20 Engaging and Educational Field Trip Ideas for Preschoolers

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educational field trip ideas for preschoolers

Field trips are momentous times in a preschooler’s life. Preschool field trips allow children to enjoy a change of scenery and spend time outside the classroom doing more hands-on learning.

In addition to the memories children create on field trips, they’re a valuable opportunity for educators to reinforce lessons. With the right planning and preparation, field trips for children can be an engaging, educational day for all involved.

Children standing on the shore pointing out toward a body of water

Why are preschool field trips important?

Field trips are more than extra-curricular activities. They can be an integral part of a child’s early education. Preschool field trips afford many substantial benefits for children:

Broadens their education

Children are exposed to only so much in a classroom setting. Field trips allow children to get a richer picture of educational subjects by observing them outside of books, lessons, or videos.

Exposure to real-life experiences

In preschool, children are developing their understanding of life and the world around them. Field trips expose them to everyday life in a setting where their teacher can help them connect what they’re learning to what happens in the real places in their community. Experiential learning (authentic, first-hand, sensory-based learning) through field trips is a way for children to reflect on and apply their new knowledge.

Research shows academic improvement

Studies support the idea that field trips have real effects on a child’s education. Field trips are linked to improvements in academic performance. According to a study on youth educational trips by the Wagner Group and the U.S. Travel Association, adults who took educational trips when they were younger…

  • Had better grades (59% of study respondents)
  • Graduated from high school at a higher rate (95% of study respondents)
  • Reported that educational trips had a positive impact on their education (89% of study respondents)

Expands their world

Field trips allow all children to experience more of the world. Whether they live in a busy city or a rural town, field trips introduce children to experiences and environments they may not have access to otherwise. Preschool teachers have the opportunity to make a child’s world a little larger with each field trip and show them new places, people, and adventures.

Child holding pinecones outside in nature

How to plan and prepare for preschool field trips

A lot of preparation goes into a successful field trip. For teachers and administrators, there are people, places, and schedules to coordinate weeks or months in advance.

Consider the below areas as you plan your trip:

Family involvement in the planning process

Involving families in the planning process can enhance the experience for everyone involved. Families could provide their diverse perspectives and ideas for potential destinations, ensuring the trips are exciting and relevant for all children. This involvement also boosts excitement and participation among families, fostering a stronger sense of community within the preschool. Practical ways to engage families include conducting surveys to gather input on preferred destinations or simply mentioning in your newsletter about upcoming field trip to invite their insights and suggestions.

Teaching moments

Sometimes preschool field trips are planned around a specific topic the class has been covering. Sometimes trips are simply a good learning opportunity that you’ll weave a lesson into. No matter which scenario you’re in as a teacher, it’s helpful to have your notes and activities prepared in advance.

How many adult chaperones will you need for the field trip? When you’re planning field trips for kids, it’s crucial to have a confirmed, appropriate number of chaperones based on the number of children attending. 

You can request family volunteers or set up a rotating schedule so families can plan ahead. Consider offering incentives like free lunches or gift cards and remind them it’s a great opportunity to have a meaningful experience with their child and get to know the other children and families in your program.

Plan to bring extra snacks in case meal times run late. Prepare to answer questions from parents about whether to pack a lunch or work out an eating arrangement at the field trip location. If you'll be serving meals on the field trip, prepare the food before and determine how you will transport it. Consider packing a cooler for any perishable foods that need to be kept cold, and pack plenty of water if there is no water available at your destination.


Some preschool policies require that school vehicles are used for field trips. Before the trip, determine transportation needs, such as how many vans or buses will be needed and if parents are permitted to drive.

If there’s a cost associated with the trip, how will you secure funds from the school or handle payments from parents? Use your communication platforms to alert parents of any expenses they’ll need to cover as far in advance as possible.

Sometimes drop-off and pick-up schedules can be impacted by field trips. Create an agenda and itinerary that shows where the class will be and breaks down how long you’ll be at each location. This helps parents plan their day and gives school administration information they would need in an emergency. 

If any children have medication, medical equipment, or anything else that needs to be on hand for them, it needs to be accounted for in field trip planning. Bring any health and safety documents such as an accurate roster to count the children and emergency contact information. Teachers should also pack first aid kits and antibacterial hand wipes if there is no access to clean running water on your trip.

Field trip consent from families

Securing family permission through a consent form is a crucial step in planning and preparing for field trips. A well-crafted consent form ensures the safety and legal compliance of the trip and fosters trust and transparency with families. The form should clearly outline the details of the field trip, including the destination, date, time, transportation arrangements, and any activities planned. Additionally, it should include emergency contact information, any special instructions regarding allergies or medical conditions, and a section for parents or guardians to provide their signatures, indicating their approval for their child's participation.

Families' participation on field trips is a great way to include them in the curriculum and share a day in the life of the class. Check out our calendar template to keep families up-to-date with all major school events and spark new ideas for family engagement year-round. 

Download a free printable preschool calendar template!

Field trip safety tips

Taking young children on a field trip can be an overwhelming experience without the right preparation. Field trips are very exciting, so be aware that the children may have extra energy or be more distracted. To have a fun, safe, and smooth trip, focus on safety measures before and during the excursion.

Before the field trip

  • Review the schedule with the children and tell them what to expect 
  • Give children safety guidelines and procedures to follow
  • Assign pairs or small groups for headcount checks
  • Involve children in checking the field trip supply checklist
  • Instruct children to wear bright clothes or a certain color to make them easy to spot
  • Prepare and bring a first aid kit

  During the field trip

  • Do headcount checks frequently and always before leaving or entering any location
  • Follow pedestrian rules carefully when walking such as using sidewalks and crosswalks and only crossing the street when traffic signals say it is safe
  • For traveling by bus or van, check every seat before exiting
  • Ensure children understand and follow the security and safety measures of the field trip location
  • Continue practicing basic hygiene, such as washing hands or using hand wipes before eating
  • Keep a copy of emergency contact lists with you at all times
  • Take bathroom breaks together as a group

Field trip ideas for preschoolers

Choosing where to take the children in your preschool class is one of the most exciting parts of field trip planning. Here are 20 engaging and educational field trip ideas for preschoolers:

Apple orchards and pumpkin patches can show children how these foods are grown and offer a truly hands-on education as they pick their own.

Nature walk

Nature walks are an educational adventure that allow children to discover various plants, leaves, critters, and trees. It’s also great physical activity!

Farmer’s markets

A field trip to the local farmer’s market or grocery store can be an opportunity to teach children lessons about nutrition and where their food comes from.

Many children’s books are full of stories and illustrations of sea creatures, so the aquarium is sure to be a hit with preschoolers. They’ll get a chance to see these creatures up close and learn more about them.

A local bakery is another food-focused field trip that supports a small business and allows children to see how some of their favorite sweet treats are created.

Zoos are a common preschool class favorite! Children can visit and hear facts about a wide variety of animals, including birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Local library

Libraries are often a familiar place for young children, but a preschool field trip to the library gives children a chance to learn details about what a librarian does and the many types of books available to them.

Fire station

Preschoolers tend to love fire trucks. Use a field trip to a fire station to teach them about the work that happens behind the scenes and age-appropriate fire safety tips.

Local events

Sometimes the best educational events don’t need to be booked—they’re already happening in your community! From holiday celebrations and parades to the annual fair, local events can provide children with a wealth of learning opportunities.

Farmers have so much they can teach young children, from lessons about the way food is grown to how the animals are raised.

Children’s museum

Museums that cater specifically to young children are educational and interactive places that are ideal for preschool field trips. They also tend to change exhibits regularly, which means they’re a great choice for multiple trips.

Home improvement store

Show children how chairs, tables, and other items they use on a daily basis are built. Another way to do this is to find a local builder with a small shop who’s willing to give a workshop tour and demonstration.

If you have a child-friendly state park nearby, they make excellent field trip destinations. State parks are a beautiful place to teach about the great outdoors and ways to protect and respect our planet. 

Recycling center

Teach children the importance of recycling and how everyday items like plastic water bottles and aluminum soda cans are recycled. 

Local ponds are perfect for a low-cost, science and nature focused field trip. They’re often home to frogs, ducks, and aquatic plants, making great lesson topics for preschool children.

Around town scavenger hunt

Teach children about where they live with a scavenger hunt in your community. Downtown areas are usually ideal locations for this field trip activity.

Expose children to the performing arts with a preschool field trip to the local theater. This trip can teach them about storytelling on the stage, theater etiquette, and stage acting as a career.

Train station

Learning about different types of transportation expands children’s minds and view of the world. Add in a train ride to make it both engaging and educational!

Botanical garden

Botanical gardens are a stunning environment to teach children about the beauty of nature and various types of plant life.

Historic monuments

A field trip to an age-appropriate historic site can provide early lessons on important historical figures and events.

Post-field trip actions and education

Get the most out of your day away from the classroom by following up with children and their families after your field trip. Parents will appreciate knowing what their children learned and children will get a chance to relive the best moments of their trip.

To update families, consider including a brief summary of your field trip in your preschool newsletter . Ask children to share their favorite parts of the trip and include photos! 

Plan a memorable outing

There are plenty of details to consider and plan when it comes to executing preschool field trips. Taking a trip is a great opportunity for educators to build upon everything their children are learning in the classroom and engage them in hands-on, memorable experiences. 

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Field Trip Ideas

Field Trip Ideas for Preschool

Field Trips for Preschool and Kindergarten

Field trips are not only lots of fun but they can also be very valuable learning experiences for young children.

They can help build background knowledge and vocabulary that are important for success in school and life.

Free Field Trip Ideas for Preschool and Kindergarten

Some field trips will require an entrance fee, but others may be free. Check with your local places of business to find out if they would be willing to offer your class a free “tour”.

  • Fire Station
  • Grocery Store
  • Home Improvement Store
  • Nursing Home
  • Animal Shelter
  • Beach (if nearby)

Field Trip Ideas for Preschool

Fun Field Trip Ideas for Preschool

The following are popular places for field trips that usually charge a fee for entrance.

  • Apple Orchard
  • Children’s Theater
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Science Museum (designed for children)
  • Ice Skating
  • Roller Skating
  • Kid-Friendly Bowling Alley

The ice skating, roller rink, and bowling alley trips could all be tied to academic science objectives.

Regional Field Trip Ideas

Different parts of the world may offer unique opportunities for field trips such as:

  • Coastal: Beach
  • Coastal: Lighthouse
  • Southwest: Rodeo
  • Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Planetarium

Field Trips that May Come to You

Some field trips may even come to your location if travel isn’t possible or in your budget.

  • Agricultural Outreach Center (cows or other livestock)
  • Rodeo History and Education Center
  • Petting Zoo
  • Wildlife Outreach Center (exotic animals)
  • Animal Shelter, ASPCA, or other animal group to teach about caring for pets

How to Plan a Field Trip

The following are some steps you can follow to help you plan for your field trip.

  • Check your school field trip policy and read it thoroughly before scheduling any field trips.
  • Determine the educational benefits of this particular field trip.
  • Check your school policy on field trip chaperones. The general rule of thumb is, the younger the child, the more chaperones you will need.
  • Calculate the distance from your school to the location you would like to visit.
  • If a fee is involved, calculate how much the field trip will cost per child. Don’t forget to take into consideration any additional costs such as transportation or meals.
  • Ask permission from school administrators to book the field trip
  • Notify the parents of the date and cost of the field trip. Also let them know if you need chaperones and the procedure for signing-up.

Field Trip Questions

There are lots of questions to take into consideration when planning a field trip for young children. Here are some of the most common questions to consider.

  • What type of travel is allowed? Will you need to hire a school bus or can parents drive?
  • Can parents take their children home after the field trip, before returning to the school? (this will happen!)
  • What paperwork is needed for parents to volunteer as chaperones?
  • How many adults will you need to help chaperone the field trip?
  • Will this trip help your students meet academic goals? List the specific academic standards that this trip will help your students meet. Remember, most field trips will help develop vocabulary, which in turn supports reading.
  • How long will you be away from school? Calculate the travel time to and from your destination into your final number.
  • Will students be eating lunch on the field trip? If so, will they be bringing their own lunches, will the school be providing them, or will they be purchased on-site?
  • Do any students in your classroom take medication that will need to be administered on the field trip? If so, provisions will need to be made.
  • Can parent chaperones bring their younger or older children along on the field trip? If so, how will those children be transported to and from the location? How will payment be handled- if any?

Field Trip Preparation

While field trips are fun for the students, they often require extraordinary amounts of extra preparation and effort on the teacher’s part. If something goes wrong you need to have a plan in place to occupy your students.

Every single minute of your trip has to be planned out in advance or chaos will reign. Expect the unexpected and prepare for delays such as waiting for a bus, waiting in lines, waiting for others to finish lunch.

As you can see, preparing for the trip in advance is only half the battle!

field trip scavenger hunt forms

Preparing for Field Trips

Having something on hand to occupy your students on a field trip is a lifesaver.

Field trip recording sheets or scavenger hunts are a great way to keep your students alert and on-task as they look for the items listed.

You can give these forms to your students to complete during the trip or pass them out when needed.

Field Trip Scavenger Hunt Printables

These activities will provide students with practice paying attention to details, recalling events, and vocabulary development.

Picture cues are provided for non-readers so no reading is necessary to complete the activities.

Volume 1 of the 8 page Field Trip Recording Sheet packet includes scavenger hunts and recording sheets for the following field trips:

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free field trips for preschoolers

42 Virtual Field Trips for Kids to Get Them Learning About the World

Kids can go from Ellis Island to Mars without leaving the couch.

virtual field trips

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With rates of COVID-19 on the rise again, parents are preparing for the possibility of another round of stay-at-home orders. Or, even if the official word to stay indoors isn't coming down from local governments, careful families might be planning for a winter at home, just to be safe.

While your kids may be home physically, online tours still give them some access to the rest of the outside world. The same way school has gone digital — with remote homeschooling , live-streamed extra-curricular classes , and learning-at-home portals wherever you look — class trips have moved online, too.

These virtual field trips for kids will have them gazing at world-class art, learning about history, discovering science, and even checking out what it's like in outer space. No matter their interests, be it history, art or science, you'll be able to take a "trip" to match.

Of course, these are still screen experiences. If you want to make the most out of a virtual field trip, try to get your kids to continue to engage with the material even after they've turned off their devices with a fun learning activity . Depending on their age, they could either draw what they most remember or what their favorite part of the "trip" was, or write out a couple of facts that they've learned. If you plan on doing many of these, you can even create a binder to act as a log for your virtual explorer.

Tour collections and learn about the history of art and artifacts with these online museum experiences.

  • American Museum of Natural History : Brian Selznick, author of Wonderstruck , leads a virtual tour of the museum, meeting field experts along the way.
  • British Museum : This cool, interactive site lets kids browse the museum collection by time period, not by room, so kids can focus in on the era they're most interested in.
  • Colonial Williamsburg : Eight different webcams let viewers peek in on what's happening at places like Merchants' Square or Raleigh Tavern.
  • Frida Kahlo Museum : You might not be able to get to Mexico City, Mexico, but you can still explore the work of artist Frida Kahlo and imagine her life in the "Casa Azul" (Blue House).
  • Historic Hudson Valley : This site offers many history-themed online experiences for kids, from " Traders and Raiders ," which looks at the history of pirates in the greater New York Area, to " People Not Property ," which teaches kids about slavery. There are also lots of ideas for at-home historical activities, like cooking with cornmeal or " tinsmithing " at home with aluminum foil.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art : The #MetKids site is geared for little ones, and lets them explore a cute, illustrated map to find treasures in the museum's collection.
  • Musée du Louvre : The world-famous museum offers virtual tours by subject, from the body in art to Egyptian antiquities.
  • Museum of Science : The #MOSatHome page offers virtual looks at the Boston museum's exhibits and hosts daily livestreams and webinars.
  • National Baseball Hall of Fame : Browse through the collection of photographs, memorabilia and more to learn more about America's national pastime. The museum also offers virtual programming on its YouTube page .
  • National Constitution Center : Explore exhibitions about constitutional conflicts through the years, including "Hamilton: The Constitutional Clashes That Shaped a Nation." For a fee groups can also participate in live, virtual guided tours for up to 300 people.
  • National Gallery of Art : The National Gallery has 50 video tours specifically geared towards kids, focusing on a work and the people, places, and scenes surrounding its creation.
  • National Museum of Computing : Located in Bletchley Park in the U.K., home of the famous WWII codebreakers like Alan Turing, this museum offers a virtual tour that takes visitors through the history of computers.
  • Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History : You can bookmark this one to visit over and over, since it offers virtual version of every exhibition in the museum.
  • The Vatican Museum : You can get 360 looks at nine rooms in the Vatican — including the magnificent Sistine Chapel.

See how food grows, is harvested, and gets to your table with these farm tours.

  • American Egg Board : The Egg Board has virtual tours of different egg farms, and many of them let you choose different videos for elementary and middle school students.
  • Bonnie Plants : Home Depot takes kids on a multi-part virtual field trip to this grower, hoping to inspire kids to get into gardening themselves.
  • Bright Farms : A farm grower in Irvington, NY shows kids how food goes from the field (in this case, an indoor grower) to the grocery store. There's even a quiz at the end!
  • Farm Food 360 : Kids can see 11 different sorts of farm and food plants, including dairy cow farms, egg processing facilities and an apple orchard.

You might not be able to go on your sightseeing vacation at the moment, but these virtual landmark tours are the next best thing.

  • Buckingham Palace : Go room-by-room and see all of the amazing historical objects in the palace.
  • Ellis Island : See the island the way the 12 million immigrants did between 1892 and 1954 through a virtual tour with lots of first-hand stories.
  • Washington, DC : Pick and choose from more than 24 landmarks in our nation's capital, including the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court — even that National Zoo! The tours are given by Richard Kurin, Ph.D., Smithsonian Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador-at-Large, and feature videos, quizzes, reader polls and interactive maps.
  • Mount Rushmore : The virtual tour of Mount Rushmore was created through 3D scans of the mountain.
  • Mount Vernon : Take a look inside George Washington's home the same way you would click through Street View on a Google Map.
  • Plimoth Plantation : Take a tour of the site of the first Thanksgiving, and learn the history behind the event.
  • The White House : President Obama narrates a tour of "The People's House," and you can scroll around and click on points of interest.

Zoos and Aquariums

These zoos and aquariums have live cams where kid can check in with the animals.

  • Atlanta Zoo
  • Cincinnati Zoo
  • Georgia Aquarium
  • Houston Zoo
  • Reid Park Zoo
  • Shedd Aquarium
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • National Aquarium

Even More Fun

From a candy factory to the surface of Mars, these tours take kids to places that aren't available to them even in normal times.

  • Discovery Education : The site hosts virtual field trips for kids, from engineering plants that make the cars of the future to a lab that researches nuclear energy.
  • Johnson Space Center : Boeing leads the tour through the Houston, Texas facility, covering the history — and future — of aerospace innovation.
  • M&Ms Factory Tour : The Food Network hosts a virtual tour of the M&Ms factory and shows how the delicious candy gets made.
  • Outer Space Tours: Kids can see the real surface of Mars , courtesy of the Curiosity rover. NASA also does virtual tours of the Moon , along with the International Space Station .
  • Recycling Simplified : Take kids on a tour of a modern-day recycling center or landfill, and teach them about environmental sustainability.
  • Sơn Đoòng : National Geographic offers a 360-degree tour of the world's largest cave, situated in Quảng Bình Province, Vietnam. You can even hear the water as it runs over the rocks.

Headshot of Marisa LaScala

Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother . She lives with her husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found dominating the audio round at her local bar trivia night or tweeting about movies.

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Freedom Homeschooling

Freedom Homeschooling

Free virtual field trips.

by Freedom Homeschooling | Mar 21, 2023 | Field Trips

free virtual field trips

Virtual field trips allow children to visit places around the world without ever leaving their homes. Through virtual field trips, they can visit other states, countries across the globe, and even other planets. This allows children to experience places they wouldn’t get to see otherwise. Virtual field trips are also great for when you can’t get out due to illness or can’t afford to travel.  Here are several free resources your family can use to take virtual field trips.

Zoo & Aquarium Free Virtual Field Trips

Dublin Zoo – Watch the giraffes, zebras, rhinos, elephants, and penguins of this Ireland zoo via live webcams.

Franklin Park Zoo – Explore this Boston zoo using an interactive map and videos.

Houston Zoo – Observe animals in several of the zoo’s exhibits via live webcam.

Marineland Dolphin Adventure – Learn about dolphins, sea turtles, and more during a video-based tour of this marine mammal park in Florida.

Monterey Bay Aquarium – Watch sea creatures in this California aquarium with the live animal cam.

National Aquarium – Take a virtual tour of this aquarium located in Baltimore, Maryland.

San Diego Zoo – View live videos, learn about animals, play games, and more on this interactive website.

Zoo Tours – This YouTube channel visits zoos around the US.

Observe Wildlife With Free Virtual Field Trips

Africam – Watch animals in the African bush using live webcams.

All About Birds – Observe birds all over the US and world via live webcams.

Explore – View animals around the world with these live webcams.

Nature & National Parks Free Virtual Field Trips

Great Lakes Now – Learn about the Great Lakes of North America with this series of video-based virtual field trips.

Mount Everest – Explore this peak in the Himalayan mountain range through 360-degree photos and informative articles.

The Nature Conservancy – Learn about ecosystems around the world with video-based tours.

The Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma – Explore nature in Oklahoma through videos and photographs.

Son Doong Cave – Explore the world’s largest cave with 360-degree images.

The Virtual Rainforest – Learn about the rainforest with this interactive tour that includes informative videos and articles.

Yosemite National Park – Tour this national park located in California through interactive panoramic photographs.

Visit Farms With Free Virtual  Field Trips

Farm Tours – Learn about agriculture through these virtual tours of farms in Canada.

HenCam – Observe chickens on a small backyard farm in Massachusetts.

Purina Farms – Learn about the animals at Purina Farms with this virtual field trip.

History Museums Free Virtual Field Trips

Anne Frank House – Take a 360-degree tour of Anne Frank’s home in Amsterdam.

The British Museum – Browse the online galleries of this museum, which is located in London.

Colonial Williamsburg – Take a 3D tour of the world’s largest living history museum.

Corrie ten Boom Home – View the home in 360 degrees as the digital guide tells Corrie’s story.

Museo Galileo – Virtually tour this museum dedicated to Galileo in Florence, Italy.

National Women’s History Museum – Learn about trailblazing women while exploring the museum’s virtual exhibits.

Old Sturbridge Village – Learn about life in 1830s New England with this 3D tour.

September 11th Memorial and Museum – Explore the museum with this interactive video-based virtual tour.

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History – Virtually explore many current and past exhibits of this museum located in Washington D.C.

War & Military History Museums Free Virtual Field Trips

Battleship New Jersey – Take a video-based tour of the US’s most decorated battleship.

Beyond the Battle Field – Watch a behind-the-scenes video-based field trip of the Museum of the American Revolution.

National Museum of the US Air Force – Take a virtual tour of this museum located in Dayton, Ohio.

The National World War II Museum – Learn about World War II with this series of video-based field trips.

Historical Sites, Landmarks, & Monuments Free Virtual Field Trips

Ellis Island – Visit Ellis Island with this video created by Scholastic.

Historic Philadelphia – Take a picture-based tour of historic sites in Philadelphia, PA. Stops include the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Betsy Ross Hall, and more.

Mount Rushmore – Explore this national memorial located in South Dakota through 360-degree images.

Mount Vernon – Take an interactive and informative tour of George Washington’s home in Virginia.

The Statue of Liberty – Learn about the Statue of Liberty through the videos and photographs in this virtual tour.

The White House – Go on a  360-degree tour of the President’s home.

Art Museum Free Virtual Field Trips

The Dalí Museum – Take a 360-degree virtual tour of this St. Petersburg, Florida, museum and view online galleries of Salvador Dalí’s artwork.

Google Arts and Culture – View the art collections of over 500 museums and galleries. Some of the museums also offer full virtual tours.

The Louvre Museum – Explore exhibits at this famous art museum in Paris, France.

MetKids – Explore the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, located in New York City, using an interactive map and videos.

Learn About Space With Free Virtual Field Trips

Boeing Aerospace Tour – Join Boeing on a virtual field trip to the Johnson Space Center.

Callisto: Space Innovation Tour – Explore the Orion Spacecraft with a video-based field trip.

International Space Station – Take a video tour of the space station.

Johnson Space Center – Tour Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, with this series of videos from Boeing and Discovery Education.

Mars – Explore the surface of Mars in a 360-degree view while learning about the planet and space exploration.

NASA Glenn Research Center – Take a look around the facilities with these interactive virtual tours.

Factory & Business Free Virtual Field Trips

Amazon Fulfillment Center – Learn how Amazon fills customers’ orders with this online field trip.

Mount Olive Tour – Find out how pickles are made with this video tour.

Taylor Guitars Factory – Watch guitars being made with this video-based factory tour.

Community Helpers & Services Free Virtual Field Trips

Clover Post Office – Visit the Clover Post Office in North Carolina to learn how mail is delivered.

Martin County Sheriff’s Department – Join a group of preschoolers for a video-based virtual field trip to the sheriff’s office in Martin County, Florida.

Memphis Fire Department – Watch a video tour of the fire department.

Republic Services – See what happens to our trash with virtual field trips to landfills and recycling centers.

Explore the World With Free Virtual Field Trips

AirPano – Visit locations all over the world virtually with 360-degree videos and photographs.

Borneo – Travel to Borneo, the third largest island in the world, and learn about the rainforest with this video.

Holy Land Tour – Virtually visit Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and more.

The Journey of Water – This video explores Columbia’s paramo ecosystem and follows water’s path to the kitchen sink.

The Most Dangerous Ways to School – Watch children all over the world travel to school with this 13-episode documentary series.

Rick Steves’ Europe – Visit and learn about Europe with this YouTube channel.

Vatican Museums – Virtually tour numerous museums, chapels, and galleries.

World of Wonder Travel – Take virtual trips around the US and the world. The website includes a free printable passport and stamps to track field trips.

360 Cities – This website provides interactive 360-degree videos and images of locations around the world.

Miscellaneous Free Virtual Field Trips

National Geographic Education – This YouTube playlist includes virtual field trips to various locations.

Discovery Education – Discover Education offers a wide variety of virtual field trips.

Google Earth – “Fly” anywhere in the world in seconds, explore hundreds of cities in 3D, take guided tours, and create your own maps and stories.

Google Maps Street View – Type in any address, select street view, and explore the area. Not only can you take a virtual trip down the streets, but you can also “step” into many museums, landmarks, and other attractions. Here are some I’ve found.

  • The White House – Washington, D.C.
  • The Colosseum – Rome, Italy
  • Great Wall of China – Huairou District, China
  • Stonehenge – Wiltshire, United Kingdom
  • Palace of Versailles – Versailles, France
  • This is just a small sample of the places you can tour with Google Maps. Search for other locations that interest your family and see if Google will let you take a peek inside.

Free Printable Field Trip Journal & Log

Our 20 Ways to Save on Field Trips post includes a free printable field trip journal and log. This printable works well for both in-person and virtual field trips.

Free Printable Field Trip Journal and Log

Other Resources You May Enjoy

  • YouTube Channels That Get Kids Moving
  • Homeschooling With Movies, TV, and Videos
  • Free Curriculum for All Subjects and Every Grade – Simply choose a subject from the menu on the main page to get started.

free virtual field trips

Note: This post was originally published on March 16, 2020 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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free field trips for preschoolers

70 Best Virtual Field Trips for Kids

In the Classroom


Here you will find a list of the best virtual field trips for kids, ranging from preschool and kindergarten to elementary aged children.

These virtual field trips for kids will leave your kiddos learning about animals, history, community helpers, space, national parks, sports arenas, and farms all over the world!

The interactive tour with live webcams are a great way to give the kids a closer look at outer space, an animals natural habitat, and our natural world.

Whether for homeschool, preK, kindergarten, first grade, or second grade, you can quickly find great virtual field trips below with the easy-to-find categories. 

If you’re looking for a middle school and high school appropriate virtual reality field trip, there will be a few to choose from.

Otherwise, these are geared towards the younger children.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Leave a comment at the end of the post, and I will gladly search for a fun virtual field trip for kids.


The Best Virtual Field Trips to a Farm

During the Fall, most elementary grades take a field trip to a farm.

The most popular guided tour school groups are animal farms, apple orchards, and pumpkin patches.

Below are virtual field trip experiences your kids will love!

  • Dairy Farm : Complete with a downloadable companion activity to get your kids prepared for the virtual field trip of a dairy farm.
  • Animal Farm
  • Condee Horse Farm:  Meet Shorty in this 8 minute virtual tour of a horse farm.
  • Dutch Hollow Farm : 50 minute tour of a dairy farm
  • Tailview Farm : A 47 minute tour of the Tailview Farm recorded in 2020
  • Bonnie Plants : Home Depot takes kids on a multi-part virtual field trips to see gardens and plants
  • Egg Farm Field Trip

free field trips for preschoolers

Virtual Field Trips Aquarium

  • Seattle Aquarium
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Cam
  • Mystic Aquarium
  • National Aquarium

free field trips for preschoolers

Zoo and Animals Free Virtual Field Trips

Kids absolutely love getting up close and personal with animals at the zoo.

One of the most visited zoo’s in the United Stated is the Houston Zoo . While you may not be able to go there on a field trip, they still offer a virtual tour.

free field trips for preschoolers

  • San Diego Zoo : Live animal cameras and instructional activities
  • Butterfly Garden : Learn all about butterflies with this 9 minute video of the most beautiful butterfly habitats in the world.
  • Animal Shelter : This 8 minute video shows the Kidvision kids learning about the animal shelter and how to adopt a pet
  • Emerald Hills Animal Hospital
  • Dinosaur Exhibit
  • Conservation Biology Institute and the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

zoo animals write the room vocabulary and writing activity for prek, kindergarten, and first grade

Community Helpers Virtual Field Trips for Kids

Most elementary social studies curriculum integrates community helpers!

These virtual tours will support your lessons by offering an interactive experience.

  • Ft. Lauderdale Children’s Theater
  • Airport : Sit in a cockpit, learn how to fuel a helicopter, and visit an airplane museum
  • Construction Site
  • Bank : Visit the SunTrust Bank with the KidVision kids
  • Television Station : An 8 minute video touring a TV studio with Penny. Learn about green screens, sound and audio boards, and much more.
  • Recycling Center : Here’s an 8 minute video touring a recycling center
  • Library : Learn about putting books in alphabetical order, how to check out your favorite books, and all the other fun parts of a library.
  • Post Office : Learn how to mail a letter
  • Fire Station
  • Whole Foods Grocery Store
  • Police Station
  • Boston Children’s Museum

free field trips for preschoolers

Virtual Field Trips to Food and Candy Shops

  • Ice Cream Parlor : Visit Jaxson’s Ice Cream Parlor and learn how to order from a menu, choose your favorite toppings, and more sweet fun!
  • Chocolate Factory : Take this fun tour with the KidVision kids and Ms. Penny to see how chocolate is made – from the bean to the candy
  • How M&Ms are made
  • Bakery:  A 7 minute video that will take you to a bakeshop and show how cupcakes are made

pizza facts for kids worksheets

Virtual Field Trip to Space

The live videos of space exploration are excellent educational activities.

  • Visit the Moon : This 23 minute video will take you on a NASA virtual field trip to the moon.
  • Kennedy Space Center
  • Virtual Tour of Mars (Access Mars)
  • Slime in Space
  • Google Earth interactive map to get the google street view of any location in the world, such as the Great Lakes, the Liberty Bell, Mexico City, New York City, or the beautiful Yosemite National Park.
  • International Space Station

earth facts for kids printables

Virtual Field Trips for Learning History

  • Pilgrim Life:  Learn about games and chores of pilgrim children in the 1620s
  • George Washington’s Mount Vernon
  • White House : Take a virtual tour of the white house
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Railroad Museum : Learn about railroad safety in this 5 minute video by Kid Vision
  • Smithsonian National Museum of History :  Click to see different areas of the museum as you and the kids walk through this virtual tour.
  • Great Wall of China : Although the history behind this extraordinary exhibit is beyond early childhood curriculum, the kids will love the 360-degree view. This virtual tour of the great wall of china would be great when teaching different cultures.
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Plimoth Plantation: Perfect for your Thanksgiving activities and lessons for kids
  • Empire State Building Live Cam
  • Ellis Island

Amazing National Parks Virtual Tours

  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Grand Canyon
  • Amazon Rainforest
  • African Safari in Etosha

free field trips for preschoolers

Sports Virtual Field Trips

  • Baseball Stadium : This 6 minute video will take you on a virtual field trip to a Baseball Stadium. Meet the team mascot, throw a pitch, and much more.
  • Bowling Alley:  Join the kids as they go to a bowling alley, learn how to pick out the right ball, and have fun with some strikes!
  • Play 60 Football Stadium Virtual Field Trip for Kids

free field trips for preschoolers

Virtual Field Trips to Oceans

  • Hawaii : Learn about Hawaiian art, music, and dance.
  • Artic : Explore the arctic for kids and learn about arctic animals and climates
  • Coral Reef : See sea turtles, octopus, eels, and more as you explore the coral reef.

free field trips for preschoolers

Virtual Field Trips to Kids Museum

  • Children’s Museum of Atlanta : This was rated amongst the top world-famous museum choices for kids
  • Explore STEM and STEAM projects at the National Children’s Museum

I hope you’ve enjoyed this collection of these best places for virtual field trips for kids. 

Be sure to bookmark this page, so you can easily access it throughout the year. 

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Before you go, here are some popular blog posts you may enjoy:

75 Fun Yes and No Questions for Kids

Why Kids Need Math Talks

4 Tips to Become a Teacher Blogger


Virtual Field Trips for Kids

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30+ Virtual Field Trips for Kids

Want to explore our world? Here are 30+ great Virtual Field Trips for early learners to explore from your home. From zoos and landmarks to famous museums, you can explore the world with your child with over a month of virtual field trips!

virtual field trips for kids featuring white house, yosemite, manatees and elephants and DC zoo

Animal Virtual Tours for Kid

Us history virtual tours, us landmarks virtual tours, us national parks virtual tours, museum virtual tours, virtual tours around the world, fall virtual field trips for kids, winter virtual field trips for kids, spring virtual field trips for kids, summer virtual field trips for kids, virtual tours of space, live webcams around the world.

One thing that the recent global quarantine has made us all realize very clearly is that we’re all part of one earth. We all have many commonalities and many things that are unique to where we live.

As we are at home, working from home and spending more time with the kids, I’d love to suggest we spend a little more time exploring this amazing planet that we’ve been gifted to during our lifetime.

Google Earth is such an amazing tool to use with your child to encourage them to explore the world. You can be at home on your sofa or at our desk and be transported to anywhere on the earth(virtually).

Where would you want to go?

With your child start with where you live. Then go to their school and where you shop near you and then find where family and friends live. Next, explore some of their favorite spots you’ve vacationed and now it’s time to explore where you’ve never been. But where do you start?

Let’s start by exploring some amazing popular travel destinations that also happen to have webcams for you to step inside and explore.

Google’s Art and Culture is a great resource to kick-start your global search too. Did you know that Google’s “World Wonders” project offers virtual tours of 132 famous sites? So many amazing virtual tours of museums for kids!!

View inside White House as part of Virtual Tour of the White House

30 Virtual Field Trips for Kids

I’ve put together a collection of locations for virtual field trips that I believe as a teacher and a mom that are appropriate for the kid to watch online. I’d encourage you though to talk about these locations as a family.

You can track your virtual tours with our Printable Virtual Field Trip Log !

Perhaps start working on a travel bucket list together and a virtual travel bucket list. That way your child can make their own itinerary too.

Where do you think your child wants to go to?

  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Georgia Aquarium
  • Houston Zoo
  • Atlanta Zoo – Pandas
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Smithsonian National Zoo
  • The Tundra with Discovery Education
  • Virtual Farm Tours
  • Penguin Virtual Field Trips
  • Polar Bear Virtual Field Trips
  • Rainforest Virtual Field Trips
  • Everglades Virtual Field Trips

Here’s a list of all the zoos with webcams to explore.

For a little movement, try this zoo themed yoga

Let's go to our nation's capital on this Washington, D.C. Virtual Field Trip for Kids! Get prepared to fully immerse yourself in U.S. History as you explore Washington, D.C.

  • Washington, D.C. Virtual Field Trip for Kids
  • The White House
  • A Virtual Tour by the Obamas
  • Mount Vernon
  • Colonial Williamsburg
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Liberty Bell

Grab our Washington DC Unit for Kids . Create your own Living History Museum at home after your virtual tour!

  • Empire State Building
  • Ellis Island
  • Monument Valley

View of grand canyon as part of virtual tour for kid

  • Mighty 5 National Parks Virtual Field Trip
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • The Grand Canyon
  • Hidden World of National Parks by Google Art and Culture
  • National Parks Foundation: Electronic Field Trip
  • NPS Webcams at the National Parks
  • Virtual Hikes at Rocky Mountain National Park
  • Virtual Hike from Rim to River at Grand Canyon
  • Glacier National Park
  • Yosemite Park
  • Smoky Mountain National Park
  • Dry Tortugas National Park
  • Everglades National Park
  • Carlsbad Caverns National Park
  • Bryce Canyon National Park
  • Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park
  • Kenai Fjords National Park
  • Carlsbad Caverns

Take our Virtual Tour of Utah’s Mighty 5 National Parks

Find Your Virtual Park – Connect with national parks from a distance through digital opportunities and activities to do in your own home or neighborhood.

virtual tour of vatican

  • Smithsonian Museum
  • Van Gogh Museum
  • 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours 
  • Google Art and Culture: Top 10 Museums you Can Explore

Coloring Pages From Over 100 Museums

  • Great Wall of China
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Red Square in Russia
  • Largest Flower Garden, Keukenhof 
  • Ukraine Virtual Field Trip Guide

Recreate a famous landmark with math, art and sidewalk chalk

Fall Virtual Field Trip for Kids

Get ready to explore these Fall Virtual Field Trips for Kids with these kid friendly fall virtual tours.

  • Pumpkin patches
  • Fall leaves
  • Apple orchards
  • Turkey farms

Try these Leaf Activities for hands-on fun in fall.

winter virtual field trips for kids featuring sledding, snow covered mountains and evergreen trees and ice castles

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Explore 60+ Winter themed virtual field trips for kids .

  • Winter Virtual Field Trips to National Parks
  • Ice Castle Virtual Field Trips
  • Natural Wonders of Winters : Snow, Frozen Lakes, Waterfalls & Glaciers
  • Winter Sports: Ice Skating, Skiing, Sledding and Tubing
  • Christmas Around the World Virtually: Lights, Tree Farms, Reindeers
  • Christmas Virtual Field Trips for Kids

Once you take a few winter virtual tours, explore these Winter Activities for Kids .

spring virtual field trips for kids with flowers, trees, baby animals and more

Explore the best spring virtual field trips for kids . Explore moments in nature of spring flowers blooming and experience flower-covered trees, baby animals, and the animal life cycles of spring with this ultimate collection of spring virtual field trips for kids.

  • Spring Flowers Virtual Field Trips
  • Trees Blooming in Spring Virtual Field Trips
  • Spring in National Parks Virtual Field Trips
  • Baby Animals on Farms Virtual Field Trips
  • Bird Nests and Eggs in Spring Virtual Field Trips
  • Frog Themed Virtual Field Trips
  • Butterfly Themed Virtual Field Trips

Ready for Spring? Try this hands-on Spring STEM Challenge !

Summer Virtual Field Trips for kids. Explore Oceans, Beaches, Amusement Parks, Springs and more!

Get ready to explore these Summer Virtual Field Trips for Kids ! Explore the ocean, amusement parks, outdoor adventures, watermelon farms, and more with these kid-friendly summer virtual tours.

  • Coral Reefs
  • Ocean Animals
  • Boat Adventures
  • Amusement Parks Rides
  • Rock Slides
  • Natural Springs
  • Watermelon Farms
  • International Space Station
  • Space Shuttle Discovery
  • Solar Eclipse
  • Worldcam.eu: WebCams from Around the World
  • Explore.org: Live webcams throughout the world

Yosemite and National Zoo images featured Virtual Field Trips for Kids

Virtual Field Trip Activities for Home

Looking for ways to expand the virtual tour?

Once you’ve viewed one of the Virtual tours, you can…

  • Write up about what you learned
  • Draw a picture of your favorite part
  • Create a version with legos, building blocks or playdough
  • Find a book online to learn more about the location
  • Create a themed craft based on where you took a virtual tour
  • Recreate it with sidewalk chalk
  • Cook a dish from that region

Virtual Field Trip Log for Kids Printable on wooden floor with pencil, toy spaceship and globe.


There are so many amazing resources to explore virtually to learn about our amazing planet and the treasures and history within it.

One resource that I found to be the most amazing was Google Art and Culture resource. I high recommend exploring it as a family during this time.

Virtual Tours for Kids

Virtual Field Trips for Kid featuring National Zoo, Manatees, White House and Yosemite

Take this time to explore the world virtually and help us work together to protect and learn about these treasures around the world.

Want more ideas for home Parents! Check out our…

50+ STEM Activities for Kids

Ball Games Your Kids will LOVE

JOIN our free Virtual Book Club for Kids

Do you have a favorite virtual tour that you love? Please share with me in the comments.

Like this idea? Pin for later or share now with a friend!

  • Pinterest 34.3K
  • Facebook 93.7K

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About Kim Vij

Early childhood teacher, author, speaker and mom of 3. Kim shares ways to make learning fun and parenting an adventure by sharing developmentally appropriate activities.

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September 4, 2020 at 8:02 am

This is still fun! definitely helping their learning 🙂 easier to visit destinations from the comfort of their couch!

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September 2, 2020 at 8:54 am

Is there a cost associated with these virtual field trips?

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September 3, 2020 at 7:03 pm

Most of these Virtual Field Trips are simply links to either the specific museums or locations offering a video of their facility or using Google Earth to explore a specific region such as our national parks. They are free to view at your convenience.

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June 13, 2020 at 6:21 am

that was very cool

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May 6, 2020 at 11:20 am

You could do a virtual tour on Paris

May 7, 2020 at 4:18 pm

You definitely could, I’ll try to put one together for you and share very soon on the site!

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April 30, 2020 at 6:01 pm

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April 20, 2020 at 2:06 pm

Thanks for letting me know about this! It sounds cool!

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March 28, 2020 at 10:00 am


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March 27, 2020 at 1:55 pm

Thank you this is cool not as cool as google earth

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Let’s connect.

free field trips for preschoolers

Where Imagination Grows

Hands-on learning through play and imagination

April 12, 2020 by Where Imagination Grows

40+ Virtual Field Trips for Kids

We are living in a strange time. Never did I think that I would be searching for virtual field trips to take with my daughter and daycare children! But here we are, trying to make the best of the situation we are living in. 

Now you can experience landmarks and museums around the world with your kids from home! Check out our list of 40+ virtual field trips below. These are all interactive virtual tours that I have done with my kids. All kid-approved! 

free field trips for preschoolers

I’ve spent the last two weeks putting together this list of virtual field trips for kids. These are all links that I have personally checked out with my daughter and daycare kids. 

free field trips for preschoolers

Animal Virtual Field Trips

-Watch over 10 different animals, from Elephants to Butterflies, in their habitats at the San Diego Zoo with these Live Animal Cams ! We love the tiger cams! Plus they have a whole kids area on their website for fun educational activities. 

-Observe gorillas, rhinos, and even ants on the live webcams from the Houston Zoo . I love the 6 different animal cams at this zoo. Tune in between 7 am and 7 pm CST to see them in action.

– The Georgia Aquarium has some really amazing webcams you can check out. They have beluga whale webcams plus live feeds of the puffins, piranhas, gators and much more! Watch for the whale shark (!) on the Ocean Voyager cam! It’s so cool to see! 

-Learn and explore the farm like never before! Take an inside virtual tour of how farms run and how food is processed from a farm. These are really interesting and well done. My daughter loved the 360 videos on egg processing and egg breaking, the way all the machinery works together blew her mind! You can also view sheep, grain, and mink farms plus milk processing plants.

-Have a shark lover in your house? The live shark cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of our favorite live cams to view. They also have a really great aviary and coral reef cam that you can view with your kids. We also like the Monterey bay cam, it’s fun to watch the waves! 

-Walk-through the halls of the National Aquarium with this fun and interactive virtual tour. 

-Another informative and fun virtual farm tour for kids. Learn about and tour behind the scenes of a dairy farm. 

-Check-in on some of your favorite animals and don’t miss the baby Cheetahs on the animal cams at the National Zoo. 

free field trips for preschoolers

Landmarks & Castles

-If you haven’t explored Google Earth I highly recommend that you give it a try. You can explore all kinds of amazing places on Earth. Studying somewhere specific? Check it out on Google Earth. 

-Missing your connection to Mickey and friends? Check out this free virtual field trip to Walt Disney World . 

-Learning about the Empire State Building ? Check out the live webcams perched high above the streets of New York.

-Even wondered what the white house looks like from the inside? Step inside and take a tour of this presidential building from the comfort of your own home.

-Walk the grounds of Scotland’s Edinburgh Castle with this virtual field trip of this ancient castle. 

-Walk along walls of the Great Wall of China with this stunning virtual tour!

-Have you always wanted to see the Effiel Tower ? Well, now you can take your kids on a field trip there in your pajamas! 

-Visit the Palace of Versailles in France. Explore the King’s Chamber, the Hall of Mirrors, art and much more! My kids were in awe of this one! 

-Go onboard and view the inside of Air Force One (a retired model). Explore the cockpit and see where the president sat and slept! 

-Walk-through the halls of the Schönbrunn Palace in Austria . It’s one of the most visited sites in the country and the tour is full of stunning items! 

-Visit an ancient tomb in Egypt. We really enjoyed the virtual tour of The Tomb of Menna . This is one of the most visited and best-preserved of the small 18th Dynasty elite tombs in the Theban necropolis. You can also visit the pyramids while you are “in” Egypt! 

– Head to Mount Vernon and explore the grounds and building. This was the plantation of George Washington, the first President of the United States, and his wife, Martha. 

-Go through the process of arriving at Ellis Island with this interactive tour. 

-Tour inside the state rooms at Buckingham Palace and discover some of the most treasured objects in the Royal Collection

free field trips for preschoolers

Science & Nature 

-Visit the National Parks in realtime with their NPS Webcams ! 

-View the stunning beauty of Yosemite National Park . This virtual tour is amazing! 

-Take a hike on the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon from your living room! 

-Looking for something out of this world? Travel into space and visit Mars! That’s right, you can go on a virtual adventure on Mars ! 

-Take a tour of the international space station ! If you are learning about the stars and space this tour is a must! 

-Explore the Atlantic coast of Ireland and the Giants Causeway . This virtual field trip is one I want to take for myself! 

-Go inside Son Doong in Vietnam, it’s the largest cave in the world and even has its own ecosystem. The images are amazing! 

-Want to go on a safari? Check out these African Safari tours to view hyenas, lions, elephants and more! 

-Tour the Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park . Lava tubes and volcanos make this one a favorite.

-Explore the wonder of the Carlsbad Caverns and learn about bats.  

-See the Northern Lights over Sweden with this fabulous virtual tour. 

-Follow explorers from beginning to end as they climb Mt. Everest . The 360° videos are amazing and we learned so much about what it takes to make it to the top.

free field trips for preschoolers

-Walk around among planes from history with this free virtual field trip for kids from the Frontiers of Flight Museum .

-Get an inside look at the cockpit and interior of planes from history at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. From WWII bombers to helicopters and fighter jets! My daughter has literally spent hours exploring these. 

-Have a car fan? Learning about transportation? Take a tour of the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant , the first Ford plant and the location where the Model T was developed.

-View the largest collection of Van Gogh’s artwork, including letters and drawings, at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

-Learn about the Battle of the Alamo while you tour the historic Spanish mission and fortress founded in the 18th century.

-Head to the National Museum of Natural History to learn about the history of the planet and the humans. 

-View the incredible exhibits at the Louvre , the largest art museum in the world. 

-Explore The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s website for kids! The Met Kids lets kids explore an interactive cartoon map of the Met to learn more about the artwork and visitor spaces in the museum

-See all the fun to be had at the Boston Children’s Museum ! View three floors of fun children’s exhibits. 

-Virtually tour The British Museum and discover hundreds of artifacts in the museum.

–Step inside the Sistine Chapel and get an up-close and personal view of the amazing art that covers the space, including The Last Judgment  by Michelangelo.

free field trips for preschoolers

Your turn! 

Have a favorite virtual field trip for kids that’s not listed above? Leave a link in the comments! I’m always looking for fun new options to explore with my kids. 

free field trips for preschoolers

Looking for more crafts and activities? Check out our  index for 100+ plus kids activities ! Find activities by theme, materials, skills, age and much more!

Sharing is caring!

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April 28, 2020 at 7:25 am

Thank you for sharing this list! It’s great that we can still have field trips even if we can’t leave our homes.

Virtual Field Trips For Kids: 100+ Amazing Free Trips!

From zoos to museums, landmarks to famous wonders of the world, with these virtual field trips for kids, your kid can explore the world right from the living room couch!

All of these virtual tours come with links so you’re just one click away from a fun, montessori-inspired Geography lesson at home.


As the world adapts to a new normal, many teachers and parents have found that their tried-and-tested lesson plans no longer fit an online setting.

Plus, keeping younger children and preschoolers entertained and engaged with online learning can pose a problem!

Luckily, there are many innovative ways to nurture and foster a child’s natural curiosity; virtual field trips being one of them!

The culture, the sights, the sounds, all of it encourages a child to expand their horizons and think bigger picture.

All of these virtual excursions can be turned into fun lessons, and they don’t just apply to Geography either! English, History, Social Studies, Art can all incorporate virtual field trips into their lessons.

As a former educator, one thing I do know is that kids LOVE going on field trips (even if it is from the comforts of their own home).

To expand on the learning potential of these field trips, I’ve also included a few ‘on mission’ learning activities to get those grey cells working!

I’ve made sure to cover teaching ideas for English, Art, Cookery, Science and more to inspire you.


Absolutely! At the time of posting, all of these virtual field trips are free. Simply click on the links provided and they will open to a virtual tour.


You can use these as a home school activity or a stand alone educational tool.

Google Earth is also a great tool for kids to use to explore the world around them. In a couple of seconds they can be transported anywhere across the globe, like the Nevada Crop Circles or Australia’s famous Red Rock!

Google’s Art & Culture Program is another fantastic tool for kids to explore. Google’s World Wonders Project offers virtual tours of over 132 famous sites.

Everything from museums to world heritage landmarks!

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Ready to spend a little more time exploring this amazing planet we call home?

Let’s jump right in. Here are 100+ virtual field trips kids will love to explore!


– Great Wall of China, China (This tour even plays local music to add to the atmosphere, so make sure your sound is on!)

– Roman Colosseum, Italy

– The Lourve, France

– The Pyramids of Giza, Egyp t

– Palace of Versailles, France

– Buckingham Palace, UK

– Houses of Parliament, UK

– Taj Mahal, India

– Mount Everest, Nepal (This involves 3D live tracking at the peak of Mount Everest!)


– Petra, Jordan

– Machu Picchu, Peru

– City of Pompeii, Italy

– Rapa Nui, Easter Island

– Temples of Angkor, Cambodia


– Amazon Rainforest (Have a Virtual Reality Headset? This tour is made for that, but you can still explore the rainforest without it!)

– Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

– Grand Canyon, USA (There is a guided and non-guided, ‘discover by yourself’ option).

– Icelandic Lagoons and National Park , Icelan d

– Jokulsarlon Glacier and Ice Lagoon, Iceland (This tour also plays music!)

– Great Barrier Reef (David Attenborough guides this highly interactive tour! It’s full of videos and guided exploration so your child can really feel like an explorer!)

– Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), Alaska (From dog sledding to reindeer sledding to staying at an ice hotel, watch the Nothern Lights glitter in the night sky!)

– Devil’s Pool, Victoria Falls


These are probably our favorite list of virtual tours to include.

There’s something mysterious and fascinating about taking a peek inside places we shouldn’t be, or have virtually no chance of seeing ourselves!

– International Space Station

– Scott’s Hut, Antarctica

– Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway (This is a super interactive and fun tour to take! A lady narrates and talks about the vault whilst you ‘walk’ through it. Highly recommend).


These virtual field trips are perfect for national or US history homeschool lessons.

Take a stroll through Yellow Stone National Park, or hike through Monument Valley to discover the natural geological beauty the US has to offer.

– Empire State Building

– Ellis Island

– Monument Valley

– Yellow Stone National Park

– Hidden World of National Parks

– Glacier National Park

– Yosemite National Park (Highly interactive and fun tour to take!)


Have a budding astronomer on your hands? Kids will love these outer space virtual field tours.

Dive into the unknown world beyond our own and help kids gain a broader understanding of our beautiful solar system.

– The Moon

– Mars

– Space Shuttle Discovery

– The Sun


– Monterey Bay Aquarium

– Reid Park Zoo, AZ (Multiple animal webcams.)

– Reid Park Zoo , Meet the Animals Fact Sheets

– Houston Zoo , Animal Webcams

– Atlanta Zoo – The Pandas

– San Diego Zoo

– Smithsonian National Zoo

– Georgia Aquarium

– Cincinnati Zoo , Home Safari Resources

If your child doesn’t like animal captivity or you don’t want to support it, here are a few ideas for watching animals live in the wild.

These change often so be sure to check out the Youtube channels below!

– Live Bear Watching Webcam, Transylvania

– Decorah Eagles Nest Cam, Iowa

– Cayman Reef Fish Cam

– Grace Gorillas Forest Cam, Africa

For more live webcams of animals in the wild, check out Explore Africa and Explore Live Nature Cams ; both of which are popular Youtube Channels.


– The White House

– Mount Rushmore

– Liberty Bell

– Mount Vernon

– Colonial Willamsburg


– Smithsonian National Museum

– Vatican, Sistine Chapel

– Pretend City, Children’s Museum . This museum does what it says on the tin; it’s a pretend model city for children to visit.

– Anne Frank Museum

– Van Gogh Museum

– British Science Museum . A full 360 experience! Lots of things to see and do in this virtual trip!

– National Art Gallery

– Franklin Institute . A 360 experience with videos throughout.

– George Washington’s Mount Vernon

– Boston Children’s Museum

– Lourve Museum

– Musee D’Orsay

– Metropolitan Museum of Art


As an ocean activist and education presenter, I LOVE anything to do with the ocean.

Given its importance in the world’s ecosystems, I figured it deserved a special place of its own.

Children of all ages will love diving with the turtles, exploring shipwrecks and even swimming with sharks! 

– Dive with Turtles . 360 experience.

– Watch Baby Turtles Hatch (Youtube)

– Swim With Dolphins . 360 experience.

– Explore Underwater Shipwreck in Bermuda (Youtube)

– Scuba Dive in a Coral Reef (Youtube)

– Great Hammerhead Shark Encounter (Youtube)

– Dive with Sharks (Youtube)

– Blue Whale Encounter (Youtube)

– Swim with Jellyfish


All of these virtual field trips can be viewed by preschoolers and toddlers, but for younger or lower-level students, it’ll be more about understanding what they’re seeing, rather than exploring locations in detail.

For example, you’ll want to make sure they understand what a ‘museum’ is, what you can find in a museum and their favorite finds during the virtual field trip.

– Pretend City, Children’s Museum . You can use this virtual trip for teaching directions, signs (lots of stop signs), names of buildings in a town, colors and measurements.

– LEGO House Tour (Youtube Video) Older preschoolers can listen to the Lego tour guide, whilst younger children can learn about colors, sizes, numbers, basic vocabulary etc.

– Slime in Space! 15 minute field trip to the Space Station with a science experiment all about slime!

– Dinosaur Discovery (Youtube). All of Caitie’s videos are perfect for preschool home learning.


Once you’re back from your fascinating tour, why not try…

1. Drawing a picture of your favorite landmark or sight.

2. Coloring in your favorite art piece from a museum. This website lets you download coloring pages from over 100 museums around the world!

3. Creating a fact journal about what you learned during the trip.

4. Creating a quick presentation about the things you learnt and found fascinating.

5. Scouting an encyclopaedia or book to dig even deeper into your chosen location.

6. Finding an online quiz and test your sleuthing skills. See how much you can remember!

7. Cooking a yummy dish from that local region!

8. Creating a craft that represents the area you visited.

9. Counting how many animals you saw at the museums!

10. Describing what animals you found at the museums!

Which virtual field trip are you thinking of taking? There are just so many to choose from!

I personally love the ancient lost civilizations and impossible off-limit tours.

There’s just something so fascinating about secretive and distant places.

a picture of charlotte, the founder of Typically Topical, smiling

Charlotte Kirsten

Charlotte is a renowned Trauma Psychotherapist, Astrologer, and Founder of Typically Topical . With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month.

For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as Today.com , Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. You can find her on Twitter .

4 thoughts on “Virtual Field Trips For Kids: 100+ Amazing Free Trips!”

they are the best

  • Pingback: What Is Child-Led Education? 8 Unschooling Tips for Parents

Thanks for a fabulous post filled with great links! I added it to my Pinterest School Tools board. Love your site!

You have just made my day if not my whole year! Thank you so very much for compiling this list. You are making my life easier, my child’s life more exciting and that ust makesme smile! Wishing you many blessings, Lexi (South Africa)

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free field trips for preschoolers

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Virtual Resources & Field Trips

Virtual Field Trips offer the benefits of experiences anywhere and at time that include Virtual Performances, Virtual STEM Field Trips, Virtual Farm Videos Field Trips, Virtual Museums Tours, Virtual Botanical Garden Online Learning, Virtual Zoo Fun, Virtual Aquarium digital learning and much more. To learn about these virtual field trips and programs select the ACTIVITY filter below.

  • Financial Support
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  • Videos on Business & Economics
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  • Videos on Farms & Agricultural Fun
  • Videos on Fitness & Recreation
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free field trips for preschoolers

Art Institute of Chicago

The Art Institute of Chicago is one of the world’s great art museums, with a collection that spans centuries and the globe. View some of  the museum’s collection virtually. 

free field trips for preschoolers

AWE – The Early Literacy Station™

AWE Learning has more than 20 years of experience providing literacy-focused digital learning solutions for early learners. Offers free printables for early learning practice.

free field trips for preschoolers

Awesome Laser Assemblies

Prismatic Magic provides educational and entertaining laser light virtual and in-person performances. Our programs are dazzling, and your kids will sing and cheer while they learn. In-Person Performances: Nationwide.

free field trips for preschoolers

Bash The Trash

Bash the Trash builds, performs and educates with musical instruments made from found objects, with connections to science, music, climate change and plastic pollution. In-person performances: Nationwide.

free field trips for preschoolers

Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum

Join Samuel Adams and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty in protest of King George’s unjust taxes at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. Explore via virtual tours and the research library.

free field trips for preschoolers

Boxtales Theatre Company

High quality Boxtales’ virtual shows, along with new Social Emotional Learning (SEL) focused teacher guides, (plus extensions), and designed for maximum engagement on ZOOM platforms. 20-60 minute length.

free field trips for preschoolers


Bubbledad has brought smiles to tens of thousands of kids from Manhattan to Mumbai with his bubble wizardry-could your students next?! Bubbledad offers science shows for schools, scout councils, camps and libraries and birthday parties. In-Person Metro NY.

free field trips for preschoolers

Chick-fil-A® Backstage Tour

The guided Chick-fil-A® Backstage Tour offers a fun, storytelling experience about the fascinating history, culture, and values of Chick-fil-A® founder S. Truett Cathy, the unique “Eat Mor Chikin®” Cows business model, and more!

free field trips for preschoolers

Cradle of Aviation Museum

The Cradle of Aviation Museum is a state-of-the-art aerospace, science, and technology center that celebrates Long Island’s role in aviation history.

free field trips for preschoolers

Dauphin Island Sea Lab

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is the state of Alabama’s marine research and education center, located on the eastern tip of Dauphin Island, a barrier island in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Today, there’s a hands-on learning experience for every age to learn about our world’s ocean.

free field trips for preschoolers

DINOSAURS ROCK® & Other Science Fun

DINOSAURS ROCK® brings The Museum To You – Virtual and In-Person Outreach! Giant exhibits! We’ll transform your space into a science museum with our highly interactive events. Five themes: Dinosaurs & Fossils, Sharks & Oceans, Insects or Rocks & Minerals.

free field trips for preschoolers

Fantasy Theatre Factory

Fantasy Theatre Factory is dedicated to creating original and quality educational theatrical programs for children, families, and the public, and to expanding access to these programs to people of all cultures and backgrounds.


Virtual field trips are not limited by distance and are typically more cost-effective than traditional in-person field trips for school, scout, camp and homeschool groups. No cost for transportation or for refreshments and meals. They eliminate safety concerns (no permission slips required.)

The technology allows students to travel the world, both in time and space. Allowing students to explore places that they might not have been able to visit otherwise. Especially for elementary school students since their field trips are often limited by distance and time constraints. Students of all ages can experience traveling to far-off locations—from Antarctica to outer space—through a virtual trip.

Virtual Field trips are easy to manage for teachers, camp directors, homeschool parents and scout leaders. No need for loss of instructional time. Limited prep time for trips. No name tags, no permission slip, no collecting money, no parent chaperones. But most important, you can schedule virtual field trips based on you schedule and needs!




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40+ Free Virtual Field Trips Your Kids Can Take From The Couch

free field trips for preschoolers

Free virtual field trips  can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary day.  Whether it is with your virtual classmates, as part of a distance learning curriculum, a homeschool adventure, looking for educational activities or just for fun…we can’t wait to hear which virtual reality field trip was your favorite!

There are more more online learning opportunities than ever and they are a great way to take interactive tours. In some cases it is almost like building your own time machine! Let’s take a free field trip!

virtual reality field trip - free virtual field trip elementary student

Below is a list of more than 40 different places you can explore online with your kids. Most of them don’t follow the school year calendar or regular operating hours for virtual field trip experiences.

This is going to be fun.

Free Virtual Field Trips for Kids

New virtual field trips are a great resource for high school, elementary, kindergarten or even preschool kids that will be filled with adventure. In fact, our first group of educational virtual tours are dream trips for my family.

Visit the Museum of National History in Washington DC - Kids Activities Blog

Online educational tours are like mini vacations!

Explore the United States Virtually

  • Explore Yellowstone National Park with virtual tours of some of their famous sites, like Mammoth Springs . 
  • Go for a swim and explore a coral reef in the Bahamas!
  • Ever wondered what it’s like to be president? Visit the White House to see where he lives! <–really fun white house virtual tour for kids!
  • This virtual field trip of Ellis Island comes with tons of educational resources.
  • Visit the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History to see some of their current, past, and permanent exhibits. 
  • Get a view of the Grand Canyon from above and see just how big it really is. 
  • Get a live look at the Mount St. Helens volcano.
  • I adore this way to tour the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York with a 360-degree view!
  • We have the scoop for visiting national parks through virtual programs and it is really fun!
  • Visit the baboons at the San Diego Zoo with their live camera feeds! 
  • Have sports fans at home? Take a look around Yankees Stadium , then go to see where the Dallas Cowboys play .
  • Get up-close and personal with a shark at the Monterey Bay Aquarium .
  • Learn about the U.S. Civil War by visiting important locations and people.
  • The panda cam at Zoo Atlanta is too cute to miss. 
  • Enjoy the view from the top deck of the Empire State Building .
  • Check out giraffes, elephants, rhinos, and even ants at the Houston Zoo .
  • Visit the National Aquarium in Baltimore to see even more sea life.
  • You can see beluga whales, sea lions, and explore the Ocean Voyager at the Georgia Aquarium .
  • Go inside the Alamo to see where frontiersman Davy Crockett made his final stand.
  • Visit Arthur and friends in a kid-friendly exhibit at the Boston Children’s museum . 

Visit the Grand Canyon on a Virtual Tour for Classroom - Kids Activities Blog

Sometimes you can get even closer to something with a virtual tour!

Virtually Explore the World  

  • Go on an expedition to the Galapagos Islands on the ship Endeavor II with National Geographic.
  • How about a virtual tour of the Great Wall of China from your computer screen. 
  • Walk among the Moai monolithic statues carved more than 500 years ago by the people who lived on Easter Island .
  • My kiddo is obsessed with Ancient Greece — I can’t wait to show him this virtual field trip!
  • Walk through Egyptian pyramids and learn about their excavation.

virtual field trips for kids can include penguins

You can meet your favorite animals up close!

  • Learn more about the Amazon Rainforest with an educational tour that shows all the sites and sounds.
  • How about an adventure sailing through Antarctica ?
  • What was life like in a 17th century English village? Now you can see for yourself.
  • Climb through the world’s largest cave, Hang S?n ?oòng , in Vietnam.
  • Take a trip to Jerusalem and see the Dome of the Rock, the Damascus Gate, and learn about the history of the city. There’s even a version for older grades .
  • See all of Galileo’s cool inventions at the Museo Galileo.
  • Oh, and don’t miss the Hockey Hall of Fame to see the Stanley Cup!
  • Stroll through the home of the Royal Family with this tour of Buckingham Palace .
  • Observe polar bears in the tundra of Canada on this Discovery Education virtual field trip.
  • Take an african safari to the Etosha National Park in Namibia, Africa.
  • Check out exhibits from the Louvre via one of their educational virtual museum tours .
  • Tour the British Museum with a guided tour or tour collections from the British Museum through Google Arts.
  • Want to visit a museum exhibit from home?  Check out our guide to the best virtual museum tours online!
  • Yay! Virtual farm tours will let kids visit and learn how milk, cheese and other dairy products are processed.
  • Here’s another virtual African safari — this time with elephants and hyenas in the wild!
  • Download the Google Expeditions app for more than 900 different virtual reality experiences, including a NASA mission to Jupiter and a look at Mount Everest!

Take a virtual tour outer space - Kids Activities Blog - child looking at sky

When we travel virtually, we can go to outer space!

Space Exploration Tour

  • You don’t need a spaceship to visit Mars virtually , thanks to this awesome website where you can walk alongside a rover on the surface of Mars.
  • Tour the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama with this video .
  • Go behind the scenes of the Space Launch System program at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. 
  • Learn about the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing .
  • Turn your computer into a planetarium with this virtual view of the stars and constellations.
  • Check out what you can visit virtually at the International Space Station…now that is cool!

visit aquarium online - virtual tours for kids of all ages - shark

You can safely avoid the sharks on a virtual tour!

Interactive and Fun Virtual Field Trips

Digital field trips are extra fun because you can take more than one in a day.  Children can check out the Amazon rainforest in the morning, stop by the Grand Canyon while eating lunch and then…visit Mars?

Learning geography, sociology, science, social studies while virtually meeting people with different cultures within their different societies gives kids a great opportunity to understand their rituals and daily lives while fostering a feeling of connection and understanding of a wide range of cultures.

pyramids virtual field trip

I will race you to the top virtually!

Explore the World for Free

Some of my kids favorite field trip ideas for middle schoolers and high schoolers revolve around animals.  I know we often think of zoos and animal parks as younger kid activities — preschool, kindergarten and elementary school — but they are appropriate virtual field trips for all ages (even my advanced age!).

We can’t wait to hear what you have explored with online field trips. Did you get together with school groups ?

Did you explore them on your own?

Which panoramic tour was your favorite?

Visit anywhere in the world from your computer - virtual tours - Kids Activities Blog

Oh the places we will go…

More Educational Fun & Adventures from Kids Activities Blog

  • We shared a list of education companies offering free subscriptions to keep your kids learning at home — it can also be used for enrichment activities after school.
  • Take a virtual tour of some of the coolest places on earth.
  • Take a virtual train ride with these amazing train videos for kids.
  • Make a paper city to learn about architecture!
  • Help your kids learn how to make bubbles at home!
  • 5 minute crafts are so fun and easy!
  • Check out over 50 printable easy drawing tutorials for kids…and adults :).
  • Follow along and develop awesome coloring skills with our cool drawings series by a 16 year old artist.
  • Looking for some learning activities to use at home or in the classroom…we’ve got ya!
  • Or some science activities you can do with kids that use things you likely already have at home.
  • And don’t miss out on all the really great coloring pages.

What virtual field trip are you going to do first?

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California Field Trips

Field trips are a great way to reboot a bad homeschooling week, get out of the house when everyone has cabin fever, and learn about your local area. Before heading out, check out Jeanne's tips for improving homeschool field trips .

California Homeschool Field Trips

Our listing of California field trips for homeschoolers is ordered alphabetically by city. If you would like to submit a California field trip destination, you may do so using the red button above.

Once used to film numerous movies and TV shows, such as Planet of the Apes and M*A*S*H, the park was the center of Chumash Native American life for centuries. Malibu Creek features hiking, fishing, bird watching and horseback riding opportunities.

Malibu Creek State Park website

( Update this listing )

This site is used by local Native Americans as a ceremonial meeting place. The park features special events and tours. Gathering Day, held the third Saturday of October, includes demonstrations of dancing, crafts and basket weaving.

Wassama Round House State Historic Park website

This state beach was named in memory of State Assemblyman Robert W. Crown, who campaigned for the site's preservation as public parkland. Known as Alameda Beach from the 1880s until the outbreak of World War II, it was an amusement center and day-trip destination for San Francisco and Bay Area residents. The beach is a great achievement of landscaping and engineering. After wind and water action had eroded the beach dangerously, it was restored in early 1982 with sand from San Francisco Bay, pumped ashore by pipeline from a barge. More sand has been added since then, and groins have been constructed to keep it in place.

Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach website

SUA's beautiful two-story, 8,000 square foot Founder's Hall Art Gallery is open M-F from 9AM - 5PM. Entrance is free.

Soka University Founders Hall Art Gallery website

Open Seasonally - By appointment only and on days when mine tours are scheduled. Located in a livery stable (ca. 1900) that later served as the town's General Store for over 50 years.

Underground Gold Miners of California Museum website

Oak Canyon Nature Center is a 58-acre natural park nestled in the Anaheim Hills. A year-round stream meanders through the park. Consisting of three adjoining canyons, four miles of hiking trails traverse one of the few remaining areas of oak woodland and coastal sage scrub in our region. Native wildlife makes the canyon their home and is just waiting to be discovered. Also located on site is the John J. Collier Interpretive Center, a small museum with live animal and regional natural history exhibits.

Oak Canyon Nature Center website

A theme park aimed at kids.

Adventure City website

The park offers rugged semi-wilderness, rising from sea level to steep coastal mountains of more than 2,600 feet. Once the site of logging operations until the 1920s, visitors can still find evidence of logging operations, mill sites and trestles in the park.

The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park website

This beach is known for its fishing pier and concrete freighter, The Palo Alto. Unfortunately, the ship is unsafe and closed to the public. Only the pier is open for fishing. The beach is also a popular swimming spot. There is a long stretch of sand backed by bluffs. There is a covered picnic facility. The park also has an interpretive center.

Seacliff State Beach website

The mission of the Humboldt State University Natural History Museum, through its collections, exhibits, and programs, is to inspire in North Coast residents and visitors of all ages an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic natural world and to provide a learning laboratory for Humboldt State University students.

Humboldt State University Natural History Museum website

The Sierra Nevada Logging Museum is a non-profit regional museum in Arnold, California that tells the history of loggers and logging-related industries in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California -- from the discovery of gold in 1848 to the present day. The geographic scope of the Museum encompasses the 18 counties of the Sierra Nevada range, from Lassen County in the North to Kern County in the South.

Sierra Nevada Logging Museum website

Calaveras became a State Park in 1931 to preserve the North Grove of giant sequoias. This grove includes the "Discovery Tree", the first Sierra redwood noted by Augustus T. Dowd in 1852. This area has been a major tourist attraction ever since, and is considered the longest continuously operated tourist facility in California.

Calaveras Big Trees State Park website

Oceano Dunes is the only California State Park where vehicles may be driven on the beach. Passenger cars can easily drive on the northern portion of the beach.

Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area website

The Charles Paddock Zoo is home to hundreds of species from all over the world. A number of the animals are part of globally managed programs to preserve animals and their habitats.

Charles Paddock Zoo website

A museum in which faithfully restored historic aircraft is exhibited for public enjoyment. The collection encompasses nearly sixty restored vintage military aircraft ranging from pre-WWII to the present on approximately twenty acres of beautifully-maintained grounds. In addition to the outdoor displays the museum is complemented by an indoor museum which houses a fascinating collection of wartime memorabilia including aircraft engines, military uniforms, historic photos, and personal military artifacts from the past century.

Castle Air Museum website

Any celebration of Auburn's history would be incomplete without information on early Chinese residents, and their role in town development and growth. The Auburn Joss House, built in 1909 and located on the corner of Sacramento Street and Brewery Lane, is one of the best-known buildings in Old Town Auburn and symbolizes the role of the Chinese in local history.

Auburn Joss House website

Once teeming with thousands of gold miners, the area is now a natural area offering a wide variety of recreation opportunities to over 500,000 visitors a year.

Auburn State Recreation Area website

With a behind the scenes tour of the center, an introduction to the history and etiquette of bowling, teams of six and a seamless sign in, everyone is sure to have a memorable experience to take through the school year. Alongside the engaging and inclusive sport of bowling, our center offers drinks/beverages, arcade games, and a photo booth! With light weight balls and bumper bowling for the littles!

Foothills Bowl website

The Catalina Island Museum celebrates the Island's rich cultural heritage. Current exhibits include an award-winning exhibit featuring the romantic era of Catalina's steamships, Native Americans, a large relief map of the Island, Avalon's evolution into a resort community, Catalina pottery and tile, early communication, sportfishing, the Chicago Cubs spring training, and much more!

Catalina Island Museum website

The vision of the Bakersfield Museum of Art is to be recognized as a destination for fine art exhibitions that enrich the quality of life for residents and visitors of the San Joaquin Valley and as a leader in the area of art education for children and adults.

Bakersfield Museum of Art website

The Buena Vista Museum promotes the scientific and educational aspects of earth history, particularly paleontology, biology, geology and anthropology. This is done through public education, research, and by serving as a repository for fossils, and other natural history items. High priority is given to documenting and displaying the rich, unique aspects of the natural history of Kern County. The museum is the repository of the Bob and Mary Ernst Collection, the largest private collection of Sharktooth Hill Miocene fossils in the World.

Buena Vista Museum website

The museum features 56 historic exhibits, many in relocated structures, an award winning hands-on oil exhibition Black Gold: The Oil Experience and the Lori Brock Children's Discovery Center for youth eight and under. The museum is consistently recognized for providing some of the most outstanding educational programs in the state of California, such as Native American Life, and Frontier Life. In addition, the museum hosts temporary exhibitions and special events in an effort to achieve its mission.

Kern County Museum website

Located between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the Mojave National Preserve boasts of singing sand dunes, volcanic cinder cones, and Joshua tree forests.

Mojave National Preserve website

The Benicia Historical Museum offers education programs that bring history to life. Our wide variety of educational programs are offered for K-12 groups and include guided tours of our exhibits and grounds, as well as a selection of hands-on history activities. Become an archeologist and dig up artifacts or learn about early California and stake a claim on ranch land. The museum also offers Traveling Trunks where students can explore different time periods- Early California, California Gold Rush, and California in the Civil War.

Benicia Historical Museum at the Camel Barns website

Benicia Capitol State Historic Park is the site of California's third seat of government (1853-54.) It is the only pre-Sacramento capitol that survives. The original building has been restored with reconstructed period furnishings and exhibits. The interior includes a board-for-board reconstruction of the building's original floor with ponderosa pine. The desks, three of which are originals from the Benicia period or earlier, are furnished with a candlestick, a 19th century newspaper, a quill pen and a top hat.

Benicia Capitol State Historic Park website

Founded by parents and educators in 1992 to meet the unique needs and interests of infants, toddlers and preschoolers in a safe and appropriate community setting. Habitot founders have created a hands-on play and learning center where young children are the 'big kids' -- exploring the arts and culture in a safe setting designed especially for small hands and bodies and growing minds.

Habitot Children's Museum website

Play online games, download activities to do at home, and more cool stuff. Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) is a renowned resource center for preschool through high school science and mathematics education, and a public science center with exciting hands-on experiences for learners of all ages.

Lawrence Hall of Science website

An extensive collection of artifacts, featuring exhibits from the indigenous Serrano Indians, the gold mining era, cowboys and cattle ranching, logging, fox farming and early winter sports.

Big Bear Valley Historical (Eleanor Abbott) Museum website

The Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain is open all year and is Southern California's only authentic bobsled experience.

Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain website

The purpose of John Little State Reserve, in Monterey County, is to preserve and protect an area of steep, rugged cliffs on the Big Sur coast where Lime Creek enters the Pacific Ocean. The unit contains the original 1917 cabin of early conservationist Elizabeth K. Livermore.

John Little State Natural Reserve website

The Bolinas Museum is the premier fine art museum in Marin County. The beauty of the land and proximity to the metropolitan Bay Area has always attracted highly creative people to this region. The Bolinas Museum focuses on the diverse interests and rich pool of artistic talent of Coastal Marin, while stimulating the appreciation of visitors from all over the world.

Bolinas Museum website

Our mission is to preserve the history of the San Lorenzo Valley through collecting and exhibiting artifacts, gathering historical information, and providing education through the San Lorenzo Valley Museum and our educational outreach programs.

San Lorenzo Valley Museum website

Big Basin has a full schedule of interpretive programs during the Summer and on weekends during the Fall and Spring as staff allows. Visitors to the park should look for flyers for additional information, programs and updates.

Big Basin Redwoods State Park website

The City of Brea Art Gallery presents quality exhibitions throughout the year and the facility's 6,000 square foot exhibition space is home to artwork from around the world. In addition to all the inspiring artwork, the Gallery also offers a gift shop featuring work by regional artists and special one-of-a kind items.

City of Brea Art Gallery website

Bodie State Historic Park is a genuine California gold-mining ghost town. Visitors can walk down the deserted streets of a town that once had a population of 10,000 people. The town was founded by Waterman S. Body (William Bodey), who had discovered small amounts of gold in hills north of Mono Lake. In 1877, the Standard Company struck pay dirt and a gold rush transformed Bodie from a town of 20 people to a boomtown.

Bodie State Historic Park website

Come see new museum displays including the Lynx Women's Softball Team from the 1940s, a pictorial history of Buena Park's entertainment venues and photos of the Dreger Clock in various stages of its "life".

Whitaker-Jaynes Estate and the Bacon House museum website

Knott's Berry Farm is a human adventure, created for people of all ages. We salute the lure and lore of California and the West. We celebrate the cultures, traditions and unique spirit of the extraordinary American Experience. For over 50 years Knott's has been different - and the difference is Real. Adventures In Education can open your mind, expand your spirit and, perhaps, even touch your heart. When you participate in our educational field trips, Knott's Berry Farm becomes your own interactive, state-of-the-art classroom (and ultimate playground for after class). We've worked with leading educators and subject-matter experts to offer the best in content and impact for learning at all grades and levels.

Knott's Berry Farm website

Chivalry in action, educational matinee at Medieval Times. In the beginning there is an approximate 30 minute presentation about medieval history with educational vignettes focusing on good citizenship and the code of chivalry. This is all being played out while the students are enjoying a boxed lunch. The, they will witness knights on horsebacks compete in tournament games, authentic jousting matches and swordfights as we bring history to life.

Medieval Times website

Burbank was born during the Southern California land boom of the 1880's when thousands of Americans came West during the railroad rate war between Santa Fe and Southern Pacific. Movies were big news in Burbank as early as 1920's with production companies shooting many scenes on City streets. Museum which includes an 1887 Victorian house, a memorabilia building including a Lockheed Aviation display and other historical artifacts, a vintage vehicle building, a salon and the Ray Sence addition in which 19th century era rooms are shown.

Gordon R. Howard Museum website

Film and television fans can find information about TV and movie sets.

Warner Bros VIP Studio Tour website

Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park is a beautiful, three story, 26 room Victorian House Museum that stands as a memorial to John and Annie Bidwell. John Bidwell was known throughout California and across the nation as an important pioneer, farmer, soldier, statesman, politician and philanthropist. Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell, the daughter of a socially prominent, high ranking Washington official, was deeply religious, and committed to a number of moral and social causes. Annie was very active in the suffrage and prohibition movements.

Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park website

Tule Elk State Reserve protects a herd of tule elk, once in danger of extinction. In the 1880s, vast herds of tule elk were greatly reduced in number by hunting and loss of habitat. The elk are most active from late summer through early autumn. Visitors are encouraged to bring binoculars for better viewing. The park has picnic areas and interpretive exhibits.

Tule Elk State Natural Reserve website

Located in the northernmost part of the San Joaquin Valley, Bethany Reservoir State Recreation Area is a popular place for water-oriented recreation, especially fishing and windsurfing. It also features a bike trail (along the California Aqueduct Bikeway) - and many windmills. It is also the northern terminus of the California Aqueduct.

Bethany Reservoir State Recreation Area website

The Leonis Adobe was the home of Miguel Leonis, known as the King of Calabasas. The museum features his authentically furnished two-story Monterey-Style adobe with original buildings, period livestock, gardens and a vineyard--all part of Leonis' recreated ranch where he once ruled the territory. Although the Leonis Adobe is over 150 years old, the everyday life on the ranch is much the same. Upon entering the wrought-iron gates, the huge White Oak tree still shades the property and one immediately travels back to the 1880 period.

Leonis Adobe Museum website

The Desert Tortoise Natural Area (DTNA) is a 39.5-square-mile (102 km2) area in the western Mojave Desert, located in eastern Kern County, Southern California. It was created to protect the native Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), which is also the California State Reptile. It has an interpretive center for visitors. Good for all ages.

Desert Tortoise Natural Area website

Leonard Knight's Salvation Mountain is a hillside art installation located in the lower desert of Southern California in Imperial County Salvation Mountain is Leonard's tribute to God and his gift to the world with its simple yet powerful message: "God Is Love."Made of adobe bricks, discarded items, and donated paint, the work includes biblical and religious scripture such as the Lord's Prayer, John 3:16, and the Sinner's Prayer, as well as flowers, trees, waterfalls, suns, bluebirds, and many other fascinating and colorful objects.

Salvation Mountain website

The Sharpsteen Museum's permanent exhibits are designed to present the history of the upper Napa Valley from its pre-history to post World War I with an emphasis on people and changes brought by the period of U.S. emigration and development. In addition to its many historical exhibits, the Museum uses unique and extraordinarily extensive dioramas to depict Calistoga during its period as the elegant 1860s Hot Springs resort developed by pioneer, promoter, publisher, entrepreneur, and California's first millionaire, Sam Brannan.

Sharpsteen Museum's website

San Simeon State Park is one of the oldest units of the California State Park System. The coastal bluffs and promontories of the scenic park offer unobstructed views of the ocean and rocky shore. The park includes the Santa Rosa Creek Natural Preserve, the San Simeon Natural Preserve and the Pa-nu Cultural Preserve which were established in 1990.

San Simeon State Park website

Ainsley House is a restored English Tudor style building in Campbell, California. It is now a museum open to the public. The 15 rooms are furnished with much of the original furniture from the era when the house was one of the grand homes in the Santa Clara Valley.

Campbell Historical Museum & Ainsley House website

The town of Owensmouth was referred to as the "Baby Town" of the San Fernando Valley in 1912. Developers used the image of a baby-delivering stork in their promotional material. The Stork Plaque, symbolic of the birth of Owensmouth on March 30, 1912, was a gift to prospective buyers on the opening day of land sales in the new town.

Canoga/Owensmouth Historical Museum website

Red Rock Canyon State Park features scenic desert cliffs, buttes and spectacular rock formations. The park is located where the southernmost tip of the Sierra Nevada converge with the El Paso Range. Each tributary canyon is unique, with dramatic shapes and vivid colors.

Red Rock Canyon State Park website

The Capitola Historical Museum maintains extensive collections of photographs and artifacts related to Capitola's history, and offers changing exhibits on the history and art of the area, as well as on special seasonal and topical themes. Museum grounds now include a reconstructed cottage from the era of the early 20th century beach resort. Restoration of a wash house is a new, ongoing Museum project.

Capitola Historical Museum website

The beach features picnic areas, swimming, fishing and a nearby forest of Monterey pine and Coastal Live Oak. The camping area is on a bluff overlooking northern Monterey Bay.

New Brighton State Beach website

The Cheatham Grove is an exceptional stand of coast redwoods. The park is a quiet place to camp, hike, fish, swim and picnic. The Van Duzen River flows beside the campground.

Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park website

Carlsbad State Beach is located on the San Diego Coast. It offers swimming, surfing, scuba diving, fishing and beachcombing. This small beach is located at the foot of coastal bluffs, south of the town on Carlsbad.

Carlsbad State Beach website

The park has two miles of beach front, with coastal hiking and a 50-foot climb to a beautiful view of the Pacific. The park offers diverse coastal vegetation with trails running from ocean beaches into dense redwood groves. The park also features outstanding coastal headlands at Soberanes Point. Sea lions, harbor seals and sea otters frequent the coastal waters and California gray whales pass close by during their yearly migration.

Garrapata State Park website

On Carmel Bay, the mile-long beach features a bird sanctuary in a lagoon (just before the Carmel River empties into the sea) featuring a wide variety of waterfowl and song birds. Monastery Beach, also known as San Jose Creek Beach, is part of the park and is popular with scuba divers. Ocean and swimming and wading are extremely dangerous.

Carmel River State Beach website

Offers a dynamic variety of fun activities including children, adult and school programs, nationally renowned interactive exhibits, educational workshops and many opportunities for volunteering. Visitors can see live wild animals, browse our Discovery Shop for books, toys and unique gifts, or tour the replica of a Maidu Indian summer village. Enjoy our 77-acre nature preserve featuring interpretive trails that meander through the riparian woodlands along the American River. See deer, coyotes, migratory songbirds and wild turkeys as you explore the preserve's lush oak woodlands.

Effie Yeaw Nature Center website

The Carpinteria Valley Museum of History provides a fascinating glimpse into the Valley's past. A variety of unique exhibits examine the three major cultures that made this valley their home. The Carpinteria Valley Historical Society, a nonprofit educational organization, created, maintains, and operates the Museum and research library. The Society is dedicated to collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit objects of historical significance related to the Valley.

Carpinteria Valley Museum of History website

Twelve miles south of Santa Barbara, Carpinteria State Beach offers a mile of beach for swimming, surf fishing, tidepool exploring and camping. The Spanish named the area Carpinteria because the Chumash tribe, which lived in the area, had a large seagoing canoe-building enterprise, or "carpentry shop" there, because of naturally-occurring surface tar which was used to seal the boats. Seals and sea lions can be seen in the area December through May, as well as an occasional gray whale. Tidepools contain starfish, sea anemones, crabs, snails, octopi and sea urchins.

Carpinteria State Beach website

The University Art Gallery opened in 1978, and is considered to be one of the major exhibition spaces of the South Bay area. The gallery supports and enhances the Art Department instructional program while giving students from all disciplines and interested community members a valuable opportunity to explore and experience contemporary and historical works of art from many cultures.

University Art Gallery -Dominguez Hills website

We bring our world-class collection of antique, printing machinery to life for people of all ages through our award-winning school programs, interactive museum tours, live entertainment with Benjamin Franklin in our Heritage Theater and our hands-on Book Arts tour. Our general museum tour is available Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm and Tues-Fri by appointment. Group tours options include a presentation by Benjamin Franklin, an interactive Constitutional Convention, or hands-on printing on a variety of presses as well as book binding! A totally unique and awe inspiring museum.

The International Printing Museum website

The park features a 2.5-mile self-guided nature trail called The Ecological Staircase which explores five wave-cut terraces formed by glacier, sea and tectonic activity that built the coast range.

Jug Handle State Natural Reserve website

Castaic Lake State Recreation Area is a reservoir of the State Water Project. It is one of the Project's largest recreational lakes and the terminal of its west branch. The site includes 29 miles of shoreline. A major attraction is the 425-foot tall Castaic Dam.

Castaic Lake State Recreation Area website

The park offers swimming and fishing in the Sacramento River, hiking in the back country, and a view of Mount Shasta. There are 76 developed campsites and six environmental campsites. The park features 28 miles of hiking trails, including a 2.7 mile access trail to Castle Crags Wilderness, part of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. The Pacific Crest Trail also passes through the park. The park is named for 6,000-feet tall glacier-polished crags.

Castle Crags State Park website

Cayucos is a charming little beach town rich in history and popular for its great beaches. It is known for its fishing pier, beautiful beach and historical buildings. Many of the buildings left over Suferfrom the prospering old town still stand as a variety of shops such as restaurants, antique stores, and speciality items.

Cayucos State Beach website

This historic park, located in Los Angeles County where the Simi Hills meet the Santa Susana Mountains, is rich in natural, historical and cultural significance. Here in the western part of the Transverse Ranges, the land is dominated by high, narrow ridges and deep canyons covered with an abundant variety of plant life. The park offers panoramic views of the rugged natural landscape as a striking contrast to the developed communities nearby.

Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park website

Housed in a former Carnegie Library building in downtown Chico, the Chico Museum has hosted more than 90 exhibits celebrating the distinct heritage of Chico since it opened in February 1986. Exhibits change several times a year and include prestigious traveling exhibits as well as those created by the Museum focusing on local Chico and Butte County history.

The Chico Museum website

The worlds largest public display of yo-yo's and contest history is open year round. Admission is free and tours are always being given.

National Yo-Yo Museum website

This park preserves a fine example of a disappearing natural resource - the riverine habitat. The river's various landscapes display great scenic beauty and constant change. The riparian plant and animal communities here depend strongly on each other. Massive oaks and cottonwoods give the dense shade needed for the survival of cool-water creatures. Thick understories of elderberry, wild grape, blackberry, wild rose and numerous perennials provide shelter to a diversified wildlife population. The park offers a great setting for observing and learning about the riparian community.

Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park website

Party Kingdom is an indoor amusement fun park for the entire family. There is a trampoline park, toddler fun zone, as well as a complete obstacle course of slides and various fun surprises.

Party Kingdom website

Frosty's Pumpkin Patch has 2 locations (Yorba Linda and Chino Hills) and will open the first week of October annually. The Yorba Linda location offers 8-10 inflatable rides, petting zoo, pony rides, carnival style games, target paintball and pumpkins of course. The Chino Hills location offers a 4 acre themed corn maze, target paintball, separate haunted maze on weekends, 13-15 inflatable rides, carnival style games, pony rides, petting zoo, large concession area, u-pick pumpkins off the vine and picked for you pumpkins. Both locations offer discounted fieldtrip/group packages.

Frosty's Pumpkin Patch website

The Living Coast Discovery Center is an interactive learning environment displaying San Diego Bay's native wildlife. Over 20,000 school children enjoy field trips to our facilities each year.

Living Coast Discovery Center website

A century of southern California history awaits you at the Homestead Museum! This six-acre site dates from the era when California was still part of Mexico through the decade of the 1920s when Los Angeles had become a major American city. Its historical significance, park-like landscaping, meticulous restoration, and educational programs have received numerous awards at the regional, state, and national level, making it one of California's true historic treasures.

Workman and Temple Family Homestead Museum website

Founded in 1993, the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery presents four annual exhibitions spanning a wide range of art. Whether historical or contemporary, Western or Asian, exhibitions enrich the teaching of art and humanities at Scripps as well as the cultural community of Claremont and environs.

Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery website

Our unique institution is located on the beautiful campus of The Webb Schools. In fact, we are the only paleontology museum located on a high school campus in the nation. Our museum mission is to serve Southern California as an educational resource, to act as a center of paleontological research for the international scientific community, and to provide a unique curricular ingredient for The Webb Schools.

Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology website

Colma is believed to be an Ohlone Indian word, meaning "many springs". The City of Souls. In 1849 the gold rush brought hundreds of thousands to San Francisco and with them they also brought disease leading to a high death rate. Twenty six cemeteries had been established and most were almost filled by the 1880s.

Colma Historical Museum website

The purpose of Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park is to secure for the people and to make available for their observation, inspiration, and enjoyment, the gold discovery site and its environs as an accurate portrayal of the story that unfolded at the time of the discovery and Gold Rush. The park's interpretive program primarily embraces the period from 1847 through 1852, but also shows the town of Coloma as it developed. Visitors have the opportunity to try panning for gold in the American River and enjoy hikes and picnics under the riparian oak woodlands. Overlooking the beautiful river canyon, where the gold discoverer rests today, see California's first historic monument, the statue of James Marshall pointing at his gold discovery site .

Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park website

The town's old Gold Rush-era business district has been preserved, with shops, restaurants and two hotels. Visitors have the chance to time-travel to the 1850s, imagining life when gold miners rubbed shoulders with businessmen and the other residents in Columbia. Visitors can experience a bygone era watching proprietors in period clothing conduct business in the style of yesterday. There are opportunities to ride a 100 year-old stagecoach, hire a "fine steed" for a horseback ride through the "diggins," pan for gold, or tour an active gold mine.

Columbia State Historic Park website

To encourage and promote the appreciation, knowledge and understanding of Coronado's unique art, architecture, history and other historical resources.

Coronado Historical Museum website

The Orange County Museum of Art provides free guided exhibition tours for school age children, grades 2-12. These interactive tours provide a meaningful art experience in an exciting learning environment.

Orange County Museum of Art website

The Main Museum has a wealth of interesting displays. One room is devoted to artifacts of the local Tolowa and Yurok Native Americans. It includes one of the finest Native American basket collections in Northern California. Musical instruments, old radio, phonographic and photographic equipment, excellent needlework, early logging and mining tools and equipment, and many fashions and furniture from yesteryear are just some of the objects and subjects represented and on display in the Main Museum.

Del Norte County Historical Society Museum website

An amazing diversity of life exists at Redwood National and State park (RNSP). The ancient coast redwood ecosystem preserved in the park contains some of the planet's most majestic forests. Here, banana slugs, gray whales, Douglas-fir, black bears, and sea anemones are equally at home with redwoods.

Redwood National and State park website

The park, established in 1927, has approximately 50% old growth coast redwood and eight miles of wild coastline. The mixed understory includes tanoak, madrone, red alder, big leaf maple, and California bay. Ground cover is dense with a wide range of species. Vegetation is predominately red alder which will eventually give way to fir and second growth redwood.

Del Norte Coast Redwood State Park website

This park takes in some of the finest wetlands habitat on California's northern coast. An ancient sand dune complex that has evolved into several distinct ecological communities, Tolowa Dunes encompasses ocean beach, river, open and vegetated sand dunes, wooded ridges, and wetlands. A diverse assortment of birds, animals and plant life thrive here, and the area serves as an important stopover on the Pacific flyway for thousands of migrating ducks, geese and swans. The Smith River is a good place for salmon and steelhead fishing, and cutthroat trout can be taken at Lake Earl. The basic amenities are provided for campers at two primitive campgrounds, including a ride-in horse camp and six walk-in sites.

Tolowa Dunes State Park website

The mission of the Cupertino Historical Society and Museum is to create a passion for lifelong learning, preserve a vanishing past and serve as a bridge to a shared future. Located in the Quinlan Community Center, the museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Cupertino Historical Museum website

America's only Nobel Prize winning playwright, Eugene O'Neill, chose to live in Northern California at the climax of his writing career. Isolated from the world and within the walls of his home, O'Neill wrote his final and most memorable plays; The Iceman Cometh, Long Day's Journey Into Night, and A Moon for the Misbegotten. Reservations are required to visit this site.

Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site website

The facility encompasses nearly 70,000 square feet with four exhibition galleries, an Automotive Reference Library & Museum Store, Special Events Area, Board Room and state-of-the-art catering kitchen.

Blackhawk Museum website

The Museum of the San Ramon Valley is dedicated to preserving and celebrating our rich history and heritage. The collections and exhibits reflect our human experiences, institutions and cultures that were shaped by the valley's landscape, environment and early settlers.

Museum of San Ramon Valley website

The Center occupies a ranch-style house and grounds which were once the home of Hulda Hoover McLean. It now consists of an intimate, protected courtyard surrounded by a main meeting room, exhibit rooms, gift shop, and a large deck overlooking Waddell Valley and the Pacific Ocean. Waddell Beach, located across Highway 1 from the park entrance, is known worldwide as one of the best spots for windsurfing. The steady strong northwest winds and good surf provide ideal conditions for this demanding sport. For those interested in birding, botany, intertidal marine life and riparian habitat, the Waddell Beach and the many Rancho del Oso trails offer superb recreation for the amateur or professional naturalist. Regular surfers, boogie boarders, and surf fishermen also find it an ideal spot to pursue their activities.

Rancho Del Oso State Park website

The museum presents TRANS-4-MATIONS, a four-part research project delving into the personal stories and institutional history that has contributed to the growth of the Design Program from its beginnings in the Department of Home Economics, to emerging as the most diverse free-standing Design Program in the University of California.

U.C. Davis Design Museum website

A regional hands-on science center with the mission: "To involve people in science experiences that touch all our lives."

Explorit website

The UC Davis Arboretum is a living museum and a refuge of great beauty where visitors can step away from their busy lives and reconnect with nature. Visitors may wander through the Arboretum on their own or join public tours. The Arboretum gardens are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and there is no charge for admission.

UC Davis Arboretum website

A Land of Extremes: Hottest, Driest, Lowest: A superlative desert of streaming sand dunes, snow-capped mountains, multicolored rock layers, water-fluted canyons and three million acres of stone wilderness. Home to the Timbisha Shoshone and to plants and animals unique to the harshest deserts. A place of legend and a place of trial.

Death Valley National Park website

Old growth coast redwoods park is bisected by the last major free flowing river in California, the Smith River. Almost all of the park land is water shed for the Smith River and Mill Creek, a major tributary. The park has about 20 miles of hiking and nature trails, river access, a visitor center with exhibits and a nature store. Drive Howland Hill Road (gravel-not recommended for trailers) and stroll in the Stout Grove.

Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park website

A unique Hopi inspired Pueblo hand-made by Cabot Yerxa over 24 years. This multi-level building includes 35 rooms, 150 windows and 65 doors, all crafted from found materials. The museum houses Cabot's collection of Native American pottery, early 20th century photographs and artifacts from his Alaskan adventures. The museum grounds, including a picnic area, are beautifully landscaped with native plants and home to many rustic period items -- early 1900's tools, machinery and housegoods.

Cabot's Old Indian Pueblo Museum website

Patrick Ranch is currently host to a number of popular events throughout the year. The Country Supper, Threshing Bee, California Nut Festival, Agribee, and more all call Patrick Ranch home.

Patrick Ranch website

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park is on the ancestral lands of the Yokuts, which today includes the federally recognized Tachi Yokut Tribe and Tule River Indian Tribe. In 1974, the California Department of Parks and Recreation purchased land within the historic townsite of Allensworth, and it became Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park. Today, a collection of historic, restored, and reconstructed early 20th-century buildings—including the Allensworth’s house, Allensworth School, Baptist church, and library—showcase the dreams of these visionary pioneers.

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park website

Greenwood State Beach offers beach access and a picturesque view of the pacific ocean. The visitor center is in the middle of town and provides a glimpse of what life was like in this lumber town during the late 1800s.

Greenwood State Beach website

The Seeds of Wonder garden includes such delights as living topiaries, a grassy "rolling hill," an exotic Baby Dinosaur Forest, and the "Secret Garden," as well as sculpture and interactive nature-play features.

Seeds of Wonder Children's Garden website

Collects, preserves and interprets the local history of the San Dieguito river area--which includes the communities of Leucadia, Encinitas, Olivenhain, Cardiff, Solana Beach, Del Mar, and Rancho Santa Fe.

San Dieguito Heritage Museum website

Features over 35 acres of exhibits, including rare bamboo groves, desert gardens, a tropical rainforest, California native plants, Mediterranean climate landscapes, the Undersea Succulent Garden, Landscaping for Fire Safety and a subtropical fruit garden. In April of 2003, Quail introduced the West Coast's first interactive children's garden, the Seeds of Wonder.

San Diego Botanic Garden website

Swimming, surfing, fishing and picnicking are popular at this small, rocky beach. The beach access is via an improved trail at the foot of Leucadia Boulevard.

Leucadia State Beach website

This California rancho includes the original nine-room de la Ossa Adobe, the two-story limestone Garnier building, a blacksmith shop, a natural spring, and a pond.

Los Encinos State Historic Park website

The Education Department at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido welcomes you to participate in our programs. There is something for everyone! From Center Stage: Performances for Youth, Dance Master Classes, Internships, Museum Artist Talks, to Special Events for Families, our programs complement the Center's Performing Arts Season and Museum Exhibitions. So nurture your creative side whether you're a teacher, student, arts enthusiast, or someone just curious to learn more.

California Center for the Arts, Escondido website

The Escondido Children's Museum fills a community need by offering a wholesome, educational, and appealing gathering place for families, schools, and other groups that serve children. ECM programs and exhibits cultivate school readiness and lifelong learning. As only a children's museum can, ECM affirms diverse children as they develop and helps them understand the world they will inherit. The Second Saturdays Program at the Escondido Children's Museum offers added value to visitors with a guided, hands-on activity on a special theme. Museum volunteers work with diverse guest-educators to create truly unique learning experiences.

San Diego Children's Discovery Museum website

Established in 1976 as a bicentennial project, the History Center includes buildings from Escondido's early development that were moved to Grape Day Park. Heritage Walk Museum includes the city's first library, a turn-of-the-century Victorian home, barn, 2 windmills, working blacksmith shop, city's Santa Fe railroad depot, a railroad car, a ten-ton Native American metate (grinding rock), tankhouse, herb garden, and outhouse.

Escondido History Center website

Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, the historic Spanish Colonial Revival estate of San Clemente founder Ole Hanson, embodies the Romance and Reality of the Southern California experience. Its stunning setting is a place for people of all ages to explore and understand Southern California history, architecture, ecology and culture.

Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens website

San Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park, east of Escondido, honors the soldiers who fought in the battle between the U.S. and Californio forces on December 6, 1846 in the midst of the Mexican-American War. Generals Stephen Kearny and Andres Pico both claimed victory. The battle was only one of the military encounters in California in the war, but it proved to be the bloodiest and most controversial as to the outcome. The park has been set aside, not as a monument to war, but as a reminder of the human ideals, actions and passions that can drive nations to bloodshed.

San Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park website

1800 acre wildlife preserve houses over 3500 animals representing 260 species and is a botanical garden.

Wild Animal Park website

This remote military post was established in 1853 to assist in conflict resolution between Native Americans and gold-seekers and settlers who had begun flooding into the area after the discovery of gold in the northern mines. During its first few years that Fort Humboldt saw one of its most famous residents: the young Captain Ulysses S. Grant.

Fort Humboldt State Historic Park website

For a small entrance fee, you can join us for a self guided tour! Reservations are not required. Factory tours are offered daily. Featuring HD/4K quality videos to give you an up-close-and-personal look at our candy manufacturing, Interactive exhibits, A self-guided walk along the elevated, 1/4 mile long tour lane to give you a bird's-eye view of the entire operation.

Jelly Belly Factory website

See California's towering redwood forests from two historic railroads on your next visit to the San Francisco or Monterey Bay Areas. Travel by steam train up a narrow-gauge track through the Big Trees to Bear Mountain or by beach train down the scenic San Lorenzo River to the sunny beaches of Santa Cruz. It all happens on the Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton.

Roaring Camp Railroads website

Henry Cowell Redwoods is home to a centuries old Redwood Grove that features a self-guided nature path. It also boasts other old-growth woods such as Douglas fir, mandrone, oak and a stunning stand of Ponderosa pines. The park has a picnic area above the San Lorenzo River. Anglers fish for steelhead and salmon during the winter. The park has a nature center and bookstore.

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park website

Over 4000 photographs of people, industries such as blacksmith, firemen, dairy, farms, coopers. We have a complete blacksmith shop that is operational. Periodically, we have a demonstration in the blacksmith shop given by a local smithy. We have farm, logging, and dairy equipment on display in our annex along with a nice array of machinist tools and old belt driven machines. Humboldt County is where the machine to cut and wrap sticks of butter was invented. We also invented and perfected the making of powdered milk.

Ferndale Museum website

When the Earthquake and Fire of 1906 destroyed most of San Francisco, the Fillmore was untouched and for several months afterwards served as the commercial and political center of the city. One of the groups displaced by the 1906 Fire, San Francisco's large Japanese-American community, made its new home in the Fillmore. Ninety years later, it's still here, in spite of the illegal mass internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II.

Fillmore Museum website

Completed in 1915, the Lanterman House (or "El Retiro," as it was then known) was built by the second generation of La Canada's founding family, the Lantermans. Dr. Roy Lanterman commissioned architect A. L. Haley to design a fireproof bungalow of reinforced concrete for his family.

Lanterman House website

Descanso Gardens is an urban retreat of year-round natural beauty, internationally renowned botanical collections and spectacular seasonal horticultural displays. In 1953, Descanso founder E. Manchester Boddy preserved these 160 acres of gardens, woodlands and chaparral for future generations to experience the natural heritage and beauty of Southern California. Accredited by the American Association of museum, Descanso Gardens welcomes thousands of visitors annually, from local members to international travelers.

Descanso Gardens website

Beneath a grassy mountain valley in central Colorado lies one of the richest and most diverse fossil deposits in the world. Petrified redwood stumps up to 14 feet wide and thousands of detailed fossils of insects and plants reveal the story of a very different, prehistoric Colorado.

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument website

The Folsom Powerhouse is part of a colorful chapter of Sacramento history and is also an example of the tremendous advance in the commercial application of electricity.

Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park website

The Museum of Local History is located at 190 Anza Street, Fremont, California. It is a non-profit all volunteer group of people dedicated to researching and preserving the diverse history of Washington Township (Today the cities of Fremont, Union City and Newark). This web site is an introduction to the content and capabilities of the museum and a welcome for you to visit us when you're in the area.

Museum of Local History website

The Fresno Art Museum collects, preserves, and exhibits to the public tangible objects valuable to art and history. Exhibitions include a wide range of contemporary as well as modern works by local, national and international artists. With additional emphasis on Mexican art from pre-Columbian times to the present, and with the planned bequest of significant collections of pre-Columbian ceramics and French post-impressionist graphics, the Museum is working to serve as both an educational facility and a repository for important collections from the Central Valley.

Fresno Art Museum website

The Fresno Historical Society and National Civil War Association present the largest living history reenactment of the Civil War in the Western United States. at Kearney Park, Fresno, California. This beautiful park is transformed into encampments for Union and Confederate soldiers and Civilians to the amazement of spectators. Two battles daily with field hospital reenactments following the battles. October

Civil War Revisited website

The site lends itself to not only telling the story of the colony farm system and the development of the raisin industry but the story of the development of agribusiness in California's Central Valley and the Valley's transformation into the most productive agricultural region in the world.

Kearney Mansion Museum website

The animal staff has been very busy lately updating habitat spaces and bringing in new animals for visitors to enjoy. The reptile/amphibian house has seen lots of growth with new frog species and lots of updates.

Fresno Chaffee Zoo website

The Fullerton Arboretum is a 26-acre botanical garden with a collection of plants from around the world, located on the northeast corner of the California State University, Fullerton campus in Fullerton, California, in the United States. It is the largest botanical garden in Orange County, with a collection of over 4,000 plants. The Arboretum saves species that are extinct or near extinction and serves as a learning place for agricultural history. The gardens of the Fullerton Arboretum are open daily 8:00 to 4:30.

Fullerton Arboretum website

Free! Second Sundays of Each Month. Picnic in our park-like setting, visit our Arts & Crafts Faire, tour the villa and galleries, participate in quarterly art openings, bring your food & beverages into our theater and for about the price of a movie, you can also see our live stage shows such as FCLO!

Muckenthaler Cultural Center website

Dedicated to developing and presenting the best in multi-disciplinary exhibitions and educational programs in the areas of history, science, and art.

Fullerton Museum Center website

The Rae House was built in 1868 by John Rae, a pioneer who had tried his luck in the gold fields, settled for a time in Hicksville, worked for a while as an interior plaster finisher, and eventually became one of Galt's biggest ranchers. John Rae's work as an interior plaster finisher, according to his daughter, Alice, included work in the State Capitol. The finishing work around the ceilings in his home was done by him as well. The museum has been open on a regular schedule and has given special tours for school children and adult organizations. It has offered art exhibits, craft demonstrations, annual Christmas festivities, yearly Old-Fashioned Ice-Cream Socials, and a High Tea.

Rae House website

Richardson Grove State Park is where you first encounter significant old growth redwood forest when coming north. The 9th tallest coast redwood, a fallen tree ring study conducted in 1933, and a walk-through tree are immediately available. Camping, hiking, swimming, and just relaxing are popular activities throughout much of the year. Fishing for salmon and steelhead is popular during the winter.

Richardson Grove State Park website

California's only horticultural theme park designed for families with young children and garden lovers featuring 21 rides, 27 attractions, 6 majestic gardens and the world famous Circus Trees. Attractions are designed to educate guests and foster a greater appreciation of the natural world and man's ability to shape it.

Gilroy Gardens website

A memorial to writer and adventurer Jack London, who made his home at the site from 1905 until his death in 1916. The park was once part of the famous writer's Beauty Ranch. The park contains the cottage residence where he wrote books, short stories, articles and letters while he oversaw various agricultural enterprises.

Jack London State Historic Park website

The Doctors House, an authentically restored Queen Anne-Eastlake style home built about 1888, is the result of a community-wide endeavor to preserve a reminder of Glendale's earliest days.

Doctors House Museum website

Experience the permanent collection of western bronzes, stained glass, historical American pieces, original paintings and cultural artifacts. Walk in the labyrinth or enjoy a presentation of Leonardo DaVinci's the Last Supper recreated in stained glass.

Forest Lawn Museum Exhibits and Educational Series website

Empire Mine State Historic Park is the site of one of the oldest, largest, deepest, longest and richest gold mines in California. The park is in Grass Valley at 10791 East Empire Street. In existence for more than 100 years, the mine produced 5.6 million ounces of gold before it closed in 1956. (5.6 million ounces of gold is equivalent to a box seven feet long, seven feet high, and seven feet deep filled with gold.) The park contains many of the mine's buildings, the owner's home and restored gardens, as well as the entrance to 367 miles (the distance, as the crow flies, from Grass Valley to Magic Mountain) of abandoned and flooded mine shafts. Guided tours and audio-visual presentations are offered throughout the day at various times.

Empire Mine State Historic Park website

Housed in the former Merced County Justice Court/Jail. It is located at 397 4th Street, Highway 33, Gustine. This historic building, built in 1911 served the City of Gustine until abandoned in 1980. The building was leased to the Gustine Historical Society in 1985. It reopened in 1990 after extensive renovation as the Gustine Museum. In 1996 the building was designated a California Point of Historic Interest.

Gustine Museum website

The area includes a protected, driftwood-strewn estuary at the back of a wide, sandy beach - with grassy bluffs along the coast. The estuary is home to many birds and small animals. California Historical Landmark 26 commerates the passage of Spanish Explorer Captain Gaspar de Portola through this area in October 1769.

San Gregorio State Beach website

Located on the east side of San Francisco Bay in California, the Hayward Area Historical Society preserves the diverse history of the Hayward, Castro Valley, and San Lorenzo area. Through educational programs, interpretive exhibitions, and the preservation of historic sites and artifacts, we show the relevance of events that happened in the past to our community today. We strive to inspire our community to know, understand and be proud of our past and connect it with our future.

Hayward Area Hist. Soc. Museum website

The mission of the Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society is to record the history of the Healdsburg area through the collection and preservation of historical materials; to actively foster the appreciation of local history of the Healdsburg area through educational programs, activities and historical research; and to provide finances for, and to support, operate and manage the Healdsburg Museum, Edwin Langhart, Founder.

Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society website

Operated entirely by volunteers, presents a panorama of local history in the freight house of Hemet's Historic Santa Fe Depot.

The Hemet Museum website

Welcome to the 86th jubilee of the nation's longest running outdoor drama. You and your family will enjoy the experience of this classic story of the many struggles of early California. The natural beauty of the Ramona Bowl Amphitheatre and the love of land and family all combine in this award winning presentation of RAMONA, California's official state outdoor play.

Ramona Bowl Amphitheatre website

So Cal Mini Horse Sanctuary is a non-profit miniature horse rescue located in West Hemet. Join us for a 1.5 hour educational tour and interact with the rescued mini horses at our ranch. The tour will include a short lesson in basic horse care, including general anatomy, grooming, feeding and safe practices for interacting with horses. Reservations required, please call or email in advance. Cost: $15 per person.

So Cal Mini Horse Sanctuary website

An eleven-mile-long redwood tunnel to the sea. The redwood forest along the Navarro River is a magnificent sight. Visitors to the Navarro River Redwoods State Park can enjoy picnicking, swimming, and camping at the Paul M. Demmick campground. The park is popular with anglers, canoeists, and kayakers in the late winter and spring. Second growth redwood groves stretch the length of the park. They are home for raccoons, black-tail deer, and river-oriented birds such as the belted kingfisher.

Navarro River Redwoods State Park website

The last remaining portion of the Mexican land grant. This land has been a horse and a cattle ranch since 1843 and has breath taking views of the Central Valley to the east and the Santa Clara Valley to the west. Among the historic features of the park are an old line shack used by Henry Miller's cattle company in the 1800s, part of the old Butterfield Stage line route, and the remains of the original Pacheco adobe. There is also a wind turbine farm which generates enough clean electrical power for 3,500 homes.

Pacheco State Park website

Located in the heart of California's coast redwood country, this park's dense forests of spruce, hemlock, pine, fir and red alder stretch over an ocean headland with lovely wildflower-festooned meadows. A dramatic shoreline ranging from broad sandy beaches to sheer cliffs that rise high above the Pacific Ocean offers great opportunities to explore tide pools, search for agates and driftwood, watch whales, sea lions and brilliant sunsets.

Patrick's Point State Park website

To provide power for the new development in the valley, a concrete dam was constructed across the south fork of the Eel River in 1928. The dam not only provided power but also created Benbow Lake. Today the park consists of campsites and a large day-use picnic area. Hiking, picnicking and camping are popular summer time activities, while salmon and steelhead fishing are popular in the winter.

Benbow Lake State Recreation Area website

The Huntington Beach Art Center is a community arts and cultural center serving Huntington Beach and the Southern California region. The Center presents the works of artists producing in all media. Through exhibitions, performances, film/video screenings, lectures and educational programming, the HBAC serves to advance public awareness and understanding of cultural, historic, and contemporary perspectives. The HBAC creates opportunities for local, regional and national artists and the community to share in a climate of experimentation, education and experience.

Huntington Beach Art Center website

The Tijuana Estuary offers a variety of educational programs that celebrate the natural and cultural resources found in the Reserve.

Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve website

This area has land that was part of the Imperial County Park System. It is primarily used for off-road recreation, however, camping, picnicking, and baseball are also popular activities in the park.

Heber Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area website

In 1942, the United States government ordered more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center was one of ten camps where Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese aliens were interned during World War II. The website offers historical information about the park for those who cannot visit in person.

Manzanar National Historic Site website

The Eastern California Museum in Independence has been the repository for Inyo County and Eastern Sierra history for eight decades. That history, from dinosaur bones to Native American baskets to pioneer saddles to famous Sierra mountaineers to the famous "Water War" between Los Angeles and the Owens Valley, is on display in the museum building and on the museum grounds.

Eastern California Museum website

The Coachella Valley Museum opened in 1984 and is located in a Mission style, adobe structure, the former home of Indio's first doctor, built in 1925. Extensive landscaped grounds. Three special gardens: Rose Garden, Japanese Garden, and Desert Garden. Displays consist of local Indian artifacts and Story of formation of Salton Sea. History of development of water resources in the Desert. History of Agriculture in the Desert, specifically the Date industry which is vital to Coachella Valley. Pioneer souvenirs and family keepsakes. Sun-colored Glass. Railroad information. Complete 1926 Kitchen. Large collection of horse-drawn farm machinery, Old-fashioned Blacksmith Shop, an authentic Submarine and an 1909 Schoolhouse in process of restoration.

Coachella Valley Museum and Cultural Center website

Tanaka Farms provides educational and entertainment for families, schools, and groups of all ages every season of the year.

Tanaka Farms website

Its name comes from the Spanish word for seagull. Marked by a tall Southern Pacific railroad trestle that crosses Gaviota Creek high above the day-use parking lot, the park is a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, surf fishing and camping. A pier on the west end of the beach is used by anglers, and scuba divers and surfers use a boat hoist on the pier to access the waters of the Santa Barbara Channel. Visitors can explore the rugged upland portions of the park from a trailhead in the parking area. Ambitious hikers can climb to Gaviota Peak that offers a spectacular view of the coast and the Channel Islands.

Gaviota State Park website

Farmer Bob's World is a unique, educational facility in Ivanhoe, CA that offers covered wagon tours to local schools, businesses, individuals, and visitors from around the world. The mission is to foster the relationship between farmers, food, and families by offering a real farm experience. The wagon tour navigates through more than 4 varieties of oranges, offering education on planting, watering, protecting, and harvesting oranges at McKellar Family Farms. The visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the U-Pick garden, the sights, smells and tastes of oranges from a real citrus farm.

Farmer Bob's World website

Located in Jamestown, in the heart of California's Gold Country about 100 miles southeast of Sacramento, Railtown 1897 State Historic Park is home to the Historic Jamestown Shops and Roundhouse--an intact and still-functioning steam locomotive repair and maintenance facility, portions of which date back to 1897. This one-of-a-kind attraction combines industrial heritage and railroad history with the lore of Hollywood's film industry. The Railtown 1897 Interpretive Center, the authentic roundhouse and shops, and the Depot Store (a railroad specialty gift shop) are among the Park's unique year-round offerings. Railtown 1897 State Historic Park is open daily (April-October, from 9:30 to 4:30 p.m.; November-March, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.), except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day.

Railtown 1897 State Historic Park website

Clear Lake State Park is on the shores of California's largest freshwater lake. The area is popular for all kinds of water recreation, including swimming, fishing, boating and water-skiing. Anglers can catch large mouth bass, crappie, bluegill and channel catfish. The park is the nesting place for waterfowl. Hikers enjoy the Indian Nature Trail, a self-guided trail that shows how the Pomo people, who lived in the area for centuries, utilized the area's resources. The trail passes through the site of what was once a Pomo village. The park visitor center features displays about the area's natural and cultural history.

Clear Lake State Park website

Celebrating 30 years of learning and discovery! Serving Children and Families in Southern California

The Children's Museum at La Habra website

Birch Aquarium at Scripps brings to life the exciting discoveries of world-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography. For more than a century, the aquarium has inspired visitors with the wonders of the ocean. Enter the world of sharks, seahorses, living coral reefs and more, and discover a stunning variety of Pacific marine life in more than 60 habitats. Interact with exhibits that showcase the cutting-edge discoveries of Scripps Oceanography explorers through hands-on displays and multimedia.

Birch Aquarium website

Revealing the beauty of use in folk art, craft and design from all eras and cultures of the world. Explore Southern California's largest and richest collection of mingei -- art of the people.

Mingei International Museum website

MCASD offers a range of diverse opportunities for tours and group visits at the Museum's La Jolla and Downtown locations including, guided tours, school tours, public tours, self-guided visits, and more.

Museum Of Contemporary Art, San Diego website

The Stuart Collection at the University of California, San Diego seeks to enrich the cultural, intellectual, and scholarly life of the UCSD campus and of the San Diego community by building and maintaining a unique collection of site-specific works by leading artists of our time.

Stuart Collection - University of California, San Diego website

The museum includes archives, a research area, a catering kitchen, three galleries, a museum store, and a multipurpose room featuring a history-themed mural by Andre Blanche. The two-story Spanish Colonial Revival style building will host local and traveling exhibits, programs, lectures, and cultural activities.

La Quinta Museum website

The Museum focuses on the cultural heritage of our huge, diverse and powerful state, and on the unique history and accomplishments of Laguna Beach, a community of the American West located on the shore of southern California, about fifty miles below the city of Los Angeles.

Laguna Art Museum website

The Crystal Cove Historic District is a 12.3-acre coastal portion of the 2,791-acre Crystal Cove State Park. The federally listed Historic District is an enclave of 46 vintage rustic coastal cottages originally built in the 1920's and 1930's nestled around the mouth of Los Trancos Creek. It is one of the last remaining examples of early 20th century Southern California coastal development.

Crystal Cove State Park website

Anderson Marsh State Historic Park contains oak woodlands, grass-covered hills, and tule marsh. One of the largest groups of people in prehistoric California, the Southeastern Pomo, knew this land as home. Today, descendants of those people still live nearby. Anderson Marsh's archaeological sites hold clues to the lives of the Pomo. Some sites are over 10,000 years old, making them among the oldest in California. The park protects several habitats including freshwater marsh, oak woodland, grasslands, and riparian woodland.

Anderson Marsh State Historic Park website

This man-made lake was formed by the tallest earth-filled dam (770 feet above the stream bed of the Feather River) in the country. The lake offers a wide variety of outdoor activities including camping, picnicking, horseback riding, hiking, sail and power boating, water-skiing, fishing, swimming, boat-in camping, floating campsites and horse camping. Lake Oroville Visitor Center has a museum, exhibits, videos and a store. The view from the 47-foot tower, with two high-powered telescopes, is a spectacular panoramic view of the lake, Sierra Nevadas, valley, foothills, and the Sutter Buttes mountain range (smallest in the world). The area includes the Feather River Fish Hatchery, built by the Department of Water Resources to replace lost spawning areas for salmon and steelhead. Displays on the State Water Project and the area's natural and cultural history are featured at the visitor's center.

Lake Oroville State Recreation Area website

The Pomo Indians' excellence in basket making has never been equaled by any other Indian tribe or by any other people throughout the world. Thousands of stone tools and more than 300 baskets from Lake County have been acquired by the Museum since the 1930s.

Lake County Historical Courthouse Museum website

California's State Regional Indian Musuem representing Great Basin Indian Cultures.The exhibits and interpretive emphasis are on American Indian groups (both aboriginal and contemporary) of the Southwest, Great Basin, and California culture regions. The Antelope Valley Indian Museum is closed indefinitely for stabilization. For comprehensive interpretive and research information and a complete catalogue of the AVIM artifacts, visit www.avim.park.ca.gov.

Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park website

The Desert Experience- Like Nothing Else! Saddleback Butte, elevation 3,651 feet, is a granite mountaintop that towers some thousand feet above the broad alluvial bottom land of the Antelope Valley about fifteen miles east of Lancaster, on the western edge of the Mojave Desert. The state park surrounding Saddleback Butte was created in 1960 to protect the butte (one of many similar land features in the Antelope Valley) and examples of native Joshua Tree woodlands and other plants and animals that were once common throughout this high desert area.

Saddleback Butte State Park website

The park protects and preserves an impressive stand of native Joshuas and junipers which once grew in great abundance throughout the valley. Today, only remnant parcels of this majestic woodland community remain in the valley, the rest having been cleared for farming and housing.

Arthur B. Ripley Desert Woodland State Park website

Fort Tejon is located in the Grapevine Canyon, the main route between California's great central valley and Southern California. The fort was established to protect and control the Indians who were living on the Sebastian Indian Reservation, and to protect both the Indians and white settlers from raids by the Paiutes, Chemeheui, Mojave, and other Indian groups of the desert regions to the south east. Fort Tejon was first garrisoned by the United States Army on August 10, 1854 and was abandoned ten years later on September 11, 1864. There are restored adobes from the original fort and the park's museum features exhibits on army life and local history. The park also has a number of beautiful 400 year-old valley oak trees.

Fort Tejon State Historic Park website

The reserve was established to preserve the spectacular "tufa towers," calcium-carbonate spires and knobs formed by interaction of freshwater springs and alkaline lake water.

Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve website

The San Joaquin County Historical Museum reveals the fascinating history of the region, from the Yokuts and Miwok through Captain Charles Weber (founder of Stockton and first farmer in the area) and the development of modern agriculture. The Museum has eight exhibition buildings, four historic buildings -- including the Charles Weber cottage (1847) and Calaveras School (1866) -- and features room dioramas of Weber family furnishings, a children's gallery, and large displays of hand tools and agricultural equipment.

San Joaquin County Historical Museum website

Micke Grove Zoo is home to native animals and exotic species from all over the world, including several endangered species like the Cotton Top Tamarin and Black and White Ruffed lemur. Exhibits include the Tropical Forest Canopy with Green Iguanas and Prevost's Squirrels and the Island Lost In Time featuring lemurs and radiated tortoises from Madagascar.

Micke Grove Zoo website

Dedicated to the proud era of the steam engine, complete authenticity is the hallmark of the Museum. On display is a Southern Pacific Railroad Steam Locomotive (1902-1960) and Tender. Nearby stand a 1910 Union Pacific Caboose and a modern all-steel Santa Fe caboose. On display at the annex are a 1923 Union Oil tank car and a 1913 Southern Pacific outside-braced wood box car. Also check out our Water Tower.

Lomita Railroad Museum website

Established in 1969, the Lompoc Museum exhibits document the archeology and history of the Lompoc Valley and Santa Barbara County. The Museum was established in Lompoc's former Carnegie Library to display the Clarence Ruth Collection of Chumash and other Native American artifacts.

Lompoc Museum website

La Purisima Mission State Historic Park is considered the most completely restored mission in California, with ten of the original buildings fully restored and furnished, including the church, shops, quarters, and blacksmith shop. The mission gardens and livestock represent what would have been found at the mission during the 1820's. Special living history events are scheduled throughout the year. A visitor center features information, displays and artifacts, and a self-guided tour gives visitors the opportunity to step back in time for a glimpse of a brief, turbulent period in California's history.

La Purisima Mission State Historic Park website

Mission: to instill a sense of wonder, respect, and stewardship for the Pacific Ocean, its inhabitants, and ecosystems.

Aquarium of the Pacific website

The community is invited to participate in the programs, services, and activities presented by the Education Department. Programs are designed to engage a variety of audiences with our collections and exhibitions through inquiry and an appreciation of the creative process.

Long Beach Museum of Art website

University Art Museum docents provide tours for CSULB students, K-12 school classes, college classes, and community groups interested in visiting the UAM. Tours are conducted by the UAM Docents, who provide a variety of meaningful experiences to accommodate the diverse needs of our visitors.

University Art Museum, Long Beach website

Come to the Rancho for a celebration of California's cultural landscape heritage. Attend seminars focused on the implementation of garden design using California natives along with Mediterranean plants and water wise gardening practices. Enjoy on-going tours of the ranch house and gardens. Visit with representatives from Southern California public park, gardens, historic sites, and conservancy organizations. Visit the plant sale and holiday shop for unique home and garden items.

Rancho Los Alamitos website

Japanese gardens outside of Japan.

Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden website

Come aboard the legendary Queen Mary. Book the Behind the Scenes Guided Tour of the historic ocean liner and World War II troopship, and see restored areas that have been under wraps since the final voyage in 1967, including the Isolation Wards and the aft Machine Rooms.

Queen Mary website

Each year, all Los Altos third-graders and fourth-graders attending Los Altos School District public schools are invited to participate in three-hour morning theme days held at the Los Altos History Museum. The curriculum for both field trips is especially designed to be age-appropriate for elementary school children and carefully aligned to the California History Social Studies Standards. Lessons are taught by credentialed teachers and history museum-trained docents.

Los Altos Historical Museum website

The Corita Art Center plays an active roll in bringing arts programming to the community

Corita Art Center website

The Getty Center presents the Getty's collection of Western art from the Middle Ages to the present against a backdrop of dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking views.

J. Paul Getty Museum website

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles is an independent and non-collecting art museum, it exhibits the work of local, national, and international contemporary artists. ICA LA is committed to making contemporary art relevant and accessible for all. Admission is free.

Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles website

Founded in 1979, MOCA is the only museum in Los Angeles devoted exclusively to contemporary art. It is committed to the collection, presentation, and interpretation of work produced since 1940 in all media, and to preserving that work for future generations.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles website

Founded in 1952, its mission is to promote, interpret, and present to the art of emerging, mid career, and established artists from culturally diverse Southern California. The Gallery showcases art from other parts of the world that is of relevance to the people of the City of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery website

The Museum of Latin American Art features modern and contemporary work from Latin American and Latino artists. In addition to artwork, it's a great source for cultural programs and information. If you can't visit MOLAA in person, you can find a large collection of artwork, articles, online events, and other educator resources online.

Museum of Latin American Art website

Discover art spanning five centuries at USC Fisher Museum of Art, the museum of the University of Southern California and the first museum established in Los Angeles devoted exclusively to the exhibition and collection of fine art.

USC Fisher Museum of Art website

Explore the world of craft and folk art with hands-on programs for all ages

Craft and Folk Art Museum website

Played a unique and significant role in the development of art in California. We are a nonprofit corporation that was formed in 1975 in Los Angeles with a commitment to and passion for contemporary art. Supported by an active and enthusiastic membership drawn primarily, but not exclusively, from Southern California, it includes collectors and individuals knowledgeable about art, as well as those who feel the passion and want to learn more about the art of today.

Fellows of Contemporary Art website

The Hammer contains a small collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. The museum holds over 7500 works by French satirist Honore Daumier, the largest collection outside of Paris. In recent years, the Hammer has become well known for its collection of contemporary art works on paper. It also has fine paintings by Rembrandt, Titian and Chardin.

U.C.L.A. Hammer Museum website

The park sits between Dodger Stadium and South Pasadena and boasts a cutting-edge environmental education center and ecological monitoring program within a city park.

Audubon Center at Debs Park website

Nurturing Wildlife and Enriching the Human Experience

The Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Gardens website

The National Museum strives to create a unique learning environment that enhances classroom activities and provides rich experiences that spark a passion for lifelong learning in the minds of young people.

Japanese American National Museum website

LAMH dedicates itself as a primary source institution, one that commemorates those who perished and those who survived by housing the precious artifacts that miraculously weathered the war, the ghettos, and ultimately, the death camps. LAMH is committed to providing free education to the public. We are the only Jewish/Holocaust organization in Los Angeles which guarantees dialogue with an actual survivor, a living embodiment of history.

L.A. Museum of the Holocaust website

Hailed by The New York Times as "a lesson on how to connect the eye to heart and mind," the Skirball Cultural Center has established itself as one of the world's most dynamic Jewish cultural institutions, and among the most prominent cultural venues in the United States. Its mission is to explore the connections between four thousand years of Jewish heritage and the vitality of American democratic ideals.

Skirball Cultural Center website

A living history museum reflecting the settlement and development of Southern California from the Civil War to the early 20th Century, Heritage Square Museum offers visitors a look into the everyday lives of Southern Californians at the close of the 19th Century.

Heritage Square Museum website

The Travel Town Transportation Museum is an outdoor museum which preserves and celebrates the railroad heritage of the western United States, its history and its artifacts. Particular thematic emphasis is placed on the history of Southern California and how the railroads aided its development.

Travel Town Museum website

Explore the evolution of the Automobile and its impact on our culture. Experience the last 100 years of automotive history at our museum and here on our web site. There is always something new to discover for the whole family.

Petersen Automotive Museum website

Since 1991, exhibitions have been viewed in the FIDM Museum and Galleries on the ground floor of the college. The FIDM Museum and Galleries presents two major exhibitions: "The Art of Motion Picture Costume Design" and "The Outstanding Art of Television Costume Design". These exhibitions feature costumes from the previous year's best films and television programs including samplings of Academy Award nominated and Emmy Award-nominated costumes.

F.I.D.M. Museum website

he Museum of Tolerance provides a unique and provocative experience that challenges visitors to become witnesses to history, confront the dynamic of intolerance that is still embedded in society today. Through powerful interactive exhibits, arts and lectures, special events and customized educational programs for youths and adults, the Museum engages visitors' hearts and minds in a journey of discovery to inspire change.

Museum of Tolerance website

Located in the south-east wing of the Allan Hancock Foundation Building, the Hancock Memorial Museum is comprised of the four public rooms from the original Hancock mansion. Built in 1909 at the northeast corner of Vermont Avenue and Wilshire boulevard, where it stood for 30 years, the mansion was designed by John C. W. Austin, in part in classical Palladian style after the famed Villa de Medici in Florence, Italy.

Hancock Memorial Museum website

The Fowler Museum explores art and material culture primarily from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas, past and present.

U.C.L.A. Fowler Museum Of Cultural History website

CAAM's Education Department strives to enhance the cultural interests of individuals and groups. As educators, our focus is to provide a variety of learning experiences to a variety of audiences, to serve as a resource for diverse communities, to broaden public awareness of the artistic, historical and cultural contributions of African Americans and to assist other organizations promoting the growth of human potential.

California African American Museum website

Encouraging cultural diversity by bringing art to the students through the employment of visual arts projects related to depictions of cultural identity and through the exploration of multicultural concepts by way of tours of local museum, tours of private art studios, and artist-led workshops.

Korean American Museum website

Our mission is to serve youth through sport and to increase knowledge of sport and its impact on people's lives. The LA84 Foundation supports a wide array of youth sports programming. We award grants to youth sports organizations within the eight southernmost counties of California. We also conduct our own. youth sports and coaching education programs, a number of which have become models for similar programs nationwide

Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles website

The Autry Museum of the American West explores the experiences and perceptions of the diverse peoples of the American West, connecting the past with the present to inform our shared future.

Autry Museum of the American West website

The Paley Center for Media, with locations in New York and Los Angeles, leads the discussion about the cultural, creative, and social significance of television, radio, and emerging platforms for the professional community and media-interested public.

The Paley Center for Media website

Visit one of the world's most extensive and valuable collections of natural and cultural history. As the largest natural and historical museum in the Western United States and an active research center, NHM safeguards more than 35 million spectacular, diverse specimens and artifacts covering 4.5 billion years of history.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County website

A beloved icon of Los Angeles and world leader in public astronomy. Since 1935, the Observatory has given tens of millions of visitors the opportunity to become observers. Griffith Observatory offers exciting shows in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium, public telescopes, and observing and astronomy exhibits.

Griffith Observatory website

Museum and exhibits profile, IMAX schedule, and calendar of upcoming events for the interactive learning facility.

California Science Center website

The Watts Towers are a complex set of 17 separate sculptural pieces built on a residential lot in the community of Watts. Two of the towers rise to a height of nearly 100 feet. The sculptures are constructed from steel pipes and rods, wrapped with wire mesh, coated with mortar, and embedded with pieces of porcelain, tile and glass. Using simple hand tools and cast off materials (broken glass, sea shells, generic pottery and ceramic tile) Italian immigrant, Simon Rodia spent 30 years (1921 to 1955) building a tribute to his adopted country and a monument to the spirit of individuals who make their dreams tangible. The Watts Towers are one of only nine works of folk art listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Watts Towers of Simon Rodia State Historic Park website

32 acres of open space directly adjacent to Chinatown, park visitors can wander pathways and enjoy a view of downtown, as well as discover and celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of Los Angeles. Design plans for the park are in the conceptual stage and aim to provide the public with a world class park. Partnerships with educational institutions and community organizations allow for creative and innovative public events such as Junction (a multimedia project in cooperation with UCLA), the Red Nation Pow Wow celebrating American Indian culture, and Safe Moves "Walk, Ride and Roll" which teaches kids how to ride bicycles safely and provides them with free helmets. State park invites you to engage in the past, present and future of Los Angeles at Los Angeles State Historic Park.

Los Angeles State Historic Park website

YSI focuses on hands-on learning of life sciences, physical sciences and social sciences, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology and astronomy. Programs are conducted at its three Science and Nature Centers in Vasona, Sanborn and Alum Rock park, in schools and at community events. Centers feature live mammals, birds, insects, amphibians and reptiles in some combination.

Youth Science Institute website

An educational institution dedicated to presenting art of America's wilderness so participants of all ages gain a greater appreciation of the art and a better understanding of the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

Wildling Art Museum website

This Reserve features ancient sand dunes covered with centuries-old coast live oak trees. According to botanists, five major plant communities thrive within the reserve. They are coastal sage scrub, central coastal scrub, dune oak scrub, coast live oak forest, and riparian (streamside). The oak communities exist close to each other, but each has its own character. The oak scrub has dwarf oak trees growing on the ancient (relict) sand dune. Though they are coast live oak trees, they rarely grow more than six to eight feet tall. The larger coast live oaks are located where the soil is moister. These giants can grow to 25 feet in height. Their massive trunks and gnarled branches twist into all sorts of fantastic shapes

Los Osos Oaks State Natural Reserve website

"Madera" is the Spanish word for "lumber", the first industry in the County. Part of the historic Sugar Pine Railroad remains as a tourist attraction. A huge flume once ran from the high Sierra Forest area down to Madera. One of the engineering marvels of early California, its history is preserved in articles and photos in the County Museum located in the beautiful old granite Courthouse in Madera. A replica of a section of the flume is on display.

Madera County Historical Museum website

Hosts musicals, performances and theatrical shows.

Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art website

Charmlee Wilderness Park coversᅠ532 acres of the best of the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Slope environment. The park includes picnic areas as well as 8 miles of hiking trails, native plant displays and a nature center. Programs include a volunteer Docent program, school and group nature programs and a variety of public hikes and interpretive programs.

Charmlee Wilderness Park Nature Center website

Located in the cliffs and canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains, Topanga State Park features 36 miles of trails through open grassland, live oaks and spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean.

Topanga State Park website

On the east side of Malibu Creek Bridge, the famous Malibu Pier allows for excellent saltwater fishing. On the west side of Malibu Creek Bridge, visitors will find picnic tables and a nature area, excellent for bird watching and a the study of a greatly diminished eco-system a Southern California saltwater marsh. The Adamson House, a National Historic Site located in Malibu Lagoon State Park, is a showplace of Malibu historical artifacts. Completed in 1929 by the Rindge's daughter, Rhoda Adamson, the Spanish-Moor revival residence features tile from the renowned Malibu Potteries and sits on a spectacular overlook of the Malibu Pier and Surfrider Beach.

Malibu Lagoon State Beach website

The park has 1.5 miles of beach for swimming, surfing, windsurfing, surf fishing and beachcombing. The beach also has tide pools, coastal caves and reefs for exploring. Giant sycamores shade the main campgrounds. The park also features back-country hiking. Nature walks and campfire programs are offered and a small visitor center has interpretive displays.

Leo Carrillo State Park website

A Geologic Wonder: Established in 1911 by presidential proclamation, Devils Postpile National Monument protects and preserves the Devils Postpile formation, the 101-foot high Rainbow Falls, and pristine mountain scenery. The formation is a rare sight in the geologic world and ranks as one of the world's finest examples of columnar basalt. Its columns tower 60 feet high and display an unusual symmetry.

Devils Postpile National Monument website

The Mammoth Ski Museum is home to the Beekley International Collection of Skiing Art and Literature. Five hundred years of the sport and culture of skiing exhibitions and research library. Revisit early Sierra and Mammoth ski history. Dave McCoy, founder of Mammoth Mountain ski area and the ski pioneers of the Sierra share their legendary stories through evolving exhibits and films in the Pioneer Theater and Gallery.

Mammoth Ski Museum website

Manteca was first settled by a few pioneer farmers in the early 1850's. Before the first settlers came, there were few Indians living permanently here because of the extreme summer heat and the scarcity of useful vegetation on what was then known as the "sand plains". As the California Gold Rush subsided, permanent settlers came to the area. The principal products were grain and cattle on the first large land holdings. A local historical museum of which the entire community can be proud. Support for this endeavor has poured forth in the form of generous contributions of photographs, documents, artifacts, other memorabilia, volunteer work time, and money.

Manteca Historical Museum website

A family friendly resort good for all ages with 500 guest rooms and conference center. Located in Manteca, CA with a 94,000 sq. ft. indoor heated water park open year around, 5 on-site restaurants, and several indoor attractions for families to enjoy such as mini golf, mini bowling, a ropes course and more! Homeschool rates available for groups or individuals, please visit my FB page for the latest homeschool dates! Or if you would like to set up your own group date please contact us directly at [email protected] or 209 707 2227. Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id+100069893

Great Wolf Lodge Northern California website

March Field Air Museum serves as home to over 70 historic aircraft and displays over 2,000 artifacts.

March Field Air Museum website

The most Authentic Civil War Reenactment West of the Rockies! Friday is a no cost Education Day dedicated solely to registered schools, with educational stations for Civil War Presentations for all attending students. There will also be a battle reenactment on Friday complete with tactical foot and horse skirmishes and cannon fire. Saturday and Sunday both include two battles each day, with a host of other events coinciding with battle reenactments. On Saturday, the public is also invited to attend a May Day Celebration, Parade, and Civilian Tea at the Mayors Tent Camp. Check website for details of event held in April.

Las Mariposas Civil War Days website

With Yosemite National Park only an hour away, the Mariposa Museum is a prime field trip destination for school children of all ages and backgrounds. We are the #1 destination for all activities in Mariposa, and thousands of students travel from all over California each year to learn about the California Gold Rush. When they leave, they have learned about Yosemite National Park, and that Mariposa County was not only a gold rush town, but home to the Southern Sierra Miwuk for thousands of years.

Mariposa Museum and History Center website

This is where explorers John C. Fremont and Kit Carson found the rich Mariposa Vein and opened the first mill to crush ore and extract gold in California. You are invited to discover for yourself California's mineral wealth, colorful history and geologic diversity as you view the official mineral collection of the state of California. The collection, which began in 1880, contains over 13,000 objects including mining artifacts, rare specimens of crystalline gold in its many forms, as well as beautiful gem and mineral specimens from California and around the world. The collection was moved to Mariposa in 1983 after residing in San Francisco, for over 100 years. The museum became a state park in 1999.

California State Mining and Mineral Museum website

On a hill overlooking Markleeville, the Alpine County Museum Complex provides the visitor with a glimpse into the rich past of Alpine County. The focal point of the Complex is the Old Webster Schoolhouse built on this site in 1882 and which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Other buildings on the site are the original Markleeville Log Jail, the main museum building, a Carriage Shed, and historic four Stamp Mill used in early Alpine County.

Alpine County Museum website

The Marconi Conference Center is situated on wooded hills overlooking scenic Tomales Bay in Marin County.

Marconi Conference Center State Historic Park website

Our present displays are part of the on-going effort to keep interest alive in our community's history and encourage repeat visitors. All displays, cataloguing, housekeeping, gardening, and other duties are performed by volunteers.

Martinez Museum website

Largest Homeland Disaster during World War II. Reservations are required to visit this location. The website offers historical information about the park for those who cannot visit in person.

Port Chicago Naval Magazine website

One of the world's largest inland seas, Salton Sea was created by accident in 1905 when increased flooding on the Colorado River allowed water to crash through canal barriers and for the next 18 months the entire flow of the Colorado River rushed downhill into the Salton Trough. By the time engineers were finally able to stop the breaching water in 1907, the Salton Sea had been born - 45 miles long and 20 miles wide - equalling 110 miles of shoreline. This 360 square-mile basin is a popular site for boaters, water-skiers and anglers.

Salton Sea State Recreation Area website

A historic home built in 1861, which offers exhibits on the cultural heritage of the Mendocino Coast. It interprets Mendocino's logging and shipping industries and the unique Victorian architecture for which the town is recognized as a National Historic Preservation District. The setting is enhanced by a pond and gardens.

Kelley House Museum website

Near picturesque downtown Mendocino, this park features grass-covered headlands and a beach, with access from the mouth of the Big River south of town. Trails are popular with hikers and joggers. In winter, the park provides a site for whale watching. The Ford Museum features weekend lectures on area wildlife.

Mendocino Headlands State Park website

This park is known for the heavily forested Russian Gulch Creek Canyon, a headland that features the Devil's Punch Bowl (a large, collapsed sea cave with churning water), and a beach that offers swimming, tide pool exploring, skin diving and rock fishing. Inland, there is a 36-foot high waterfall. Hikers enjoy miles of hiking trails. The park also has a paved three-mile bicycle trail.

Russian Gulch State Park website

Van Damme State Park consists of beach and upland on the Mendocino Coast. Of all park system units along the Mendocino coast, Van Damme is perhaps the richest in terms of historical resources connected with the redwood lumber industry. Its story is a prime example of the struggles and eventual failures of a small, independent lumber operation.

Van Damme State Park website

State beaches are areas with frontage on the ocean, or bays designed to provide swimming, boating, fishing, and other beach-oriented recreational activities. This area has miles of undeveloped beach adjacent to the headlands and a panoramic ocean view. The beach is a good place to watch for migrating gray whales. Fishing is also popular off the beach.

Caspar Headlands State Beach website

Montgomery Woods State Reserve, in the heart of the Coast Range, has redwoods, where visitors can walk along one of the park's many trails. It is an excellent example of both a magnificent coastal redwood grove and a beautiful fern forest.

Montgomery Woods State Natural Reserve website

Our museum houses 8500 square feet of exhibits, both permanent and rotating, which depict the history of Merced County as well as the settlers of the Great Central Valley. We are located in the county's three-story courthouse built in 1875, one of the oldest historical buildings in California. On the National Register of Historic Places, the architectural style of the building is Italianate, designed by State Capital Architect, Albert A. Bennett. Our museum is staffed by volunteers who devote their time into preserving and passing on the history of this great land to generations to come.

Merced County Courthouse Museum website

"This is the best tree-lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world," declared conservationist John Muir when describing the majestic coast redwoods of Muir Woods.

Muir Woods National Monument website

Witness a brief moment in the ancient battle between the earth shaping forces of creation and destruction in Northern California. Nestled within Lassen's peaceful forests and untouched wilderness, hissing fumaroles and boiling mud pots still shape and change the land, evidence of Lassen's long fiery and active past.

Lassen Volcanic National Park website

Bringing you the wonders of science and nature. See, Touch, and Experience the past and present.

Great Valley Museum of Natural History website

Within the museum there are a complete dentist's office, a general store and a recreated blacksmith shop using wood and square nails from a century old house. Other exhibits include gold mining paraphernalia, original fire fighting equipment, along with a collection of cattle brands from Stanislaus County.

McHenry Museum website

This beach is a popular location for visitors who can explore the beach tide pools or go surf fishing. The beach is bounded by low hills both to the north and south. Restaurants and grocery stores are nearby. Point Montara has a lighthouse that offers overnight accommodations. It is operated by Hostelling International, a non-profit group.

Montara State Beach website

Frolicking sea otters, fast-swimming sharks, pulsating jellies and waddling penguins — Monterey Aquarium's world-class exhibits and breathtaking scenery instill a love of the ocean in visitors. With over 200 exhibits and 80,000 plants and animals, the Aquarium is a window to the wonders of the ocean.

Monterey Bay Aquarium website

The Museum collects, preserves and interprets American art, in particular the work of artists active on the Monterey Peninsula and the West Coast. The Museum also collects Asian Art. The collection includes works by artists such as Armin Hansen, William F. Ritschel, Gottardo Piazzoni, and world-renowned photographers including Edward Weston and Ansel Adams.

Monterey Museum Of Art website

Built to serve as a public school and town meeting hall, Colton Hall now offers visitors a re-creation of the meeting room where California's first Constitution was drafted in October 1849 and exhibits on early Monterey. Colton Hall is a landmark in the City of Monterey, once the capital of Alta California.

Colton Hall website

The Presidio of Monterey Museum exhibits lead visitors through Monterey's various stages of military development -- from the indigenous period which highlights the area's native populations; through the Spanish and Mexican periods; and up to present day. Because of the important role of the military in Monterey between 1902 and today, the majority of the museum is dedicated to the development of the Presidio as a training base. The Museum and Lower Presidio Historic Park were created by a partnership between the City of Monterey and the Presidio of Monterey.

Presidio of Monterey Museum website

Full service guided Family Friendly whale watching tours year around in the third largest deep submarine canyon in the world. On the whale watching tours you'll get a once in a lifetime educational experience. There is something for all ages and everyone in the family.

Chris' Whale Watching Tours website

Monterey State Historic Park preserves and interprets places and objects of statewide historic significance. Monterey served as California's capital under Spanish, Mexican and U.S. rule. The U.S. flag was first officially raised in California here on July 7, 1846, bringing 600,000 square miles, including California, into the Union. Ten buildings, including the Custom House, built in 1827, and California's First Theatre (1846-47), and several residences (now museum) built in the 1830s, preserve the area's rich history of early California.

Monterey State Historic Park website

Ride the world-famous Giant Dipper roller coaster and enjoy our spectacular beachfront setting on beautiful Monterey Bay. The ADMISSION FREE Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park has something for everyone!

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk website

The Hearst's tours are lively and informative tours designed to enhance visitors' appreciation for each exhibition. A brief tour of the William Keith Room may included. A study table full of reference books and catalogues is included with most exhibitions; a DVD created by an award-winning San Francisco documentary film company is always available in the Keith Room.

Hearst Art Gallery, St. Mary's College website

The Museum of Natural History - the only one in the California State Park system -- opened in 1962. It served over 10,000 visitors in its first two years alone, and now some 65,000 thousand people visit the Museum annually, including 14,000 children who participate free-of-charge in the docent-led school group programs that support California's required science and social studies standards.

Morro Bay State Park Museum of Natural History website

Family Friendly whale watching tours will excite and delight all ages (3+). Learn why whale watching Monterey Bay is one of the best places in the world as our marine biologists narrate for a true educational experience. You will learn about humpback whales, gray whales, killer whales aka Orca's, dolphins and many other species including their migratory patterns. Monterey has both resident and transitory whales making it a year-round destination!

Whale Watching Monterey Bay with Sea Goddess Whale Watching website

Mount Shasta City was known as the town of Sisson until it was renamed in 1924. The museum building was erected in 1906 and served as the main hatchery building of the California Department of Fish and Game Mount Shasta Fish Hatchery until it was declared no longer usable 72 years later. A group of civic minded citizens obtained a lease on the building and start-up funding from the state under the umbrellas of the local Chamber of Commerce, and the building was renovated depending heavily on donated material and labor. The Museum has welcomed over 300,000 visitors since it opened in 1983, and we hope you will visit soon.

Sisson Museum website

More than 250,000 gold-seekers & farmers crossed into to the gold fields & rich farmlands of California during the 1840's and 1850's. 1,000 miles of trail ruts and traces can still be seen to remind us of early American travelers and settlers.

California National Historic Trail website

Exciting, family friendly dinner theater featuring an authentic medieval tournament and feast with jousting knights, and live horses.

Considered the most significant collection of Bay Area art in the world, the di Rosa Preserve: Art & Nature provides opportunities for creative enrichment and enjoyment of art and the environment year-round. The Preserve houses approximately 2,200 works of art by more than 900 artists.

di Rosa website

Daytime visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll in Ritchey Canyon on the Redwood Trail to view the delicate ferns and listen to the water splashing down the rocky creekbed. Bring your wine and cheese and picnic under the towering Douglas Firs. On hot summer days, grab a swimsuit and towel and come enjoy a dip in the park's swimming pool open on weekends, beginning on Memorial Day weekend through mid-June, then daily through Labor Day, from 12- 6 p.m. There is an additional fee for the use of the swimming pool, to be paid at the park entrance.

Bothe-Napa Valley State Park website

The site of California's largest "hydraulic" mine. Visitors can see huge cliffs carved by mighty streams of water, results of the gold mining technique of washing away entire mountains to find the precious metal. Legal battles between mine owners and downstream farmers ended this method. The park also contains a 7,847 foot bedrock tunnel that served as a drain. The visitor center has exhibits on life in the old mining town of North Bloomfield.

Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park website

Learning history is easier and more fun with participation in one of the school days programs at the Stagecoach Inn Museum Complex.

Stagecoach Inn Museum website

A Member of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, William S. Hart Park is less than an hour's drive from most areas of Los Angeles. It is the former home and ranch of William S. Hart, silent film cowboy star and director. The Museum sits atop a hill within a large park area. The Spanish colonial Revival style mansion contains original furnishings, an impressive collection of western art, mementos of early Hollywood and Native American artifacts. In addition, there is a furnished 1910 ranch house which is open for unguided tours.

William S. Hart Ranch and Museum website

Whale Watching is an enriching and educational experience! And we have discounted rates for home school groups! Nov-May is Gray Whale Season, May-Oct. is Blue Whale Season, April-Oct. Humpback Whales are in our area, Late Dec.-Jan. Orca Pods have been sighted in the area And throughout the year we see Common and Bottlenose Dolphin, Fin Whales, Minke Whales, Sea Lions, and Sea Birds. The thrill of seeing large marine mammals swim alongside our boat is an experience that students will never forget, and a great way to integrate marine science into your curriculum.

Newport Landing Whale Watching website

In 1776, as Americans fought for their independence in the East, Anza led almost 300 people over 1200 miles to settle Alta California. It was the first overland route established to connect New Spain with San Francisco. Walk in their footsteps from Nogales, Arizona to San Francisco, California.

Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail website

The Art Galleries at California State University, Northridge, are the major art exhibition space in the San Fernando Valley. Serving the University campus, the San Fernando Valley, and the greater Southern California communities, the Art Galleries offer an exhibition program that reflects the extraordinary diversity of the art world today and of our many audiences. Through a program of innovative and often provocative exhibitions, the galleries utilize regional resources to give fresh perspectives on international art and the broad interrelationships of today's visual world. This approach is clearly evident in the over 500 exhibitions we have sponsored since 1980, including several off-campus sites. Lectures, films, concerts, and other events are often given in conjunction with exhibitions.

C.S.U. Northridge Art Galleries website

The Novato History Museum, founded by Mrs. Margaret "Peg" Coady in 1976, is located in the home of Novato's first Postmaster, Henry F. Jones. The building, possibly the oldest dwelling in Novato, may have been one of several houses constructed by Ramon Pacheco circa 1850. It stood in the original "Old Town" on South Novato Blvd. near Yukon Way. Every spring the Novato Historical Guild leads Novato's 3rd graders through a historic tour of Novato. The cost is free. The museum has an on-going community oral history project. We will provide training for anyone interested in volunteering for this project.

Novato History Museum website

The name "olompali" comes from the Miwok language and may be translated as "southern village" or "southern people." The Coast Miwok inhabited at least one site within the area of the present-day park continuously from as early as 6,000 BC, until the early 1850s. Olompali contains "kitchen rock," a large boulder used as a mortar in which early people ground acorns and seeds into a fine flour for food preparation. Many women would gather near such grinding rocks to prepare food and socialize.

Olompali State Historic Park website

The Oakdale Cowboy Museum contains the sights, sounds and smells of our western heritage. Upon entering the Cowboy Museum, one quickly notices the memorabilia that illustrates the lifestyle of the American Cowboy. The unique skills of the leather crafter are seen on the finely tooled leather saddles that surround the two galleries of the Museum. The action photographs that fill the spacious walls along with several personal collections tell the story of our early western beginnings. The many tools of the rancher such as branding irons, boots, spurs and chaps are displayed for a "hands on" experience

Oakdale Cowboy Museum website

Dedicated to all the children of the East Bay, the Junior Center of Art and Science encourages children's active wonder and creative responses through artistic and scientific exploration of their natural urban environment. The Junior Center's classes, workshops, exhibits, and events integrate art and science to promote children's fresh, hands-on and personalized interaction with their world. The Junior Center contributes to the development of citizens who value nature and appreciate the importance of art and science in our community.

Junior Center of Art and Science website

More than 80,000 people have visited and sailed aboard former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's beloved "Floating White House," the USS Potomac, since it opened to the public in the summer of 1995. $5 million has been spent over a 12-year period to restore the 165-foot-long vessel as a memorial to the president who authored the New Deal and led the United States during the Great Depression and the World War II years.

Potomac Association website

The Oakland Aviation Museum provides a vital resource to the San Francisco Bay area inspiring interest in the rich aviation history of Oakland and the Bay Area, fostering growth in aviation education and awareness, and promoting community for local groups.

Oakland Aviation Museum website

chool groups can choose classes in astronomy, life sciences, physical sciences, computer technology, or environmental education. All school group visits include a show in our state-of-the-art Ask Jeeves Planetarium and time to explore CSSC's permanent exhibits.

Chabot Space and Science Center website

Offering top quality educational, family and volunteer programs.

Qakland Zoo website

The Oakland Museum of California provides unique collections, exhibitions and educational opportunities designed to generate a broader and deeper understanding of and interest in California's environment, history, art and people. Museum programs are responsive, accessible and meaningful to the public, including school children, teachers, scholars, the immediate Oakland community, and an increasingly diverse California population.

Oakland Museum website

This educational, informative exhibit celebrates a small fraternity of surfers who, by their exceptional conceptual abilities and considerable crafting talent, radically altered surfboard design and, in some cases, manufacturing techniques. It's a dynamic array of talent, each personality accompanied by photos and the respective signature board. It traces surfboard design from its early roots in the Pacific to the tri-fin Thruster that helped solidify Simon Andersen's place in surfing history.

California Surf Museum website

The museum's mission is to provide the schools and general public with a much needed educational resource on the archaeology and prehistory of the southern California desert and mountains. There is evidence of human habitation here for thousands of years. The museum is currently the repository for more than 9,000 artifacts gathered from over 8,800 recorded archaeological sites throughout the Imperial Valley.

Imperial Valley College Desert Museum website

The Ojai Valley Museum has an extensive collection of Art, Native American Baskets, Pioneer Tools, and photographs of early days in Ojai.

Ojai Valley Museum website

The Ontario Museum of History & Art (OMHA) preserves, interprets and celebrates the history and cultural heritage of Ontario and the surrounding area.

Museum of History & Art Ontario website

Students will get fired up about math, physics, and engineering when they see it come to life in a state-of-the-art vertical wind tunnel. Our highly trained STEM educators guide students through an immersive and thrilling hands-on experience. Interactive presentations relating to indoor and outdoor skydiving. Lab activity and immersive experiments based on grade levels. A physics demonstrations in the wind tunnel. Students get to experience the dream of flying one-on-one with a certified world-class iFLY flight instructor.

iFLY Indoor Skydiving Ontario website

Promoting creativity, learning and growth in the careers of artists, and to inspire passion and appreciation for arts and culture in Oxnard and Southern California.

Carnegie Art Museum website

The mission of the Museum is to provide a rewarding museum experience based on the age of sail and to enhance the understanding of our rich maritime heritage through world-class maritime art, unique ship models, dynamic exhibits, and educational programs.

Channel Islands Maritime Museum website

The purpose of the Pacific Grove Art Center is to educate the public in art appreciation and stimulate interest in art; to display all types of art to the general public on a non-discriminatory basis; to hold art classes, lectures, forums, exhibits, music concerts, and other educational functions for the general public; to provide art shows and exhibits which the public and school children can visit to continue their education in art and culture; and to promote the exhibition of art, with special emphasis on the encouragement of local artists.

Pacific Grove Art Center website

In the early 1930s, Will Rogers was the most popular and highest paid actor in Hollywood. From his start in vaudeville theater with a trick During the 1920s, he bought land in Santa Monica, where he developed a ranch. Eventually, the Rogers' owned 186 acres overlooking the Pacific Ocean, in what is now known as Pacific Palisades. At his untimely death in a plane crash in 1935, Will Rogers' ranch consisted of a 31-room ranch house, a stable, corrals, riding ring, roping arena, polo field, golf course, and hiking trails. When his widow, Betty, died in 1944, the ranch became a state park. The Park is undergoing a major historic renovation project that will restore the landscape to its appearance during Will Rogers' time. Details of the restoration program may be found in the Historic Landscape Management Plan. The Park Interpretive Staff offers tours of the ranch house and grounds. However, you and your family can enjoy many features of our Park on your own using the Self-Guided Ranch Tour Card.

Will Rogers State Historic Park website

An Ancient Volcano: Rising out of the chaparral-covered Gabilan Mountains, east of central California's Salinas Valley, are the spectacular remains of an ancient volcano. Massive monoliths, spires, sheer-walled canyons and talus passages define millions of years of erosion, faulting and tectonic plate movement.

Pinnacles website

Desert conservation through preservation, education and appreciation. To preserve a portion of the Colorado Desert in its natural state. The Living Desert has set aside 1,000 acres of natural desert habitat. To foster, through interpretive exhibits, programs and publication, an awareness of and an appreciation for, the variety of plants and animals in worldwide desert ecosystems.

Living Desert website

The Palm Springs Art Museum strives to serve diverse communities as one of the outstanding mid-size art museum in the country. Its mission is to promote enjoyment, education and involvement with visual art of the highest quality, and enhance appreciation of the performing arts. By collecting, preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting art from a broad chronological and geographic range according to the highest professional standards, and presenting a varied program of performing art, the museum seeks to maximize its public service to audiences of all ages and social backgrounds and to make art a dynamic part of their lives.

Palm Springs Art Museum website

The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway offers free membership programs. The Tramsters Club, for children ages 3 to 12, and the Alpine Club for companies with more than 100 employees.

Palm Springs Aerial Tramway website

The Museum of American Heritage (MOAH) offers many educational programs for adults and children.

Museum of American Heritage website

Science-hands-on activities indoor, a tree house in the middle of the small zoo, a playground outside the museum. Easy to find parking nearby and around. You can bring your lunch to eat in the outdoor areas. The museum has clean bathrooms, an area for infants (12mo and under) for safe free play, and small pods for breastfeeding/relaxing.

Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo website

Palomar Mountain State Park features spectacular views of the Pacific, camping, picnicking, hiking, and fishing (trout) in Doane Pond. Coniferous forests cover much of the 1,862 acres, in contrast to the dry lowlands surrounding the mountain. This is one of the few Southern California areas with a Sierra Nevada-like atmosphere.

Palomar Mountain State Park website

The Gold Nugget Museum was incorporated in 1973. Our mission is to preserve and protect The Ridge heritage through our collection and artifacts and with community education programs. More...

Gold Nugget Museum website

Kidspace features many fun, educational, and interactive programs and activities throughout the year that combine exhibit themes with learning initiatives. Kidspace's indoor exhibits and outdoor learning environments offer many opportunities for visitors to explore and investigate the natural world and express themselves in creative ways.

Kidspace Children's Museum website

The Pasadena Museum of History offers a variety of educational, entertaining, and stimulating programs and events that further enhance our knowledge and enjoyment of the west San Gabriel Valley's rich heritage.

Pasadena Museum of History website

A walk on the grounds of the Pioneer Museum takes one back in time. An El Camino Real bell marks a walkway past a jail and farm equipment to a one-room schoolhouse.

Paso Robles Pioneer Museum website

Lake Perris was built in the early 1970's as the last reservoir in the California Water Project to provide drinking water to Southern California residents. Nestled between Moreno Valley and Perris, Lake Perris SRA provides a place to escape the heat in the summer and to escape the bustle of city life all year round. There are many recreational activities to enjoy at Lake Perris SRA such as: Hiking, biking, water skiing, boating, jet skiing, fishing, swimming, horse back riding, camping and picknicking.

Lake Perris State Recreation Area website

Lonely, undeveloped, wild. Elephant seals, sea lions, and other marine mammals come ashore to rest, mate, and give birth in the sand dunes or on the beaches and offshore islands. It is a unique and unforgettable natural spectacle that hundreds of thousands of people come to witness each year.

Ano Nuevo State Natural Reserve website

Perched on a cliff on the central California coast, 50 miles south of San Francisco, the 115-foot Pigeon Point Lighthouse, one of the tallest lighthouses in America, has been guiding mariners since 1872. Its five-wick lard oil lamp, and first-order Fresnel lens, comprised of 1,008 prisms, was first lit at sunset, November 15, 1872. The lens stands 16 feet tall, 6 feet in diameter, and weighs 8,000 pounds. It sits in a lantern room that had been constructed at the Lighthouse Service's general depot in New York before being shipped around the Horn. Although the original Fresnel lens is no longer in use, the lighthouse is still an active U.S. Coast Guard aid to navigation using a 24 inch Aero Beacon.

Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park website

Weekend tours of historic Petaluma led by costumed docents. Public lecture series, guided museum tours, Outreach Program to schools, Annual Victorian Tea, Assisted research, Museum Association Membership, Internships, and Special events through the year.

Petaluma Historical Library & Museum website

Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park was the main residence of Rancho Petaluma, the agricultural empire that General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo one of the most powerful men in the Mexican Province of California from 1834 to 1846. Vallejo ran his cattle, hide and tallow business, raised sheep, bred horses, and grew numerous crops. The adobe contains authentic furniture and exhibits depicting early rancho life. The huge adobe building, the largest private rancho in California between 1834 and 1846, was the center of activity on one of the most prosperous private estates established during the Mexican period.

Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park website

Forever Wild is a sanctuary for rescued exotic animals including Big cats (lions, tigers, servals) along with many other mammals (bears, monkeys, etc), birds, and reptiles (alligators.) All ages welcomed. ADA accessible (dirt paths). Events and school tours welcome. Reasonable admission and free parking. (Dirt road access)

Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary website

The park features two virgin redwood groves; Big Hendy with a self-guided discovery trail and Little Hendy. The Navarro River runs the length of the park. Located in the middle of the Anderson Valley wine district, this park is warmer and less foggy than redwood park along the coast. The park is well known for a fallen redwood stump that was home for a man known locally as the Hendy Woods Hermit.

Wendy Woods State Park website

The park includes the Chaw'se Regional Indian Museum. The museum gives visitors a view of exhibits and artifact collections from Sierra Nevada Indians. A Miwok village with a ceremonial roundhouse has been reconstructed in the middle of the small valley. Teachers's Guide available in PDF format.

Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park website

Historic George Key Ranch is an historic house, museum, garden and orange grove, located in the City of Placentia. This beautifully landscaped site totals 2.2 acres. Located within the park is the George Key home, built in 1898 and listed on the National Register of Historic Landmarks, a collection of farm equipment and hand tools, a one-acre orange grove and 3/4-acre verse garden.

George Key Ranch website

Take an informative tour, wander among the historical artifacts, or research a family ancestor. The El Dorado County Historical Museum is the place to learn about the fascinating history of El Dorado County, one of California's original and most historic counties.

El Dorado County History Museum website

The Museum on Main tells the fascinating stories of those who came before -- illustrating characters, places and events that have shaped our community. These tales capture the hearts of people in our community today, enabling them to connect with our rich heritage.

Museum on Main website

Climb to the top of one of the tallest Pacific Coast Lighthouses as Keepers have done for over 100 years! Guided tours of the light station as well as self guided tours of the grounds are available daily. Afterward, spend some time browsing through our Lighthouse Gift shop featuring unique souvenirs, interesting gifts, custom made Abalone Jewelry, beautiful collectibles, and lighthouse clothing.

Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc. website

From its thunderous ocean breakers crashing against rocky headlands and expansive sand beaches through its open grasslands to its brushy hillsides and forested ridges, visitors can discover over 1000 species of plants and animals. Home to several cultures over thousands of years, Point Reyes preserves a tapestry of stories and interactions of people. Point Reyes awaits your exploration.

Point Reyes National Seashore website

The Sensory Spot is an Applied Behavior Analysis center-based clinic designed to integrate much needed sensory input through play and has a mixture of equipment (sensory gym) programs and classes outlined to increase skills and improve skill deficits in all areas. All children are welcome. They offer open play.

The Sensory Spot website

The Porterville Historical Museum was founded in 1965 and is housed in the old Southern Pacific depot, constructed in 1913. Prior to the arrival of early explorers, the San Joaquin Valley was occupied by the Yokuts Indians. The museum contains examples of their handiwork. Representing the first pioneers are saddles, chaps, and other western paraphernalia. Items used by the settlers include household items, furniture, toys, and other accouterments of early Porterville life. In the yard are examples of vehicles which serve to remind the visitor of the agricultural roots upon which Porterville's economy has been based.

Porterville Historical Museum website

The concept of an active "living museum" is evidenced by the dozens of different exhibits, events, meetings and functions held at the Plumas County Museum. Permanent exhibits include an outstanding collection of baskets woven by the area's original Mountain Maidu Indians. The Industrial History Wing features Railroads of Plumas County, Gold Mining on the Feather River, and TIMBER!, an exhibit about the lumber industry of the county. Other developing collections include natural history specimens, audio-visual resources, the Chinese influence, and the historically accurate Andrew Lynch Memorial Garden.

Plumas County Museum website

Ramona California is the gateway to the mountains and deserts. The Santa Maria Valley is located in the hills to the East of the city of San Diego. The Iipay Indians, who inhabited the area for centuries, called it the Valle de Pamo. Spaniards, who entered the valley in 1778, named it after Saint Mary, and its first settlement, now called Ramona, was originally named Nuevo. The colorful history of the area has traveled through the Santa Maria Valley. Miners heading for the gold mines in Julian; cowboys and vaqueros driving herds of cattle to the ranchos of Alto California; the stagecoach arriving from Julian on its way to San Diego; The Jackass Mail on its route from San Diego to Yuma, Arizona; General Kearney, Kit Carson and 151 dragoons on their way to San Pasqual where they encountered a small Mexican army in the only major battle of the Mexican War fought in California; Jose Joaquin Ortega and Edward Stokes, joint owners of Rancho Santa Maria, a 35,000 acre land grant, hauling provisions from San Diego for their holiday fiesta; a raiding party of Diegueno Indians on its way to attack the Spaniards at the Presido in San Diego; and Major Edward Rigg, Commanding Officer of nearby Camp Wright, moving his soldiers into position to intercept a group of Confederate sympathizers who were attempting to leave California to join the South in the Civil War.

Guy B. Woodward Museum website

A family-focused educational institution dedicated to enriching the lives of local residents and visitors to the Sacramento region by encouraging the exploration of history, science, and space.

Sacramento Children's Museum website

The Wignall Museum/Gallery is dedicated to presenting innovative exhibitions and programs that reflect the scope and diversity of the art of our time. A vital component of the academic and cultural life of the Chaffey Community College District, the Wignall aspires to engage broad and diverse audiences, create a sense of community, and provide a place for contemplation, stimulation, and discussion of contemporary art and the questions that shape and inspire us as individuals, cultures, and communities.

Wignall Museum / Gallery, Chaffey College website

The Children's Discovery Museum of the Desert is the best destination to enhance and build new skill sets in a hands-on environment.

Children's Museum Of The Desert website

A rich gathering of period pieces and artifacts to adorn the aesthetic 1880s Victorian Home atmosphere as when it was built. On display is 19th century art, architecture, and artifacts of Northern California and the local community.

Kelly-Griggs House Museum website

William B. Ide was named president of the short-lived California Bear Republic - which lasted for 22 days. The adobe memorial to him is located in a picnic area overlooking the Sacramento River. The park features the old adobe home, carriage shed, blacksmith shop and a small visitor center.

William B. Ide Adobe State Historic Park website

Visit the ranch and learn about boundaries, awareness, predictability, teamwork, social skills and horses in a safe and relaxed environment. Our specially trained staff ensure activities are tailored to the ability level and ages of your participants. Activities may include feeding, grooming and tacking, leading a horse through an obstacle course, and a quick mounting and dismounting experience. Come learn in a safe and relaxed environment.

Roughout Ranch website

This educational and entertainment complex includes the McConnell Arboretum and Gardens and a butterfly conservatory.

Turtle Bay Exploration Park website

Kimberly Crest, a picturesque French chateau style home built in 1897, is a well preserved example of the Victorian Era in California. The 7,000 square foot, three-story chateau sits on a six and one quarter acre estate two miles south of downtown Redlands, at 1325 Prospect Drive, and is enjoyed by more than 11,000 visitors annually.

Kimberly Crest House & Gardens website

The San Bernardino County Museum, in Redlands, California, is a regional museum with exhibits and collections in cultural and natural history. Special exhibits, the Exploration Station live animal discovery center, extensive research collections, and public programs for adults, families, students, and children are all part of the museum experience.

San Bernardino County Museum website

Housed in the old San Mateo County Courthouse, the History Museum is where we preserve the rich history of the county, and make it accessible to the public. We offer educational activities for school children. We host exhibits detailing the history and development of the county. We host a wide range of events concerning the history of the county -- from tours of the old courthouse and other historic sites, to lectures, discussions and family programs.

San Mateo County Historical Association Museum website

Purchased by the State of California in 1983 this historic ranch property is hidden in a pristine valley south of Half Moon Bay. The area offers solitude, groves of mature eucalyptus, and a rich assortment of wildlife.

Burleigh H. Murray Ranch Park Property website

Preserves and interprets the stories and places of our nation's home front response to World War II.

Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park website

The China Lake Museum Foundation Invites you to participate in the support and operation of a new Navy museum--a museum that preserves and displays unique achievements in naval air armament and technology.

U.S. Naval Museum of Armament & Technology website

We are a Museum of the cultural history, natural history and geology of the Northern Mojave Desert emphasizing our Indian Wells Valley.

Maturango Museum website

The park is located along the Stanislaus River near the town of Ripon, California. The park protects a fine example of the threatened and still declining riparian oak woodland, which once flourished throughout California's Central Valley. Caswell is home to several endangered animal species, including the riparian brush rabbit which is not known to occur anywhere else.

Caswell Memorial SPState Park website

The Sweeney Art Gallery is an artistic laboratory that engages diverse audiences with exhibitions and programs that are committed to experimentation, innovation, and the exploration of art in our time. The Sweeney places a special emphasis on inspiring projects that explore new ideas and materials and re-envision the relationship between art and life.

Sweeney Art Gallery, U.C. Riverside website

The Museum offers fun and educational programs for all ages: workshops, demonstrations, lectures, children and family programs, youth projects, tours, school presentations, festivals, special events and more.

Riverside Municipal Museum website

The Mission Inn Foundation preserves, interprets, and promotes the cultural heritage of the Mission Inn, Riverside, and the surrounding southern California communities through its museum services, educational programs, and outreach activities.

Mission Inn Museum website

This park preserves some of the rapidly vanishing cultural landscape of the citrus industry and to tell the story of this industry's role in the history and development of California. The park recaptures the time when "Citrus was King" in California, recognizing the importance of the citrus industry in southern California.

California Citrus State Historic Park website

Castle Park charges NO fee for Admission. Tickets for ride wristbands can be purchased online, or inside the park. Game tokens, and Golf may be purchased at Castle Park. And please visit our incredible championship miniature golf courses. Nestled in palm trees with 18 waterfalls, rapids, and fountains, each course is a work of art.

Castle Park website

iFLY Sacramento offers incredible STEM supported educational programs that focus on science, technology, engineering and math geared specifically to Elementary, Middle and High School students. The programs are a unique combination of formal learning and FUN! STEM instructors provide a standard learning space with experiments, live data, and they can even incorporate any element that you would like to focus on during the learning.

iFLY Sacramento website

The Maidu Interpretive Center and Historic Site offer a safe, fenced natural haven for families and individuals who want a brief respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. Graced by oak trees and bordered on the south by a branch of Linda Creek/Strap Ravine, the nature area offers a loop trail that takes you past ancient petroglyphs and hundreds of bedrock mortars for grinding acorns,evidence of Nisenan / southern Maidu occupation of the site for thousands of years. Inside the museum you'll find exhibits portraying the Maidu way of life.

Maidu Interpretive Center website

A United States Army Museum Activity.

California State Military Museum website

The California State Railroad Museum (CSRM) in Old Sacramento is the world-class tribute to the role of the "iron horse" in connecting California to the rest of the nation. The museum features restored locomotives and cars, some dating back to 1862. Immerse yourself in the 1860s construction of the Transcontinental Railroad high in the Sierra Nevada. Explore how railroads played a key role in the development of California and shaped people’s lives, the economy, and the unique culture of the West.

California State Railroad Museum website

In addition to the books and journals, there are 16 display cases showcasing medical artifacts collected and donated to the Society over the years. There are cases featuring collections in the fields of Surgery, Clinical Diagnosis, Infectious Disease, Pharmacy, Radiology, Chinese Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medical Quackery. The museum has room to grow and we are giving thought to adding displays or exhibits of interest to elementary school children.

Sierra Sacramento Valley Museum of Medical History website

The California Museum is the ONLY museum that provides insight into California's legacy by uniquely showcasing the stories of inspirational people and events. These people include Sally Ride, Ronald Reagan, Rita Moreno and Jackie Robinson. These events include the birth of Hollywood, the discovery of gold, the earthquake of 1906 and the table grape boycott.

California Museum website

The Mansion is now open to the public as a museum. It also serves the citizens of California as the state's official reception center for leaders from around the world. The Leland Stanford Mansion is a stunning example of the splendor and elegance of the Victorian era in California.

Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park website

A cluster of noteworthy, early Gold Rush commercial structures. Historic buildings include the 1849 Eagle Theater; the 1853 B. F. Hastings Building, once home to the California Supreme Court; and the 1855 Big Four Building. Old Sacramento's historical significance comes from it being the western terminus of the Pony Express postal system, the first transcontinental railroad, and the transcontinental telegraph.

Old Sacramento State Historic Park website

California's executive mansion, popularly known at the Governor's Mansion. Guests see marble fireplaces from Italy, gold framed mirrors from France, and exquisitely handcrafted hinges and doorknobs, all of which are reminders of the Gallatins and the Victorian era. Outside some of the Mansion's abundant vegetation includes flowers, shrubs, and trees dating back to 1877. But when visitors look behind the grape stake fence and see Governor Brown's swimming pool built in 1959, they are reminded that the Governor's Mansion State Historic Park is really a walk through time.

Governor's Mansion State Historic Park website

The mission of the Sacramento Zoological Society is to inspire appreciation, understanding and respect for all living things through stimulating education, wholesome recreation and innovative species management.

Sacramento Zoo website

"Educational Discovery Tours Flagship Educational Tours Program provides California history tours to life for students and parents. Our curriculum-driven tours allow student travel groups to learn through hands-on, highly interactive experiences. Your students will see their classroom studies come to life as they follow the footsteps of the most important figures in California History. Our trips are fully customized! Choose from a multitude of options from 1-day trips in Sacramento to additional excursions like Marshall Gold State park in Coloma or a memorable overnight Living History experience with pioneer tents, real wild-west dining and, and exciting pioneer living presentations!"

California History Tour website

Home of the California Legislature since 1869, the State Capitol underwent a major renovation that restored much of the building's original look. Visitors can tour the restored historic offices of the Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Governor of the State of California. The building features exhibits and tours - and possibly an opportunity to watch the legislators debate a bill or cast a vote.

California State Capitol Museum website

Visit the National Steinbeck Center to experience a journey through John Steinbeck's world, where literature jumps off the printed page and into your imagination. Discover Steinbeck's works and philosophy through interactive, multisensory exhibits for all ages and backgrounds, priceless artifacts, entertaining displays, educational programs and research archives.

National Steinbeck Center website

MCARLM's interpretive period is the last quarter of the 19th century through World War II. The collections are principally agricultural related implements, house museum furnishings, and historical objects related to specific local history. The museum complex has 6 buildings: the Exhibit Barn, Olson Blacksmith Shop, and the History of Irrigation Museum; plus the historic Spreckels House (1898), La Gloria Schoolhouse (1887), and the King City Train Depot (1903). All are completely furnished with turn-of-the-century artifacts. There are outside exhibits of antique farm equipment dating from the late 1800s into the 1940s. The main Exhibit Barn features displays following the development of Salinas Valley agriculture and rural life from the late 1700s to 1940. We also have meeting rooms, picnic facilities and camping through the auspices of the park Department.

Monterey County Agricultural & Rural Life Museum website

San Onofre State Beach is a rare 3,000-acre scenic coastal-canyon park with high environmental values and recreation use. The park includes three distinct areas: San Onofre Bluffs, San Onofre Surf Beach, and San Mateo Campground.

San Onofre State Beach website

The region's primary resource for exhibitions and collections of fine art for more than 80 years. Located in the heart of Balboa Park, our galleries offer opportunities for learning, introspection, and connection with cultures from around the world. Please browse our site and discover our many exhibitions, classes, and performances. Join us and visit the Museum soon.

San Diego Museum of Art website

Organizes and presents exhibitions of contemporary art by regional, national and international artists, providing a forum for artwork of a culturally-diverse and issue-charged nature. The Gallery also offers educational programs, such as lectures and gallery talks. The Gallery is committed to presenting viewers with avenues of experience that expand awareness, promote understanding and foster appreciation of today's visual arts.

University Art Gallery, San Diego State University website

The mission of the Museum of Photographic Arts is to inspire, educate and engage the broadest possible audience through the presentation, collection, and preservation of photography, film and video.

Museum of Photographic Arts website

The Museum, an environmentally sustainable building designed by architect Rob Wellington Quigley, provides a dynamic, playful public space and community center for children and families -- a place to experience exciting art exhibitions, hands-on studio projects, performances, birthday parties, in-depth classes, camps and educational programs.

The New Children's Museum website

Enjoys a worldwide reputation for excellence in restoring, maintaining and operating historic vessels. The museum has one of the world's finest collections of historic ships, including the world's oldest active ship Star of India.

Maritime Museum of San Diego website

Climbing out of his boat and onto shore in 1542, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo stepped into history as the first European to set foot on what is now the West Coast of the United States. In addition to telling the story of 16th century exploration, the park is home to a wealth of cultural and natural resources. Join us and embark on your own Voyage of Discovery.

Cabrillo National Monument website

Here you will not only find a collection of intriguing exhibitions that chronicle San Diego's diverse history, but also our Research Library. This is home to over 45 million pieces of paper and 2.5 million images that document the people, places and events of San Diego's past. In addition to the exhibitions at the Museum of San Diego History, the museum also presents a number of public programs including lectures, workshops and educational programs.

Museum of San Diego History website

The mission of the San Diego Model Railroad Museum is to preserve the heritage of railroading through a series of miniature representations of California railroads; research and preserve the history of model railroading; and educate the public in the many different aspects of railroading.

San Diego Model Railroad Museum website

The San Diego Natural History Museum traces its roots to an enthusiastic group of amateur naturalists, who formed the San Diego Society of Natural History in 1874.

San Diego Natural History Museum website

Celebrate aviation and space flight history through preservation of significant artifacts, presentation of dynamic exhibits, and commemoration of the men and women who forged aerospace history.

The San Diego Air & Space Museum website

Welcome to the San Diego Automotive Museum. Come and see the beauty and history of the automobile. Feast your eyes on some of the rarest and most beautiful cars ever created.

San Diego Automotive Museum website

One of San Diego's finest examples of the Arts and Crafts architectural movement. Completed in 1905 for prominent merchant and civic leader, George W. Marston and his family, this 8,500 square-foot home is surrounded by four acres of rolling lawns, manicured formal gardens, and canyon pathways. The interior features spacious hallways juxtaposed with close, intimate living areas that evoke the "hearth and home" aesthetic of the Arts and Crafts Movement. It is furnished with Mission style pieces like those designed by brothers, Gustav, Leopold and John George Stickley, and a variety of decorative pottery, paintings, and textiles created by world-renown Craftsman artisans.

Marston House Museum website

The Junipero Serra Museum, in Presidio Park, is one of the most familiar landmarks in San Diego. As a major symbol of the city, it stands atop the hill recognized as the site where California began. It was here in 1769 that a Spanish Franciscan missionary, Father Junipero Serra, with a group of soldiers led by Gaspar de Portola, established Alta California's first mission and presidio (fort).

Junipero Serra Museum website

Demonstration and Display of Pacific Southwest Railroad History

Pacific Southwest Railway Museum website

A cultural and physical anthropology museum. We collect, preserve, interpret and communicate evidence of human development, creativity and artistic expression. We teach people about people!

San Diego Museum of Man website

Located downtown in San Diego at Navy Pier, Midway provides a dynamic and enriching experience "from boiler to bridge." A visit to Midway instills a greater appreciation for courage, freedom, and service to country.

USS Midway Museum website

The MCRD Command Museum boasts one of the most extensive and comprehensive displays of Marine Corps historical items in the Nation.The Museum has over 150,000 annual visitors and occupies 22,233 square feet of indoor space.

MCRD Command Museum website

Narrated one and two hour Harbour Cruises. Dinner and Whale Watching Cruises

Hornblower Cruises website

Narrated one and two hour Harbour Cruises. Dinner, brunch, lunch and Whale Watching Cruises.

Flagship Cruises website

"The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center seeks to inspire lifelong learning by furthering the public understanding and enjoyment of science and technology."

The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center website

Experience the history of early San Diego by providing a connection to the past. Experience life in the Mexican and early American periods of 1821 to 1872. Five original adobe buildings are part of the historic park, which includes museum, unique retail shops, and several restaurants.

Old Town San Diego State Historic Park website

Lego Building Blocks Themed Amusement Park with over 40 rides and attractions, including Roller Coasters.

Legoland website

Our landmark building features a soaring atrium topped by our signature turret and oculus skylight. The museumtore offers the West Coast's finest selection of modern and contemporary art books, as well as exceptional design objects, furniture, jewelry, and children's products. Meanwhile, our cafe serves gourmet fare in a light-filled space with indoor and outdoor seating.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art website

Founded in 1895 in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, the de Young Museum has been an integral part of the cultural fabric of the city and a cherished destination for millions of residents and visitors to the region for over 100 years. Designed by the renowned Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron and Fong & Chan Architects in San Francisco, the new de Young provided San Francisco with a landmark art museum to showcase the museum's priceless collections of American art from the 17th through the 20th centuries, and art of the native Americas, Africa, and the Pacific.

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco website

The Cartoon Art Museum is committed to fostering and promoting a greater appreciation of cartoon art. This it achieves through collecting, cataloging, preserving and displaying the finest representations of original cartoon art as well as providing innovative educational programs designed to enrich the cultural life of our community.

Cartoon Art Museum website

The mission at Children's Creativity Museum is to nurture creativity and collaboration in all children and families. Believing that creative expression, innovation, and critical thinking are core to fostering the next generation.

Children's Creativity Museum website

The new Academy's building will feature many exciting exhibits including the Rainforest, Pendulum, Planetarium, California Coast, Swamp, and more.

California Academy of Science Center website

The San Francisco Botanical Garden Society builds communities of support for the Garden and cultivates the bond between people and plants

San Francisco Botanical Garden website

Fort Point protected San Francisco harbor from Confederate & foreign attack during & after the U.S. Civil War. Its beautifully arched casemates display the art of the master brick mason from the Civil War period.

Fort Point National Historic Site website

USS Pampanito (SS-383) is a World War II Balao class Fleet submarine museum and memorial that is open for visitors daily at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf.

USS Pampanito website

Houses a collection of historic cable cars, photographs, mechanical displays and gift shop run by the Friends of the Cable Car Museum - a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of cable car history.

Cable Car Museum website

Offers a unique haven where children and adults can explore the creative aspects of art and science and make discoveries about nature and the environment by direct participation in classes, workshops, special events, and clubs.

Randall Museum website

This facility houses and presents the Museum's collection of over 12,000 culturally and artistically significant objects, providing a magnificent home in which the cultural life of Latino communities can be voiced and shared for generations to come.

Mexican Museum website

As featured on A&E's America's Castles' "Castles by the Bay," this exuberant Queen Anne-style Victorian was built in 1886. It is the only intact private home of the period that is open regularly as a museum, complete with authentic furniture and artifacts. The House has elaborate wooden gables, a circular corner tower and luxuriant ornamentation. Volunteer docents lead tours through the House and explain the Victorian architecture of the exterior. A display of photographs in the downstairs supper-room describes the history of the home and the family that lived here until 1972.

Haas - Lilienthal House website

Time seems to stand still at old Mission Dolores. The oldest building in fabulous San Francisco, the mission church came through the great earthquake and fire of 1906 unscathed. Its interior differs little from its original appearance. Decorated redwood ceiling beams remain as created by Indian workmen. Wooden columns remain painted to resemble Italian marble which they are not. Outside the church, only the old cemetery is as in yesteryear. Modern Mission Dolores Basilica and the teeming city by the Golden Gate crowd around the venerable church, which is the only remaining mission building.

Mission San Francisco de Asis website

On the site where Wells Fargo first opened for business in 1852, this museum features a Concord Coach used by Wells Fargo in the 1860s and an impressive display of gold dust and ore from California's Gold Country.

Wells Fargo History Museum San Francisco website

Celebrates the history of rail transit in San Francisco and explores its significant impact on the quality of urban life in this great city throughout its storied history.

San Francisco Railway Museum website

The museum of science, art and human perception. Online since 1993, the Exploratorium was one of the first science museum to build a site on the World Wide Web. The site contains over 18 thousand award-winning Web pages exploring hundreds of different topics.

Exploratorium website

A multimedia arts and technology museum with a mission to foster creativity and innovation in young people of all backgrounds, communities and learning styles. By providing hands-on experiences in four core creative processes (animation, sound and video production, live performance and visual arts), we encourage youth to share their stories, build their voices, and use multimedia tools for creative self-expression.

Zeum website

Established in 1850, The Society of California Pioneers is a not-for-profit museum, library, and cultural organization dedicated to advancing the knowledge and appreciation of early California history for the benefit of present and future audiences of all ages.

Seymour Pioneer Museum website

Our mission is to inspire and empower Californians to make the past a meaningful part of their contemporary lives. The current CHS headquarters accommodate the administrative offices, North Baker Research Library, exhibition galleries, and museum store.

California Historical Society website

A close-up look at the site of the first lighthouse and US fort on the West Coast, the infamous federal penitentiary long off-limits to the public, and the 18 month occupation by Indians of All Tribes which saved the tribes. Rich in history, there is also a natural side to the Rock - gardens, tide pools, bird colonies, and bay views beyond compare.

Alcatraz Island website

For 218 years, the Presidio served as an army post for three nations. World and local events, from military campaigns to the rise of aviation, from World Fairs to earthquakes, left their mark. Come enjoy the history and beauty of the Presidio. Explore centuries of architecture. Reflect in a national cemetery. Walk through an historic airfield, forests, or to beaches, and admire spectacular vistas.

Presidio website

Golden Gate National park chronicle two hundred years of history, from the Native American culture, the Spanish Empire frontier and the Mexican Republic, to maritime history, the California Gold Rush, the evolution of American coastal fortifications, and the growth of urban San Francisco.

Golden Gate National park website

Stand on the stern of Balclutha, face west to feel the fresh wind blowing in from the Pacific Ocean. Located in the Fisherman's Wharf neighborhood, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park offers the sights, sounds, smells and stories of Pacific Coast maritime history.

San Francisco Maritime NHP website

The Education Department supports the conservation mission of the Zoo by offering experiences that inspire an appreciation of wildlife and an understanding of our relationship to the natural world. There are children's programs for toddlers through 12-year-olds, featuring a rich array of activities such as wildlife crafts and games, keeper talks, Zoo tours, close-up animal encounters, and a Junior Keeper Club for youths interested in animal careers.

San Francisco Zoo website

Comprising the de Young in Golden Gate Park and the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park, we are the largest public arts institution in the City of San Francisco and one of the largest art museum in the United States.

The museum building was constructed in 1812 of adobe brick with a tiled roof. Originally, it was used as sleeping quarters for the mission fathers, and for storing books, some dating back to the early 1500s.

San Gabriel Mission Museum website

One of the largest museum of its kind in the nation, CDM's 150 interactive exhibits lead visitors to explore, understand and enjoy the world in which they live.

Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose website

Sarah Winchester built a home that is an architectural marvel. Unlike most homes of its era, this 160-room Victorian mansion had modern heating and sewer systems, gas lights that operated by pressing a button, three working elevators, and 47 fireplaces. From rambling roofs and exquisite hand inlaid parquet floors to the gold and silver chandeliers and Tiffany art glass windows, you will be impressed by the staggering amount of creativity, energy, and expense poured into each and every detail.

Winchester Mystery House website

Architecturally inspired by the Temple of Amon at Karnak, the museum houses the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in the western United States -- including objects from pre dynastic times through Egypt's early Islamic era.

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium website

The Tech Museum of Innovation is a hands-on technology and science museum for people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Tech - Museum of Innovation website

Tours of the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles are comprised of a 45-minute docent-led gallery tour and a 45-minute textile-based hands-on art activity. Each participant will have the chance to take their own personal artwork home after the tour. Tours are for K-12 students. The tour fee is $100 for a minimum of 10 students and a maximum of 30 students. Chaperones and teachers are free

San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles website

History San Jose aspires to provide innovative national leadership in preserving and sharing regional history by engaging diverse audiences in exploring the varieties of human experience that contribute to the continuing history of San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley.

History San Jose website

Exists to provide an affordable, sustainable, conservation-centered outdoor adventure for families with children.

Happy Hollow Park and Zoo website

This park is part of a nationally recognized historic landmark and can be found adjacent to the extant portion of one of California's 21 Spanish era mission church sites. The park and its Plaza represent what was once the "town square" of the largest town in central California and was a vital crossroad for travel between northern and southern California. In the park visitors can gain an appreciation of California peoples, from Native Americans, through the Spanish and Mexican cultural influences, right up to the American period in the late 19th century.

San Juan Bautista State Historic Park website

This park features expansive views of Monterey Bay, from its hiking trails in the grasslands of the higher peaks of the Gavilan Range. Other views include the San Benito Valley, Salinas Valley, and the Santa Lucia Mountains east of Big Sur. Pine and oak woodlands in the park are home to many birds and mammals. There are camping and picnic facilities in the park. The park also features an astronomical observatory with a 30-inch telescope, which is open for public programs on selected evenings.

Fremont Peak State Park website

San Juan Capistrano is Orange County's oldest community. It's the birthplace of Orange County and home to its oldest traditions. It has its swallows, history, legends, storybook heroes, and beautiful archeological monuments. Most of that history is wrapped up and epitomized by our living historic landmarks, the most beautiful and best known of the California missions, old Mission San Juan Capistran

Mission San Juan Capistrano website

Hundreds of animals to pet, feed, love and learn from.

Zoomars Petting Zoo website

The Library's rare books and manuscripts constitute one of the world's largest and most extensively used collections in America outside of the Library of Congress. The Art Collections are distinguished by their specialized character and elegant settings in three separate galleries. A fourth space, the MaryLou and George Boone Gallery, hosts changing exhibitions. The Botanical Gardens are divided into more than a dozen thematic areas on 120 acres and include more than 15,000 different species of plants. Research and Education The Huntington serves nearly 2,000 scholars each year from all over the world conducting advanced research in the humanities.

The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens website

CuriOdyssey houses a collection of fascinating hands-on exhibits that let children and adults alike experience the wonder of science and nature.

CuriOdyssey website

To preserve and protect a substantial area on the western slope of the central Coast Range inland from Ano Nuevo Point. The property contains a diversity of plant communities, including old growth forest freshwater marsh, red alder riparian forest and knobcone pine forest. Its four perennial streams support steelhead trout and coho salmon, and its wetlands are habitat to the rare San Francisco garter snake and red-legged frog. Cultural resources include the remnants of a prehistoric Native American village site and a number of structures from the nineteenth century Cascade Ranch.

Ano Nuevo State Park website

Discover the underwater world of Southern California...Cabrillo Marine Aquarium is a non-profit public aquarium which engages all visitors in education, recreation and research to promote knowledge, appreciation and conservation of the marine life of Southern California.

Cabrillo Marine Aquarium website

The Los Angeles Maritime Museum creates an awareness and appreciation of the maritime history of coastal California, with an emphasis on the people and institutions of the port city of Los Angeles. The Museum is located in the 1941 Municipal Ferry Terminal, now on the National Register of Historic Places. From 1941-1963, a ferry system transported thousands of passengers to the canneries and military bases on Terminal Island, where they could also make connections to neighboring cities and towns.

Los Angeles Maritime Museum website

The Muller House Museum offers visitor guided tours, monthly exhibits, discussions of historical interest and special events. The house, purchased by shipbuilder William Muller, sits on a bluff overlooking San Pedro Bay.

Muller House website

Dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the history of Fort MacArthur, a U.S. Army post which guarded the Los Angeles harbor from 1914 to 1974. The Museum was established in 1985, and it is housed in the corridors and galleries of historic Battery Osgood-Farley. The Fort MacArthur Reservations hold an important collection of historical structures which were part of the U.S. Army's role in the defense of the American continental coastline from invasion. These structures clearly trace the development of American coastal defenses, from the all big gun era of the turn of the century to the missile era of today.

Fort MacArthur Museum website

Founded in 1935, the Marin History Museum celebrates the traditions of innovation and creativity of the people of Marin County. Through exhibitions and educational programs, the Museum inspires honor for the past, an understanding of the present, and an imagination of the future. Explore the links on the left side of this page to learn more about the Marin History Museum.

Marin History Museum website

The park has a natural watershed along the shores of San Francisco Bay. Features include an extensive intertidal salt marsh, meadow and oak habitats, that are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, squirrels and numerous birds. A Chinese shrimp-fishing village thrived on this site in the 1880s. Nearly 500 people, originally from Canton, China, lived in the village. In its heyday, there were three general stores, a marine supply store and a barber shop. Fisherman by trade in their native country, they gravitated to the work they knew best. Over 90% of the shrimp they netted were dried and shipped to China or Chinese communities throughout the US.

China Camp State Park website

La Cuesta Encantada, "The Enchanted Hill" high above the ocean at San Simeon, was the creation of two extraordinary individuals, William Randolph Hearst and architect Julia Morgan. Their collaboration, which began in 1919 and continued for nearly 30 years, transformed an informal hilltop campsite into the world-famous Hearst Castle -- a magnificent 115-room main house plus guesthouses, pools, and 8 acres of cultivated gardens.

Hearst San Simeon State Historic Monument website

The galleries' programming works in to provide students with art shows of prominent Southern California artists, to encourage participation and discussion in the art viewing community at large and to further enrich the cultural landscape of Santa Ana.

Santa Ana College Art Galleries website

Bowers Museum and Kiseum offer a wide variety of tour options and art classes for pre K-12 students visiting the museum

Bowers Museum Of Cultural Art website

The Bowers Kidseumv is both an interactive children's museum and learning center, serving as an extension of the main Bowers Museum. It offers multi-faceted art and cultural experiences for young children, their families and the community. Primarily dedicated to the pre-school and early elementary age, Kidseum's central focus is providing a 'hands-on' experience in keeping with the museum's mission to 'promote education and understanding by bringing the world's great cultural art to people of all ages'.

The Bowers Kidseum website

Discovery Science Center is Orange County's leading Science Center specializing in hands-on science fun

Discovery Science Center website

The landmark Old Orange County Courthouse is Southern California's oldest court building, and as such has been witness to many of the events which shaped present day Orange County. From its dedication in 1901, this granite and sandstone building has been the traditional home of county government. Today the 30,000-square foot building has been restored to look much as it had at the turn of the last century. The building contains the Orange County History Center (which includes the Old Courthouse Museum, the Orange County Archives, and the library of the Pacific Coast Archaeological Society) as well as government offices. The building is on the National Register of Historic places and is a State of California Historic Landmark.

Old Orange County Courthouse website

Victorian gem tucked away in west Santa Ana. The historic plaza features several buildings from the 1890s set among extensive gardens and citrus groves. Among these is the Kellogg House, familiar to teachers and students throughout Orange County as a favorite field trip destination for nearly 25 years.

Centennial Heritage Museum website

As fellow educators, we invite you to use the Santa Barbara Museum of Art as a teaching resource. Learning through art is a powerful way to enhance the curriculum at every grade level. SBMA school programs emphasize verbal and visual literacy and link with the curriculum in language arts, social studies, and visual arts at each grade level.

Santa Barbara Museum of Art website

The University Art Museum is dedicated to creating a dynamic environment for the exploration of art and design.

University Art Museum website

Come and learn aboard the 110' schooner Mystic Whaler in Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard! Central Coast Ocean Adventures Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit committed to utilizing adventure through sailing and the sea to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) comprehension, environmental stewardship, teamwork, self-confidence, and nautical skills.

The Tall Ship Mystic Whaler website

The Story of Santa Barbara is the Museum's signature exhibition that tells our region's story from the age of the Chumash to the Space Age. Showcasing treasures from the collections, The Story of Santa Barbara fills three of the Museum's four galleries and offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the people who have called our region home for more than 14,000 years. Native American, Mexican, African-American, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese people have contributed to Santa Barbara's rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. They brought with them unique skills, foods and religious beliefs as well as their distinctive architecture, tools, clothing and objects of everyday life that are highlighted in our exhibition.

Santa Barbara Historical Museum website

Main Campus: Set on eleven oak-shaded acres in historic Mission Canyon and crossed year-round by Mission Creek, the Museum campus features a cluster of Spanish-style buildings and easy nature walks. Sea Center: Located on Stearns Wharf, the Sea Center offers a window on the Santa Barbara Channel, numerous marine exhibits and aquaria.

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History website

Lotusland is a unique 37-acre estate and botanic garden situated in the foothills of Montecito to the east of the city of Santa Barbara. Explore our site and learn more about the many facets of Lotusland, including its intriguing history, exceptional gardens, outstanding educational programs and innovative horticultural practices. Learn also how you can help to preserve this oasis of beauty and tranquility for generations to come.

Lotusland website

This is the site of the oldest building in Santa Barbara and the second oldest in California. Visitors can step back and view this historic site surrounded by modern buildings. El Cuartel, the oldest existing building in Santa Barbara, is all that remains of the last of four Royal Presidios (Spanish military outposts) built in Alta California.

El Presidio de Santa Barbara State Historic Park website

Education is at the heart of the mission of the Santa Barbara Zoo. Through exhibits, graphics, interpretation, and programs, they inspire guests about the wonders of the natural world.

Santa Barbara Zoo website

The Triton Museum of Art exists both to embrace and expand the lives of the people of Santa Clara County and the Greater Bay Area through a program of art, education and community involvement.

Triton Museum of Art website

The de Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University

de Saisset Museum website

"Home of the Hollywood Movie Trains". Exceptional dinner train service, Murder Mystery Theatre, and weekend excursion trains.

Fillmore & Western Railway website

Whether it's for a reward, end-of-year celebration or educational experience, California's Great America provides the perfect adventure for your students. Take your lesson plan on the road and show how your lessons apply to the world around us. Tickets may be purchased online or by mail, phone or fax.

California's Great America website

The Museum of Art & History is a non-profit educational institution that promotes a greater understanding of contemporary art and the history of Santa Cruz County, through its exhibitions, collections, and programs, for the benefit of residents and visitors to Santa Cruz County.

The Museum of Art & History @ the McPherson Center website

The Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History exists to foster relationships between people and nature, and to inspire stewardship of the natural world. Enjoy FREE Admission at the Museum every First Thursday of the Month!

The Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History website

The park has 34 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian rails winding through coastal terraces and valleys. Several restored buildings once belonging to the Wilder family are preserved. The park has tours and living history demonstrations to help visitors explore the history of early ranchers and farmers along the Central Coast. The site was originally the main rancho supplying Santa Cruz Mission. It later became a successful and innovative dairy ranch. Surrounding grounds include Victorian homes, gardens, and historic adobe.

Wilder Ranch State Park website

This beach, with its famous natural bridge, is an excellent vantage point for viewing shore birds, migrating whales, and seals and otters playing offshore. Further along the beach, tidepools offer a glimpse of life beneath the sea. Low tides reveal sea stars, crabs, sea anemones, and other colorful ocean life. The park also includes a large area of coastal scrub meadows, with bright native wildflowers in the spring. Moore Creek flows down to the ocean through these meadows, forming a wetlands in the sand.

Natural Bridges State Beach website

Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park is the site of a complex of buildings erected around the original Santa Cruz Mission. Part of the cluster, the Neary-Rodriguez Adobe was built in 1791 and is the last of the mission's many buildings to survive. The lovely, single-story adobe has been restored to its original appearance. Mision la Exaltacion de la Santa Cruz was the 12th mission built in California. It was completed during the 1790s. Damaged by several earthquakes, it collapsed in 1857.

Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park website

Also known as Point Santa Cruz, this area forms the northern boundary of Monterey Bay. It is one of the last open headlands in any California urban area. Surfers, tourists, birds - including the rare Black Swift and wintering Monarch butterflies are drawn to this area. Sea lions populate the offshore rocks. This is one of the places where Monarch butterflies winter along the California coast. Monarchs are unique because they migrate each winter to avoid freezing weather. The Monarchs wintering here, come from the west of the Rocky Mountains. Monarchs east of the Rockies go to central Mexico for the winter. The lighthouse is home to California's first surfing museum and is the location each Christmas for "Caroling Under the Stars," a Santa Cruz tradition which attracts hundreds of locals and visitors.

Lighthouse Field State Beach website

The museum has an extensive library of historical reference material including books, maps, materials from the Santa Maria Geneological Society, and a collection of more than 5,000 photographs in a database. The museum volunteers will be happy to help you research local history, events, and family.

Santa Maria Valley Historical Society & Museum website

The Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving schools, families and youth groups from all over the central coast of California.

Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum website

The first museum of its kind in Los Angeles, the Cayton Children's Museum offers 21,000 square feet of discovery-based exhibits, immersive play and discovery-based learning for children ages 0-10. With robust public programs, workshops, classes, camps, and arts and cultural activities offered seven days a week, the museum is designed around core universal values, giving children, youth and families a unique space to practice being their best selves.

Cayton Children's Museum website

Welcome to the Santa Monica Historical Society Museum. Since 1975, we have been collecting, preserving, and promoting the history of Santa Monica. Visit us today and discover the colorful history of Santa Monica.

Santa Monica Historical Society Museum website

Built in 1894 by nationally renowned architect Sumner P. Hunt. The museum is housed in the two-story house once belonging to Santa Monica founder, John Percival Jones. Open to the public since 1980, this Historic Landmark building offers exciting exhibitions and programs year round. The Museum features a series of rooms exemplifying periods from the late 1890s to the 1930s, specializing in the decorative arts. In addition, there are changing exhibits and displays that depict California's culture and history, as well as contemporary art by southern California artists. Guided tours are given. The Museum hosts lectures, workshops, concert series, and a major photo archives.

California Heritage Museum website

"To educate the public of all ages in aviation and its history, both in general, and as it relates to Santa Paula, and to inspire, motivate and challenge the younger generation to carry on the dreams of our aviation pioneers."

Aviation Museum of Santa Paula website

From fossils to fill 'er up, the California Oil Museum tells the story of the black bonanza that created wealth, work, and prosperity for generations of Californians. Operated by the City of Santa Paula Community Services Department, the Museum highlights the inner workings of the state's black gold industry through interactive displays, videos, working models, games, photographs, restored gas station memorabilia, and an authentic turn-of-the-century cable-tool drilling rig. Visitors can exercise their wits and luck as California wildcatters, see how the Indians used natural oil seeps, watch a miniature drilling rig bore into the earth, and explore the memorable brands of gas bought by early California car drivers. The Lundgren and Bennett Collections of gas station memorabilia are one of the largest displays of vintage gas pumps in California. In addition to the permanent petroleum exhibits, the Museum presents new exhibits of science, transportation, history, and art throughout the year. Lundgren Park is located on the Museum grounds and is available for picnics.

California Oil Museum website

The mission of the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center is to preserve, display, and interpret the art of Charles M. Schulz.

Charles M. Schulz Museum website

The Sonoma County Museum celebrates and interprets the region's rich history, art, and culture by exhibiting and collecting relevant objects and artworks, by serving as a vital community gathering place, and by inspiring visitors with dynamic experiences that engage, educate, and enlighten.

Sonoma County Museum website

Founded in 1989, the Pacific Coast Air Museum (PCAM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the acquisition, restoration, safe operation and display of historical aircraft and provides an educational venue for students and the community. We also intend to honor those heroic aviators who have contributed so much to the growth and defense of our way of life.

Pacific Coast Air Museum website

Located in Bussman Hall on Santa Rosa Junior College's Santa Rosa Campus. The SRJC Museum houses collections of ethnographic art from throughout the Americas and parts of Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Permanent exhibits include the following: Pomo Roundhouse Model and Basketry,Plains and Plateau, Southwest Jewelry, Hopi Pueblo Model with Kachina Dolls, and Pueblo Pottery. There are a number of rotating, temporary exhibits that change on a regular basis to serve the needs of Santa Rosa Junior College classes. These temporary exhibits include additional Native North American art, Mesoamerican and South American art, Hispanic art, African and African-American art, and Asian art.

SRJC Museum website

Discover the Home, Greenhouse, and Gardens where the famed horticulturist, Luther Burbank, experimented with plants for most of his 50-year career. This unique city park is located at the corner of Santa Rosa and Sonoma Avenues in Santa Rosa, California - across the street from City Hall and Juilliard Park. The Carriage House Gift Shop and Museum is open April through October. The grounds are open daily from 8:00 a.m. to dusk year-round for self guided tours and reserved Group tours. For information about walk-in Docent tours, Audio tours, and the Gift Shop and Museum during April through October

Luther Burbank Home & Gardens website

The Santa Ynez Valley Historical Museum and park- Janeway Carriage House celebrate the rich history of the Santa Ynez Valley, its pioneering settlers and the five early townships that formed the foundation of this unique region. Through its collection, exhibits and educational programs, the Museum honors the Valley's past for the enjoyment of generations to come.

Santa Ynez Valley Historical Museum and park website

Hands-on education with a focus on history, music, art, agritourism, and adventure! Hayrides, hoedowns, cider pressing, petting zoo, archery, tomahawks, candle dipping, jug band instruments, gardening, and more! Open to all ages. Pricing varies depending on event and size of group, but can be as low as $10.

Fort Cross Old Timey Adventures website

The Saratoga Historical Foundation offers educational programs at the Museum and McWilliams House. These programs are targeted for 3rd and 4th grade California History/Social Studies Standards, but can be adapted for adults, scouts, and other groups upon request. Contact Linda Hagelin using the form below to schedule a program.

Saratoga Historical Foundation website

The Mission of the Bay Area Discovery Museum is to engage, delight and educate children through exploration of and connection with the local environment and the diverse communities that live here.

Bay Area Discovery Museum website

Six miles west of Redding a row of old, half-ruined, brick buildings remind passing motorists that Shasta City, the lusty "Queen City" of California's northern mining district, once stood on this site. These ruins and some of the nearby roads, cottages, and cemeteries are all silent but eloquent vestiges of the intense activity that was centered here during the California gold rush.

Shasta State Historic Park website

The Central Sierra Historical Society's purpose is to create and operate a historical society and museum for the purpose of preservation and display of the history, antiques, artifacts and historical memorbilia of the Central Sierra mountain area.

Central Sierra Historical Society website

The stamp mills are silent excepting two times each day when the Kentucky Mine stamp mill is once again brought to life to give folks on the twice daily tours of the mine and stamp mill a close up encounter with an operating stamp mill.

Kentucky Mine Historic Park and Museum website

The purpose of the Simi Valley Historical Society is to acquire, preserve, maintain, identify and mark historical buildings, sites and landmarks; to collect artifacts of historical significance; to provide and maintain a sanctuary for such artifacts; to provide for the public a reservoir of historical information; to encourage and continue research in the history of the area.

Strathearn Historical Park & Museum website

As a Presidential library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Reagan Library, under the authority of the Presidential Records Act, is the repository of presidential records for President Reagan's administration. Our holdings include 50 million pages of presidential documents, over 1.6 million photographs, a half million feet of motion picture film and tens of thousands of audio and video tapes. Additionally, the Library houses personal papers collections including documents from Reagan's eight years as governor of California.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library website

To collect, preserve and exhibit the history and Danish culture of Solvang and to promote the arts.

Elverhoj Museum website

Society volunteers have developed and operated this fine museum and its historically significant collections. In addition to displays and exhibits, the Museum has a book/gift shop and an archival library of historical documents and maps, books on local history, and thousands of photographs.

The Depot Park Museum website

Fort Ross was a thriving Russian-American Company settlement from 1812 to 1841. This commercial company chartered by Russia's tsarist government controlled all Russian exploration, trade and settlement in the North Pacific, and established permanent settlements in Alaska and California. Fort Ross was the southernmost settlement in the Russian colonization of the North American continent, and was established as an agricultural base to supply Alaska. It was the site of California's first windmills and shipbuilding, and Russian scientists were among the first to record California's cultural and natural history. Fort Ross was a successfully functioning multi-cultural settlement for some thirty years. Settlers included Russians, Native Alaskans and Californians, and Creoles (individuals of mixed Russian and native ancestry.)

Fort Ross State Historic Park website

The Ancient Coast Redwood is the tallest living thing on our planet! Armstrong Redwoods preserves stately and magnificent Sequoia sempervirens, commonly known as the coast redwood. These trees stand together as a testament to the wonders of the natural world. The Grove offers solace from the hustle and bustle of daily life, offering the onlooker great inspiration and a place for quiet reflection. The reserve includes a visitor center, large outdoor amphitheater, self-guided nature trails, and a variety of picnic facilities.

Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve website

n 1969, Emerald Bay was designated a National Natural Landmark for its brilliant panorama of mountain-building processes and glacier carved granite. The natural beauty, geology and history of this unique island make it one of the highlights of any visit to the Lake Tahoe area. The park features Vikingsholm, one of the finest examples of Scandinavian architecture in the western hemisphere. The "Tea House" on Fannette Island, the only island to be found in all of Lake Tahoe.

Emerald Bay State Park website

Follow the routes of mule pack trains across the Southwest on the Old Spanish National Historic Trail between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Los Angeles, California. New Mexican traders moved locally produced merchandise across what are now six states to exchange for mules and horses.

Old Spanish National Historic Trail website

The Silverado Museum, which houses one of the world's most distinguished collections of Stevensoniana, opened its doors to the public on December 14, 1969, thus commemorating the 75th anniversary of the death of the author of such beloved classics as Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and A Child's Garden of Verses.

Silverado Museum website

The park is the site of a water-powered grist mill that was built in 1846. It was once the center of social activity as Napa Valley settlers gathered to have their corn and wheat ground into meal or flour. The mill remained in use until the early 1900s. The mill and its 36-foot water wheel are protected as a state historic landmark and have been partially restored. A trail connects the historic park to Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. Additionally, the park includes the site of the first church in the Napa Valley as well as the Pioneer Cemetery.

Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park website

Admission is free. Galleries, gardens, Cool Cafe, and bookshop are all accessible by wheelchair. Stanford University

Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts website

California rafting trips suitable for kids that make great family vacations, to extreme California white water rafting adventures for the expert, and everything in between. With so many rivers to choose from, we know we have the right California whitewater rafting or American River Rafting trip for you. We pride ourselves on the excellence of our well qualified and personable employees that will make any rafting trip something to remember.

Tributary Whitewater Tours website

Located at 16993 Skyway, this two-story building will also house the offices of the Historical Society. Next door is the Library. Behind the main buildings is a storage and Workshop building.

Stirling City Museum website

The impressive brick building has stood in the center of Stockton's lush Victory Park for almost 90 years. The beautifully remodeled art galleries feature fascinating works of art, from 19th and 20th-century masters to "Golden Age" illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, while our history galleries offer a glimpse into San Joaquin County's past. Every second Saturday the museum is open to all for free. Coloring pages, activities and other educational tools are available on the website. Private tours available by request for a small fee.

Haggin Museum website

.to experience California as it was 100 years ago. Take an electric train trip through the peaceful, picturesque Montezuma Hills over the original historic main line of the Sacramento Northern Railway. As a living history museum, the Western Railway Museum gives visitors the opportunity to ride authentic historic streetcars and interurban electric trains from all over California and the western United States.

Western Railway Museum website

Poverty Encounter is an award-winning 16,000 sq ft exhibit that takes you into four immersive environments in the developing world. After taking a simulated flight on an airplane, you will visit a dump in Guatemala City, walk the earthquake-damaged streets in Haiti, go inside a brickyard in Nepal, and enter an underground sewer in Romania. Each environment highlights the story of a real child living in these circumstances. Onsite tours include a service activity, allowing you to respond biblically by providing both help and hope to those in need. All ages welcome! Advance tickets are required.

Poverty Encounter at Children's Hunger Fund website

To stimulate an interest in and an understanding of Lake Tahoe's rich maritime history through the highest standards of historic preservation, innovative interpretation and public education.

Tahoe Maritime Museum website

The Gatekeeper's Museum is a reconstruction of the original Gatekeeper's Cabin -- home of the water master who controlled the flow of water out of Lake Tahoe. It now showcases Tahoe history, from its Native inhabitants through the logging era and the establishment of the tourism industry at Lake Tahoe. Exhibits include Native American baskets, resort memorabilia, historical photographs, clothing, oral histories, maps, archival documents, newspapers and artifacts.

Gatekeeper's Museum website

A world-class collection of over 800 utilitarian and fine baskets from 85 tribes throughout California and western North America.

Marion Steinbach Indian Basket Museum website

Watson Cabin Curios still stands on the original site where the cabin was finished in 1909, and remains an outstanding example of turn-of-the-century construction. Built by Robert M. Watson and his son, Robert, it is the oldest building constructed onsite in Tahoe City and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The first residents of the Cabin were Robert, his wife Stella and their daughter, Mildred -- one of the first year-round Tahoe families. While the cabin is a testament to the simplicity of pioneer life, it was one of the first in Tahoe City to have indoor plumbing! Originally, the cabin contained a living room, kitchen and an outdoor porch. Upstairs there were 2 bedrooms, a sewing room, and amazingly, indoor plumbing in the bathroom! Eventually, the outdoor porch was extended and enclosed to make room for the family of three who lived here year-round.

Watson Cabin Curios website

Ed Z'berg - Sugar Pine Point State Park contains one of the finest remaining natural areas on Lake Tahoe. With nearly two miles of lake frontage, the park has dense forests of pine, fir, aspen and juniper. Another attraction is the Hellman-Ehrman Mansion (also known as Pine Lodge), a summer home built in 1903 in a grove of pine and cedar. From the turn of the century until 1965, the lands of what is now Ed Z'berg - Sugar Pine Point State Park were owned by financier Isaias W. Hellman, and later by his daughter Florence Hellman. The mansion provides an interesting view into the lifestyles of the wealthy on Lake Tahoe.

Ed Z'berg - Sugar Pine Point State Park website

The museum houses many artifacts representing the period from the 1860's through the 1940's. Over 600 pictures are on display showing life as it was in the valley. Mannequins model clothing worn in the past.

Indian Valley Museum website

Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park: Kawaiisu Native American Village was created as a unit of California State park in 1993 to protect and preserve the integrity of the location. Nestled atop a ridge in the Tehachapi Mountains, overlooking Sand Canyon to the east and the Tehachapi valley to the west, Tomo-Kahni, or "Winter Village," was the site of a Kawaiisu (Nuooah) Village. Tour Information (Advance reservations are required). Due to the extremely sensitive nature of the site, Tomo-Kahni is available to the public by tour only. These tours are led by trained State Park Volunteers on weekends during the spring and fall months.

Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park website

Located on the corner of 3rd and C Streets in Tehama, the Tehama County Museum showcases much of Tehama Country's colorful and varied past. View mastodon tusks, a video of "Ishi, The Last Wild Indian in America," original railroad spikes, artifacts from the cattle and farming industries, and period clothing, furnishings and photographs. I

Tehama County Museum website

Children of all ages are welcome in the home of Professor Phineas T. Pennypickle, Ph.D.- scientist, time traveler and inventor of wacky and wonderful contraptions that amaze, delight, and educate. Your whole family can explore together his secret passageways, puzzles, machines, and whimsical gadgets and gizmos.

Pennypickle's Workshop Children's Museum website

Take a step back in time and experience the rich history of the Temecula Valley from its discovery to today. A visit to the Temecula Valley Museum promises a fun and informational day for the entire family. Picnic facilities and a children's playground just outside the museum's front door in a picturesque park completes a pleasurable day.

Temecula Valley Museum website

The Satwiwa Native American Indian Culture Center hosts cultural programs and workshops throughout the year. Offering a Junior Ranger program for children.

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area website

These two park testify to nature's size, beauty, and diversity: Immense mountains, rugged foothills, deep canyons, vast caverns, and the world's largest trees! The park lie in the southern Sierra Nevada, east of the San Joaquin Valley. Activities vary greatly by season and elevation.

Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park website

n the middle of San Francisco Bay sits Angel Island State Park, offering spectacular views of the San Francisco skyline, the Marin Headlands and Mount Tamalpais. The island is also alive with history. Three thousand years ago the island was a fishing and hunting site for Coastal Miwok Indians. It was later a haven for Spanish explorer Juan Manuel de Ayala, a cattle ranch, and a U.S. Army post. Access to the Island is by private boat or public ferry from San Francisco, Tiburon and seasonal service from Oakland and Alameda.

Angel Island State Park website

The Torrance Historical Society and Museum was founded in 1973, and the Museum opened its doors in 1979. The purpose of the Torrance Historical Society is to promote interest in and education in the history of Torrance and the San Pedro Rancho; to promote historical research in Torrance; to collect, acquire, preserve, conserve and make available records, data, photographs, oral history, and related documents and information bearing on the history of Torrance through the operation of a museum and archives. The Historical Society's mission includes the promotion of history through a Plaque Program, by placing bronze plaques on significant historic landmarks throughout our community. This program is widely recognized, and has been ongoing for the past 20 years.

Torrance Historical Society & Museum website

The Jimmy Doolittle Air and Space Museum Foundation, with its Education Museum Foundation, is registered as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. It brings together historical, educational and technological resources to create programs which preserve our aviation heritage in building an air and space museum for all ages that embraces California aviation, Travis Air Force Base, the U. S. Air Force and the history of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders.

Travis Air Museum website

Truckee's historic jail museum is one of only a few surviving 19th century jailhouses of its kind in the West and one of the few remaining original buildings in Truckee. The old Bastille was used continuously from 1875 until May 1964, and ably withstood the many fires that swept the town in its early days. Although jails are usually sturdy, Truckee's is a virtual strongbox. The original building consisted of just the lower level, constructed of native stone. The walls are 32 inches thick at the lower level, with no windows unless one counts the small vents for each cell, which are set with irregular rows of two-inch steel bars. The ceilings are plate steel, insulated with dirt, and lined with narrow gauge railroad tracks. All doors are riveted steel, weighing an estimated 200 pounds each.

Jail Museum website

Located in the beautiful Sierra Nevada, Donner Memorial State Park offers the summer vacationer opportunities for camping, picnicking, boating, fishing, water-skiing, and hiking. In winter, visitors can cross-country ski and snowshoe on trails and enjoy the season's beauty. Visitors are welcome year-round at the Emigrant Trail Museum and at the Pioneer Monument, built to commemorate those who emigrated to California from the east in the mid-1800's. Included in the museum are displays and information about one of the earliest pioneer wagon trains, the Donner Party, forced by circumstances to camp at the east end of Donner Lake in the winter of 1846-47, resulting in human suffering and loss of life.

Donner Memorial State Park website

The Tulare Historical Museum preserves and showcases the history of the City of Tulare serving as a cultural center for the community.

Tulare Historical Museum website

A land of turmoil, both geological and historical. Over the last half-million years, volcanic eruptions on the Medicine Lake shield volcano have created a rugged landscape dotted with diverse volcanic features. More than 700 caves, Native American rock art sites, historic battlefields and campsites, and a high desert wilderness experience await you!

Lava Beds National Monument website

A fascinating variety of plants and animals that make their home in this land shaped by strong winds, unpredictable torrents of rain, and climatic extremes. Dark night skies, a rich cultural history, and surreal geologic features add to the attraction of this place.

Joshua Tree National Park website

An art, history and anthropology museum focusing on the lifeworks of artist Grace Carpenter Hudson (1865-1937) and her ethnologist husband, Dr. John W. Hudson (1857-1936). Changing interdisciplinary exhibitions and public programs feature Western American art, California Indian cultures, histories of California's diverse North Coast region, and the work of contemporary regional artists.

Grace Hudson Museum website

Universal Studios Hollywood, The Entertainment Capital of L.A.SM, includes a full-day, movie-based theme park and Studio Tour, the CityWalk entertainment, shopping and dining complex, the Universal CityWalk Cinemas and the Gibson Amphitheatre concert and special event venue.

Universal Studios Hollywood website

Located in a quiet, tree-shaded Victorian neighborhood in historic downtown, the purpose of the museum is to collect and preserve artifacts relating directly to the history of Solano County and to promote an awareness and understanding of county history and culture by offering interpretive exhibits and associated programs, events and workshops.

Vacaville Museum website

Moaning Caverns is home to the largest single cave chamber in California. The Spiral Chamber Tour leads visitors on a tour into the marble deposit of the Calaveras Formation over 165 feet before funneling into smaller passageways. Visitors may view the cavern's main chamber by walking and climbing the narrow wooden staircase to a flat platform 65 feet underground. For the truly athletic and adventurous, from there, a ten story spiral staircase leads down to a second platform at the base of the chamber.

Moaning Caverns website

Preserves and exhibits the diverse and exciting history of the City of Vallejo and the former U.S. Naval Shipyard at Mare Island. The Museum is located in Vallejo's historic Old City Hall and features five galleries devoted to community and U.S. Navy history.

The Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum website

The Library Collections include over 140,000 items relating to Ventura County history.

Ventura County Museum, History & Art website

Encompasses five remarkable islands (Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Santa Barbara) and their ocean environment, preserving and protecting a wealth of natural and cultural resources. Isolation over thousands of years has created unique animals, plants, and archeological resources found nowhere else on Earth and helped preserve a place where visitors can experience coastal southern California as it once was.

Channel Islands National Park website

Emma Wood State Beach popular for swimming, surfing and fishing. Catches include perch, bass, cabezon and corbina. The Ventura River estuary is at the mouth of the Ventura River at the southeast end of the park. It attracts a variety of wildlife including raccoons, songbirds and great blue herons. Dolphins are occasionally seen just offshore. The park also features the crumbling ruins of a World War II coastal artillery site. The offshore Channel Islands can be seen from the beach.

Emma Wood State Beach website

Preserving Our History At Tulare County Museum

Tulare County Museum website

The purpose of the Delta Meadows property, in Sacramento County, is to preserve and protect one of the last remaining areas of the northern Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta that exhibits remnants of the natural conditions that existed prior to Euro-American settlement. The property's waterways, located on the Pacific flyway and influenced by Pacific Ocean tides through the lower Sacramento River, contain permanent and seasonal water areas, as well as adjacent uplands that support a variety of riparian plant and animal life, including the river otter, the delta smelt and the Sacramento chub. The property contains Native American occupancy sites, as well as remnants of such early farming and ranching activities as slough dredging and levee building.

Delta Meadows website

Come and discover the history of agriculture in this area of the country - including the crops, people, artifacts and farming practices that have made the Pajaro Valley what it is today.

Agricultural History Project website

The objective of the Trinity County Historical Society is to discover, collect, preserve and disseminate knowledge about the history of Trinity County

Jake Jackson Museum & History Center website

The temple is the oldest continuously used Chinese temple in California. On display are art objects, pictures, mining tools, and weapons used in the 1854 Tong War. This Taoist temple is still a place of worship and a fascinating look into the role played by Chinese immigrants in early California history. The temple was built in 1874 as a replacement for another that had burned.

Weaverville Joss House State Historic Park website

Humboldt Redwoods State Park encompasses nearly 53,000 acres, of which over 17,000 are untouched old growth coast redwoods. Created in 1921 with the small Bolling Memorial Grove the park has grown over the years to include a diverse ecosystem including the entire Bull Creek watershed and the Rockefeller Forest, the largest remaining old growth redwood forest in the world. This is the third largest California State Park and protects an environment unique to anywhere else on earth.

Humboldt Redwoods State Park website

The Rinks offers special event packages for birthdays, field trips and group outings at all seven of their inline and ice rinks. Skating is a fun activity for all ages and abilities. Event packages include access to a private room, skate rentals and a private skating lesson! The Rinks offers group discounts as well as many public sessions during the week for smaller groups. Private rink rentals are also available.

The Rinks website

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area is located at the juncture of the Klamath Mountain range and the northern edge of the Sacramento Valley, making it home to a special collection of animal and plant life. Some of the park's features are Whiskeytown Lake, Shasta Bally (6,209 ft.) and numerous waterfalls, providing outdoor enthusiasts opportunities for water recreation, hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding.

Whiskeytown website

Discover, collect, preserve, and display objects, documents, photographs, literary or artistic works, and other articles or materials which may establish or illustrate the history of Whittier, the Whittier area, and the State of California

Whittier Historical Society and Museum website

The Sacramento Valley Museum Association is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and promoting interest in the historical development of the Sacramento Valley during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This collection strives to connect a rich multi-cultural history of the area with the community that has been built since and exists today.

Sacramento Valley Museum website

The sprawling complex includes galleries, archives, research libraries, classrooms, and an Engine House with two railroad tracks for display of historic train engines and equipment, and is adjacent to the Willits Branch Library, Roots of Motive Power, Inc., newly completed Gordon Logan Memorial Athletic Fields, Willits Skate Park, Willits Frontier Days Rodeo Grounds and Recreation Grove with outstanding picnic facilities and children's playground help make your visit a complete experience.

Mendocino County Museum website

An interesting collection of historical artifacts from this community and surrounding areas. In late 1998 the museum added a new wing to house the collection of bigfoot/sasquatch research material donated by the estate of the late Bob Titmus.

Willow Creek - China Flat Museum website

Drum Barracks served as the Union Army Headquarters for Southern California and the Arizona Territory from 1862-1871. The museum is housed in the last remaining wooden building from the 60 acre camp. Visitors take a guided tour through the restored residence to view Civil War era civilian and military furnishings, uniforms and weapons. There are permanent exhibitions on the Army's Camel Corp, Civil War Technology, Civil War Medicine, and California's Role in the Civil War. Tours are appropriate for all ages. Reservation are required for groups of six or more.

Drum Barracks Civil War Museum website

General Phineas Banning, an early entrepreneur in Los Angeles, is credited with developing the Los Angeles Harbor into a viable economic entity and naming the area Wilmington (he was from Delaware). Part of his estate has been preserved in this 20-acre park. (The picnicking possibilities here are excellent.) A 100-year-old wisteria, near the arbor, blooms in spring. You can see the interior of the house on an hour-long, docent-led tour that take you through each room and fills you in on how Banning conducted business from his home office, peered over his land from the top tower, entertained his guests, and kept his family in the most luxurious creature comforts of the day. The nearby gift shop offers crafts and decorative boutique items.

Banning Residence Museum website

The Museum houses collections of furnishings and artifacts depicting the various eras from the 1850's to the 1930's. In addition to being a house museum there are changing exhibits on various subjects related to the history of Yolo County. The outbuildings contain displays of agriculture and everyday life of the same period. Feel free to visit us anytime during public hours.

Yolo County Historical Museum Gibson House website

The Woodland Opera House Theatre offers five Mainstage Productions from September to June. The theatre also has a Summer Melodrama Program, a Youth Theatre Camp in August of each year and a Young People's Theatre Program. With our School Outreach Program, the Woodland Opera House and Yolo County schools bring local classes, grades K-12, to the theatre for professional and Young People's Theatre performances. Special events and guest artists' programs are held at the Woodland Opera House throughout the year. The theatre also has numerous rental events by local organizations for the public's entertainment.

Woodland Opera House State Historic Park website

It serves as the site for the Yorba Linda Heritage Museum where visitors can glimpse some of Yorba Linda's unique heritage. Each room depicts a different period or aspect of the area's history,from Indian times to the first settlement by the Yorba family, and into the modern age. The grounds are planted in California native plants, and a small replica of the original botanic garden is located on the east side.

Susanna Bixby Bryant Ranch Museum website

One of the first wilderness park in the United States, is best known for its waterfalls, but within its nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, and much more. That 95% of Yosemite is designated Wilderness? In Wilderness, you can experience unparalleled opportunities for solitude while visiting some of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Yosemite National Park website

Dedicated to promoting the cultural and environmental heritage of the Napa Valley. Our special, changing exhibits represent a diverse range of subjects from fine arts to history to natural sciences. We are committed to presenting exhibits that will entertain and educate our local community and visitors from around the world.

Napa Valley Museum website

The Siskiyou County Museum was built in 1950 by the county to collect, preserve, disseminate and interpret the history of the area for future generations. Located within one hour of Lava Beds National Monument, the Marble Mountain Wilderness Area, majestic 14,162 foot Mount Shasta, and numerous gold-bearing rivers, the Museum features exhibits detailing Siskiyou County's colorful history from Indian cultures to 20th century themes. The Museum is an interpretive center for the history of Siskiyou County and includes exhibits, programs, and a research library.

Siskiyou County Museum website

Welcome to the Community Memorial Museum's Virtual Exhibit. We invite you to take a look at some of the wonderful images in our collection. This is only a small sample of the archives from the Museum's collection. Our hope is that you will visit us at the Community Memorial Museum in Yuba City to learn more about Sutter County and its history.

Community Memorial Museum of Sutter County website

A U-pick apple farm offers 1800s themed activities. The activities are historical, educational, hands-on, and just plain FUN. Visitors enjoy Corn Husk Dolls, Frontier Cabin adventure, Rope Making, Gold Panning, Hayride, and Archery.

Riley's Apple farm website

Dedicated to the process of education by exploring the natural, artistic, and cultural heritage of the Morongo Basin and High Desert. The Museum seeks to inspire wonder, discovery, understanding, and responsibility in its community and visitors through exhibitions, programs, and collections in the arts, history, and natural sciences.

Hi-Desert Nature Museum website

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The 19 Best Free Virtual Field Trips of 2024

Stuck at home? Travel virtually all over the world instead (but seriously, check out the Son Doong Cave)

free field trips for preschoolers

  • California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo
  • The Ultimate Guide to Shopping Online
  • The Ultimate Guide to Online Learning at Home
  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • The Ultimate Guide to Skype

When you can't get away, your kids still can by taking a virtual field trip to a museum, farm, zoo, or another fun location. We compiled our list of favorites to help you keep your kids engaged and entertained. Some of these are virtual tours (you can actively decide where to go on the tour) and others are video walkthroughs (just watch and learn), but all give you a great experience of the location.

Best Art-Centric Virtual Tour: The Met

A glimpse at some of the greatest works of art created.

Online exhibits on various topics.

There's only one view of the museum currently available.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is home to over 5,000 years of art from around the world. You can see some of it from the comfort of your home. Take a virtual stroll through part of the museum using Google Street View. There are also numerous online exhibits on topics like Coco Chanel, Vermeer, Catholic allegory in art, and more.

Best Tour of Space: NASA

The volume of space videos.

The approachable aspect of the videos.

So much more to see on the site.

It's not easily searchable unless you know what you're looking for.

This might be cheating a bit because it's really a collection of videos, but, oh boy, what a collection to tour! The Galleries open up an array of videos covering space topics from testing a parachute for Mars to moving water in space. Each video is a mini virtual tour that will awe kids and encourage interest in science and space.

Best Tour of the White House: Google Arts & Culture's The White House

Stunning 360-degree images.

See inside and outside the White House.

Offers views of 140 paintings.

Once inside a tour, it's hard to know what you're looking at.

No search functions.

Every President since John Adams has occupied the White House and now your children can visit it, too. Google Arts & Culture offers four museum views (three tours of The White House and one of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building) plus a look at more than 140 paintings that grace (or have graced) the walls of the country's most famous abode. The 360-degree images let kids explore to their heart's desire.

Best Cave Virtual Tour: Son Doong Cave

Son Doong is beautiful.

The virtual tour includes lots of information.

Zoom into areas for a more detailed look.

No supplemental online activities.

Son Doong is the world's largest natural cave. Located in Vietnam, it features a subterranean river and the largest cross-section of any cave worldwide. National Geographic's virtual tour lets you explore the cave with full 360-degree views and immersive sounds. You can even zoom in one area to check out the campers in their tents. Son Doong is beautiful and worth a virtual visit.

Best National Park Virtual Tour: Yellowstone

Offers multiple tours.

Lots of historical information.

Amazing images.

No video tours.

Lots of written information that can turn off some kids.

Yellowstone offers seven virtual tours appropriate for older elementary and middle school ages. There's a lot of written information along with the images, and the tours aren't in video. However, the information is fascinating, and the photos are stunning.

From learning about old Fort Yellowstone to discovering park anomalies like Mud Volcano, these tours are a great way for kids to discover unique facts about America.

Best Natural History Tour: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

So many exhibits to see!

Easy, clickable maps.

Quick and easy to navigate.

It's not always easy to read the signs in the exhibits.

This iconic museum is dedicated to understanding the natural world and humanity's place in it. There's so much to see it can't possibly be listed here. However, the museum offers an online tour of most of its exhibits. Split this tour up into multiple lessons, so kids don't get overwhelmed.

Skip the ground floor and go straight to the first or second floors.

Best Aquarium Virtual Tour: National Aquarium

Easy to find exhibits.

Fun to explore using the 360-degree options.

Some scenes spin quickly, which can frustrate young learners.

Baltimore's National Aquarium features more than 20,000 aquatic animals. Kids can click and drag images to navigate their way around and use arrows, the map, or a scene list to explore various exhibits. Explore eight areas, such as the Amazon River, a tropical rain forest, and jellyfish.

Best Tours of the World: AirPano

Bright, well-produced videos and images.

Offers tours of numerous countries.

Includes video and still frame-images.

What's not to like?

AirPano has a variety of tours in China, Portugal, Switzerland, and more countries. Children can visit the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge in China, an underwater cave in Indonesia, ski resorts in France, and more destinations around the globe.

What makes this site so good is that it offers narrations of several tours, provides closeups through interactive actions, and includes short chunks of written information that's easy for kids of most ages to read. The tours are also fairly short, which makes these tours great for younger kids, but older kids will still enjoy the trip.

Best Virtual Tour for Car Lovers: Lane Motor Museum

Totally unique tour.

An inside look that allows for deep diving into collections.

There's no way to tell what a specific vehicle is unless you know cars.

Scroll to the bottom of the link to watch a fun virtual tour of one of the most unique car museums in the world. Lane Motor Museum is home to an oddball collection of vehicles dating from the 1920s up to modern times.

Your child will love seeing amphibious vehicles, microcars, prototypes, and more. The tour is easy to click through and offers six angles to entertain viewers.

Best Tours of Nature: Nature Works Everywhere

Tours are narrated and easy to follow.

Provides student handouts, vocabulary, and discussion questions.

We wish there was a larger library of tours!

Explore nature around the world with Nature Works Everywhere's virtual tours. Visit the coral reefs of Palau, the deserts and grasslands of Africa, a rainforest (from a canoe's viewpoint), a renewable energy plant, and more.

The tours are narrated and give great, quick facts to help kids learn in simple, straightforward ways. All tours are appropriate for grades 3 through 12 but are marked with notes about the grades most likely to enjoy the tour.

Best Historical Tour: Ellis Island

A clear explanation of Ellis Island, how it worked, and why it was needed.

Includes children asking questions of tour guides.

The images in much of the tour are small in order to focus on the tour guides.

Ellis Island is a key piece of American history. This virtual tour offers lots of anecdotes and features actual guides from Ellis Island telling stories. Plus, it includes lots of pictures and views of the island.

It's more appropriate for fourth grade and up, mainly due to the litany of facts and complexity of the information provided.

Best Slime-Based Virtual Tour: Slime in Space


It's playful and educational.

Good production values.

Fun experiments.

It's a video, not an interactive virtual tour.

What happens to Nickelodeon's iconic slime when it's in space? That's the concept behind the Slime in Space virtual field trip. Featuring real astronauts and Nickelodeon celebrities, the 15-minute video shows kids how slime and water react in a microgravity environment 250 miles above the Earth. Along the way, it answers burning questions like, "Is slime a solid or a liquid?" and "Can you slime a person in space?" (The answer is: yes, very slowly.)

Best Virtual Zoo Tour: San Diego Zoo

Live cams of the animals.

A variety of educational videos.

Fun games and activities.

Fixed camera angles mean you're not always guaranteed to see the animals.

The San Diego Zoo is home to more than 3,500 animals of more than 650 species and subspecies. It's widely considered one of the best zoos in the world. But, if you can't make it to California, it has a robust virtual experience online.

You can peek in on the animals through live cams. There's also a variety of videos that teach kids about vultures or show them how to draw a tiger, for example. There are also zoo-related games and activities kids can do at home.

Best General Farm Tour: FarmFood 360

360-degree views of the farm.

Offers a free app for Android and iOS.

It can be hard to see things on a mobile device.

FarmFood 360 gives an inside look at the activities of a Canadian farm. Kids see 360-degree views of the farm as they learn about milk and cheese production, sheep farming, egg processing, and more.

There's an app available for Android and iOS devices, and it's compatible with some virtual reality headsets.

Best Virtual Planetarium: Stellarium

Realistic night sky simulation.

Mobile apps are available.

Includes a telescope control module for experienced astronomers.

Can be difficult to navigate.

The mobile apps aren't free, but the money supports the project.

Stellarium Web is an online planetarium created by two brothers. Offering an accurate and realistic view of the night sky, it lets you pan around and spot stars, satellites, and other celestial bodies.

It offers mobile apps for Android and iOS that aren't free. The money goes toward paying server and development costs for the two-person project.

Best Living-History Virtual Tour: Colonial Williamsburg

Next best thing to being there.

The virtual scavenger hunt.

The virtual tours are highly interactive.

Virtual tour models can load slowly.

Condensation or inclement weather can obstruct the webcam views.

Colonial Williamsburg is a living-history museum in Virginia that offers a glimpse at what life was like in the 18th century. Its virtual tour is highly interactive and includes videos, informational signs, and 3D models you can rotate.

With its various webcams, you can see the armory, courthouse, merchants square, and more. Colonial Williamsburg's website also offers a virtual scavenger hunt your kids can participate in as they tour the area.

Best European Museum Virtual Tour: The Louvre

It's the Louvre.

The website offers a list of online family-friendly activities.

The virtual tours include a map and an information button.

The website offers limited language options.

Sure, we'd love to jet off to France and tour its fabulous museums personally. But if that's not an option, the Louvre has several virtual tours available on its website. The offerings include exhibitions on the body in movement, founding myths, Egyptian antiquities, and more.

The Louvre also has a handy list of family-friendly online resources everyone can enjoy, including a Mona Lisa VR experience.

Best Factory Virtual Tour: M&M Factory Tour

Zoonar RF / Getty Images

Who doesn't love chocolate?

360-degree views of the factory.

It's short.

The Food Network teamed up with candy maker Mars to give M&M fans a virtual tour of one of its factories. During the short YouTube video, viewers can pan around as a tour guide explains how unrefined chocolate is turned into the little candies we know and love.

Best General Virtual Tour Resource: Discovery Education

An eclectic variety of virtual field trips.

Watch live or on demand.

Trips come with a companion guide packed with activities.

A schedule of when field trips go live would be nice.

Discovery Education offers a variety of virtual field trips for kids learning from home. The offerings change often but currently include an NFL experience, a doodling experience meant to encourage creativity, and a virtual field trip through the internet of things. You can watch the field trips live or catch the videos later on-demand.

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Family Style Schooling

Kids will Love These Space Exploration Virtual Field Trips:

Take advantage of opportunities that are not available for normal field trips and expand the horizons of your learners with these space adventures!

  • Go onboard the Orion Spacecraft with a 50-minute virtual tour to inspire future astronauts from Amazon’s Future Engineers  
  • Find all of the letters of the alphabet on the landscapes of Earth from space with NASA’s satellite imagery 
  • Look inside a supersonic wind tunnel at the NASA Glenn Research Center’s facilities in Cleveland, Ohio
  • Go on a quest with Mark Rober as he attempts an Egg Drop From Space

  • Explore over 60,000 stars, planets, and constellations through the Stellarium Web Online Star Map
  • See what happens when astronauts launch slime in space !
  • Discover more about your favorite night light with this 4k Tour of the Moon
  • Get curious about the red planet with this all-access to Mars featuring NASA’s Curiosity rover

How About These History Museums?

We have loved visiting the Presidential Libraries or the Holocaust Museum in Dallas because it expands our horizons of human existence. They are such rich storehouses of history that bring you into the world of people who have gone before you. These free virtual field trips can do the same from home while whetting your appetite for seeing more in real life!

  • Explore the vast exhibits of the Natural Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
  • Have fun with some interactive exhibits from American Centuries at Memorial Hall in Deerfield, MA
  • Walk with some trailblazing women through the National Women’s History Museum in Alexandria, VA.
  • Discover the mysteries of video game history in the online exhibit of The Strong National Museum of Play
  • Take a tour of the Battleship New Jersey
  • Follow in the immigrants' footsteps by taking the Ellis Island Interactive Tour
  • Go beyond the battlefield with this virtual field trip to the Museum of the American Revolution hosted by I Survived author Lauren Tarshis

free field trips for preschoolers

Virtual Field Trips to Art Museums:

There really is nothing like the real thing, and if you haven't been to an art museum with your kids, it should go on your bucket list. However, there are some magical things you can do with these free virtual field trips that make exploring from afar worth it!

  • Look into Mona Lisa’s eyes at The Louvre in Paris, France
  • Gaze up at Michelangelo’s ceiling in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Museums, Rome
  • Find some mind-bending surrealist art by Salvador Dali at The Dali in St. Petersburg, Florida.
  • Zoom in to Van Gough’s Starry Night at the MoMA in New York City, NY.
  • Check out Vermeer’s The Milkmaid hanging in the galleries of the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
  • Explore the works of Impressionist painters like Monet and Cézanne displayed in the gallery of the Musée d’Orsay

free field trips for preschoolers

Take a Free Trip to Far Off Places

I want my kids to see other places and learn about different cultures and biomes. Andy had the opportunity to go to Israel with his school this year, and it changed his life. We've used free virtual field trips to inspire future travel.

  • Get a 360° view of the Holy Lands
  • Tour the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
  • Walk through the Winter Palace of Peter the Great at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia 
  • Take a virtual field trip through the Amazon jungle
  • Discover the wildlife of Washington, D.C.
  • Or even wilder, take a virtual tour of the White House !
  • Get lost in Buckingham Palace
  • And walk along the Great Wall of China
  • Explore the world’s largest cave: Son Doong Cave in Vietnam
  • Follow the journey of water from Colombia’s Paramo to the kitchen sink
  • Or check out 360° views of thousands of cities like this Acacia tree and the Milky Way in Tanzania
  • Hike Mount Everest
  • Get up close and personal with the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum in London.

Get Insider Information with These Virtual Field Trips

My favorite field trips when I was young involved getting a glimpse behind the curtain to see how things really work.

  • Get a behind-the-scenes look at an Amazon Fulfilment center with a 45 min virtual tour highlighting robotics and engineering innovations that make the magic happen for Amazon

  • See how Taylor guitars are made with this behind-the-scenes access to the Taylor Guitar Factory
  • Or go inside a fire station with the Memphis Fire Department virtual field trip 
  • Get a close-up view of the pickle manufacturing process at the Mount Olive Pickles Tour

  • Tour a recycling center or modern landfill , and learn more with the curriculum to go with it
  • Join The National WWII Museum for a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb . 
  • Compare the inner workings of several different egg farms and how they’re working to operate more sustainably.

Virtual Experiences for animal lovers:

The zoo is one of my favorite educational destinations unless the weather is not too extreme. In those cases, I prefer the webcam! Here are some fun ways to get up close and personal with some of your favorite creatures...or even some you may not know of yet!

  • Check out the live webcams from the San Diego Zoo or watch one of their many wildlife explorer educational videos to enjoy your favorite animals in action
  • Hang out with the gorillas in the Gorilla Forrest Corridor with their live webcam highlights streaming from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
  • Swim with the manatees at Homosassa Springs Underwater Manatees in Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, Fl
  • What Can You Learn from a Polar Bear? Virtual Field Trip to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

  • Take a virtual Field trip to the Marineland Dolphin Adventure in Florida
  • Meet all of the animals on the Purina Farms tour in Gary Summit, Missouri
  • Check out the symphony of the rainforest in this Virtual Field Trip to Borneo

Free Field Trip Log and Experience Journal

Keep track of your field trip adventures and journal about your experiences with this free printable!

So which are you most looking forward to trying, or what was your favorite? Have you found any other great free virtual field trips? I always love a good recommendation!

free field trips for preschoolers

Betsy Strauss is an unexpected homeschooler, mother of three, who is in a relationship with a sweet man for life. She loves reading books, drinking coffee, and learning anything with her kids.

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Field Trips for Preschoolers: How to Plan and Prepare for a Memorable Experience

  • May 15, 2023

field trips for preschoolers

The purpose of this guide is to serve as a roadmap for educators and parents alike, helping them plan and prepare for preschool field trips that leave a lasting impression. We understand the significance of these excursions in fostering social, emotional, and cognitive development in young children. Whether you’re an enthusiastic educator or a devoted parent, this outline will equip you with the necessary tools and insights to create an unforgettable field trip experience.

Benefits of Field Trips for Preschoolers

Field trips are more than just fun outings for preschoolers; they offer a multitude of educational and developmental benefits that contribute to their overall growth. These excursions provide an immersive learning experience, allowing children to explore, discover, and make meaningful connections with the world around them. Let’s explore the numerous advantages that field trips offer to preschoolers:

  • Experiential Learning: Field trips for preschoolers provide hands-on learning opportunities beyond traditional classrooms, enhancing children’s understanding of various subjects.
  • Stimulated Imagination:  Field trips expose preschoolers to new sights, sounds, and textures, stimulating their senses and inspiring creativity.
  • Social and Emotional Development:  Field trips  encourage children to interact with peers  and adults in different settings, enhancing communication and cooperation skills.
  • Appreciation for Diversity:  Field trips expose preschoolers to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, promoting tolerance and empathy.
  • Language Development: Field trips for preschoolers provide rich opportunities for language development through active listening, communication, and conversation.
  • Sensory and Motor Development:  Field trips often involve physical activities that  promote gross motor skills , balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.

Selecting the Ideal Field Trip Destination

Selecting the perfect field trip destination for preschoolers requires careful consideration to ensure an engaging and educational experience. The chosen destination should align with the curriculum, cater to their developmental needs, and spark their curiosity. Here are some essential factors to consider when selecting the ideal field trip destination:

  • Curriculum Alignment:  The field trip should complement the curriculum and  learning objectives of the preschool program . Identify the concepts or topics being covered and choose a destination that provides relevant educational opportunities. For example, if the class is learning about animals, visiting a local zoo or a nature reserve would be an excellent choice to deepen their understanding.
  • Age-Appropriate and Engaging:  Preschoolers have unique interests and abilities. Select a destination that caters to their age group, offering activities and exhibits that are accessible and engaging. Look for interactive exhibits, hands-on learning experiences, and age-appropriate demonstrations. Consider destinations such as children’s art museums, science centers, botanical gardens, or farms, often providing tailored experiences for young learners.
  • Interest and Curiosity:  Tap into children’s natural curiosity by choosing a field trip destination that aligns with their interests. Talk to the children and involve them in the decision-making process. Discover their passions, whether dinosaurs, space, art, or nature, and select a destination that will captivate their imagination. When children are excited about the subject matter, their engagement and learning are greatly enhanced.

Additionally,  ensure that the chosen destination prioritizes safety  and accessibility for preschoolers. Evaluate the venue’s safety measures, including appropriate staff-to-child ratios, well-maintained facilities, and clear emergency procedures. Consider factors such as wheelchair accessibility, restroom availability, and ease of movement for children with diverse abilities.

Tips to Plan and Prepare for a Memorable Experience

Once you and your child  select the perfect field trip destination , the real excitement begins! But how do you ensure a truly memorable experience? With these expert tips and practical advice, you’ll discover how to plan and prepare for a field trip that will create lasting memories and ignite a love for exploration.

1. Make Them Feel Excited

Creating anticipation and excitement for a field trip is essential to ensure your preschooler has a memorable experience. You can set the stage for a day filled with wonder and adventure by igniting their curiosity and enthusiasm. One way to make them feel excited is by involving them in planning. Engage your child in discussions about the destination, its unique features, and what they can expect to see and do there. Watch videos or read books related to the field trip to spark their imagination and build excitement.

Additionally, you can create a countdown calendar or a visual representation of the upcoming trip, marking off the days until the big adventure. Share stories and anecdotes about your field trip experiences, capturing their attention and fueling their enthusiasm. By actively involving your little one in the preparation and building their anticipation, you’ll cultivate a sense of excitement that will make the field trip even more enjoyable and memorable for them.

2. Be Prepared the Night Before the Trip

The night before your preschooler’s field trip is the ideal time to make sure you have everything in order for a successful outing. Here’s a handy checklist to help you stay organized:

  • Prepare a small bag with any necessary medications your child may need during the trip.
  • Pack a variety of healthy snacks your little one enjoys, ensuring they have enough energy throughout the day.
  • Don’t forget essentials like water bottles, sunscreen, and a hat to protect against the sun.
  • Check the weather forecast and choose appropriate clothing layers to comfort your child.
  • Ensure you have any required permission slips or medical information securely packed.

By gathering these items and completing the necessary preparations the night before, you can start the field trip day with peace of mind, knowing that you’re fully prepared for a memorable and enjoyable experience with your preschooler.

3. Pick the Right Clothes

Choosing the appropriate clothing for your preschooler’s field trip is crucial to ensure their comfort and enjoyment throughout the day. Here are some tips to help you pick the right clothes for the outing:

  • Consider the weather:  Check the forecast and dress your child accordingly. If it’s sunny, opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics and don’t forget to apply sunscreen. For cooler days, dress them in layers so they can adjust their clothing as needed. 
  • Prioritize comfort:  Select clothes that allow your child to move freely and comfortably. Avoid tight or restrictive clothing that may hinder their movements or cause discomfort. Opt for stretchy materials and comfortable shoes suitable for walking and exploring.
  • Be prepared for activities:  Take into account the activities planned during the field trip. If there will be messy or outdoor activities, consider clothing that can withstand some dirt or stains. Packing an extra set of clothes in case of spills or accidents is also a good idea.

By choosing weather-appropriate, comfortable, and activity-ready clothing, you can ensure that your preschooler is dressed for a successful and enjoyable field trip. Remember, their comfort and ease of movement will contribute to their overall experience and allow them to fully engage in the activities and discoveries of the day.

4. Encourage Your Little One to Ask Questions

One of the best ways to enhance your preschooler’s field trip experience is by  encouraging children to ask questions . Curiosity is a powerful tool for learning and exploration, and by fostering a sense of inquiry, you can help your child make the most of their educational adventure.

Remind your little one that there are no silly or wrong questions. Encourage them to ask about things they find interesting or don’t fully understand. Encourage active engagement with tour guides, educators, or experts at the destination, as they can provide valuable insights and expand your child’s knowledge. By asking questions, your preschooler can deepen their understanding, develop critical thinking skills, and gain a deeper appreciation for the world around them. So, foster their curiosity and let their questions guide them on a journey of discovery during the field trip.

5. Ensure Your Kid is Physically Ready

Before embarking on a field trip, it’s important to ensure that your preschooler is physically ready for the day ahead. Here are some key points to consider:

  • A good night’s sleep:   Make sure your child gets adequate rest  the night before the trip. Sufficient sleep will ensure they have the energy and focus needed for an enjoyable experience.
  • Nourishing breakfast:  Start the day with a nutritious breakfast to fuel your child’s body and mind. Include foods that provide sustained energy, such as whole grains, fruits, and protein-rich options like yogurt or eggs.
  • Stay hydrated:  Pack a water bottle for your child to keep them hydrated throughout the trip. Hydration is crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall well-being, especially during physical activities.

By prioritizing your child’s physical well-being, you can help them stay alert, energized, and ready to fully engage in the field trip experience. A well-rested and nourished preschooler will be better equipped to absorb new information, actively participate in activities, and maximize the learning opportunities presented during the outing.

6. Ask Your Little One to Take Notes

Encouraging your child to take notes  during a field trip can be a fun and effective way to help them remember the experience. Taking notes allows your child to document important details, reflect on their observations, and engage with the learning material in a more active way.

Teach your child about the importance of note-taking a day before the trip. Share how your field notes helped you remember your experiences and discoveries from your field trips. Encourage your child to use a notebook or a smartphone app to record their thoughts, observations, and questions. They can also take photos or make sketches to help capture the memories of the day. By taking notes, your little one can create a personal record of their field trip, review the material later, and share their experiences with others.

7. Check With All The Norms Set by The School

In order to ensure a hassle-free field trip experience for your preschooler, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with all the norms and guidelines set by the school. Paying attention to these details can help prevent unnecessary complications and ensure a positive experience for your child. Here are some important points to consider:

First, check for any dress code requirements. Some schools may have specific guidelines regarding appropriate attire for field trips. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your child is dressed appropriately and avoids any potential scolding or discomfort during the trip.

Additionally, be aware of any rules regarding gadgets or electronics. If the school has a policy against bringing gadgets on field trips, it’s important to respect this rule. Providing your child with gadgets when not allowed can hinder their engagement with the experience and may lead to disciplinary action.

Lastly, be mindful of any other specific instructions or guidelines provided by the school. This may include rules regarding food or snacks, behavior expectations, or any specific items that your child should bring or leave behind. By checking with the school and following these norms, you can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable field trip for your preschooler and their classmates.

8. Managing Cash When Traveling Alone

When your child is on a field trip, it’s important to ensure they have the necessary funds and know how to manage their money responsibly. Here are some tips to help them with cash management:

First, provide your child with the appropriate amount of cash for the trip. Discuss with them the importance of budgeting and making wise spending decisions. Encourage them to prioritize essential items like meals or souvenirs they want.

Consider giving your child a small wallet or pouch to keep their cash secure. Teach them about the importance of keeping their money safe and hidden. Remind them not to publicly share their financial information or display large amounts of cash.

9. Make Sure Your Child Save His Contact Number

It’s essential to ensure that your child has your contact number readily available when they’re on a field trip. By having this information, the teacher-in-charge can easily reach you in case of any issues or emergencies. Here’s what you can do to ensure your child has your contact number:

Encourage your child to memorize your contact number. Practice reciting it together until they feel confident in remembering it. Alternatively, you can write the number down on a small note and ask them to keep it in a safe place, such as their pocket or backpack.

Additionally, consider providing your child with a wristband or ID tag that includes your contact information. This way, your child will have your details readily accessible in case they need assistance or support during the field trip.

10. Inform the Teacher About Your Little One’s Circumstances

When your child has special medical circumstances or specific needs, it’s important to communicate this information to the teacher in charge of the field trip. By doing so, you can provide essential details and ensure that your child receives appropriate care and support. Here’s why it’s crucial to inform the teacher:

If your child requires specific medications or has medical conditions, informing the teacher allows them to be aware of the situation. This way, the teacher can provide reminders for medication timings or be prepared to handle any medical emergencies that may arise during the field trip.

In addition to medical circumstances, informing the teacher about any other relevant details regarding your child’s needs or preferences can contribute to a more inclusive and comfortable experience. Whether it’s dietary restrictions, allergies, or behavioral considerations, sharing this information allows the teacher to make necessary accommodations and ensure your child’s well-being throughout the trip.

Final Thoughts

Planning and preparing for field trips for preschoolers can be an exciting and enriching experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a memorable outing for your little one and their classmates. Remember to select age-appropriate destinations, prioritize safety measures, and engage the children through interactive activities.

At Baby Steps Daycare, we understand the importance of field trips in early childhood education. These outings provide invaluable opportunities for children to explore the world around them, develop social skills, and expand their knowledge. As parents, we want the best for our children, and organizing well-planned field trips is one way to offer them a well-rounded learning experience.

Here at  Baby Steps , we take pride in providing your preschooler with a nurturing and educational environment. We offer a range of enriching activities, including carefully planned field trips tailored to young children’s needs and interests. By partnering with us, you can rest assured that your child’s field trips will be thoughtfully planned, supervised by experienced staff, and designed to maximize educational and fun experiences.

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free field trips for preschoolers

Ford Sued After Mustang Dark Horse Demo Crash Injures Kids On Field Trip

Continental, Ford and the test driver have all been named in the suit relating to a crash at a Michigan test track that put two kids in hospital when a day trip went bad

 Ford Sued After Mustang Dark Horse Demo Crash Injures Kids On Field Trip

by Chris Chilton


  • Two families are suing after their children were hurt by a Mustang while watching a demo.
  • The lawsuit names Continental, Ford, a nonprofit organizer, and the test driver as defendants.
  • The Mustang Dark Horse snapped sideways and struck a barrier before landing on its roof.

The parents of a pair of school children who ended up in hospital after a fun visit to a car test track went horribly wrong have filed a lawsuit this week, naming Ford as one of the defendants.

Elijah Gibson and Lavell McGee, then aged 8 and 10, were at an automotive test facility in Auburn Hills, MI, last summer watching a Ford Mustang Dark Horse being put through its paces when the pony car lost control and slammed into the guard rail where they were standing.

Related: Two Ford Mustangs Crash Through Separate Homes In Phoenix

The Mustang bounced back onto the track and landed on its roof, but both kids had been left severely injured as a result of the initial impact. Gibson suffered leg fractures, a deep cut on his foot and a brain injury and McGee sustained injuries to his legs and head. Both children continue to have memory problems according to claims laid out in the suit.

The trip had been arranged by the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) nonprofit and was taking place at a test track owned by Continental Automotive Systems. Continental’s test driver, Linus Gugino, was driving a Mustang loaned to the company by Ford, meaning the automaker’s involvement was virtually nil, but it, DAPCEP, Continental and Gugino are all being targeted in the suit.

Smartphone footage of of the incident is blurry and shaky, but viewed together with an aerial photo of the crash site it looks like the Mustang exited the left hand curve onto the straight in an oversteer slide then snapped back the other way, striking the guard rail where the kids were standing.

Jon Marko, one of the lawyers representing the families, suggests the driver “deliberately lost control” or [drifted] the car to make the show more exciting and that all of the defendants were negligent.

Gugino, a keen kart racer who had landed the Continental gig out of college just a few months earlier, now works as a road test engineer for Brembo, according to his Facebook profile.

 Ford Sued After Mustang Dark Horse Demo Crash Injures Kids On Field Trip

Image credit: Marko Law

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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Our Favorite Second Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person, Too!)

Don’t make fuss, just get on the bus!

second grade field trips

With their growing independence, ability to think logically, and longer attention span, second graders are a real joy to teach. Those characteristics also make for some great field trips. So if you’re thinking about learning experiences for your second graders, you’ll want to check out our list of best second grade field trips.

Not all of these trips will be possible everywhere, but keep in mind any local treasures that are unique to your area. And when you can’t manage a trip—for whatever reason—try our virtual second grade field trips below.

In-Person Second Grade Field Trips

1. a nature center.

A nature center is the perfect place for kids to learn about local plant and wildlife, as well as some beginning geology (land and water) concepts. Activities vary by location but might include a nature hike or live animal presentation.

2. The Children’s Theater

Second graders are a great age for a live theater experience. Children’s theaters generally have offerings based on age-appropriateness. Many plays are based on classic children’s literature, so you can read the book aloud first and then discuss the similarities/differences after!


3. The Hospital

free field trips for preschoolers

Community helpers are an important part of the second grade curriculum. If they’ve already been to the fire and police station, a tour of a hospital (when it’s safe to do so) might be an option for more mature learners who want an up-close look at the work of doctors.

Going to the zoo provides students with the chance to observe animal behaviors and learn about wildlife conservation. Most of them,  like the San Diego Zoo , have educational programs, including keeper talks and up-close animal encounters.

5. A Factory

Second graders are curious about how things work, so a trip to a factory is likely to be of high interest to them. Cars, chocolates, textiles … the possibilities are endless!

6. An IMAX Theater

free field trips for preschoolers

This isn’t any old movie theater, and you won’t be taking them to see Pixar’s latest release. But the IMAX experience is something else, and—given educational content like a nature documentary—something second graders should experience.

7. The Children’s Museum

Steer your second graders away from any areas that might seem too “babyish” for them. Instead, point them to cultural and historical exhibits, as well as any available Makerspace activities.

8. The Aquarium

If you’re not lucky enough to have a zoo close by, an aquarium is another good choice. Students will get a window into life under the sea, and lots of aquariums have touch pools for the ultimate in hands-on learning.

9. A Planetarium

free field trips for preschoolers

Kids love to look at the moon and stars. A visit to a planetarium is the perfect introduction to the solar system. Second graders can take in a show and try to identify constellations.

10. A Fish Hatchery

A trip to the fish hatchery is a great way to learn about the life cycle of a fish, fish anatomy, and water quality. Plus, the kids will enjoy the underwater viewing windows and the opportunity to feed the young fish that are features of most hatcheries.

Virtual Second Grade Field Trips

1. an egg farm.

free field trips for preschoolers

We love these  virtual egg farm field trips  from the American Egg Board. Make sure you catch the elementary-friendly versions of Hertzfeld Poultry and Creighton Brothers Farms.


Most zoos have live webcams in some of their most popular exhibits, such as the  Panda Cam at Zoo Atlanta . However, some zoos offer a more in-depth look. You’ll definitely want to check out the  San Diego Zoo .

3. The Aquarium


It’s a similar story with aquariums. You have your pick of live webcams, but our favorites are the  Georgia Aquarium’s Ocean Voyager webcam  (wait for the whale shark!) and the  “jellycam” at Monterey Bay Aquarium  (so soothing). And definitely check out  The Maritime Aquarium  where you can register for their virtual programs (try Shark Safari!).

4. Boston Children’s Museum

“Walk” through all three floors of the Boston Children’s Museum on this  virtual tour . Be sure to direct your students to the Japanese House.

5. A Planetarium

Through  Stellarium Web , kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world.

What are your favorite second grade field trips? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out the Best Field Trip Ideas for Every Age and Interest (Virtual Options Too!)

Our Favorite Second Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person, Too!)

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    Kids love to look at the moon and stars. A visit to a planetarium is the perfect introduction to the solar system. Second graders can take in a show and try to identify constellations. 10. A Fish Hatchery. A trip to the fish hatchery is a great way to learn about the life cycle of a fish, fish anatomy, and water quality.