling. But even worse, I was afraid for my baby's life. When I arrived in the waiting room an older lady was sitting there working on a quilt with words from the "Serenity Prayer" on it. It said, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

She asked me if the little baby boy is mine and when I confirmed, she took my hand and said a prayer with me. I asked who is she is making the quilt for and she replied that God will show her who will need it. Hours later I was called into the recovery room and my baby son was fine. When I came outside the lady gave me the quilt and told me she now knows who she has been making it for. I have kept it in her honor and my now-5-year-old son is sleeping in his bed covered by it.—Alexandra Maria

Angel Force

I was headed home to my children driving in the slow lane. The next thing I knew I was flying in the air in my Ford Windstar. I had no control. When my van landed, it looked like a crane put it there. It was in the ditch perfectly. I had little room to get out. I felt like some force had lifted me up out the ditch. I then saw this man who was so calm. He put a calmness in my heart. I never saw him again. I still can't explain how perfectly my van was in the ditch.—Momma

My Son and His Angel

In my home, we are not religious by any means. One night I was putting my son to bed and he started telling me that the night before, Jesus brought an angel to him because he was scared. He said, "She was so beautiful and her wings were so big they almost touched my walls."

He said she sang to him and laid with him until he fell asleep. He then said Jesus came back to get her, and he brought her back to a door with him where they started to sparkle and then went through the door. Ever since my son has been obsessed with Jesus and angels. He prays to an angel often and prays for Jesus to come back.

The other day he was crying because he said he keeps praying but he doesn't think Jesus can hear him. He said that he keeps praying for him to come back because they make him feel so happy. I acknowledge what he says but I don't push it. I just let him talk about it when he needs to. Not sure what I should do, he gets genuinely sad when he thinks Jesus can't hear him. He is only 4 years old.—Mj_Douce

My Healing Angel

When I was very young, maybe 8 or 9, I went to bed one night with a severe earache. I woke my mother up several times for comfort but nothing made it better. I laid in bed with tears in my eyes and then suddenly the pain stopped. I opened my eyes and saw something like a cloud hovering over me. I was amazed but more so relieved. I knew what it was. I soon after fell asleep in peace.—M

Angels Are Among Us

My 15-year-old grandson and I were putting up garage sale signs several blocks down the street. When I got back in the car to head back home I looked at Dawson, my grandson, he was looking out straight ahead and asked if he could stay the night. No sooner than he asked the question, while driving, in a flash of an eye, I saw huge white angel wings encompass my windshield. At that very second, Dawson shouted, "Grandma, did you see that"? I said,"Yes, I saw huge angel wings covering my windshield." He said, "No, Grandma, I saw a ball of fire."

We were both shocked to have seen two different things. We are strong believers and have experienced many miracles but who is ready for something like this. No trees fell, no storm, why were there angel wings in front of me covering my side of the windshield? And, a fireball flash for him? We cannot understand this. But, awesome! I could actually see the inner wing with all its brilliance and feathers. It was huge! And, it was gone as fast as it came.—Dlapaust

Angel at Night

My family and I were going through a terrible experience in 2006. To make a long story short, I had a chair next to my bed one night while I was sleeping. I woke up looking toward the chair, and there was a little girl dressed in all white with a hat on. She had a beautiful glow, but all of a sudden she walked away. I could not fall back asleep. I was terrified, but to this day, I know she was an angel watching over me. —Eduardo B

We Never Forgot

I’ve never told this story. When I was about 7 years old, I was left at home alone with my nephew who was 3 at the time. We were playing in a back room when something scared us. I don’t remember what I saw or heard, but I knew I had to get out of that house or we were going to die.

I clutched my nephew tightly, both of us screaming and crying, and ran toward the front door. Just before reaching the exit, I saw a tiny ball of glowing white light hovering just above our front door. I stopped dead in my tracks. I could not take my eyes off that ball. Suddenly it started getting bigger and bigger. Eventually, we were totally engulfed by the light.

The next memory I have, I was floating inside this light. It was the purest most beautiful, soft light ever, and I was transfixed by it. It felt so good. I can still feel it when I think about that day. Inside the light, there was no sense of fear, pain, or worry. Somehow I knew everything was okay and we were going to be fine.—Palmetto, FL

Orbs in Photographs

I have believed in angels all my life. In my younger years, I lived an exciting life, threw caution to the wind, and put myself in dangerous situations. I used to think I had worked my angels overtime.

My life changed when orbs showed up in the photos I took at my son's wrestling tournament. I don't see things like that, no matter what other people say they've seen. I was upset! My middle and my youngest son both told me not to worry. They believed they were guardian angels. Since then, I have captured a wonderful variation of these beautiful orbs. One has moth-like wings—gorgeous pink on the top and fairy green on the bottom. Again, since this one was so different, I was a bit upset again. But, when I'm out with them, I always feel so happy. They are playful, fun-loving, and I feel they are a blessing to me. They have helped me with unreasonable fears. I have peace and serenity like never before and see God's hand on everything now. Love and light, they go together.—Penny

Being Touched on Back While Asleep

Last year was the worse of my life. In six months, I lost my brother-in-law, my younger brother passed away, I had my adult son and family removed from my house, and I divorced my absent husband.

I cried years of tears at unexpected times. When I went to bed, I prayed longer and harder than ever. I asked the Lord, through tears, to please give me a sign that He was walking with me. About 3 a.m., I awoke to warm hands on my back and sat straight up. I was alone in the house and believe it was God giving me a sign he was with me. I was not afraid just irritated someone laid hands on me. Then it hit me who it actually was and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.—KC

Beautiful Bright Light

I've never experienced anything like this but it was amazing. Every night I will say a prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, guard me Jesus through the night and wake me with the morning light. "

It actually happened to me. When I woke up, out of nowhere, I saw a beautiful bright light filling up my room. I thought maybe somebody turned on the light, but I remembered the light in my room is very dim. Then, I thought about my window, but I keep the blinds closed all the time. I soon went back to sleep with a great feeling and a sense of security.—Brishauna

Morning Sun Angel

It started with me seeing a figure at the end of my bed. I also kept seeing purple, green, and white balls of light in my room at night.

One night, I had just laid down. Suddenly, I was outside staring at this woman who had long black hair. Her wings covered the whole of the sky. She was massive. I asked her what she wanted, shouting at her. She smiled, and she told me she was the angel of the morning sun. She flapped her wings three times and my body went all funny. I was back in my room. I could see myself lying in bed, I was on my ceiling.

I straight away researched the angel of the morning sun and I found sculptures of her and pictures. It was— 1,000 percent—the same angel. I'm still freaked out to this day as I had never heard of her before and also didn't believe in this type of thing.—Guest

Bright Light

I was sitting in the garden with my 7-year-old son. Suddenly, I could see out of the corner of my eye a very bright light. I looked to the left and down, and the bright light was on an ornamental angel in the flower bed. Then suddenly, the light disappeared. I have looked on the internet and it says I was visited by my guardian angel.—Fugthiz

Reaching Out

I was 4 years old. I was in my brother's room, crying. This is when I heard a sweet voice called me. I looked up towards the footboard and saw a woman with long hair lying on her right shoulder. She had on a white flowing cloth with light blue trimming surrounded by a white mist. Her arms were extended out with her palms facing upward as if she wanted to embrace me.

She whispered to me, "Come with me, I love you," in Spanish. I kept looking at her when I heard the bedroom door open. I screamed as I saw my mother walk into the room. She ran to the bed, and lifted me up into her arms, and ran out of the room. She sat down and started praying over me and kept pouring a sweet fragrance on my head. I was not afraid of the lady, but I do not know what happened between the time the door was opening and when I started screaming. We moved out several months later. However, to this day, I know I have someone watching over me and protecting me.—Just Stay Here

God Answers Our Prayers in His Timing

I prayed that God would show me an angel, and he did, twice, many years after I prayed for this. Both encounters happened when I was sleeping.

I suppose angels will come to visit us on occasion when we would be most relaxed and receptive to their visitations. The first encounter I had, I was in a dream state walking along a dark path at night. Then suddenly, the entire environment setting lit up with incredibly pure bright light as if the sun itself was shining on me.

Suddenly, I woke up, but no one was in the dark bedroom that I could see. So I asked in bewilderment, "What is it?" as if it was someone I was speaking to. No voice or words came forth, but the angel conveyed thoughts and pictures to my mind telepathically, showing me that I left the side door of the garage open with a picture in my mind. I was reminded to close the door and to lock it. So, I thanked the angel and got out of bed and, sure enough, the door was wide open.—Jeff

When I am at work, I encounter a very intense, red light which shines for about 4 seconds and then disappears. When I have seen this light, I have asked others present if they could see it, but they all say, "No." I wondered if I was seeing things, so I don't always say something when it appears. But, a couple of weeks ago, it appeared, and one of the people with me saw it. In the building where I work, it is impossible for this light to shine in. I saw it again, but no one else has.—A. Yates

Death Angel

When I was 20 years old, I was almost 9 months pregnant. I was sitting in my bed, wide-awake. A vision of a—well, the best way I can explain it—a bright light came into my room. The vision, as best I can say, was like a man, but his facial features were lion-like and it seemed to have a bright light shining through. I don't know how else to explain it. I wish I could draw it, but I'm not artistic. I am 42 years old now. This has haunted me to this day. That night, my baby died due to the umbilical cord. An angel took him, I've no doubt at all.—Sara Scully

When I was younger, I was going through a lot of things that a young, 16-year-old girl shouldn't have to endure; You can try to imagine. My mother and I were arguing a lot. She was very angry because she was going through things of her on. She took it out on my little brother and me.

I went to sleep one night after crying and praying to God; I prayed for hours until I drifted off to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to a bright light in my doorway. It was so bright that I had to squint my eyes to look at this beautiful light. Then, a very tall—what appeared to be a man—walked out of the light to the edge of my bed and kneeled down over me. He spoke my name and put his hand on my arm and started to whisper something in my ear. I could not understand what he was trying to tell me because as soon as he touched my arm I started feeling really tired and fell back to sleep. He made me feel so much comfort. I still think of my angel until this day.—Erica

The Presence

Not long ago, my father was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer and was not given much hope for survival past the Christmas season. Although the odds were devastatingly against him, he chose to go through a round of chemo to take some comfort in the idea that he tried everything he could to be cured. Although God had other plans, I take comfort in my faith that he will be taken care of by Christ and the angels themselves.

I was up in the wee hours of the morning after not being able to sleep in my unending thoughts and prayers. I stood in my driveway in the moonlight and meditated with chills indicating the presence of the Holy Spirit. As I prayed, my cat kept clawing and biting my ankles. I then, telepathically, said, "Jesus, can you please stop this annoying cat from biting my ankles while I am trying to talk to You?" At that very second, the cat refrained and sat up in a calmed state, although he still followed me as I strolled about the driveway. Coincidence?—johnowl01

Angel in the Navy

In 1974, while stationed in Pearl Harbor, someone I had been drinking with spiked my wine with LSD. He did so with several others. We all went back to the base barracks, and some of the guys were going crazy. I prayed for help. A sailor opened his door and asked what was wrong. I told him. He asked me to get everyone and bring them to his room. I did. He asked if we believed in God. We all shared our experiences about God, and that is when I noticed I was sober. It was way too soon for the LSD to wear off, it can be an 18-hour experience. It had only been a few hours since our drinks had been spiked.

The next day, I went to the room to thank the guy. When I went to the room, no one had been in that room for months. I was in communications, and there had been no ship movements. No one, but the guys who had their drinks spiked, remembers the man. It has been a mystery for nearly 40 years. There can be only one explanation, that sailor was either a ghost or an angel. Because of how he spoke of God, I believe he was an angel.—Gordon Marble

My Father Came to Me

My father passed away on February 1, 2012. Soon afterward, I had a dream that my father was waiting for me, but the closer I came to him the further he moved away. He was standing at the top of a flight of stairs which was very high and I could not get to him. It was as if he was watching over me. Then, a few nights ago, he appeared as an angel to my mom's neighbor who was sleeping in mom's bed. He just stood there, and then disappeared, after she told him my mom is being taken care of by me and she is fine. I miss him so much.—Sharon

Moonville Ohio Angels

Moonville, Ohio, is an old town that was overtaken by a plague, almost everyone died. All that is left of the town is a tunnel. We went through the tunnel, and three of my grandsons climbed the hill to the top. There was a thin beam of light that looked like a sword. It was right in front of us. I couldn't see when I looked up to take the picture, the light was so bright. I took the picture anyway.

When we got back to our cabin, I looked at the picture, there was a bubble in the middle of the thin beam of light, it was right in front of my grandson, Jordan. Jordan lost his father at 9 months old, he killed by a train. When I blew up the picture there were angels as plain as day looking right at Jordan. My 5-year-old granddaughter Masyn said, "I told you, Mommy, I saw an angel." I have the picture of the angels in the bubble, I want to share with the world. What a blessing we saw at Moonvill that day.—DianeVentura

Angelic Words

My angel spoke to me once and told me his name. It happened when I came back from shopping. My mom told me to ask who my angel was. I was barely forming the question when he told me one name, Gabriel. Afterward, I could feel him standing near me in a soft light with golden swirls.—Shassari

Digital Angel

Well, I had two angels. One, when I was 10 and I heard someone whisper my name but no one was there. My angel communicates with me by using digits on the clock. Last night, I was on my iPod and I randomly felt someone lightly squeeze or touch my arm. I was confused at first and started looking around but no one was there, so I looked at the time it was 2:23. I just missed 2:22, one of the times when they let me know they're there. I was amazed.—Courtney

Bus Stop Angel

I had a difficult two years full of losses, sadness, and major changes. I was recently diagnosed with depression. I had some very strange experiences and some moments of pure bliss.

One day, I was sitting at the bus stop and something that I couldn't see sat next to me. Something so beautiful that I felt pleasure and tingling all along that side. A very spiritual friend said it was evil, but I didn't feel it as evil. I think it was an angel that wanted to guide me. It has done just that through a chance encounter with a friend of a friend who has set me on the right path to healing all my hurt and resolving my depression and more. This friend of a friend is like an angel here on earth for me.—Rosalola

Angel Helps Me Save My Son's Life

My son called me because he wanted to die, but after trying to convince him that I should fly there to help with the children he hung up. My 7-year-old grandson called me crying and said, "Please, Grandma, come!"

I called the airlines and had to be at the airport for the last 9 p.m. commuter plane. The terminal was under construction so I was left at a shuttle site in the parking lot in the pouring rain. It was 8:45 p.m. I had never used this airport so I was terrified and began crying.

A woman appeared from the black of night and said, "Why are you crying?"

I replied, "I don't know where to board the plane!"

She asked me my flight information, then said, "Don't worry, I'll get you there." Then, a shuttle showed up! She got me to the terminal, and I was the last to board. I stayed up all night with my son, then I called the suicide line at 4 a.m. convincing him to talk with a psychiatrist. A friend came by, went to talk with him, and came out with a loaded gun and sleeping pills that he talked him into giving up! An angel saved him! ~Ruth K

Guardian Angel Encounters

At 18, I was in a car wreck. Out of nowhere, a lady in white clothes like a nurse appeared. She held a towel to my head stopping my severe bleeding as the firetrucks were coming. She said, "You will be fine now."

I looked away and she was gone. I asked the fireman where was the lady. He said, "What lady?" I pointed to where she had come from, and he said she could not have come from that area. That was a 500-foot cliff to the Pacific Ocean.

She had said to me, "I heard the accident and was at the beach and came to help you." All my friends saw her 30 years later. A blonde lady walked over to me and said, "You are going to be okay, everything will be fine." She walked away, and I turn around and realize it's her again, my guardian angel.—Mel S

Angel's Touch

My mom passed away in June 2011. About a month after her death, I was crying a lot. One night, I felt a touch on my arm coming from directly above me. I realized it was my mom, and I felt so comforted. It was the same exact touch I wanted to give her to say goodbye in the coffin but couldn't.—Donna

Beloved Angel

I had an experience where I felt something touching my head in a strange but soft manner. I knew I received a blessing because I was coming from church that day. From time to time, I also see this little orb. And for some reason, I just have a feeling it is my angel, and whenever I see it I smile and say, "Amen."—Faith

Angelic Visitation

It was May 2011, I was not feeling well. Everything seemed to be falling apart. I would spent a lot of time on Facebook and internet. I felt I was challenged by evil spirits. I was feeling like I was dead most of the time. I would see my spirit get out of my body and wondered if my dad would come in a spirit form to bring my soul back to my body.

One night, I was coming from my workplace at midnight in a risky place. I prayed that night. I saw a light from above and I collapsed then. My hands were lifted up by that light. Then, the light danced with me. Ever since then, I am always happy.—Billysigudla

Angels at Christmas Mass

My non-Catholic friend went to Christmas Mass with me and my family. He said that he saw the angels Michael, Uriel, as well as St. Lucy, St. Anthony of Padua, and Mary Magdalene. I was uplifted and felt that I was given a gift of having this shared with me.—Suzanne

Angel Helped With Emotional Release 

I know I needed healing. I wanted help with my emotions and felt I needed them to flow instead of wearing a protective mask or being like a statue.

I asked an angel connected with Mount Shasta for help with these blocked emotions. Within 5 minutes, I had tears of gratitude for a dear friend who brought me to this healing meditation. I cried every morning of the long weekend and released many un-cried tears from old pain. I allowed this healing release to begin a new journey for me. It felt odd, not to be embarrassed by my emotional state of releasing. I felt so good to let go. I was so grateful and realized that angels are always here for us if we ask for their help. What a gift. I had never felt such love, such freedom, and such connection after this retreat.—Syena

Prediction in My Dream

I totally believe in my angel. On the night of November 12, I was praying to my angel to connect with me in my dream as usual. I was woken up by a male voice. The only thing I remember was him saying, "Earthquake between 4 and 5." I was confused by his words if it meant that 4 to 5 was the time or the Richter scale. To my surprise, on November 14, my husband called me around 2 p.m. and asked me if I'd felt the shake that morning around 5 a.m. and that it was a "5" on the Richter scale.—Smreetee

Encounters of Divine Protection

Since I was a young kid, I have never had any doubt that my guardian angel/s protect me whenever I need protection. That is how I've lived and prayed through many encounters of divine protection and safekeeping. Today, I'm a semi-retired veterinarian belonging to our local Guardian Angels group. I developed type I diabetes in 1967, and now I have a lot of faith that Jesus with all His love will always carry me until He needs me at the next level. Bless you all with God's grace and all overpowering love.—Stan in Windhoek, Namibia

Who Is My Angel?

I have several angels and see them each in different ways. My father is rainbows, my grandma is butterflies. There are orbs in pictures. I know they are there when I photograph them. They are red and often in shapes of angels. I have been told I have five.

One day I took my very sick dog, Who, to the vet. We were at a stop light and Who was on my lap getting hugs and love because the day had been tough on my dog. Our light turned green and I began to accelerate. Who coughed and lost breath. I immediately stopped and looked down at him in fear that I'd have to send him back to vet. In seconds, a truck sped through the red light with lightning speed, rocking my SUV. That would have been the end of us. My mouth was open and I gasped, "Huh." Who looked at me (although he is blind). And I said, "Wow, Who, you saved my life with your little cough. He laid his face on my arm as if to thank me for saving his. He is now one of my angels near my heart and at my feet right now.—Angelina

We Both Knew Who He Was

We were in the jungle at Taljai Devi near Pune (India), we knew we were lost. Both of us had almost decided that might have to spend the rest of the night at the jungle, but suddenly from somewhere, a man appeared. His looks were serene in spite of meeting him at that time of day in a jungle. We did not get scared of him at all. He looked so peaceful, there was such serenity on his face. We followed him. Me and my friend both knew that he is either an angel or a man sent by an angel to help us.

One of the signs that you have had an angel encounter is if another person with you feels the same way. And, my friend certainly did. We are so sure that we will never meet or see that man again. I'm sure he wasn't a common man because nobody comes for a walk in that area at 7:30 p.m. when its getting pitch dark. And, he knew the road, which nobody else would know.—Anjum

Angels in Backyard

When I was taking pictures in my backyard one and a half years ago, I looked to see how the photos appeared. I found that a great, awesome cloud came down my alley and three UFOs shaped like pyramids were in my backyard. Three men wearing silver suits and silver cone-shaped hats advanced from the UFOs toward me.

The one closest to me, about 8-feet tall, had a great smile and reached out as if he was going to hug me. He looked as common as any man except for his silver suit. I was overwhelmed with excitement and surprise. Being new to photography, the photos were lost when I was downloading them to the computer. The message error said that the space on the memory card was used up so that I could not transfer photos to it. This was extremely frustrating. Nevertheless, the experience shores up other encounters with the Kingdom of God in various visions.—Edgar Ronnie Barton

My Daughter's Angels

I have a daughter who is permanently disabled. She had open heart surgery when she was only 3 months old. We were told when she was being prepped for surgery that we shouldn't do it and that her prognosis wasn't good. They said that they would make her as comfortable as possible until she passed.

Obviously, we didn't do that and, now, she is simply amazing. Since this surgery, we have been stopped four times in the last year all by different people who have said they see angels all around her and I—100 percent—believe it. God gave me my daughter for a reason and I am grateful for the angels who always take care of her. I just thought that after four different people I don't know have come up to me, and my wife stating that there are angels all around my daughter that they must be on to something. God is amazing.—Tjohnson

Yesterday, I just asked no one really, "Please, just give me a sign on what to do (I want to relocate from Ireland to Spain but was not sure if I should go for it or not )."

The next day, I was looking through one of my many handbags, and I put my hand in to grab some coins out of it. Suddenly, I found myself with a silver ring in my hand with a coin stuck in the middle of the ring.

The story behind this is that the ring is very important to me. I got it from a boy on my first holiday in Spain when I fell in love with the country, and I thought I had lost the ring forever. I had searched everywhere but could not find it. The coin in the middle of the ring had an Irish harp on it. So, the question remains, its Spain or Ireland? Although I am confused, I still believe this is my own personal sign to change my life.—Lora

I'll Never Leave You, Nor Forsake You

At the age of 15 years old, I was riding my four-wheeler. I tried to climb a hill with my four wheeler by myself, risky since no one was there if I had wrecked it.

As I got to the top of the hill, my front tire came upon a rock in the trail. My four-wheeler began to flip back, and I had already felt the point of feeling helpless at gaining control as the front end was pointing toward the sky. At that point, I knew I was in trouble, and then, in that instant, I felt a hand catch me and drove me forward with so much force I thought that I was going to go over the front of the four-wheeler as it hit the ground. From that day forward, I vowed to never try to climb that hill again. I am now 28 years old and a preacher for Christ. Thank God for that unseen hand that watches over us each day.—Tony

The Squirrel That Saved My Life

I know I have angels by my side. I've been so close to death a few times. For instance, I was driving down the road approaching a major intersection. The light was red, and I hadn't reached the stop light yet before I got there it turned green. I said to myself, "Cool, I don't have to stop, I can keep going." That's when a squirrel ran out in front of me, and I slammed on my brakes. No one was in front or behind me, but I was intending to go through the intersection at the same time a speeding car ran a red in the opposite direction. If that squirrel didn't run out in front of me, I would have been killed. The guy who ran the light was going about 60 miles per hour. Maybe an angel threw a nut across the street for the squirrel or gave him a poke in the rear. Or, maybe, the squirrel was the angel. Oh, by the way, I didn't hit the squirrel. He ran on his little hero way.—Jenny

Angels and Demons

Angels and demons both exist, and, according to the Bible, there are twice as many angels as demons. They are all around us, and we are to judge over them in the future. Be sure to worship and give thanks to God for sending his angels to protect you!—Jan

Angels Are Real

I have been living a reckless life for quite some time. I have put myself in situations that most people would not have survived. As my life became more reckless and dangerous, my family told me "Something has to be watching you or protecting you." I had started to lose my faith, until one night my mother came to my bedroom and told me, "Please change. Death is following you. I have never seen someone go through so much and live. Please change."

After not praying for years, I laid in bed and prayed "Lord, please send me a sign. Anything. I need help because my luck is running out. For my sake and my families sake, help me, please." So, no sign came. That is, until I started to doze off and awoke in a state that I cannot explain. I could not move, I opened my eyes and above my bed was a light. It was the brightest, most beautiful light I had ever seen. It was pulsating and glowing white. It was so bright it lit my room up. Then, it was gone. I know it was an angel sent from God.—Heather

Angel at the Mall

During a very rough time last week, my daughter and I went to the mall. At the bottom of the escalator a lady approached us and started a conversation. She asked me a lot about where I was from, etc.

Then. she told me that this rough time would pass, and that the girls at school were jealous of my daughter, and that she just needs to hold her head up high and not respond. Wow! How did she know there was a showdown at her school the day before? She also said that my daughter will have her pick of colleges to choose from. (She is a straight-A student since kindergarten and is now in 10th grade.) She also looked deep into my eyes and told me that she knew I had been to hell and back but this will all make me stronger.

Before we left, she said that she sees six angels around my daughter and six around me. We aren't alone. Oh! She also reminded me to keep surrounding myself and my daughter with protection, and that it works! I do, I surround myself and my daughter with the white light every day. How did she know?—Lindy61

What I Believe Must Be an Angel

I was the manager of a radio broadcast station. I worked the morning show in which I had to wake every morning at 3 a.m. to get all my prep together by 5 a.m., which was airtime. The night before, I abruptly woke up at 11:00 pm. I had been sound asleep by 9:30 p.m., yet felt I had to call the radio station urgently. I was initially disoriented, yet driven. I was barking orders to my equally-sound-asleep husband who responded beautifully to my orders. I asked my husband to get on the cell phone and get ready to call 911.

When I called the station, the talent on air informed me that there was a stranger in the studio with a gun. I signaled my husband to call 911 while I asked to speak to the stranger who was highly agitated. I was able to talk to the man who threatened my friend, my staff member, and engaged him until the Sheriff's office arrived and my staff member was saved. There is no other explanation other than an angel informed me of danger and guided me through handling it.—Pjbcww

Sitting in Silence

The other night I came to stay for the Christmas holidays with my dad and brother. My brother sometimes is a person I still don't get along with even though we are adults. He keeps to himself and seems to ignore me most of the time. I feel very sad about this every time I visit my family. He is not nice to my mom at all who lives separate from him and my dad.

On the first night I was here, I held back tears as we ate supper. I played cards with my dad. I could have talked to my dad about it but I didn't know how to put it into words. That night, I cried when I went to bed and in the middle of the night I woke up to see a woman in a black and orange dress sitting beside my bed. She never said anything, just sat in silence. After a while, I fell back to sleep. In the morning I felt refreshed, like I'd been talking with a good friend.—Yhohannah

My Guardian Angel

I was taking my 3-year-old daughter to daycare. I had left the house and traveled two blocks when I came to a major intersection that was being widened. I was the first car at the light, my daughter was in her child seat in the front. The light turned green, as I readied to go through the intersection, loud and clear, I heard the words, "Don't Go." It was so clear that I thought someone was in my backseat.

I checked the rearview mirror, there was no one. At that point, I thought, "Oh, I am holding up traffic" and started to proceed through the intersection when a dump truck full of hot asphalt ran the red light. I was told that if I hadn't delayed, the impact from the dump truck would have killed us. And, if not the crash, the hot asphalt would have burned us to death. I always thought it was my daughter's angel. Years later, I spoke with a psychic. She said the angel was mine and that I had three: one strong woman and two men. The psychic said, you know, "The men that help you do things around here," I thank them a lot. —LINDALOULALA

Invisible Hands

Years ago, I was out with my two good friends and we were walking around in this big shopping center. Over an hour, we hung around the perfume section looking for the right smell, so in the end, we were quite dazed.

Coming out of the main entrance right ahead was a huge crossroads. All the lights were green, but just before the big crossroad, there was a little crossing with no lights. At that moment, just behind a corner, a bus was coming, driving very fast. It was only a split second from when I was taking steps, to the next, when I heard bus sirens. I felt strong hands on my shoulders pulling me back to the pavement. Also, I saw the bus going just inches from my nose passing very fast. My friends were behind me, but none of them could remember grabbing me. They were stunned and admitted that they stood watching when an angel saved me, Thank you, my guardian angel!—Linda

Angels From the Air

I remember when I was very little, I don't remember what age, but my mother and I were on an airplane. I looked out and I saw clouds shaped as Jesus with angels. The angels looked like they were like babies, like Cupid with a diaper-like thing with no shorts. They looked so young. In the middle, I saw Jesus with long hair like I usually see in pictures. I think I only saw his hands, arms, and head. I pointed to my mom and she said it does look like it but didn't really look that much. Occasionally, I ask her if she remembers that day. Sometimes she says, "Yes." Sometimes she says, "No." Sometimes I think I was just dreaming, but somehow I know it's real.—Daryl

Eight Angels

I was in a bad place in my life. I was having terrible problems with my 22-year-old son. I was literally at the end of my rope. One night on my way home I was alone in the car, and I starting praying out loud. "Dear God, please send someone to help me. Let me see angels as a sign. A sign that things will get better. I'm so lost and in such despair. Please send me an angel to help me."

Nothing happened. I was about 5 minutes from my home when I received a text message from my best friend. The message read, "Eight angels have been sent to help you." That was it, the whole message. Confused, I called my best friend and asked her if she had sent it to me. She said she received it about 15 minutes prior (around the time I was praying) from her son who, when questioned, said he never sent it. She saw it and thought to send it to me. After that message, things took an upswing for my son. He is alive and thriving. I know in my heart these angels are with him and me too!—Millie 

I was 5 years old when I encountered an altar church boy about 10 or 11. I entered my bedroom in broad daylight, and he emerged from the wall and levitated across the room, then disappeared. The loose door of a heavy armoire fell to the floor and missed me because when I saw him I just stayed at the door speechless. My mom heard the noise and came running. I was accused of touching the door when I was told not to because of the loose hinges. She did not believe me, and I never repeated this story to anyone.—avantgarde33009

Angels Leave Feathers for Me

Angels in my life are simply divine. Ever since I invited my angels into my daily life, it has changed for the better. I know with the angel's guidance I can make the best decisions for my future. Often the signs I receive are feathers. They come in all shapes sizes and the craziest places.—Karen Borga

Sign of Hope

Feeling very lost, as I was about to fall asleep, I entered into another dimensional place. I was looking down at myself without any emotion. When I looked to my left it slowly started, a light, as it was coming closer, became brighter. Then, the face of an angel, huge, looking right at me and me at him, right into each other's eyes. Then I was back, fully conscious of the experience. I still have deep moments of sadness about my life, and yet I still can't explain what it was like to look an angel in his eyes and him at mine. Maybe it's a sign of hope.—Bostoniangal

Healing Angels

My brother and sister-in-law are going through a difficult divorce. She is trying to jail him through deceptive and untrue acts. My brother awaits trial tomorrow. Being an avid angel believer, I opened my angel inspiration to a random page for guidance. It told me to send angels to three people: one I know well, one I do not know, and one who is misusing their position of power. So, that would be, my brother, the judge, my sister-in-law. I went into meditation to initiate this task. It lifted my spirits, and I will send loving thoughts to all. Asking all for their prayers for a positive outcome for all. Love and light!—Angelized

My Son Saw an Angel

My kids an I were sick one morning and I was so scared. I got on my knees and prayed and I kept calling the name of Jesus. All of a sudden, my 3-year-old son said, "Mama, why you keep calling him, there he goes right there," pointing up to the window. We all felt so much better. He said there was a lady standing there with one hand in the other. It was a great feeling to know someone was watching over us.—Travismn

Angel Story Worked

I was sitting in my office suffering from a terrible cold. I chanced upon this article, and in the story "I Must Have a Male Angel or Guide," the angel asked the man to breathe. I felt someone telling me to do it, too. And, I did the same, and it worked. My cold disappeared. I am not sneezing anymore and I can complete my work now. Angles truly exist. Hopefully someday I will be able to see my angel. Thank you, angel!—Gina.josep

Embraced by Love

One Wednesday night back in the late 1990's, I decided to sing for God under the evening stars. We live in a semi-rural area, so thankfully I wouldn't be waking anyone up. I suggested to God that He may want to have some angels doctor up my lame singing voice as I'm sure He is used to hearing beautiful angel choirs in the heavenly realms!

I sang all of the old hymns to God under the night sky—anything that came to my heart that made me feel closer to Him. While I was singing, I felt a feeling of being surrounded or embraced by love. After I finished, I instinctively looked up at the rooftop of our home and saw a tall glowing figure that was completely surrounded by a warm yellow/white light standing on our roof. I smiled at this being still feeling that sense of love surrounding me. Then this light person flew off of the roof and up toward the stars as I stood watching in shock. I ran inside to excitedly tell my mother. We were both encouraged!—Boldylocks

Angel Experience

My ex-husband was a reiki practitioner and one night he was giving me a treatment for repetitive strain in my shoulders. I was afraid to open my eyes during the treatment because I didn't want to lose my mind's eye view of all the wonderful visitors in our living room. At the same time, I didn't want to discover they were really there! I could see five "people" around the recliner—a Mandarin, a twin boy and girl, a French monk (I don't know why I thought he was French), and a girl dressed in a 1940s trenchcoat. That was weird enough, but when I looked beyond them in my mind's eye, I could see the most beautiful male angel standing at the far end of the room. He had huge white wings which reached right up to the ceiling. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm losing it, but I know what I was experiencing and it was the best encounter ever. The French guy was a bit imposing.—Scotswummin44

Easter Angel

I believe that I saw an angel when I was about 6 or 7 years old. It happened on the night before Easter. I had fallen asleep in my parent's bedroom. I woke up and my mom was sitting on the bed. She told me to go upstairs and to tell my dad to come downstairs, and so I went upstairs to get my dad. As we were both walking towards my parent's bedroom, I saw an angel standing by the bed. She was looking directly at me. She was barefoot, and she didn't have a smile on her face or anything, I can't even remember what her mouth looked like but she had blue eyes and long black curly hair and she was wearing a long-sleeved yellow dress with flowers on it, her dress almost looked like a nightgown, she was glowing and she had almost like a white beam of light around her. As I got closer to her she started to vanish, and once she was completely gone I told my parents that I had just seen an angel. That's the only time I've ever seen her. But I believe that she is my guardian angel.—Taylor

I Must Have a Male Angel or Guide

I had taken myself away to spend a few days on my own as a treat. I had booked a lovely room overlooking the bay. After a hot bath, and half-hour yoga, I sat meditating. This male voice came out of nowhere and shouted, "Breathe!" I was startled and opened my eyes and as I did his voice repeated, "Breathe, you need to breathe." His voice was deep, demanding, and had an urgent undertone to it. I started to cry and I felt like a child when I started answering that I would. It has puzzled me to this day, but it was then that I started breath meditation.—Pennie

Saw a Man Smiling and Watching Us

I am 54. I have a close relationship with our heavenly father. My wife was in the hospital having cancer removed from her body. My daughter and I saw her off as she was being prepared for surgery. I was so scared and in tears trying not to show any sadness. My daughter and I stepped outside and went down the escalator. We were going to go outside to pray again. We have had so many people praying for my wife. As I was going down the escalator I felt something warm, comforting. I happen to look back up the escalator and there stood a man looking at me with this wonderful smile. I looked at my daughter who had already turned the corner, she looked at me, puzzled. I turned my head again to look at this man. He was still there with this wonderful peaceful smile as if he was proud of us. He was wearing a handsome suit. I guess I turned my head, and he was gone. I quickly ran up the other side which was next to me. He was gone. There was nowhere he could have went.—Dave

Angel in My Dream

I believe in angels because I have lots of experiences wherein I know they talk to me. Angels don't only watch and guide they also make you a better person. I was in a bad situation two years ago. I was angry with myself, but I never noticed it. In my dream, there were two men standing on a platform. They called me. I noticed three gray stones in their forehead. I don't know why they had that.

One guy asked me, "Why are you angry with yourself, what is bothering you, why are you punishing yourself," he said. You have everything. You have a nice family, house, people love you, then why don't you love yourself?" His tone was an annoyed tone, I cannot answer because I know he is correct. I just said, "I am terribly sorry," and I cried.

When I woke up, I remembered I was still crying. I felt scared by my experience that time. But it makes me realize that those two guys are correct. I am a happier person now. There are ups and downs in my life but we have to learn to count our blessings.—Mojaru

My Spirit Guide Is an Angel

Recently, I have been experiencing ghostly things in my house and the height of this, I was attacked in the shower. I called a spiritualist to help me. She brought with her two other mediums and they took pictures of my house and talked to me. One of the mediums was also a healer, and he decided that a healing session was needed to help me as it seemed the things that were happening in the house were down to me having a psychic gift. When he was performing this, I was told to bring forward my spirit guide. It soon was obvious that my spirit guide was an angel and not just any angel but the angel Gabriel. I was told this was very important and that my psychic gift was extraordinarily strong.—Sofie

My Angel Put Me to Sleep

As a kid, my parents fought like crazy. One night it got so bad, I locked myself in the room and cried for this to stop. As I clenched my sheets, I felt a hand stroke my hair, and I immediately fell asleep and did not wake up till the next day. Remembering this, the next day, I smiled and felt as though nothing happened the night before. I love my Angel and that's not the only time I've been helped. I feel like they are with me even when I don't deserve them to be.—Sheren

Angel Encounter Programs

I first heard an angel come to my room when I was sober two years. The angel woke me to tell me my job was to help others. Then I found out there is a way to communicate. One way is to ask your angels for directions on how to help yourself and others. We are all angels sent by God to help others, we forget after the age of 2. A group of us on Friday nights talk on the phone and pray for others with their angels to help heal others. It is all free. I clean myself before I help others, like the sign of the cross, only a little differently. I encounter my angels every moment and miracles still happen for those we pray for. God is so good he gives us people to help others and gives our life the true purpose of being here: go for the light. I have four angels since birth. They have saved my life so many times. I love my angels.—Anna Wooten

Angels, the Underemployed 

I was raised Catholic, my mom incorporated angels into our everyday life like to reassure us. For example, thunder is just the angels bowling, and lightning is the angels taking pictures (that one led to a bit of danger as we all wanted to run outside and smile at the heavens during a lightning storm).

As an adult, I left the Catholic Church and the saints and angels to explore other spiritual paths. So I was quite surprised when in my mid-40s, Raphael and Uriel came to me. I'd worked as an intuitive healer for years. When the angels came I was so surprised. I said, "I don't work with angels." Uriel responded, "Nevertheless, we are here."

After a few days, I became used to their presence. Over the next few weeks, they guided me in many ways, including teaching me new healing techniques. They asked me to be a channel for them, which I continue to be. Raphael has been in the passenger seat telling me to slow down or speed up a bit during snow storms in mountain passes. I live with them, joyfully!—Coleen Renee

Little Kid Angel 

When I was little, I was walking with my grandma holding her hand on this trail to the store. Then there was this kid that walked right by me with blond hair and blue eyes. He said, "Hi, Jimmy." Then, kept walking. I just looked back at him, and he never turned back. My grandma did not seem to notice him either.—Jimmy

Angel Alerted Us to Fire

My husband, six children, and my daughter-in-law lived in the same house. But one day, my husband and my younger three sons went and stayed at our new place. My oldest daughter was out that night, my oldest son went to work the night shift. So my daughter-in-law, my granddaughter, and I stayed up watching movies. I asked her if she would sleep in my room just for that night. She did, and in the middle of the night, she woke me up whispering my name cause she said she felt someone open the door very slowly and shut it again very slowly. She was very scared thinking someone broke in. I went real fast to see who it was, but when I went to go look there was smoke all over the house. A fire was starting on my stove. We must have forgotten that we left a pan on the stove. We ran outside. We believe whoever opened the door was an angel who saved our lives. It wasn't our time to go yet. I do believe in angels. My daughter-in-law felt a presence that woke her up, which was the door being opened.—Mari Hernandez

Purple Orbs

Occasionally, I see a number of purple orbs at the corner of my eye or in the corner of the room. I believe these are my guardian angels. Also, whenever my son is ill in bed at night, I see a purple orb and that is my son's guardian angel looking after him and letting me know he is going to be ok. It's very comforting.—Mandy

Angels Exist

In the dead of the night, an angel whispered loud and urgent to me, "I smell smoke." It woke me up and saved my life, my husband's life, and my dog. We lost the house and everything we owned!—Believer

An Angel in Disguise

When I was leaving the grocery store, there was a sweet old lady and she seemed like she had appeared next to me. I was laughing, and when I glanced over at her she had a warm smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile, too. When we were standing outside of the store, she had mumbled, "Now where did I park that car?" Then my mother said, "That makes two of us."

My mother then found her car, and she had mentioned it, too. Then the lady said, "I think I parked my car over there, too. I'll just follow you." So, as my mother and I were walking towards the car, I had turned around to see if the angel was still following us. She had disappeared. I knew this because I had looked from left to right, everywhere she possibly had gone. I just didn't see that smiling face of her's anymore. When we got in the car, I couldn't help myself from smiling, she just made me feel so warm.—SCM

Protective Angels

Three times an angel or angels have intervened and saved my life. And, these are just the times I can account for. Once when I was 9, my brother, cousin, and I were playing in this empty house where the garage had been left partway open. I was attempting to crawl back out when my cousin had found the opener button on the wall and was pressing it, unknowingly crushing me in the process. My young life flashed before my eyes, and then, right to the side of me (my face pressed to the ground), I saw a bright form of feet, legs, and hands. The garage suddenly felt lighter, and I hurried and climbed out from under it just as my cousin sealed the door with him and my brother still inside.—Kim

An Angel Spoke to Me and My Sister

When I was little, I had an imaginary friend who was a lot more real than a pretend one. His name was Michael, and I talked to him often. But that's not the freaky part, my younger sister also had an imaginary friend, and when my parents asked her what the name was, she also said Michael. (And she never heard of my pretend friend.)

I wondered if it was the Angel Michael, protecting my sister and me. Years later, a friend asked a psychic a general question about me. It was nothing to do with angels or anything. One of the first things she said to my friend was, "Tell her that the angel she thinks talked to her as a child, is that angel. And, he's still there, always listening, whenever she wants."—Anne

Angels in Philadelphia

I believe that I saw several angels on several occasions. The first sighting was at a devastating fire in West Philadelphia of a church that once was affiliated with the People's Emergency Center. The building was gutted and there appeared to be about two or three pacing back and forth.

Second, two enormous ones, both young, white rather Raphaelite-styled males, about five building-stories high appeared to be standing on either side of Market Street about one block south of City Hall in 2001. 

My third experience was while riding a SEPTA bus east in 2003 on Spruce Street near Penn. Again, both appeared to be the rather traditional Raphaelite types in their 20s, who stood about 12-feet tall, walking in a pair together. They strode right directly in front of the bus. In each case, my mind was on something entirely unrelated, as were my tasks, to anything except the most mundane activities of walking, bussing, and thinking about personal matters, but there they were!—PrsntLife

How My Life Changed

My mum died in July 2005. I not only lost my mum but my best friend also. We always believed in fortune telling and I had had a very bad experience in her bedroom a few years before she became very ill. I was visited by what I can only explain as an evil spirit. I felt I was being crushed into the bed and could not breathe. My mum witnessed this. The air in the room was icy cold, and she could see her breath. The only way it stopped was when she started saying the Lord's Prayer. I was sore all over my body, especially my neck and shoulders for a few days. After my mum died, I was afraid to try to make contact and I was unhappy, sad, and very lonely. After a year, I was walking past the holistic center where I live and was drawn to angel card readings. I made an appointment. And, how my life has turned around is unbelievable. The lady who gave the reading is not a medium, but my mum came through and was standing on my right side. I felt her presence and I broke down.—Rienne

I had just done the reiki. At night I could not sleep. Around midnight, I felt that I was floating, though I was still in bed. When I opened my eyes, I saw the whole room was filled with white shadows, but I was not scared, and I tried to make out what they were.

Then, I realized they were the angels, which were circling around my room. The feeling was so nice and comfortable that I did not wish the night to end. When I was being attuned for the third master reiki, though my eyes were closed, I felt Jesus beaming on me (I am a Hindu). After the attunement, when I opened my eyes, I saw Jesus as a boy in gold. Surrounding him were angels. Jesus was talking to me saying that I have to heal as many people I can, and I will go a long way in this treatment of people. Every time I do healing, I always call on the angels. When I feel or sense them, I start the treatment. I know that I am always with my angels and a guarding angel. I do get answers from them if necessary. —Tara

Homeless Angel

Driving home from work going through a neighborhood, I saw a homeless man pushing a grocery cart filled with odds and ends. I suddenly felt the need to stop and give him money which was something I did not believe was a good idea. I felt compelled to do just that. He said that he had no shelter to go to but that God always took care of him. I gave him the money and he blessed me.

I turned a corner and felt compelled to go back again. He had disappeared into thin air. He was there in the middle of the street, in the middle of a subdivision, in the middle of a block, and then he was gone—shopping cart and all.

My mom woke up during the night and there was an angel sitting on the end of her bed. She was wearing pale green, had red curly short hair, and had a round rosy face. She held a large open book and spoke not a word but had a sweet smile. My mom smiled back then laid back down and went to sleep. She said she slept like baby. My mom was in her late 80's.—Deborah

Little Orb Angel

I've been in dangerous situations in my life before, and somehow I've come out of it unhurt and safe. I attribute this safety to my angel. Sometimes when my eyes are closed, this one little bright dot appears and blinks, just once. Immediately I say that's my angel and smile. I don't consciously say it, just my instinct. Somehow I know the little orb that blinked is my angel. It sounds strange, but I have the feeling I am not wrong.—Kat

Car Accident

The accident happened around 1979. My girlfriend Donna was driving the car on the Bronx Expressway one evening with another friend and me. We were in the left lane when the car decided to stall. Normally, you would glide over but Donna hit her brake. That is all I remember until someone called my name "Veronica, wake up." I was in the back seat and we were hit from behind. The person pulled me out of the car.

When we got to the hospital I asked for the man that pulled me from the car and the police said no one pulled you out of the car. You woke up and got out yourself. Someone helped me and I believed it was an angel or my guardian angel. I'll never forget that moment.—Veronica M Kniffen

I believe in angels and my mom was one of them. Shortly before she died, she began preparing an amazing "shindig." She wanted to look nice, have great food, and enjoy and celebrate her life. Two days later, she unexpectedly died. Don't tell me she didn't converse with the angels. Don't tell me she wasn't planning her entry into the hereafter with the angels and saints and our God. She had never ever been so happy in our life and she told me so. She brushed off all the materialistic things of this world, told me to get rid of her house, a house she had clung to with tenacity for years.

But now, all she wanted to do was party and celebrate. How fitting for my mama. How fitting of the greatest gift she could have ever given me. I am truly humbled and blessed by this last gift from my mother. When we laid her to her final rest, she had no wrinkles on her face whatsoever. The peace of the Lord was with her and I am forever grateful. It's only been 11 days, but I speak with her daily.—!lola1948

There is no doubt in my mind that angels exist. They are a very active complement to my practice. Years ago, during a choir rehearsal at my old church, I was drawn to the prayer room, in which, was sitting a council of angels. I was told at the time they would be taking an active role in guiding us. Shortly after, the "Times Magazine" featured an article about our beliefs in angels. I asked another choir member to go into the room and he experienced the same wonderful loving experience that brought us both to tears of joy. —Rev.Frederick

Guardian Angels

My two dearest friends of 50 years were each killed in similar head-on collisions 17 months apart, and each occurred two days after the birth of my daughter's children, which convinces me that the timeliness of these two accidents was predetermined so that each baby could have a very special guardian angel.

One friend was my daughter's godmother, and the other was my daughter's namesake. The second child was born five and a half weeks early to coincide with the death of my friend who had been on life support for a week. As soon as the baby arrived, she died two days later.—carolgould

Bright Light in Bedroom

I had a surgery a year ago. One night, I was reading a book about how to communicate with your guardian angel, then I fell asleep.

Around 3:30, I woke up and there was one bright light in my room. I saw a big person dressed in baby blue color. I could not see his or her face. I saw her leg was immense and was near the end of my bed. I got up and began to read Psalm 23 aloud. That was an experience that I will never forget. I never thought I would get to experience something like that. I did not know if it was an angel or a spiritual guide, but it was a blessing.—Oneida Pineda

Angel in Disguise

An old boyfriend broke my heart by leaving one day without explanation. Years later, I received a phone call from his mother, he was dying of brain cancer. She felt seeing me would bring comfort to him. This was a very emotional situation I found myself in.

I decided to visit him and ended up being committed to him in a nurturing way for the rest of his life, which ended up being a year. This time was an emotional roller coaster, and I often felt confused. One day while going to the train station, an old woman dressed in black stopped right in front of me and said, "God loves you, you are doing the right thing," and she walked away.

I quickly turned around and she was nowhere to be found. After my friend passed away, I saw the same woman again, dressed the same way, this time she said, "God loves you and you did the right thing." Angels needn't have wings to bring messages and comfort. Thanks for listening. Peace.—Kathy

  • Why Were Angels Singing to Me?
  • Tales of Real Out of Body Experiences
  • Spirit Wolf
  • Tales Told by Children Remembering Their Past Lives
  • Spirit Orbs in Pictures
  • Answers to Your Smudging Questions
  • An Empath Discovers Healing Abilities
  • Seven Reasons to Learn Transcendental Meditation
  • Past Life Memories of Living in Atlantis
  • Itchy Eyebrows
  • How Do You Pray?
  • Coping Strategies for Scent-Sensitive People
  • Water as a Spiritual Element
  • Manifesting Abundance
  • Top Books About Angels And Spirit Guides
  • Recounts of the Healing Benefits of Sweat Lodge Ceremonies

10 True Stories of Angel Encounters

People from all over the world have reported encounters with mysterious beings. They appear to bring important messages or lend much-needed assistance, then vanish without a trace. Could they be angels or even  guardian angels ?

Some of the most fascinating and uplifting stories of the unexplained are those that people perceive as being  miraculous  in nature. Sometimes they take the form of  answered prayers  or are interpreted as the actions of guardian angels. These remarkable events and encounters lend comfort,  strengthen faith , and even save lives. They almost always seem to happen when they are needed most.

Are they literally from heaven , or are they the result of the  interaction of our consciousness with a profoundly mysterious universe ? However you view them, these real-life experiences are worth our attention.

An Angel's Guiding Hand

Jackie B. believes that her guardian  angel  came to her aid on two occasions to help her avoid serious injury. According to her testimony, she actually physically felt and heard this protective force. Both encounters happened when she was a child of kindergarten age.

The first experience took place at a popular sledding hill, where Jackie was enjoying the day with her family. The young girl decided to try sledding down the steepest part of the hill. She closed her eyes and started down.

"I apparently hit someone going down and I was spinning out of control. I was heading for the metal guardrail. I didn't know what to do," says Jackie. "I suddenly felt something push my chest down. I came within less than a half inch of the rail but didn't hit it. I could have lost my nose."

Jackie's second experience occurred during her birthday celebration at school. She had run across the playground to place her crown on a bench. While running back to her friends, three boys tripped her.

The playground was filled with metal objects and wood chips. Jackie went flying, and something hit her just below the eye.

"But I felt something pull me back when I fell," Jackie says. "The teachers said that they saw me sort of fly forward then fly back at the same time. As they hurried me to the nurse's office, I heard an unfamiliar voice keep telling me, 'Don't worry. I'm here. God doesn't want anything to happen to his baby.'"

The Reading Angel

It's remarkable how many stories of angels come out of  hospital experiences . It may not be so hard to understand why when we remind ourselves that they are places of sharply focused emotions, prayers , and hope.

Reader DBayLorBaby entered the hospital in 1994 with acute pain from "a fibroid tumor the size of a grapefruit" in her uterus. The surgery was successful but more complicated than expected, and her troubles weren't over.

DBayLorBaby recalls that she was in horrible pain. She had an allergic reaction to the morphine she was given, and the doctors tried to counteract it with other medications. This made a bad experience even worse. She had just had a major surgery, and now she was dealing with the pain of an acute drug reaction.

After receiving more pain medication, she was able to sleep for a few hours. "I awoke in the middle of the night. According to the wall clock, it was 2:45. I heard someone speaking and realized someone was at my bedside," she says. "It was a young woman with short brown hair and wearing a white hospital staff uniform. She was sitting and reading aloud from the Bible. I said to her, 'Am I alright? Why are you here with me?'"

The woman visiting DBayLorBaby stopped reading but did not look up. "She simply said, 'I was sent here to make sure you'd be alright. You are going to be fine. Now you should get some rest and go back to sleep.' She began to read again and I drifted off back to sleep."

The next morning, she explained the experience to her doctor, who checked and said that no staff had visited her overnight. She asked all of the nurses and no one knew of this visitor.

"To this day," she says, "I believe that I was visited by my guardian angel that night. She was sent to comfort me and assure me that I would be okay. Coincidentally, the time on the clock that night, 2:45 a.m., is the exact time recorded on my birth certificate that I was born!"

Rescued From Hopelessness

Perhaps more painful than any  injury or illness is the feeling of utter hopelessness—the despair of the soul that leads one to thoughts of suicide.

Dean S. experienced this pain as he was going through a divorce at the age of 26. The thought of being apart from his two young daughters was almost more than he could bear. But on one night of stormy darkness, Dean was given renewed hope.

At the time, he was working as a derrickman on a drill rig. That night, he was having serious thoughts of taking his life as he looked down from the 128-foot derrick.

"My family and I have strong beliefs in Jesus, but it was hard not to contemplate suicide," recalls Dean. "In the worst thunderstorm I'd ever seen, I climbed the derrick to take my position to pull pipe out of the hole we were drilling."

His co-workers urged him not to climb the derrick, saying they'd rather have downtime than risk someone's life. Dean ignored this and began to climb.

"Lightning flashed all around me, thunder boomed. I cried to God to take me. If I couldn't have my family, I didn't want to live ... but I couldn't take my own life in suicide. God spared me. I don't know how I survived that night, but I did.

"A couple of weeks later, I bought a small Bible and traveled to the Peace River Hills, where my family has lived for so long. I sat down on top of one of the green hills and started to read. I had such a warm feeling enter into me as the sun parted through the clouds and shone on me. It was raining all around me, but I was dry and warm in my small spot on top of that hill."

Dean says that these moments changed his life for the better. He met his new wife and fell in love. They started a family together that includes his two daughters. He says, "Thank you, Lord Jesus and the angels you sent that day to touch my soul!"

Life Information From an Angel

Some people believe that before we are born, when our consciousness or spirit resides in that unknown place, we are given information about the life we are about to be born into. Some say we even choose our life.

Not many people can claim that they remember this pre-birth existence, but Gary says he does. In fact, even in his middle-aged years, Gary says he can recall some details of a conversation he had with an angel before he was born.

"I was bodiless, but aware that I was in an area that was darkened, and I was alone except for the entity that was speaking to me," he says. "I was at the bottom of a stairway-type structure and was looking up the stairs, but not seeing the one speaking to me. I was very warm and comfortable, but aware and feeling trepidation of what I was about to embark on.

"This entity was speaking to me and giving me a brief description of how my life would be. I asked for more information, but it was refused. I was basically told that my life would not be a hard life, but would lack any luxuries and that I would experience great difficulties at a relatively early age. It seems there were a few other small details, but I no longer can remember it quite as clearly as I once did when I was younger.

"It appears the information was correct as I'm now disabled and in poor health."

The Angel Nurse

In 1998, Luke was diagnosed with bone cancer at the tender age of eight. As sometimes happens, he came down with an infection, which meant he had to go to the hospital. He was there for about two weeks, and that's when something remarkable happened.

One evening, Luke's mother was sitting at his bedside quietly praying as he slept. A nurse came into the room to check Luke's temperature, but his mother noted something rather peculiar about her.

The nurse was wearing an old-fashioned uniform of the type that would have been common 30 years earlier, in the 1960s. The nurse noticed that Luke's mother had a Bible by the side of his bed. She said that she was a Christian, too, and said she would pray for Luke's healing.

Luke's family had never seen this odd nurse before, and they never saw her again in Luke's remaining time at the hospital.

"I came out of the hospital fully healed of my infection," says Luke, who was 19 when he told his story. Remarkably, he is now completely free of cancer.

"My mom believes this nurse could have been a guardian angel coming down to give my mom some hope," Luke says. "If she wasn't an angel, why would she be wearing 1960s old-fashioned nurse clothing?"

Beautiful, Strange UFO ... or Angel

Some researchers think there might be a connection between UFOs and angel sightings. They say the angels and heavenly figures encountered in the Bible might actually have been extraterrestrials.

After his experience in the 1980s with "the most beautiful thing" he ever saw, Lewis L. might agree with that assessment.

It was a Saturday morning in Mariposa, California, and Lewis had to work that day. The air was fresh from a cool rain the night before, and the morning sky was bright with a few scattered clouds.

"I was heading out to my car in the back parking lot of the apartment complex where I lived when I noticed someone kneeling next to my car," Lewis says. "This person saw me and quickly stood up holding a crowbar."

The young man was quite obviously startled by Lewis's interruption, and although Lewis sensed the boy was up to no good, it hadn't yet hit him what he was doing. Then Lewis looked through the passenger window of his car and saw that the steering wheel column had been stripped of its cover. He realized that the young man was trying to steal his car.

"I asked him what the hell he was doing," Lewis recalls. "He gave me a lame story about his friend's car being stolen last night and that my car looked like his friend's and so on. I didn't want to hear it. I told him I was going to call the police, which I did on my cell phone."

Lewis dialed 911 and gave the dispatcher the address. He told the would-be thief that the police were on their way and warned him not to leave. The boy said he would wait for the police, but Lewis could tell he was just waiting for the right moment to make a run for it.

"If he did, I wasn't going to try to stop him because his adrenaline was pumping and he had that crowbar," Lewis says.

As Lewis was grilling the young man, trying to detain him, he began to notice three rather large clouds in a single-file formation that were almost overhead.

"Then I saw it," he says. "A shiny object exiting from the first cloud and entering the next and then coming out of that one. It was shiny, like brightly polished chrome, and moving at a good speed. I couldn't make out the shape."

By this time, Lewis was so distracted by the UFO that the punk saw his chance and took off. That's when the object entered the last cloud. From there it was nothing but open sky. "When it emerged, my life changed," Lewis says.

"There against the richness of the blue sky was a silvery shape that seemed to have arms and legs! It was so beautiful to look at. At the same time, it had the appearance of metal. It looked like some kind of ship with a strange design. The best way I can describe it is it looked like silverware in the design of the stickman children draw. It was huge, moving fast and made no noise.

"As it sailed overhead, some of the limbs would move up and down, giving the impression of being alive - a living entity! It made a couple of rolls, reflecting the sun in every direction - just beautiful ... oh my god,  beautiful!

"As it started to fade away from my view, I found myself short of breath and with tears running down my cheeks. It had that much of an effect on me. I began thinking maybe that's what an angel looks like. Maybe not!"

Angel Money

There are many stories of people receiving much-needed  money from mysterious, unknown sources . Ellie has such a story that she recalls from the summer of January 1994, when she was living in Melbourne, Australia.

It was late afternoon and Ellie was outside gathering the family laundry from the clothesline. There was a sudden, small willy-willy—an Australian term for a swirling wind funnel of dust and leaves.

"As it raced past me, I saw something blue whirling in the middle of the dust and leaves and managed to grab hold of it," she says. "I was surprised and very pleased to see it was a $10 note!"

A few days later, Ellie was at the back of the yard checking on her garden tomatoes when she spotted something lying in the grass. She was astonished to find it was a $20 note. Not long afterward, in another part of the garden, she found a $5 note and yet another $20 note nestled among the leaves of the daylilies.

"By this time I'd told my family of the 'angel money'," she tells us. "None of them had put money there, not with the possibility of it blowing away in the often high winds of summer. All was quiet for a few days, then one of my sons came in with an ear-to-ear grin and a $20 note that he had just found on top of the compost heap!"

Most of us would say this was not "angel money" at all, but money that someone had lost that had simply blown into Ellie's yard. But Ellie's not quite convinced of that explanation. That's because a week or so later, she had another amazing find—this time  in  her house.

"I was cleaning out under the bed and pulled out a pair of slippers, and there nestling in the toe of one, like a little grace note, was a 50-cent coin!"

Pushed to Safety by an Angel

Back in 1980, Deb was a single mother with two infants living in San Bernardino County, California. She occasionally needed reliable babysitters.

Fortunately, her parents lived only about 30 miles away in Alta Loma. Deb would usually drop off the children at her parents' house, go do what she needed to do, then pick them up in the evening.

One night, Deb had retrieved her babies from her parents' place and was heading home. It was relatively late, about 11:30 p.m. Deb was driving her "old clunker." Among the car's many deficiencies, the gas gauge was broken, requiring her to guess when the old thing needed fuel. Occasionally, her guessing was off.

"Halfway home, the car started to putter," Deb remembers, "and I realized I was on empty. I pulled off the first off ramp I could, and it just happened to be one that was slightly uphill. Almost at the top of the exit, my car died and there was absolutely nothing around except empty fields and distant lights at a truck stop about a quarter of a mile down the road.

With no cars in sight, Deb didn't know what to do. The kids were asleep and walking miles while carrying two kids in the middle of the night was not a good option. This was before cell phones, so she could not call for help.

"I put my head on the steering wheel while saying a short and panicky prayer," she says. "I hadn't even finished when I heard a few taps on my window."

When she looked up, she saw a clean-cut young man standing there, who Deb estimated to be about 21 years old. He motioned for her to roll down her window. "I remember I was surprised," Deb says, "but I wasn't even the slightest bit afraid, even though I normally would have been terrified."

The young man was dressed well and had a faint smell of soap. He didn't ask if she needed help. Instead, he told her to put the car in neutral and he would help her over that last, small hill toward a place where she could get gas.

"I thanked him and followed his instructions. The car started moving. I steered it toward the lights of the truck stop and turned around to yell 'thank you' again to him," Deb says.

"He was so nice! My car kept moving, but the young man was nowhere in sight. I mean, this area was completely remote. There was absolutely nowhere he could have gone that quickly, even if there was somewhere to go. I don't even know where he came from to begin with."

Deb's car continued to roll down the hill until it reached the truck stop. She was able to get the gas she needed, and the kids remained sound asleep.

"I've always trusted in God to take care of us, but in relating that story many times to my children, who are now 30 and 32, they know for a fact that angels do exist and are sent to us if we just believe.

"I always thought it was so amazing that we were sent someone who I would trust instinctively without question. Since that incident, I've come to believe that we probably encounter angels all the time, and take for granted who they really are. I think they come in all shapes and sizes, young and old ... and sometimes when we least expect them."

The Accident Warnings

Is our future predestined, and is this how psychics and prophets can see the future? Or is the future only a set of possibilities, a path that can be altered by our actions?

A reader with the username Hfen writes about how she received two separate and remarkable warnings about a possible incident in the future. They may have saved her life.

One night, at about four in the morning, Hfen's sister called her. Her voice was trembling and she was nearly crying. Since her sister lived across the country and it was so early, Hfen was obviously worried.

"She told me she had a vision of me being in a car accident. She didn't say whether or not I was killed in it, but the sound of her voice made me think she did believe this but was afraid to tell me," Hfen writes. "She told me to pray and she said she would pray for me. She told me to be careful, to take another route to work -- anything I could do. I told her I believed her and would call our mother and ask her to pray with us."

When Hfen left for work, she was "terrified but strengthened in the spirit." She worked at a hospital and had patients to attend to. As she was leaving a room, she was called over by a gentleman in a wheelchair.

"I went to him expecting that he had a complaint against the hospital. He told me God had given him a message that I would be in a car accident! He said someone not paying attention would hit me. I was so shocked I almost fainted. He said he would pray for me and that God loved me.

"I felt weak in the knees as I left the hospital. I drove like a little old lady as I observed every intersection, stop sign, and stop light. When I got home, I called my mom and sister and told them I was fine."

The Flight Papers

A saved relationship can be just as important as a saved life. A reader calling herself Smigenk relates how a little "miracle" might have rescued her troubled marriage.

At the time, she was making every effort to mend her rocky relationship with her husband. She had planned a long, romantic weekend in Bermuda. When things started to go wrong, it seemed her plans were ruined ... until "fate" intervened.

Smigenk's husband was reluctant to go on the trip. When they arrived in Philadelphia, they were notified that weather was causing planes to back up, so they were stuck in a holding pattern for some time.

By the time they landed, their flight to Bermuda was boarding. As many passengers have experienced, it was a mad dash to the next gate. They were devastated to find that the gate door was just closing when they arrived. The attendant told them that they could get to Bermuda, but it would require two more connecting flights and an additional 10 hours.

"My husband said, 'That's it. I'm not putting up with this anymore,' and started to walk out of the area and—I just knew—out of the marriage. I was truly devastated," recalls Smigenk.

"As my husband was walking away, the attendant saw on the counter (and I swear it had not been there when we checked in) a packet. She was obviously upset that it was still there. It turned out to be the landing papers packet that the pilot  must  have on board to land in a different country.

"She quickly called the plane to return. The plane had been on the runway ready to start powering up the engines. It returned to the gate for the papers and they allowed us (and others) to get on."

Smignek says that the time with her husband in Bermuda was wonderful. They were able to work out the problems they were having and stay together. Though they have been through tough times since then, they always remember that moment at the airport.

"I felt as if my world had collapsed and was given a miracle that helped us keep a marriage and a family together."

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  • Learn of the Rare Times When Money Literally Fell from Heaven
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visits from angels

How Do You Know A Guardian Angel Has Visited You? 10 Signs

B elieving in Guardian Angels is an important first step in  opening your heart and soul to spiritual progression.  Embark on a divine journey with us and find out what the signs you’ve been visited by your Guardian Angel are.

10 Signs to confirm a Guardian Angel has visited you

Knowing the spirits want to connect on a deeper level with you is a positive sign and will most likely lead you to fulfilling discoveries. Here are our 10 confirmation indicators.

1) Repeating number sequences

Do you constantly see the same number sequences over and over? If any particular digits stand out and ring a bell, know that the higher powers are trying to grab your attention. They require your attention to communicate their future plans for you. Their dream is to guide you forward and make you the best version of yourself.

- Discover the  Angel numbers and mirror hours  here in our guide. -

2) Seeing white feathers

Finding a white feather along your path is a strong sign of angelic presence. White feathers are reminders that you are loved, cared for and protected. Finding feathers in odd places acts as validation and a blessing from your protectors when you are feeling lost. It’s a way for them to guide you to your destiny.

- Check out the  types of feathers and their meanings  here. -

3) Sweet odors

If you begin to notice sweet scents out of nowhere, know that you are accompanied by your Guardian Angel. If you remark lovely odors but can’t identify the origin, this is a strong sign. Delicious food, gorgeous flowers or even sweet perfume are techniques your spirit guides us to grab your attention.

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4) You dream of being visited

Dreaming of your Angel visiting you to communicate a message isn’t completely out of sorts. The higher powers want you to feel safe and supported, meaning they will often come to you at your most vulnerable moments.  

Their reassuring presence should act as some comfort to you, especially in times of need.

5) Noticing colorful orbs

Have you recently taken a photo and observed a bright light or colorful orb that wasn’t visible to the naked eye?  Orbs are said to transport Guardian Angels to their destinations  and help deliver a message of company.

- Get the answer to what is my Angel number here with our calculator -

6) Instant warmth

A rapid sensation of warmth and energy is a sign your Angels are surrounding you. Our protectors are very high energy creatures,  which means their presence never goes unnoticed. Their inexplicable warmth will make you feel cozy and safe.

7) Babies and pets seeing things

As such innocent beings, babies, and pets often notice spiritual beings that adults miss. If you have seen your baby or pet  staring and smiling at the ceiling, for example, the chances are your house has received a special visit.

8) Seeing Angels in clouds

Laying back and making shapes out of clouds may seem insignificant, however if you spot clouds in the form of Angels, know that these heavenly bodies are reaching out to you. 

Even observing heart shaped clouds could be a sign that you are being called!

9) Hearing unfamiliar voices

Hearing soft whispers when you are least expecting them is also a sign you’ve been visited by your Guardian Angels. Having your Angels speak to you is a beautiful sign of their existence and guidance along your life path.

10) Angelic music

If you suddenly start hearing angelic type music on the radio,  open your heart to the spiritual vibes. Sending messages through music is a common way for your protectors to get your attention and send their feelings.

- Learn how to carry out your own astral projection here, and check out  angel tattoo inspiration  -

Astrologist Susan Taylor's insights:

'Welcoming your Angel into your life and communicating with them will open you up to a world of possibilities. Having their guidance is invaluable and will lead you to making better decisions!'

5 Signs that Angels are in your house

Believing in the presence of angels in your home is often a matter of spirituality and personal intuition. Here are some signs that could be interpreted as indications of the presence of angels in your home, according to certain beliefs:

  • 1) Twinkling lights:  Unusually flickering lights, flashes of light, or unusual reflections could suggest the presence of angels.
  • 2) Moved objects:  Objects that seem to be moved without obvious explanation could be perceived as angelic actions.
  • 3) Sensation of peace and comfort:  If you feel an inexplicable sense of peace, comfort, or well-being in your home.

4) Soothing energy:  If you feel soothing energy or a sensation of warmth in certain parts of your home.

  • 5) Insight and inspirational thoughts:  If you suddenly receive inspiring ideas, positive intuitions, or encouraging thoughts.

Why do Guardian Angels come to us?

According to these beliefs, a guardian angel is a celestial entity assigned to each individual to protect, guide and accompany them throughout their life. If you believe in the presence of a guardian angel, it could be said that this entity may visit you or send you signs for several reasons:

  • Protection and guidance:  The guardian angel could intervene to protect you from danger or to guide you towards positive, beneficial choices in your life.
  • Emotional support:  Moments of emotional difficulty or crisis could be accompanied by a comforting presence perceived as that of your guardian angel.
  • Spiritual alignment: Your guardian angel may remind you to stay connected to your spirituality and core values.
  • Confirmation:  Visits from guardian angels may be perceived as confirmation that you're on the right track, or as validation of your decisions.
  • Manifestation: Some believe that guardian angels can help you manifest your intentions by sending you signs and synchronicities.
  • Support in important moments:  Your guardian angel may be more present during major events in your life, such as moments of important decision-making, major changes, or transitions.
  • Loving presence: In moments of loneliness or distress, the idea of a guardian angel's presence can bring comfort by making you feel you're not alone.

What does it feel like when an angel touches you?

The angelic energy is so powerful that when our guides visit us, we can feel their albeit invisible presence on our bodies. Typically, when an angel touches us,  we feel a calming sensation of warmth that will pierce through layers of etheric energy in order to manifest . Likewise, the presence of an angel may manifest as a slight  tingling sensation on the surface of your skin. This is due to your vibration starting to increase when you are in the presence of an angel. Although this can be a little uncomfortable, it is a positive feeling.

I saw an angel in my room, what should I do?

If you meet an angel in a personal experience, it can be a meaningful spiritual experience for you. What you choose to do in this situation depends on your personal beliefs and life experience. Some people may choose to pray, meditate, or reflect on the meaning of their experience. Others may seek to talk about it with friends or members of their faith community for support and guidance. Whatever you choose to do, it is important to respect your own personal experience and not let the opinions or beliefs of others dictate how you should respond.

Warning signs from angels

One of the easiest ways for our guardian angels to communicate with us is through a dream. We are usually more open to spiritual messages when the human ego is asleep. Dreaming of an event before it happens - like a car accident or having a strong premonition that something "bad" is about to happen can be disturbing, even frightening.  This is another common early warning sign of a guardian angel. Go "inside" and ask questions, seek clarification of your feelings, and then take action. The purpose of dreams and premonitions is to help you organize your thoughts and feelings, and then decide what to do.

More content:

  • Daily horoscope 
  • Use our Rising sign calculator
  • Discover the prayers to thank your Guardian Angel
  • How to communicate with your Angels .

How Do You Know A Guardian Angel Has Visited You? 10 Signs

The Meaning of a Red Cardinal & It’s Spiritual Significance

visits from angels

Cardinals capture your attention with their bright feathers and energetic personalities. If you keep seeing cardinals everywhere or have a special encounter with a cardinal, you may wonder if there is a deeper spiritual message. So, what does it mean if a cardinal visits you? 

Cardinals represent luck, manifestation, devotion, setting boundaries, loyalty, and domestic harmony. They can show up as messengers to give you encouragement to keep pushing towards your goal, or to give you comfort after the loss of a loved one. It can be a sign of good luck to see cardinals frequently. 

Depending on the context of seeing a cardinal, there may be a powerful hidden spiritual message that is being sent to you by this visitation. By paying attention to your emotions and other synchronistic messages happening at the same time, you can decipher the unique message that is being sent to you. 

This article will go over the most common visitations of a cardinal and the meanings behind these encounters. 

The Spiritual Meaning of a Cardinal

Cardinals are most commonly associated with their bright red plumage and mohawk like head. This bright red coat is the first thing that people notice about the bird, giving an impression of importance and strength. 

Red cardinals spiritually represent energies that reside in the first three chakras, the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar plexus chakra. These energies are related to domestic matters, relationships, health concerns, emotional expression, and manifestation. 

The cardinal is a powerful bird that knows its placed in life and will defend its territory in an aggressive way. While this can sometimes be seen as negative, this behavior can teach us a powerful lesson at setting boundaries and taking ownership over our own energetic space. 

A big lesson that cardinals are here to show you is how to feel more comfortable , secure , and have a strong sense of belonging in your own reality and your unique circle of life vortexing around you. 

It is widely believed that when cardinals show up they bring with them luck and abundance . This is related to the red bird stimulating energy in your root chakra and the manifesting center allows you to bring things into your reality that are in a higher alignment to your true self. They show you what you deserve to have in life. Abundance may flow more seamlessly into your life when a cardinal is nearby. 

Cardinals are birds that mate for life and their relationship has often been a metaphor for the unconditional love that we are all searching for in a partnership. This goes beyond the love of a relationship and stretches to include the unconditional love of the universe and the Divine connection that we all have. 

Due to the strong attachment that cardinals have to their mate, they represent loyalty and deep devotion . The presence of cardinals can deepen your devotion that you have to a partner, or to yourself. They can show up as a positive omen for finding your soul mate or twin flame. 

What Does It Mean When a Red Cardinal Visits You? 

meaning of a red cardinal: it's spiritual significance

Many people report being visited by a cardinal in a synchronistic way. They just “know” that there is a spiritual message behind a red cardinal visitation. So, what does it mean if you are visited by a red cardinal? 

Being visited by a red cardinal draws your attention to your physical and spiritual alignment, and to give you the clarity you need to see your higher purpose or truth. They are often referred to as “messengers of heaven” because of the strong spiritual activation that people experience when they are nearby. 

A red cardinal can also be a sign that you are being contacted by your angels, spirit guides, or a loved one that has passed on. They are strongly influenced by the energetic flow of the spiritual realm and can show up precisely when we need spiritual guidance and comfort the most. 

What Does it Mean If a Red Cardinal Keeps Showing up? 

If a cardinal keeps showing up in your life, pay attention to the thoughts that you are having as you see them. They may reveal a pattern in your energetic programming that you are processing on a subconscious level. 

Specifically, the red cardinal can show up frequently when you are learning the lessons of love, devotion, and commitment to a spiritual purpose or destiny. They help you strengthen your faith, and give you a sense of belonging that you need in order to feel secure in your environment. 

Just as cardinals are devoted to their mate, they also show up to you again and again to teach you this power of love and devotion, and to let you know that you are not alone. This can be a deeply comforting message to those who have experienced trauma in their past, a deep rejection, or are processing grief after a separation. 

The Meaning of a Red Cardinal In Your Yard

Red cardinals are intelligent birds, and are known for outsmarting the other birds when it comes to food competition. They visit bird feeders in yards before all the other birds have arrived, or after they all have left. They are talented at finding windows of opportunity and taking advantage of them. 

Finding a red cardinal in your yard represents windows of opportunity that are available to you if you take action and follow your heart. They teach you how to live life on your own timeline so that you can take advantage of your gifts that are uniquely special to you . 

They show you that your inner wisdom gives you all the tools you need to achieve success. They can also appear in your yard as a sign of luck and abundance. 

If you want to draw red cardinals to your yard check out this article or the video below which gives you great tips on what seeds and feeders to use to attract them. 

Meaning of a Red Cardinal Near Your Home

Related to being near your yard, you might spot red cardinals frequently near and around your home. They may be near doorways, in bushes, or hopping around the border of your home. Sometimes they can even try to get inside the home. 

Red cardinals around the home stimulate energy in the root chakra where your domestic energy sits. Their red color is the same color as the root/1st chakra, enhancing its powerful vibration. The base chakra energies bring up emotions and beliefs around loyalty and a sense of belonging. 

They may be showing up at your doorstep to show you the power of loyalty and how it can increase your ability to trust yourself and others . If you have experienced disloyalty for loved ones, they may show up to let you know that loyalty is the greatest gift and that you deserve it from the intimate people in your life. 

If you feel lost or that you feel like you don’t feel that you belong in the life you are living, cardinals around your home can help you feel more grounded and aligned in your reality . They can help give you clarity regarding what you need to get rid of or bring into your life in order to feel like you belong. 

The Meaning Of a Red Cardinal At Your Window

One of the most common sightings of a red cardinal near the home is at the widow. Many people report red cardinal pecking or scratching aggressively at windows. This is a behavior that cardinals can do if they see their reflection and confuse it with another bird in their territory. But there is also a spiritual message that is being communicated when this happens. 

Cardinals appearing at your windows is a spiritual message about the importance of setting energetic boundaries. If you are an empath, this is especially important. The red cardinal can let you know the power of the word “no” or to strengthen your aura to keep other people’s energy out of your space. 

The home represents your own energetic space and your strongest self-expression. The windows are like the windows of your soul and can be a weak point in our energy field if we have too porous of an energetic field. A red cardinal points out the weak areas and invites you to take back your own power and authority over your life. 

Ending toxic relationships, not committing to projects that you aren’t in alignment with, and treating your time like it is the most valuable asset that you have are all ways to strengthen your energetic boundaries.  

Here is a video of a cardinal that is stubbornly hitting a window that visits every day. 

The Meaning of a Red Cardinal Crossing Your Path

Red cardinals are low fliers, preferring to be near the ground rather than up high. Because of this, many people report red cardinal flying right in front of them as they are walking. So, what does it mean if a red cardinal crosses your path? 

Cardinals crossing your path is a sign of manifestation and taking action towards your goal. The red flash that stops you in your tracks is a sign of the power that your actions have to change the course of your reality. The cardinal is sent to give you inspiration and empower you to create a reality that is in alignment with your dreams. 

The color red is associated with action, power, forward movement, and the physical manifestation of our ideas and dreams. It is strongly associated with the physical realm as the vibration that carries our hopes and dreams to their final destination. 

To learn more about the color red and the power it has on your manifesting potential, check out this article here that I wrote about the power of this dynamic color on your life: The Spiritual Meaning of the Color Red

A Red Cardinal As Your Spirit Animal, Power Animal, Animal Spirit Guide, Animal Totem

If you keep seeing red cardinals everywhere or feel that you have a unique spiritual connection to this bird, it is likely that a cardinal is your spirit animal, power animal, or animal spirit guide. Cardinal can show up as your animal spirit guide to help you move through challenging life lessons or to give you strength and direction to keep moving towards your life’s purpose. 

Red birds are connected to the direction North, which in shamanism or Native American tradition is seen as a connection to the home. They remind you to listen to your inner voice, and that will always guide you home. Your own inner wisdom is your North star. 

You may be in a period of time where you are wanting to strengthen your sense of belonging, inner voice, and feel as though your presence on this earth can make a positive difference for the greater good. You might be in a period of aligning with a more dynamic existence in this lifetime. You feel as though there is a greater purpose to your life than what you have been living. 

In Native American tradition, cardinals are linked to the number 12, which is related to the 12 months, 12 zodiac signs. 12 is the number of completion, integration, accomplishment, and wholeness. It is the number that represents your dreams being manifested into this reality. 

A cardinal can show up as your spirit guide when you are syncing up to your divine timeline that allows your manifestations to come into this reality at a quicker pace. A cardinal as your spirit guide is a sign that you are a master-manifestor. 

To learn more about how to connect to the cardinal animal spirit guide, you can check out this complete guide and in-depth article that I wrote about the cardinal as your spirit animal or animal spirit guide here: A Cardinal As Your Animal Spirit Guide .

A Cardinal As a Sign From Heaven

Birds are connected to the spiritual realm, often serving as a gateway for messages to be received from the spiritual realm to the earth realm. They are sensitive to the energetic flow around them and can appear as a message or sign from the heavens. 

Cardinals have a unique tie to the heavens, being linked to the red cardinal of the catholic church that represents cosmic law and order and tradition. They can show up as messagers to trust, have faith, and encourage you to keep moving forward even when things appear to be challenging. 

They represent deep devotion to your spiritual beliefs and let you know that there is a great purpose for everything happening in your life. Specifically, during times of grief, they can appear as messages from your soul group from the heavenly realm to let you know that you are not alone. 

A Cardinal As a Sign From an Angel

Red cardinals have a unique connection to your angels, and can appear when your angels are giving your guidance or letting you know you are protected. Specifically, when cardinals appear around your home, they represent that you are being watched over. 

If cardinals appear just as the same number also appears, such as 12:12, 11:11, 2:22, or 3:33, this is usually a sign that your angel is sending you a message. Pay attention to the synchronicities happening around the visitation of a cardinal to interpret the messages from your angels. 

A Cardinal Appearing After the Loss of a Loved One

Perhaps the most common belief of cardinals is their connection to the deceased. They characteristically show up in people’s lives after they have lost someone very close to them. As cardinals are tapped into your soul group, deceased loved ones can send messages through the energetic flow of cardinals. 

The message is to give you comfort and to let you know that they finally made it home . As cardinals represent the number 12, the direction North, and the root chakra, these all symbolically represent wholeness, completion, and finally being “home.”

They give you strength, letting you know that there is no need to worry, as they will be there waiting for you to be reunited once again. 

The Cardinal Meaning Death

Similar to being connected to loved ones that have passed, cardinals can be seen near the energy of “death,” showing up at funerals, in cemeteries, and during the winter when we are in the phase of “endings.” 

Cardinals are year-round creatures, celebrating the entire cycle of life from birth to death. They bring awareness to all phases of life, showing up in periods of birth and death. In this way, they represent evolution and transformation that happens during a complete cycle of life. 

Cardinals show up to let you know that death should not be feared, that it is just another stage in the cycle of life that should be honored and celebrated. For as much as they represent birth and manifestation, they also show you the importance of not being overly attached to the earthly realm. Everything that we create must die eventually, so it can be reborn and evolved into a higher state of being. 

The link between cardinals and death represents soul-aligned creation that can evolve without the materialistic ties that hinder your growth. 

Other Related Cardinal Spiritual Symbolism

spiritual meaning of a cardinal: other types of cardinal color meanings

This article has mostly been about the red cardinal, as that is the most commonly seen type of cardinal. However, there are many types of cardinals that have different colors and spiritual meanings. 

In addition, there are other elements of the cardinal that can have a spiritual meaning or message for you, such as the feathers, chirping, or time of year that it shows up. 

The Meaning of Different Types of Cardinals

The meaning of finding a cardinal feather.

Feathers are linked to the spirit realm and the element of air. They represent thoughts, mental pursuits, and messages from the heavenly realm. They can show up as messages from angels, or to represent powerful spiritual ideas that you should take action on. 

Red cardinal feathers can, in particular, draw your attention to your astral energies and dreams. If you find a red cardinal feather, it may be enlightening to think back to a recent dream you had and see if it is relevant in a spiritual discovery that you made today. Information you received from a dream may be relevant to your life right now. 

The Meaning of a Cardinal Chirping

Cardinals can be recognized not only for their bright red feathers but also for their loud and whimsical whistles. But the uniqueness of a cardinal chirping doesn’t come from its sound; it comes from the fact that females join in on the chirping with the males. This is not common in the sphere of bird behaviors. 

If you hear cardinals chirping or whistling and feel spiritually activated, this is a sign to pay attention to the deep emotional and feminine energies in your life, specifically your intuition. Your intuition can give you a clear path forward to giving momentum and power to the masculine energies of manifestation and creation in a soul-aligned way. 

A Cardinal At Christmas Meaning

A bird that commonly shows up during the winter and close to the holiday Christmas is a red cardinal. Why is this? Is there a spiritual meaning? 

Cardinals are year-round birds, meaning that they do not migrate south for the winter like other birds. Because of this, their bright red feathers show up with my contrast and dynamic effect in against the white of the snow. 

They are often seen as Christmas birds because of this. You can find them in evergreen trees and playing in the snow while we are all opening gifts and spending time with family. 

Red cardinals during the winter and in the season of Christmas represent new beginnings after the year is drawing to completion, new opportunities, renewed home, domestic harmony, and deep soul ties to the family.  

The Meaning of a Cardinal in a Dream

For being a bird that is imbued in the color red and has strong ties with the physical realm, it is also strongly connected with intuition, subconscious energies, and your astral body. Because of this, red cardinals can show up in dreams and visions. 

Red cardinals in dreams often give you information about your relationship and how they are impacting your life. Specifically around loyalty, boundaries, devotion, and unconditional love. If you have a negative red cardinal dream, it can mean that someone is lying to you or is being unloyal. If you have a positive cardinal dream, it can be a sign of a new relationship or a new layer of trust that is developing between you and a loved one. 

Red cardinals can also give you insight into your higher purpose or deepest passions, so pay attention to the other symbolism and colors that appear in your cardinal dream. For example, if you dream of a cardinal reading a book, this could be a sign that you are destined to be a writer, editor, or educator of some kind. 

Cardinals are powerful and spiritual creatures that can show up to give you messages regarding manifestation, devotion, loyalty, your higher purpose, messages from a deceased loved one or angelic beings, and encouragement to believe in your higher purpose here on earth. 

Like everything on this site on and on the internet, listen to what resonates with you and disregard the rest. This is one interpretation of the spiritual meaning and messages of a cardinal, but everyone has their own unique and special intuitive language. Sit still and listen to what a red cardinal means to you and the messages that it is giving to you on your spiritual journey. 

The keywords for a red cardinal are: 

  • Manifestation
  • Domestic Harmony
  • Unconditional love
  • Home, North Star, guiding direction
  • Creative expression linked to intuitive guidance

Crystal Clear Intuition performing a public sound bath with crystal bowls and a gong.

About Crystal Clear Intuition, Your Spiritual Encyclopedia

This website is dedicated to inspire you on your journey to develop your intuition .

Our goal is help you interpret the situations and symbols in life that seem to be hiding a deeper spiritual meaning. These signs are always leading you to your purpose and higher Path. 

We hope you always explore the whispers of your intuition.  Be curious. Step into the unknown. 

See Where Each Path Takes You

a bear on black background

Here's What To Read Next...

visits from angels

Cardinal Spirit Animal: It’s Meaning and Spiritual Message

visits from angels

The Spiritual Meaning of White Feathers Appearing Around You

visits from angels

The Color Red: It’s Meaning and Spiritual Symbolism

Have you had any special Cardinal experiences? Do you have spiritual interpretations you would like to add to this article? Please share them in the comments below! 

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Angelic Visitations

By teresa seputis.

The word angel is a transliteration of the Greek word "angolos," which means "Messager." An angel is one of God's messagers, or one who God sends with his message. We know from scripture that God uses His angels to deliver messagers to His people. Angels appear to have another role as well, defined in Psalm 91. That role is to watch over and protect God's people. Verses 11-12 say, "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone." I shared this verse to recognize the role of angels in guarding or protecting God's people. However, for this lesson I want to focus on their role as God's messagers.

People have been known to see and hear angels in visions. It is also possible to have a real physical visit from an angel. When this occurs, you are not having a vision "in the spirit," you are having a direct encounter with one of God's messagers. They come to where you are physically and they manifest to you and they interact with you. It is sometimes a frightening experience. There is often a sense of God's glory or of His holiness in the visitation. But there are also times when God causes the sense of His presense to be masked and you may not realize that an angel is appearing to you. Hebrews 13:2 says, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

Most of the time, you will know it if you are visited by an angel. Let's look at a few examples from scripture.

Examples of Angelic Visitations

Scripture is filled with angelic visitations to God's people. In most cases the person was very frightened when the saw the angel and the angel's first words were "Fear not," or "Do not be afraid." It is not surprising that angels are scary, we know that they wield great power and great authority. Tradition has it that God sent a single angel slew all of the firstborn in Egypt on the first Passover (Heb 11:28). We know that God sent a single angel to kill thousands by plague when David sinned and numbered the people (2 Samuel 24). It is clear that angels carry a great deal of power. And since angels come from the very presense of God, it is not surprising that they would carry some of His glory. We can see that they radiate God's glory from Rev 22:8-9, where John was overwhelmed by the angel's glory and wanted to worship the angel. John was corrected and told to only worship God, not His servants. Another example is from when Gabriel visited Daniel to interpret a vision he had been given. Daniel shared his experience, where he said in Dan 8:16-17, "16 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, 'Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.' 17 So he came near where I stood, and when he came I was afraid and fell on my face..." Daniel was a very godly man, but he found the angel's presense very frightening. That is a common experience.

There are many incidents of angelic visitations recorded in scripture. An Angel appeared to Gideon in Judges 6:12, bringing him a commission from the Lord. An angel appeared to Samson's mother in Judges 13:3 and gave her instructions on how to raise her son. Samson's father missed the original visitation and prayed for God to send the angel back to instruct him as well, and God honored his prayer and did so (Judges 13:8-21). An angel appeared to David at the threshing floor of Araunah the Gebusite just after God had released a plague on Israel as a Judgement (2 Samuel 24:15-17). An angel appeared to Zechariah and spoke to him in Zech 5:5. An angel appeared to Mary to tell her she was going to be Jesus' mother in Luke 1:26-38. A great company of angels appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth in Luke 2:8-15. Angels even appeared to and ministered to Jesus while He walked on the earth as a human (Luke 22:43). An angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to send for Peter (Acts 10:3). An angel delivered Peter from prison in Acts 12:7. Scripture is full of stories of God sending angels to interact with His children.

I must emphasize that the presense or absence of angelic visitations not an indication of an individual's holiness, anointing or call of God on their lives. Some people with only minor roles in expanding God's kingdom have experienced them while others with very major roles and anointings have never had this type of experience. For instance, the shepherds on the hillside received an angelic visitation when Jesus was born. The bible records that they came to see the baby Jesus, but after that they drop out of the story.. they did not have all that important of a role, but they still received an angelic visitation. Angelic visitations are solely from the sovereignty of God for His purposes. We must not judge a person's spirituality or anointing based on these experiences or the lack of them.

Angelic Visitations Today

Until recently, I had not had an angelic visitation. I had heard stories of angels appearing to prophets to them to give them a message from God or to give prophetic revelation. I accepted the idea that God sometimes sent angels as messagers to speak to His people. I had heard about Paul Cain having incredible and detailed words of knowledge and prophetic revelation for people that he claimed were given to him by an angel. I had a few odd experiences in the past, where others saw angels but I did not. One time I was with some prophets in South Africa. They claimed that an angel was in the room. One could see the angel and the other sensed it and knew where it was in the room. Personally I could neither see it nor sense it's presense. I had seen angels in open visions, but I had not had one visit me in "real life". I hoped that God might send one someday, but on the other hand, I was not sure I would be able to tell if it were a real angel or a demonic imitation (the bible says that Satan appears as an angel of light). I finally decided that my own skepticism/doubts in that area would keep me from ever being visited by an angelic messager.

None the less, I thought I understood how angelic visitations should work. They seemed quite straight-forward. I figured it would go like I always seemed to read about it in scripture. Suddenly an angel would be standing there, visible to the naked eye. I figured that maybe the glory of God would reflect off of them in some way. Maybe they would glow like the "actors" on "Touched By an Angel," or shine like Moses's face shined when he came away from God's presense. I figured that an angel would be roughly the same size and shape as a person, probably be clothed in white robes and may or may not have wings. First a person would see the angel and then it would speak to them and bring them a message from God. After the angel was done, it would disappear. That is how I thought an angelic visitation should work.

In November of 2000, I had my first angelic visitation. And I was in for a bit of a surprise. The angel did not conform to any of my expectations. The encounter did not go at all like I expected. For starters, I could sense the angel's presense and I could hear it's voice, but I could not actually see the angel. I could see a bright light around me. (We were in Italy at a hotel at the time, and my husband was sound asleep on the bed. I thought the light from the angel would wake him, but he continued to sleep soundly through the whole episode.) I had another surprise. I assumed that angels could only hear you if you spoke audibly, but I found that this angel responded to a question I had thought but did not voice. The angel began to instruct me on some stuff. (I was doing a prayer journey through Italy .. my husband thought we were just sightseeing, but for me the main purpose of the trip was a prayer journey.) Some of what the angel instructed me on was related to things the Lord has set me to pray about. I did not think angels were sent to instruct people, so that experience set to me to searching the scriptures. I found that an angel had been sent to instruct Daniel in response to his prayers.

I also found that angelic visitations don't always happen the way we expect them to. For instance, the bible records that an angel gave Joseph (Jesus' step father) instructions on multiple occasions. Yet that angel never physically appeared to Joseph.. rather Joseph "saw" him in a dream. And an angel (not God Himself) appeared to Moses at the 'burning bush' (Acts 7:30). The angel did not take on a human appearance, but the appearance of a fire that did not consume what it rested on. Angels don't always behave the way we picture they should in our own thinking.

I have since had maybe half a dozen visitations from this angel. There has been some supernatural revelation that it has given to me (very detailed and accurate) but mostly the angel has instructed me or come with the answer to something I was desperately seeking God about in prayer. The first time I saw a bright light, but on the other visitations, I could not see the angel at all.. I could hear it's voice. I don't think I was hearing it with my physical ears, but the voice was sharp and clear and distinct and unmistakable.

For the first 3 or 4 weeks, I was afraid to tell anyone about my visitation because it did not happen the way I expected. Who would imagine hearing the angel but not seeing it? I kept very quiet about this because I did not want anyone to think I had gone "off of the deep end." But when I was in India, I shared this with my teammate, Bret Wade. Bret knew of another person who had similar experiences with angelic visitations. It was very reassuring for me to find that I was not totally alone in this. About four weeks later, I spoke one of the prophetic school leadership core members, Jim Paul. I was incredibly encouraged to learn that he has also had angelic visitations in which he heard the angel but did not see it.

Sometimes we let our culture give us expectations of what a given supernatural experience should be like. But where we have the actual experience it may not line up with our expectations at all.

If you have an angelic visitation, don't assume your experience will be like mine. Both God and angels appear to have a wide variety of ways that they do things. For instance, I know one person has who seen and spoken to angels. While he could see the angels with his physical eyes, they were translucent.. e.g, you could sort of see through them, they were not totally solid. Others have seen the angel just as though they were a physical person, modernly dressed (jeans and polo-shirt, not a white robe).

I would like to share two things that I learned about angels from my own visitation. The first is that the angels are God's servants. They are sent by God and their main priority/objective is serving Him. While they interact with us, their main focus and priority is serving God. They do not become emotionally attached to us to the point were they want our good over God's will. An angel that had been protecting a person for years would not hesitate to strike that person dead if God so commanded. Their main focus is on serving and honoring God and obeying what He tells them to do. While they work and interact with us, they see themselves as God's servants and they focus on God's agenda.

The other thing I learned is that angels sometimes have a latitude in how they do their job. They may get an assignment, such as delivering a message to a person. The angel may choose to appear directly to the person (as an angel appeared to Mary in Luke 1:28). Or the angel may choose to appear to the person in a dream (as it did with Joseph in Matt 1:20, Matt 2:13 and Matt 2:19). In some aspects, angels are very similar to prophets, because they are given a message from God to deliver to someone. The big difference is that the clarity and accuracy of an angel's hearing is always 100% accurate. There are times when God dictates a message from a prophet word for word, leaving the prophet no choice in how to deliver it. But many times God will deposit a message in a prophet and give the prophet leeway to decide how to deliver and phrase that message. It is similar for the angels. They get their assignments and their messages from God, but God will often give them leeway to decide how to carry out that assignment. Angels are not robots, they are cognizant beings who love God and who gladly and willingly serve Him.

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11 Signs That May Mean A Guardian Angel Is Paying A Visit

visits from angels

The idea that a guardian angel is watching over each and every one of us can be an enormous comfort.

Some people believe that their particular angel is a spiritual being who looks out for their well-being, while others believe their guardian angel is a deceased loved one who is offering guidance.

For those who  do believe in guardian angels, or are open to the possibility, it can be difficult to know when your angel is close by.

But just as there are simple methods to determine your guardian angel's name, there are quite a few signs that indicate when you may be receiving a visit from your angel.

These signs have been reported for years and years from many different believers, like in this post on The Spirit Science .

Scroll through this exclusive list below to find out how to identify when you're being visited by your special angel. You might not be a believer at the moment, but spotting these signs in your day-to-day life may just help you to find an answer or two that you've been looking for.

Do you believe in angels? Which of these guardian angel signs have you observed? Let us know in the comments.


1. You Dream About An Angel Visitation

Dreams are often considered the windows to the soul, but they also can indicate that your guardian angel is nearby.

Angel believers report that a guardian angel may visit you in a dream to let you know that they are watching over you. They may try to deliver some kind of message, or they may simply be reassuring you about their presence.


2. You See Strange Colored Orbs

If you spot a bright light or a strange colored orb, you might think that your eyes are playing tricks on you. However, these lights and orbs are said to be "vehicles for angels."

You may spot an orb in your everyday life, or you may look at a photograph and notice that there is a strange orb floating around you. Many claim that these unique lights are a sign that your guardian angel is by your side.


3. You Notice A Sudden Sweet Smell

If you cannot explain an unexpectedly pleasant smell, it may be a sign that a guardian angel is nearby.

Believers report that these sweet scents may simply be your angel's way of reaching out to you, to let you know that they are with you. The smells may take the form of delicious food, fragrant flowers, or a pleasant perfume that a deceased loved one used to wear.

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4. You Find A White Feather

An excerpt from Jacky Newcomb's book,  Do You Know Your Guardian Angel , reads, "A feather is a safe and gentle way for your angels to show you they are with you. This is one of the most common of all the angel signs."

A white feather may cross your path in an extremely unlikely location, and is said to arrive at times when you are most in need. Believers say that this angel sign is your guardian's way of letting you know that they are with you and that you are not alone.


5. Your Baby Sees Something You Can't

Many believe that babies and pets may be able to see guardian angels, even when the rest of us can't. Angels are said to put animals and babies at ease.

You might see a pet staring at a certain spot in the room, or a baby smiling at something you can't see. If you spot a baby seeming to interact with something that isn't there, it may just be a sign that your guardian angel is present.


6. You See Angels In The Clouds

As a child, you may have spent time laying on your back, staring up at the clouds. But some claim there are certain cloud shapes that may be signs from your guardian angel.

These angel clouds could take the literal form of an angel. But they may also appear in pleasing shapes, such as hearts, or in symbols that are particularly meaningful or personal to you.


7. You Spot Angel Numbers In Common Places

According to , "One of the most common ways angels will attempt to capture your attention and guide you is through Angel Numbers."

Reportedly, these are numbers that either have specific, personal meaning to you — such as birthdays or anniversaries — or magical, repeating numbers such as "333" or "11:11." These numbers popping up in everyday situations may be your guardian angel's way of getting your attention.


8. You Experience A Sudden Change In Temperature

Similar to a sudden, unexplainable odor, an unexpected change in temperature may be a sign that your guardian angel is at your side.

People report these temperature changes in a variety of ways. Some people will feel a strange chill. But others may experience a sudden warmth surrounding them. This warmth may be your angel's way of giving you a reassuring hug.


9. You Hear Muffled Voices

You might not be able to  literally talk with your guardian angel. But that doesn't mean they aren't trying to communicate with you.

Some who believe in angels claim that they hear muffled voices in otherwise quiet situations. This distant, muffled sound could be your guardian angel attempting to speak to you, or it may simply be their way of assuring you that they are close.


10. You Feel Like You Are Not Alone

Everyone has experienced the feeling that they are not alone at one time or another. This might just be a sixth sense, or it might be the raising of the hairs on the back of your neck.

Many angel believers can sense when their guardian angel is with them. They report that they know someone else is present, even though the room may appear completely empty.


11. You Feel Tingling At The Crown Of Your Head

One specific feeling that many believers report is a tingling at the back of the head. This tingling may take the form of sudden warmth, or it may be more akin to when your foot falls asleep.

Many report that the relationship between the crown of the head and an angel's halo can be a powerful connection. This tingling may be your guardian angel's preferred way of communicating with you.

While many may remain skeptics, there are plenty of us out there who believe in the presence and power of angels. These guardian angel signs may just be their way of letting you know that you aren't alone and that you have someone watching over you.

Have you experienced any of these angel signs? Who is your guardian angel? Let us know in the comments. Geocoding Topical  Bible Labs Blog

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48 Bible Verses about Angel Visitation

Luke 1:19 esv / 37 helpful votes helpful not helpful.

And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.

Hebrews 13:2 ESV / 24 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Psalm 34:7 ESV / 24 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.

Acts 5:19 ESV / 23 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said,

Revelation 4:1-11 ESV / 21 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne. And he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones were twenty-four elders, clothed in white garments, with golden crowns on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire, which are the seven spirits of God, ...

Hebrews 1:14 ESV / 21 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?

Colossians 2:18 ESV / 20 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind,

Luke 1:35 ESV / 17 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.

Judges 13:2-22 ESV / 17 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

There was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Manoah. And his wife was barren and had no children. And the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, “Behold, you are barren and have not borne children, but you shall conceive and bear a son. Therefore be careful and drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, for behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb, and he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines.” Then the woman came and told her husband, “A man of God came to me, and his appearance was like the appearance of the angel of God, very awesome. I did not ask him where he was from, and he did not tell me his name, ...

Acts 5:16 ESV / 15 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The people also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed.

Jude 1:9 ESV / 14 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”

Hebrews 13:1-2 ESV / 13 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

John 20:12 ESV / 11 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one at the head and one at the feet.

Matthew 26:53 ESV / 11 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?

Isaiah 6:1-3 ESV / 11 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”

2 Kings 6:15-17 ESV / 11 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was all around the city. And the servant said, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord , please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Colossians 1:16 ESV / 10 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

Luke 1:1-80 ESV / 10 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught. In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the division of Abijah. And he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. ...

Galatians 1:8 ESV / 9 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

Matthew 10:1 ESV / 9 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.

Daniel 10:13 ESV / 9 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I was left there with the kings of Persia,

1 John 4:1 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 Peter 1:18-19 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

Matthew 4:11 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.

Daniel 9:21 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

While I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the first, came to me in swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice.

Daniel 8:16 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And I heard a man's voice between the banks of the Ulai, and it called, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.”

Exodus 23:21 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Pay careful attention to him and obey his voice; do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression, for my name is in him.

John 1:1 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Luke 1:26 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,

2 Kings 6:17 ESV / 6 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord , please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Hebrews 12:22 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,

Luke 2:1-20 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. ...

Matthew 28:5 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

Isaiah 7:14 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Numbers 22:22 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But God's anger was kindled because he went, and the angel of the Lord took his stand in the way as his adversary. Now he was riding on the donkey, and his two servants were with him.

Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Acts 12:5-17 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church. Now when Herod was about to bring him out, on that very night, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood next to him, and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him, saying, “Get up quickly.” And the chains fell off his hands. And the angel said to him, “Dress yourself and put on your sandals.” And he did so. And he said to him, “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me.” And he went out and followed him. He did not know that what was being done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. ...

Acts 1:11 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

John 14:1-31 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” ...

Luke 2:13 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

Matthew 2:13 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.”

Genesis 18:1-33 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing in front of him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth and said, “O Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant. Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree, while I bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on—since you have come to your servant.” So they said, “Do as you have said.” ...

Luke 1:26-38 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. ...

Luke 1:5-25 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the division of Abijah. And he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years. Now while he was serving as priest before God when his division was on duty, according to the custom of the priesthood, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense. ...

Matthew 2:13-15 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Daniel 5:1 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

King Belshazzar made a great feast for a thousand of his lords and drank wine in front of the thousand.

Matthew 25:41 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Matthew 18:10 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles , a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at)

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Ask the Psychic: How can I get to know my angels?

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DEAR IRENE: When I started getting serious about my training in the metaphysical world and how to connect on a higher level, I started reading everything I could about angels. I purchased as many books on angels that seemed to speak to me, and I started my journey into finding out about these beautiful beings who God created as his messengers.

We hear about angels stepping in to save someone from danger, and we see pictures of angels in churches and places that we visit, but there is so much more to learn. As a child, I found myself attracted to anything that had pictures of angels, and as I grew up and moved into my first apartment, I found myself buying statues of angels and placing one in each room where they could be seen.

I seemed to find comfort in the knowledge that they seemed to be watching over me. I would learn later that when we surround ourselves with pictures or statues of angels, they feel invited in, almost like a calling card of sorts to let them know we are open to being in their presence.

So, as I started to learn more about each angel, I also picked up a deck of angel cards. I would read about the angels every night before bed, bringing the book or cards with me and setting them on my nightstand. This seemed to open a doorway for the angels, and one by one, they started to communicate with me. I found it surprising that I could see, hear, and talk to the angels.

The first angel that came to me was Metatron, and he told me his brother Sepheron was with him. The messages were clear: God wanted me for something special. I said O.K., and he was off. I cannot believe it now. Looking back, I see that was my response. I often ask myself why I didn’t ask more questions or keep the conversation going, but maybe we are not supposed to know everything about our journey.

Then, night after night, I would see angels as they appeared. I know this sounds unbelievable; it definitely amazed me. The first night that Archangel Michael awoke me, I could see him very clearly. Standing next to him was a more prominently-framed angel, Archangel Raphael.

Each has their own unique looks and tones in their voices — each with a separate purpose of appearing to me. Archangel Michael is the protector with his sword of light and love. He uses this sword to swipe away energy that might have attached to you that should not be there; he is the protector. I hear Michael’s voice very well; he is the angel I can hear as I pull angel cards for readings. When I first realized I could listen to him as well as if I was having a conversation with my best friends who were sitting in the same room with me, I kept talking to him for two days, afraid that if I dropped the connection, I wouldn’t be able to hear him the same again. Finally, I asked him if he was tired of talking to me yet. He answered, “No, I am used to this.” So, I started to smile, knowing he would always be with me and that I could call upon him whenever I wanted to chat or help others with messages.

Frequently, I am asked: what does an angel look like? Very much like you, I accept sometimes, I do see their wings. Archangel Raphael is very much involved with me as he is a healer, and when I give a Reiki session, I am known to show up beside the Reiki bed and assist in healing. I have seen him place his two beautiful wings on top of someone as they lay receiving healing. I am amazed at this, as much as you might be as you are reading this. He works very closely with those who are helping to heal others. I also call him or Jesus, who is also a master healer, when I am not feeling well. Ask your angels for what you need help with. They are never far away.

That brings me back to the angel cards and your question. Start to work with the Angels by showing them you are interested in working with them. Invite them into your home by placing statues near you, reading about them, or picking up a deck of angel cards and pulling one for yourself daily. You might not have the same experience as me but don’t give up. Have faith that your angels are always close to you and never far away.

Bonnie Page is a fourth-generation medium and psychic. She is available for private readings by visiting her website. Ask Bonnie a question for her column by sending it to [email protected]. Visit her website at

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Braun visits booth as young Brewers show growing pains

Adam McCalvy

Adam McCalvy

ANAHEIM -- Ryan Braun has had a ball watching the young Brewers, whether they are at their aggressive best or, as manager Pat Murphy often puts it, they look like a team “under construction.”

With Braun in the house for Monday’s 5-3 loss to the Angels at Angel Stadium, the Brewers too often resembled the latter.

“We didn’t play a complete ballgame on any side of the ball,” Murphy said. “Defense, pitching, offense. We had opportunities again and didn’t come through. That’s disappointing.”

MLB Pipeline’s No. 6 Brewers prospect, 22-year-old Carlos Rodriguez , surrendered too much two-out damage and didn’t make it through five innings for the second time in as many Major League starts. The defense didn’t help him, including one misplay in the right-field corner that wasn’t ruled an error, and another convergence at first base that was.

The Brewers did get home runs from two California natives who grew up within a half-hour’s drive from Angel Stadium -- a two-run shot from Huntington Beach’s Jake Bauers in the second inning and a solo homer from Corona’s Brice Turang in the fifth. But Turang’s homer came moments after Blake Perkins was picked off first base on a deft move by Angels spot starter Zach Plesac -- the nephew of all-time Brewers saves leader Dan Plesac. Other than the homers, it was another night on which Milwaukee’s offense was missing the clutch hit.

The most maddening example of that came in the seventh, when the Brewers put runners at second and third with nobody out against Plesac’s replacement, Luis García. But Gary Sánchez, Perkins and Turang all struck out to end the threat.

That’s been a problem lately. The Brewers went into the finale of their previous road trip with the fourth-best average with runners in scoring position (.288) in the Majors, but they are 8-for-73 in the eight games since, including Monday’s 0-for-9.

“We’re gonna come through again in those spots. You can mark it down,” Murphy said.

Murphy expressed similar faith in Rodriguez, though it is unclear whether the right-hander’s next start will be with the Brewers or back at Triple-A Nashville, since veteran righty Jakob Junis is due back from shoulder and head injuries later this week. In his first two MLB starts, Rodriguez has surrendered six earned runs on 12 hits in 8 1/3 innings, with seven strikeouts and three walks.

Bauers’ home run spotted Rodriguez a 2-0 lead, but it slipped away amid a three-run Angels rally in the third that included a Luis Guillorme RBI triple -- which initially was ruled a double and an error charged to right fielder Sal Frelick as the baseball rattled around the right-field corner -- and an error charged to Bauers on a soft bouncer up the first-base line.

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The latter play should have produced an out, but as Rodriguez and second baseman Turang both converged on first base, neither got all the way to the bag to receive Bauers’ quick flip. As a result, when Taylor Ward followed with what could have been an inning-ending flyout, it was instead a sacrifice fly that gave the Angels the lead.

“Without getting into too much detail, it was just miscommunication,” Bauers said. “It’s a tough play to defend, but that’s pretty much the worst-case scenario.”

Said Rodriguez: “Coming into the start, I felt a lot more confident. I made the adjustments I wanted to make. Just bad luck, I guess.”

Still, the Brewers’ good nights have so far exceeded their setbacks, and Braun has been watching. He’ll visit Milwaukee next month to become the 23rd member of the American Family Field Walk of Fame , which is the franchise’s highest honor shy of number retirement. A ceremony is set for Sunday, July 28.

One of the best to do it for the Brewers! #ThisIsMyCrew — Bally Sports Wisconsin (@BallySportWI) June 18, 2024

“I’m a fan just like everybody else who’s watching,” Braun said on the Bally Sports Wisconsin telecast. “Just a fun, young, exciting group of players that you can dream on having a contention window for the next five to seven years, right? For any of us that have done it, you recognize how challenging it is on a year-to-year basis. …

“It’s fun to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of a young core that we all came up together, and I think for all of these guys it feels like it’s helped to ease their transition, knowing that there are so many guys that they can relate to, who are going through some of the same things.”

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James McAvoy in Speak No Evil (2024)

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Angel Reese leads Sky to 88-87 win over Fever despite Caitlin Clark's franchise-record 13 assists

Angel Reese

CHICAGO — Angel Reese scored a career-high 25 points and grabbed 16 rebounds to help the Chicago Sky beat Indiana 88-87 despite 17 points and a franchise-record 13 assists for the Fever’s Caitlin Clark on Sunday.

Reese has posted a double-double in eight consecutive games, extending her WNBA rookie record. She is the first rookie since A’ja Wilson with 25-plus points and 15-plus rebounds in a single game. She joins Wilson as the only players in the WNBA this season with multiple games with at least 15 points and 15 rebounds.

It was the hottest ticket in nearly the past decade, according to Vivid Seats, with entry to the game going for $351 dollars on average. Reese, Clark and the two teams didn’t disappoint.

Clark played every minute and finished 5-of-11 shooting, 5 of 9 from 3, with six rebounds, four steals and five turnovers.

Angel Reese of the Chicago Sky shoots against the Indiana Fever on Sunday.

Chicago (6-9) trailed 82-70 with 6:38 left before Reese got going. She had 10 points and five rebounds from there to fuel the Sky’s comeback.

She grabbed an offensive rebound, was fouled as she made the putback and hit the free throw to make it 82-all with 3 minutes to go.

Kelsey Mitchell responded with a layup before Chennedy Carter tied it with a running floater with 2:30 remaining. Reese scored inside to give the Sky a two-point lead before Carter and Camilla Cardoso each hit 1 of 2 from the foul line to make it 88-84 with 27 seconds to play.

Aliyah Boston hit a contested 3 with 19 left before Marina Mabrey missed two free throws and Clark secured the loose-ball rebound, but the Fever missed two shots in the closing seconds.

Mitchell scored 24 points to lead the Fever. Boston had 18 points, seven rebounds and six assists, and NaLyssa Smith scored 12 points.

Chicago, which beat the Dallas Wings 83-72 on Thursday, has won back-to-back games following a four-game skid.

Indiana (7-11) had its four-game win streak snapped.

The Fever had won the previous two matchups — both in Indianapolis — between the teams this season.

Clark and Iowa lost to Reese and LSU in the 2023 national championship game and avenged that loss in the 2024 national semifinals before losing to Cardoso and South Carolina in the title game.

Rapper and Chicago-native Chance the Rapper, as well as actor/comedian Jason Sudeikis, sat courtside.

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visits from angels

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels are coming back to town.

The elite team with the iconic blue-and-yellow F/A-18 Super Hornet jets will headline the 2024 Vero Beach Air Show this weekend at the  Vero Beach Regional Airport .

The Blue Angels will perform Saturday and Sunday, but not Friday. Their performance times aren't disclosed to avoid traffic jams.

Winter visit: U.S. Navy Blue Angels fly into Vero Beach

They're joined this year by the U.S. Air Force A-10C Thunderbolt II Demo team and an entertaining lineup of civilian acrobatic performers.

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The Friday night show includes pyrotechnics and a fireworks display. On Saturday and Sunday, planes fly from noon to 4 p.m. Gates open at 9 a.m. both days for static displays on the ground, including the massive Air Force C-17 Globemaster III, as well as food vendors and children's activities.

The Blue Angels will begin to arrive on the Treasure Coast at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday with No. 7 flying into the Sun Jet Center at the Vero Beach airport. The rest of the team will start to arrive at 8:45 a.m. Thursday. These preshow arrivals aren't open to the public, but they make for good viewing.

In December, Blue Angels No. 7 Lt. Connor O'Donnell and No. 8 Lt. Cmdr. Brian Vaught flew into the Vero Beach airport for a quick winter visit ahead of an air show. That also wasn't open to the public, but people lined the fence by C.J. Cannon's restaurant to watch one of the jets arrive.

The Blue Angels started coming to the Vero Beach Air Show in 2014. They planned to return in 2016, but canceled after Marine Capt. Jeff Kuss was killed during practice in Tennessee. The Blue Angels returned for the 2018 show.

In 2020, the Vero Beach Air Show was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. It returned in 2022, with the Blue Angels as headliners once again.

This year's Vero Beach Air Show is two weeks before "The Blue Angels" movie is released in theaters on May 17.

2024 Vero Beach Air Show

  • When:  6-8:30 p.m. May 3 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 4-5
  • Where:  Vero Beach Regional Airport, 3400 Cherokee Drive, Vero Beach
  • Cost:  $25 general admission Friday, $50 general admission Saturday or Sunday, $25 for veterans and military Saturday or Sunday (free for ages 12 and younger, free parking)
  • Online:   Website ,  Facebook

Laurie K. Blandford  is TCPalm's  entertainment reporter  dedicated to finding the best things to do on the Treasure Coast. Email her at  [email protected] . Sign up for her What To Do in 772 weekly newsletter at


Angels Notes: Jose Soriano Sidelined, Mike Trout Honors Willie Mays, Jo Adell's Confidence

J.p. hoornstra | jun 21, 2024.

Jun 12, 2024; Phoenix, Arizona, USA; Los Angeles Angels pitcher Jose Soriano (59) throws in the fourth inning against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Chase Field. Mandatory Credit: Matt Kartozian-USA TODAY Sports

  • Los Angeles Angels

The Angels were off Thursday, but there was plenty of news surrounding the team as it prepares to visit Los Angeles for two games this weekend against the Dodgers. Here are all the headlines you might have missed.

Angels Place Top Starting Pitcher on Injured List

The Angels will be without one of their key pitchers, José Soriano, due to an abdomen infection after putting him on the 15-day injured list. This will keep Soriano from pitching this weekend against the Dodgers, and at least the next two weeks .

Angels' Mike Trout Joins Chorus of Tributes to Willie Mays

In a heartfelt homage to the legendary Willie Mays, Angels' star center fielder Mike Trout expressed his admiration. This tribute underscores the impact Mays, who died Tuesday at age 93, had on baseball and the world at large .

Rojas: Angels' Decision About GM Perry Minasian's Future is Urgent

The Los Angeles Angels are at a crossroads concerning the future of General Manager Perry Minasian. According to Victor Rojas, a former Angels broadcaster, urgent decisions await the organization's leadership .

Angels' Jo Adell Reveals Source of Confidence Amid Struggles

Despite facing challenges at the plate, Angels' outfielder Jo Adell remains confident in his role with the team. With improved defense and a secure roster spot, Adell has been able to maintain a more positive outlook in situations that have led to his demotion in the past .

J.P. Hoornstra


J.P. Hoornstra writes and edits Major League Baseball content for Halos Today, and is the author of 'The 50 Greatest Dodger Games Of All Time.' He once recorded a keyboard solo on the same album as two of the original Doors.

Follow jphoornstra


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    Then suddenly, the light disappeared. I have looked on the internet and it says I was visited by my guardian angel.—Fugthiz Reaching Out . I was 4 years old. I was in my brother's room, crying. This is when I heard a sweet voice called me. I looked up towards the footboard and saw a woman with long hair lying on her right shoulder.

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    The U.S. Navy Blue Angels are coming back to town. The elite team with the iconic blue-and-yellow F/A-18 Super Hornet jets will headline the 2024 Vero Beach Air Show this weekend at the Vero Beach ...

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